The original Tamagotchis received a second life and returned to the market. Tamagotchi Friends Thank you very much for your attention

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Not all objects leave us forever, because it’s not for nothing that they say that everything new is well-forgotten old. But it is not at all necessary to forget your favorite things, especially since their modern analogues are now available.

website I found for you several examples of how nostalgia visits not only ordinary users, but also developers.


This virtual pet was created 21 years ago in Japan, so it is not surprising that it experienced its second birth there. Compared to the 1996 version, the modern Tamagotchi has slightly decreased in size and acquired new functions. The toy now has a color display, and it can also be paused, so you no longer have to worry about your pet’s “death” due to the fact that they forgot to feed him at three in the morning. The new Tamagotchi is currently sold only in Japanese stores, but it can also be purchased online without any problems.

Instant camera

Although these days you don't have to wait hours (or even days) for your photos to be printed, instant cameras are still popular. The operating principle of modern cameras remains the same, but they are distinguished by their compact size and the presence of new functions, which especially pleases selfie lovers.

Nokia 3310

The famous “indestructible” Nokia now has a modern version: it is equipped with a modest 2-megapixel camera, an MP3 player and a memory card slot. Apparently, the manufacturer expects that users will purchase the phone mainly due to a sense of nostalgia and an attractive price - only € 49.

Game console NES

The eight-bit game console Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was very popular in the second half of the 1980s and early 1990s. In Russia they know her as Dendy. Over time, the NES gave way to more advanced consoles, but in 2016 it was re-released. The updated version does not require cartridges; 30 games are already built into it: Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Ice Climber and others.

Cassette player

Such a player can be bought now, but over time it will turn into a real rarity, because most companies have officially stopped producing such devices and the cassettes themselves. They are produced in small batches, mainly in China, especially for retro lovers. But there is also a more modern option that will appeal to those who miss the past. This MP3 player looks almost exactly like a real cassette player, but unlike its big brother, it certainly won't become obsolete anytime soon.

Portable console

Nowadays, there is no need to buy a portable gaming device, because you can simply install the game on your smartphone or tablet. But the good old Game Boy is still available today. Moreover, there is also a rather unexpected version of it - in the form of a mug with a display, which turns on as soon as a hot drink is poured into the mug (no batteries are required for operation). Unfortunately, you won't be able to play while drinking coffee or tea - the display serves a purely decorative function. But such a gift will certainly be appreciated by all lovers of retro gadgets.

Multicolor pen

Of course, pens with paste in several colors still exist. But progress does not stand still, and now you can buy a pen not with 5-8 colors, but with 16 million colors in a compact case. This was made possible thanks to a special technology that allows you to scan any object you like, and then mix the ink to get the desired color. You don’t need to do anything - the smart pen will do everything itself, all you have to do is use it for its intended purpose and replace the ink cartridge on time.

Probably many of us who grew up in the 90s kept our pet Tamagotchi. And I had one, and more than one.

You had to look after your electronic friend: feed him, play with him, treat him if he got sick, clean up after him, bathe him... And of course, not leave him unattended for a long time, because the pet could get sick and die.

And now, 20 years later, an updated version of the famous Tamagotchi was released! The toy manufacturer is still the same company Bandai. Not only my daughter, but also I enthusiastically began raising our little friend.

From the manufacturer

Electronic toy "Tamagotchi Friends: Amethyst" is a new version of the legendary toy. Bright design, new games and accessories, and most importantly - an innovative one-touch data transfer system: now you can send short messages to each other, exchange items, visit each other. A modernized game that teaches care and responsibility. New heroes - 24 different heroes with individual development. Choice - you choose the egg that will be your pupil. New games (three starting and two will be unlocked) upon reaching a certain level. New items - new food, snacks. New accessories - 60 items for the collection that you can win by playing games, buy in the store or exchange with friends. New places - take your Tamagotchi for a walk in the park, go on a date. And of course feeding, cleaning, games, education. New NFC (Near Field Communication) technology. Innovative one-touch data transfer system - Bump (Friend). Make friends to exchange - items or accessories with friends. Make friends to visit - your hero visits your friend's device. Make friends to see how strong your friendship is - with the BFF Bump (“Best Friends Forever”) Friends feature, show how much you love your friends! Make friends to increase your "friend meter" level - every time you use the "Friends" feature, you gain friend points! Make friends for communication - send small messages. Make friends and create communities - all the heroes with whom you were friends will be reflected in the device’s memory. You can marry your hero to one of them. It is necessary to purchase 2 1.5V AAA batteries (not included).

We were immediately disappointed - very low screen contrast.(batteries, by the way, were not included in the kit). The contrast can be increased, but despite this it is still very difficult to see. It’s difficult to figure out where the Tamagotchi itself is and where the interior items are. There is no screen backlight.

What new has the Tamagotchi manufacturer come up with for us?

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ design cute. The new toy is slightly larger than the old one;

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ the ability to choose a pet (although you could choose before);

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ new Tamagotchi Russified. He says he's hungry. All items, food are signed;

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ it became possible to go to the store and buy food and jewelry for the pet. Due to this, your personal account increases. Money can be earned while playing.

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ With Tamagotchi you can go to the park and ride on the swings.

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ When Tamagotchi is about a week old, he has the opportunity to go on a date. Then, as in life, he marries and has a baby. The game ends up going in circles.

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ There are only three games and they are very basic and not interesting. Over time, two more games appear.

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ and the most important difference is that the possibility of friendship between Tamagotchis has appeared. You can exchange items, visit a friend, write short messages, etc. But since our friends don’t have a Tamagotchi, we don’t use this function.

٩(͡๏̯͡๏)۶ Tamagotchi is not as "demanding" as before. If you forget it even for a whole day, nothing will happen. The pet will not die.


As you can see, there are few differences between the old version. It seems to me that in the age of new technologies it was possible to come up with something more interesting. At a minimum, make the screen color. And the pet's movements are smoother.

This Tamagotchi was interesting to children 20 years ago, but now it’s simply not relevant.

My daughter liked the toy at first, but her interest quickly faded. Tamagotchi grows alone.

The toy is available in the Detsky Mir chain of stores. 1300 rub.. Tamagotchi is not worth this money, or even a third of this price.

I give it 3 points only for the feeling of nostalgia.

Thank you very much for your attention!

The Japanese company Bandai Namco has officially announced: in honor of the 20th anniversary of Tamagotchi, legendary toys will return to the shelves.

The new Tamagotchi will be twice as compact as the original, but will retain a black and white screen and six characters, one of whom must be chosen as a pet.

The price of the reborn gadget will be 1800 yen - approximately $17 or 950 rubles. Quite adequate, considering that we are talking about a real Japanese Tamagotchi.

By the way, Bandai Namco has already confirmed that the new product will be released not only in its homeland, but also in other countries, including Russia.

I was born closer to the mid-nineties, but I still remember very well how we were fans of Tamagotchi in elementary school. It was a phenomenon incomparable even to the popularity of pocket Tetris.

Tetris was used like this: took it out, turned it on, played, got tired, turned it off, forgot.

About Tamagotchi never forgot. He lived constantly, and you could just look at his screen, making sure that everything was okay with your precious pet.

This toy cost about 100 rubles, but brought an ocean of joy. Feed, treat, play, reproduce – Tamagotchi taught only good things. The essence of the game is to carefully raise an electronic animal, and not to finish off a dozen faceless monsters.

The death of a Tamagotchi was always a tragedy, but the gadget itself did not die - you could start all over again, promising yourself to monitor your pet more closely this time.

I had two Tamagotchis: one was defective (the contact fell out and everything rebooted itself), one was normal (life record - 8 days).

The last time I got a virtual pet was about 15 years ago, but the news about the return of Tamagotchi made me very happy.

Firstly, This is a wonderful gift that will suit both very young children (those who do not yet have a smartphone) and adults (to be purely nostalgic). 1000 rubles is a nonsense price tag for entertainment that immerses you in childhood.

Secondly, In Russia you can still buy Tamagotchis, but they are all made in China and work poorly. The original must have three buttons and six characters - this is important.

In general, I'm ready to pre-order and attach a Tamagotchi instead of a keychain.

Perhaps he will die often, but I will really try to beat my achievement from the beginning of the 2000s and hold out for at least 10 days.

Did you have a Tamagotchi? Do you think 950 rubles is a normal price? Would you buy this toy in 2017?

P.S. I know that Tamagotchi is also available as an application for smartphones and tablets. But this is too boring - Tamagotchi should be a separate tangible creature in its own body.

Please rate.

Everything new is well forgotten old. At least, this is what the management of the Japanese company Bandai, whose Tamagotchi mini-console brought fame in the 90s, thinks so. Despite today's abundance of high-tech mobile gadgets, it is unlikely that you will be able to find a former Tamagotchi owner who would remember this keychain without emotion. For many, Bandai's brainchild is still associated with fun hours spent caring for an outlandish, but at the same time so cute digital pet.

Bandai, meanwhile, has repeatedly resorted to attempts to resurrect the cult product. This is how the Tamagotchi iD and Tamagotchi P’s keychains saw the light, but the modernized new products lacked the spirit of authenticity of the original version. Now you no longer have to be nostalgic about the old days and old Tamagotchis.

In honor of the 20th anniversary, Bandai took up the challenge of re-releasing the legendary keychain while preserving its functional features in their original form. The virtual pet inside the Tamagotchi will still require its owner to regularly perform meaningless tasks that can captivate the user for a long time, even despite its primitivism.

True, unlike the original version of Tamagotchi, the new product will be almost half the size of the device from the 90s. In addition, the updated version of the key fob received a square LCD display without auxiliary indicator lines instead of a rectangular screen.

But the 2017 Tamagotchi has not undergone any changes in the software. The list of available characters will be identical to the original set of pets. The process of gaming interaction with them is implemented in a similar way.

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