How to understand that a man is aroused. Psychology of male sexual arousal. Discharge in men when excited

The main indicator that a woman is ready for sex is her sexual arousal. But, not knowing these characteristic signs, many men get a flat refusal. Others, on the contrary, miss the moment and try to start sex when the woman is burned out and she no longer needs anything. In order not to be trapped, you need to know the 15 main signs of the peak of a woman's sexual desire.

1. TERMINATION OF TALK. When a woman reaches the highest point of sexual arousal, her voice becomes quiet, she only answers questions, moreover, unequivocally - "yes" or "no", and then completely stops talking.

2. REDNESS OF THE FACE. As a result of a huge rush of blood to the head, the woman's entire face is filled with blood, as if flushing. This is especially noticeable on flaming cheeks.

3. BREATH. It becomes frequent and shallow, with occasional deep breaths. The woman does not have enough air, because of which the nostrils expand, move and she begins to breathe through the mouth.

4. MOUTH AND LIPS. Considering that a woman breathes through her mouth, it is ajar. Her lips dry out, and she keeps trying to moisturize them with the tip of her tongue.

5. DRYING THROAT. A woman's throat also dries up, so she often swallows saliva to moisturize it. Sometimes he asks for a glass of water to moisturize his throat.

6. CLOSED EYES. A woman is concentrated only on male caresses, gets maximum satisfaction, that's why her eyes are closed.

7. BODY WATERING. As a result of a man stroking a woman's body (back, abdomen, thighs), blood filling of the superficial vessels occurs, as a result of which the woman's body sweats.

8. SHAKING AND TENSION OF THE BODY. The body of a woman, who is at the peak of desire, tenses, and in some areas, mainly on the abdomen and hips, trembling is noted - a frequent convulsive contraction of small muscles.

9. HUGS WITH PERIODIC STRONG COMPRESSIONS. The woman impulsively hugs the man, periodically tightly squeezing some parts of his body with her hands, sometimes driving her nails in.

10. Nipple swelling. Nipples in women come to life and swell, become hard. It is worth remembering, though, that this can be a constant occurrence during pregnancy.

11. EXCOOKING THE STOMACH. Excited woman reflexively protrudes her belly.

12. COMPRESSION OF THE THIGHS. The woman is no longer able to endure and, in order to give herself pleasure, tightly squeezes her thighs, thus irritating the labia majora and clitoris.

13. DIRECTION OF A MAN'S FASCESS ON THEIR GENITAL ORGANS. The great desire and impatience of a woman makes her direct the man's caresses to her genitals.

14. INCREASING VAGINAL SECRETION. At the entrance to the vagina, you can feel its moisture, and in some women you can even feel it through the panties - they become wet in the vaginal area.

15. STRENGTH TO TOUCH THE GENITAL ORGAN OF A MAN. The highest peak of a woman's desires is manifested in her desire to touch the man's genitals and begin to caress him.

Naturally, not all women can have all these signs at the same time. But it is believed that if more than half appeared, then the woman is completely ready for sex.

Although men do not understand the hints, they themselves are very fond of leading the girl to what they want with the help of hints, especially when it comes to sex.

How to tell if a guy wants you? In addition to the obvious sign - an erection that has arisen, there are many other ways to check this. After all, it is not always possible to see the man with whom you are communicating. Sometimes, according to some words, the timbre of the voice can be understood that the guy is excited.

Blurred look

When a man is intoxicated by a woman, he literally plunges into a trance, not really controlling his gaze.... His pupils dilate significantly, his gaze often lingers at one point, usually on the very woman he desires. He can look eyes in the eyes for a long time, but it is difficult to take them away.


His hands cannot find rest. Most often, when the desire arises, he inserts his thumbs into the loops on his pants, designed to pull on the belt. He can also keep them linked, because he languishes from the desire to touch a woman. We will not consider obscene gestures - everything is there and it's a no brainer what his intentions are.

Voice change

The sexually aroused guy begins to speak in a deeper, lower voice., because under the influence of hormones, the ligaments are shortened. The same thing, by the way, happens with a woman. You probably noticed behind yourself that when you are attracted, you speak in a velvet voice slightly lower than usual.


It is very difficult to restrain yourself if the desired woman is at arm's length. He will certainly touch the open parts of the body, it does not even matter what it will be - hands, face, neck, knee. If you are used to shaking hands or hugging your counterpart when you meet, the hugs will be stronger and longer when excited, just like a handshake and a kiss on the cheek.

Long pauses

If you communicate at a distance: via the Internet or the phone, after your phrases that have a sexual connotation for him, long pauses will indicate that the guy is feeling aroused. The transition of a conversation to a frank channel is also a sign of excitement.

Signs of restraint

When a man, so cold as an iceberg in the ocean, begins to bite his lip, shakes his head slightly, is more silent than usual, trying not to give out the excitement in his voice, he is yours. Usually guys prefer to hide that they are nervous, so the above signs, plus a dry throat, trembling hands, a slight reddening of the skin, clearly indicate that the guy wants you. However, do not immediately drag him to bed. Maybe you should continue this game so that the relationship does not end in mid-sentence after hasty sex.

A woman is an amazing and vulnerable creature who has a magnificent passionate and burning nature. As a rule, not every man can kindle such a fire, but only an experienced, passionate one who will suit her alone.

Each woman is aroused individually, and for this it is usually necessary to carry out a series of caresses that are capable of kindling from a small spark, a huge fire not only inside, in the soul, but also outside, leaving an imprint on both the body and behavior. So, women, however, like men, have characteristic signs that show great sexual arousal.

First of all, the first sign of a woman's sexual arousal, which suggests that a woman is completely ready for intercourse with a man, is considered to be that she completely stops talking. The voice, as it starts up, becomes quieter and softer, acquiring spiritual notes. If the passion inside her blood is gaining momentum, then the woman, at first, begins to answer in monosyllables, and then completely falls silent, making way only for feelings, sensations and emotions.

Also, a visible sign of sexual arousal, it is considered that, as a result of a large rush of blood to the head, the beautiful enchantress blushes personally, and her cheeks burn with a pleasant blush, betraying her sincere feelings. It is worth noting that an excited lady can be distinguished by intermittent, rare, but at the same time deep breathing, which creates the feeling that she is short of air. Most often, in this case, she begins to breathe through her mouth in order to fill, as much as possible, her lungs with air. With such a breath, a beautiful lady's mouth is arbitrarily opened, and, as a rule, she constantly licks her lips with her tongue to moisturize.

The next hallmark of an excited woman is that she swallows saliva more often than usual to revive a dry throat. Along with this, her eyes are languidly closed, as she is completely absorbed in those caresses and touches with which a man covers her body. It is worth noting that it is the closed eyes that betray the fact that a woman is pleased with the company of a man and his touch.

The body, as a rule, reacts treacherously to any touch of a man, especially if they give pleasure. First of all, as a result of tension, a woman's body becomes covered with mild perspiration, especially in the back, abdomen and thighs. After that, there comes a period of trembling, which speaks of pleasant pleasure, as well as the peak of passion and excitement.

Sometimes, a woman's nipples swell and harden when excited, which are the signal lights for every passionate man. A partner who feels incomprehensible hip contractions can be sure that his woman is aroused to the limit. Since it is precisely with such movements that she tries to irritate the upper labia, and the clitoris, respectively.

The last sign of high sexual arousal is rightfully considered that a girl or woman, as often as possible, strive to touch the male genital organ, giving him pleasure. After that, usually, the man can proceed to the main culmination of the whole event, which will pleasantly surprise both partners.

What tricks a woman will not go to in order to get her beloved man. And even if you have a chic appearance, it will still be useful to take advantage of the additional benefits.

What turns guys on?

Flirting or light flirting is an effective way to charm a man, and there are many techniques that help women do this. Although there is no single answer to the question of what turns guys on, there is still a certain pattern. Based on the fact that a man loves with his eyes, the appearance of a woman is very important. Spectacular makeup and the right clothes will help you quickly seduce the guy you want.

Few men will ignore a woman in a tight-fitting mini dress, especially skirts that are hip-hugging for guys. But at the same time, outfits that seem to provide space for fantasy are no less exciting. For example, even putting on a spacious maxi dress with deep cuts reaching to the thigh, you will definitely not be ignored by the stronger sex, especially if you can see fishnet stockings along the cut line. It is this wardrobe item in combination with shoes with very high heels that can easily turn a guy on.

How do you know if a guy is horny?

So, you have made every effort and are waiting for the appropriate results. So how do you know if a guy is horny? First, arousal can be emotional when your partner starts actively flirting with you. Then his mood changes, he will try to get as close to you as possible, touch, he can start a frank conversation.

Sexual arousal naturally manifests itself at the physiological level. Probably the most famous sign that indicates a man's desire for intimacy is an erection. Although there are pitfalls here, because an erection can cause not only sexual attraction, but too tight jeans, or a long sitting position. When a man gets aroused, his blood pressure rises, and you don't need a blood pressure monitor to determine this. Breathing becomes quick and deep, and the heart begins to beat faster.

The man's gaze is another clue on how to tell if a guy is horny. The eyes begin to shine, the pupils expand and freeze, the gaze seems to stop at the object of desire, that is, at you. At the moment of excitement, the brain, so to speak, turns off, so the guy cannot navigate, answering the question. Scientists have proven that the timbre of the voice also changes, which becomes lower than usual.

How to excite a man?

Well, if you have achieved your goal and finally found yourself in the bedroom, this does not mean at all that the game, as they say, is over. Underwear should be an integral part of your sexuality, and not only the design but also the color of the underwear matters. Gray, blue, pink and brown lingerie turned out to be the most unattractive in sexual terms, but red and black lace lingerie turned out to be at the top of popularity.

Answering the question, what are the signs of arousal in a man, any girl will immediately answer that - an erection. However, how do you know that a guy wants to make love, if you check whether his body is ready "for work and defense" is not possible.

Excitement in men - signs:

  1. The position of the body of a man.
  2. Physical reactions.

There are non-verbal body signals that can tell you as well as words if a man wants you. For example, if a guy is interested in you, wants to make love to you, on a subconscious level he will begin to copy your actions, this will manifest itself in repeating your movements, body positions. If the guy, on the other hand, starts playing in the mirror with you, this is a clear signal that he does not mind taking you to the bedroom.

During a conversation, an excited man will all the time close the distance between you, doing this completely automatically. In the process of communication, the distances between the bodies will slowly but surely decrease.

The next stage is direct contact - touch. This does not mean that a man will begin to dismiss his hands, allowing himself too much. The cooler your relationship, the less pronounced this stage will be. It can manifest itself in light contact with hands and feet. This is body language that clearly says that a man is hungry for you. Pay attention to accidents that are usually not random at all.

In the process of communication, an excited man will not miss the opportunity to give a sign of attention to the object of his desire. If you are sitting at the table, he will fill your glass, serve a snack, and in the case of a warm relationship, he will try to feed you from his hands. The latter is a sure sign that the "client is ready", take him warm, he will not go anywhere.
An excited man will help you sit down on a chair, get out of it. Will provide outerwear and help put them on. He will do all this not only out of politeness. His masculine nature will prompt him that this is an additional opportunity to establish contact, to touch the object of his desire.

Body position of a man

At the sight of an interesting woman for himself, the guy automatically turns on the "macho" mode, he straightens his back, tightens his stomach, thus demonstrating how harmonious he is and all the delights of his courageous figure. If the guy is sitting, then he will automatically spread his legs, showing the groin. Spreading legs is a gesture of a self-confident male who spotted a worthy female.

If you are standing opposite each other, then pay attention to which direction the socks of his shoes "look". Turned to you - it means that you are interesting to him.

Physical reactions

Physiologically, the state of arousal is manifested not only in the erect penis. A man's breathing rate changes, his voice, gaze, his pulse quickens, the pressure rises. If you see him straightening his tie, which seems to be strangling him, perhaps it’s not because it’s hot, but because the man is literally eager to have sex with you. At the same time, watch the man's voice, his gaze. If he is excited, then he will not be able to hide it behind the "mask".

Pay attention to the man's breathing. If he is agitated, he will not be able to breathe smoothly and calmly as in a normal state. His breathing will change.

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