If you have two children, what time do you retire? Retirement age for mothers of many children. Easing pension reform for women with many children

Raising children is a lot of work, especially if there are several children. In Russia, women who have given birth or adopted three or more children are considered. These persons are singled out in a separate category, because raising one child takes a lot of time, two - for themselves and there is almost no time left for extraneous matters, and three or four is already a lot, and besides, in primary school and preschool age they need to be given all your time, attention, effort and, of course, money.

It is the financial side of the issue that worries Russian mothers above all. Are they entitled to any benefits, an increased pension, an earlier retirement date, etc. The state provided various privileges for women with large families as a necessary measure in gratitude for their determination and responsibility. Depending on the region, the number of children for a mother to be recognized as having many children may vary: in some places it is five, in others it is three, and, for example, in the Far North a mother of two children gets married.

Legislative regulation of the issue

Pension guarantees for women who gave birth to several children in Russia are regulated in December 28, 2013.

IN Article 32 This legal act talks about the right to early retirement for mothers with many children. However, the generally accepted norms change a little here. Thus, in pension legislation, a preferential category is considered mother with five children, and not with three. Although, according to By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 of May 5, 1992, each region has the right to independently determine which family is considered large.

But still exactly Federal Law No. 400 names special conditions, with full compliance with which such a woman can begin to receive a pension at the age of 50. It also establishes additional benefits, payment of financial assistance, some compensation, etc.

Terms of service

So, now we have to understand the conditions when these guarantees are provided. After all, not everyone is given such privileges. The state strictly monitors the fulfillment of all requirements, because these benefits are financed from the federal budget, therefore, they come from contributions from taxpayers. Before a pension is assigned, the citizen and all documents and information provided by him are checked.

Mandatory criteria to assign a preferential pension to a mother of many children:

There is another option. It is considered special because it applies to women, living and working in the North. Here the conditions are:

  • or give birth to at least two children;
  • accumulate an individual pension coefficient (IPC) of at least 30 points;
  • have 20 years of insurance experience;
  • work in the Far North for 12 years or 17 in an equivalent area.

A woman may be denied the right to a preferential pension if she did not have time to raise one of her children before the age of eight. The reason for this may be the death of a child, deprivation of parental rights to the mother, etc. If a woman’s baby is taken away from her in court, when the benefit is assigned early, the Pension Fund specialists will not take it into account, that is, it will be considered that there is one less child than she actually has gave birth. If the deprivation of maternal rights occurred after the pension was assigned, then payments will not be stopped in this case.

The fact of adoption does not in any way cancel the right to early assignment of a pension; they are taken into account, as well as relatives. A woman's entry as a mother on a birth certificate means that she is raising him from the moment he is born. The date of adoption does not play any role here. Children from different marriages currently living in the same family, half-brothers and sisters will not be counted when assigning an early pension. This fact can only be changed if the woman decides to adopt them, bringing the total number to five.

If children live separately from their mother, this does not mean that the Pension Fund will refuse to grant a pension ahead of schedule. Here only the fact of deprivation of parental rights will have a negative impact.

The procedure for calculating insurance length and pension points

At the birth of a child, the company is obliged to provide the mother, as well. The latter is based on the employee’s average earnings. All this period included in labor and insurance experience. However, for a mother with many children who has given birth to more than two children, maternity leave will not be counted for everyone, but only for the first-born and second-born. True, a bill was recently put forward to include maternity leave for a third child in the maternity leave period. It turns out that now the increase will not be 3 years, as before, but 4.5.

In addition to the length of service, maternity leave also affects individual pension coefficient. In accordance with Federal Law No. 400, for the birth and upbringing of each of her children, a woman will receive extra points in this size:

It turns out that for the birth of five children she will be awarded 21.6 points. And here it’s not far from the minimum 30.

Procedure for calculating the security amount

Pension benefit for a mother of many children calculated and charged depending on several main factors:

  • the total amount of contributions to the Pension Fund during the period of employment;
  • the employee’s labor and insurance experience;
  • individual pension coefficient (IPC);

Pension in 2018 consists of two components:

  • fixed payment - today it is equal to 4997.32 rubles;
  • the insurance part of the benefit - depends on the length of service calculated in the IPC, and on the cost of points, which from April 1 of the current year increased to 81.49 rubles.

On the IPK The employee is influenced by several factors:

  • total calendar length of service recorded in the work book;
  • a set of contributions to the Pension Fund paid by the employer in the amount of 22% of a citizen’s salary.

Procedure for registration and list of documents to be provided

The future pensioner should apply to the local branch of the Pension Fund where to bring the next one package of documents :

Pension Fund employees have 3 months to verify the accuracy of all data, register documents, and create a payment file. Then, after the decision is made, the pension is assigned starting from the current month and indefinitely.

Types of benefits

Constantly being busy with several children, two, three, five or more, is very exhausting. The difficulty lies not only in surrounding them with your care and attention, but also in daily household chores and in attempts to provide at least some minimum for their comfortable living and hobbies. Here we are talking about material wealth. But how can a mother manage to work while doing all this? Many mothers, with their daily worries, are simply physically unable to bring monetary income to the family. For this purpose, the state decided to provide for such large families benefits, raises, extra payments and other privileges.

Women who have given birth at least three children, at the state level are recognized as mothers of many children.

In accordance with this status, they are entitled the following advantages:

  1. at the birth (adoption) of a second and subsequent child after 2007. In the current year 2018, its amount is 453 thousand rubles. This money can be used for the funded part of the mother’s pension,
  2. Allocation of a summer cottage site first.
  3. Organization of a peasant farm (peasant farm) with a subsidy or interest-free loan.
  4. Tax benefits - monthly. For the first and second, 1,400 rubles each, for the third and subsequent ones, 3,000 rubles, and for a student up to the age of 24, 6,000 rubles each.
  5. Labor benefits - additional days off, reduction in the length of a working day or week without being recorded in the work book.

Should mothers of many children expect raises in 2018?

This year, mothers of many children receiving pension payments from the state should expect the following changes:

  1. Starting from April 1, 2018, social pensions will be indexed annually by 4.10%. The average size of old-age insurance pension payments will increase by approximately 400 rubles. and can reach 14045 rubles.
  2. The payment period for the funded part of the pension has been increased to 246 months.
  3. Women who retired before 2015 and gave birth to children during the USSR (before 1990) can receive an additional payment. For one child the increase will be 1.8 points (3,416 rubles), 3.6 for two (4,270 rubles), and for three or more 5.4 points (5,124 rubles). Mothers who are over 80 years old today are entitled to a slightly larger additional payment: for 1 child 5,970 rubles, for two 6,832 rubles, for three 7,680 rubles. For mothers who have reached the age of eighty and are able to document their disability group, the additional payment will be paid in the amount of: for 1 child 4,000 rubles - 11,200 rubles, for two 644 rubles - 12,800 rubles, for three 7,200 rubles - 14,400 rubles .
  4. The Government also plans to increase the amount of one-time and monthly benefits for mothers of large families.

About pension provision for mothers of many children, see the following video:

Pension reform will start in Russia in 2019. According to the law, which was adopted by the State Duma in final reading on September 27, 2018, the retirement age for Russians will be gradually increased by 5 years - annually in 1-year increments until it reaches the final values ​​of 65/60 years, respectively, for men and women. However, in order to mitigate the consequences of the reform, on behalf of Vladimir Putin, the possibility of early retirement will be provided for mothers of large families who have given birth to 3 and 4 children. Currently, this right applies only to mothers of large families with 5 or more children.

As a result of the pension reform, all women with many children who gave birth and raised 3 or more children will receive benefits at retirement age. For them, the final retirement age will be:

  • 57 years - for women with 3 children (60 - 3 years = 57);
  • 56 years - for mothers with 4 children (60 - 4 years = 56);
  • 50 years - for large families with 5 children or more, it will remain the same as it is now (60 - 10 years = 50).

However, benefits for mothers with 3-4 children will not start working immediately during the reform. Due to the fact that the retirement age will be raised step by step, they will not be able to retire early at the ages of 56 and 57 until the generally established retirement age for women exceeds the corresponding values ​​(and this will be in 2021 and 2021, respectively). 2023). For example, in 2019-2020. this category of women will retire on a general basis when they reach 55.5 years of age (regardless of how many children they have).

The opportunity to become a pensioner early until 2021 and 2023 will be valid only for mothers with 5 or more children - since this benefit is already in effect, after 2018 this category of women will also continue to retire early at 50 years old, provided that there is a minimum insurance period and the required number of pension coefficients (IPC).

Definition of the concept of “mother of many children” according to law

One of the measures to mitigate the consequences of the new pension reform, which began on January 1, 2019, is the provision of preferential conditions for retirement for mothers of large families with 3 or 4 children. Let’s consider under what conditions it will be possible to take advantage of preferential pension benefits.

Preferential pension for mothers of many children in 2020: by age, year of birth, length of service and points

On January 1, 2019, pension reform started in Russia. According to the law, which was signed on October 3, 2018 by Russian President Vladimir Putin, and before that was adopted taking into account presidential amendments by the State Duma and the Federation Council, the retirement age for Russians will be gradually increased by 5 years until it reaches the final values ​​of 65/60 years, respectively. for men and women. However, in order to mitigate the consequences of the reform, on behalf of Vladimir Putin, the possibility of early retirement will be provided for mothers of large families who have given birth to 3 and 4 children. Previously, this right only applied to mothers of large families with 5 or more children.

  • Taking into account the fact that the retirement age will be raised in stages (annually in 1-year increments), for the first time people will be able to take advantage of the new benefit women born in 1965 and younger(see table of retirement of mothers with many children by year of birth).
  • For women with 5 children, pension legislation already provides early retirement. And according to the new law of 2018, nothing changes for them - such people with many children will still have the right to apply for a pension upon reaching 50 years of age if you have the required insurance experience and the number of IPCs.

Easing pension reform for women with many children

For the first time, Vladimir Putin announced the easing of the pension reform for mothers of many children during his televised address to Russian citizens on August 29, 2018. He noted that “in our country there is a special, careful attitude towards women,” so he proposed changing some of the basic provisions of the government’s proposal

  1. Reduce the new retirement period for women from 63 years to 60 years (that is, a total increase of 5 years instead of the 8 years proposed by the Government).
  2. For those who, according to the old law, had to retire in 2019 and 2020, it will be possible to apply for a pension 6 months earlier new retirement age.
  3. Provide for the possibility of early payment:
    • mothers with three children - 3 years earlier a new term (i.e. at 57 years);
    • mothers with four - 4 years earlier retirement age (i.e. 56 years).

This means that in connection with the reform, the retirement schedule for mothers with many children will change - now they will be able to make payments early.

However, due to the fact that the amendment to the law provides for a fixed retirement age (57 and 56 years), such a benefit can be taken advantage of only from 2020 and 2021, since in 2019 the generally established standard for women will be less than these values ​​(55.5 years).

Pension for mothers of many children with three (four) children

According to Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018, signed by the President, pension for mothers of many children with three or four children will be appointed ahead of schedule - for them retirement age will be reduced by 3 and 4 years respectively. You can take advantage of preferential pension benefits if the following conditions are met:

  • The woman gave birth to three (four) children and raised them until they were 8 years old.

In this case, children in respect of whom a woman has been deprived of parental rights or whose adoption has been canceled will not be taken into account.

  • The necessary insurance experience for the assignment of an insurance (labor) pension has been developed. Starting from 01/01/2015, the length of service standards increase annually until the final value is established in 2024 - 15 years
  • The total number of accumulated pension points (IPC) is no less than the standard value established for the year of payment. Since 2016, the minimum required IPC value has also increased annually until it reaches the final value of 30 IPC in 2025.

You can determine how many years of experience and IPC you need to have to apply for an old-age insurance pension using the table below:

If all the above conditions are met, then mothers with three and four children who raised them at least until they reach 8 years of age will have the right to leave early - accordingly upon reaching 57 and 56 years of age. And if the required insurance period or IPC value has not been accumulated, then payments can be issued only after achieving the required indicators.

At what age does a mother of 3 and 4 children retire?

As noted above, the Presidential amendments suggest that:

  • According to the new law, the retirement age for families with many children will be fixed (if the woman gave birth and raised three children - 57 years old, and if four - 56 years old);
  • it will not depend on the conditions of the transition period 2019-2028, when the retirement period for women will increase gradually from 55 to 60 years.

And this means that in the first years of reform as such early exit for mothers of many children not provided- women with many children will make payments in accordance with generally established standards, taking into account transitional provisions.

The retirement schedule for mothers with three and four children can be presented in the form of a table:

Category of citizens Year of retirement under the old law
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
General increase in PV for women under the new law New PV 55,5 56,5 58 59 60
New GVP 2019-2020 2021-2022 2024 2026 2028
For mothers with 3 children New PV 55,5 56,5 57
New GVP 2019-2020 2021-2022 2023 2024 2025
For mothers with 4 children New PV 55,5 56
New GVP 2019-2020 2021 2022 2023 2024


Thus, the first to retire, taking into account the new benefit proposed by the President, will be able to:

  • women with four children - already in 2021 when the generally established age is at the level 56.5 years, and mothers with many children will be able to receive a pension six months earlier - at 56 years old;
  • women with three children - in 2023, when the general retirement age is 58 years, they will be able to retire one year earlier (at age 57).

Retirement of women with many children under the new law

As noted earlier, due to the transitional provisions of the law on raising the retirement age in the first years of the reform, mothers with many children will not be able to take advantage of early registration - they will retire according to generally established standards, like other women.

  • Women born in 1964 who, according to the old rules, were supposed to retire in 2019, will not take advantage of the “early” registration:

For 2019, the age standard will be set at 55.5 years, which is less than that provided for mothers with many children (56 and 57 years). Therefore, mothers born in 1964 payments will be processed on a general basis - at 55.5 years old in the second half of 2019 or the first half of 2020

  • The first who will be able to take advantage of the benefit will be women born in 1965 with four children- they will have the right to make payments in 2021 upon reaching 56 years of age, while the generally established standard will be 56.5 years.
  • Mothers of three children will begin to apply for pensions early (at age 57) in 2023 - this will affect women born in 1966 and younger, for which the generally established exit period will be 58 years.

Let's present information on women's retirement by year of birth in the form of a table:

Date of Birth Generally established standards For mothers with three children For mothers with four children
January-June 1964 55,5 July-December 2019 55,5 July-December 2019 55,5 July-December 2019
July-December 1964 January-June 2020 January-June 2020 January-June 2020
January-June 1965 56,5 July-December 2021 56,5 July-December 2021 56 2021
July-December 1965 January-June 2022 January-June 2022
1966 58 2024 57 2023 2022
1967 59 2026 2024 2023
1968 60 2028 2025 2024

Note: PV - retirement age in the corresponding year; GVP - year of retirement.

What age should you retire if you have 5 children?

Pension for mothers of many children with five children will be appointed according to the old rules- as it was established before the reform. According to Part 1, Clause 1, Art. 32 of Law No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”, for women with 5 children, an old-age insurance pension can be assigned earlier than the generally established age standard - at 50 years old. Law on raising the retirement age this category of women will not be affected at all- for them, the benefit during the reform will be preserved, and the age limit will not shift.

The conditions for granting early payment processing for them remain the same:

  • The minimum required must be accumulated number of years of experience and pension points (IPC) in accordance with generally established requirements.
  • 5 or more children must be born and raised before they reach 8 years of age.

The amendment to the law proposed by V. Putin supplements the list of requirements with one more additional condition: children in respect of whom the mother deprived of parental rights or canceled adoption.

If all the above requirements are met, a woman can receive early pension payments upon reaching 50 years of age. You can present the retirement schedule by year of birth, as well as conditions by length of service and IPC in the form of a table:

What is the pension for a mother of many children?

The bulk of a woman’s pension is the same as that of ordinary citizens. Her work experience and pension. the coefficient will be calculated in exactly the same way. The size of pension payments will primarily be determined by its deductions from salaries and insurance experience.

And the basic pension of a mother with many children will be increased by an allowance for having many children, which will vary depending on the number of children in the family. Also, as mentioned earlier, benefits will allow the mother to retire much earlier.

The nuances of early retirement are as follows:

  1. A mother will not be able to retire early if she raised five children, but lost parental rights to 1 of them before the child reached the age of 8 years. If there are six children, but she is deprived of rights to two, the situation is similar. And on the rise.
  2. If the mother was deprived of parental rights later - the child has long since turned eight, her right to early retirement remains in force (if other conditions have been met).
  3. If a woman has obtained the necessary work experience while earning money in the Far North, then she can retire early with two or more children.

If a woman is 80 years old, the pension will be recalculated and will be increased additionally. Supplements will depend on the number of children:

  • if there are two children, then from 6,440 to 12,800 rubles will be added to the pension;
  • for three children they will add from 7200 to 14400 rubles;
  • for 1 child they can add from 4,000 to 11,200 rubles.

Additional conditions for mothers to receive an increased pension were developed:

  • children must have been born before 1990;
  • mother was supposed to retire in 2015.

How is the pension of a mother of many children calculated?

The final pension amount for mothers with many children will depend on the following factors:

  1. The amount of deductions withheld from the mother's salary.
  2. Work experience.

In 2020, pensions for mothers with many children will be calculated from two amounts: a fixed (labor) payment and an insurance payment. Mothers of many children (especially heroine mothers) spend a significant part of their working experience on maternity leave, for which she is awarded points.

  • For the firstborn, a woman receives 1.8 points,
  • for two – 3.6,
  • and for three, respectively, 5.4.
  • No points are awarded with four or more children.

By the way, maternity leave is also included in the length of service - one and a half years for each child. But in total, no more than six years are taken into account (for four children).

IPC is an abbreviation for the concept of “individual pension coefficient”. It denotes the very points awarded to a woman for children.

The amount of the insurance pension will be calculated using the formula:

Pension = IPC * SPK (the value of the pension coefficient).

How much will they add to your pension? In numbers, the surcharge will look like this:

  • for one child the amount of additional payment will be 3416 rubles;
  • for two – 4270 rubles;
  • for three children – 5124 rub.

What documents are needed to apply for a pension for a mother of many children?

To apply for an increase in pension and ensure early access to it, a mother of many children needs to contact the Pension Fund of Russia. Increases will not be accrued automatically - the process begins in the order of application.

A woman will need to collect the necessary package of documents:

  1. The application itself. It must be correctly composed, with a well-formulated request.
  2. A copy of the Russian passport - confirmation that the mother has Russian citizenship, and her age is suitable for early retirement.
  3. SNILS (a document in the form of a plastic card).
  4. Employment history.
  5. Other documents that confirm the required work experience of a mother of many children.
  6. Certificates and documents about the current individual pension coefficient. They can only be issued at the regional center of the Pension Fund.
  7. Copies of passports or birth certificates of each child.
  8. If necessary, adoption documents.
  9. A document confirming social status - a certificate of a mother of many children. It must be pre-issued, since the document has its own specific validity period - 1 year.

Dear readers!

  • If you have any additional questions, please use the assistance of the duty lawyer on our website. You can contact him by clicking in the lower right corner of the screen.
  • Share your own opinion in the comments to the article .

One of the measures to mitigate the consequences of the pension reform, which began in 2019, is the provision of preferential conditions for retirement for mothers of large families. Taking into account the fact that the retirement age will be raised in stages (annually in 1-year increments), for the first time people will be able to take advantage of the new benefit women born in 1965 and younger(see mothers of many children by year of birth).

Pension reform for women with many children

For the first time, Vladimir Putin announced the easing of the pension reform for mothers of many children during his televised address to Russian citizens on August 29, 2018. He noted that “in our country there is a special, careful attitude towards women,” so he proposed changing some of the basic provisions of the Government’s proposed increase in the retirement age:

  1. Reduce the new retirement period for women (that is, the total increase will be 5 years instead of the 8 years proposed by the Government).
  2. For those who, according to the old law, had to retire in 2019 and 2020, it will be possible to apply for a pension 6 months earlier than the new retirement age.
  3. Provide for the possibility of early payment:
    • 3 years earlier a new term (i.e. at 57 years);
    • 4 years earlier retirement age (i.e. 56 years).

This means that in connection with the reform, there will be changes for mothers with many children - now they will be able to receive payments ahead of schedule.

However, due to the fact that the amendment to the law provides for a fixed retirement age (57 and 56 years), such a benefit can be taken advantage of only from 2020 and 2021, since in 2019 the generally established standard for women will be less than these values ​​(55.5 years).

Pension for mothers of many children with three and four children

According to what was signed by the President, pensions for mothers with three or four children will be assigned early - for them the retirement age will be reduced by 3 and 4 years, respectively. You can take advantage of preferential pension benefits if the following conditions are met:

  • The woman gave birth to three (four) children and raised them until they were 8 years old.

    In this case, children in respect of whom a woman has been deprived of parental rights or whose adoption has been canceled will not be taken into account.

  • Developed required for appointment - 15 years
  • The total amount accumulated is no less than the standard value - 30 IPC.

If all of the above conditions are met, then mothers with three or four children, who raised them at least until they reach the age of 8, will have the right to leave early - upon reaching 57 and 56 years, respectively. And if the required insurance period or IPC value has not been accumulated, then payments can be issued only after achieving the required indicators.

At what age does a mother of 3 and 4 children retire?

As noted above, the Presidential amendments suggest that:

  • According to the new law, the retirement age for families with many children will be fixed (if a woman gave birth and raised three children - 57 years, and if she has four - 56 years);
  • it will not depend on the conditions of the transition period 2019-2028, when the retirement period for women will be increased in stages from 55 to 60 years.

This means that in the first years of the reform as such, early exit for mothers of large families not provided— women with many children will process payments in accordance with generally established standards, taking into account.

The retirement schedule for mothers with three and four children can be presented in the form of a table:

Category of citizens Year of retirement under the old law
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
General increase in PV for women under the new law New PV 55,5 56,5 58 59 60
New GVP 2019-2020 2021-2022 2024 2026 2028
For mothers with 3 children New PV 55,5 56,5 57
New GVP 2019-2020 2021-2022 2023 2024 2025
For mothers with 4 children New PV 55,5 56
New GVP 2019-2020 2021 2022 2023 2024


Thus, the first to retire, taking into account the new benefit proposed by the President, will be able to:

  • women with four children - already in 2021, when the generally established age will be 56.5 years, and mothers with many children will be able to receive a pension six months earlier - at 56 years old;
  • women with three children - in 2023, when the general retirement age is 58 years old, they will be able to retire one year earlier (at 57 years old).

Retirement of women with many children under the new law

As noted earlier, due to the transitional provisions of the law on raising the retirement age in the first years of the reform, mothers with many children will not be able to take advantage of early registration - they will retire according to generally established standards, like other women.

  • Women born in 1964 who, according to the old rules, were supposed to retire in 2019, will not take advantage of the “early” registration:
  • For 2019, the age standard will be set at 55.5 years, which is less than that provided for mothers with many children (56 and 57 years). Therefore, mothers born in 1964 payments will be made on a general basis - at age 55.5 in the second half of 2019 or the first half of 2020.

  • The first who will be able to take advantage of the benefit will be women born in 1965 with four children- they will have the right to make payments in 2021 upon reaching 56 years of age, while the generally established standard will be 56.5 years.
  • Mothers of three children will begin to apply for pensions early (at 57 years old) in 2023 - this will affect women born in 1966 and younger, for which the generally established exit period will be 58 years.

Let's present information on women's retirement by year of birth in the form of a table:

Date of Birth Generally established standards For mothers with three children For mothers with four children
January-June 1964 55,5 July-December 2019 55,5 July-December 2019 55,5 July-December 2019
July-December 1964 January-June 2020 January-June 2020 January-June 2020
January-June 1965 56,5 July-December 2021 56,5 July-December 2021 56 2021
July-December 1965 January-June 2022 January-June 2022
1966 58 2024 57 2023 2022
1967 59 2026 2024 2023
1968 60 2028 2025 2024

Note: PV - retirement age in the corresponding year; GVP - year of retirement.

What age should you retire if you have 5 children?

The pension will be assigned according to the old rules- as it was established before the reform. According to clause 1, part 1, art. 32 of Law No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”, for women with 5 children, an old-age insurance pension can be assigned earlier than the generally established age standard - at 50 years old. The law on raising the retirement age will not affect this category of women at all - for them, the benefit during the reform will be preserved, and the age limit will not shift.

The conditions for granting early payment processing for them remain the same:

  • Must have accumulated 15 years of experience and 30 pension points (IPC).
  • 5 or more children must be born and raised before they reach 8 years of age.

The amendment to the law proposed by V. Putin supplements the list of requirements with one more additional condition: children in respect of whom the mother was deprived of parental rights or whose adoption was canceled are not taken into account.

If all the above requirements are met, a woman can receive early pension payments upon reaching 50 years of age. You can present the retirement schedule by year of birth in the form of a table.

Since 2015, the pension formula has changed. Without the minimum length of service and points, you will not receive an insurance pension.

Instead of an insurance pension - a social one

The requirements for points and length of service required to apply for a pension are growing every year. So, in 2018 this threshold is 9 years and 13.8 points. By 2024, the indicators will increase to 15 years and 30 points. Anyone who does not earn the required minimum will not be able to claim an insurance pension. They only get a social pension 5 years later than the generally established period.

Buy yourself a pension

In order to avoid having to wait another 5 years for your pension when you reach retirement age, you can enter into a voluntary legal relationship with the Pension Fund and buy yourself the right to a pension. Minimum contribution=2 minimum wage*12*26%. By the way, the Ministry of Labor has developed a project according to which the minimum contribution will be calculated based on 1 minimum wage.
Read more about voluntary legal relations with the Pension Fund in the material.
In that material, we used the example of the situation of pensioner Ivanov, who bought the missing 1 year of experience and 2 points from the Pension Fund for 59 thousand rubles and thus acquired the right to receive a minimum insurance pension for 4 years. Thus, having invested 59 thousand, he will receive 430 thousand rubles from the Pension Fund of Russia in 4 years. Judge for yourself the profitability of such an investment.

In the comments to the article, one of our readers asked the question:

What should mothers of many children do? What kind of experience do they have if you spend half your life raising children?


Let's figure it out. This article will focus on a young woman, a non-working housewife, and a mother of many children.

Profession: mother

What awaits a mother of many children, who has devoted herself to raising children, in terms of a future pension, was told at the Pension Fund of Russia branch in the Tomsk region.

The woman’s husband addressed the “pensioners” with a question. By the age of 30, his wife gave birth to 4 children and is not going to stop there. The couple plans to have many children. The woman takes care of the house and raises children, but does not work. Doesn't she risk being left without a pension due to the new point system?

A woman has the right to an old-age insurance pension upon reaching age 55 years and the presence of the minimum required insurance period and a minimum amount of points (by 2025 - 15 years and 30 points).

Meanwhile, women who have given birth to 5 or more children and raised them until they reach the age of 8 years, at 50 years old an early old-age insurance pension can be established (again, if you have 15 years of experience and 30 points).

If a woman’s length of insurance coverage or the amount of pension points is less than required, then she at 60 years old has the right to apply to the Pension Fund for a social old-age pension.

At the same time, the Pension Fund reminded that experience and points can be purchased. But the duration of the periods of payment of insurance contributions counted towards the insurance period cannot be more than half of the insurance period required for the assignment of an old-age insurance pension.

Let us remind you that pension points are also awarded for non-insurance periods.

So, for example, this housewife will be charged:
  • 1.8 points*1.5 for 1.5 years of caring for the first child,
  • 3.6 points*1.5 for 1.5 years of caring for a second child,
  • 5.4 points*1.5 for 1.5 years of caring for a third child,
  • 5.4 points*1.5 for 1.5 years of caring for the fourth child.
In total, without working, she will earn 24.3 points.
Let us remind you that points are awarded for the care of one parent for each child until he reaches the age of one and a half years, but not more than 6 years in total.

Thus, by the time she retires, she will be missing 5.7 points (30-24.3).

What about experience?

The insurance period for one of the parents includes periods of caring for each child until he reaches the age of 1.5 years, but not more than 6 years in total. However, periods of child care are counted in the insurance period if they were preceded and (or) followed by periods of work and (or) other activities (regardless of their duration), for which insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance were paid.

Thus, a woman needs to work so that the Pension Fund takes into account the time spent caring for children when calculating her length of service.

Let’s assume that the woman did work for 1.5 years and earned 3 points.

In total, she has 7.5 years of experience and 27.3 points. Another 7.5 years of experience and 2.7 points are missing.

Since 7.5 years is no more than half of the required experience, they can be purchased by entering into a voluntary legal relationship with the Pension Fund.

We will assume that the Ministry of Labor’s project, which reduces the minimum voluntary contribution, will be accepted. Let’s take the average minimum wage from 2019 in the amount of about 12 thousand rubles. Then 1 year of paying contributions, giving the right to 1 year of experience and about 2 points, will cost 37 thousand rubles.

For 7.5 years of being in a voluntary legal relationship, a woman will pay about 278 thousand rubles. Let's leave behind the scenes the question of where a large family will get this money to buy their mother the right to a pension.

In this way, the woman will ensure herself an early pension in the minimum amount.

What will this give in material terms? She will begin to receive a pension of about 9 thousand rubles at the age of 50, whereas in the absence of experience and points she would have to wait 60 years. Over these 10 years, she will receive about 1 million rubles from the Pension Fund.

But let us remind you that in order to receive this 1 million, she must invest 278 thousand, work officially at least a little (otherwise child care will not be included in the experience, and purchasing experience will become pointless, since you can only buy 7.5 years of experience ), and the main thing is to live until retirement age.

If a woman never works throughout her life, then even despite the hypothetical right to an early pension for having many children at the age of 50, she will actually only be able to claim a social pension at the age of 60.

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