The sexual temperament of women depends on their blood type. How to determine sexual temperament

Female temperament by male standards

Many men believe that determining a woman’s behavior in bed is a matter of two minutes. Moreover, there is a certain set of characteristics that corresponds to the image of a sexy tigress. So called types female temperament.

We present to your attention the main signs that men use to reveal the secrets of a particular person’s sexuality. Use this knowledge to turn your “weaknesses” into strengths.

Mostly men attach importance to how a woman treats the opposite sex, how accessible she is. The more selective a woman is, the more desirable she is to a man. But if a woman is not available to all men, it is scary because she seems too serious. On a psychological level, people are attracted to a personality that punishes and then rewards. This “technique” has been used more than once by the best seductresses in world history!

Female temperament is especially acute in force majeure situations. To attract a man sexually, it is enough to experience with him a circumstance of emotional upliftment - be it a rainstorm, or a kayaking trip along a stormy river. Scientists have repeatedly confirmed the fact that adrenaline brings people together precisely by revealing the true temperament of partners in such situations. In force majeure circumstances it is difficult to pretend.

Girls of average appearance are more attractive to men compared to their beautiful friends. Therefore, you don’t have to be the most beautiful girl to attract a man. However, if you lack self-confidence, beauty will be a great help for you. This is a quality that is not decisive in matters of sexuality.

For men, a woman is, first of all, a sexual object, this is inherent at the physiological level, here are a few rules by which men determine woman's temperament.

Rules made by men

Sexy girls love men first of all and consider them good friends. Sincere sympathy for people of the opposite sex is one of the secrets of sexual attraction.

In addition, the survey revealed that men in the video were more attracted to the woman who was serious at the beginning, but by the end of the conversation began to be embarrassed and flirtatious. Don't be afraid to seem funny!

Sexy young ladies are more playful. Don't confuse playfulness with stupidity. The ability to laugh at yourself and have fun is highly valued by men. An overly serious girl with no smile will scare away a man rather than make him fall in front of her cold beauty. Stupid girls who laugh for no reason are completely unattractive to men; moreover, most gentlemen simply consider such young ladies to be a burden.

Temperamental, experienced girls who know everything about the relationship between a man and a woman love sex very much and engage in it more than ordinary women. Tactile contact is very important for them; they must be affectionate and gentle. By the way, such girls are famous for their ability to achieve orgasm repeatedly. And this ability also has a positive effect on your feelings of sexuality and self-esteem. For the most part, temperamental women initiate sex. And this does not frighten men at all, but rather pleasantly surprises them.

Men admitted that temperamental girls are better in bed, while overly beautiful girls do not always behave in bed the same way as they look. Therefore, the common belief that men love beautiful women is wrong. Not beautiful, but charming.

Women most often experience two types of fantasies - sexual and romantic. Temperamental ladies more often experience romantic fantasies than sexual ones. Also, readers of romantic stories are more inclined to experiment in sex than girls who prefer more serious literature.

The main thing: remember that your sexuality is, first of all, your self-esteem and sense of self. If you don't feel like a playful seductress, remain a sweet and affectionate girl and you will be happy because you will be yourself! “To be, and not to seem” - this is the main principle that men respect so much in the fairer sex, regardless of female temperament.

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The largest laboratories in the world were engaged in identifying external signs by which the sexuality of women could be assessed: the Alfred Kinsey Center in Princeton (USA), the University Center of Gothenburg (Sweden), and the Robin Baker Center (England). And they discovered something. And they even summed up the scientific basis, writes Breasts vary in size

Greek and Roman researchers also searched for lustful women. But the heyday of the study of “voluptuous objects” came in France in the 15th and 16th centuries. Then, at the French court of Louis XI and XII, entire treatises were published on extraordinary “bed” abilities, which supposedly can be read even from the face - something akin to physiognomy.

33 signs were especially highlighted, among which there were many naive ones, not confirmed by current science. For example, the French attached great importance to the shape of the lips. Those who had lips like a bow were considered temperamental, and they didn’t even pay attention to those with a big mouth. Modern sexologists say: sexuality is revealed by the width of the lips, not their shape. The wider the better. The French also considered large breasts a sign of temperament.

Statistics have shown that neither the size nor the shape of the breast (and according to the common classification there are three of them: pear, banana, apple) are not a sign of unbridled desire, says Dr. Poleev. - It’s another matter - breasts are different in size. The connection here is correct. Another thing has been proven: the darker and harder the nipples, the higher the female potential. This symptom is due to the high content of the biological substance melatonin in the skin, which helps awaken animal instincts. A lot of melatonin is produced in the body when tanning. Therefore, it is not for nothing that most men are instinctively attracted to tanned rather than pale girls.

Hairy legs

A real sex bomb would never become Miss World. If only because she should have short and hairy legs. This, by the way, was noticed by medieval scientists.

The abundance and coarseness of body hair, including the pubic hair, indicates an increased level of the male hormone testosterone in the blood, which determines female sexuality, explains Alexander Moiseevich. - Confirmed by scientific data. For comparison: “worried” people have 18-19 ppm of this hormone, and shy people have 8-14 ppm.

The “sex bomb” potential is laid not from birth, but in adolescence, when hormonal changes occur. What influences this is still unknown. But it is expressed in hair stiffness. When determining it, scientists do not rely only on their hands - they use a special apparatus that tests hair for flexibility and fragility.

As for leg length, statistics for almost five centuries show: short women are more relaxed in bed than tall women. Why is also unclear. Discoveries are yet to come.

Short hips

There is also a purely mathematical way to check how sexy your chosen one is. Measure the length of her body and hip. Divide one number by another - you get a “desire index”. The shorter the thigh in relation to the body, the higher the index, and therefore the higher the temperament. For example, the ratio of 170 cm height to 70 cm hip gives a mediocre result of 2.4. And if the same 170 cm is divided by 50 cm, then the index turns out to be much higher - 3.4. The minimum level is considered to be a coefficient of 1.8, and the maximum is 4.3.

Red face

Another 100% sign of a constantly excited woman is the ability to blush quickly. So in the eastern slave markets, which existed until the beginning of the twentieth century, slaves were recruited into harems. The sellers sharply raised the hem of the future concubine, but looked not at the sexual charms, but at the face. Instantly blushing ones were valued much more. Other signs of a sex bomb, confirmed by statistics: a short neck and wet, cloudy eyes.

Grimaces and antics

A woman who desires sex can also be identified by her behavior. “Usually it is revealed by lively facial expressions and spontaneity during communication,” says Professor Poleev. - Only if it does not go beyond the norm. Among overly sociable and overly sexual women, you can find many frigid ones. Knowing about their modest sensations in bed, they try to consciously create the image of a sex bomb.

That's why men often get into trouble. However, even among modest quiet people you can find a treasure trove of unbridled sexual fantasies. As a rule, these girls felt attraction very early and were afraid of their desires. Either they were raped as children, or they were raised in a Puritan family. That's why they became emphatically modest. A good temperament in a woman can be killed by any external factor: even an offensive word.

However, all these signs of sexuality are only 70 - 80 percent true, and not 100 percent, says Alexander Moiseevich. Therefore, while scientists have not made a final verdict, dividing the weaker sex into “hot” and “cold”, men have a chance to try to wake up their “sleeping beauties”, and for suppressed women to unearth their deeply buried talent.

Contrary to established opinion and the abundance of sayings that link the sexual liberation of women with the degree of their intoxication, sober people look much more attractive in the eyes of men. And alcohol abusers can generally drive their partners to impotence. Psychologists from the American Loyola University recently came to this conclusion.

After drinking, says psychology doctor Joseph LaBrie, women think they become more sociable and sexually attractive. And this is their big mistake.

The research involved almost 4 thousand male and female students aged 18 to 25 years from Los Angeles and Washington. The girls were asked how much alcohol they usually drink at parties, why, and what they think men think about it. Representatives of the stronger sex, in turn, were asked how they feel about women who drink and how much, according to their estimates, a girl can afford.

It turned out that more than 70 percent of respondents sometimes allow themselves to overdo it and believe that the amount of alcohol does not spoil them. They say that slight intoxication even makes a girl look better and makes it easier to meet guys. And almost all young people said that it is better for a woman not to consume alcohol at all or to drink it in minimal quantities. They admitted that a sober woman is much more arousing. And many told sad stories about inexpressive, or even unsuccessful, intimate contacts with intoxicated partners. That is, they honestly noticed: the drunker the lady was, the weaker the erection.

Often, “temperamental” is added to the number of epithets most often accompanying a woman. But not every representative of the fair sex understands what this really means. What should a temperamental woman be like from a psychological point of view? Is this how society interprets this concept?

How connected are sexuality and temperament really, and what do men think about this?

Temperament in psychology

From the point of view of science, temperament represents certain properties of the psyche that determine the dynamics of behavior and reactions, while not changing under the influence of time factors, motives, goals and content. Thus, in psychology, temperament is a kind of innate constant that persists throughout a person’s life - from the cradle to death. Therefore, if we consider the adjective “temperamental” as “a person with temperament,” there is no point in trying to understand what a person who receives this label should be like - temperament is inherent in every person. What it will be like is what needs to be found out.

  • The identification of a separate type of temperament is carried out after studying sensitivity (assessment of the degree of influence of external factors), reactivity (the strength of an immediate reaction to a stimulus), activity, the ratio of the last 2 moments, as well as flexibility, rate of reactions (including rate of speech and gestures), emotional excitability and extra- or introversion.
  • The expression “temperamental person” in society is understood as a special type of character that reacts sharply to everything and is turned on by one word. Moreover, such a label can be hung with both a benevolent and a negative connotation.

If you look at the traditional classification of psychologists, a temperamental girl is a “choleric.” Such a woman is characterized by activity, high dynamics of speech, quick response to stimuli and external factors, efficiency, energy, and low sensitivity. But at the same time, she is extremely impatient, sometimes unrestrained, quick-tempered, speaks before she thinks, and can be harsh. She has a wide range of interests, but she does not go far in any of them, endlessly changing her field of activity.

Male gaze

If we talk not about dry scientific definitions, but about how they are interpreted and modified in everyday life, then the male point of view deserves special attention. They often divide the female temperament somewhat differently for themselves, first of all assessing the girl’s attitude towards the male sex in general, her availability, behavior in a force majeure situation, and sociability. From these parameters, how can you determine for yourself what kind of temperamental woman she is?

  • Likes to be in male company, willingly communicates with representatives of the opposite sex. Important: does not flirt with everyone in search of a sexual partner or life partner, but shows sympathy and friendly interest.
  • Smiling, open to contact. A woman who does not lower her mask of seriousness will be perceived as closed, distant, and is unlikely to arouse interest.
  • He is flirtatious, embarrassed, and not afraid to laugh at himself - i.e. alive, not faked.
  • Impulsive, susceptible to momentary weakness, easily agrees to adventures, does not get lost in a force majeure situation.
  • Appreciates physical contact and the intimate side of relationships, relaxed in bed. It is worth emphasizing here that we are not talking about promiscuity, but about enjoying sex and the desire to give it to your partner. Often such girls act as initiators and experimenters. Sexual position is one of the components, but not the only determining factor.

If you are a single man free from a relationship, then when choosing a place for a future trip on vacation or on an excursion, you can, as an option, focus not on climate conditions or attractions, or even gastronomic delights. You can determine the vector of travel by the beauty and sexuality of local women. After all, they will delight the eye and also excite the mind. Definitely, while on vacation, a man will be able to turn his head to the sides without any obstacles and enjoy the aesthetic pleasure of seeing the fair sex.


It makes no sense to choose a woman based on her mere affiliation with a particular place of residence. All people are different. Such comparison and comparison, as stated above, provides only a general characteristic that makes sense to take into account.

List of cities where passionate beauties live

Amsterdam in Holland

Slender and athletic, mostly tall, very fashionably dressed blondes are everywhere, literally on all the streets of this city. The main bonus is that most of the representatives of the fair half of humanity do not drive cars, but bicycles. They pedal very femininely and gracefully. Local ladies are quite relaxed, so they are always open to meeting people.

Rio de Janeiro in Brazil

As soon as you go down to the beach, you simply won’t believe the happiness that has landed. Of course, to be among an abundance of beauties. Undoubtedly, here are the hottest and most passionate ladies in the world. Brazilian young ladies are good, because in them nature, in the form of parents, mixed representatives of different races, and it turned out, I must say, the best. This includes chocolate skin, excellent hair, and also appetizing, rounded shapes.

Kyiv in Ukraine

It's hard to even believe that such beauty even exists. There are beauties for every taste here. There are very sultry ones, there are women with quite curvy figures, and there are also plenty of fragile slender women. There are many blondes with sky-blue eyes and burning brunettes with gooseberry or cornflower-colored eyes. Almost all women have very beautiful and thick hair, as well as long eyelashes and very beautiful, well-groomed skin. Ukrainian women are sociable, cheerful, seductive and alluring. It’s hard to even believe that such beauty even exists. There are beauties for every taste here. There are very sultry ones, there are women with quite curvy figures, and there are also plenty of fragile slender women. There are many blondes with sky-blue eyes and burning brunettes with gooseberry or cornflower-colored eyes. Almost all women have very beautiful and thick hair, as well as long eyelashes and very beautiful, well-groomed skin. Ukrainian women are sociable, cheerful, seductive and alluring.

Caracas in Venezuela

Venezuela is the state that has given the world the largest number of winners in the Miss Universe contest. This fact speaks in favor of the fact that there are more than enough beautiful ladies here. Women who come from Venezuela are also good because they are extremely easy to communicate with, they definitely know how to have fun. These are temperamental and passionate ladies, if they love, they do so with all their hearts, but they hate, they hate so much.

Los Angeles and California in the USA

Such women will differ from American women in other cities even in how they look. And I must say that they look stunning. Not having a slim figure, perfect hairstyle and manicure is bad manners for locals. That’s why in Los Angeles there are beauties, if not every first one, then certainly every second one. This is the reason why all Americans are trying to move to California, and all Californians want to live in Los Angeles. This is done either by handsome men or rich people.

Varna in Bulgaria

True Slavs, they are well-mannered, polite, and take very scrupulous care of their face and body. Beauty combined with charm is a distinctive feature of all Bulgarian women. You need to look at this at least once.

How to choose the woman who best suits your temperament?

Having become familiar with the characteristics and sexual behavior of representatives of the fair sex from different parts of the world, you need to decide which characteristics are most important to you.

Buenos Aires in Argentina

There are simply a huge number of beautiful women here. They are all beautiful, not always natural. This is due to the fashion and popularity of plastic surgery and the increase in everything that can be increased. True, they are still very harmonious and active, and also charismatic. This is what makes them desirable. These women are busy constantly looking for the right man. For this purpose, many city clubs have even been opened, where you can easily get acquainted.

Copenhagen in Denmark

Home to the vast majority of blue-eyed blondes. By the way, Copenhagen is the city in which, in comparison with other world cities, there is the largest number of sexually liberated representatives of the fair sex. There are many of them and they are literally everywhere. Why, they are always ready to go to a bar with you and have a cocktail or two, and then continue to get to know each other more closely in a quiet atmosphere. It’s pleasant to be in Copenhagen, because you will almost always catch the admiring glances of several women at once. And free behavior here will be received with a bang.

Stockholm in Sweden

It seems that in Stockholm, literally every woman is a real beauty. You can go to any local store or cafe, and you will see almost a top model behind the counter, as if from the cover of a fashionable, glossy magazine. Moreover, this state of affairs will be everywhere. In addition, such women definitely know a lot about various parties and how to simultaneously receive and give pleasure to their partner. They are very educated and sociable, and also friendly. It’s convenient that they speak English and have no taboos regarding sex. These women are literally created to give a man intimate pleasure. Tall and blond, mostly blue-eyed - they are simply goddesses.


No, and there is no exact guarantee in nature that if a woman comes from a certain region, she will necessarily have certain qualities. In this case, it is rather a characteristic that is present to one degree or another in the vast majority.

The most beautiful and sexy girls - video

I once asked my friends a question: what did your/your most passionate/passionate partner/partner look like? By the way, I noticed that women more clearly described the appearance of such a man in their lives, and from the descriptions of the man, I still did not understand what the collective image of a passionate woman looks like...

I decided to search the Internet for the answer to this question. I entered into a search engine: “What passionate women look like.” And again! Again, not about women, but about men!!! “A passionate woman is able to create for a man what others are not able to create,” “there are plenty of women who know how to clean, look good and raise children, but a passionate woman knows how to make a man feel his exclusivity, creates the feeling that he is the most remarkable man in the world"... Well...
Apparently, I decided, we need to look for the answer in the research of sexologists. Scientists note that, strange as it may seem, in fact, women who are awarded the title “sexy” (correctly called sexy) by men in fact often have underestimated sexual potential. In the phrase "She's so sexy!" Men usually think about external beauty. But not a woman’s sexual abilities.

In sexology, sexuality is called the term “sexual constitution”. To assess sexual constitution, a complex of characteristics is usually taken into account, which are quite simple to determine. By the way, they are practically the same for both men and women, because testosterone rules sexual temperament in everyone. It is enough just to pay attention to a few points in appearance:
1. Legs should be shorter than the body. For many, this may seem amazing - after all, it is long-legged models that nowadays fill the tabloids of the “most attractive and sexiest” people on the planet. However, it has been scientifically proven that the shorter the legs, the sexier the person. Why is that? Because the more testosterone in the blood (which is directly related to the level of sexuality), the shorter and wider a person’s bones. This happens because during the period of growth of the body, the tubular bones of a person do not grow simultaneously: the closer the bone is to the heart, the later its growth is completed and the weaker the bone growth zone closes during puberty. The more testosterone, the earlier puberty occurs, and thus the earlier the growth of tubular bones stops, especially those more distant from the heart, such as the bones of the legs.

2. Temperamental women, like men, are distinguished by a more pronounced amount of body hair than other representatives of the fair sex (but, of course, it does not look the same as in men). Moreover, the coarser the hair, the more testosterone.

3. Well... what makes me very happy is that the Amazon figure in women is a sign of a higher sexual temperament. The dominant gland is the adrenal glands, which produce androgens in women of this type, which give them a powerful boost of energy, vigor, good muscle mass and high sexual temperament. This is the type of figure that most female athletes have; this is the most athletic type among all the others.

How do high and low temperaments of women manifest themselves in sex?
Ladies with high temperament do not particularly need foreplay. They are directly interested in the process itself. If you leave them without sex, they will immediately find a new partner, if their moral principles allow it, or they will be in a state of internal conflict.
The basic sexual temperament is naturally the golden mean. But it should be noted that the golden mean of female temperament, like everything in between, is extremely unstable and does not exist in its pure form. She constantly rushes from one extreme to another, and this depends precisely on the man who is nearby, in the sense of on her or under her. The more intelligent and advanced the man, the longer he will be able to keep her temperament level above average, although the opposite also occurs, and much more often.
Women with low sexual temperament easily tolerate long-term abstinence. They are true connoisseurs of foreplay. To ignite their passion, men must know the location of their partners' erogenous zones and have a good understanding of the strategies and tactics of love games.
Only 1% of women suffer from true sexual coldness.
Scientists, however, emphasize that sexuality itself is not something static. It is influenced by social processes. Men are initially allowed much more sexually than women. But modern society has become more tolerant of women’s sexual activity, so many women now have a chance to reveal their sexuality and not limit themselves to their needs.
But there are still limiting social factors. Therefore, women often try to behave modestly and chastely, and only in cases of absolute confidence in the adequacy of their partner’s perceptions do they show a wide range of acceptability in sex. But “even with amazing inclinations of sexual temperament and excellent activation of erogenous zones, many women live their lives in complete ignorance of their sexual capabilities. A single bummer on the basis of sex is enough for the temperament to immediately go into the depths of consciousness and hide there until better times, which for some representatives of the fair sex never come...
I liked the phrase expressed by the man by the way: “In every lady there sleeps a dragon preoccupied with sex, only the degree of its intoxication varies in each specific case. You can wake it up, you just need to try in different ways.”

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