Why do gymnasts have no waist? Clothes: how to hide a flaw. Video: The most dangerous abdominal exercises

Fast food and late-night snacking are not the only enemies of a thin waist. Improper exercises also prevent us from achieving this! We present to you 5 mistakes on the way to a wasp waist and a beautiful belly.

A thin waist is a matter of technique and proper nutrition

First, a little anatomy: the girth of the midsection largely depends on the hormonal characteristics of the body. Let's say, those ladies who have a lot of female sex hormones in their blood (especially estradiol) can boast thin waist. And those who lack these substances in their bodies are not among such lucky ones.

First mistake: indulging in low-calorie diets

Some, trying to make their waist thin, follow diets that allow them to consume less than 1200 kcal per day. This makes no sense, experts say. “Yes, you will lose weight on a low-calorie diet, but only through muscle, not fat, which will remain flabby on your sides.”, warns Sasha Brown, Hollywood fitness model and personal trainer sports club "Studio City Fitness Gym" in Los Angeles. Besides low calorie diets slow down metabolism, and upon completion, the weight, as a rule, returns with “friends”.

What to do? Adjust nutrition. “It is important not only to balance your diet, but also to monitor portions: a stretched stomach will definitely not make your waist thin”, warns Sasha Brown. It is not at all necessary to have scales or measuring cups on hand to determine right size servings can be done using your palms. “Your lunch might look something like this: the volume of vegetables should be as large as two of your fists, and the volume of animal protein should be as big as your palm, not counting your fingers. Everything else - cereals, legumes, fruits, dairy products, etc. - no more than one fist,” - expert advises. On the way to a thin waist, it won’t hurt to give up not only sweets and fatty foods, but also reduce the amount of fruit. “Despite the abundance of vitamins in them, fruits also have a high glycemic index. And the higher it is, the greater the chance of fat deposition in the middle part of the body,” explains Sasha Brown. It is also worth reducing your consumption of legumes, fermented milk products, and sticky cereals (oats, semolina) - these products can cause bloating, which will also increase your waist circumference.

Second mistake: long cardio workouts

You won't be able to become slimmer without aerobic exercise. Just as you won’t be able to make your waist thin by doing these types of activities for a long time: cardio training (running, aerobics, brisk walking or exercise on an elliptical trainer) lasting more than 50 minutes will not rid your sides of the fat layer, but they can destroy muscle mass. And without it to achieve elastic forms and fast metabolism is impossible!

What to do? “In order to maintain muscles and make your waist thin, 25-40 minutes of effective cardio exercise several times a week is enough.”, explains Sasha Brown. The easiest way is to divide your aerobic workouts into 5-minute sections, adding lunges, squats and jumping exercises in between. Such activities stimulate active fat burning. Start exercising twice a week and increase the number of workouts to three or four. If you can do the exercises before breakfast, you will see results much faster.

You don't have to spend hours in the gym to get a slim waist.

Third mistake: incorrect exercises

These include, for example, bending to the sides with weights. It would seem that what could be more effective: after all, from these movements we feel tension in one side or the other? In fact, such exercises only increase your waist circumference. “Bending to the sides develops the oblique muscles of the abdomen, and instead of beautiful curves you will get absolutely straight, rough lines,” - warns Sasha Brown.

What to do? Avoid these exercises in favor of yoga. “It contains a lot of power asanas and dynamic complexes that stimulate metabolism and have a beneficial effect on work internal organs», - says Natalya Minina, yoga therapist at the MICOMed Oriental Medicine Clinic. Experts advise basing your practice on those poses where you have to twist your body. “These asanas stretch the side muscles, creating a slimmer waist and improving blood circulation.” explains Suvani Stepanek, yoga professor at City College of San Francisco. So that muscle volumes begin to decrease, forming beautiful curves, you need to stay in each pose for at least 30 seconds and perform the complexes at least twice a week.

Fourth mistake: daily exercise on the press

“Abs exercises are not fat burning”- explains Sasha Brown. Crunches are the same strength exercise as squats, and require muscle recovery: that is, to “draw” on the stomach beautiful cubes, the muscles need to rest for at least a day after an intense workout.

In addition, if your muscles are covered with a thick layer of fat, then soon after the first workouts you may notice that your waist circumference is only increasing.

What to do? Strengthen your abdominal muscles by doing planks. This exercise does not build muscle, but tightens the stomach. Start with 15 seconds and gradually increase this time to 1 minute. Do the plank every other day for 3-4 approaches. When the fat layer at the waist becomes smaller, you can start doing crunches. Sasha Brown shares her abdominal workout: “Do 15-20 crunches, immediately move on to leg raises from a lying position without rest, and then do a plank for 1 minute. Rest and repeat 2-3 more rounds.”

Fifth mistake: refusing other strength exercises

Many women, in pursuit of a thin waist, avoid training on other muscle groups, paying attention only to the abdominals. “There’s no way to lose weight just at the waist, because fat doesn’t go away locally,” explains Alexandra Burdakova, a physiologist at an Australian clinic. In addition, abdominal exercises are not energy-intensive enough, so there will most likely be no results from such training.

What to do? Work all muscle groups. “Strength training improves metabolism and speeds up the fat burning process, even at rest,” - says the expert. Set aside at least one day a week to work your back and shoulder girdle. “By forming muscle in the upper body, you will visually harmonize your figure and reduce your waist,” - says Alexandra Burdakova. Set aside another day to work your gluteal muscles to balance your body proportions and create a sandy silhouette. Do not forget to also take care of your skin so that it does not lose its elasticity and firmness. Can give skin tone cold and hot shower, and regular massage in the waist area will help speed up the breakdown of fat and form graceful lines.

Greetings, gentlemen and especially ladies! Today we have an unusual article - a women's one. And the topic is very pressing and relevant: how to make your waist thin. After reading, every young lady will know what steps need to be taken in order to achieve a wasp waist, we will look at how general recommendations, and a specific case that will quickly reduce the total volume.

So, sit down please, let's get started.

How to make your waist thin: the theoretical side of the issue.

I have already mentioned types more than once female figures and preference towards them on the part of the male population. So, in a nutshell, the most interesting or eye-pleasing for us are the pear-shaped and sand shapes, and from the point of view of ideal anthropometry, the latter is considered the standard. The main curvy features of the watch are the presence of smooth lines and streamlined curves. Representatives of this body type are distinguished by a pronounced waist, which effectively emphasizes a moderately curvy top and the same bottom. Actually, the work on creating narrow waist That's what we'll do in this post.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Why do you need waist measurements?

What lady doesn't want to learn the secret of how to make a thin waist? At least I haven't met anyone like that. Ask any smart girl with this question, and she will answer: “Of course I want to!” Subsequently, we will just start implementing this wish, but first we will dig a little into the theory.

Waist size is one of the main factors showing the degree of neglect of your physique and overall health. Therefore, it is extremely important to “keep” your waist within adequate limits, in particular the following:

  • for men (no more 94 cm);
  • for women (no more 80 cm);

The optimal ratio is considered 75-80 in men, against 65-70 among women.


The width of the waist from left to right depends on genetics and bone structure, but its thickness from front to back can be adjusted.

Any hint of a waist makes a woman’s figure much more attractive, and therefore the desire of women to reduce waist volume will always be one of their priorities. Compare the visuals of women with and without waistlines and draw your own conclusions.

We all know very well, and women even feel for themselves, that after certain events, for example, the birth of a child, the waist begins to float and spread to the sides. And just a year ago you were a thin and loud girl, and after giving birth you turned into a tasteless “chick” (recorded from the words of the reader). However, everything is not so sad, and the current situation can be improved. Let's talk about how later.

Waist enlargement in women over 40. How does it happen?

Usually, it is after childbirth that women face the question of reducing their waist, and if the reasons for such swelling are quite understandable, then with the distribution of the waist in women, not everything is so clear. In more mature age, after 40-45 years, the issue of waist narrowing is becoming relevant again. And here it is important to understand how, in principle, the process of increasing the waist occurs in this case.

For example, you got knocked 45 , which means that, most likely, natural women's processes stopped in your body (or are in the decaying stage), I'm talking about menstruation and menopause now. In women, the main reproductive hormone is estrogen, it regulates menstrual cycle and helps thicken the uterine wall to prepare for conception and pregnancy. During menopause, the ovaries produce less estrogen, and as a result, the body begins to convert more of the calories consumed into fat rather than muscle. Fat cells burn fewer calories, so during menopause you are likely to increase your weight and, as a result, your waist.

Another hormone that can also be found in women is testosterone. It helps the body produce muscle mass and increases the metabolic rate. During menopause, testosterone levels drop, metabolism slows and the body burns fewer calories.

Another androgen hormone (or rather a group), which is present in women in relatively small quantities, is responsible (among other things) for sexual attraction and increasing energy, these are DHEA, DHEA sulfate, as well as androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone. Increased levels (By various reasons, for example, when using doping) cause masculinization of women and, among other things, the deposition of fat deposits in the middle part of the abdomen. In general, androgen levels decrease during menopause, but estrogen levels drop at higher rates, making the androgen ratio higher.

Not many people know, but the cause of a large waist is not always an excessive level of subcutaneous fat. The body's retention of water can contribute to the appearance of a bulging tummy. The important “fertility hormone” progesterone decreases during menopause, and the decrease in its levels leads to water retention, causing the stomach to swell, increasing the size of your waist.

Another hormonal factor that increases the waistline is high levels stress, anxiety, depression. Chronic stress causes a release increased level which contributes to the emergence of the animal lifebuoy. Cortisol itself is not a bad hormone; it is designed to give a person 5-10 minutes of energy in times of danger. Chronic stress has become a common factor in modern life, and therefore the body is not able to distinguish real threat from everyday life life situation, and the released energy often remains unused (not used), which leads to weight gain, including waist size.

So, we’ve dug the theory, let’s move on to...

How to make your waist thin: the practical side of the issue

If you are waiting for some secret methods, then I hasten to disappoint you, everything is quite banal and straightforward. To make a narrow waist, you need a set of the following measures:

  • special exercises.
  • nutrition adjustments;

I. Exercises for a thin waist

For those who don’t know, I’ve been on the project since February 2015 there is an opportunity to order. So, at one time, several readers contacted me with specific goals - to narrow their waist. This has been achieved (on average the decrease in girth was 3-5 cm), and further we will look at how this was achieved.

No. 1. Vacuum

If you're looking for the answer to how to slim your waist, one of the best waist-trimming exercises is the vacuum. This is an isometric exercise (muscle tenses without moving) for the transverse abdominis muscle, which acts as a natural corset for your core (natural weightlifting belt). The transversus muscle holds the internal organs and can therefore prevent bloating.


Take a lying position on your back, bend your knees and place your legs on the floor. Exhale all the air from your lungs. Make maximum effort and bring your stomach as close to your spine as possible, trying to touch your navel to the latter. One isometric contraction is one repetition. The vacuum exercise can be performed while kneeling, sitting or lying down. The average delay time in the compressed position is 15-30 seconds (as progress 60 ) , then comes relaxation and a new repetition. Take small breaths as needed.


The correct execution is controlled by a deep burning sensation in the abdominal area, the more repetitions you do and the longer you hold the tension.

Execute 3 approach to 10-15 once (By 30 seconds).

No. 2. Plank

An exercise to strengthen your core muscles and create tight abs.


Execute 3 approach to 45-60 hold seconds.

No. 3. Side plank

The exercise targets the lateral core muscles, internal and external obliques.


Execute 3 approach to 45-60 hold seconds.


Overdeveloped obliques make the waist look bigger and worsen the “sandiness” of the figure, so you should not perform the exercise often and in combination with other obliques.

No. 4. Burpee

It’s not quite a purely abdominal exercise and is rather a total exercise (for the whole body). Often used in high-intensity circuit training (HIIT), making you work most muscle groups. It combines: squats, planks, push-ups and jumping jacks.


It does not present any difficulties and is fully described by the image.

Execute 3 approach to 10 repetitions of the full cycle.

No. 5. Jumping rope

One more thing, it would seem, not thematic exercise– jumping rope. However, it can make a significant contribution to slimming your waist by increasing your metabolic rate. In addition, it constantly keeps the core muscles in tension. After completing the main strength training, in order to lose weight, it is useful to conduct high-intensity training with a jump rope like: 40 seconds of fast jumps, 15 seconds break, 40 seconds of jumping at a moderate pace, 15 seconds break. This 1 circle. Total completion 5-7 circles

No. 6. Hoop torsion

What exercises should you avoid to avoid enlarging your waist?

Below is a list of exercises that can lead to an increase in waist size. So, these include:

  • classic squats with medium/heavy weight with a belt;
  • lateral extensions on the machine;
  • lateral bends with dumbbells/kettlebells;
  • straight abdominal crunches in the simulator;
  • bending from side to side while sitting on your butt on the floor.

So, to summarize the exercise part, our waist reduction training program looked like this.

The presented scheme allows you to count on a minus result 3-5 cm in waist 1,5-2 months subject to 2 -x daily inclusions of training in your main schedule (after strength training) and dieting. Speaking of birds :)…

II. How to make your waist thin: a special diet

Of course, if you are not ready to make adjustments to your current diet, then at least twirl the hoop and become a spinning top, but you will not reduce your waist. Therefore, we are preparing to make changes to our daily diet.

Issues of reducing the waist are issues of reducing the overall level of subcutaneous fat. You cannot remove fat locally, for example, only from the abdominal area. A person loses weight immediately and everywhere, but fat from the most problematic regions goes to last resort. Weight/fat loss only occurs in a calorie deficit, i.e. You burn more than you consume. Thus, you need to either cut your caloric intake by 350-500 kcal, or move your muscles more actively :).

In general, to lose weight you need to stick to this macronutrient ratio.

Basic rules for reducing your waist

To effectively lose weight, you need to follow the following rules:

No. 1. Calculate your daily caloric intake and distribute it over the course of the day into 4-5 meals

We have already discussed how to calculate calorie content more than once, in particular here -. Let's say for you it amounts to 2000 kcal/day. 60% we eat up to calories 4 hours of the day, the rest 40% lay down to 9 evenings.

Surely at first it will be difficult for you to jump off the “needle” of three meals a day and you will constantly be forced to eat something, i.e. snacks. So do them, but do them right, on average, each snack should be no more 150-200 kcal and consist of the right products, for example, these.

No. 2. Include lean protein and fiber in every meal

They not only help you lose weight, but also make you feel fuller longer. Use as sources of protein.

Fiber can be found here.

No. 3. Drink enough water

On average a person should consume 1 liter clean water for every 30 kg body weight. If you are actively working out in the gym and also doing aerobic training, the amount of fluid consumed increases. Total, if your weight 50 kg, then you need to drink more than 1,5 liters of water, taking into account the activity in the hall this figure can reach up to 1,8-2 liters

No. 4. Include natural fat burners in your diet

The main products for burning fat and reducing your waist include:

Actually, we’re done with the basic recommendations, now let’s look at a specific nutrition plan for one day for a girl weighing 60 kg who wants to lose weight slightly (by 2-3 kg) and narrow your waist by a few centimeters.

Below I will give a diet from the nutrition plan that our heroine followed, and which allowed her to achieve the announced results.

Well, actually, everything that I would like to report on is now in your hands complete guide how to make your waist thin.


Today we dealt with the issues of creating a wasp waist. I am sure that each of you reading these lines will achieve a reduction in fat volume and will look even tastier!

Finally, write comments, see you next time.

PS. Are you worried about your enlarged waist?

P.P.S. Attention! 19.04 The ability to send questionnaires for and food will become available. I will be glad to see you working together!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Owners of a narrow waist have always been considered an example of femininity and beauty. Before the girls Narrow corsets and dresses saved the day, but now fashion does not always allow one to hide figure flaws. How to make your waist narrow, is this always possible to achieve and what is strictly not recommended to do to create it?

How to make your waist narrow?

As you know, it is impossible to lose weight locally, so to create a narrow waist you need to follow general rules getting rid of excess weight. To do this you need:

1. Watch your diet. The best way- This is counting calories. Helpful information Read about how and why to do this in the next section. Another way is a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

2. Do cardio training. No matter how much they question the effectiveness of cardio training, it is they that will help you get rid of excess fat. The main thing is to know when to stop. Cardio exercises should be 3-4 times a week, no more than 40-60 minutes.

How quickly you achieve a narrow waist depends on your body type. Some people lose weight first in their legs, some in their stomach, and some lose weight very evenly. There is no way to influence this; it is genetically embedded in us. More on this below.

What not to do?

Suddenly, at one point, it became incredibly popular to do dumbbell dips, side crunches, and hula hoops filled with sand. And all this supposedly will help make your waist narrow. Not true! These exercises strengthen and pump the oblique abdominal muscles, but do not remove the fat above them. As a result, your waist only increases in size due to the oblique abdominal muscles, which are toned due to the load.

Those who say they have reduced their waistline with bends, hoops and side crunches have most likely always had a naturally defined waist. And with the help physical activity they got rid of excess weight and returned to their previous condition. For this, general weight loss is enough (as described above), no additional load on the lateral muscles is needed. But for those who do not have a waist, such exercises can only increase it.

What is important to know?

Each of us has a different body structure. This is laid down at the genetic level. And yes, there are times when you cannot make your waist narrow, even if you try hard. Your whole body will lose weight, your sides will disappear, and even cubes will appear on your stomach, but you will not have a pronounced waist. There is nothing you can do here except start loving your thin and toned body just the way it is.

Which body type has a high chance of having a narrow waist:

  • "Hourglass". If you are the lucky owner of this type of figure, then we can say you are lucky. Even without making Herculean efforts, you will have a narrow waist.
  • "Pear". Are you tormented by large hips and large buttocks? Don't rush to get upset. But your waist and flat stomach one can only envy.

Which body type has a noticeably lower chance of having a narrow waist:

  • "Apple". The upper body is your problem area. But even after getting rid of belly fat, it’s far from a fact that you will be satisfied with your waist.
  • "Inverted Triangle" These are the owners broad shoulders and a strong upper body. However slender legs and your buttocks will fully compensate for your lack of a pronounced waist.

Which body type is less likely to have a narrow waist:

  • "Rectangle". Do you have a figure where your shoulders, waist and buttocks are approximately in line? Congratulations, your body is the most responsive to sports and almost indifferent to storing fat in problem areas. True, in this case there will be no narrow waist either.

If you have a pronounced waist by nature, then it will appear immediately after losing weight from diets and cardio exercises.

To do this, you don’t have to bend over and twist the hoop until you’re blue in the face. And if there is no waist (well, we are all different genetically, nothing can be done), then it cannot be made with additional devices. There is a chance that your sides will only increase in width. Do some cardio, watch your diet, forget about the side muscles and love your body

, as nature gave it to you. Each body type has its own advantages and characteristics, so don’t waste your energy changing it. And any type of figure can be brought to perfection. And a narrow waist is not always an indicator of this perfection. Until recently, in order to achieve harmony, all types of figures were visually reduced to the standard silhouette of the hourglass shape. Today because fashion industry constantly broadcasts androgynous and rectangular silhouettes, and the mass market, to reduce costs, sews clothes, mostly without taking into account the curves of the body, to the standard " hourglass

“They began to treat things more democratically.

Therefore, before adjusting your silhouette, you should first determine which nuances of your figure are characteristic of you and which are not.

If your waist, hips and chest are almost the same size, most likely you have a rectangle figure, like Penelope Cruz and Lindsay Lohan. “Square” differs from “rectangle” in that the figure is wider, stockier and, as a rule, short in stature. Correcting a “square” figure is built according to the same rules as a “rectangle”, only we add several techniques to the list for visual increase

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growth and volume reduction using verticals in clothing. Emphasize your strengths

: Focus on the chest, neck, face or legs - whatever you consider advantageous. Draw attention to the part of the body you want to show. To do this, use decorations, highlighting colors, spectacular textures, and unusual cuts. If you have big breasts

Hide your flaws: Don’t accentuate the place you want to hide, don’t wear standout colors there. Do not wear belts at the waist, dresses or blouses that are too tight - this will emphasize the absence of a waist and the presence of a tummy. It is also not recommended to wear loose-fitting items, as there is a high chance that your body may look bulky and shapeless in them.

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Avoid dress styles that cut off at the waist, short tops to the waist, jackets, double-breasted jackets, skirts with elastic, skirts gathered at the waist, large patterns, prints, embroideries, horizontal lines in the waist area.

Dresses with a high waist or, on the contrary, with a lowered waist, work well. Only in this case, pay attention to the proportions so that the length of the legs is not visually shortened, and the torso does not look too heavy.

Dresses straight cut or tapered downwards also draw attention away from the waist, while it is important that the selected set fits freely. However, if you have a baby bump, shift dresses can make you look bulky. In this case, bet on an oval silhouette. Dresses, A-line skirts, tulip, half-sun, as well as new-look style skirts - all styles that outline the waist at the top and widen greatly at the bottom, creating the illusion of a thin waist.

It is better to choose single-breasted jackets, cardigans are fastened with one or two buttons in the navel area. Tops and blouses with V-neck and with a wrap – the diagonal formed visually reduces the waist area. To hide your belly, it is better to choose trousers and skirts with a fastener on the side or back, so as not to create additional volume in the problem area.

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