Natural parenting. Mode – sleep and wakefulness. Neuropsychomotor development in the tenth month of life

Your baby hasn't just grown up. By his first birthday, he begins to position himself as an independent person, although still very dependent on his mother. He has learned to separate his body from his mother’s, and begins to understand what his mother feels and what he himself feels.

It's no secret that many mothers find it difficult to believe that yesterday's little bundle already has its own own desires, tastes, emotions. They are still so tender that they are easy to suppress, trample, ban. Make them do it “as it should”, “as it should”, “as it should be”, “as I said”...

At this time, the child reacts sharply to prohibitions, sometimes you can even notice regression in his behavior: he throws himself on the floor, refuses to walk, crawls or asks for a pacifier. In general, he protests. And what’s interesting is that it is during this period that, separating himself from his mother, the baby most often does not let her go even one step!

These are not whims. The little man is really afraid of being left without his mother: he understands her “separateness” and is afraid of losing her forever. In addition, he does not understand what time is: five minutes and infinity are the same thing for a one-year-old baby.

Baby 10 months

  • At 10 months, the child can, upon request (without demonstration), perform previously learned actions. Understands the words “go”, “sit”, “lie down” and others.
  • Play independently in the company of other children, if adults provide assistance.
  • Climb and descend from low stairs independently with support.
  • Repeats new syllables after adults, uses pseudo-words that express his attitude to what is happening. On at this stage uses in communication at least 1-2 “babble words” (such as lalya, baba), understandable in specific situation. Imitates an adult in articulation exercises and games with the tongue.
  • At 10 months, the child can use a spoon and drink from a cup or sippy cup. Bites and chews small pieces of solid food well.
  • He is calm about being potted.
  • At the request of an adult, he can make a choice between toys, items of clothing, dishes, determining what he likes more, what he likes less or is generally unacceptable. Develop this skill in your child - it is vital for the development of his psyche.

At 10 months, the child willingly carries out various tasks, and even comes up with many “important” things for himself. If you want your child to be just as proactive in the future, such behavior should be encouraged. And so that the baby does not have a feeling of helplessness and resentment because the chosen task is not up to the task (and this is what most often turns out to be), the mother must come to the rescue in a timely manner. And very much praise for the little that the child still managed to do on his own.

The child’s independence should also be encouraged. A child, for example, may have his own responsibilities that he is already quite capable of coping with. You set the table - the little one puts down the spoons. If you are going for a walk, he chooses which tights or sweater to wear: red or blue. In addition, with this approach, the baby will know what awaits him in the near future - lunch, a walk or reading fairy tales.

A predictable environment is always more comfortable for a child, but he cannot guess what is in his mother’s head. Should we be surprised at the protest on the part of the child when he suddenly has to throw his favorite ball and go to the table?...

Baby 11 months

  • By 11 months, the child can stand up independently with support, rise to sit, walk with support or independently, go up and down a short flight of stairs.
  • Give your baby a box with a ball. Then open and close it several times, revealing the ball. Then take out the ball and give the child an empty box. The baby will notice the absence of the ball and will look at you in surprise.
  • Can purposefully ring a bell, use a comb, drink from a cup, eat independently from a spoon, bring light objects when asked, wash hands and face.
  • Give your child blocks, show him how to build a tower out of them, and then destroy it. The child himself builds a tower of cubes, assembles and disassembles a pyramid of rings with wide holes.
  • Able to make generalizations: shows dolls, cars, cubes, balls, parts of his body. Distinguishes objects by shape (cubes, bricks, balls).
  • First attempts appear story game: leads, feeds, cradles the doll. She flips through and looks at the bright pictures in the book.
  • Loves to play with children, but treats different children selectively.
  • Completes the first simple instructions, understands the word “impossible”, and orients himself in the room very well.
  • By the end of the year, he pronounces “special” words that only he and his mother understand: “bah” - fall, “fa” - hat, etc.; can pronounce individual words with an understanding of their subject relationship. The first simplified words appear: “kis-kis”, “av-av”, “give”, “bye”. Uses at least 3-5 babbling words that are understandable in a specific situation.

Baby 12 months

In the first year of life, tiny creatures face a lot of crises - transitions. This includes identifying oneself as a being separate from the mother, and recognizing oneself, searching for one’s own “I”. What can I say, every new movement mastered is already a kind of leap! Moreover, for some children, even these “mini-crises” cause a “failure” in behavior. So, for example, a child who has just learned to crawl or walk for some time becomes more capricious than usual and sleeps worse...

Psychologists say that the only time When hysterics are resolved for a person, it is about a year old. Firstly, the baby does not yet know the words to explain what he wants. Secondly, hysterics are his usual way of behavior.

After all, just recently, as soon as the baby cried, began to shake his arms and legs, and the mother immediately came to find out what had happened. She calmed, consoled, and did what she wanted. Now the child is older, but the method of attracting mother’s attention is the same.

What to do with hysteria? First of all, don't expect it to go away on its own. Swearing, screaming, spanking, trying to reason with someone is useless. He still won’t hear or understand. Just pick it up, hold it close, rock it, soothe it.

If the hysteria happened on the street, take it home. In this situation, it is important to remember that the baby will not be able to calm down on his own. His muscle tone is still too high for this, he will only strain more and scream.

First year crisis

The main problem of any crisis, and especially the first year, is that parents do not have time to adapt to the rapid development of their beloved child. Just yesterday the child lay calmly in his crib and was content with rattles, but today he became interested in the buttons of the tape recorder, medicines and a hammer.

And it’s a disaster on the street - he’s always so neat, now he climbs into a puddle, buries himself in the sand, rolls on rotten leaves... At the table, the little one tries clumsily, but independently, to use a spoon, smears himself in porridge and cries desperately when his mother wants to take the feeding into her own hands.

The first reaction of adults is to stop this disgrace. But such “whims” and “ misconduct", the desire to grab everything and demonstrate inept independence is not a sign bad character and spoiled habits that need to be dealt with. These are natural manifestations of the growing up stage. Behind each of them there is something very clear, explainable and important for the baby.

It’s easy to suppress them - we adults are much stronger. But then we must be prepared for the fact that in ten years we will get a weakling and a mumbler, who will hold on to his mother’s skirt until the end of his days (or ours), unable and unwilling to live independently, to show character and willpower.

Signs of the crisis of the first year are:

  • “difficult to educate” - stubbornness, persistence, disobedience, demand increased attention;
  • a sharp increase in new forms of behavior, attempts independent actions and a decisive refusal to comply necessary procedures;
  • increased sensitivity to comments - the response is resentment, dissatisfaction, aggression;
  • increased moodiness;
  • contradictory behavior: the baby may ask for help and immediately refuse it.

Problems of the second half of the year

  • persistent self-harmful behavior;
  • non-stop masturbation;
  • inability to imitate sounds and gestures;
  • general apathy;
  • lack of favorite toys and activities;
  • constant absence of signs of dissatisfaction when encountering strangers.

If you have at least one of the listed signs, you should contact a specialist!

Games for children from 10 months to 1 year

This age is called the age of the “Little Thinker”

By the end of the first year of life, the baby’s physical mobility increases, many children begin to move freely around the apartment, happily walk around the rooms with the help of adults, and others on their own. Coordination of movements and fine motor skills are improved. The baby’s need for research is also clearly expressed. The child spends a lot of time observing objects that come into view, examines their properties, tastes them, loves to play with water, splashes the water with his palms or legs with great pleasure, and tries to catch a stream of water. Expressed interest in small items(children love to tinker with gifts from Santa Claus, looking at the colorful candy wrappers). In order to study the properties of objects, the child knocks them over, rolls them, puts them in and takes them out of the box. Interest in books and the process of turning pages appears. The baby loves to find objects that have rolled away, hides things himself and finds them with great pleasure. The number of spoken words increases. The child knows that he can use adults for his own purposes: call for help, play, etc. During this period, children are especially happy with approval and praise.

Elephant or watch, “YES” or “NO”

Purpose of the game: Adoption independent decisions, development of caution and safety in the research process.

Toys, household appliances.

Progress of the game: Your baby's curiosity knows no bounds when he starts exploring. At first, you must be nearby to ensure his safety. If you see that a child is climbing towards the sockets (special plugs must be inserted into the sockets), then you should stop him and play the game “Clock”: left-right means “NO”, don’t come near. Be sure to check how your child has mastered the game, move away from the outlets, then return to them again and ask: “What does the watch say?” Make sure the clock says it correctly. Observe how your child behaves if he approaches electrical outlets again. If the feeling of danger has not been formed, then it is worth playing “Clock” again, and so on until the baby learns that the sockets cannot be touched.

In order to develop a differentiated approach to the situation, ask the child who speaks, the elephant or the watch, when he plays with a ball, other toys, when he approaches the stove, etc.

Note to parents

It is necessary to let the child understand as early as possible that there are things that are dangerous and should not be touched.

What's in the bag

Purpose of the game: development fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity.

: 2-3 cloth bags filled with materials of various textures (sugar, salt, beans, small pebbles, etc.) and several empty cups or boxes, a blanket.

Progress of the game: Spread a blanket on the floor, place your child on it and sit next to him. Place bags and empty cups or boxes in front of the baby. Give your child the opportunity to touch the bags with his hands and let him play with them a little. Attract his attention by asking: “Let’s see what’s in our bag?” Untie the bag, show the baby its contents, demonstrate how to pour the contents of the bag into empty cups or boxes. It is best if you teach your baby to scoop the contents of the bag into his palm and pour it into an empty container. As soon as the child copes with the contents of one bag, help untie the next one, and let the baby repeat everything from the beginning. At the end of the game, together with your child, refill the bags with their contents.


Purpose of the game: development of fine motor skills, purposeful actions, development of collective play skills.

Necessary materials and visual aids: baby bucket, various molds, scoop.

Progress of the game: During a walk, go to the sandbox and show your child how to use a scoop. Let the baby collect sand in a bucket. As soon as the bucket is full, carefully turn it upside down and show the baby what came out of it.

In the future, make other sand figures from the existing molds. The child likes to build something out of sand, in the future he will independently make Easter cakes, houses, etc.

Note to parents

Watch your child so that he does not throw sand or hit other children with a shovel, teach him to peacefully resolve conflicts.

Sand castle

Purpose of the game: development of imagination, fine motor skills.

Necessary materials and visual aids: scoop.

Progress of the game: together with your child, build a castle, fantasize, build various labyrinths through which water flows, towers, walls, let your child enjoy the opportunity to dig in the sand and play with water. Delivers to the baby great pleasure splashing your palms on the water and wet sand.


Purpose of the game: development of coordination of movements, sense of rhythm, emotional contact and mutual understanding.

Necessary materials and visual aids: rhythmic music, blanket.

Progress of the game: turn on rhythmic music, develop and do simple exercises, encourage the child, count loudly and clearly. Take your baby by the hands, jump a little, lie on the floor and do a few exercises while lying on the floor. The child will repeat your movements; he really likes to do physical education with his dad and mom. After class, be sure to praise your child.

Note to parents

Do aerobics with your baby, it promotes better mutual understanding and establishment of emotional contact.

Dad, mom, grandma, grandfather

Purpose of the game: development of communication skills, speech perception, recognition of dad and other family members in the photo.

Necessary materials and visual aids: family photos.

Progress of the game: sit the baby next to you, pick up the family album. Show your child a photo of family members, look at his reaction: does he recognize his mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. Children get their bearings quite quickly, and some unmistakably recognize their relatives and friends. Turning the pages family album, ask the baby: “Show me where dad (mom, etc.)” is, praise for the correct answers. Children like to look at photographs; they make joyful sounds, perk up when they see familiar faces, and recognize themselves in the photographs. When your child looks at the photo, ask him: “Where is daddy’s nose and mouth?” etc. Praise him for the correct answers.

Me with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She's in my plans

At the same time with me.

I don't know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her.

But grandma's hands

I love everything more than anything.

Brushing our teeth

Purpose of the game: development of hygiene skills.

Necessary materials and visual aids: soft toothbrush.

Progress of the game: in the morning and at night it is necessary to teach your baby to brush his teeth. For achievement good results It is best to brush your teeth with your child. Looking at you, he will copy your movements, and approval and the magic phrase: “Look how big he is, he’s already brushing his teeth!” They work fantastically: the child starts brushing his teeth at the first mention of it. Teach your child to rinse his mouth, wash his brush, and put it back in its place. When your baby brushes his teeth, you can say:

We have five teeth in our mouth.

And a year will pass,

Your mouth will be full.

If a carrot gets on your tooth -

Crunch-crunch, Crunch-crunch!

The cabbage will fall

And there will be no descent for her.

And we know a lot about nuts -

Click, click,

Click, click!

After your child has brushed his teeth, be sure to say: “The teeth are clean, they say thank you.”

Accurate shooter

Purpose of the game: development of movement coordination, eye, dexterity, general motor skills.

Necessary materials and visual aids: baby bucket, acorns, nuts.

Progress of the game: Place a bucket not far from the baby, show him how a nut or acorn flies into the bucket. When the child tries to get into the bucket, tilt the container slightly towards the baby so that he can throw in the nuts or acorns on his own. Praise him for his accuracy. Count the number of hits. The baby, as a rule, likes the game and can indulge in this activity for quite a long time. Don't rush him and don't stop the game abruptly, let him play as long as he wants. After playing together, collect the nuts and acorns in a bucket and put the bucket back in place.

Note to parents

Take a close look at how your child plays, and you will be able to see a lot of useful things for yourself that will make you think and change your behavior and attitude towards him.

The mouse ran

Purpose of the game: development of research abilities, application of acquired experience, development of mutual understanding.

Necessary materials and visual aids: ball.

Progress of the game: child plays with a ball. Imperceptibly change the trajectory of the ball so that it rolls under the table, chair, behind the closet, while saying:

The mouse ran

She waved her tail,

She rolled the ball under the table (chair, etc.).

Ask your child to get the ball. If he for a long time cannot cope with the task, come to help (help should be minimal or just create the appearance of help). As soon as your child gets the toy, be sure to praise him for his effort. Children are very impatiently waiting for the ball to roll somewhere, so they are happy to direct it under the bed or somewhere else. At the same time, the child is happy, he is open to communication and demands it. After the game, take the baby in your arms, hold him close, and kiss him.

The doll (bear, dog, etc.) is sick

Purpose of the game: development of independent play skills.

Necessary materials and visual aids: doll (bear, dog, etc.).

Progress of the game: baby plays with a doll or other toy. Tell your child that his toy is sick and needs to be treated, watch what he does. Try to direct his actions towards caring for the doll and treating her kindly. The child performs with the sick toy the same actions that he himself experienced from adults when he was sick, sat at the table, and went to bed. Help your child heal the toy if he is confused and doesn’t know what to do.

We are building a house

Purpose of the game: development of purposeful actions with toys.

Necessary materials and visual aids: plastic cubes of various sizes, a blanket.

Progress of the game: spread a blanket on the floor, put the child on it, sit next to him. Carefully remove the cubes from the box and start building a house. Do not deliberately involve your child in the game. After some time, the baby himself will actively get involved in the construction. Teach him to play quietly and calmly, show him what can happen if his movements are sudden (the house falls). Gradually withdraw yourself so that the baby plays and builds on his own, without your help. If the house falls, reassure the baby and offer to try to build the house again. If your child doesn't succeed, distract him and remove the blocks. Return to the game in a few days, try to put the cubes in the same way they were a few days ago. Once the house is built, work together to put the toys back in their place.


Purpose of the game: development of movement coordination, articulation, artistic imitation, comparison.

Necessary materials and visual aids: animal toys, books with pictures of animals.

Progress of the game.

1st option: the child can walk around the room, it is necessary to attract his attention by showing the toy.

“Sasha (child’s name) is jumping, Sasha is jumping like a gray bunny.” “How does the bunny jump?” (the child shows how the hare jumps).

“Sasha walks like a kitten, arching her back”, “How does a kitten walk? ", "The kitten is hungry and says to everyone: "Meow."

Similarly, they continue to ask about all animals.

2nd option: Instead of toys, books with pictures of animals are used. Mom or Dad asks, showing a picture of an animal: “Who is this?” The child can respond by imitating the animal with sounds or gestures. Pay close attention to your baby's gestures to better understand his language.

After playing together, put the toys and books back in their place. Praise your child for his knowledge and efforts.

Prints (or first pictures)

Goals of the game: development of fine motor skills of the hands, massage of the active zones of the palms.

Necessary materials and visual aids: gouache, a sheet of whatman paper, clean rags for hands.

How to play: Spread a sheet of Whatman paper on the table or floor. Take gouache and smear it on your child's hand. Let the baby get used to the fact that his hand is a different color. Place your child’s hand on a piece of whatman paper, watch the reaction, see what he will do next. Dry your hand with a clean cloth. Repeat everything with the next color, just don’t help the child. After some time, a picture will be drawn on whatman paper. Hang it in your children's room. Praise your child for his efforts.

You can draw in a similar way with your feet if you smear gouache on your feet. Improvise. This kind of game gives the child a lot of positive emotions.

Note to parents

Don’t ignore your child’s work; organize an exhibition of your first children’s drawings.

WITH early age Teach your child to handle books carefully and not tear them.

Reading books

Purpose of the game: development of fine motor skills, development of speech understanding, purposeful movements with objects, cognitive abilities.

Necessary materials and visual aids: books with bright pictures and thick pages.

Progress of the game: Place the child on your lap, take a book. Turn the pages of the book slowly to attract your baby's attention. Soon he will start turning pages on his own. Stop him if he turns the pages very quickly, explain that he did not have time to read, or hold the baby’s attention on the picture so that he can point out and depict the animal or object drawn in the picture. After the book is read, you can turn the pages more quickly, but be sure to ask the child about what is drawn in the picture or where the horse, dog is, how they speak, how they walk, run, etc.

After the game, praise your child for his neatness and curiosity.


Purpose of the game: development of the speech apparatus.

Progress of the game: Place the child opposite you. Attract his attention and try playing with him the game “Tongue at home, tongue out for a walk.”

Ask the baby to show what kind of tongue he has, ask him to hide it, saying: “The tongue has gone home.” Then ask to show the tongue: “The tongue went out for a walk.”

Repeat this way several times. Praise the child for his efforts, end the game with the tongue hidden at home.

"Let's smile, laugh..." Smile at the child, make him smile back, try to keep the baby smiling as long as possible.

"Watch or chatter". Ask the baby to show what kind of tongue he has, show him how the tongue can run from one corner of the mouth to the other. The exercise may not work out at first, but over time the baby’s imitative abilities will help him complete this exercise.


Parents are often interested in what to do with their child at home using the Montessori system at a given age. Indeed, we should not forget that in at different ages Children's needs vary and although Montessori materials are presented in different age groups, nevertheless, a 3-year-old child is more likely to choose exercises from the zone practical life, and 5 years old will give preference to practicing mathematics.

In addition, the materials in groups for children 0-1.5 years old, 1.5-3 years old and 3-6 years old are completely different.

What should parents of this or that age choose? We will tell you what is most important for a child of your age, what materials you should definitely acquire, and what else you can help your baby to develop harmoniously.

So, your baby is from 10 months to one and a half years old. What to focus on Special attention?

Development gross motor skills.

At about one year of age, movement development still takes place. leading place. It is very important to give your child the opportunity to spend as much time as possible in free movement.

What will you need?

Provide reliable support for the ability to stand and walk. This can be a special crossbar attached to the wall or, at home, furniture that the child cannot move while leaning on it.

Minimize the baby’s stay in strollers and other devices that limit the child’s activity.

Don't interfere natural course events: you should not help your child get up or force him to walk by the hand. Do not use walkers or other similar devices that do not allow the child to independently develop movements.

You can offer your child crawling “with obstacles”: all kinds of tunnels and pillows through which you need to crawl. Children usually enjoy participating in such games.

Provide the opportunity to develop movements on the playground, steps, slides, etc.

Development of fine motor skills and establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.

At the age of about one year, the child begins to form cause-and-effect relationships. The child begins to understand that if he throws a ball on a slide, it will roll down, but if he puts something in a box and covers it with a lid, it will not disappear. It is important to select toys that help the child establish such connections. Children can experiment with such materials many times, being assured of the constancy of what is happening.

What will you need?

Any toys in which you need to put an object in a hole and see what happens to it: ball slides, pushing balls into the hole with your fingers or a hammer, boxes with a hole for a ball that open in any way, “piggy banks”, etc.

Various frame inserts.

Different opening boxes and different locks: hook, latch, etc.

Pyramids (the rings are put on out of order) or any toys with figures on pins that can be put on both vertically and horizontally.

Sensory development.

Intensive development of sense organs continues. However, at such an early age there is still no need to separate them into a separate materials zone. Development occurs mainly in Everyday life.

What will you need?

Best help For sensory development The environment surrounding the child will serve the baby. Allow him to explore it with all his senses, especially while walking. Take the baby out of the stroller, give him the opportunity to crawl and walk on the grass, touch the sand or water, and smell the flowers.

Hearing development.

Continue to offer your child a variety of musical toys. Now these can be more complex instruments, such as drums, xylophone, and various bells. Play instruments and sing with your child. Encourage your baby to listen to melodic music.

Touch tracks

Once your baby learns to crawl, you can create a sensory trail for him. It can be made from different pleasant materials: different fabric, cotton wool, sand.

Sensory books

There are many sensory books on sale now. But you can make such a book yourself from various materials. Please ensure that the colors in the book are harmonious.

Speech development.

Usually, at the age of about a year, a child begins to understand speech addressed to him and pronounces his first words. Now the baby needs to expand his vocabulary.

What will you need?

Books in the “My First Words” series.

Speech boxes for expansion vocabulary(animal figures, fruits and vegetables, transport, etc.).

Exercises in practical life.

About a year old, the child just begins to take an interest in the activities of the adults around him. The baby can watch them closely, but it can still be difficult to join mom or repeat her actions. You can offer your baby the most simple exercises for personal care, for example, wiping your mouth with a napkin, and for surrounding things: watering flowers, wiping up spills with a rag or washing fruit. If the child does not yet want to participate in similar actions, you shouldn’t encourage him to do them. Interest in the exercises of practical life will definitely awaken, just a little later.

Kids grow quickly, acquire new skills, and copy the behavior of adults. Parents can help harmonious development, based on generalized characteristics compiled experienced pediatricians, psychologists and teachers. By the age of one and ten, most children learn to be independent and begin to show character.

Physical development of babies at one year and ten months

At this age, the baby's movements become more confident. Is your child trying to move independently? and these attempts are increasingly proving successful. Some children can bounce in place without losing their balance or falling over on their side.

Playing with the ball is now much more interesting, because you can hold it tightly in your hands and throw it forward or to the side. Parents are touched and happy about all these new skills, with the exception of the actively developing ability to take off their clothes.

Closer to the second year, children begin to take off the things carefully put on by their mother - a hat, mittens, a blouse. And everything that can be stolen ends up on the floor.

Don't punish your child. This is how he defends his independence. Buy clothes with fasteners that are more difficult for your baby to handle than Velcro and snaps.

Most babies have 18 teeth coming out by their second year, while some begin to have molars. If it’s less, there’s no need to panic—everyone’s teeth grow at an individual rate.

Features of mental development at the age of 1 year and 10 months

At this stage, all children actively continue to get acquainted with the world around them. They are interested in everything and everyone.

Parents need to be especially careful. Because a child at this age has not yet developed the instinct of self-preservation. A child, finding himself alone with an object that may be dangerous, cannot experience the feeling of anxiety inherent in adults.

In addition, the child begins to imitate his parents and repeats their actions. Many people like to wash with adults. They carefully copy the sequence of their actions.

Don't be surprised if your daughter shows an increased interest in cosmetics and tries to put on makeup. This is how she projects the actions of her mother, which she observes every day.

In games, children aged 1 and 10 prefer collecting construction sets and studying three-dimensional figures, building towers. Watching what an adult builds during the game, the little one will diligently try to repeat it.

The range of emotions is expanding. The ability to empathize and care develops.

Close people need to show attention and care, give the child love, show understanding and take into account his opinion. Family warmth and support help in the formation of a harmonious personality.

Communication with people around you

By one year and ten months, toddlers are able to understand some of the requests of adults and fulfill them. On the street they pay attention to other children, and some kids like group games.

But not all children are enthusiastic about playing with others. There is no need to force the baby. Watching other people's children from the side, he takes a closer look at his peers and their games.

By the age of one and ten, children begin to distinguish intonations in conversation and are able to answer the questions “Who is this?”, “What is this?”, if you point them to an object or image of people who are familiar to them.

What should children already be able to do at one year and 10 months?

Every day the baby learns something new. By this age, one year and 10 months, the baby begins to frequently communicate with others, uttering not only sounds, but also words. Having met a peer on the street or at a party, the child may try to communicate and make friends.

Constant communication between parents and the child, reading fairy tales, and watching cartoons helps in the development of speech. Children at this age require re-reading the same fairy tale or watching the same cartoon. They remember many words and sentences and try to reproduce them.

Toddlers of this age not only take off their clothes. Most children put on mittens, a hat, a scarf themselves, and some try to put on shoes without outside help.

Don’t be surprised if during this period the baby begins to disassemble his toys into parts - this is how learning new things happens. It would do well for parents to be vigilant; in these situations it is necessary to check that toys do not contain small parts, which the baby can swallow, and sharp corners that can cause injury.

By this age, toddlers hold cutlery independently and can drink from a cup without spilling its contents.

Nutrition for children one year and 10 months

Every month children's diet is replenished with new products and dishes, they are necessary for growth and development.

The daily menu should include such products as:

  • porridge;
  • fish, eggs (alternate);
  • dairy products;
  • meat;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables.

Classic milk porridge must be prepared so that the consistency is slightly viscous. It is advisable to add vegetables, fruits or boiled meat to porridge without milk. Diversify your diet and taste sensations allows you to cook porridge in the oven. It turns out something similar to pudding.

Amount of milk in pure form needs to be reduced. It reduces appetite and can cause stomach and intestinal problems. Therefore, it is better to add it to soups and cereals.

  • cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • kefir;
  • sour cream.

Eggs should appear on the menu no more than once every 2 days.

Fresh fruits necessary products in the diet, but it is advisable to observe how the baby’s body reacts to their introduction. Some fruits can cause allergies, while others can have a laxative effect.

Dried fruits can be included in dishes , but not more than 50 g per week. Dried fruits are added to porridges and used for cooking compotes and jelly.

Raw vegetables or vegetable salads before lunch helps improve appetite. Grating vegetables is not entirely necessary. At this age, children are able to eat foods cut into small pieces.

The incoming food must contain at least 70% carbohydrates.

Intelligence and character of a baby at 1 year and 10 months

Children at the age of 10 months begin to understand what adults are talking about, with the exception of complex words that are not yet known to them. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor what and how to say in the presence of the baby.

In addition, children learn to solve more complex problems and are able to select elements of the same color as their toy or clothing.

Facial expressions, intonations and gestures become more diverse, and in games kids remember and reproduce correct sequence actions.

The child tries to show his individuality, to defend own opinion. Because of this, riots and hysterics occur if they bring him a bottle or plate that is not his “favorite” or if he is put on the “wrong” outfit.

Parents must understand that these are not just whims, but a desire for stability and attempts to express their opinions.

A child between the ages of 10 and 10 can express his emotions through bites.

Reasons for this behavior

  • Aggression.
  • Excitement.
  • Curiosity.

It is necessary to explain to the child that such behavior is unacceptable, and that by biting he causes pain to the person.

Educational games for children aged 1 year and 10 months

It is necessary to take care of the development of the baby; it is not advisable to let everything take its course.
At this age, the emphasis is on games to develop fine motor skills, learning correct definition colors and shapes of objects, drawing.

It is advisable to use construction sets and sets that have many parts different color, shape and size.

Exercising in the morning will help strengthen the immune system and make the baby’s movements more confident.

Babies at 1 year and 10 months require close attention. Work with your child more often, and your baby will develop correctly and harmoniously.

You need to spend a lot of time with a 10-11 month old baby. Now the baby is confidently moving around the apartment, crawling, and starting to walk. He moves for a reason, but with specific goals - to take a toy, look out the window, and so on. That is, he is faced with adult tasks: to estimate the number of steps to various items, outline the most appropriate route of movement.

At 10 months, a child gradually learns to walk, so appropriate activities should be aimed at overcoming the fear of independent movement. Take the baby by the hands, walk him a little, then release his hands and, taking a step back, call him to you. You should not use walkers or reins (we recommend reading:). With these items, the child will get used to relying on outside help, but he must rely on himself. However, toys like a toy car or other transportation long handle will help develop coordination, but he must roll them on his own.

The age of 10 months is very important for a baby - he learns to walk without assistance.

What toys should I buy for my baby?

  1. Your older baby still enjoys playing with rattles. It's too early to deprive him of his old toys.
  2. It is worth buying a plastic or wooden pyramid with multi-colored wheels of different sizes.
  3. The baby should have balls and other toys that can be used to provide him with physical activity.
  4. Plastic or wooden cubes different colors will be able to keep your child busy.
  5. We need to buy dolls from soft materials- it can be rubber, fabric or soft plastic. Dolls should have clearly drawn eyes, nose, mouth, and ears so that the baby can study the human structure.
  6. Buy a toy piano or xylophone. Musical instruments develop motor-visual coordination in the baby, help strengthen cause-and-effect thinking: press a key - a certain sound is heard.
  7. Buy toy plates and plastic cups, to size suitable for baby(the diameter should be approximately equal to the size of his palm).
  8. Buy toys depicting various animals. They will contribute to the accumulation of knowledge about appearance representatives of fauna.
  9. Tech toys will also be very interesting: it could be cars, a telephone, etc. If your child starts walking, buy him toy stroller for dolls Rolling a stroller with a doll is interesting for both girls and boys.

The above list of toys is needed in games that promote proper development child from 10 months. Dad and mom should both take part in activities with the baby. They perform different role functions at home and do not replace each other for the child.

You definitely need to take a lot of walks with your child. There's so much to see outside little man! Show him a living bird, cat, dog, flower - let the baby learn about the diversity of the world around us.

Make an effort to develop 10 one month old baby perseverance. He should be able to hold his attention on one object for at least 3 minutes - try to concentrate his attention on the same toy (we recommend reading:).

How to convert games with old toys?

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Dr. Komarovsky drew attention to the fact that at 10-11 months the baby, manipulating 2 objects at once, tries to do something with one through the other (we recommend reading:). He knocks on the pan with a strainer, puts a ball in a bucket, that is, he uses one of the objects as a means of playing with another. The baby carefully watches the adults and tries to repeat their actions. He already understands who is in what mood - be cheerful and friendly with him. The more you show him in his presence which items are used how, the better. These actions can be performed in games.

A few weeks ago, your baby played with all the toys in the same way - he tasted them, hit them on furniture and on the floor, looked at them, shook them. It's time to use the toys for their intended purpose.

  • Show your child how the phone works. Take a toy or a broken one old phone, press a few buttons, pick up the phone and say: “Hi, I’m a mom.” Soon the child will understand that he needs to pick up the phone and call his mother.
  • Take one car for yourself, another for your baby. Roll the car on the floor while saying “doo-doo” or “beep-beep.” The child will begin to repeat after you. Take a toy truck, put a small doll or teddy bear in it, roll it around the room with a string - the baby will also master this use of this toy.
  • Ring the bell You can get your baby to listen to the melody from an earlier age. The time has come to give the bell to your son (daughter); let your child ring it on his own. Think of something pleasant that will happen after the bell rings - for example, patting the baby on the head - this will promote understanding of cause and effect relationships.
  • Fun with a ball look like this: you can roll the ball, like a car, towards the baby’s legs and back, you can throw the ball or roll it in different directions - towards a closet or buffet, stimulating the child’s desire to move along a certain trajectory. With this pastime you will provide your baby with physical activity.

Additionally, you can include in the “program” attempts to distinguish colors and shapes - this can be done using the most ordinary objects that are in the house. A similar lesson is presented in the video.

Showing your child new actions

Take a pyramid, show your baby how to take it apart on a wheel and then put it back together. Help him put the ring on the stick, pointing it towards correct position his pen. Gradually teach your baby to wear rings depending on the size. It won't happen right away, but gradually you will achieve success. Show your child how to add blocks. Fold the cubes based on their colors, then scatter them in random order. Give your child the opportunity to repeat your actions.

Take white sheets of clean paper and crumple one of them into a ball. Give the second sheet of paper to your baby and help him crumple the paper. He will try to crumple the third sheet without your help. Throw the resulting “snowball” at the baby or at some distant object for accuracy. If your baby throws a snowball at you, dodge so that he understands how to play snowballs, then he will also start dodging your snowballs. If he pulls the paper into his mouth instead of crumpling it and rolling a snowball, put off the game for 1 - 2 months - it’s too early to entertain the child in this way.

Wear necklaces with large beads around your neck. Remove the beads and give them to the baby. Have him put them on, then help him take them off. Approximately the same procedure can be repeated with a bracelet made of large plates with an elastic band. Put the bracelet on the baby's arm, take it off, extend your hand to him - let him put the bracelet on you.

You can offer your child other exercises to develop fine motor skills. Show him how to unscrew empty caps plastic bottles. The child will try to repeat your actions, just make sure that he does not swallow the cork.

Playing with a pyramid at this age is great for developing fine motor skills and improving a child’s concentration.

Putting things in order

Stock up on clean containers - a basin, a bucket, a plastic box. Show your child how to put balls, cubes, a pyramid in a basin, and put the toys in a bucket. Each toy makes a certain sound when falling, this will once again help the baby distinguish the toys from each other. Pour the toys back onto the floor or into the crib and ask your child to collect them.

Play detective with your child. Put the ball in the bucket and ask him to find the ball, hide the toy under the pillow or cover it with a bowl. When your baby finds the hidden objects, praise him.

Ask the baby where daddy is, where grandma is, where auntie is- let him look with the eyes of the named people. Place the toys upside down in front of your child and see if he wants to turn them over correctly.

Matching objects to their images and sounds

While showing your child various toy animals or pictures of them, tell them that the cat says “meow,” the dog “woof,” the pig “oink,” and the cow “moo.” Then ask them to repeat how a cat speaks, like a cow, and like a dog - this will develop speech skills. Using the words “meow, woof, moo,” the child will designate a specific animal. Such games will help develop thinking.

Give your 10 month old a lesson in basic anatomy. When bathing or dressing your child, show him where the arms are, where the legs are, where the belly is. Show yourself where the eyes are, where the nose is, where the ears are, where the mouth is - this way the baby will learn the basics of anatomy.

The difference between objects can be explained to the baby the following actions: show your child a large cube and a small one, a hard toy and a soft one, a prickly hedgehog and a smooth ball - let the baby play with these objects to his heart’s content and feel them.

The benefits of fairy tales for educational exercises are undeniable. When reading a book to your child - for example, "Turnip", show him where the woman is, where the grandfather is, where the cat is, where the mouse is, then ask him to find the cat or mouse. Your baby will begin to match the picture to the name.

Be sure to sing nursery rhymes to your 10-month-old baby, and to make the text easier to understand, accompany the verses with gestures and facial expressions of the corresponding character. Teach your baby to play the drum and xylophone, show him how to dance and clap his hands to the music. Musical education should begin from a very young age - let the child develop an ear for music from childhood.

By spending enough time with your baby, you will get desired result. A person will become smarter before his eyes, since his whole being strives for knowledge. He learns about the world many times faster than an adult, just help him with this.

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