Fleece insoles. How to sew booties from fleece with your own hands Fleece outerwear: the best on the shelves “Camouflage ru”

Invented in the late 70s of the last century, fleece fabric was intended for astronauts. True, fleece did not fly into space right away: the first samples of the fabric turned out to be very fire hazardous, but the testers really liked the fleece clothing. Soft fleece jackets immediately became fashionable.

The military immediately took a closer look at the new material with great interest: quick-drying, maintaining low thermal conductivity even when wet, the fleece promised to reliably protect personnel from the cold in any weather. Today, a fleece suit is in the wardrobe of a passionate hunter, an avid fisherman, a restless tourist and a cold-blooded specialist in warfare and survival in open areas.

Fleece outerwear: the best on the shelves of Camouflage Ru!

When the weather no longer indulges in summer warmth, but does not yet frighten you with winter cold, a fleece jacket becomes the best clothing for walking in the open air. Worn over a knitted shirt or thermal underwear, it perfectly protects against the cold. Fleece clothing is suitable for active activities: polyester, the main material of woven fleece, does not interfere with the evaporation of sweat. When exposed to precipitation, fleece gets wet quickly, but it dries even faster.

Every outdoor enthusiast heading out of town in the off-season should buy a fleece jacket. It can act as outerwear for dry, cool weather. In the rain, it should be considered a second layer of clothing. Need to warm up? A fleece jacket is the perfect solution to the problem.

Over the thirty-five years of production, fleece fabric has acquired a considerable variety of products. A men's fleece jacket, made of high-density fabric (about 400 g/m2), reinforced with nylon appliqués on the shoulders and elbows, is suitable for wearing as outerwear until frost sets in. Less dense fleece is used for leisure clothing.

The managers of the Camouflage ru online store will help you get a full consultation, accurately choose and successfully buy a fleece suit with the required cold resistance. Call 8-800-775-52-83 (calls from the Russian Federation are free) and place an order for the fleece clothing you need!

Champion of demand - Patriot fleece jacket

The Patriot fleece jacket, and along with it other models from the same manufacturer, received the highest user ratings. The presence of many conveniently located pockets, discreet protective coloring (including a camouflage pattern), fabric reinforcement in areas of high wear, an ergonomic hood with wide size adjustment options - these are just some of the advantages of the Patriot model fleece jacket.

Fleece clothing is indispensable for outdoor enthusiasts. Various models of fleece jackets and suits - only on the shelves of the Camouflage ru online store!

With the onset of bad autumn weather, and then winter cold, many parents think about how to do it right: every mother knows that wet or frozen feet are the cause of a runny nose or cold.

High-quality winter footwear should create comfortable conditions for the child’s feet. For this purpose, the footwear industry uses high-tech materials, one of which is Polar Fleece.

It was developed quite a long time ago - in the sixties of the 20th century and is known more as a material for clothing, but it also has qualities that allow it to be used for shoes, including children's.

In, which you can buy in the online store and in the retail network of the Pantry of Health company, in addition to fleece, materials such as combined nylon, artificial nubuck, and in some models - membrane material are used. This provides protection from shoes getting wet in rainy weather.

The membrane is a modern high-tech material that is produced in the form of a film and has unique properties. The material is used in the production of clothing - it is sewn between layers of fabric and used to make shoes, especially tourist and sports shoes. Nowadays, membrane shoes for children are becoming increasingly popular.

Membrane shoe design

The film has microscopic pores, much smaller than a drop of water. Water in a liquid state cannot pass through microperforations, so membrane shoes protect the child’s feet well from getting wet. At the same time, the size of the holes is sufficient for vapor molecules, not bound by surface tension, to freely pass out.

Membrane children's shoes ensure normal air exchange; sweat that occurs during physical activity evaporates freely and does not accumulate inside the shoes. A special microclimate is formed inside; the baby’s foot will be as comfortable as possible in any weather: rain, snow and wind. Children's membrane shoes are great for wet autumn weather and for slush during winter thaws.

The membrane protects shoes from getting wet, but it is most effective in combination with other high-tech materials. Modern membrane shoes have a complex multi-layer structure, each layer giving it certain qualities. The outer layer is made of wear-resistant materials - for example, artificial nubuck. For interior decoration, polar fleece is often used - a warm synthetic knitted material. Fleece is pleasant to the touch, and its ability to retain heat is 1.5 - 2 times greater than wool. The material is hypoallergenic, which is important for children's shoes; it does not get wet and dries quickly. The combination of several layers with different properties allows you to remove moisture and retain heat. It is best to buy membrane shoes for an active, active child - during physical activity, more heat is released, which is retained by the thermal protective layers of the shoes.

How to care for membrane shoes

It is recommended to carefully clean membrane shoes with a cloth or sponge, then wipe dry with a cloth. Once a week, you can treat your shoes with water-repellent impregnation - special sprays are now available for membrane shoes.

It is important to remember: under no circumstances should membrane shoes be dried near heating devices. High temperatures can destroy the unique properties of materials, so it is better to dry shoes in a dry, well-ventilated place without additional heat.

Are you looking for where you can order/purchase this and similar shoes? Then this is the place for you: we have a wide partner network! Express your wishes by filling out this form, and we will definitely contact you and help you find what you need.

How to sew booties from fleece with your own hands

Fleece is a universal, practical, durable, pleasant-to-touch material from which you can sew a lot of useful things for children and adults. If your child needs warm and beautiful booties, then you can sew your own fleece shoes. We will give an example of a pattern of booties for a child, but similarly you can make slippers for an adult or even shoes for dolls. In this case, you can combine different materials in one product, for example, denser felt for the sole and fleece for the main part.

In order to sew fleece shoes for a child with our own hands, we will need a piece of double-sided fleece (choose a fairly thick fabric). The dimensions of the pattern below are for a newborn (up to 3 months). If necessary, you can easily adjust the pattern to sew slippers and socks for your baby.

Transfer the pattern to the prepared fabric. Cut out the parts for two booties.

We sew the prepared parts from the wrong side. If your sewing machine does not have a special knit stitch, you can use a zigzag stitch. There is no additional need to process the seams, since the fleece does not fray at the edges. To make the cuffs, cut out a rectangle of knitwear of a different color approximately 14 cm long, 12 cm wide, and sew along the smaller side.

We sew the folded cuffs from the inside to the booties.

That's all, our booties are ready. As you can see, sewing fleece shoes with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing is to choose the right material and show a little patience when sewing. It will only take you one evening to sew children's shoes from fleece. And your baby will be able to run around the house in new warm slippers that same day. Baby booties can be decorated with flowers, bows or buttons. By the same principle

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