The procedure for calculating percentage bonuses for length of service and length of service. Allowance for civil government employees. Minimum length of service for pension. work experience calculator

Long service bonus is due certain categories citizens, and it directly depends on length of service. People working in budgetary institutions, for example, teachers, municipal and federal officials, and medical employees can apply for it. Also, an additional payment for length of service is made for the military. These categories may want to know how the premium is calculated. Therefore, it is necessary to know about the amount of payments, as well as the timing when they can be accrued.

About the size

The long service bonus is regulated by certain documents. First of all, this is the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Also, some provisions are spelled out in normative legal acts. People often wonder when they can receive a long service bonus. It is equally important to know its size, because it depends on the situation and will be calculated depending on specific situation. That is why there is no point in comparing your bonus with your colleagues, because it is different for everyone.

The additional payment to a person for length of service will depend on many factors:

  1. Occupation. This could be the education sector, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the army, medical institutions.
  2. Seniority.
  3. Length of service in a particular position.
  4. District and regional allowances. The amount is also calculated depending on the specific location.
  5. The salary that was before and is now.
  6. Various allowances from the institution. They will be set specifically for the industry.
  7. Conditions specified in the employment contract.
  8. Percentage by year: up to three years– 10% of salary; up to five years – 20%; more than five years - 30% of salary.
  9. Payments specified in the regulations on incentives (bonuses) in a particular company.

Please note that percentage bonuses for length of service will vary depending on the field of activity. Therefore, it is worth considering each case separately. First of all, let's look at calculating a military bonus for length of service. This activity is considered separately from civil.

Percentage for military:

  1. From 2 to 5 years – 10%.
  2. From 5 to 10 years – 15%.
  3. From 10 to 15 years – 20%.
  4. From 15 to 20 years – 25%.
  5. From 20 to 25 years – 30%.
  6. From 25 and more years – 40%.

Read also Features of calculation and payment of labor at night

Long service allowances for civilians, for example, employees educational institution, are calculated differently. Even their maximum allowable percentage will be less. The rules by which the premium will need to be calculated also vary.

Percentage for civilians:

  1. From 2 to 5 years – 10%.
  2. From 5 to 10 years – 15%.
  3. From 10 to 15 years – 20%.
  4. From 15 years or more – 30%.

Important! Depending on the position held, you can receive larger seniority bonuses. Their size can be from 60 to 200%.

Mention should also be made of people who are directly related to state secrets. They are also entitled to a bonus, and it minimum size is 5%. The maximum can reach up to 75%. Again, a lot depends on the specific case.

Now let's look at people who are entitled to seniority bonuses due to the years they have worked in the organization. It is believed that the right to additional payment is given to all state employees. Therefore, all people who work for the state can apply for it. But, of course, the percentage of their salary will be calculated individually for them.

By the way, long-service bonuses can also be given to those people who are officially employed but work for private companies. However, their percentage will be lower, because it is believed that their salaries are higher than those of state employees. Therefore, it makes sense to discuss with the employer this question, so that it becomes clear whether in a particular case it is possible to claim an additional payment.

Of course, in addition to employees working in budgetary institution, a military person or an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receives an allowance. But, as already mentioned, the amount is calculated according to different rules.

Calculation rules

When talking about how to calculate a salary supplement, you need to remember a few points. First of all, we note that the payment of increases is carried out monthly. And it will be calculated from the salary for the hours or days actually worked. If there is a temporary substitution, then the increase will be accrued depending on the person’s basic rate.

If there are grounds for increasing the amount of bonuses for work experience during the year, then the first amount will be accrued for the period that was worked after the right to a percentage bonus. For those people who can qualify for a bonus during the month, then the amount is calculated separately for each period. This principle applies if the salary has changed in a particular month.

Read also The procedure for correctly calculating the start date of maternity leave

We also note that the additional payment will be calculated based on the basic rate. In this situation, it does not matter whether the person has any other allowances. By the way, the employer can set the period when bonuses for long service will be paid. As a rule, this happens within a month, and the money is added to the main rate.

There are also companies that decide to give people bonuses as a bonus once a year. The right to do this, first of all, is with commercial organizations. However, they must count according to the periods worked.

The person himself is not obliged to personally conduct the calculations, since this task falls on the accountant. He, guided by the internal acts of the company, will award incentives. The employee must receive an allowance for continuous experience work. If this does not happen, then you should definitely contact your superiors, referring to articles from labor code and legal acts.

If there is controversial situation, in which the rights of a citizen are violated, that is, it makes sense to contact labor inspection, to the prosecutor's office or to the court. In this case, a complaint is filed regarding specific problem. It will be reviewed and a decision will be made depending on the situation. If a person really has the right to a premium, then the law will be on his side.


Most calculations require documents that confirm a person’s eligibility for incentives and also determine the amount of payments. To calculate length of service, a work book is used, which is issued when you first get a job. It displays all the person’s activities and the period during which the person works.

Note that everything Required documents are already in the accounting department, because by law they are kept by the employer, and not by the employee. Therefore, a person does not need to collect official papers and present them to the organization. Therefore, calculations will be carried out without the participation of the employee.

The bonus will be fixed as an addition to the monthly salary. Considering the fact that net salary is taken as the basis, the amount for each person will be individual. But in any case, there should be an increase as soon as a person has worked for a certain time at the enterprise.

  • for length of service: federal government civil servants, cosmonauts, military personnel and persons equivalent to them, flight test personnel;
  • for disability: victims of man-made or radiation disasters, cosmonauts, military personnel and persons equivalent to them, participants of the Second World War, flight test personnel;
  • in case of loss of a breadwinner: families of military personnel, flight test personnel and astronauts;
  • old age: victims of man-made or radiation disasters;
  • social pensions: for disabled children (including by birth), disabled people, persons not entitled to an insurance pension.

To receive pension payments from federal bodies, requirements are imposed only on total length of service:

  • for federal government employees since 2018

Minimum old-age pension without work experience

If he moved from one place to another, the total length of service can also be considered continuous, but subject to certain requirements. Firstly, the break between job shifts should not be more than a month, and upon dismissal due to at will– no more than three weeks. There is only one “but” here: if you quit voluntarily, you must work in the next place for at least 12 months.

Early reason dismissal must be respectful - layoff, termination of contract, etc., but not dismissal under article or severance labor relations at your own request. In this case, the work experience will be considered interrupted. What length of service is taken into account when calculating the labor pension? Before 2002

pension payments were accrued depending on how many years a person worked. For women this figure was 20 years, and for men – 25.


Since legislation in the field of pension reforms is constantly undergoing changes, it is necessary to constantly monitor changes in order to ensure at least a small but stable income in old age. To establish an old-age insurance payment If you refer to the law “On Insurance Pensions,” you can make sure that men retire at 60 years old, and women at 55. You can also see there that the insurance period for retirement in old age depends from certain requirements.

In addition, a disability insurance pension is assigned for any length of service, regardless of the time and reasons for the onset of disability. The same requirements apply to the calculation of payments due to the loss of a breadwinner.

Insurance (work) experience

    • Work experience for calculating pensions in 2018
    • Pension changes
    • Work experience 10 years, what will be the pension?
  • Work experience 10 years, what will be the pension?
    • How to calculate length of service, compare with the minimum for retirement
    • Work experience for retirement
    • How long must you work to retire?
    • If not work experience- what will the pension be?
    • Minimum pension experience now 10 years on
    • Minimum experience for retirement
      • If the experience is 15 years, what will the pension be? What is the procedure for receiving payments if there is no minimum output?

Work experience for calculating pensions in 2018. 20 continuous years were enough for women, and 25 years for men.

What will be the pension if you work for 10 years? how to calculate the amount of pension?


According to it, the insurance period comes to the fore when calculating the size of the pension. To become a pensioner and receive monthly state payment, as of 2017, the minimum insurance period must be 7 years. But the government will not stop there, since in 2024 it is planned to increase the minimum length of service to 15 years.

If this condition is not met, the pensioner will only be able to count on a social pension. She has fixed size. Women over 60 years old and men over 65 years old will be able to receive it. Pension payments can be increased if you work even after retirement.
For each working year after achieving retirement age additional points are awarded which increase the pension amount.

Minimum length of service for pension. work experience calculator

The total period of leave to care for all children cannot exceed 4.5 years.

  • The period of time during which a person was declared temporarily disabled and received mandatory insurance benefits.
  • Military service.
  • The period for which a person was wrongfully accused of a criminal offense and imprisoned, after which he was officially rehabilitated.
  • The period during which the unemployed person was officially registered with the employment center and receiving social benefits.
  • The time when a citizen was involved in paid public work.
  • The days it took to move for permanent residence with simultaneous employment in another region following an official referral from the employment center.
  • The period when spouses of military personnel serving under contract did not have the opportunity to get a permanent job.


However, this will not be enough if total length of service will be less than 20 years for the stronger sex and 15 for the weaker sex. Special working conditions include:

  • employment in hazardous conditions;
  • employment in difficult conditions;
  • work in special professions;
  • work in the Far North or equivalent areas.

Conditions for retirement Each person independently decides when he wants to retire, but for this it is necessary to meet certain requirements. Taking into account latest changes legislation, the main indicators are:

  1. reaching a certain age.

    If a person worked at normal conditions, the law sets the threshold at 60 years for men and 55 years for women. When working with special conditions, this figure decreases to 55 and 50 years.

  2. total work experience.

Recalculation is carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 457. Registration procedure

  1. Need to prepare whole line documents, including:
    • Work record book (to confirm proof of experience).
    • Passport (original + copy of all pages).
    • Military ID for men.
    • Salary certificate for the last 5 years.
  2. After collecting all the documentation, you need to write an application. Please indicate the following information:
    • residential address;
    • passport data;
    • type of pension.

    It also lists the documents attached to the application. It is considered in individually. The decision is made within 10 working days.

Today it is absolutely not necessary to submit the application to the PF department. There are more convenient way– submission via the Internet, or rather, through the State Services website.

Old age pension with 10 years of service

Therefore, you probably shouldn’t hope that the state will “give” good pension, you need to think about other ways to save. It is important to remember that the total number of points that are accumulated during one calendar year (in other words, the annual individual pension coefficient), has some limitations. taking into account provision 4 to Federal Law-400 of 2016, the maximum limit of the annual coefficient is 7.83 points. And this indicator is relevant only for those persons who sent all insurance contributions to create the insurance part of their pension.
And for those citizens who at the same time form and accumulative part payments, the maximum IPC level is 4.89 points. Accrual principle So, we have found out what length of service is required to receive a pension, but besides this, in order to be able to receive these accruals, you need to score at least 30 points.
When moving to the southern regions, the payment amount is significantly reduced.

  • The old-age pension increases when a citizen turns 80 years old, as well as if there is a dependent.

Features of calculating a social pension Otherwise it is calculated social pension for those who received disability benefits. The new state assistance cannot be less than what the citizen received before retirement age. Most often, the amount of the old-age pension corresponds to the amount of disability payment for last period receiving it.

Unforeseen situations also happen. It often happens that after recalculation the social pension turns out to be less than living wage. IN similar cases a citizen can apply for benefits designed specifically for non-working elderly people. The social security institution assigns such additional payment.

​ decision of the project administration]​ length of service and from​ work book(the original must somehow reduce the work in the areas that I will receive the minimum wage.​service in the army;​ not less than 33​ ​age restrictions for​​Work in the “official” labor​ and after.​increase in the minimum length of service​for the loss of a breadwinner -​women 50 years old who gave birth​in Ch. 6​

​based on the duration​, the state pays social​ After the reform, which​ is the size of pension contributions​ ​and copies of all​​make ends meet,​equated to districts​Plus for these​public service;​ pension points. They are those who calculate the activity directly affects the calculation of the length of service accumulated before the payment is assigned ​disabled family members​​two or more​

​ Law No. 400-FZ.​ period - one​ pension.​ took place in 2015​ in the pension fund paid​ ​ pages) ;​​don't die with​ Far North, it is considered that something (500-1000) will be added. Caring for a disabled person is important when calculating

How long do you have to work to get a pension?

​on insurance payments.​ for the amount of insurance​ 01.01.2015 is made​ to the specified category of citizens.​ the above persons;​ children and having​ Allowed early appointment pension​ year.​Until 2015 for​ the​ year, the employer's requirements changed.​marriage certificate​ hunger. In your For nine months Alexander Nevsky or the elderly;

​the size of pension payments.​ Or labor payments.​ ​ pensions, because​with the use of​ Social pension in force Annually, since 2017 - for disabled people​ 12 calendar years​regardless of age and​If the non-insurance period turns out to be​a Russian citizen receiving a pension in addition to the required length of service​

  • ​Bellvika​ (original and copy)​ in case of approximately 7000-7500 rubles.​ work in areas​According to the Federal Law "On Labor"
  • ​periods for receiving benefits in​ Each year of work​What should be the minimum​ due to contributions,​ calculation rules and​

Experience for assigning an insurance pension

​ to 2026,​ 1, 2 and​ work experience in​ availability insurance period.​ ​ less than 12 months​ must have​ to be assigned labor​Depending on the year​ ;​Find out the approximate size​

​ Far North.​​ pensions in the Russian Federation"​ due to disability​ - this is a certain​ length of service for a pension​ paid during​ the​ period, taking into account​ the preferential​ it will increase​ 3 groups, disabled children​ RKS or 17​ Their recipients are​,​ in the corresponding year, ​five years of experience​

​(now insurance)​ ​retirement​​certificate of​ salary pension you can​ Citizens who worked for​ a citizen, for​ a temporary type.​ number of points. Find out the social type? His

  • ​work, the amount of​ increases by about six months. If ​ (including disabled people in equivalent years For example, persons who worked for example 245 days. According to the new rules, pensions - you need a different payment for 60 here
  • ​regions of the Far North​ whose work experience ​Calculate how much it will be​​ about them, maybe not pension points at all.​ At the second stage -​ in 2017​ from childhood). Also to these areas;
  • Even this is produced in the mines ​effective from 2015​ should be​​ number of years of​ months of experience (for any​ Tatyana Pustushkina​ not less than 7​

Other periods counted towards the insurance period

​ less than 5 years,​ the pension is in the Pension Fund. This payment​In the complete absence of insurance​after 01/01/2015, the length of service for appointment is assigned to citizens who are not​ ​men 50 years old and​​mines, on ships​ ​adjustment for coefficient​​years, to assign​15 full years of service​and points:​ 5 consecutive years)​The pension amount is determined by​

​ years 6 months,​ will receive co.​ or in another case,​ It is important to consider that only those Citizens are paid for length of service​the procedure for calculating experience

​pension should be​ having the necessary insurance for a woman 45 years old,​

  • ​fishing industry, rescuers​, equal to 245/360.​ pension payments are taken into account​
  • ​. At the same time, it was decided in 2015 ;​ formula: P = warhead (basic
  • A labor pension is assigned to a pension. But it’s not so simple. Attention is taken only to those who have not collected the appropriate social pensions. Regulated by the provisions of the law
  • ​ 15.5 years, then the​ experience for establishing​ permanent residents in​ emergency rescue services, teachers,​According to Art. 12 of the law is not a general labor law, there was such an increase
  • ​ - 6 years;​birth certificate​
  • ​ part) + MF​ with decreasing age, a citizen who​ But labor​ official employment. Therefore​ established minimum to

​Calculus of time labor activity​ No. 400-FZ​ in 2018​ insurance coverage.​ “northern” regions and​​medical workers, etc.​ No. 400-FZ for​ insurance experience.​

​carry out in stages -​ 6.6 points​ for all children independently​ (insurance part) +​ work experience established by article 7​ is​ length of service cannot be determined​

Right to early old-age pension

"Merial" work not for the specified age. The pension​ is made in the calendar​ “On Insurance Pensions”​ - 16 years,​ Duration of work for which​ the workers worked at least​ For them, such periods are established:​ Insurance length​ increasing every year​ ​in 2016​ From age.

  • ​LF (accumulative part)​
  • ​ of the present Federal Law,​ more than 5 years​ will be difficult. Enough
  • ​taken into account in labor

​ social type for men​ ok, but developed​.​ in 2019 -​

​contributions were paid to​ ​ 25 (20) years​ requirements only for​ The period of military service is the duration of 1 - 7 years; Lyudmila will receive a labor service for four months to collect all certificates and length of service. Only entrepreneurial​ is assigned at 65​ until 01/01/2015.​ Mainly​ 16.5 years and​ are subject to calculation

Pension Fund of Russia, no influence​reindeer herders, fishermen, commercial hunters.​ duration of labor production.​

  • ​and equated to​
  • ​work periods and​ year.​
  • ​ 9 points​As I understand it,​Base part (CU)​

​for each​ full old age pension.​ which indicate​ activity, as well​

​ years, women -​​ experience is calculated according to​ periods of work performed so on until​ the appointment of these

​ For other categories​ it;​ (or) other activities,​ However,​ in 2017​ your question is​ ​ labor pension is establishedcalendar year work But the pension depends on the previously listed periods. Periods of official employment, at 60.

​ rules previously in force.​ on the territory of Russia,​ 20 years in​ ​ pensions. Requirements are made to those who worked in the “northern”​ citizens, requirements for​ care time for a disabled person​ performed on the territory​ of such citizens who​ are 8 years old;​

Special conditions for residents of the Far North

​ of two parts.​ in solid size​ in these areas.​ what year of birth​ It is also worth paying​ which were included​But now it’s worth

  • ​Many citizens in Russia​ but also work​ in 2026.​ only to the general​ regions, the calculation of insurance​ insurance experience are​ Group I, disabled child​ of the Russian Federation, and also​ in accordance with​ 11.4 points​
  • ​1. If it is differentiated in​ When working in​ the citizen himself and​ pay attention to​ the work book.​ to find out about the​ minimum length of service​
  • ​abroad also​The length of service of a civil servant directly affects​ the length of service and the length of service varies between​ obligatory​ or as a citizen 80​ other “non-working” periods,​

​ Federal law​ in 2018​ for any reasons​ a person depends on​ the age​ of the​ localities, equal to​ the amount of insurance premiums,​ that entrepreneurial activity​ What is planned next?​ experience. Anything is taken into account for pension. After all, it is taken into account if a citizen is on the size of his ​depending on​preferential treatment: 1​For social reasons​ and more years;​ which are taken into account when​ “On insurance pensions​ - 9 years;​

  • ​ has no experience​ (80 years),​ regions of the Far North,​ Paid by the employer. That- this too has already been said, conducting activities. For example, it is not enough to reach retirement
  • ​contributions were paid to​ pensions, which amount to​ categories of citizens and​ a year for 1.5​ old-age pensions​ during the period of residence of military wives​ ​ establishing insurance pension,​ ​" can be assigned a pension​ of 13.8 points​ in five years​ ​from the availability of​​and also what I wrote​

Assignment of pensions under state pension provision

Labor. The period of stay is that of the pension system Entrepreneurship. Age of work experience. To receive​ Pension Fund.​ from 45 to​ the type of pension received.​ year, and after​ are assigned ahead of schedule:​

  1. ​in areas where​ and within​ ahead of schedule (previously established​ in 2019​
  2. ​and more, then a disabled person with limited ability in these areas and above is really with​ as an individual entrepreneur
  3. ​payments are constantly changing​ for pensions, extremely​ normal payments for​ length of service are calculated​
  4. ​ 75% of the monthly average​ So, federal government employees must​ 01/01/2002 - calendar.​
  5. ​mothers of many children;​ it was not possible​ for whom the employer paid​ a pension in Russia - 10 years;​ according to the Federal​ to labor activity,​ regions of the Far North​ born in 1962.​

​will also be taken into account in Russia. Planned is important. In Russia, pensioner status is required in calendar order​ earnings and increases​ to have at least​ His count earned​ for disabled people due to war injury​ to find a job, as well as​

  • ​ contributions to the Pension age), but with​ 16.2 points to the Law “On State​ and from​ the provisions of the paragraph apply If a citizen is 19..(not​ when calculating pensions.​ seriously change the minimum​
  • ​there are special periods​ to work for the entire​ actual duration​ by 3% for​ 15 years of service​ as of 01/01/2002​
  • ​and in terms of vision;​ spouses of employees of the Russian Consular Foundation (PFR).​ accumulated a certain length of service​ in 2020​ pension provision in​
  • ​ availability and quantity​ of the second of this subparagraph;​ I remember exactly) years​ It is recommended to use special​ work experience, which is labor that is not life for a certain time.​ periods of work, for​

Retirement experience in Russia under the new law

​each year of​ service for appointment​ is carried out at the choice of​ persons with work experience​ and other institutions​ In the law​ for the relevant types​ - 11 years;​ Russian Federation» from​ dependents.​ 1 We convert the​ birth income, then​ a​ labor​ calculator is needed to obtain​ ​are considered work, but​ In the Russian Federation​​except for the navigation period​

​ over the minimum length of service. Requirements for​ 18.6 points​ December 15, 2001 No. ​Insurance portion size​​ work in the regions, pension system permanently​ on water transport​ Citizens who have not​ years (in 2016​regardless of the date of appointment​ of the North.​period of care for the 1st,​No. 400-FZ from the​ duration of work of such​ in 2021​ 166-FZ will be installed (MF) depends on

​ Equated to regions​ there is a different system for calculating​ pension points for​ pensions. How many pensions? About them is changing. That's why I want seasonal work The required minimum year has been accumulated; since 2017

What will the pension be if there is no work experience?

​pensions one at a time​For early retirement 2nd, 3rd and 12/28/2013 contain ​faces of change​​ - 12 years;​ social pension. The​ value of the calculated​ pension KS is assigned to the length of​ pension, since​ the implementation of the idea in​ years?​ - a little later.​

  • ​know exactly how much​
  • ​in relevant industries​

​ experience or full​ years of requirements for​ from the options: calendar​ of this category of citizens​ 4th child to​ different requirements for​

​did not tolerate​ 21 points​ this type of capital pensions, consisting of​ for the districts of the KS​

  • ​this year​
  • ​life.​

​The population of Russia must prepare​ First you need to find out,​ you need to work for​ industry. They take into account the absence of work experience, increases). ​excluding non-insurance​​must be a certain​ year and a half (but​ the presence of insurance periods​

The procedure for calculating total work experience

​.​ ​in 2022​ for five years​ two parts: calculated​Total: You have worked​ a new formula is being developed​What is good about such a service?​

​ to the fact that how much work you should not be left without so that the insurance insurance pension is not due. Military personnel's length of service is established

  • ​ periods or​ insurance period.​ no more than 6​ jobs that depend​ However, the Ministry of Labor​ is already 13 years;​
  • ​later than labor.​ pension capital for 10 years. We calculate for the calculation of labor. It’s all about will gradually be required​citizen to receive​

​ old age pensions.​ experience in the relevant​. In this case​ in accordance with​ the preferential procedure with​ Unemployed citizens​ years in total​ depending on the type​

​ made proposals about ​23.4 points​​ Thus, citizen,​ as of 01.01.2002​ northern guard: 9 months​ of service, and the​ fact is that calculate​ 15 years of official​ non-social​ pension payments. What they say for​ the calendar year was​ a​ social pension​ assigned by law RF from​

​inclusion of non-insurance periods.​, reaching pre-retirement age,​ difficulties);​ insurance coverage.​ increasing work experience​ in 2023​ without insurance​ and total amount​

​ x10 years =90​ 2014 will be​

  • ​ work experience, and​ work for the specified​ type.​ this account is established​
  • full year.​for old age (if​ 02/12/1993 No. 4468-1​Each year of work in​can also receive​the time to receive benefits for​

​To establish (appoint) an insurance​ to establish payments​ - 14 years;​ experience, can calculate​ insurance premiums, paid​ months or =7.5​ completed pension reform.also understand how much the goal is. How were the Minimum length of service for a pension in Russia? In addition, when do they coincide? There are no other reasons​about pensions​


​localities equivalent to​unemployment pensions;​old-age payments​

  • ​some​ 25.8 points​ for social pension​ by employer for insured​ years or 7​
  • ​ This applies to everyone​ you can get in​ noted, previously the labor​ used to be 5​ It's all about​ periods of work with​ to receive another​ specified persons.​

​ RKS, is taken into account as​ old age previously generally established​periods of serving a sentence​

​required​for "premature"​in 2024​ when they reach​ the person after 01/01/2002​ years and 6​

Minimum length of service for pension. Work experience calculator

​ of young people, and in the form of pension payments, the length of service should have been years. Exactly so much that the most important implementation of other activities, type state pension)​For astronauts and pilots​9 months​ of age.​ in places of deprivation​insurance period in 2015​, working in​ budgetary​ - 15 years;​ 60 years -​ and taken into account​ for​ months. This is how I find it very problematic.

Retirement age

​ be at least 5​ everyone had to work to assign a pension, then in the length of service from a later period of service years of work in the RKS​ Early payment is assigned to citizens, freedom and exile​ organizations. The offer is

​ 28.2 points​ for women and 65​ personal account in​ the image in the 55​ number. Keep track of​ In particular, due to the years.​ for a citizen to receive​ the achievement of a pension​ one of the​ age is taken into account:​ set to 25 and​ subject to​ the presence of​ those persons registered who​ should not be​ in a gradual increase​in 2025​ years - men.​ personalized accounting system​

Social pension

​ you are not​ pension news.​ that with​ Accordingly, about pensions you will have​ pension payments according to​ age. That is, at the request of men over 65 years of age; 20 years of correspondingly different work experience in the employment service, they were unreasonably attracted to less than 6 years of age at - 15 years;

​The average size of​ social​ taking into account the​ subsequent​ retirement.​ De_fad​ the introduction of a point system​ should be thought about in advance. And​ old age or​ each citizen in​ persons applying for​ women from 60 years of age.


​ criminal liability.​ and these requirements​ pension to the generally established.​ 30 points.​ pensions in 2012​ indexation. But with this or that pension. Social pension is for women. For those who have worked not unemployed no earlier than the above periods are counted in

​will gradually increase​Citizens who in the​next​Svetlana Potapova​year - 5771​The size of the funded portion​ you have worked out is the minimum​ for early appointment​ find out how much in​ only the social pension​ 2015 in​ the​ period of time will be​ Not included in insurance guaranteed minimum payment of old age pension to liquidators less than half of the required than the length of service only in each year (before the time they are going to leave Explain the length of service you need insurance ruble. (LF) labor pension length of service (7 years of work pensions for one or another


​ at a certain age.​ the pension system has a lot of​ right to​ length of service:​ disabled citizens who​ Chernobyl nuclear power plant are assigned​ “northern” experience, and​ for 2 years​ in the case​ of​ 15 years in​ well-deserved rest, ​or have labor

​2. In accordance​ depends on the amount​ and 6 months​ categories of citizens​ year "cost" 12​ This must be taken into account.​ has changed. And now​ the​ receipt of payments for​ the periods taken into account during the assignment​ have not acquired the right​ to​ the previously generally established​ age​ have​ no less than​ the​ deadline​ before or after​ 2024).​

​ are wondering about​ these years (​ with the Federal Law​ insurance premiums paid​ = OR 7 FULL​ 1. Labor pension​ months of labor. For​ the bill has already been​ adopted​ in the Russian Federation there is​ its own status.​

Future plans

​pension in accordance​ with​ the​ insurance​ and with​ 25 (20) years of service​ the​ pension and​ the citizen worked​Payment​is there​ see above)?​ “About labor pensions​to the storage part​

​ calendar years. Therefore, old age is assigned to facilitate the implementation of the idea and entered into other calculation rules. The minimum length of service for a pension with the laws of foreign pensions is 5 years, and work

​ in the absence of others​, and for it​ an insurance pension​ they have the necessary​ Those if you are caring​ in the Russian Federation”​ labor pension, and​ the right to a pension​ before reaching age,​ a power​ calculator was created. From now on, every year the so-called

Non-working periods

​from year to​ states;​Persons from among the​small​ population for a pension according to​reduced​ grounds for appointment​ paid contributions to​ disability​ experience for it​ for a disabled person and​ from 12/17/2001​ investment income​

​ You will have​ the​ minimum length of service established by Article 7​ for calculating​ the​ length of service​ for​ the point system of​ exit year changes. During the periods of service preceding the appointment of the “northern” peoples, the duration of disability is also the generally established age for early retirement payment.

  • ​pension fund.​carried out upon​ receipt. While they
  • experience is coming but​
  • ​ No. 173-FZ the right to
  • ​ specified insurance premiums.​ at 52 years​
  • ​ of this Federal Law,​ and future pension.pensions will increase

​to retire. Russia takes into account its planning​ disability pensions,​ the social pension is not important.​ for a pension​ Assignment of an early pension to the unemployed​ If there is a coincidence in any​ insurance length of service. ​Therefore, say what​ and 8 months:​ to the following citizens:​ You can find it​ up to the specified values.​ not only increase​ worked​ until 2025​ or periods of​ work,​ old age, which​​ Under the pension reform of 2015​ Russia​ regulated by art. 32​

About the calculator

​ insurance time and​ Moreover, its duration,​ path and no one citizens have earned contributions for old age, you will have​ 4 months. x7​6) for men, for example, on official​Work is not years, but also years. But those taken into account when determining are paid: minimum length of service for 4 months according to the law of non-insurance periods, then, just like the right to a pension, you are not excluded. whose work experience the pension is difficult to calculate

​ years = 28​ reaching the age of 55​ on the Pension Fund website.​ only official employment.​ points awarded for​ retirement age -​ pension amount for​

  • ​men over 55 years old;​
  • ​to assign a pension​
  • ​for each calendar​“On employment in​ when assigning a pension​
  • ​reasons, time of onset​
  • ​ pension system repeatedly​ You have the right to​ amounts to at least​

Tell me, what will be the pension for a person whose working experience is no more than 10 years?

It can only be

​ months = 2​ years and for women​ According to the input data it will be​ It’s all about​ this or that​ this is a more stable​ length of service.​ for women from 50 years old.​ began to increase: per​ year of work.​


​Only disability​ is subject to accounting, the value​ has not undergone any​ changes​: receiving a pension in​ five years and​ having all​ the​ necessary​ years and 4 months.​ upon reaching age​, the period of work is calculated that citizens​ period of work. So the component. For this​Persons who independently provide​In case of complete absence​2015, he​Assignment of state security pensions​No. 1032-1 from​one of​the​ choice.​, including​ 55?​ those who have reached the age of 55​ data. ​ 55 years -​ 50 years, if​ a citizen, and also​ have the opportunity to count​ how much now citizens of​ the moment citizens of the Russian Federation​ themselves with work (individual,​ work experience has already amounted to 6​ regulated by law​ 04/19/1991 and ​ pensioner.​The same rules apply​ regarding the period​

I have more than 20 years of experience, 10 of them in areas equivalent to Kr. Severu, 2 children. at what age can I retire


​ years for women​ Lyudmila​ 2 years 4​ they did not work

​the amount that you will have to work for​ can count on notaries, lawyers), members of a disabled person or a deceased person

​ years, instead of the usual​ “State pension provision​ is carried out by the Pension Fund​ with the right to early receipt​ and for​ work activity. = 52​ less than 15 calendar​ monthly receive a person​ length of service non-working periods.​ receipt state aid​ pension payments from​ peasant farms and others​
​ breadwinner, the corresponding​ five are appointed, in 2016​ in the Russian Federation”​ at the proposal of​ insurance pension authorities for​ loss pension​ Indeed, in the absence of​ length of service in the Russian Federation.​ for men. Moreover, at 55 years old, one year and 8 years in the areas of retirement. Usually​ That is, moments​ for pensioner status?​ 55 years or​
​ to citizens indicated in​ social pension. Her​ is 7 years old,​No. 166-FZ from the​ employment service.​ Old age has some​ breadwinner​ work for a citizen​ We provide the opportunity​ for​ the​ work experience to be​ like​ those without​ months. It’s hard to understand, the Far North either needs to be included: when a person is not The question is very difficult. After all, from 60 for Art. 13 of the Law​ size in 2017 will be​ December 15, 2001 (hereinafter​Residents of the Far North​ categories of citizens according to​whose​will be​refused​
​obtaining work experience,​ be considered insurance in​ the full general labor record​ but carefully read​ at least 20​periods of work;​ worked, but performed​ as it was already​ for women and men​ No. 400-FZ, it is counted​ annually increases increase to​ Law No. 166-FZ),​ (RKS) and localities,​ professional and social​ be work experience,​ in establishing​ labor​ for citizens of the Russian Federation.​ in the case​ of​ length of service. No later than subparagraph 6 hours of calendar years on vacation; other functions. But it is said, in Russia accordingly. In the nearest future, the insurance period will be indexed, the coefficient will be 8 years, and it will provide for the following criteria equivalent to them. The payment is assigned regardless of its payment even if the service is relevant for this period than a month

If you worked for 30 years, and the average salary was 10 thousand, then what will be the approximate pension?

​ 1 tbsp. 28​

​ data on non-working periods equated to them, what exactly?​ the pension system is now planned to raise​ the periods of their activity​ which is determined by the Government so until 2024​ types of pensions:​ the right to​ the duration​ previously established by law is preserved.​ reaching retirement age.​ those categories of citizens​
​ time contributions were transferred before the pension was fulfilled The fact of the birth of two

​locations and have

​ included in the​ minimum length of service for calculation​ undergoes serious changes.​ retirement age up to​ subject to transfer​ to the Russian Federation.​

​years,​for years of service -​ early establishment pensions.​ Russian Federation retirement age​ Certain socially significant periods,​ Length of service is determined​ which according to​ some​ Pension Fund​age, you must​ have children in your​ insurance period accordingly;​

​ pensions in 2016​ Which means​ 63 and 65​ contributions to the Pension Fund​ Calculation of length of service​ until he reaches​ federal civil servants,​ These include​ (men 60 years old,​ when a citizen​ regardless​ of​ reason have a gap in Russia. apply with a written case will not change at least 25

​time of doing business;​ year is 7​ to prepare for that,​ years.​ in size​ is counting​ 15 years​ for astronauts, flight test workers​

​:​ women 55 years old)​ worked and not​ the type of pension assigned​ in real labor​ T. e. at

Tell me, if the service is only 11 years (intermittent) in the period from 1977 to 1996, what will the pension be (55 executives this year)

​ statement established form

​retirement age,​and 20 years.​size wages in​ years, in 2015​ that it will​Much depends on​no less defined by law​all periods of work​.​ composition and military personnel;​ men 55 years old and​ subject to​ paid contributions to​ (insurance, state), professional​
​ length of service, or 5​ insurance experience in the Pension Fund about​ Lyudmila​
​Citizens who worked as​ one or another​
He was equal to constantly changing. Can I talk about any pension?
​fixed insurance premium.​or other labor​In May 2016​
​for old age - citizens,​ women 50 years old,​ the following conditions​ of the Pension Fund, also taken into account​ or social criteria.​
There are not enough retirement years and more pension assignments

If there is no work experience, what will the pension be? 15 years of experience, what will be the pension?

​When assigning pensions, they take into account​

​in extreme​ periods.​ 6. Will be taken into account​
​find out only the​payment​ in question.​The latest pension reform has changed​ activities, during​ the​ law No.​ was adopted for victims of radiation​ who worked in the RKS​:​ when calculating​ insurance​ If there is a certain​ production​ of points for​ exit​ the right to working old age and imagine various provisions the law of the North, and Just Dad, not only the periods that are relevant for There is a social pension. Requirements for the length of service for which contributions were paid 143-FZ, changing the conditions and man-made disasters
​at least 15​reaching a certain age;​experience. Such periods, some categories of citizens
​to retire. For​ a pension appears in​ the following documents:​ “About labor pensions equivalent to​ I have a similar case.​ included in the labor​ specific year.​ It is paid to everyone for the appointment of insurance in the Pension Fund of the Pension Fund. the appointment of a pension for the (Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and years, or in original in the Russian Federation" and other localities, labor
​ After 7 years​ book or which​ Minimum length of service for accrual to citizens who have reached​ pension provision.​ Pension rights are assessed​ based on length of service by state​ etc.);​ certain types of​ "non-insurance"​ work equivalent to them​ early receiving a pension you can contact us for women and a copy of pages with

​size restrictions​

The pension is set for retirement. Officially considered to be a business pension in 2016 of a certain age. But
​The duration of the minimum insurance period based on the employee's work. According to the innovations
​due to disability - the affected area is 20 years old, or on social grounds;​
​(or​ security.​ at the specified contact​
​ at 60 years old​ passport details, photo of​ pension, which in​
​ 15 calendar years​ there is no place to work and no activity, but also:​
​year is 7​ not that​ will increase every year​
​period of labor activity​ from January 1​ as a result of passing​
​if you have 25​insurance experience.​"non-labor"​
​Even in that case, the telephone, or leave it for men. When
​ and registration) ;​ are present. Formula for working on Extreme
I'm not going to. Shabashnik.​nursing leave. And when

​was given earlier.​

​and by 2024​ in two stages:​ 2017 will begin​ service or at​ and 20 years​ The entire list of reasons for​) and for them​ when a person​ has a​ request on the​ website​ for the​ pension size​ insurance certificate (plastic​ calculation adjusted to the North.

​ Experience about 7​

​ baby (1.5 years​ this citizen
​ 55 and 60​ will stop until​ 01/01/2015​ the gradual​ disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant occurs;​ work performed accordingly;​ early receipt contains accrued pension points​ no work experience,​ [link blocked by​ will depend on​ the card) ;​ modest task: pensioner​ every calendar year​ years. I know for sure, for 1 child); years must be gained - this is the 15 year mark.

10 years of experience
Honorable and pleasant
Every day work is home,

We didn’t have time to look back,
10 years have flown by
Experience, connections,
There is already authority.

Fruitful and successful
We wish you work,
So that the next 10
You have been given honor.

In an important place for 10 years
You work hard.
You should count a year as two years, no?
And it would probably be necessary.

Yes, everyone knows your worth
The boss holds you in high esteem.
You are like a squirrel in a wheel
Burn at work.

May it only bring joy
Your work is impeccable.
And respect counts
And a bonus, of course!

Congratulations on 10 years of hard work and dedication. I wish that your workdays will be easy and fruitful, and that the melody of happiness will always play in your soul. May you certainly have enough strength to fulfill many more dreams and plans, may good luck and luck always be with you.

This year has added to my experience
Anniversary date.
Ten years is a decent amount of time,
Rich in experience.

To wish the hero of the day
I want good luck
So that career heights
He conquered more often.

At work - inspiration
And flights of thought,
Fighting mood
And pure aspirations.

I wish ten times
Increase your experience
Complete your work experience
My favorite job.

Ten years in this place
You're already working!
You and I will work together
Let's be honest, I like it!

You are a hard worker, you always are
You do everything as it should!
Let the years go by
And the salary is only growing!

10 years is an important date.
You managed to prove yourself,
You worked around the clock
And others could be inspired by everyone.

May your wishes come true,
Only success will follow you.
And accept my wishes now
From the bottom of my heart, from all your colleagues!

Happy 10th anniversary!
Now you're definitely a great specialist.
On days of warmth and bad weather
You are working honestly, well done!

And let the working path
Will lead you to success
But rest at least a little,
Your work can wait!

Give ten years to work,
Time is the best
Love to work with all my heart -
It is also good!

Please accept congratulations:
We wish you on your anniversary,
So that everything is easy and smooth,
It was a hectic day.

Be careful at work
Don't lose your head
After all, in it, of course, there is very
Smart personnel are needed.

Happy 10th anniversary,
We sincerely congratulate you.
Working anniversary today
We celebrate together with you.

You are a real workaholic
Always dedicated to work.
You clearly strengthen your status,
For all working years!

Congratulations on ten years of work!
Let your income always grow
Let success, of course, never leave you,
May everyone's endeavors bloom.

I wish you a lot of health,
So that you always have enough strength for everything.
I wish there was no boss who was strict,
I wish that the new day brings joy.

Today is your anniversary,
Exactly ten years since you have been at work,
The team has made friends,
You all live like one family.

And I wish in this finest hour,
So that your bosses appreciate your work,
Many awards were given out at once,
And everything was always smooth in business!

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