Understand what a guy loves but hides. How to understand that a guy is in love, but hides his feelings. How to understand that a Pisces man is in love

Each person is an individual, therefore different people can express their feelings in different ways.

However, there are a number of common behavioral factors that apply to most people. It is from them that you can understand whether a man has fallen in love with you.

First, let's look at the actions things that a truly loving man will never do to the object of his desire:

  • A man will never humiliate his beloved, moreover, he will never do anything to lower the public opinion of her in the eyes of any society or individuals.
  • A man will not express true love through aggression, shouting, or scandals. He will try to resolve all controversial issues as gently as possible. A man will try to protect his beloved from all sorts of emotional experiences and problematic situations, making every effort to do so.
  • When a representative of the stronger sex really loves a girl, he will not deny the object of his love anything. For her sake, he can sell a car, work almost around the clock - all so that his beloved does not feel the need.

Signs that show a guy is in true love

Notice little things, details that other people don't notice is an art that often helps you learn something that most people don’t know. This skill will also help determine whether a man loves or not. A loving guy will always look for a connection with his beloved, taking the initiative. He will call first, without hesitation or waiting for a call. Based on a man's behavior, one can also draw conclusions about his feelings. He will not demonstrate so-called “show-off”; the man will behave with his beloved much softer and more humble than usual. It only takes a little attention to notice it.

A truly loving man will not insist on intimacy, he will wait patiently for the right moment. The main thing is that his beloved is next to him, and he can spend a lot of time with her. In addition, a loving guy always strives to please his beloved with small gifts (or large ones, depending on his financial capabilities). He will strive to please his beloved with pleasant surprises not only for the occasion, but also for no reason. A man in love would rather spend his last money on taking his beloved to the cinema or a cafe, just to cheer her up and make her feel good.

Another important sign of true male love: when a guy is next to his beloved, he concentrates maximum attention on her. He does not look around for anyone or anything, because everything that is most important to him is nearby. Nobody's ideal forms will distract a guy from the girl he truly loves.

It is also worth noting that a loving man constantly tells a girl about his feelings. No matter how eloquent he is or, on the contrary, does not master the art of words, the guy will always say tender, pleasant words to his chosen one. He will not be stopped by the inability to speak beautiful words, he will try, try and try to please his beloved in all available ways.

Also, a man in love will strive to express his reverent feelings through gestures and support. You can rely on a guy who really loves you at any time and in any situation. At the same time, there can be no exceptions and practically nothing can become an obstacle for a man to provide support to the woman he loves.

In addition, a loving man will always be on the side of his chosen one, no matter how dubious the situation may be. Even if his beloved is wrong, the guy will still defend her and will not side with her.

Love does not tolerate ultimatums, that is, a loving man will not set any conditions for his chosen one, expecting some kind of result from her. He will simply try to make his beloved girl happy, every moment of her life.

In a case where a married man fell in love with another woman, he will not secretly meet with her for months, he will try to make the relationship with his beloved official, no matter what the circumstances.

When a man loves with all his heart, he will not allow betrayal under any circumstances. If necessary, he will refuse a hundred beautiful girls for the sake of one beloved. You can tell that a guy is in love by the way he indifferently reacts to advances from other representatives of the fair sex. After all, out of a whole variety of pretty girls, he will only be interested in one and only one.

Loving a person will not disappear for a long time from the life of his beloved, unless he has compelling reasons, about which he will definitely warn every person dear to him. It is the beloved who will be first on this list.

In a separate article, you can find out if you are still having thoughts about the guy you used to love.

If not just in love, but also with serious intentions

  • A man in love will try to change, become better, in order to fully satisfy any needs of the object of love. At the same time, he will not try to change his beloved, because the feeling of love idealizes her in his eyes.
  • Any manifestations of originality will be interpreted by a guy in love as an advantage, but in no case as a disadvantage. At the same time, he will not consider even the obvious shortcomings of his beloved as an obstacle to the relationship.
  • If the object of a man’s affection commits any offense, he will not reproach her for this, and will not read morality. He will simply forgive, without demanding any action from his chosen one in order to assuage the guilt.
  • A loving man always wants children from his beloved. This is due to the fact that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her and already sees a happy family in the future. Of course, material factors and doubts may be present, but in the end, true love overpowers everything else.
  • When a guy is in love, he is ready to literally do anything for the sake of his beloved. For her sake, he can change his own social circle, change his lifestyle, and make huge changes in his own life.
  • A man who feels a real feeling of love for a woman will strive to legitimize the relationship, he will want to become an official husband and take care of his chosen one throughout her life.
  • The guy will try to spend as much time as possible with the object for which he has a reverent feeling. He will be ready to rush to the aid of his beloved at any time of the day or night, regardless of distance, weather and other obstacles.
  • A man who truly loves will not be shy, he will boldly express his own feelings, without fear of seeming funny and without fear of humiliating himself in the eyes of the object of his affection or in the eyes of the public. To achieve reciprocity from his beloved, he is ready to commit almost any act.

It is worth noting that quite often one can confuse a true feeling of love with moral dependence on a girl, due to her inaccessibility, mystery or some other qualities.

Psychological research shows, that in most cases, men's true love for a girl is based on similarity with the mother. This is not only about some external manifestations, it also concerns the moral aspect.

Do you absolutely know that a young man is secretly not indifferent to you, but for some reason stubbornly hides his feelings? Or maybe it's just a trick of the imagination? How to understand that he is really in love? We will talk about why men hide their attraction so carefully. You will learn how you can determine their true feelings by their behavior, gaze, gestures and body language.

Here are some of the most common reasons why men tend to hide their feelings:

  • He has a girlfriend or wife. The most common and common reason. The guy already has someone and he doesn’t want to break off a comfortable relationship for another girl, even if he really loves her. Articles that will be useful to you: , .
  • In a man's world, it is customary to be restrained, to be able to control yourself and your emotions. For a young man to show his interest or love means to show his weakness. He has no right to be weak under any circumstances. It's different for women. When a guy is interesting to us, we try to show it. A man prefers to do everything consistently and does not waste his energy on stupid fantasies. Even if the relationship does not go beyond intimate, he will be restrained in showing his interest.
  • Bad experience. Having experienced a difficult breakup, men do not seek to tie themselves in any way again. It is much easier for them to date without being constrained by any obligations. Some even become recluses.
  • A man lives alone for a very long time. He is independent, his own boss. He’s so used to it, he’s so comfortable. Therefore, he begins to perceive a woman as something that can disrupt his established life. For her sake, the guy will have to change his foundations and habits, but he doesn’t want to do this.
  • He is not sure of his feelings. Or maybe this is not love at all, but just fleeting sympathy? Then why discover it? It will pass and that will be the end of it. And we, women, suffer, suffer, think about what is going on in his head.
  • A man is subject to stereotypes. For some reason, in their male world, it is believed that the more restrained and colder a young man behaves, the more a woman will fall in love with him. This is actually a big mistake. You should not abuse indifference, no matter how strong your principles are.
  • The guy is afraid of being rejected. The young man thinks, is it necessary to take the first step? What if he's not good? What if the sympathy is not mutual? Even self-confident men can turn out to be timid and shy at such a moment. In this case, they prefer to remain silent and pretend that the girl is indifferent.

The main signs that he is secretly in love

Of course, everything is individual, but there are common signs:

The man began to actively monitor his appearance, taking a shower more often, combing your hair, going to the gym, smelling of expensive or not so expensive perfume - all this indicates a desire to impress a woman.

He is happy to talk about himself. A young man in love will never miss a chance to tell about himself, his hobbies and interests. He may even start boasting about his achievements. In this way, he makes it clear that the woman matters to him, and he would like her to get to know him better.

Listens carefully. The young man will listen with pleasure and show interest in your words, life and needs. He has a desire to help, to show concern. Even if he doesn't shower you with expensive gifts, he will try to please you in other ways.

In addition, your fan will try to find out as much information about you as possible. But since he wants to hide his feelings, he will do it secretly.

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Showing aggression is a possible sign of love. It sounds paradoxical, but it is true. Sometimes a guy tries to hurt a woman as much as possible, even to offend her. In this way he is trying to attract your attention.

Another reason for aggressive behavior on the part of a man may be excessive pressure and intrusiveness on your part. A man perceives such behavior as an encroachment on his sovereignty and independence. If a man wants a relationship, thinks about it, then he strives to manage the situation himself.

A man in love is betrayed by his behavior. We have collected.

In addition, it is useful to take a closer look at it. They can also tell a lot of interesting things about his feelings.

A man in love is jealous. If one or more contenders for her heart begin to revolve around the object of his love, then he may also begin to behave aggressively. He will want to win you away from other fans. Whether this happens openly or secretly depends on the man.

He flirts actively with others. In your presence, a man can calmly flirt with another woman, thereby, on the one hand, showing his indifference, and on the other, trying to make you jealous. A man, oddly enough, sometimes also wants to receive proof of your feelings.

The guy shows indifference. In general company, a man will not show attention, trying to avoid glances, meetings and general topics. It's simple: if he himself is not sure of his feelings, then it makes no sense to show them in the presence of other people.

The man is constantly looking at you. If a man constantly glances at you, it means he is in love. A man can sneak a glance or, conversely, maintain a visual connection. It all depends on his temperament and self-confidence. More details on this topic:

Has the young man begun to appear more often in your field of vision? This definitely shows his interest. The reasons for its appearance can be the most stupid. For example, because his horoscope predicted so. He will never name the real reason. After all, he does not yet know whether the woman will reciprocate his feelings.

Does a man try to get closer or touch at every opportunity? This fact can speak not only about falling in love. This is also an indicator that a man is showing sexual interest in you. He will be very tactful in its manifestation and will try not to offend. For men, the first intimate contact with the woman they love is as exciting as for a woman.
Useful video on the topic:

What to do if you notice signs of falling in love in a man

If you like the guy, then the surest step is. If it’s all about some of his fears or complexes, then he will feel bolder and take the first step.

If you hinted to him, and he still keeps his distance, then he has some serious problems. Perhaps it should.

It changes a person’s behavior, so people in love who are close to the object of their adoration begin to behave differently.

And many girls, trying not to be mistaken in their feelings, have a question: how to know if a guy loves you? To answer it, you need to carefully observe how a man behaves and how he looks.

Psychology of a man in love

Falling in love - complex, multifaceted feeling, the formation of which depends on many factors, including:

  • individual preferences;
  • features of the mother’s appearance and personality (relationships with the mother can significantly influence a man’s preferences);
  • personal characteristics of a man;
  • interests;
  • life goals.

The physiological basis of any love, both female and male, is hormones that are produced in the body.

They influence the mood in a certain way, cause a feeling of lust, lead to the appearance of changes in the somatic state characteristic of falling in love such as fever, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, a feeling of pleasant tightness in the stomach (those “butterflies”).

When a man feels that he is in love, he strives to attract a woman’s attention and evoke a reciprocal feeling in her. During this period, love is at its strongest and can drown out rational thinking.

It is more difficult for a man to control himself, he begins to behave differently, trying to achieve what he wants. If this is successful, in the process of developing the relationship, he takes a closer look at the woman and begins to better understand what exactly he wants from her.

How does he fall in love?

Understand, how men fall in love and how they feel, it’s easier if we consider the stages of development of love:

In the future, his feelings develop according to two scenarios: either the love fades away, or it transforms into love.

What is he experiencing?

How does a man understand that he is in love? There is hardly a person who does not understand that he is in love.

Falling in love has striking features, which distinguish it from other feelings, and the key one is the somatic manifestations that arise while being next to a woman: fever, increased sweating, trembling in the limbs, changes in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

There may also be a feeling of arousal, which is more pronounced in men than in women.

Somatic manifestations and sexual desire are harmoniously combined with a strong feeling of sympathy, the desire to help, support, desire put yourself in the best light and get a response.

The thoughts of a man in love, especially when his feelings are at their maximum, revolve around the girl he likes, so it may be difficult for him to concentrate on business.

For some, falling in love is beneficial: they are full of strength and energy, their brain works more actively, and life’s tasks are solved with ease.


Signs of falling in love can be divided into:

  • behavioral. By the way a man behaves and talks, one can judge the presence or absence of feelings;
  • non-verbal. These include gestures, facial expressions, and movement patterns. These nuances are more difficult to notice, but they can be no less informative than behavioral ones. It is especially useful to pay attention to them in cases where a man is able to control his behavior well.

Behavioral signs of falling in love:

Also a man in love changes in appearance: begins to take care of himself, starts playing sports, puts on better clothes, combs his hair carefully, can change his hairstyle.

To make an impression, he may start doing things that no one expects from him, such as riding to work on a brand new bike.

Increased nervousness can also be a sign of falling in love: a man is always twirling something in his fingers, may answer inappropriately, or hides his gaze.

12 signs that a guy loves you:

How to recognize?

Most men, regardless of age, behave when in love in a similar way. But there are some differences in the behavior of boys and adult men, married and single guys.

Listen to the advice of psychologists:

How does a man fall in love? Nonverbal signs:

How to check if a guy loves you?

Courtship, good sex, beautiful words, a bunch of gifts do not always mean that a man ready for a serious relationship and really loves it. Therefore, a woman may want to check if she is loved.

How to understand that a man is in love? Women's illusions about men's love.

Men are not without mystery, just like women. True, upon closer examination, the veil of mystery melts away. For example, a man who is in love but hides his feelings is an interesting object for analysis.

You can understand that a man is in love by certain signs, but how can you do this if he carefully hides his feelings? We'll figure out!

Why can he hide his sympathy?

There are not many reasons. He:

  • married;
  • doesn't want to look weak;
  • afraid of being rejected;
  • he himself is shocked by what happened to him;
  • believes that at his age it is inconvenient.

Of course, all guys are different - in terms of psychotype, horoscope, upbringing, education, habitat. This affects the behavioral aspect. But still there are common moments that give away someone who has fallen in love.

He is changing. Sometimes sharply. Often awkward.

The brave, impulsive handsome man suddenly becomes quiet and embarrassed. At times he blushes and hides his gaze.

A calm, quiet nerd, seemingly for no reason, begins to play tricks: he is ready to jump from a roof into a snowdrift, sing with a guitar, get drunk and party in a nightclub.

There is only one diagnosis: fell in love.


Let's look at the specific signs of a guy in love pretending that nothing is happening.

By look

Love makes the unfortunate always look at the object of your affection. She attracts him like a magnet, and he is unable to resist. He can't control himself.

Well, perhaps - he works in the secret services, has psychological training and enormous willpower. And still, sooner or later it will puncture. The call of nature is stronger.

By noticing how he looks, you can easily understand whether a man is in love with you! Admiringly. This can be seen from the outside. The young man himself may not even realize that sparkles of admiration flow from his eyes.

He examines the woman as a whole, in parts - admires every movement, bend of her body. Often unconsciously the gaze freezes on the lips. He watches in fascination as she says something, smiles, licks her lips. He looks and feels bliss.

Some subjects, especially those with a high level of intelligence, are aware that looking at their beloved with wide open eyes is indecent.

They begin to “encrypt”—they cast sidelong glances, look at you on the sly. But since they do this often, they also give themselves away.

Clothing and appearance

One hundred percent - having fallen in love, the guy begins to preen himself, often look in the mirror. More often than necessary, he splashes around in the shower, obsessively examining his teeth, pimples, and the color of his mustache hairs.

The dude will buy himself a few more branded items, a scarf or a cool watch.

Anyone who has always cared about fashion and brands will definitely wash his jeans, take new socks out of the closet, or will think about purchasing a fresh shirt, jacket(“The old one is worn out for some reason”).

The guy will polish his shoes (or wash away last year's dirt from his sneakers and wipe the former white inserts with toothpaste). Goes to the hairdresser.

Another striking sign is perfume. If a representative of the stronger sex suddenly smells fragrant - eau de toilette, lotion, deodorant, cologne - fact: he fell in love.

In an emotionally agitated state, both women and men almost always abuse perfume.

Psychology of behavior

Behavior may become unstable. He is sometimes thoughtfully sad, sometimes tenderly lyrical, sometimes excitedly relaxed. Suddenly he will remember Blok, Tsvetaeva, or, at worst, an excerpt from “Eugene Onegin” he learned at school.

Describe some theorem in an intricate and masterly manner. He will talk about lofty things - opera, ballet, the philosophy of the ancient Greeks...

And then, as if nothing had happened, he will tell a couple of obscene jokes, replacing obscene phrases with interjections.

Will become attentive to the lady of your heart. He will spiritually delve into all her meaningless maxims.

And if she is smart and meaningful, she will Google the incomprehensible phrases she dropped so that in the next conversation she will “be on topic.”

If a lady, unfortunately for him, has a deep inner world, she begins to read the classics and becomes interested in fine arts. She can go on skates or skis if her beloved spends her leisure time that way.

More often than before, he finds reasons to be near a woman who blows his mind. He comes up with things to do together, offers to help with the housework, accompany the car to the tire shop, or go pick up seedlings. He suddenly has two tickets to a ballet, a concert, a biennale.

But then it can suddenly disappear for several hours, or even days. Doesn't write, doesn't call. By the way, as the most unpleasant option, he drinks it down. Then he comes out of the binge, washes, shave, irons his jeans. The woman is surprised. Becomes softer and more attentive. He really needs this, he is spreading his wings again.

Sometimes it is important for a person to touch the object of adoration. But this is not always possible. You can understand that a man has fallen in love by this sign - he finds a reason to casually touch his arm, shoulder, waist.

Body and gestures

They can also give away a lover, no matter how hard he tries to disguise himself. Often his body is tense or even constrained.

Pay attention to your hands - excitement will give off tremors. A lover's hands often tremble from excitement or embarrassment. Palms become wet.

He crosses his arms over his chest - an attempt to “close himself”. And then, on the contrary, he suddenly opens up, straightens his shoulders and shows off his whole body- that’s how handsome I am.

And, indeed, at such a moment, the women nearby involuntarily gasp - oh, good! With your hands, as a rule, at such a moment the guy holds on to his belt or trouser waistband.

It is important for him (usually unconsciously) to demonstrate a significant part of his body, the masculine basis of the foundations. And women involuntarily “read” this.

If the adrenaline is off the charts, and the time has not yet come to open up your feelings, he will sign up for a gym. However, almost every second person decides to pump up their muscles - they really want to be attractive.

Do you believe in love horoscopes? Find out everything about the character, by external signs and his behavior!

Cancer men are the most mysterious representatives of the water element! Find out how to achieve their love and what they can be like in a relationship.

About the main signs of a Pisces man in love, and how you can easily figure out from his behavior that he is in love with you.


Always in love filled with sexual energy. It literally bursts it open and spreads around.

If a woman is not observant, but has good intuition, she will definitely feel it. Masculine energy will make her worry for no reason.

She will become anxious and call her loved ones, looking for the cause of her anxiety. If he doesn’t find a reason, he will start to get irritated, even angry. Then he gets tired.

But the anxiety will not go away while the lover is in her information field. Some particularly emotional specimens and capable of transmitting their powerful energy from a distance.

Just as some ladies are able to read it while being away from a loving knight.

These conditions, it must be emphasized, are quite uncomfortable. It’s especially difficult when you don’t understand what’s actually happening. This problem can only be solved in one way - the guy will reveal his feelings, and everything will happen between them.

What should a woman do?

If you notice the above signs in a man - a friend, colleague, neighbor, or just an acquaintance - take a closer look and just accept the fact that someone has fallen in love with you.

If you allow the relationship to develop, show reciprocal attention.

You don't allow– married, don’t like the subject, don’t care about love – anyway, don’t offend the man, don’t hurt him with rudeness and callousness.

On the one hand, men are very vulnerable.

On the other hand, just think: you are loved!

Even if it’s hiding the feeling, even if it’s hopeless. But, my God, it’s such happiness to be loved.

Not everyone is so lucky. Feel it, rejoice. And support the man whom Cupid kissed.

If people immediately confessed their feelings to each other, life might become easier. But also more boring. A little observation will help you identify the “undercover agent.”

Men are straightforward and purposeful creatures. They won’t hide their feelings for a long time, so why waste time? But in some cases they prefer not to advertise their love. The reason may be the most banal: either the man himself or the object of his love is in a relationship. Or the lover fears rejection. Or maybe he is afraid of losing control and becoming vulnerable. Perhaps a person is shy by nature, or his instinct of conqueror is covered with a thick layer of moral rules and decency (for example, he considers office romances unethical).

But feelings are difficult to hide. There are signs that reveal someone who is head over heels in love. Each man has his own set of such signs. We can highlight the most common symptoms that are characteristic of the majority of males.

  • A man shows concern for the object of his love. Guardianship may be almost invisible at first glance and unobtrusive, but over time, even the most absent-minded woman will see who constantly helps her out with a report, gives her a ride home, brings coffee and turns on the air conditioner in the heat. How can you accurately understand that a man is head over heels in love, but is hiding and hiding his warm feelings? If his actions go beyond ordinary etiquette (hold the door, help carry heavy things, etc.), we are talking about sincere interest.
  • A man in love is attentive to the words of his chosen one. He filters rational information and subsequently uses it to conquer the lady of his heart (what flowers he likes, what movie made an impression, what dishes he hates, what is the name of his favorite cat, etc.). He also laughs at the woman’s jokes, even the not so successful ones.
  • Usually a man in love discovers the gift of comedy. He strives to make a woman laugh in any situation, because her laughter is a subconscious approval. A man likes to bring good emotions to his beloved. In addition, an excellent sense of humor always attracts attention in any company, and this is what a man needs now.
  • A man in a state of love is ready to move mountains and fulfill any request of a woman. Even if he had other plans. Even if it is difficult and expensive for him. A person who is not interested in a relationship is unlikely to travel across the city to save his beloved cat who has climbed a tree. And she won’t cancel the long-awaited weekend with friends if she asked to take the seedlings to the dacha that day.
  • How to understand that a man is seriously carried away? He is in love, but masterfully hides his fiery feelings if he listens to the woman’s opinion and is more often inclined to compromise. He can argue with his friends until he is hoarse. However, he does not object to the woman on the same occasion.

  • A man can change his behavior and habits, do things that are unusual for him. A sure sign if friends and colleagues noticed these changes (usually expressed in phrases like “He used to be different, more modest/arrogant”, “Lately N doesn’t look like himself!” He hated sports, but now he runs to the gym every morning the hall has signed up"). Did everyone notice the “weirdness”? So the woman didn’t imagine it.
  • A man begins to pay more attention to his appearance. This is an ancient instinct, characteristic of all living things, to attract attention with one’s appearance. Some straighten their tails, others flare their nostrils and beat their broad chests, while others suddenly start wearing shirts instead of stretched sweaters or finally change their hairstyle. Fashionistas are becoming even more inventive. All in order to attract the eyes of the lady of the heart.
  • He is often in a good mood and smiles. Falling in love really works wonders, releasing “hormones of joy” into the blood.
  • Almost always, a man’s gaze gives him away. He cannot overcome the temptation and not look at the woman who has conquered him. And he admires it furtively. Outside observers can come to the rescue: let them test how often and for how long a man holds his gaze on a woman.
  • He allows a woman into his personal space without any problems, and does not try to move away or close himself off. Becomes more frank with the interlocutor, shares dreams and stories from the past. Sometimes in confidential conversations you can hear the phrase: “I haven’t told anyone about this before.”
  • Sometimes a man makes a slip of the tongue, accidentally calling other women by the name of his beloved. Such reservations show how much his thoughts are filled with women.
  • A man begins to involuntarily become jealous of his chosen one towards other representatives of the stronger sex. This does not manifest itself clearly, because the lover realizes that for now he has no rights to this woman. But in the presence of other men, he can speak a little louder and harsher, even defiantly. In public, she strives to be nearby, to hold her hand or touch her back - that is, to give a nonverbal sign to others: “this is my girlfriend.”
  • A man strives to be around more often. He can come up with things to do together or simulate situations when a woman needs his help. It depends on temperament and upbringing, but, as a rule, a lover strives for physical contact: a light touch, a squeeze, a chance meeting of hands.
  • Gestures and facial expressions can declassify a lover. Often a man feels embarrassed when a lady of his heart unexpectedly turns to him. This manifests itself in awkward movements. The man pulls or strokes his hair, often touching his ear or chin. In general, you don’t need to be a good psychologist to notice anxiety.

No matter how well a man hides under the mask of iron equanimity, he cannot resist female intuition and insight. The main thing for a woman is to objectively evaluate all the signs, and not take her fantasies for reality.

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