Nod number 4 middle group. Pediatric development. Org. moment. Psychological attitude

Topic: Number and figure 4.
Purpose: To introduce the formation of the number 4 based on a comparison of two groups of objects containing 3 and 4 elements, counting to 4.
-To strengthen the ability to compare by length, height, width.
-Build knowledge about the parts of the day, train quick thinking.
-Develop fine motor skills
Strengthen the ability to compare groups of objects by quantity based on pairing, equalize the number of objects in groups in two ways.
-Cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
Materials for the lesson:
Demonstration - two fabrics of the same length but different widths, two paths of different lengths and widths, 3 high herringbones, 3 low ones. Pinocchio toy, image of 5 daisies and ladybugs, 4 lanterns of different colors, tambourine.
Handout: 5 green triangles, 5 red circles, card with two stripes.
Progress of the lesson:
Guys, what time of year is it now? (winter). Would you like to go back to summer? Then close your eyes. (music “sounds of the forest” sounds). Guys, we are in a summer forest, listen to the birds singing, the forest rustling, the brook babbling. Let’s feel how cold the water in the stream is. Guys, there are two streams here, how do they differ (wide - narrow). Which one can we step over? (narrow) (children step over). What about the wide one? (You can’t step over it). Let’s go to the clearing.
The children walked, walked, walked
Strawberries found
Oh, what a berry!
The children walked, walked, walked,
A white mushroom was found.
One fungus, two fungus
They put it in the box.

Who is it that comes towards us and sings a sonorous song? Hello, Pinocchio! How did you end up alone in the forest?
Pinocchio: Hello, guys. I saw you and decided to watch how the children study and play. Can I stay with you?
Educator: Guys, how can we allow Pinocchio to stay? Stay with us. Guys, this forest is not simple, magical, fairy-tale. As soon as you complete the task, a flower blooms in the forest clearing.
-What is the difference between Christmas trees? (high Low). Count them. (the teacher attaches a flower to the clearing).
We walked through the forest, it’s time for us to join the group. There are 2 paths in front of us. How do they differ from each other? (narrow and long, wide and short). Which way will we get to the group faster? (short, wide). (Another flower appears in the clearing.
Game “Plant Flowers”. Introducing the number and number 4.
Guys, to plant flowers, what do you need to do? (dig up the ground, plant a seed, water)
-3 daisies have grown (the child puts them on the board, counting from the largest number).
-Ladybugs flew in and sat down, one on each daisy. (another child lays out ladybugs).
-What can you say about the number of flowers and insects? (there are as many flowers as there are insects, equally, 3 each).
-A little later, another chamomile grew (the teacher places it a little to the side.). Count how many daisies there are now.
-What are there more now - daisies or ladybugs? Less of what?
-How to make it equally?
The teacher shows the number 4 and says that it is written when there are four objects.

After three come four,
Sharp protruding elbow.

There are four corners in the room,
Four legs on the table
And four legs
The mouse and the cat.

Physical exercise. "Pinocchio reached out..."

Working with handouts.
The children have plates on the table with 5 red circles and 5 green triangles, a card with two stripes.
- What geometric shapes do you have on your plates? What is the difference? (color).
- Place as many circles on the top line as I hit the tambourine once (4)
-Place the same number of triangles on the bottom strip (4)
-What can you say about the number of triangles and circles? (equally, equal quantity).
- Well done, you completed the task (another flower grew in the clearing).
-Guys, now Pinocchio wants to play with you. Wants to know if you know the parts of the day.
Game "Lanterns"
1. We sleep at night, and do exercises... (in the morning) (yellow)
2. We have breakfast in the morning, and lunch... (in the afternoon) (orange)
3. We have lunch during the day, and have dinner... (in the evening) (blue)
4. We have dinner in the evening, and sleep... (at night) (black).
Well done, another flower has bloomed. Let's count how many flowers there are in the clearing, and you count with us, Pinocchio (4).
You liked it, Pinocchio, now it’s time for you to go home, don’t forget to go to school. Did you guys like it? Let's say goodbye to Pinocchio. Where did we travel today and what did you like most? What number did we meet?

Natalya Kulikova
Math lesson for middle group children “Number 4, number 4”

Math lesson

Type of activity: Generalization of new knowledge

Subject: Number 4, Number 4

Children's age: 4-5 years (middle group)



1. Learn to relate the number 4 as a symbol denoting 4 objects.


2. Reinforce the concepts of “right”, “left”, knowledge of geometric shapes,

the name and number of seasons and parts of the day, consolidate the ability to identify objects according to their characteristic features and properties and combine them into groups. Develop creative thinking.


3. Cultivate interest and desire to do mathematics, maintain interest in intellectual activity.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive, artistic-aesthetic, physical development.

The lesson is a story-based game, lasting 20-25 minutes. Excess

time is determined by the complex type of occupation and various types of activities.

Equipment: Tape recorder, basket with 5 balls, a note from the wizard at the bottom, handouts: cards with numbers, a card with a creative task, an envelope with a letter on a ball, colored pencils, a drawing with vegetables, berries and fruits, a typesetting canvas with 4 elephants, 4 Christmas trees , 4 circles, 4 stars for warming up.

1. Organizational moment

2. Main part.

1. A balloon flies into the group; (filled with helium) an envelope is tied to a string.

Guys, look, what is this? (the envelope is not signed) some kind of strange envelope, there is nothing written on it.

The envelope contained cut-up pictures, let's collect them and then maybe we'll find out who it's from:

(children collect a picture, it shows a wizard)

Everything is clear, it means the letter was sent by a wizard. Now we can read it with you.

“Hello, dear guys! I want to tell you about a treasure chest. You can find it if you pass all the tests. The tasks will be difficult, but interesting, and by completing them you will find out where he is. I'll give you a hint:

The balls are in a bag

And the bag is by the window.”

(Children find a basket with balls)

Guys, there is a number on each ball, and the number corresponds to the task that needs to be completed.

Game "Numbers Get Lost"

What is this number? Let's arrange the numbers in numerical order.

Now let's complete the first task. I will ask you questions, and you show numbers in response.

Look at the picture.

How many vegetables? What vegetables are these?

(Children show the number)

How many fruits?

How many berries?

Well done! You have completed the first task; remove the first ball.

Let's move on to the next task.

2. In the next task we need to remember how many seasons we have.

List. Here are pictures of the seasons. Did I place them correctly?

What time of year is it now? (winter)

After winter, what time of year will come? (spring)

After spring? (summer)

After summer? (autumn)

Now remember the names of the parts of the day. "Morning afternoon Evening Night". How many are there?

I'll read you a poem. Try to guess what part of the day we are talking about:

Dawn rises over the river

A rooster is crowing in the yard,

Kittens wash themselves

The guys are waking up. (Morning)

The sun is high in the sky

It's a long way from sunset

A mouse drags grains into a hole

Baby learns the alphabet. (Day)

The red sun has set

Squirrel hiding in a hollow

Dryoma is coming to visit us

He takes the story with him. (Evening)

Stars are shining in the sky

The birds are sleeping and the fish are sleeping

Flowers sleep in the garden beds,

Well, we are in our beds. (Night)

Well done, let's remove the second ball.

The third ball invites you to rest.

3. A minute of warm-up.

How many elephants do we have here?

We'll make so many nods.

How many green Christmas trees

Let's do so many bends.

How many stars do we have?

We will sit down that many times.

How many circles are there?

We'll do so many jumps.

Let's pull the little hands up

Now let's sit quietly.

4. And now the next task - mathematical problems from fairy-tale characters

A task from my grandfather.

I pull the net and catch fish

There were quite a few: 1 perch, 2 crucian carp, one pipe cleaner - and that one went into the pot

I’ll cook fish soup and treat everyone

How many fish will I boil?

The task is herculean.

Had breakfast at the rest stop

They gave us testicles with us

Soft-boiled two and two steep

Can you count how many there are?

Baba Yaga's task

I entered a shady forest

And I found a fly agaric there

And honey fungus and morel and oil can - beauty!

Who has the answer ready: how many mushrooms did I find?

Well done, you completed this task and we remove the fourth ball.

5. "Transform geometric shapes"

Move the piece of paper with geometric shapes towards you.

How many figures are there on a piece of paper? (4)

How many triangles? (1)

How many laps? (2)

How many squares? (1)

Now listen to the task. You must complete the geometric figure so that it looks like some object, person, animal, building. (Music turns on)

(Completing the task, briefly about what you drew)

Guys, you are great! I remove the fifth ball and our balls are over, which means we have completed all the tasks. Yes, it’s just not clear. Where is the treasure? Oh, look, at the bottom of the basket there is another note “Difficult task.”

I need one of you who is the smartest (they choose a child)

The task is:

From the board, take one step forward, four steps to the left, two steps forward. Look there!

Children find a treasure (chest with candies)

4. Summing up.

The teacher thanks everyone for their work.

What tasks did you particularly like?

What were the difficult tasks?

Praise everyone.

FEMP abstract

Lesson topic:"The Formation of the Number 4"

Group: middle group



    Show the formation of the number 4 based on a comparison of two groups of objects expressed by the numbers 3 and 4:

    Expand the idea of ​​a rectangle by comparing it with a square.

    Develop the ability to create a holistic image of objects from parts.


    Development of visual, figurative and logical thinking, graphic skills, coherent speech; expansion of vocabulary;


    Cultivate interest in mathematical facts; desire to help others.

Subject development environment:

Demonstration material: Masha costume, Bear toys; 4 saucers, 4 cups, triangle, square, rectangle; 2 pattern stripes, contrasting in length (one strip is equal to the side of the square and the short side of the rectangle, the other is equal to the long side of the rectangle.

Handout. Double-page cards, leaves and flowers (4 pieces for each child), envelopes; utensils, cut into pieces (2 pieces for each child)

Lesson structure:

    Organization of children

    Mathematical warm-up

    Mathematical warm-up

    Working with demo material

    Game exercise

    Mathematical warm-up

    Lesson summary

Progress of the lesson

Lesson stage

Activities of the teacher

Children's activities

Teaching methods, techniques

OO integration

1. Organization of children

The teacher enters the group dressed as Masha (there is a bear doll in the group)

Guys, look, do you recognize me?

Today I Mishka are waiting for guests!

Listen to the teacher

Children: Masha and the Bear

Questions for children


communication development.

Cognitive development.

2. Mathematical warm-up

The teacher plays the role of Masha and the bear.

Masha puts 3 saucers on the table and invites Mishka to count them: How many saucers?

The bear is at a loss. Masha asks the children for help.

Masha invites the child to her place and asks to put the same number of cups on the table.

Asks a question:

Chow many cups? How much is the saucer?

What can you say about the number of saucers and cups?

Children: 3 saucers.

Children: 3 cups and 3 saucers.



communication development

Speech development

3. Mathematical warm-up.

The teacher, Masha, puts down another saucer and counts.

How did you get four saucers?

How many cups do we have?

Four saucers and three cups, which is more?

Three cups and four saucers, which is smaller?

How to make it so that there are equal numbers of saucers and cups?

Let's make it so that there are four saucers and cups, so that there is enough for all the guests.

Well done, now all guests have a set....

Three children.

Children four saucers are larger than three cups.

Children Three cups are less than four saucers.

Children 4.

Children 3.

Children discuss two options for equalization.

Children add one cup, count the cups, check how many there are and how they got four cups.

A game.

Creating a problem situation, answering questions.


communication development

Speech development

Cognitive development.

4. Working with demo material

"Flower leaves"

Each child has 4 leaves and 4 flowers. Educator - Masha, place three leaves on the top strip of the card and four flowers on the bottom. Teacher - Masha, count the leaves and flowers.

How many leaves?

How many flowers?

Four flowers and three leaves - compare, which is bigger?

Three leaves and four flowers - compare which is smaller?

Which number is greater: four or three?

Which number is smaller: three or four?

Make sure there are equal numbers of leaves and flowers.

Children: complete the task in accordance with the teacher’s proposed requirements.

Children answer the questions posed.

Children Four leaves are more than three flowers)

Children Three leaves are less than four flowers)

Children 4.

Children 3.

Cognitive development

Speech development

3. Game exercise.

“Let’s help Mishka glue the dishes”

Teacher - Masha. Children have in envelopes items of utensils cut into pieces.

Masha tells how the wolves behaved uncivilly at a party and broke the dishes - “Mishka needs help gluing the dishes together.”

Well done! And they completed this task.

Children: take parts and restore the integrity of the picture according to the rules of the game and complete the task.

Subject-practical and mental activities, children

Social communicative development

Cognitive development

4. Mathematical warm-up

The teacher, Masha, shows Mishka a rectangle, a square and a triangle. Clarifies the name of the figures in children.

How many sides?

How many angles?

Let's compare the sides of a square and a rectangle.

Shows that a square has all sides equal, but a rectangle has only opposite sides equal.

With the help of model stripes, the properties of a square and a rectangle are clarified

Children rectangle, square and triangle.

Children count.

Subject-based practical and mental activities, Questions for children, verbal reports from children


communication development

Speech development

Cognitive development.


Teacher -Masha thanks the children for their help. And he asks how did they like setting the table for the guests?

Says goodbye and leaves.

The children answer Masha’s questions, say goodbye and thank you.

Answers on questions.

Speech development

Cognitive development.

Development content

Subject:Count to four. Number and figure 4.

Target: form an idea of ​​the number and figure 4; the ability to count to four, relate the number 4 to the quantity; to form the experience of independently overcoming a difficulty under the guidance of a teacher and the experience of overcoming a difficulty by “asking someone who knows”;

strengthen counting skills, the ability to identify and compare properties

objects, the ability to compare groups of objects by quantity, using counting and

making pairs, the ability to compare and order objects by height, the ability

see and continue the pattern of alternation of figures that differ in color;

train mental operations: analysis, comparison and generalization,

develop attention, speech, logical thinking, fantasy, imagination,

creative abilities, to form an experience of control.

Materials for the lesson:

Demo: card with an image of an ornament.

Dispensing: 4 yellow triangles of different heights, 4 green circles, a card with the number 4 for each child, plates on which there are circles from 1 to 4; cards with numbers from 1 to 6.

Progress of the lesson:

1.Introduction to the game situation.

Didactic tasks: motivate children to engage in play activities, update children’s knowledge about holidays.

The teacher gathers the children around him.

Do you like treats?

What treats do you like the most? (children name different sweets).

One day, a new boy, Sasha, came to the kindergarten group and brought treats for the children, but he didn’t know if there would be enough for everyone. Do you want to help Sasha? Can you?

2. Updating knowledge.

2.1.Game “Count children and treats” (beginning)

Didactic tasks:

1) update counting to three, comparing groups of objects by quantity using pairs with recalculation, comparing and ordering objects by height.

2) train mental operations: analysis and comparison.

Children of four sit at tables on which there are 3 yellow isosceles triangles with the same base but different heights and 3 green circles for each child.

The teacher says that on the tables there are photographs of children from Sasha’s group (triangles) and treats (circles)

Consider the triangles - these are the children of the group. How are they similar? (color). How are they different? (children can answer big and small). The teacher clarifies that they differ in height)

Place the children in order from tallest to shortest.

The teacher helps arrange the children from left to right, while he sets the previously entered reference signal and remembers with the children the method of comparison in height: To compare objects in height, you need to place them side by side on a flat surface)

Sasha wants to check if there are enough treats for all the children.

Children must guess that each child needs a treat. The teacher gives them this opportunity, and after that asks them to count the children and treats: children - 3, treats - 3, equally divided.

3. Difficulty in a game situation.

3.1. Game “Count children and treats” (continued)

Didactic tasks:

1) create a motivational situation for introducing the number 4, counting to four;

2) to form experience under the guidance of a teacher in recording the difficulty and understanding its cause;

3) train mental operations: analysis and comparison, develop speech, logical thinking.

How many more children came to the group? (one, one)

Count how many children are there in the group?

4.Discovery of new knowledge.

4.1. Game “Count children and treats” (end).

Didactic tasks:

1) consolidate children’s understanding of the formation of the next number from the previous one, form an idea of ​​the number four, the ability to count to four, compare and equalize the number of groups consisting of four objects;

2) to form the experience of independent discovery and emotional experience of the joy of discovery;

3) train mental operations: analysis, comparison and generalization, develop speech, logical thinking, initiative, creativity.

Who knows what number comes after the number three?

The teacher listens to the versions of all children, encourages those who express them, and creates a friendly atmosphere. Praises children who give correct answers.

If none of the children answers, the method of overcoming the difficulty “ask someone who knows” is used:

What should you do if you don’t know something, but really want to know?

(you need to ask someone who knows)

- Let's ask someone who knows?

The teacher summarizes: When counting, the number 4 comes after the number 3.

How did the number 4 come about (there were 3 children, another girl came)

How many children do we have? How many treats?

Will there be an equal amount of children and treats now? (No)

What more? (more children, less treats)

What needs to be done to make them equal? (bring another treat)

The teacher places additional circles of treats on the tables, one at a time according to the number of children.

How many treats are there?

The teacher focuses the children's attention on the technique of counting to four: when counting to four, you need to touch each object once, saying: one, two, three, four. Then he circles all the objects and says: “only four objects”

How did you get 4 treats? (there were 3, they brought another one, it became 4)

How many children? (also 4)

Treats – 4, children – 4. The conclusion is drawn: four and four - equally)

Sasha treated all the children to delicious treats.

5. Difficulty in a game situation.

5.1.Game “Dancing for the guys”

Didactic tasks: organize active recreation for children, develop imagination and attention.

The teacher invites the children to imagine that Sasha invited them to dance, but wanted the children to fulfill his wish: if they hear cheerful music, they will dance; if sad, calm, they squat, placing their folded palms on their cheeks - “sleeping.” The game is repeated several times.

5.2. Game "Putting Treats"

Didactic tasks:

1) create a motivational situation for introducing the new number 4;

2) to form experience, under the guidance of a teacher, of recording the difficulty and understanding its cause;

3) train mental operations: analysis and comparison, develop speech, logical thinking.

The children take their seats. The teacher puts cards with numbers from 1 to 6 on the tables; sheets of paper (shelves) and handouts (circles - 4 treats each).

The teacher invited the children to go outside and asked them to put all the treats on the shelf. First, they put this many (1) treats (circles) on the shelf.

Put as many treats on the shelf too. (Children take one circle and put it on a shelf (sheet of paper).

How many circles (treats) did you put in? (one)

Place this many (3) treats.

How many treats have you put in now? (three)

How many treats have you put on the shelf? (Four)

What needs to be done so that, apart from the treats, the children find out how many there are on the shelf? (you need to write the number 4 on it)

Find the card with the number 4 (Difficulty arises)

Were you able to complete the task? (No)

Why couldn't they? (because we don’t know how the number four is written)

6. Overcoming difficulties.

6.1. Game “Putting Treats” (end).

Didactic tasks:

1) introduce children to the number four.

2) consolidate the ability to overcome difficulties by “asking someone who knows”;

3) train mental operations: analysis, comparison, generalization, develop speech.

What should you do if you don’t know something and really want to find out? (you have to ask someone). Ask someone who knows.

After this, the teacher shows the number 4.

This icon indicates that there are four items.

Find the number 4 among the icons on the table and put it in the corner of the sheet.

Children choose the number 4 from the numbers lying on the table and put it in the corner of the sheet.

Now the children will remember how many treats they put on the shelf before the walk, since we marked the number of treats on the shelf with the number 4.

7. Inclusion of new knowledge into the knowledge system.

7.1.Game “Find gifts”.

Didactic tasks: consolidate counting to four, ability to correlate numbers with quantities.

The children decided to thank Sasha for the treats and prepared gifts for him, made beads and hid them throughout the group.

Want to find them? Can you?

Each child receives a card with the number 4 written on it.

On the tables there are plates on which there are circles (2 cm in diameter) in the amount of 1 to 4, and there are as many plates with four circles as there are children. Children must go to the tables and find a plate with the number of circles indicated by the number in their hands - the number 4.

After checking the task, the teacher invites the children to pair up with someone who has circles (beads) of a different color.

7.2.Game “Collect beads”

Didactic tasks: develop attention, mental operations, the ability to work in pairs, see and continue the pattern of color alternation.

Children sit at tables in pairs. The teacher offers to play with beads.

Imagine that Sasha accidentally tore his beads, and in order not to upset the guys, he needs to put the pattern back together. Do you want to help him? Can you?

On the flannelgraph, the teacher puts out a card on which the beginning of the ornament is drawn. For example: one red, one yellow, one red, one yellow. The two children should make the same ornament together.

To check the task, the teacher asks you to say the pattern. Children call the chorus, touching each circle with their finger.

How many yellow beads are in your pattern, how many red? (four)

Did you get the pattern? The children will be glad that Sasha saved their work.

8.Result of the lesson.

Didactic tasks: to restore in the children’s memory what they did in class, to create a situation of success.

Children gather around the teacher.

Who did we help today? (Sachet)

How many children were there? How many treats? Has everyone had enough? Why?

Were you able to help put all the treats on the shelf?

Did you find any gifts?

The teacher praises the children and says that if they could not count to 4 or did not know how to write the number 4, then Sasha would not have treated all the children with treats.

Types of children's activities:

Gaming, communicative, educational and research

Planned results:

Has a basic understanding of geometric shapes and ordinal counting up to 4; retains the required condition in memory when performing mathematical operations and acts with concentration for 15-20 minutes.

Materials and equipment:

Cards with geometric shapes; cards with numbers from 1 to 4 according to the number of children; leaves; pictures of dishes, 3 pieces each; music record player, baskets with dummies of vegetables.

1. Organizational moment. Repetition of geometric shapes.

(the teacher and the children stand on the carpet)

Today we received a letter from Prostokvashino from Matroskin and Sharik. They invite us to visit so that we can help them count and correctly record how much they have harvested today.

Shall we help them guys?

It's time for us to get ready for the trip and for this we need to purchase train tickets.

Didactic game. "Train Ticket"

Cards with 3 colored geometric shapes according to the number of children are laid out on the table. Each child must take a card and find a chair with the same card on it.

(children sit down)

Guys, who checks tickets on the train? That's right, conductor.

Prepare your tickets for inspection, dear passengers!

2. Count to 3. Sequential count to 3.

Guys, look carefully at your tickets, how many geometric shapes are depicted on them? Let's count them. Correct 3.

There are cards with numbers in front of you, put them in order. First the number... 1, then the number... .2, and the number... .3. Well done!

Guys, pay attention to the board, what do you see there? That's right, dishes (pots, teapots and plates). Let's count them in order. 1st teapot,…. etc.

While you and I are walking through the forest to the village, I propose to collect a bouquet of autumn leaves for our friends.

Phys. just a minute.

Children stand in a circle around a round table and begin to move to the music. As soon as the music stops, children must pick up 1) maple leaves;

2) cards with the number 3; 3) birch leaves; 4) cards with the number 2; 5) ovals; 6) cards with the number 1.

Well done, how clever and smart you all are.

3. Digit and number 4.

Guys, now we have reached our friends in Prostokvashino. Why did we come to them? Of course, to help them count the harvest.

Look how big Matroskin’s basket is, how many vegetables and fruits he collected. Let's count them now. 1, 2, 3. Well done. Now let’s count how many vegetables are in Sharik’s basket – 1, 2, 3, 4.

(I lay out pictures of vegetables in transparent pockets in two rows, so that the children can see that in the second row there are 1 more vegetables)

Who has more vegetables, Matroskin or Sharik? (at Sharik's)

How much more? (for 1 vegetable)

How many vegetables should be added to Matroskin’s basket so that they have the same amount? (one)

Let's put it down and count again. 1, 2, 3, 4. Well done.

How can we record for our friends how much they harvested? (in numbers)

(showing number 4)

The number 4 is written using the number 4.

Show cards with number 4.

Well done!

Now we will play with you.

Didactic game: “Show the card with the corresponding number”

Goal: consolidate counting to 4, number 4, develop attentiveness.

(I show fruits in different quantities, children must show the corresponding card with the number).

Well done!

So we helped Matroskin and Sharik count their harvest, it’s time to say goodbye.


Where have we been today?

What interesting things did you do?

What number did you meet today?

Let's all pat ourselves on the head and say: “Well done! »

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