Oatmeal masks. Oatmeal masks for all skin types. Toning oatmeal mask

Do you want to be healthy and well-groomed? In this case, there should always be a jar of oatmeal on your kitchen shelf, and cosmetics with oat extract in your magic potions chest. If necessary, oatmeal can replace both.
Oats get their name from the Latin word “avena,” which means “to be healthy.” It is recommended to eat it to improve the condition of diabetes mellitus, normalization heart rate, activation of metabolism, elimination of toxins, weight loss, maintenance normal level cholesterol in the blood.

Oat extract is included in cosmetic products for skin and hair, and oat flour is one of the most popular ingredients in homemade cosmetics.

Beneficial properties of oats for skin
Oats contain about 60% starch, up to 14% proteins, up to 9% fat, vitamins A, K, group B, PP, mineral salts (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium), gums, sugars, amino acids (tryptophan, lysine), iron , zinc, sulfur.

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Biologically active substances, which are present in oat grains, effectively exfoliate dead skin cells of the epidermis, thus stimulating its renewal, soften the skin, and enrich it nutrients, make it smooth and velvety to the touch.

  • magnesium, the action of which is aimed at strengthening the collagen fiber framework;
  • silicon, which prevents the formation of wrinkles and smoothes existing ones, as well as prevents hair loss;
  • phytic acid, which helps maintain water balance;
  • B vitamins that nourish and moisturize the skin.

Oats are rich in biotin (vitamin H). Its deficiency in the body significantly affects the condition of the skin: it becomes dry, areas of peeling and inflammation appear, and hair begins to fall out.

The beneficial properties of oat extract are as follows:

  • helps strengthen tone, tightens the skin;
  • prevents dehydration, enriches skin cells with moisture;
  • activates the regeneration process of sluggish and weakened skin;
  • reduces the depth and number of wrinkles, prevents the appearance of new wrinkles;
  • relieves the inflammatory process.

Affordable beauty recipes
Oatmeal masks have long been used for skin care. They have a restoring, rejuvenating, whitening, softening, anti-inflammatory, and disinfecting effect.
I love the anti-aging mask with oatmeal, which hydrates the skin well. For cooking you need 1 tbsp. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of flakes, cover and let it brew until it becomes a paste. When the pulp has cooled, add 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. spoon of pre-chopped pulp ripe avocado. Apply on face for 15 minutes. Remove warm and then rinse your face cool water.

A mask made from oat flakes, liquid honey, olive oil, will help whiten the skin and enrich it with nutrients. natural yogurt that need to be taken in equal amount, combine and apply to skin for 20 minutes. Remove with warm water.
A mask of flakes with brine will help refresh oily skin, and with regular use, make it matte and reduce inflammation. sauerkraut. Just pour the brine over the oatmeal and let it sit until a paste forms. Apply to face for 20 minutes. Remove with cool water.

How I use oats for my skin
I learned that oats help soothe irritated skin several years ago when I encountered flaking on the skin of my six-month-old daughter. To restore the integrity of the epidermis, the dermatologist recommended that I bathe my baby in a bath enriched with oatmeal.

To prepare a bath, you had to pour boiling water over the oatmeal, place it in a canvas bag and lower it into the water. 15 minutes of bathing is enough to soften the skin, and after a week daily procedures There was no trace of dry skin left. True, we accompanied such baths with the use of caring cosmetics with the same oat extract.
Their own experience I know that most companies that produce cosmetics for irritated and atopic skin include oats in their composition. A bottle of this product is always on our shelf for my daughter.

When I urgently need to get myself in order and hide signs of fatigue from my face, I apply a mask with oats; it perfectly moisturizes the skin and restores its tone.

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Oats have been known for many centuries. It is widely used not only in nutrition, classical and folk medicine, but also in cosmetology.

Thanks to a large amount of phytic acid, which is a strong antioxidant, products and preparations containing oats help smooth out any skin type and also maintain the necessary level of moisture.

Unique and challenging chemical composition This cereal has a complex effect on the skin. Starchy substances provide normal hydration, proteins prevent the development of pathogenic microbes, lipids support nutrition surface layers skin, polioses help in regenerative processes, and polyphenols fight inflammation.

Based on oatmeal and cereals, various cosmetic companies produce effective lines of care products for all skin types.

This plant is especially widely used in home cosmetology. To prepare scrubs, masks and other nourishing and cleansing preparations, not only oat grains, oatmeal and flakes are used, but also bran, grain sprouts and oat straw.

Preparations and products prepared on the basis of this cereal are simply irreplaceable for flaky, dry and inflamed skin. They are also suitable for tired and dull skin.

To care for feet and hands, baths are prepared from oat decoction, which not only perfectly soften the skin and calluses, but also supply vitamins and proteins. Let's try to prepare some simple and available recipes.

  • To make the skin of your hands and feet silky, you need to prepare a decoction of oat grains. To do this, take 6 tablespoons of cereal, add a liter of water, boil for ten minutes, and filter. Place your hands or feet in the warm broth for fifteen to twenty minutes.
  • For a cleansing scrub, take a glass of flakes and lightly crush them. The oatmeal pieces are then mixed with water to form a viscous mixture. Before applying the scrub, the face is washed with room water and wiped oatmeal Cover your entire face (except for the area around the eyes). Then the face is rinsed again with warm water. This facial cleansing is done once a month at night.
  • To refresh and soothe the skin you need to prepare a mask. Take 4 tablespoons of chopped oatmeal, add 60 milliliters of boiling water and mix. Add a couple of small spoons of finely chopped mint leaves to the thickened mass. This mixture is applied to the face for ten to fifteen minutes, and then washed with water.
  • An anti-wrinkle mask is prepared from a couple of tablespoons orange juice, mixed with 100 milliliters of water. Then oatmeal is added there until a viscous mixture is obtained. This mask is applied for a quarter of an hour, and then removed with room water.

It's easy and effective method maintain youthful skin, prevent its aging, and, if necessary, obtain an instant facial refreshing effect.

For dry, sensitive or aging skin, a mask of fresh tomato juice and oatmeal(oatmeal): 2 tablespoons fresh tomato juice mixed with 1-2 tablespoons of oatmeal. The resulting paste is applied to the face and left for 20 minutes. Wash off first with lukewarm and then cool water.

Nourishing mask for dry skin: mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and honey, 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil, add 1 tablespoon of strongly brewed tea.

Apply the composition to the face, leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water. room temperature.

A mask made of oatmeal and watermelon juice, in addition to moisturizing and nourishing the skin, has a whitening effect. 1 teaspoon of oatmeal is mixed with 2 tablespoons of watermelon juice, 3-4 drops of St. John's wort oil are added (20 g of fresh flowers and crushed St. John's wort leaves are poured into 100 ml of vegetable oil and left for 3 weeks). It is better to make such a mask in the evening and not before going out into the sun, since St. John's wort increases the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. And this mask is successfully used by women to remove freckles and age spots on dry and normal skin.

Another mask that helps cope with freckles and age spots on the skin of the face: mix 1/2 cup sour milk and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal. The resulting paste is placed between 2 layers of gauze and applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.

Mask for oily skin: you will have to work harder than with previous recipes, but the effect will exceed expectations- the skin softens, becomes smooth and velvety. In one cup, mix ground oatmeal with olive or sunflower oil(1 tablespoon each), in the other - 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of apple or orange juice. In the third cup, mix 1 tablespoon of kefir with 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice. First, apply a mixture of oatmeal and oil and rub in with your fingertips for 3 minutes (along the lines of least stretch). Then rub in a mixture of honey and juice for 5 minutes. After this, apply the mixture with kefir and allow the composition to dry. Wash off with warm water; The final touch: rinse your face with chamomile infusion.

Oatmeal mask for any skin type: mix 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 1 tablespoon of aloe juice and 2 tablespoons of milk. Warm the composition slightly in a water bath or in a container with hot water and apply to cleansed skin of the face and neck for 20 minutes.

The following mask can help out if you urgently need to return tired skin to its “sales appearance”: for example, before an important business or personal meeting. If you have dry skin, it is better to refrain from using it, since among the components it contains egg white(it tightens the skin). At the same time, oily or normal type This mask will give you smoothness and freshness. Beat 1 egg white, add 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon ground into powder lemon zest, 2 teaspoons oat bran. Mix everything well and apply the resulting composition to the face. After 10 minutes, soften the mask with a warm compress, carefully remove and rinse your face. cold water.

The so-called “Hollywood mask” is used for the same purpose as the previous one. At the same time strengthens, smoothes the skin and relieves greasy shine. Mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with egg white and beat until foam forms. The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes.

A mask that smooths out wrinkles and prevents their appearance: dilute 1 tablespoon of orange juice in 1/2 cup of boiled water, add oatmeal (it can be obtained by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder) until a paste is obtained. Apply to facial skin and leave for 10 minutes.

Despite all the differences in the main skin types, there are recipes for masks that have an equally beneficial effect on dry, oily, normal and normal skin. combined types. To prepare this nourishing mask oat grains are boiled for 20 minutes, removed upper layer oat mucus, add a teaspoon of olive or other vegetable oil and a tablespoon of cottage cheese. The usual method of application is the same as for others cosmetic masks.

Oatmeal cosmetics will help not only regularly nourish sensitive skin, but also cleanse it without causing irritation, which is often caused by conventional cleansers. In this case, it is better to avoid soap altogether. It can be successfully replaced by compositions with oats. Decoction for washing tender and problem skin Prepare at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water. The mixture is boiled until the plant material is completely softened, filtered - the cleansing composition is ready. Cereals Can be used for the whole body when you take a shower or a general bath. The flakes are poured into a small linen bag, steamed in boiling water, cooled to an acceptable temperature and used to wipe the face and body.

Oatmeal compresses (hot and cold) nourish, smooth, and rejuvenate the skin. If the skin is prone to peeling, oat decoction lotions will help. To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon of unrefined grain per 1 liter of water.

This cereal is full of nutrients necessary for healthy skin. Thus, vitamin A promotes the healing of small injuries, B vitamins will help maintain elasticity and reduce pigmentation, and vitamin E perfectly moisturizes and heals the surface of the skin.

What should you expect from oatmeal face masks?

At regular use masks:

  • small and medium wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the skin becomes firmer and more elastic;
  • peeling of the skin is noticeably reduced;
  • dark spots become less pronounced;
  • skin oiliness decreases;
  • pimples dry out, blackheads disappear.

In general, the skin on the face and neck will be more even, smooth, and the complexion will acquire a beautiful shade.

Advantages of oatmeal masks:

  1. Suitable for any skin. Face masks made from oatmeal are quite versatile; they can be used by representatives of both oily and dry skin types. The main thing is to choose the right ingredients to enhance the effect. For example, kefir will moisturize the skin, lemon juice will erase age spots, honey will have an antibacterial effect.
  2. Oats are a fairly affordable product. Oatmeal is sold in any supermarket.
  3. These masks are easy to prepare. If you apply an oatmeal mask before makeup, your skin will become smoother and your makeup will adhere noticeably better.
  4. Complex action. Oatmeal has moisturizing and nutritional properties, and also deeply cleanses the skin. With constant use, even a rejuvenating effect is visible.
  5. Easy to prepare oatmeal face mask at home.
  6. Minimum list of contraindications.

Contraindications for oatmeal face mask

  1. Dilated vessels;
  2. Open abrasions and wounds;
  3. Inflammation in the acute stage;
  4. Allergy to other components of the mask. For example, honey, dairy products, eggs. In this case, an allergy test should be performed. To do this, apply a drop of the mask you are using to your wrist or elbow. If after 15 minutes no allergies appear in this area (itching, redness, rash), then you can safely use the mask.

Preparing the base for the mask

To prepare masks, you can use ready-made oatmeal, but it costs quite a lot. In addition, not every store carries such a product. Therefore, it is easier to use the familiar rolled oats (oatmeal), which need to be crushed in a coffee grinder or blender. Pour warm water into the prepared flour. boiled water, you literally need a couple of spoons to get the consistency of sour cream. This is the basis of the mask. As an alternative to water, you can use kefir, sour cream or milk. These products should be warm, so the oatmeal will swell faster. Depending on skin defects (wrinkles, acne, pigmentation) and general condition skin (dehydrated, dull, fading), other components are selected. Let's look at the most common options for oatmeal masks.

Oatmeal face mask recipes

  1. For oily skin:
    • take a couple of tbsp. oatmeal, pour in a couple of tbsp. kefir or milk and 1 teaspoon of soda. Let it steam for 15 minutes;
    • drop a couple of drops of tea tree oil into the prepared oat flour base;
    • Pour a couple of tablespoons into the base for the oatmeal mask. salicylic alcohol. After using the mask, you should use any moisturizer.
  2. For normal and combination skin:
    Combine oatmeal with yogurt (without additives) or sour cream and tbsp. oils (olive, rapeseed or vegetable). Mix well and let sit for 20 minutes.
  3. For dry skin:
    Combine oatmeal with yolk chicken egg And almond oil. Instead of almond oil, you can use peach, castor or other oil.
  4. For problem skin, with acne and blackheads:
    • Mix oatmeal with cream, honey and soda on the tip of a knife;
    • Mix oat flour with cucumber pulp, salt and soda.
  5. To increase skin elasticity:
    Combine oat flour with warm milk, then add liquid vitamins A and E. They can be purchased at the pharmacy. Instead of vitamin A, you can use carrot juice.
  6. For skin tone:
    Add sour cream or kefir and lemon juice to the oatmeal.
  7. For facial rejuvenation:
    • Mix oatmeal with strong brewed coffee, lemon and honey;
    • Combine the prepared oat base with avocado pulp and yolk.
  8. To smooth out wrinkles:
    • To prepare an oatmeal face mask against wrinkles, you need to mix oatmeal, kefir, honey and yolk in equal parts, pour in a tablespoon. olive oil;
    • Mix oatmeal with almond oil and avocado.
  9. Instead of a scrub:
    Mix oatmeal with coarse table salt, ground coffee, honey and kefir. Apply the resulting mixture in a circular motion for a couple of minutes. massage lines.
  10. For pigmentation:
    Combine oatmeal with lemon and stir thoroughly.
  11. Compresses for the area around the eyes:
    • Combine oatmeal with kefir in proportions of 1 tbsp. oatmeal 5 tbsp. kefir Cool;
    • Soak sterile gauze in this solution and place it on the area around the eyes.

Rules for using a mask

  1. First you need to prepare the skin. To do this, you need to cleanse your skin of makeup.
  2. Then thoroughly steam your face. To do this, brew chamomile, calendula or sage in 2 liters. boiling water Bend your face over the pan and cover yourself with a blanket or towel. Steam the skin for at least 10 minutes.
  3. If you have time, you can apply the scrub before the mask, then the result will be more pronounced.
  4. After this apply light mask movements on the face in a thin layer.
  5. Mask time is 20 minutes.
  6. Next, you need to wash your face with warm water and apply moisturizer.

The mask should be used no more than once every 3-4 days. Course - 10-12 procedures. It can be repeated after a month.

How often should the course be repeated?

This mask can be used quite often, it is not addictive. And with regular use, the skin becomes smoother, pimples dry out, pigment spots become less noticeable, and skin tone improves. In principle, this mask can also be used for prevention, to maintain healthy color skin.

Can cosmetic procedures replace oatmeal masks?

When answering this question, it should be understood that even and smooth face This is the result of daily facial skin care, consisting of several stages:

  1. Makeup remover;
  2. Cleansing (using a specialized cleanser);
  3. Toning (using facial toner);
  4. Apply day or evening cream or serum.

In addition, 2 times a week you need to use a scrub or peeling to deeply cleanse the pores and a mask to saturate the skin with moisture, vitamins and microelements. An oatmeal face mask will fit perfectly into such care.

For serious cosmetic defects(scars, enlarged pores, acne, decreased skin tone, etc.) you cannot do without cosmetic procedures. But none cosmetic procedures, even such as a laser, are not capable of replacing daily care. Therefore, we need a complex of homemade masks and salon procedures. In addition, for healthy skin you need:

  • proper and balanced nutrition;
  • use of funds for home care by skin type;
  • cosmetic procedures.

All this must be carried out in combination, then the result will be noticeable.

You also need to adhere to a few usual rules: do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol, avoid stressful situations and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Oatmeal long enough is very valuable product for nutrition, but now it is often used in professional and home cosmetology. An oatmeal face mask is universal, it is well suited for different types Moreover, it will help get rid of numerous skin problems. Cosmetics It’s easy to prepare and won’t cost much. The result is no worse than after the salon. Oatmeal masks are good remedy for care.

Operating principle

The secret to the effectiveness of an oatmeal mask is in the microelements contained in the flakes:

  • hydration is provided by 10% water;
  • microtraumas of the skin quickly heal with the help of retinol;
  • The skin becomes elastic with the help of thiamine, which accelerates the recovery process and removes dryness;
  • If you have problems with sagging skin, then ascorbic acid will help.

All components have a complex effect on the condition of the skin, so oatmeal gives good result. An oatmeal face mask can:

  • improve cell nutrition;
  • exfoliate dead cells;
  • tone the skin;
  • reduce high sensitivity;
  • improve update processes;
  • moisturize skin;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • cleanse pores.

Indications for use

Masks with oatmeal will work together with the components that are also included in its composition. should be done if:

  • problematic skin: this product is well suited for teenagers who want to get rid of acne, since the mask has healing properties;
  • dry skin: makes it possible to get what you need;
  • worries about oily skin: eliminates excess shine;
  • normal or combination skin need food;
  • the skin began to fade: elasticity will return.

Oatmeal masks are considered universal because they are equally useful for any skin type, but their effectiveness is largely influenced by additional ingredients.


An oatmeal skin mask may be contraindicated for those who have individual intolerance cereals, although the effect on the skin itself is harmless. Masks made only from oatmeal itself have no contraindications. If other components are included in the composition, you need to ensure that there are no allergic reactions to them.

Correct application

There are a number of rules that should be followed when using masks with oatmeal:

  • before applying the product, you need to wash your hands well and then cleanse your skin;
  • before applying the mask it is better to do warm compress for a few minutes to increase the skin's ability to absorb useful material. The compress is made with terry towel, which was soaked in a decoction medicinal herbs or in warm water;
  • if there is facial hair or the blood vessels are very dilated, then the compress should not be applied;
  • if, then before applying the mask itself to the skin, you need to apply a thin layer of nourishing cream;
  • apply the product with massage movements, starting from the center;
  • the oatmeal mask is not applied to.


Oatmeal masks can be prepared at home without special problems. It is recommended to include other components in the product so that it is more benefit for the skin. We offer several options for compositions made from oatmeal and other ingredients:

  • For acne. For cooking you need not only oatmeal, but also cosmetic clay, which cleanses well, and lemon juice, which dries out the skin. Add a tablespoon and a teaspoon of lemon juice to the oatmeal. All ingredients are mixed and applied to clean skin until dry. The mixture is washed off with warm water. The procedure must be repeated twice a week for a month.
  • For soft skin. If you want your skin to become soft, then combine oatmeal flakes with avocado pulp. Mix two tablespoons of flakes with the pulp of half an avocado. The face is steamed a little with a warm towel, then the mask is applied along the massage lines for 15-20 minutes. Remove the mixture with warm water and then wash with mineral water.
  • If you have problems with oily skin. The mask will help solve the problem with highlighting large quantity subcutaneous sebum and enlarged pores. The flakes should be filled with any sour juice or kefir. The mixture should sit, and then it is applied for 25 minutes and washed off with warm water. After the procedure, the skin is wiped with lotion. Cm. .
  • Dry skin. A mask of oatmeal and honey can give proper nutrition and moisturizing the skin. It is suitable for everyone, but is very popular for dry skin. Pour the oatmeal with not very hot milk, then add a tablespoon of honey to the gruel, a teaspoon at a time butter And . Everything is mixed and applied for half an hour, washed off with warm water.
  • . Oatmeal and yolk do a good job of removing small wrinkles. You need to cook the oatmeal, and then add the yolk, a little rosemary oil and a teaspoon of vegetable oil, it is better to take olive oil. Mix everything and apply for half an hour, rinse off with warm water.
  • For hydration. Oatmeal is mixed with a tablespoon of cottage cheese and a teaspoon of applesauce or puree. If the mixture is very thick, you can add a little fruit juice, cream, sour cream or milk. Apply the product for half an hour and wash off with warm water.
  • Vitamin. Oatmeal is steamed in milk, a little kiwi pulp is added, a teaspoon. All ingredients are mixed and applied for half an hour.
  • For skin that has begun to age. Mix a teaspoon of honey, olive oil and yolk. Then add enough oatmeal to make a thick paste. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes and washed off. The skin after the mask will become more hydrated and smooth.
  • Anti-wrinkle. Grind the flakes to flour, add a tablespoon of milk, a teaspoon of lemon juice and honey, and whipped egg white. The mixture should be viscous and thick. The product is applied for 20 minutes and washed off with water. The mask also whitens the skin and tightens pores.
  • For sensitive skin . A tablespoon of oatmeal flakes is poured with warm cream or heated milk. After the oatmeal swells, add a teaspoon carrot juice. The product is applied for 25-30 minutes and removed with warm water.
  • With a tonic effect. Four tablespoons of oatmeal are poured with boiling water, which is taken in half, and everything is kneaded until smooth. Next, add two teaspoons of mint. The product refreshes the skin and relieves minor irritations. The mask is used not only for the face, but also for the whole body.
  • With honey and olive oil. Chopped oatmeal, honey and olive oil, which need to be mixed together. The product is applied for 15 minutes, then removed cotton pad, which was soaked in warm water. The mask has tonic and anti-inflammatory properties, saturates the skin well with vitamins, and soothes.
  • With milk. A tablespoon of oatmeal flakes is poured with heated milk. After the flakes have swollen, the mixture is applied for 20 minutes. The product nourishes and moisturizes well. If you simply pour boiling water over oatmeal, you get an anti-acne mask.
  • . A mask of oatmeal and potatoes will help make your skin younger. For cooking you need not the oatmeal itself, but oat milk. To do this, you need to cook 100 grams of oatmeal in 1.5 liters of water over low heat for an hour. The mixture is cooled and squeezed out. Mix a tablespoon of the resulting liquid in the same proportion with mashed potatoes. Curdled milk is added to the mixture. A warm mask is applied and washed off with warm water after cooling.
  • Anti-shine. It is better to use this product before applying makeup, as it removes excess shine from the skin, and the makeup goes on well. Fresh, not too big cucumber, finely grated, poured with milk and placed on water bath for 10 minutes. After removal, add oatmeal flakes, bringing it to the consistency of sour cream, and apply for 15 minutes. Then wash off with cold water and any citrus juice. After drying your face, you can apply makeup.
  • With corn. A teaspoon of corn and oat flakes is diluted with vegetable oil until pureed. The mask is suitable for everyone. Apply it for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • . The product cleanses pores well and also tones the skin. You can use this mask only once a month. Mix crushed oatmeal with coffee beans and add warm water for 10 minutes. Apply the product for 20 minutes.

There are a huge number of oatmeal mask recipes. If the procedures are done regularly, the skin will look much better. Oatmeal can give new life skin.

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