State budgetary institution of social services "Zheleznovodsk comprehensive center for social services of the population." International Veterinarian Day When to congratulate veterinarians on the holiday

On August 31, Russia celebrates Veterinarian Day. The history of the creation of Veterinarian Day on August 31 is as follows. At the request of full members of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' signed a decree on March 23, 2011, blessing the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Florus and Laurus on August 31, 2011 and approving it as veterinarians’ day.

Since 2011, by the decision of Patriarch Kirill, a new Orthodox Veterinarian's Day has been established, which falls on August 31.

The date of celebration was not determined by the Orthodox community by chance. This is the day of remembrance of the martyrs Florus and Laurus, who are considered the patrons of livestock. They are often depicted on icons with horses, but all veterinary doctors receive heavenly intercession from the saints. That is why academicians of the Russian Agricultural Academy proposed August 31 for the celebration and found support from both the church and veterinarians.
It is not a national holiday. The event is formalized by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 2014 No. 188 “On the establishment of a professional holiday - Veterinary Worker Day.”

Happy people are Russian veterinarians. Not only do they have a favorite profession, but they can celebrate their holiday twice a year!
An analogue of this solemn event is the holiday, which is celebrated on the last Sunday in April.

Veterinarians are needed wherever there is a need to care for animals - on farms and other agricultural enterprises, at veterinary stations, in zoos, and also in veterinary hospitals.

Veterinary medicine is a diversified branch of science, as it requires knowledge of biology, chemistry, pharmaceuticals, as well as the anatomy and physiology of different animal species. But knowledge alone will not make you a good specialist; it is important to be attentive, have good powers of observation and, of course, love animals.
Treating animals is often even more difficult than treating people. After all, four-legged patients cannot tell what bothers them and describe their symptoms. At the same time, a sick animal does not always realize that the doctor wants to help him, so he may well bite or scratch. But veterinarians have to treat not only cute cats and small dogs, but also various zoo inhabitants - tigers, lions and other large and dangerous animals.

Veterinary medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and treatment of diseases in animals. France is considered to be the birthplace of veterinary medicine, since it was in this country that they first began training doctors involved in treating animals. Concerned that the country was experiencing a massive loss of livestock, King Louis XV decided to found a school that would train animal healers.

Veterinary Worker's Day (Veterinary Service Workers' Day) is a professional holiday for employees involved in the treatment of animals. Among them are workers of clinics, stations, nurseries, fish farms, zoos and enterprises that raise livestock and birds. Teachers, students, and graduates of specialized educational institutions join the celebrations.

In Russia in 2019, Veterinarian Day is celebrated on August 31 and is celebrated at the official level 6 times.

Meaning: the holiday is dedicated to Saints Florus and Laurus, who are considered the patrons of livestock.

Seminars, conferences, and advanced training courses are held to coincide with the holiday. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates and diplomas.


The event was formalized by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 2014 No. 188 “On the establishment of a professional holiday - Veterinary Worker Day.” The document was signed by N. Fedorov.

The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. It is dedicated to the canonized Florus and Laurus. In the Orthodox tradition they are considered patrons of livestock. The saints were executed after the healed son of a Byzantine priest converted to Christianity. In 2011, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' ordered to celebrate a church holiday in honor of veterinarians on August 31.


On this day, veterinary service workers accept congratulations. Management presents certificates of honor and diplomas to the best employees and thanks specialists for their work. Colleagues organize feasts at which they make toasts, wish them health and good luck, and give each other gifts. They exchange their accumulated experience, share their achievements, discuss new equipment and therapy methods.

Television and radio stations broadcast programs about the profession of a veterinarian. Journalists interview prominent figures in the field. On the eve of the holiday, seminars and advanced training courses are organized.

Daily task

Remember which animal became your first pet, and what its nickname was.


“Your work is needed and important at all times in all corners of the world. You work day and night, always rushing to help sick animals. You help our four-legged brothers. Thank you for your difficult, responsible work! Congratulations, veterinarians! So that your skills and knowledge increase, and all your dreams come true.”

“Today we sincerely congratulate our modern Aibolit on their professional holiday. You are needed by those who live with us in this world, filling it with beauty, tenderness, affection, and care for their neighbors. We wish that your hands not only always help our smaller four-legged and long-winged brothers, but also that your health never fails you!

“When a beloved animal gets sick, it’s so difficult to understand what’s hurting him, but he can’t explain it. Luckily, there are veterinarians in the world! They understand everything without words! Happy holiday, professional veterinarians!


Decor elements. Paintings, figurines, sofa cushions, vases with images of animals will serve as an excellent themed gift and will fit into the interior of your office.

Gift certificate to a medical clothing store. A gift certificate to a medical clothing store will be a practical and useful gift that will allow a veterinarian to update his professional wardrobe.

Stationery. The work of veterinarians is not limited to contact with animals, but also includes work with medical documentation. Stylish pens, notepads, and desktop organizers will be useful gifts that will come in handy in daily work.


In the footsteps
Before the competition, you must find and print paw prints of animals and birds on sheets of paper. Images are hung in front of the competition participants. Their task is to determine who owns the tracks. The one with the most correct answers wins the competition.

What kind of animal am I
Participants in the competition are given cards with the names of the animals written on them. You can choose rare exotic species to make the competition more interesting. The competitors place the received cards so that only other players can see them (on the headdress, on the forehead). Contestants take turns asking questions that can be answered “yes” or “no.” If the answer is positive, then this gives the right to ask another question, and if negative, the right to ask a question passes to the next participant. The competition continues until all players name their animal.

Musical pause
To hold the competition, it is necessary to prepare melodies of famous musical compositions in advance. Participants in the competition are given the words of the songs, but they must sing them in an “animal” language - meow, bark, hum, etc. The winner is determined by applause.

  • The first veterinary services appeared during the times of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. During periods of war, veterinarians accompanied the troops, and the Roman army set up hospitals for sick and wounded horses.
  • On July 23, 1808, a veterinary department was opened at the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy. In this educational institution, for the first time in Russia, they began to graduate veterinarians who had a higher education.
  • Pets suffer from the same diseases as humans: influenza, gastric ulcers, pancreatitis, myocardial infarction, obesity, cancer and other diseases.
  • Each dog has an individual nose print, which can be compared to the fingerprint of humans.
  • If cats constantly lick their fur, this is an indicator of the health of the animal. They do this not only for the sake of cleanliness. Cats' fur contains a substance that contains vitamin D, which is necessary for their normal functioning.
  • Dogs are able to show their emotions through their facial expressions. They can distinguish about a hundred expressions.

About the profession

Since ancient times, animals have been of great importance to humans. Despite the development of food technologies, meat and dairy products remain a source of healthy nutrition. The livestock gets sick periodically. He needs qualified help.

Veterinarians treat animals: livestock and pets. Their responsibilities include preventive examinations, preventing epidemics and combating their consequences, and conducting operations. They are part of the service for sanitary control of meat, dairy and other products. Such specialists are in demand in agricultural enterprises and veterinary clinics.

A career begins after graduating from a secondary or higher educational institution. The graduate must know the physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology of the established list of animals.

A veterinarian is a responsible profession. Mistakes can lead to large losses. The salaries of such specialists in Russia are high, mainly in private clinics.

The international holiday is dedicated to medical figures, namely doctors who are involved in such a branch of science as veterinary medicine. These people carry out diagnostics, prevention and treatment of pets; they will cope with any injury or disorder in the functioning of the animal’s body. Considering that their four-legged and feathered patients are unable to express their gratitude, International Veterinarian Day was established.

Veterinary medicine has been known as a science since the 18th century, when the first school of veterinarians was opened in Lyon on the initiative of Louis the 15th (due to the mass extinction of livestock, which at that time was the main source of food for the world's population).


The Veterinarian's Day was founded in 2000 on the initiative of the World Veterinarian Association. Since that year, the date has been celebrated annually on the last Saturday of April. Most countries joined the celebration, including Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

The professional activities of veterinarians have been known since the times of the Soviet Union, where Doctor “Aibolit” was a favorite character of many children and adults.

The holiday was created symbolically in order to express the public's respect for doctors who provide care to animals. After all, it is thanks to such specialists that rare species of animals continue their livelihoods on earth. Veterinarians have more than once saved the lives of our beloved pets and protected us from epidemics that spread through livestock meat.


According to tradition, on this day everyone who is related to veterinary medicine receives congratulations, and this is:

  1. Doctors are veterinarians.
  2. Students and teachers of specialized specializations.
  3. Laboratory assistants and assistants in veterinary clinics.

This day is perfect for expressing gratitude to the doctor who provided medical care to your pet.

All over the world, the best doctors are awarded diplomas and given new qualifications. There are charitable foundations, the proceeds from which are sent to help sick animals. The media provide practical advice on the proper care of animals and first aid in emergency situations.

Veterinary Day

(Veterinarian Day) in Russia

Veterinarian Day is celebrated in Russia annually on August 31. In 2017 it is celebrated for the 4th time. The events involve everyone involved in the treatment of animals: employees of clinics, stations, nurseries, fish farms, zoos and enterprises that breed livestock and birds. Teachers, students, and graduates of specialized educational institutions join the celebrations. Since ancient times, animals have been of great importance to humans. Despite the development of food technologies, meat and dairy products remain a source of healthy nutrition. The livestock gets sick periodically. He needs qualified help. A professional holiday is dedicated to specialists who treat animals.


On this day, veterinary service workers accept congratulations! Management presents certificates of honor and diplomas to the best employees and thanks specialists for their work. Colleagues organize feasts at which they make toasts, wish them health and good luck, and give each other gifts. They exchange their accumulated experience, share their achievements, discuss new equipment and methods of therapy. Television and radio stations broadcast programs about the profession of a veterinarian. Journalists interview prominent figures in the field. On the eve of the holiday, seminars and advanced training courses are organized.


The event was formalized by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 11, 2014 No. 188 “On the establishment of a professional holiday – Veterinary Worker’s Day.” The date of the holiday has a symbolic meaning. It is dedicated to the canonized Florus and Laurus. In the Orthodox tradition they are considered patrons of livestock. The saints were executed after the healed son of a Byzantine priest converted to Christianity.

In 2011, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' ordered to celebrate a church holiday in honor of veterinarians on August 31. Among the numerous professional holidays, Veterinarian Day occupies a special place. It is to the people of this profession that we rush when our pet is unwell. Veterinarians are able to understand pets without a single word and provide the necessary assistance. Veterinary medicine workers will never hear words of gratitude from their patients, so try to congratulate them on World Veterinarian Day!

At all times, there were people who were able to relieve diseases of animals with herbs, tinctures and spells. Since the peasants depended on livestock, lived and ate largely at their expense, they tried to take care of it with dignity. Therefore, the exact time and place of the appearance of the first veterinarian is impossible to determine.

Veterinary medicine as a separate science originated in the 18th century in France, where the world's first school for doctors treating animals was opened, founded by Louis XV. It was opened in order to stop epidemics that destroyed huge numbers of livestock.

Sometimes disputes arise - on what date is Veterinarian Day celebrated? The point is that there is an international holiday of a similar nature, and there is a Russian one. The date of celebration of International Veterinarian Day is April 27. Veterinarians in many countries around the world are waiting for it and celebrate it in their own way, raising a glass not only to their colleagues, but also to the health of their four-legged patients.

In 2011, inRussiathere was its own holiday, Veterinarian Day, whose celebration date is 31August. This day was not chosen by chance, because it is the Day of the Martyrs Florus and Laurus, whom in Ancient Rus' they prayed to God for the protection and healing of livestock. They are often depicted in icons with horses. In addition to generally accepted events in veterinary clinics and higher educational institutions of a similar nature, in many churches in Russia on this day there is a special celebration of veterinarians, where they pay tribute to their difficult and responsible work and pray for health.

Thus, we can congratulate Russian veterinarians, because now they can safely celebrate their professional holiday twice a year!

Kind heart and kind hands -

The main thing is your cure for troubles!

How gratefully they look after you

Those that you saved from torment.

Happy holiday, doctor, healer of animals!

To you for your work, which is very important and necessary.

Let’s say “thank you” today together

From hamsters, birds, dogs and people!

SOO specialist for comprehensive rehabilitation O.M.Brown

Happy people are Russian veterinarians. Not only do they have a favorite profession, but they can celebrate their holiday twice a year! I'm not kidding. Indeed, International Veterinarian Day is celebrated in April. But the Russians don’t stop there. Since 2011, by the decision of Patriarch Kirill, a new Orthodox Veterinarian's Day has been established, which falls on August 31.

The date of celebration was not determined by the Orthodox community by chance. This is the day of remembrance of the martyrs Florus and Laurus, who are considered the patrons of livestock. They are often depicted on icons with horses, but all veterinary doctors receive heavenly intercession from the saints. That is why academicians of the Russian Agricultural Academy proposed August 31 for the celebration and found support from both the church and veterinarians.

Happy Veterinarian's Day - a worthy holiday -
Those with a kind heart and a calm mind
He boldly helps our smaller brothers.
May fate give you generous gifts!

After all, it’s not easy for specialists to be like that,
May life give you access to health
And, of course, fortunately - you deserve it.
Much patience, joy and strength to you!

Veterinary work is very honorable.
May gratitude not always find you,
But among many hundreds of other professions
Your position is very firm.

Your calling is to be for the little brothers
A psychologist, and a friend, and a doctor.
It’s hard to downplay your merits -
Without you, we will be lost one hundred percent.

Who else, if not you, to our dear pets
Will it help you to always be healthy?
So be always protected by fate,
Veterinary workers!

Happy Veterinarian's Day! May this kind and noble profession give you good bear health, soft cat tenderness and affection in love, decent material supplies and more reasons for puppy delight.

Good Doctor Aibolit
He sits in the veterinary hospital.
And they lead the little animals to him -
From kittens to frogs.
And puppies and hamsters,
Snakes, fish, spiders...
He will heal everyone, he will heal,
It won't hurt anyone.
And the good old man will celebrate
Holiday - Veterinarian's Day!

From myself and from my little brothers
We hasten to congratulate you,
We know that animals are treated
People are just big souls!

You're probably in the genes somewhere
Aibolit's relatives,
The stable is the same scene for you,
Animals are the same kids!

So let everything work out
Every day and every hour
Happy holiday, veterinarians!
Happiness and goodness to you!

To be happy under the sun,
So as not to know troubles with your pet,
Everyone knows the pet's illness
A doctor with the prefix “vet” treats.

The animals are all wagging their tails -
It's like he's sacred to them.
They salute with a ringing bark
And they whine shyly.

He will bandage it, bandage it...
Saving a life is a great gift.
Preserves our happiness
Good veterinarian.

Happy Vet Day
We are the ones who heal all animals,
They have a very big heart
And there are no kinder ones in the world,
We wish all Aibolit
Good luck, happiness, long years,
Let the animals recover
And may there be many victories!

Happy Veterinarian's Day.
And I wish you a successful life,
So that work brings joy,
Inspired, gave strength.

And for the fact that you are good,
To be always deservedly respected.
More joyful, happy moments for you,
Only patients who are recovering for you.

Happy Veterinarian's Day!
May it be for your good deeds
Kindness to you like a gentle cat
Regularly goes to purr.

To treat, you yourself do not get sick,
Be happy. We really need you.
I wish you the best in the world,
May everything you wish come true.

Let your patients
Less grinning at you.
Let only gratitude
Coming from their eyes.

Let everyday life be easier
No emergency problems
Let there be more joyful
At work you have topics.

Resistance to stress,
After all, patients are not simple.
Health and success,
And more kindness.

You give injections to dogs and cats
And you treat sick tails,
You, like Aibolit, will understand them instantly
And quickly apply bandages!

Happy Veterinarian's Day, I congratulate you
From the bottom of my heart I want
Add “Thank you” from all patients
Such a great doctor!

Congratulations: 60 in verse, 9 in prose.

Happy veterinarian's day picture

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