Pregnancy - the last months before childbirth. Last days of pregnancy

(37 - 41 obstetric weeks of pregnancy) - that's it, the finish line, soon to give birth. Pregnancy is coming to its logical conclusion. A sign of this is a drooping belly. If by the 36th week of pregnancy the bottom of the uterus is located under the xiphoid process, then by the 40th week her body drops to approximately the level of the 32nd week of pregnancy.

The intrauterine stage lasts an average of 270 days (36 weeks from conception to birth). But in medicine, the gestational age is counted from the first day of the last menstrual cycle, resulting in 280 days (10 lunar months).

Only 5% of women give birth on the scheduled date of birth. In other cases, during pregnancy, there is a discrepancy between the fertilization age of the fetus and the gestational age (the Latin word gestatio means pregnancy). Therefore, not everyone can calculate the exact date of birth. Even ultrasound gives only tentative terms.

Births occurring at 37 to 41 weeks of gestation are urgent.
Before 37 weeks of pregnancy - they are premature, with a period of 42 weeks of pregnancy or more - belated. After 37 weeks of pregnancy, the placenta ages, calcified plaques and blood clots form in it.

Feelings in the ninth month of pregnancy

The uterus in the ninth month of pregnancy does not squeeze the lungs, it becomes easier to breathe. But the baby's head, standing above the entrance to the small pelvis, puts pressure on the nerve endings. In this regard, in the lower back, lower abdomen, in the pubic area and groin, dull pain may be disturbed, radiating to the inner thighs. Preliminary pains are harbingers of close childbirth.

A few weeks before giving birth, a woman's body weight may decrease. Due to hormonal changes, there is a loss of fluid, which is good, edematous tissues tear during childbirth. To prevent ruptures, you can drink diuretic herbs, after consulting with your doctor.

At this stage of pregnancy, the amount of vaginal discharge may increase. If you find a colorless or yellowish lump of mucus on your underwear, possibly with streaks of blood, you should not be scared - it was the mucous plug that closed the cervical canal. Everything, the cervix is ​​also ripe and ready for the upcoming birth. But if blood comes from the genital tract, this is already a formidable symptom. It is possible that placental abruption has begun.

Is sex allowed in the ninth month of pregnancy?
Everything here is strictly individual, and it is unambiguously difficult to answer this question. But if a woman “walks” the pregnancy, her husband’s sperm can become a natural regulator of childbirth, since it contains prostaglandins that help ripen the cervix. The main thing is that partners do not have any sexual infections. Otherwise, the baby may become infected when passing through the birth canal.

Diet in the ninth month of pregnancy

At the 9th month of pregnancy, it is advisable to limit the consumption of cottage cheese and other products containing calcium (milk, cheeses, curd masses) in order to prevent the closure of the fontanel in the fetus.

It is necessary to abandon products that cause , and eat in such a way as to exclude the possibility .

What can you eat in the ninth month of pregnancy?
Vegetables, fruits, cereals, a small amount of lean meat and fish. Nothing fatty, fried and smoked, and everything that retains water in the body and can cause painful childbirth (again, prevention of ruptures).

Ninth month of pregnancy: how does the baby feel?

Everything, he is already completely ready to be born. His lungs are formed, he will be able to breathe on his own, the sucking reflex has already developed, so that it can and will need to be applied to the chest already in the delivery room. While the blood circulation in his small body is not the same as in an adult, but after birth, the oval hole in the atrial septum will close, and instead of the placental one, he will have the blood circulation characteristic of an adult. The central nervous system will mature after birth, so the mother should be attentive to the neuropsychic development of the baby, and fulfill all the appointments of a neurologist (if necessary).

How to know what to give birth soon?

A lady, according to her own observations, in the ninth month of pregnancy can say this herself.

3-4 days before birth, the so-called "nesting" phenomenon may appear. A woman who until recently was inert, forgetful, distracted, suddenly begins to actively engage in unfinished repairs, wash, and do general cleaning. Sometimes, on the contrary, she is seized by complete apathy, and she wants to retire. Even the baby in the womb at this time calms down.

Braxton-Hicks training contractions and urination will become even more frequent before the approaching birth.

How to distinguish training contractions and true ones?

Training (false) contractions are chaotic. They last 2 - 3 hours, without increasing in intensity, and the interval between contractions is not shortened. Contractions before childbirth are characterized by the symptom of "crescendo" (a musical term, translated from Italian Crescendo means a gradual increase in the strength of the sound). Contractions intensify, and the gap between them is getting shorter, just before the birth, attempts begin.

When to call an ambulance during contractions?

With dynamic contractions, setting an interval of 10 - 15 minutes. With a second pregnancy, childbirth can be rapid, and in these cases it is not worth delaying calling an ambulance. Primiparous women do not give birth for less than 11 hours.

What to do if the water has broken, but there are no contractions?
Urgently call an ambulance. A long waterless period can adversely affect the health of the child.

What documents to take with you to the hospital?
A passport and an exchange card in the ninth month of pregnancy for a future mother should always be with her, and they cannot be lost, as well as an optimistic attitude. You have to pick a good one , a competent and attentive obstetrician - gynecologist - and everything will be fine.

First, finally decide in which maternity hospital you will give birth. Notify the doctor of the antenatal clinic about your decision, get the necessary documents, an exchange card for the pregnant woman (if for some reason she is still not in your hands), a referral to the maternity hospital. Re-test if necessary. Second, check if you have newborn care literature. Thirdly, keep in mind that in the last month of pregnancy at any time you need to be ready for the onset of childbirth. As a rule, the doctor determines the term of childbirth with an accuracy of "plus or minus" two weeks. Therefore, pack your things in advance; you can leave written instructions to your family about everything that you consider necessary - then you will not have to be nervous in the last minutes before leaving home. Prepare several separate packages in advance; you can clearly label them in case you have to assemble quickly.

In the 1st bag, put things that you need to take to the maternity hospital for yourself (coordinate their list with your doctor and, if possible, with women who have recently given birth in the same institution);

in the 2nd package - things for the newborn, if the baby will be with you in the maternity hospital and homemade baby things are allowed there for use.

In the 3rd package, pack the things that your relatives will bring for you upon discharge: your usual clothes and shoes for the season.

And finally, in the 4th package, put the things that relatives will bring to the discharge for the baby: as a rule, these are overalls or rompers with a blouse, a diaper, a light hat, a warm hat and overalls (or an envelope) or a blanket with a ribbon.

For yourself, prepare some cotton dressing gowns and nightgowns with a fastener in front. You will also need several cotton nursing bras with detachable cups. Take bras to the hospital that are one size larger than your current one. Their final size at the time of the postpartum period can be correctly determined only two weeks after birth, when lactation improves. Special breast pads will not interfere either, because milk sometimes flows out of the nipple on its own. These pads absorb milk in the same way as a disposable diaper, leaving the skin of the nipple and underwear dry.

Peace of Mind and Caution

Observe your feelings. The following phenomena are considered normal in the last month of pregnancy:

  • easier breathing (the fetal head descends lower into the pelvis, and the bottom of the uterus puts less pressure on the lungs);
  • increased clear white vaginal discharge;
  • painless, not having a certain rhythm of uterine tension several times a day;
  • stagnation of blood in the lower parts of the pelvis, which leads to a feeling of tension in the perineum and fullness in the sacrum;
  • urinary incontinence when sneezing, when exerting;
  • on the eve of childbirth - increased urine output, and as a result - a rapid weight loss.

If possible, see the doctor who will attend your birth in advance. A careful previous examination, ultrasound, study of the data obtained in the antenatal clinic on your exchange card - all this adds to the chances for a successful end to the pregnancy. You can also agree in advance with the doctor on your birth plan, discuss methods of pain relief, and test for some medications. You can agree on which ward you will be in, whether your husband will be with you, and so on.

If you do not have the opportunity to meet in advance with the doctor who will take care of the birth, and the doctor conducting your pregnancy offers you prenatal hospitalization, do not refuse and be sure to be hospitalized 10-15 days before the due date in the maternity hospital to undergo prenatal preparation.

Prenatal hospitalization gives you a number of benefits:

  • During childbirth, you will feel more confident in a familiar place.
  • The doctors of the maternity hospital will know your data even before the birth and will draw up an action plan.
  • By the beginning of childbirth, you will have time to solve all your prenatal problems.

In particular, it is important to consult with your doctor and discuss the need for prenatal hospitalization if a situation develops that is dangerous for you or your baby (this is most common at 37-38 weeks):

  • discrepancy between the size of the head and the size of the pelvis (the child is too big for you);
  • low location of the placenta;
  • malposition;
  • signs of late toxicosis (edema, high blood pressure, abnormal urine tests);
  • signs of distress in the child (changes in heartbeat, movements that are too strong or too weak);
  • serious general illness;
  • the threat of bleeding during childbirth;
  • at a period of 40 weeks there are no signs of the onset of childbirth (overwear is dangerous for the baby).

Do your best to make your pregnancy and childbirth safe. Prepare for yourself an individual donor - a relative or friend. In the antenatal clinic a month before the birth, they will help you to examine the donor, check the compatibility of it and your blood. Take these data and the donor's coordinates with you to the maternity hospital in the exceptional case if you need an immediate blood transfusion in an “acute” situation (unfortunately, in our time it is very dangerous to take it from a random person, as there is a threat of AIDS).

Every week visit a antenatal clinic, watch the baby and your health. The placenta, which "feeds" the child, begins to "age" in the last month of pregnancy, preparing to stop its work. In this regard, it is necessary to see a doctor more often than before. And finally - about what you should never do in the last month of pregnancy:

  • travel: giving birth on the road is a risk that neither you nor the baby needs;
  • repair an apartment or do other hard work: varnishes, paints, overwork often cause misfortune;
  • stay alone for a long time (especially when there is no phone nearby);
  • take part in crowded events;
  • walking on slippery roads or in the dark.

If your pregnancy goes without complications, lead a normal, quiet life in the last month. Keep your spirits up and look forward to the day when you can see your baby.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman looks forward to when the baby is born. But at the same time, it becomes a little alarming, because a very crucial moment will soon come - childbirth. And the expectant mother would like to know in more detail how the last month of pregnancy will proceed and what can be expected from him. It's better to be prepared for anything than worry about nothing.


Pregnancy lasts an average of 280 days or 40 obstetric weeks. This corresponds to the usual 9 months with the addition of another 7 days. The period of bearing a child for each woman is individual, but it should not go beyond normal values. For example, if a baby is born before 37 weeks, he is considered premature, and after nine months - overdue.

It is extremely important to determine the gestational age itself, because from this all further calculations of the date of birth will be carried out. This is done in various ways:

  1. According to the last menstruation or date of conception.
  2. By the first movement of the fetus.
  3. According to the results of a gynecological examination.
  4. By ultrasound.
  5. Blood test for chorionic gonadotropin.

The simplest method is the calculation by calendar terms. A woman can even do this on her own, knowing when she had her last menstruation, had intercourse and ovulated. The time of release of the egg from the follicle is easily determined by measuring the basal (rectal) temperature. But for this you need to keep a diary for more than one cycle. A woman can find out the gestational age based on the time when she felt the first movement of the fetus. But this will happen much later - at 20 and 18 weeks (respectively, in primiparous and multiparous).

A gynecological examination will be more indicative, when the doctor, focusing on the size of the uterus during a bimanual (two-handed) examination, tells the woman the approximate gestational age. But this method also does not give full accuracy - the spread of values ​​\u200b\u200bis up to 2 weeks. Additional diagnostic methods are considered the most reliable, among which ultrasound is widely used. Chorionic gonadotropin is examined less frequently.

The term of the expected birth is calculated at the first examination of the doctor, when the pregnant woman is registered in the antenatal clinic. First, a preliminary calculation is carried out on the basis of anamnestic data - the date of the beginning of the last menstruation. Subtract 3 months from it and add 7 days. But this is only an approximate time, and it is still difficult to say how it will actually happen. More accurate information is obtained at the first ultrasound screening at 11-14 weeks.

You can find out the duration of pregnancy and childbirth in several ways, but it is better to focus on the most informative and reliable.

Fetal development

A baby at 9 months of pregnancy is already fully formed and is considered full-term. Therefore, he is quite ready to be born into the world and live in the external environment. Among the signs of morphological maturity, the following should be noted:

  • Weight more than 2.5 kg (usually around 3200-3400 g).
  • Body length at least 46 cm (mostly 50–52 cm).
  • Pink and clean skin, no grease residue.
  • The subcutaneous fat layer is well developed.
  • Vellus hair remained only on the head, shoulders and between the shoulder blades.
  • Formed auricles, cartilage is elastic.
  • The nails protrude slightly beyond the edge of the fingers.
  • In the open state, only a large fontanel.
  • The navel is located in the middle of the distance between the xiphoid process and the womb.
  • The testicles in boys are located in the scrotum.
  • In girls, the genital slit is closed, small lips are covered with large ones.

If a child is born in the ninth month of pregnancy, then all systems are already developed, so he is completely ready for life outside the mother's womb. The signs of functional maturity of the newborn include:

  • Shout.
  • Movements in the limbs are active, chaotic.
  • Muscle tone is increased (flexion posture).
  • stable body temperature.
  • Respiratory rate 40–60 per minute, stable and without delay (apnea).
  • Heartbeat with a frequency of 120-140 per minute, rhythmic.
  • Reflexes of good liveliness, symmetrical.

It will not be superfluous for a future mother to know that a full-term baby has well-defined unconditioned reflexes. Some of them are vital (swallowing, sneezing and coughing), so they persist, while others exist during the first 6 months. The most important transient reflexes identified in a young child are:

  • Sucking.
  • Proboscis.
  • Prehensile.
  • Search.
  • Supports.
  • Protective.

At birth, the child's condition is assessed on a special scale that takes into account the most important morphofunctional characteristics: skin color, reflexes and muscle tone, heartbeat and breathing. In accordance with it, children's health groups are formed. Normally, on the Apgar scale, the child receives from 8 to 10 points.

A child born at the end of pregnancy, namely at 9 months, is full-term and is already fully formed.

Changes in a woman's body

With the approaching end of pregnancy, a woman already feels that the baby will be born soon. This can be recognized by a number of changes in the body. Starting from the 36th week, precursor contractions appear, which prepare the uterus for further childbirth. At this time, muscle fibers contract, which leads to pain in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum. They do not depend on external factors (body position or walking), which is how they differ from Braxton-Higgs pseudo contractions. But, like the latter, they are irregular and are not accompanied by the opening of the cervix. Most often they occur in the evenings or at night, causing a woman to wake up.

In addition to contractions-harbingers, the ninth month of pregnancy is characterized by other changes in the woman's body. The uterus is already decently enlarged in size. The height of the bottom is 36–38 cm, and the circumference of the abdomen approaches 100 cm. But about a week before the birth, the uterus descends more into the pelvic cavity, so the woman feels some relief: heartburn decreases and it becomes easier to breathe. Due to the absorption of amniotic fluid, it can even lose up to 1.5 kg in weight. However, in return, there are bursting and heaviness in the lower abdomen, dull pains in the pubic region and the sacrum due to the pressure of the fetal head on the pelvic nerves. And when walking, a woman may seem clumsy and awkward.

Given the growth of the uterus and fetus, in the last stages of pregnancy, unpleasant sensations become stronger, among which the following should be noted:

  1. Constipation and bloating.
  2. Frequent urination.
  3. Pain in the lumbar spine.
  4. Pastosity of the lower limbs.
  5. Cramps of the calf muscles.
  6. Skin itching and stretch marks on the abdomen.

At 37–40 weeks, symptoms characteristic of early periods may well appear. The woman suffers from mood swings, insomnia, as well as dizziness and fainting. But the latter are associated with the so-called inferior vena cava syndrome, when in the supine position the uterus presses on the vessels that carry blood to the heart. There are other signs, such as increased restlessness, anxiety, excitability and hyperactivity. Many are worried about the upcoming birth, which affects the psycho-emotional state.

Changes in the function of the genital organs. Physiological secretions (leucorrhoea) become thicker and more abundant. They may contain an admixture of blood (streaks) or acquire a brownish tint. Immediately before childbirth, the mucous plug leaves, which leads to an increase in the amount of discharge. Colostrum is already beginning to stand out from the breast - a thick white mass - which indicates the readiness of the gland for lactation.

The ninth month of pregnancy is characterized by a mass of changes in the body of a woman, by which one can recognize the approaching birth.


At the end of pregnancy, a woman should be attentive to her health, because a crucial stage is approaching - its completion. For this purpose, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the future mother and child. Weekly monitoring is required, which primarily includes a medical examination. First, the specialist determines the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen, body weight, position and presentation of the fetus. Then the blood pressure is measured, the results of the urine test (protein, sugar) are checked. This is necessary to identify likely signs of preeclampsia and other obstetric pathologies (for example, gestational diabetes).

To determine the condition of the fetus, an ultrasound examination is performed. The last screening is done at 34–37 weeks of gestation. But if necessary, it is also repeated before childbirth. If the fetus has signs of hypoxia, the doctor will also prescribe cardiotocography. And in the first stage of labor, it will also show the dynamics of contractions (frequency, duration and intensity).

Start of labor

Many women who have stepped into the 9th month of pregnancy are wondering how you can find out that childbirth is starting. This moment is unlikely to go unnoticed, because it comes with the following symptoms:

  • Removal of the mucous plug from the cervical canal.
  • Outflow of amniotic fluid (rupture of the fetal bladder).
  • Regular contractions of the uterus (contractions).

The mucus plug comes off about 1-2 days before the onset of contractions. This can be seen in the pinkish discharge. Sometimes this is observed at the beginning of labor, when the cervix begins to open. Amniotic fluid is poured out immediately or in parts. They depart the day before the birth or directly in the first period: first, a small portion (front), and with the release of the child, all the rest.

Labor pains are regular contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus. At first they last no more than 20 seconds with an interval of 15-30 minutes. Then the contractions become more frequent, longer and more intense. The last contractions come in a few minutes and turn into attempts.

You can find out about the approach of childbirth by a number of signs, which are quite difficult not to notice.

When the ninth month of pregnancy has come, a woman should be even more attentive to herself. She will hear important recommendations from the doctor and must carefully follow them. These include the following:

  1. More often to be in the fresh air.
  2. Do not subject yourself to physical stress.
  3. Eat properly and nutritiously.
  4. Change sanitary pads regularly.
  5. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes, if necessary - a prenatal bandage.
  6. Prepare breasts for lactation.

A special place is occupied by the issue of sex in the last month of pregnancy. But only a doctor can answer for sure. Some recommend refraining from sexual intercourse at this time, as this can provoke early childbirth. Others do not prohibit, unless the woman has amniotic fluid leakage, placenta previa, multiple pregnancies and the risk of preterm birth. But before having sex, it is better to consult a doctor about this. If he allows, then poses that exclude pressure on the stomach are best suited: on the side or in the knee-elbow position. Sometimes sexual intimacy can be considered a good stimulant if childbirth is delayed for some reason.

It is important for a woman to psychologically prepare for the approaching end of pregnancy and the birth of a baby. Courses for future parents help a lot with this. After waiting for the ninth month, you should go through another important stage - childbirth. And after that, you can truly feel the joy of motherhood, relax and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of caring for a child.

In the view of most people, a woman in her last pregnancy is a kind of clumsy madam with an immense belly-watermelon, whose one exit to the street already arouses admiration among housemates! However, the slowness and regularity of some "deeply pregnant" women with lice are compensated by the remarkable, frightening activity of others. If you feel a surge of strength and good mood - walk, sew, go to concerts and exhibitions. Do not limit yourself in entertainment and hobbies, this is "only for the benefit. Let's be frank: everything is normal - both excessive energy and the like. Excessive passivity. Hormones, you know, are naughty! And in most cases, you don’t have to day after day, and such different states harmoniously alternate. Today you are passionately stroking sliders -overalls, literally lick the apartment (although, you see, doing it with a tummy is not very convenient.) And in addition, in the evening you gather guests, surprising them with an incredibly tasty dish with an unpronounceable name... And tomorrow you lie all day, curled up, forgetting about exercising, a walk to freshly squeezed fruit juices. And even in a sad mood! How to relate to this? As a natural course of development of your pregnancy. One of the experienced mothers of three children, with all sorts of different "violations", was very helped by such a move - to praise herself, her beloved, remembering that:

* NOT gained extra 30 kg during pregnancy;
* DID NOT exercise for just a couple of days. and many, by the way, do not get up from the couch for nine months at all;
* DID NOT go to the pool (options: to see a gynecologist, take tests, buy new vitamins for pregnant women) only today, but next week - for sure!

By the way, do not forget to warn relatives, including children, about possible surges and fluctuations in our desires, activity and mood. And be capricious on health! There is not long to be in a privileged position - use it while you can.

Hurry up, you can't be late!

Yes, that's right: we put a comma after the first word, because we are talking about choosing an obstetrician and a maternity hospital. If all the previous eight months you have been short of time, now is the time to resolve this issue. You can, of course, rely on Russian chances and go to the nearest district maternity hospital with contractions, comforting yourself with the hope that even in the most beautiful clinics “by agreement” there are slips ... But in this case, the risk is not a noble deed, because on A successful start in life and the health of your child are at stake. No, dear pregnant women, only a well-prepared impromptu is possible!

How to choose a maternity hospital and a doctor - so much has already been said about this that you just have to weigh all the pros and cons, evaluate your own preparation for childbirth and decide on the financial capabilities of the family. The main thing is that in the case of a personal agreement, the doctor gives you the number of your home and mobile phone, because childbirth does not always happen at a convenient time. And you want to count on the help of this particular person. If an agreement on paid services is signed with a certain medical institution, then it is also advisable to indicate the last name and first name of the doctor you have chosen.

By the way, your own apartment can also become the “maternity hospital of the best chance”. But in this case, you have probably already decided where and with whom to give birth, having worked out with your husband in special courses. Responsible, competent obstetricians who help with home natural childbirth, they will never agree to come to an unprepared married couple who decided to "suddenly" give birth at home. Of course, there are exceptions: for example, your midwife is currently in other births at a given historical moment. But in this case, at the last lessons of the course, you should be introduced to those who can replace her. Although many experienced midwife instructors say that with simultaneous terms, it is extremely rare for all women from the group to give birth at once. Newborns are smart and perceptive children, correctly deciding to be born at the best moment. That is, precisely when parents can count on the help of their "personal" midwife.

You still have time

What else needs and can be done a month before the birth? We hope that you have already successfully coped with the moral and psychological aspects of preparing for childbirth: your mood is excellent, you are talking with the baby, you have come up with a name for the baby, you listen to classical music, you have thrown out the TV ... Life is beautiful! Therefore, your main task now is to have time to prepare for childbirth, as far as possible from a physical point of view. If you still have not been able to do this to the fullest (exercises, breathing exercises, relaxation, balanced nutrition, courses for moms, a pool, etc.), then in recent weeks, titanic efforts to cover everything “undone” are simply excluded. It is not necessary to change your lifestyle, the degree of physical activity and the diet drastically, but there is still a lot to be done!

Daily long walks not only cheer up, but also improve the functions of respiration and blood circulation, help to increase the muscle tone of the body.
Devote a few minutes a day while walking to breathing exercises:

1. Stopping the left nostril with your finger, inhale through the right nostril, then, holding the right, dry the air through the left. And so several times. Make sure you don't get dizzy;
2. take a deep breath through the nose, exhale through the mouth, so that the lips make the sound of a "train" (useful during contractions);
3. dog-like breathing (it will help when attempts begin): a deep breath through the nose or mouth, then a long exhalation with an open mouth, breathing often, often;
4. Take a deep breath in through your nose, while exhaling, sing viscous sounds for a long time (“ah-ah-ah”, “oh-oh-oh”, “oo-oo”) until the air runs out completely. Such breathing is very important during contractions - the diaphragm goes down and helps the baby move down.

* A comfortable contrast shower during the day (at least with a slight decrease in water temperature) will invigorate, increase muscle tone, strengthen the immune system, veins and blood vessels.
* Give elasticity to the tissues of the perineum with a massage with almond, olive and other oils. At night, lubricate the area of ​​the perineum and the outer part of the vagina with gentle rubbing movements with any vegetable oil that does not cause you allergies.
* Exercise several times a day to tighten and relax the pelvic floor muscles that surround the anus and vagina: tense them while inhaling and relax while exhaling while washing dishes, reading, etc. Such a simple exercise will replace the well-known Kegel exercise.
* Refuse completely or minimize the consumption of meat products (we hope you stopped eating smoked sausage and canned food a long time ago), replacing animal meat with boiled and stewed fish, cheese, in extreme cases - turkey or chicken meat. Animal proteins unnecessarily "load" the vessels and make them less elastic.
* 2 weeks before delivery, it does not hurt to drink a prophylactic course of bifidumbacterin (5 doses 2 times a day) and “clean” the birth canal with vaginal suppositories with the same bifidumbacterin. Perhaps your gynecologist will recommend other suppositories.
* Solve the problem of proper sleep and rest in the last "pregnant" days by any means: otherwise, you simply will not have the strength to adequately withstand the physical and spiritual stress of childbirth. So stock up on energy now!

Anxiety of the last days

Most of all pregnant women, regardless of the number of children they already have, are worried about one thing: “I don’t have the same thing as everyone else.” But after all, there are the same pregnancies and childbirth. What questions can you worry about?

No colostrum in breast. And I so want to feed the baby myself! In some women, colostrum forms and is released from the breast after 6 months, in others it will begin to be released only after childbirth. You may not even notice this when you put your baby to your breast. But you have colostrum, that's for sure. Perhaps you are one of those mothers who, like others, safely breastfeed their babies. Colostrum is an invaluable product of nature, a few drops of it will protect your baby from infections, allergies and other misfortunes. Be sure to arrange with midwives that you put the baby to the breast for the first time during the first 30-40 minutes after birth.

The baby almost completely stopped spinning in the stomach. He is OK? Or like this: My baby before childbirth is spinning as much as ever! Indeed, the activity of the baby before childbirth decreases, it is already crowded in the tummy. But the intensification of "twisting-spinning" may be due to the temperament of the child, for sure, the babies have not been sitting in one place all the previous 5 months. And then, the birth is approaching, the child wants to be free ...

I don't feel if my stomach has dropped or not. But this should happen 2-4 weeks before the birth? Wrong due date? No one, except the baby, can know when natural childbirth will begin (options with emergency stimulation or caesarean section do not count). There is still no single point of view on how labor starts, why on this day and hour the child “gives the go-ahead”. Full-term and physiologically mature children are born between the 38th and 42nd weeks of pregnancy. in several ways: by the day of the beginning of the last menstruation, by the first movement of the baby and by ultrasound readings.Sometimes - by lowering the abdomen down, which happens just 2-4 weeks before the expected birth.None of these "predictions" can be considered one hundred percent reliable . Perhaps the baby will want to sit in a cozy nest-tummy for a longer time or, conversely, go out early “in the light.” Only he decides!

A lowering of the fundus of the uterus (feeling that the abdomen has dropped) is usually clearly noticeable only in the first pregnancy. In other cases, you may not feel the decline of the uterus at all. Whether your stomach has dropped or not, you will understand by the following signs: it will become much easier to breathe and sit on a chair, severe heartburn will disappear, if any. There are also negative points - the uterus with the baby is now low, the stomach protrudes quite strongly forward, which means that the center of gravity of the body is shifting. This may affect your balance. Be careful!

It happens that there are periodic pain in the perineum and pelvis. The most unpleasant thing is the pressure of the grown uterus on the bladder, now you have to go to the toilet at least once every hour and a half.

My mucosal plug has come off, but the birth still does not start ... The plug can go away both a few hours before the birth, and 1-2 weeks before them. With the waste of amniotic fluid, the same story: it rarely happens that at the very beginning of childbirth a large amount of water leaves and the baby finds himself in a "waterless space". More often, the amount of amniotic fluid in childbirth is slightly restored, and rupture of the fetal bladder can occur only before attempts or during time them.Pay attention to the color of the amniotic fluid, if you suddenly see them: when they are yellowish-green, medical help is needed.

Olga, who is preparing to become a mother for the third time, recalls: “When I was pregnant for the first time, it was this ill-fated cork that became the beginning of medical, that is, induced childbirth. The cork went away, and there was no labor activity even after a few hours. After a series of events that ended with the opening of the fetal bladder and the outpouring of all the amniotic fluid, I was stimulated for 14 hours by this very labor activity. Not very fun for a first birth. But the second time the mucus plug went away ten days before the expected birth, I was ready for this and did not worry. But the waters broke just before the attempts - 10 minutes after that, my baby was born. "By the way, you may not notice the cork at all!

Well, you must have memorized the symptoms of real and imaginary harbingers of childbirth. We can only say one thing: when the birth begins for real, you will not confuse them with anything! And in a matter of hours your pregnancy will end - the state is not always easy, but still unusual, impossibly joyful and a little magical. After all, you gave life to a new person ...

The gestation period has long exceeded 30 weeks. There is very little left. It seems that only recently you, to celebrate, told your loved ones about your pregnancy. And now the time of birth is approaching. On the one hand, the previous ones flew by very quickly, on the other hand, you have come a long way. You have become related to your new look, your new figure, your stomach is rounded, your gait has become “duck”, but so cute! During this period of pregnancy, the pelvic bones soften, this happens so that the fetal head can pass through the pelvic ring with the least effort.
By the 36th week of pregnancy, it reaches the highest point of standing - it rises under the very chest, it is large enough and puts pressure on the bladder. It is for this reason that you visit the toilet so often. A small amount of colostrum is now beginning to stand out from the breast, preparing the breast for the imminent birth of a child.

Nutrition of a pregnant woman in recent months

In the last months before childbirth, more than ever, you need good nutrition. The menu should be saturated with all vitamins and minerals. This does not mean that you have to open the refrigerator every half hour. In the last trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to monitor your weight with double attention. Do not allow overeating, heed the doctor's advice "do not feed the baby." After all, being overweight can make you very heavy. Therefore, nutrition in the eighth to ninth month of pregnancy should be enhanced by vegetables, fruits, fish and meat, and not by chocolates and cakes.

Fetal development in the last months of pregnancy

In the last months of its intrauterine life, the child is busy preparing for childbirth. He is already almost fully formed, he can regulate his body temperature, he hears sounds and voices coming to him "from outside", he distinguishes between light and darkness. Fetal movements increase by the eighth month of pregnancy. Sometimes, kicking, he may even keep you awake. At the beginning of the ninth month of pregnancy, the baby is already less active. But this is only because he is already cramped in his "house", there is simply nowhere to turn around.
Now he is beginning to distinguish between the voice of mom and dad, so you can already talk “with the tummy”, it will be easier to make contact after his birth.
The appearance of a baby is almost indistinguishable from the appearance of a newborn. Its growth is already approaching 50 cm, and sometimes it already outgrows these limits. The weight has now reached three or more kilograms, small marigolds have appeared on the toes and hands. In general, the baby is diligently preparing for the arrival in the world.
During this period of pregnancy, the mother herself can assess the condition of her child, one has only to listen to how the baby moves. Now the fetus has its own daily routine, rest and activity mode. But, if the child suddenly became too active, or vice versa, you stopped hearing and feeling him, this may indicate that the fetus may have become drastically lacking oxygen, or this may be a signal of premature birth.
The heartbeat of the fetus during this period of pregnancy can be heard not only by the doctor with the help of special devices, but also by the father of the child, if he leans his ear against the belly of the pregnant woman. The heart of a fetus beats twice as fast as that of an adult and can reach 120-140 beats per minute.
Now you need to completely rely on your own feelings and focus on your condition, you don’t need to succumb to fears, you need to believe that everything will be fine. But this does not mean that you should forget about doctor visits. In the last months of pregnancy, it is necessary to do a control ultrasound.

Edema and insomnia at the end of pregnancy

At the end of pregnancy, it can suddenly appear. In some, it happens due to the fact that the activity of the child increases at night. For others, fears and worries about the upcoming birth do not allow them to rest in peace. You don't have to put up with insomnia. We need to find a way out of this situation. Do not drink strong tea before going to bed, drink a herbal tincture with a slight sedative effect. Before going to bed, it is better not to eat up and take a warm bath, use various relaxation techniques.
Don't worry too much if you have swelling. This fate befalls almost all pregnant women. If you do not have late toxicosis, and you pass all the tests that are required, then everything is fine. Puffiness can be reduced by avoiding shoes with heels, sleeping on a hard surface, and not wearing tights or elasticated socks. Raise your legs up more often, resting in a horizontal position. Use natural diuretics - berries and herbal preparations. Now they can intensify and, since the grown uterus presses on the small pelvis and the weight of the pregnant woman increases. In this case, a special massage of the sacrum and special exercises to relieve pain in the lower back can help.

Fears of childbirth

What unpleasant sensations can excite you now? Heartburn may appear, this is due to the displacement of some internal organs, which creates difficulties for the work of the stomach and pancreas. You can help yourself by drinking some warm milk, or by taking a reclining position after eating. Just do not use soda and other similar medicines.
In the eighth month of pregnancy, you may feel shortness of breath, especially if it occurs during the hot season. It is necessary to master special diaphragmatic breathing and to be in the fresh air more often. Do not eat a lot at once, it is better to eat more often and in small portions.
Fear at the end of pregnancy may be the question of the location of the child in the uterus! If a breech or transverse presentation is established, then you will undoubtedly be concerned about the question of whether the child will have time to roll over before the onset of childbirth. Most babies are cephalic in the uterus, but some babies may lie in a variety of ways. But everything can change just a week before the birth.
Soon you will feel that breathing has become much easier. This is the first sign that the birth is close! This happens, as a rule, at the 37th week of pregnancy. The child descends, the head becomes in the pelvic bones. But, if you didn’t have this at 37 weeks, don’t worry, sometimes the baby drops just before the birth, and sometimes already in the process of childbirth.

Signs of an upcoming birth

In the last months of pregnancy, small cramps may appear, which experts call false contractions. They do not last long, no more than two minutes and quickly pass. This is normal, as the body prepares for an important event and warns you of the upcoming birth. But, if the convulsions become constant, will be repeated at intervals of several tens of minutes, and, moreover, accompanied by pain, it is urgent to consult a doctor. It could be incipient labor. It is not necessary to endure until the contractions begin to repeat every two minutes, this may mean that you are already in the process of childbirth. And giving birth without the help of a qualified midwife is not at all desirable, so that the supporters of the conduct do not say.
You are waiting for this event. You can be understood. After all, nine months of pregnancy was not only a joy for you. You are naturally tired and impatient. But only a few percent of all women give birth at the time prescribed by their doctor, or calculated by themselves. Plus or minus two to five days is quite acceptable limits. But, even if the period of 40 weeks is left behind, and the birth still does not occur, even in this case there is no reason for panic and unrest. After all, the doctor monitors your condition and controls any, the smallest changes. Better, learn a massage that will help you cope with pain during the baby's passage through the birth canal, prepare your breasts for breastfeeding. And don't be afraid!

Soon, very soon you will forget about all the problems and complications that accompanied you during pregnancy. All fears, pains and worries will be left far behind as soon as a small, native body of your newly born child is placed on your stomach! Good luck to you, dear women!

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