What is the baby's routine at 1 month? Is it possible to set a daily routine for a child? What should a baby's daily regimen include?

Many expectant, young mothers think that nine months of pregnancy is a long and difficult period of time. In fact, pregnancy flies by quickly and now the young mother is already in the maternity hospital with a baby at her breast.

In Soviet times, you didn’t have to take anything with you to the maternity hospital. Moreover, it was forbidden to take things with you, especially for a child who was separated from his mother. The baby was brought to the mother, tightly swaddled, only for feeding, for half an hour, six times a day. But now times and views have changed. In most maternity hospitals, healthy babies and mothers are together in the same room. Now things for the baby can not only be brought, but also necessary.

How to prepare for the birth of a baby

Things for a newborn baby that you need to take with you to the maternity ward:

  • Diapers – 2 pieces (cotton and flannelette).
  • Baby vests – 2 pieces (warm and light).
  • Sliders – 1 piece.
  • Diaper – 2 pieces.
  • Caps – 2 pieces (warm and light).
  • Socks.

Things needed for a newborn baby in the postpartum department:

  • Diapers - one pack.
  • Vests or bodysuits - three pieces (cold and warm).
  • Diapers - three warm and cold (diapers must be taken with you, even if the mother does not intend to swaddle the baby).
  • Sliders - three pieces.
  • Blouses - three pieces.
  • Socks – two pairs.
  • Caps – three pieces each (warm and light).
  • Wet wipes.
  • Baby towel.
  • Flannelette blanket.

If you wish, you can take a pacifier and a bottle with a nipple, in case you need to give your baby water, for example, in the hot season.

Another list is needed to discharge a newborn from the hospital:

  • Diaper.
  • Sliders.
  • Light blouse or bodysuit.
  • Warm blouse.
  • The cap is warm and light.
  • Wool or fleece blouse (depending on the time of year).
  • Warm overalls or envelope for discharge (depending on the time of year).
  • Hat (depending on the time of year).

Baby's daily routine by month

The stay in the maternity hospital was left behind, the happy parents spent time with friends and relatives after discharge, and were left alone with the baby. Many young parents have little idea what to do with their newborn at home. How to feed? How to care for a baby?

The first – third months of life. Daily routine for a newborn baby

The daily routine of a newborn in the first month of life is very important for the proper development of the child. The feeding regimen of a newborn can be free(only if the baby is on breast milk, if the baby is fed formula for one reason or another, then free feeding is absolutely not suitable) or happen by the clock.

Usually the mother herself determines which mode is convenient for her. If the feeding schedule is free, then the baby is put to the breast any time he asks to eat. If by the hour, then Usually the baby is fed six to seven times a day, after three to three and a half hours, leaving a night's rest between feedings of about six hours.

A newborn baby up to 1 month sleeps 90% of the time; the baby wakes up only to eat. Breastfeeding is very important in the development of a child. After all, breast milk is created specifically for the baby and no formula can fully replace the composition of human milk. It is especially important to put the baby to the breast immediately after birth; at this time, the mother produces colostrum, which is very useful for the newborn.

Colostrum is formed in the last days of pregnancy and about three to five days after birth. Colostrum promotes faster passage of meconium (dark, original feces), does not overload the newborn’s kidneys, prevents physiological jaundice and provides the baby with immunity. It also provides an opportunity for the proper formation of the child’s gastrointestinal system.

The first two weeks, you need to carefully monitor the umbilical wound. Keep the wound clean and treat it twice a day as recommended by your pediatrician. It is very important to bathe a newborn baby every day., and after bathing, treat all baby’s folds with baby oil or baby powder to avoid diaper rash.

After washing, all the baby’s clothes must be ironed with a hot iron on both sides; of course, new things must be washed before putting them on the child. For washing, you can use baby soap or special baby washing powders. Under no circumstances should you wash a newborn’s underwear and clothes together with adult clothes.

By the end of the first month, the baby's diet should stabilize. A child's daily routine at 1 month becomes more specific in time; if the child was on a free regimen, then by the beginning of the second month the feeding schedule should be approximately every three hours with a night interval of six to seven hours.

Many people have a question: should a newborn be given water to drink? There is no clear answer to this question. On the one hand, mother's milk consists of 90% water and the baby should have enough liquid, on the other hand, in the hot season, it is good to give the baby additional water from a bottle or teaspoon. In any case, you need to focus on the baby himself, his condition and needs.

Walking is very important for the proper development and health of a newborn, and it is especially good if the baby sleeps in the fresh air. If the baby was born in the warm season, then you should start walking the very next day after being discharged from the hospital. In the cold season, you need to focus on the weather and temperature outside. It is not recommended to walk with infants if the outside temperature is below fifteen degrees. In winter, you should start walking by staying outside for ten minutes and gradually increase the duration of the walk.

Approximate daily routine for children from 0 to 3 months:

  • 7:00 – sleep.
  • 9:00 – second (morning) feeding.
  • 10:00 – sleep (walk outside).
  • 12:00 – third (day) feeding.
  • 13:00 – sleep.
  • 15:00 – fourth (day) feeding.
  • 16:00 – sleep (walk outside).
  • 18:00 – fifth (evening) feeding.
  • 19:00 – sleep.
  • 20:00 – swimming.
  • 21:00 – sixth (evening) feeding.
  • 21:30 – sleep.
  • 24:00 – seventh (night) feeding at the request of the child.

Before feeding the baby, you need to tidy up, change the diaper, change into baby's undershirts and rompers, and, if necessary, wash the bottom. While the child is awake, it’s good to play with him, do gymnastics and just chat.

By the end of the first month, the baby should be able to:

  1. It is good to hold the head and lift it if the baby is placed on the tummy.
  2. Listen to different sounds and recognize mom's voice.
  3. Watch for bright and rattling objects (rattles).
  4. Grasp a toy or finger in the handle.
  5. Start "walking".

The neonatal period lasts the first 30 days from birth. There are two types of reflexes:

  • Unconditioned reflexes– these are reflexes inherent in nature. Some of them are gradually fading away.
  • Conditioned reflexes– this is life experience. They are acquired during brain development.


  1. Sucking and swallowing(the swallowing reflex remains with people for life).
  2. Proboscis– when you touch the baby’s lips, they stretch into a tube. This reflex disappears by three months.
  3. Babkin reflex. When pressing on the palms, the mouth opens. This reflex fades away by three months.
  4. Search reflex. If you touch the cheek or corner of the mouth, it turns its head in the direction that was touched. Driven by the search for food. Lasts up to four months. Subsequently, the child begins to find food using vision.
  5. Defense reflex. If you put the baby on his tummy, he will turn his head to the side and try to lift it. The reflex protects the baby from possible breathing problems. Disappears by two months.
  6. Robinson reflex. It manifests itself in the grasping of an adult’s fingers with the hands and holds on so tightly that the baby can be lifted by the hands. Fades away by four months.
  7. Babinski reflex. When stroking the sole of the foot, the toes open like a fan, and the feet bend. This reflex lasts quite a long time, up to almost two years.
  8. Moro reflex. When there is a loud impact on the table on which the child is lying, the baby first throws his arms to the sides, and then seems to hug himself with his arms. Fades away by five months.
  9. Kernig reflex. Inability to straighten the legs at the knee and hip joints. Fades away by four months.
  10. Automatic gait. If you hold the baby by the armpits, put him on his feet and tilt him a little forward, the baby will begin to walk. It is important to ensure that the child does not stand on tiptoes and that his legs do not cling to each other (consultation with a neurologist is required).
  11. Support reflex. The baby's desire to lean on his feet. Both the support reflex and the gait reflex disappear by 1.5 months.
  12. Galant reflex. If you run your hand along the baby’s back, the baby arches his back and stretches his leg on the side of the stimulus.
  13. Mangus–Klein reflex. If you turn the child's head to the side, the baby will straighten the leg and arm in the direction of rotation, and bend the leg and arm on the opposite side. The reflex fades by two months.

Parents should ensure that reflexes are present; if the reflexes are sluggish, then they should immediately show the child to the doctor.

Approximate daily routine for a child from three to six months

Starting from three months, the baby sleeps less and walks more. If up to three months the baby is mainly fed at intervals of three hours, then from the third month you can feed the baby every three and a half to four hours. Now you can devote more time to games. When feeding your baby, you can add complementary foods. But the main food is mother's milk or formula.

Daily regime:

  • 6:00 – first (morning) feeding.
  • 7:30 – sleep.
  • 9:30 – second (morning) feeding.
  • 11:30 – sleep (walk outside).
  • 13:00 – third (day) feeding.
  • 15:00 – sleep (walk outside).
  • 16:30 – fourth (day) feeding.
  • 18:30 – sleep.
  • 20:00 – fifth (evening) feeding.
  • 21:00 – sleep.
  • 24:00 – sixth (night) feeding at the request of the child.

By three months, the baby should be able to:

  1. Turn from your back to your side.
  2. Recognize loved ones, smile and laugh.
  3. Express your emotions by crying and laughing.
  4. Putting toys in your mouth.
  5. Understand where the sound is coming from.
  6. Walk while talking.

By the sixth month, the child already knows his name, sits well on his bottom, holds toys firmly in his hands and tries to get up on all fours.

The child's diet becomes more varied. You can give vegetable purees, pureed porridge and pureed cottage cheese. It is better not to feed your baby salty and sweet foods. Complementary foods should be introduced gradually and always after consultation with a pediatrician.

After the sixth month, daytime sleep becomes shorter and nighttime sleep becomes longer. The child spends more time playing and exploring the world.

It is easier for any organism to live according to a regime. This means that all components of the day alternate in a certain sequence. And this applies primarily to children. It’s not for nothing that preschool institutions have a clear daily routine, which children attending often follow on weekends. More precisely, their wise parents adhere to it.

So, we will learn about the clear daily routine of babies under one year old, the features of their accustoming to the regime.

Approximate daily routine for a child: Komarovsky

A well-known pediatrician today is confident that up to six months the baby’s diet should be free. Evgeniy Olegovich does not recommend that mothers, as was before, maintain intervals between feedings of either two or three hours. Such interruptions can only harm the child and his mother and interfere with breastfeeding. Therefore, the pediatrician recommends adhering to a free breastfeeding schedule for up to 6 months if the child is on it. Accordingly, there is no need to talk about a clear daily routine. After all, a child almost always falls asleep at the breast and wakes up hungry.

Already from six months (for some from 5, for others from 7 months), an approximate life schedule for mother and baby gradually emerges, in which there are two periods of daytime sleep. This is the child's pre-lunch rest, and the afternoon rest for one and a half to two hours. The pediatrician emphasizes approximateness, since there are children who can sleep for three hours during the day, and there are those who continue to sleep 4-5 times a day for 40 minutes or an hour. However, they are completely healthy. As for the nutrition of children from 6 to 12 months, it should also improve. Breakfast, lunch, dinner plus two complementary foods are required. They are called second breakfast and afternoon tea.

The sleep requirement of babies up to 12 months is 10-12 hours. But this only applies to healthy children, and if the child is sick or overtired, then he can sleep longer. At this age, the pediatrician advises walking with the child twice a day. These are the morning hours, before lunch, and also an hour or two before bedtime.

Child's daily routine by the hour: table

For a child up to three months

For a child up to six months

For children up to 12 months

Child's daily routine by month

The daily routine of a newborn and a one-year-old baby is very different from each other. After all, a newborn sleeps almost 20 hours a day. Before the age of one month, you shouldn’t even try to accustom your baby to a routine, because he adapts to a completely different environment, air, and nutrition.

By the age of three months we can already talk about the formation of a regime. At this age, the baby sleeps 16-17 hours. Of these, 10 occur during sleep at night, and the rest during 3-4 periods of sleep during the day. They usually last an hour and a half. Feedings are also becoming periodic, and the gap between them is 3 hours. In this case, the baby may wake up once or twice at night to feed.

Children under 6 months sleep even less - 13-15 hours a day due to a decrease in the period of night sleep. The time between feedings increases. Typically this is five meals a day and one meal at night. A six-month-old baby sleeps at night for 6-7 hours without waking up. And mom is already feeling better. Daytime sleep can be two or three times a day. Usually at 6 months there are two periods of daytime sleep.

From 6 to 9 months, a child can easily stay awake for 3 hours; his daytime sleep is two times a day, lasting an hour or two. The number of feedings during this age period is 4-5 with an interval of 4 hours. Many children of this age already refuse night feeding and sleep peacefully throughout the night. But some mothers still have to wait for this and still feed the baby once at night.

At 9-12 months the child is almost an adult. He sleeps twice a day (some people get by with a long, one-time afternoon nap). The period of his daily activity can be 3.5 hours, and if he is interested in something, then 4. The diet for up to a year is 4-5 times a day.

Pediatricians emphasize that you should always go for walks with children under one year old. Temperatures of -10 degrees Celsius are considered quite normal for walking. After all, today strollers are equipped in such a way that wind, snow, drafts and cold do not threaten children. Until the age of three months, the baby should be in the fresh air for at least an hour a day. The best sleep is sleeping outside, in the fresh air. And young mothers should not worry about the fact that the child sleeps a lot on the street during the day. This does not mean at all that the baby will not sleep at night. On the contrary, the amount of fresh air has a beneficial effect on night sleep.

How to establish a one-year-old child's daily routine

Psychologists state: if parents live according to a regime, then the child will show the same tendencies. Therefore, an organized father and mother should not worry about teaching their firstborn to a routine.

Already at two months the baby will ask to eat and go to bed at the same time. Mommy will only need to support the baby’s aspirations and consolidate them. You need to show sensitivity and attention to the child’s “signals”. If you see that he is rubbing his eyes or turning his head to the side or sucking, then be able to recognize these signs and do not ignore them. Accustom your baby to a lullaby, rock him (although this is a controversial issue). Avoid noise and unnecessary disturbances near a child who is falling asleep.

If we talk about a one-year-old baby, it happens that one day the baby refuses to live as before, he does not want to sleep twice, or eat as often as before. Sometimes children of this age do not show any signs of sleep at all in the evening. All this makes my mother nervous and disrupts her plans. This indicates that the baby is growing up, and he is outgrowing the old regime, if there was one. Well, this is also a signal to parents to change. But it should be soft, without pressure or force. You need to look for an individual and generally acceptable schedule that will allow your baby to get enough sleep, be alert and healthy.

One period of daytime sleep is an option closer to the kindergarten one, and in this way you can quickly adapt your baby to society. But keep in mind that then you will have to put your child to bed earlier, and daytime sleep will no longer be limited to an hour and a half. It must be at least two hours. The total sleep period for a one year old baby is 12-13 hours. When accustoming him to a new, more adult schedule, you need to count the number of hours of rest. After all, the health of your baby’s nervous system largely depends on this.

Evgeny Komarovsky is a supporter of a clear daily routine for a one-year-old child. But in his practice, there are families where children have a so-called inverted mode: during the day the baby sleeps, and until midnight, and sometimes until two o’clock in the morning, he is active, it is impossible to put him to sleep. The specialist calls such situations a social illness of the family. The sadness of this situation is that pediatricians do not have any pills in their arsenal to help establish the routine of such a baby. In this case, only psychotherapy for parents should be used. It consists of analyzing the reasons for the inverted life schedule and subordinating one’s interests to the baby’s health. This consists of controlling the environment of the children's bedroom (humidity, temperature, calmness), increasing the baby's energy expenditure (walks, games, gymnastics). Mom and dad should try to structure their daily routine so as not to make frequent exceptions when putting the child to bed. Once or twice you follow the lead, and even more so you can forget about the peace of a night’s sleep.

The health and peace of mind of children should always be a priority for parents.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

  • Daytime nap
  • Hysterics
  • You can raise a child, adhering to the regime and routine, or you can treat this more freely, starting from the immediate needs of the baby. However, experts say that children who are accustomed to a certain regimen from birth get sick less often, tolerate stress better, and adapt more easily to a new environment. Is it necessary to follow a regime, and what kind of routine to follow, says the famous pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky.


    Food, sleep, water, a sense of security - these are what children really need. In the regime, as such, not a single child in the world has any physiological or psychological needs, says Evgeny Komarovsky.

    From this point of view, the regime is no longer needed by the baby, but by his parents, in order to remain capable adults who are able to raise a child.

    If the child sleeps and eats when he wants, even in the middle of the night, then it is obvious that mom and dad will not get enough sleep, and will quickly turn into lethargic and incapable people with signs of nervous exhaustion. Since the child still really needs healthy and full-fledged parents, it is wiser to introduce a daily routine, and do it as early as possible. Ideally, immediately after discharge from the hospital.

    Routine is a great way to organize family life, in which an infant is growing up, and also prepare the baby in advance for a future visit to kindergarten and school, because everything there is according to the regime. However, parents will have to change the daily routine several times in the first years, since different ages require different approaches to organizing the regime.

    Daily routine by month

    At the very first stage of life, a child’s regimen should be drawn up with mandatory consideration sleep standards, which have significant age differences. A newborn, for example, needs at least 18 hours of sleep per day, a six-month-old child needs 14.5 hours, and a one-year-old baby needs 13.5 hours. However, much depends on the temperament of the child himself.

    Some babies refuse daytime sleep after 2 years, but they are perfectly fine choosing the 12-13 hours of sleep they are entitled to at night. Attempts by parents to force the baby to sleep during daylight hours end in complete fiasco - even if the child begins to sleep during the day, the quantity and quality of sleep at night deteriorates significantly. Therefore, drawing up a regime will require parents to be flexible and understand the individual characteristics of their own child.

    Diet convenient for parents, but it also has its downsides, says Evgeny Komarovsky. The child begins to produce gastric juice precisely when it is time for lunch or dinner according to his usual schedule. But as you grow older, circumstances may change, the kindergarten will have a different schedule and lunch time will shift by an hour, the school will have its own schedule and the child will have to adapt again. The production of gastric juice in the absence of food does not benefit the body.

    Considering the feeding hours, they should be as close as possible to the routine that exists in the kindergarten that the child will attend or to the school routine.

    Walking mode very important for the baby and for the older schoolchild. You cannot refuse to walk in the fresh air even during illness, especially if the illness is respiratory. The only reason not to go outside is high temperature. But as soon as the fever subsides, then, despite the runny nose and cough, you need to go outside.

    During illness The child’s routine may go astray, and this is completely normal, says Evgeny Komarovsky. With a properly organized routine, the child will quickly return to his usual “track” after recovery.

    An approximate mode may be as follows.

    1-2 months

    At this age, the need for sleep is from 18 to 20 hours (depending on the baby’s temperament). In this case, night sleep (about 12 hours) can be interrupted by 1-2 feedings. During the day, the baby sleeps 4-5 times, each episode of sleep lasts about 2-2.5 hours.

    The average number of feedings is 6-7, the interval between meals is from 2.5 to 3.5 hours. Any mother can “adjust” this approximate plan to specific hours and minutes based on the family’s daily routine. If household members go to bed early (at 21-22 o'clock), then water procedures and the last feeding should occur at 20.30. This assumes that the family gets up at 5:00.

    If parents and other children in the family go to bed late (at 23:00), then the last evening feeding should be moved to 22:30, while the family (including the baby) wakes up at 7:00.

    3-4 months

    In children at this age, the intervals of wakefulness between sleep episodes increase, so the regime will require parental adjustment. Considering that the baby may not sleep for 1.5-2 hours, the number of sleep episodes is reduced to 3-4, the duration of each episode is 1.5-2 hours.

    At night, the baby is supposed to sleep about 11 hours with waking up for feeding. Children at this age eat 5-6 times a day every 3.5-4 hours. When making adjustments, it is important not to mix evening procedures (bathing, massage and the last feeding should remain at the same time as before).

    5-6 months

    The nightly need for sleep during this period remains the same - 11 hours. Daytime periods last 1.5-2 hours. However, the number of these daily periods can be reduced to 3. The child is awake for 2-2.5 hours.

    At night, from the age of six months, he may no longer eat; in any case, there is no longer a biological need for night feeding from the age of 6 months. Therefore, the number of meals is also reduced - up to 5 times a day. The baby is already able to withstand four-hour intervals between meals. The total need for sleep is about 15 hours a day.

    7-8-9 months

    This is already an active and inquisitive baby who spends quite long periods of time awake. The number of meals is 4-5 per day. Feeding at night should be strictly avoided. The baby sleeps at night for about 10 hours.

    During the day he should go to bed 3 times, but sometimes this number decreases to 2 (closer to 9 months). Periods of play and active exploration of the world between episodes of daytime sleep can last up to 3 hours; the main thing is to prevent the baby from becoming overtired and remaining without sleep for a longer period of time.

    10-11 months - 1 year

    Such a baby can eat 4 times a day at intervals of 4 hours. The amount of daytime sleep is reduced to 2 times, but the intervals increase - up to 2.5 hours for each sleep.

    The need for night sleep is 10 hours. At this age, it is important to include longer walks and developmental activities than before.

    1.5 years - 2 years

    At this age, it is important to adjust the regime in accordance with the regime of the preschool institution that the parents have chosen for their child. To do this, mom needs to pay a visit to the kindergarten, talk with the teachers, write down the hours of breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, hours of classes and walks.

    On average, children of this age eat 4 times a day (including dinner, which is absent in kindergarten). The baby should sleep 2 times during the day, with a gradual transition to 1 nap (by 2-2.5 years). The duration of each “quiet hour” is 1.5-2 hours. The need for night sleep is 10-11 hours.

    The intervals, taking into account the individuality of the child, may differ from those indicated; it is important that the baby sleeps about 12.5-13 hours a day, this norm is physiologically determined for him.

    How to establish a regime?

    If a child is not accustomed to the regime, and at 8-10 months of age arranges nightly “vigils” for parents at the crib with loud demands for food, toys and attention, then Komarovsky advises parents to decisively begin to establish a “dictatorship”. It will take about 2-3 days to establish a regime, after which mothers and fathers of such babies will be able to forget about insomnia forever.

    As soon as a small child appears in the house, the usual rhythm of life changes. Now it revolves around feeding, walking and sleeping for the baby.

    How to properly build these daily rituals so that you have enough time and energy for everything?

    Why do you need a newborn's daily routine?

    After returning from the maternity hospital, a young mother is faced with many tasks that at first seem incredibly difficult. It is necessary to establish breastfeeding, learn how to properly wash and bathe the baby, swaddle, change clothes, change diapers, treat the belly button - all this merges into an endless circle of worries.

    At the same time, dinner won’t cook itself either, and keeping the apartment clean now that there’s a newborn baby in the house is especially important. It seems that there are simply not enough hours in the day for all this.

    But mom still needs to rest and pay attention to dad. That is why you need to try to build a daily routine that will be optimal for both the baby and the whole family as a whole.

    Not to mention that the regime is necessary for the correct and complete development of the baby.

    What does a newborn's daily routine consist of?

    In the first month of life, which is considered the newborn period, the baby eats quite often and sleeps a lot. It is these two elements – feeding and sleep – that form the basis of a newborn’s daily routine. Plus walking and swimming, which should also be tied to a specific time.

    Feeding. With natural feeding in the first weeks of life, feeding on demand is recommended - that is, when the baby asks for the breast, he gets it. It seems that this approach is practically incompatible with the daily routine. This is not entirely true. Indeed, feeding on demand is necessary, and a newborn should not be denied it: frequent feeding increases the production of breast milk, and sometimes a baby simply needs mother’s closeness. However, pediatricians note that most healthy babies gradually, during the first two to three weeks, go out to feed at a certain interval, usually 2.5 - 3 hours. Here is the first reference point for building a daily routine.

    With artificial or mixed feeding, the interval between feedings is set more strictly. If breast milk is absorbed quickly and almost completely, then it takes some time to digest the adapted infant formula. In the first month of life, an artificial baby receives formula every 3-3.5 hours, and here deviations are not allowed. This means that the feeding regime is built on its own.

    Dream. A newborn can sleep up to 20 hours a day in total. The baby usually falls asleep after each feeding. But long sleep at this age is impossible. Every 2-3 hours the child wakes up to eat. This means that mom will hardly be able to sleep well at night. Ideally, the child can gradually achieve 6 hours of sleep at night. But this ideal in most cases turns out to be unattainable in the first month of life. And if a newborn wakes up at night and asks for the breast, he must be fed - the child should not starve. And during one of the baby’s naps, it is important to provide time for the mother to rest.

    Walks. How many times a day and how long to walk with a newborn depends largely on the time of year. The daily routine is adjusted accordingly.

    In summer, early autumn, and warm spring, you can start walking as early as one week of age, that is, almost immediately after discharge from the maternity hospital. In hot weather, it is recommended to go outside in the morning, before 11 o’clock, while the air temperature is not too high. It is advisable to have two walks a day. The best time for the second is after 16:00, when the heat of the day subsides.

    In winter or late autumn, doctors advise, after discharge, to first adapt for a week at home and only then start walking with the newborn. You need to get used to low temperatures gradually, and in extreme cold you should generally refrain from going outside with your baby. If the thermometer is not lower than minus 3-5 degrees, you can go out first for 15 minutes, next time for 20, and so gradually increase the walking time.

    While being outside, kids work up an appetite. In addition, babies usually sleep well in the fresh air of a stroller. If you can’t get your child to sleep at home, a walk often becomes a real salvation.

    Bathing. This is not only a hygienic procedure, but also a very important element of hardening. Healthy full-term babies begin to be bathed after the umbilical wound has healed. This should be done daily. At first, the duration of bathing is minimal - only 5-7 minutes; gradually, by the age of one month, the duration of water procedures increases to 15 minutes. The optimal water temperature is equal to body temperature - 36-37 degrees. Once a week the baby is washed with baby soap. Most often, in the daily routine, time for bathing is allocated before evening feeding and night sleep.

    Approximate daily routine for a newborn

    6.00 feeding, sleep;

    9.00 rise, hygiene procedures, washing, feeding;

    from 10.00 to 11.30 walk and sleep in the air;

    12.00 feeding, baby’s sleep, mother’s rest;

    15.00 feeding;

    from 16.00 to 17.30 walk and sleep in the air;

    18.00 feeding, sleep.

    20.45 swimming

    21.00 feeding, sleep.

    00.00 feeding, sleep until 6 am (ideally) or feeding at night with an interval of 3 hours (or on demand).

    This schedule is more suitable for the warm season. In winter, the evening walk will most likely have to be excluded from it, and the daytime time will have to be reduced depending on the air temperature.

    How to maintain a newborn's daily routine

    Many mothers will say that a regimen for a child in the first month of life is almost impossible. The baby cries a lot, constantly demands the breast, colic also makes a negative contribution, which torments children at this age and does not allow them to sleep well. And some capricious ones are generally very difficult to put to sleep both during the day and at night.

    However, without a regime the situation will only get worse.

    Therefore, calmly, persistently, but without fanaticism, you should accustom your baby to a certain routine:

    1. Start small. It may take 2-3 weeks to establish a newborn’s daily routine. The easiest way is to set the time for walking and swimming. Let this be your first small success.

    2. Bathing, in turn, becomes part of the evening ritual - a kind of hint for the baby that it is time to go to bed. Such rituals also help to establish a routine. A mother’s lullaby or a gentle, melodic mobile over the crib is a signal for the baby that it’s time to sleep. And gradually it will become an integral part of the daily routine.

    3. The feeding regimen during breastfeeding can be the most difficult to adjust. A mother cannot always figure out when a baby is crying from hunger and when he is simply uncomfortable. Maybe he has a wet diaper, or his tummy is bothering him. In any case, breast milk takes time to digest, and if less than two hours have passed since your last feeding, it may not be hunger that is causing your concern. Gradually, watching her baby and learning to understand him, the mother will definitely reach the optimal feeding interval.

    The main thing when establishing a newborn’s daily routine is not to go to extremes. Sometimes you can hear advice - wake up the child if he “fell asleep” and is out of line with the feeding schedule, force him to get up at the same time in the morning. This would probably be suitable for older children. But for a baby in the first month of life, this is not the best recommendation. The baby will still wake up hungry. And healthy, sound sleep at this age is much more important than a daily routine that is off by half an hour. The exception is premature or weakened babies, who really need to be woken up for feeding, since they sometimes cannot wake up on their own.

    What is convenient for the mother is not always good for the baby. When establishing a daily routine for a newborn, it is necessary to show sensitivity, patience and attention to the child’s needs, because after all, the main goal is his health and proper development. And you can find time for household chores in another way, for example, by sending dad or grandma for a walk with the baby.

    The content of the article:

    The first month of birth is an adaptation period when the baby gets used to new conditions, learns to breathe, eat, and feel separate from the mother. This period is not easy for both parents and the baby. Mom and dad are trying to create optimal conditions for such a helpless and tiny creature, so that it is easier for him to adapt to the new environment.

    In order for the day to be productive, it is necessary to create the correct daily routine for the newborn. It is important to fit all the necessary items into the schedule: feeding, sleeping, waking, bathing. If parents organize the day correctly, the baby will feel good and develop properly. With a well-functioning regime, the child is calm and active, and the mother manages everything and enjoys all the joys of motherhood.

    Disruption of the usual rhythm of life

    When a baby is just born, the mother is ready to devote every minute and second to him. In addition, many pediatricians recommend putting the baby to the breast at the first call, sleeping with him and spending the whole day in his company. Every young mother thinks that this is how it should be. However, after some time, the woman notices how the layer of dust in the house increases, cooking turns into real torture, and her husband gradually moves away.

    Concerned women then wonder why this is happening. The reason is that the usual way of life to which the spouses are accustomed has been disrupted. It’s not worth leaving everything as it is, because over time, the chaos in the house can develop into chaos in the head. A woman runs the risk of falling into apathy, when she feels powerless and indifferent to everyone and everything around her. To avoid this condition, it is necessary to establish a daily routine.

    Daily routine - why is it needed?

    A daily routine is a system for distributing periods of sleep, wakefulness, food intake, hygiene and health procedures. That is, parents will perform certain actions depending on the time of day.

    The daily routine gives you a lot of opportunities:

    Plan your day. That is, a woman clearly understands what time she needs to take her baby for a walk, and when she can allocate time for cooking.

    Maintain the health of the newborn. If the mother begins to feed the baby at the first call, and not according to a schedule, then the likelihood of diathesis and other allergic reactions and weight gain increases. When feeding “on demand,” the baby receives a volume of milk that his digestive tract cannot always cope with. The first sign of overfeeding is redness of the cheeks, which many inexperienced mothers notice in their children.

    Keep love and warmth with your spouse. The birth of a child should not distance, but, on the contrary, bring husband and wife closer together. Therefore, a woman should think about making time in her schedule for her loved one. After all, a child should grow up in a happy and loving family.

    Thus, the regime of the first month of a newborn helps to solve the most important tasks.

    Approximate daily routine for a newborn

    The primary tasks for a baby in the first month of life are to sleep, eat and communicate with parents. After birth, the child must rest at least 4 times in 24 hours. As a rule, a newborn falls asleep after eating and wakes up after 1.5 - 2 hours. As for night sleep, it should be longer - at least 6 hours.

    The baby eats 6 times or more, the interval between feedings is 3 – 3.5 hours. The night break between feedings is 6 hours. A mother and her newborn should go for a walk twice (morning and evening).

    Newborn regimen table:

    This is exactly what a newborn’s routine looks like hourly. At first glance, it may seem to many that bathing the baby is too late, because older children are put to bed at 21.00 - 22.00. Such late hygienic procedures are explained by the fact that infants sleep at night no longer than 6 - 7 hours, and then wake up to eat. If you put your baby to bed at 9 o'clock in the evening, he will wake up at 2 - 3 o'clock in the morning, as a result, mom and dad will not get enough sleep. If the whole family goes to bed at 23.30, then both the little one and the parents will have a good rest.

    According to psychologists, if they follow a daily routine, children grow up disciplined, organized and confident in their abilities.


    A healthy baby under 1 month of age sleeps a lot both during the day and at night and wakes up only when he feels hungry. The total duration of sleep for a month-old baby is 17 – 18 hours per day. There may be a slight deviation in one direction or another.

    A healthy baby up to 1 month old sleeps from 6 to 8 hours, provided that the mother feeds on demand. The sleep will be especially calm and long if the mother is next to him. This is explained by the fact that the child hears its smell, feels its heartbeat and warmth. In addition, the baby can attach to the breast at any time.

    If the newborn sleeps separately, then the mother will have to sit next to his crib (especially 2 weeks after birth). In this case, feeding should be done by the hour. According to reviews, if mother and child are separated, then the baby’s sleep is shorter (5 – 6 hours).

    Often infants do not distinguish the time of day, confusing day with night. This has a bad effect on the mother, who cannot sleep properly. In addition, the likelihood of lactation disorders increases. In this case, you just need to adjust your sleep pattern. To do this, you need to gently but persistently turn the baby’s sleep in the right direction. It is not recommended to put him to bed too early, the optimal time for sleep is 23.00 or 23.30, deviations are possible plus or minus half an hour. In just a few days the baby will get used to the regime.

    Parents need to learn to notice signs of fatigue in their child, so they can prepare him for bed in advance, before he is overtired. A newborn's sleep schedule helps the baby get used to regular rest and differentiate between the end of the day and the beginning of the night. Over time, the baby will be able to regulate the duration of sleep, plan personal affairs and rest.


    The young mother will have to learn how to properly attach the baby to the breast. If the baby grasps the nipple incorrectly and the woman feels pain, then you need to carefully remove it. Turn the baby to face you, stroke his cheek with your finger so that he opens his mouth. Place the nipple deeper into it so that the baby captures the entire areola. After this, he will concentrate on swallowing the milk. If the baby smacks his lips, this indicates that he has taken the breast incorrectly. Correct the situation.

    The duration of feeding ranges from 30 to 60 minutes, and the mother should not interrupt the baby. After all, this process not only saturates him, but also calms him down.

    As for the frequency of breastfeeding, everything is individual. Most parents prefer feeding on demand. In this case, the interval between the child’s meals is from 2 to 4 hours, and not the standard 3 hours.

    A newborn feeding regime is necessary when the baby practically does not leave the breast, is capricious and cries. On such days, you should not breastfeed your baby for any reason. It is necessary to find out the cause of the crying and take measures to eliminate it, and continue feeding as usual. Otherwise, the child will get used to calming down with the help of the breast and the mother simply will not have time for herself. The artificial feeding regime is structured in approximately the same way. To prevent your newborn from overeating, maintain an interval between feedings of 2.5 - 3 hours.

    Water procedures

    Babies simply love bathing, so you shouldn’t limit yourself to rubdowns. Make bathing an enjoyable daily tradition. Some parents use a baby bath for bathing, while others use a large bath. Here the choice is up to mom and dad; the main thing is to disinfect the bathroom before washing the child.

    The optimal temperature for bathing a baby is 37°. If parents decide to harden the baby, then they should do it extremely carefully. Gradually lower the temperature by 2° per week.

    The first bathing is carried out after the umbilical wound has healed; before that, you can get by with rubbing. To do this, mom will need warm boiled water, a changing table, cotton swabs, baby soap, diapers, cream and powder.

    Parents choose their own bathing regimen for a one-month-old baby. A baby's skin does not require daily bathing, but if he likes to splash around in the water, then do not deny him this pleasure. If the baby is afraid of water, then it is enough to bathe him 2 – 3 times a week.

    The set of mandatory hygiene procedures consists of the following points:



    Cleaning eyes, nose, ears.

    Skin examination.

    Treatment of the navel (if necessary).

    Combing with a soft brush

    Removal of seborrheic crusts.

    Nail cutting.

    Your pediatrician will tell you more about how to treat an umbilical wound.


    The wakefulness of a newborn is also a very important point. When the baby is not sleeping, he is at home or goes for a walk with his mother. It is very useful for the baby to walk in the fresh air. It is recommended to go outside twice (day and evening). Sun rays provoke the production of vitamin D, which is an excellent prevention of rickets. In the same way you can get rid of physiological jaundice. You should not walk in the yard or on a busy street; your baby will be much more interested in a park or square.

    The recommended duration of the first walk is from 10 to 15 minutes. Over the course of a week, increase the time to 60 minutes per day. You shouldn’t limit yourself to going out to the balcony; it won’t replace a full walk in the fresh air.

    To prevent your child from being cold or hot, dress him in 1 layer more clothes than you wear. You can check how comfortable he is by looking at his back. To do this, put your finger inside the collar; if the skin is warm, it means it’s warm.

    Massage and gymnastics

    From 2 weeks the baby can have a massage; this procedure has a lot of advantages:

    Improves blood circulation and functioning of internal organs.

    It improves mood, and as a result, the baby perceives the world better and develops faster.

    Massage is an excellent prevention of various diseases.

    Strengthens the immune system.

    Relieves symptoms of colic and eliminates constipation.

    Has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.

    The massage is performed with light, stroking movements. It is strictly forbidden to use force during the procedure!

    First, massage the arms, moving up to the shoulders, then the legs (from the foot to the groin). Then massage the tummy clockwise with light stroking movements. Next, they massage the chest, then turn the baby onto his stomach, working on the muscles of the neck and back. And finally, you need to gently massage your head (avoiding the fontanel), not forgetting the ears.

    14 days after birth, you can begin air baths and pinning. Your pediatrician will advise you in more detail about these procedures.

    Many parents are interested in the question of how to accustom their newborn to a routine. To do this, you must follow the following rules:

    Wake up and go to sleep at the same time. Even if the child slept restlessly at night, gently but persistently wake him up and wash him.

    Carry out all actions strictly according to the schedule. Make a schedule on paper and strictly follow it as you go about your daily activities (walking, eating, bathing, etc.). The baby will quickly get used to the new routine.

    Maintain an interval between feedings. If the baby ate 60 minutes ago, but seems to be hungry again, then offer him some water.

    Get used to the routine gently. Don't be nervous if something goes wrong; in general, it can take 1 to 2 weeks to adapt.

    Use ritual tips. Swimming and a musical carousel can be a signal that you need to go to bed soon.

    Now you know how to establish a newborn’s routine; the main thing is to have patience and understanding for a tiny and defenseless baby. After all, this period is difficult not only for you, but also for him. That is why you need to act decisively, but delicately.

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