The role of physical education in the life of a child. The role of physical education in a healthy lifestyle

The role of physical education in human life

Functions of physical culture 5

List of Consequences 6

Basic physical education.8

Improving physical education.9

Professional-applied physical education. ten

Conclusion. 12


More recently, millions of people went to and from work on foot, in production they were required to use great physical strength, in everyday life people also could not do without performing labor-intensive work.

Currently, the amount of movement during the day is reduced to a minimum. Automation, electronics and robotics in production, cars, elevators, washing machines in everyday life have increased the deficit so much

human motor activity that it has already become alarming.

The adaptive mechanisms of the human body work both in the direction of increasing the efficiency of its various organs and systems (in the presence of regular training), and in the direction of its further decrease (in the absence of the necessary physical activity).

Consequently, urbanization and technization of life and activity of life and activity of modern society inevitably entail hypodynamia, and it is quite obvious that to radically solve the problem of increasing the regime of people's motor activity,

bypassing the means of physical culture and sports, is now almost impossible.

The negative impact of hypodynamia affects everyone

contingents of the population and therefore requires the use of all means, forms and methods of physical culture and sports in the fight against it.

6List of consequences of not exercising regularly


Fitness not only helps you live longer, it makes you feel younger too. "Regular exercise can be the equivalent of ten years younger," says researcher Dr. Roy Shepard of the University of Toronto.

lack of energy

In people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, the indicator of effective lung volume (VO2 max) decreases by 1% per year, starting at the age of 25.

A trained heart needs to produce fewer beats per minute to do the same job. A wellness program can lower your resting heart rate by about 5-15 beats per minute, and the lower your heart rate, the healthier you are. This means that you will recover faster after the effort, heart rate and breathing will return to normal values ​​faster, and you will have more energy.

When you're healthy, your cells use oxygen more efficiently, which again means you have more energy and recover faster from physical activity.

Loss of flexibility

Due to insufficient use of connective tissues associated with a sedentary lifestyle, ligaments, articular bags, tendons lose their mobility.


Regular exercise can lengthen your life. Athletic fitness has been found to be directly related to mortality rates. A moderate level of training intensity, which is called "acceptable for most adults", appears to be sufficient protection against early death.

Fitness helps to avoid the damaging effects of many age-related diseases.

Many of the problems that come with age are not related to disease, but to the loss of physical fitness.

A study of 10,224 men and 3,120 women conducted at the Aerobics Research Institute in Dallas over an 8-year period showed that the mortality rate was highest in the least trained group and lowest in the most trained group.

The cardiovascular system

Insufficient physical activity is one of the cornerstones in the prevention of cardiovascular and other diseases, including coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, and osteoporosis. Low physical activity or a sedentary lifestyle is a proven risk factor for their occurrence and development.

According to one study published in the journal Circulation, people who do not exercise are at the same risk of heart disease as smokers who smoke one pack of cigarettes a day or those with cholesterol levels of 300 or more.

In another study, a group led by Dr. Ralph S. Puffenbarger, Jr. examined the relationship between lifestyle and longevity among 16,936 Harvard graduates. It turned out that the more physical activity in your life, the longer you can live.

7 Functions of physical culture

The most important specific function of physical culture as a whole is to create the possibility of satisfying the natural needs of a person in physical activity and providing, on this basis, the necessary

in the life of physical capacity.

In addition to performing this important function, individual components of physical culture are aimed at solving specific functions of a particular nature.

These should include:

Educational functions, which are expressed in the use of physical culture as a subject in the general education system in the country;

Applied functions that are directly related to the improvement of special training for labor activity and military service by means of professional and applied physical culture;

Sports functions that are manifested in the achievement

maximum results in the realization of the physical and moral-volitional capabilities of a person;

Reactive and health-improving-rehabilitation functions that are associated with the use of physical culture to organize meaningful leisure, as well as to prevent fatigue and restore temporarily lost functional capabilities of the body.

Among the functions inherent in the general culture, in the performance of which the means of physical culture are directly used, one can note educational, normative, aesthetic, etc.

All the functions of physical culture in their unity participate in the solution of the central task of the all-round harmonious development of a person. Each of its constituent parts (components) has its own characteristics, solves its particular tasks and therefore can be considered independently.


Professional-applied, or industrial, physical culture is aimed at solving the problems of developing and improving professionally significant qualities and skills, at improving the preparation of people for

specific activity. It is due to the influence of the characteristics of professional work on a person and is directly dependent on its specifics.

Professional-applied physical culture can both precede professional work and be carried out in the form of an organized and purposeful process of physical education in vocational schools, technical schools, universities and other special educational institutions, and

be carried out at the enterprise during the working day (physical education breaks, industrial gymnastics, etc.) or in free time (recovery measures).

Scientific research has established that a high professional level of specialists requires a significant general, and sometimes specific

physical fitness. A direct dependence of production indicators on its level was also found. Thus, people who regularly engage in physical education and sports are much less likely to get sick, get less tired by the end of the working week and working day, and, consequently, their labor productivity is much higher.

One of the varieties of professionally applied physical culture is physical training in the army and navy. Despite the fact that for the majority of military personnel, except for regular officers, military service

is not a professional activity and private and non-commissioned servicemen after demobilization return to their civilian

specialties, this type of physical culture, for a number of reasons, must be considered as an integral part of professionally applied physical education.


Firstly, preparation for the defense of the Fatherland is one of the main tasks of physical culture.

Secondly, service in the Armed Forces is the constitutional duty of every male citizen.

Thirdly, physical training in the army and navy has a special focus, reflecting not only the specifics of the Armed Forces as a whole, designed to protect the country from a possible attack, including atomic aggression, but also certain types: the air force, motorized rifle troops, missile, air defense, etc. and the mastery of a specific military specialty is possible only with the help of means and methods of physical culture.

The main goal of physical training in the Armed Forces is to achieve a high level of readiness of personnel in a short time and with the greatest efficiency to solve a combat mission.


This type of physical culture is a set of measures aimed at treating or restoring the functional capabilities of the human body in connection with a disease or temporary loss of working capacity caused by significant fatigue. The most important part of this type is exercise therapy.

Therapeutic physical culture is a medical and pedagogical process that provides for the conscious and active implementation of

It has a wide arsenal of means and methods of influencing the body, such as therapeutic exercises, hygienic gymnastics, swimming, various motor modes, etc.

The use of certain means and methods, their dosage are scientifically substantiated, and in some cases - in case of especially serious diseases, such as a heart attack, - treatment is carried out according to a certain scientifically developed program.


This part of physical culture is included in the system of general education as one of the disciplines that provide versatile physical training.

The importance and high significance of this type of physical culture in the life of every person can not be overestimated. What and how is laid from childhood in the human body in the form of the foundation of health, in many respects

determines not only his physical condition in the future, but also his mental state, mental activity, active creative longevity.

It is impossible not to recall the words of M.I. Kalinin: “Why did I put physical education on a par with the Russian language and mathematics? Why do I consider it one of the main subjects of education and upbringing?

First of all, because I want all of you to be healthy Soviet citizens. If our school will turn out people with broken nerves and upset stomachs, who need annual treatment at the resorts, then where is this good? It will be difficult for such people to find happiness in life. What can be happiness without good, good health? We must prepare ourselves a healthy shift - healthy men and healthy women.

Basic physical culture is the main link in the system of physical education and accompanies almost all periods of a person's creative life, from classes in preschool institutions to

activities in health groups in the elderly.

The most important form of basic physical culture is school, which is the implementation in the pedagogical process of the main tasks of physical education in the form of training sessions.

In addition to the school uniform, physical culture includes other types of organized sectional or independent classes that contribute to general physical fitness. The basic physical culture partially includes sports, namely in its mass forms within the 2nd sports category of the Unified Sports All-Union Classification.


Thus, systematic physical activity, physical culture and sports have a positive effect on the human body, incl. circulatory organs.

Blood vessels in the process of physical training become more elastic, blood pressure is kept within normal limits.

In addition, physical exercise develops motor muscles and thereby improves the exchange of gases between the inhaled air and oxygen.

Physical exercises are a means of preventing diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, in the development of which the untrained heart of a modern person, who has deprived himself of optimal physical activity, plays an important role.

List of used literature

"Volleyball" A.N. Martynov 1996

"Fitness" by M.K. Dmitrov 2002

"Physical culture and sport" D.M. Makarov 1999

The role of parents in the development of the child.

Good parents raise good children. How often we hear this statement, we often find it difficult to explain what it is - good parents.

Future parents think that you can become good by studying special literature or by mastering special methods of education. Undoubtedly, pedagogical and psychological knowledge is necessary, but knowledge alone is not enough. Is it possible to call good those parents who never doubt, are always sure that they are right, always know exactly what the child needs and what he can do, who claim that at any moment of time they know how to do the right thing, and can foresee with absolute accuracy not only the behavior of their own children in various situations, but also their future life?

Is it possible to call good those parents who arrive in constant anxious doubts, get lost every time they encounter something new in the behavior of the child, do not know whether it is possible to punish, and if they resorted to punishment for a misconduct, they immediately believe that were wrong? Everything unexpected in the behavior of the child causes fear in them, it seems to them that they do not enjoy authority, sometimes they doubt whether their own children love them. Children are often suspected of certain bad habits, they express concern about their future, they are afraid of bad examples, the adverse influence of the "street", they express doubt about the mental health of children.

Apparently, neither one nor the other can be classified as good parents. Both increased parental confidence and excessive anxiety do not contribute to successful parenting.

When evaluating any human activity, they usually proceed from some ideal, norm. In educational activity, apparently, such an absolute norm does not exist. We learn to be parents, just as we learn to be husbands and wives, as we learn the secrets of mastery and professionalism in any business.

In parental work, as in any other, mistakes, and doubts, and temporary failures, defeats that are replaced by victories, are possible. Parenting in a family is the same life, and our behavior and even our feelings towards children are complex, changeable and contradictory. In addition, parents do not resemble each other, just as children do not resemble each other. Relations with a child, as well as with each person, are deeply individual and unique.

For example, if parents are perfect in everything, they know the correct answer to any question, then in this case they are unlikely to be able to fulfill the most important parental task - to instill in the child the need for independent search, for learning new things.

Parents constitute the first social environment of the child. Parents' personalities play a significant role in the life of every person. It is no coincidence that we mentally turn to parents, especially mothers, in a difficult moment of life. At the same time, the feelings that color the relationship between the child and parents are special feelings that are different from other emotional ties. The specificity of the feelings that arise between children and parents is determined mainly by the fact that parental care is necessary to maintain the very life of the child. And the need for parental love is truly a vital need for a small human being.

The love of every child for his parents is boundless, unconditional, boundless. Moreover, if in the first years of life, love for parents ensures one's own life and safety, then as one grows older, parental love increasingly performs the function of maintaining and protecting the inner, emotional and psychological world of a person.

Parental love is the source and guarantee of human well-being, maintaining bodily and mental health.

That is why the first and main task of parents is to create confidence in the child that he is loved and taken care of. Never, under any circumstances, should a child have doubts about parental love. The most natural and most necessary of all the duties of a parent is to treat a child at any age with love and concern.

Nevertheless, the emphasis on the need to create in the child confidence in parental love is dictated by a number of circumstances. It is not so rare that children, having matured, part with their parents. They part in a psychological, spiritual sense, when emotional ties with the closest people are lost. Psychologists have proven that parents who do not love their children often stand behind the tragedy of teenage alcoholism and teenage drug addiction. The main requirement for family education is the requirement of love. But here it is very important to understand that it is necessary not only to love the child and be guided by love in your daily care of him, in your efforts to educate him, it is necessary that the child feel, feel, understand, be sure that he is loved, be filled with this feeling of love, no matter what difficulties, clashes and conflicts may arise in his relationship with his parents or in relation to spouses with each other. Only with the confidence of the child in parental love and the correct formation of the mental world of a person is possible, only on the basis of love can one educate moral behavior, only love can teach love.

Many parents believe that in no case should children be shown love for them, believing that when a child knows well that he is loved, this leads to spoilage, selfishness, and selfishness. This assertion must be categorically rejected. All these unfavorable personality traits just arise with a lack of love, when a certain emotional deficit is created, when a child is deprived of a solid foundation of unchanging parental affection. Instilling in a child the feeling that he is loved and cared for does not depend on the time that parents devote to children, nor on whether the child is brought up at home or from an early age is in a nursery and kindergarten. This is not connected with the provision of material conditions, with the amount of material costs invested in education. Moreover, the not always visible solicitude of other parents, the numerous activities in which the child is included on their initiative, contribute to the achievement of this most important educational goal.

Deep permanent psychological contact with a child is a universal requirement for upbringing, which can be equally recommended to all parents, contact is necessary in the upbringing of every child at any age. It is the feeling and experience of contact with parents that give children the opportunity to feel and realize parental love, affection and care.

The basis for maintaining contact is a sincere interest in everything that happens in the life of a child, sincere curiosity about his childhood, even the most trifling and naive, problems, the desire to understand, the desire to observe all the changes that occur in the soul and consciousness of a growing person. It is quite natural that the specific forms and manifestations of this contact vary widely, depending on the age and individuality of the child. But it is useful to think about the general patterns of psychological contact between children and parents in the family.

Contact can never arise by itself, it must be built even with a baby. When we talk about mutual understanding, emotional contact between children and parents, we mean a certain dialogue, the interaction of a child and an adult with each other.

Dialog. How to build a nurturing dialogue? What are its psychological characteristics? The main thing in establishing a dialogue is a joint striving for common goals, a joint vision of situations, a commonality in the direction of joint actions. This is not about the obligatory coincidence of views and assessments. Most often, the point of view of adults and children is different, which is quite natural given the differences in experience. However, the very fact of a joint focus on solving problems is of paramount importance. The child should always understand what goals the parent is guided by in communicating with him. A child, even at a very young age, should not become an object of educational influences, but an ally in the common family life, in a sense, its creator and creator. It is when the child participates in the common life of the family, sharing all its goals and plans, that the usual unanimity of upbringing disappears, giving way to a genuine dialogue.

The most essential characteristic of dialogic educative communication is the establishment of equality between the positions of the child and the adult. It is very difficult to achieve this in everyday family communication with a child. Usually spontaneously arising position of an adult is a position "above" a child. An adult has strength, experience, independence - a child is physically weak, inexperienced, completely dependent. Despite this, parents need to constantly strive for equality.

Equality of positions means recognition of the active role of the child in the process of his upbringing. A person should not be an object of education, he is always an active subject of self-education. Parents can become masters of the soul of their child only to the extent that they manage to awaken in the child the need for their own achievements, their own improvement.

The demand for equality of positions in the dialogue is based on the indisputable fact that children have an undeniable educational influence on the parents themselves. Under the influence of communication with their own children, engaging in various forms of communication with them, performing special actions to care for the child, parents change to a large extent in their mental qualities, their inner spiritual world is noticeably transformed.

Equality of positions does not mean at all that parents, while building a dialogue, need to descend to the child, no, they have to rise to an understanding of the "subtle truths of childhood."

The equality of positions in the dialogue consists in the need for parents to constantly learn to see the world in its various forms through the eyes of their children. Contact with a child, as the highest manifestation of love for him, should be built on the basis of a constant, tireless desire to know the uniqueness of his individuality. Constant tactful peering, feeling into the emotional state, the inner world of the child, into the changes taking place in him, especially his mental structure - all this creates the basis for a deep mutual understanding between children and parents at any age.

Adoption. In addition to the dialogue, in order to instill in the child a sense of parental love, one more extremely important rule must be followed. In psychological language, this side of communication between children and parents is called child acceptance. What does it mean? Acceptance is understood as the recognition of the child's right to his inherent individuality, dissimilarity to others, including dissimilarity to his parents. To accept a child means to affirm the unique existence of this particular person, with all his characteristic qualities. How can you implement the acceptance of a child in everyday communication with him? First of all, it is necessary to pay special attention to the assessments that parents constantly express when communicating with their children. Negative assessments of the child's personality and inherent qualities of character should be categorically abandoned. Unfortunately, for most parents, statements like: "That's stupid! How many times to explain, stupid!", "But why did I give birth to you, stubborn, scoundrel!", "Any fool in your place would understand how act!"

All future and current parents should understand very well that every such statement, no matter how fair in essence it may be, no matter what the situation may cause serious harm to contact with the child, violates confidence in parental love. It is necessary to develop a rule for yourself not to evaluate the child himself negatively, but to criticize only an incorrectly performed action or an erroneous, thoughtless act. The child must be confident in parental love, regardless of their current successes and achievements. The formula of true parental love, the formula of acceptance is not "I love you because you are good", but "I love you because you are, I love you the way you are".

But if you praise a child for what he has, he will stop in his development, how can you praise if you know how many shortcomings he has? Firstly, it is not only acceptance, praise or censure that educates a child, education consists of many other forms of interaction and is born in living together in a family. Here we are talking about the realization of love, the creation of the right emotional foundation, the right sensual basis for contact between parents and the child. Secondly, the requirement of accepting a child, love for who he is, is based on recognition and faith in the development, and therefore, in the constant improvement of the child, on the understanding of the infinity of human knowledge, even if he is still very small. The ability of parents to communicate without constant condemnation of the personality of the child is helped by faith in all that is good and strong that is in every, even in the most disadvantaged, child. True love will help parents refuse to fix weaknesses, shortcomings and imperfections, direct educational efforts to reinforce all the positive qualities of the child's personality, to support the strengths of the soul, to fight weaknesses and imperfections.

Contact with the child on the basis of acceptance becomes the most creative moment in communication with him. The cliché and stereotyping, operating with borrowed or inspired schemes are gone. The creative, inspirational and every time unpredictable work to create more and more "portraits" of your child comes to the fore. This is the path of more and more new discoveries.

It is important to evaluate not the personality of the child, but his actions and deeds, changing their authorship. Indeed, if you call your child a klutz, lazy or dirty, it is difficult to expect that he will sincerely agree with you, and this is unlikely to force him to change his behavior. But if this or that act was discussed with full recognition of the child's personality and the affirmation of love for him, it is much easier to make the child himself evaluate his behavior and draw the right conclusions. He may make a mistake and next time, or due to weakness of will, take an easier path, but sooner or later "the height will be taken", and your contact with the child will not suffer from this, on the contrary, the joy of achieving victory will become your common joy.

Control over negative parental assessments of the child is also necessary because very often parental condemnation is based on dissatisfaction with one's own behavior, irritability or fatigue that arose for completely different reasons.

Indeed, the chosen distance in communication with the child is already manifested in this or that reaction of the mother to the crying of the baby. And what about the first independent steps, and the first "I am myself!", an exit to a wider world associated with the beginning of attending a kindergarten? Literally every day in family education, parents must determine the boundaries of the distance.

The solution of this problem, in other words, the provision of a certain measure of independence to the child, is regulated primarily by the age of the child, the new skills, abilities and opportunities for interaction with the outside world acquired by him in the course of development. At the same time, much depends on the personality of the parents, on the style of their attitude towards the child. It is known that families differ greatly in the degree of freedom and independence afforded to children. In some families, a first-grader goes to the store, takes his younger sister to kindergarten, and travels to classes across the city. In another family, a teenager is accountable for all, even small, actions, he is not allowed to go on hikes and trips with friends, protecting his safety. He is strictly accountable in the choice of friends, all his actions are subject to the strictest control.

It must be borne in mind that the established distance is associated with more general factors that determine the process of education, primarily with the motivational structures of the parents' personality. It is known that the behavior of an adult is determined by a fairly large and complex set of various stimuli, denoted by the word "motive". In a person's personality, all motives are built into a specific, individual mobile system for each. Some motives become decisive, dominant, most significant for a person, others acquire a subordinate significance. In other words, any human activity can be defined in terms of the motives that motivate it. It happens that activity is stimulated by several motives, sometimes the same activity is caused by different or even opposite motives in terms of their psychological content. For the correct construction of education, parents need from time to time to determine for themselves those motives that induce their own educational activity, to determine what drives their educational conditions.

The distance that has become predominant in the relationship with the child in the family directly depends on what place the activity of education occupies in the whole complex, ambiguous, sometimes internally contradictory system of various motives for the behavior of an adult. Therefore, it is worth realizing what place the activity of raising an unborn child will take in the parent's own motivational system.

To begin with, physical culture is not only the physical development of a child, it can be said that the whole basis for the upbringing of a cultured person is laid in it, and every parent should know and understand this. But this is not the most important thing, the most important role of physical culture is, as you know, the upbringing of a healthy generation.

We all know that the main component of health is a healthy lifestyle, and one of the factors of a healthy lifestyle is physical culture or, in a word, movement. Even science has proven that human health and longevity are impossible without an active motor regime.

In today's technology-driven world, simple physical exercise is sorely lacking. And only those who lead a healthy lifestyle or just want to be slim pay physical culture at least some attention. In preschool and school institutions in our country, they pay attention to physical education, and this is certainly good. This is a mandatory program, but every person who cares about their health is simply obliged to pay attention to physical culture.

The influence of physical exercises on the human body, its health is very diverse. In the process of physical training, the muscular-articular apparatus is strengthened, body weight is reduced, lipid (fat) metabolism improves, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood serum decrease, blood pressure normalizes, the function of the central nervous system improves, in addition, a pronounced hardening effect occurs, resistance is strengthened body to colds and various extreme effects.

Rest and health

To maintain and improve health, our body needs rest. Rest is a state of rest or a kind of activity that relieves fatigue and contributes to the restoration of working capacity. The most important condition for a good rest is its logistics, which includes diverse categories. These include: improving living conditions, increasing the number of theaters, museums, exhibition halls, developing television and radio broadcasting, expanding the network of libraries, cultural centers, parks, health resorts, etc. But inaction is not always a complete rest.

In the conditions of modern production, when the growth of automation and mechanization processes, on the one hand, leads to a decrease in motor activity, and on the other hand, to an increase in the share of mental labor or labor associated with neuropsychic stress, the effectiveness of passive rest is negligible. Moreover, forms of passive rest often have an adverse effect on the body, primarily on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Consequently, the importance of outdoor activities is increasing. The effect of outdoor activities is manifested not only in relieving fatigue, but also in improving the functional state of the central nervous system, coordination of movements, cardiovascular, respiratory, and other systems, which undoubtedly improves physical development, improves health and reduces morbidity. Thus - rest is a change of activity.

A healthy lifestyle also includes: - the culture of food, - the culture of living, i.e. maintenance of housing in appropriate conditions, - culture of leisure (recreation), - hygienic culture (compliance with the rules of personal and public hygiene depends on the culture of the person).

If these measures are followed, the indicator of the level of health will be higher.

And so, to sum up the above, if a parent wants to see in his child a smart, intellectually developed, energetic, beautiful, intelligent, cultured, and most importantly healthy person, then his task is to pay great attention to the physical development of his child from a very early age.

"The value of physical culture for preschool children"

Introduction …………………………………………………………………. … … 4


1.1. The place and role of physical education in the system of education of preschool children …………………………………………………………….6

1.2. Goals and objectives of physical education of preschool children .... 7

1.3. Basic means of physical education …………………………… 9

………………………………………………………………….. 12

2.1. Features of the development of physical qualities in preschool children


2.2. Formation of the personality of a preschooler in the process of physical education …………………………………………………………………………….15

2.3. The unity of training, education and development of the child in the process of physical education …………………………………………………………..20

Chapter 3. Features of physical educationPRESCHOOL CHILDREN……………………………………………………………………….. 23

3.1. Features of physical education of children of primary preschool age …………………………………………………………………………….23

3.2. Features of physical education of children of middle preschool age …………………………………………………………………………….26

3.3. Features of physical education of children of senior preschool age …………………………………………………………………………….28

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………….. 31

Literature ……………………………………………………………………..32


Preschool age is extremely important in human life. During this period, the foundation of health is laid, various abilities begin to develop, moral qualities are formed, character traits are formed. How a child is brought up during these years largely determines his future, the effectiveness of schooling, and the subsequent formation of his personality.

The basis of the comprehensive development of the child in the first years of life is physical education. Physical education consists of activities aimed at raising healthy, hardy, cheerful, able-bodied people. The system of measures necessary for the proper physical development of children includes the organization of their lives in accordance with the requirements of hygiene and the fight against morbidity. Along with the creation of favorable living conditions, great attention must also be paid to increasing the resistance of the child's body, its ability to quickly, without harm to health, adapt to changes in familiar conditions. A significant role is played by the use of natural forces of nature for the purpose of hardening: air, water, sunlight. For the full physical development of the child, it is necessary that he does physical exercises, plays outdoor games, uses skis, skates, and makes walking tours.

A normally developing child is constantly striving for movement.

Under the influence of movements, the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems improves, the musculoskeletal system strengthens, metabolism improves. They increase the child's resistance to diseases, mobilize the body's defenses.

Through movements, the child learns the world, his mental processes, will, independence, discipline, collectivism develop.

Of particular importance are the movements of the hands, which activate the cerebral cortex, stimulate the development of the motor speech center. This creates favorable conditions for the maturation of the frontal parts of the brain, which play a leading role in the implementation of mental activity. Therefore, the more diverse movements and actions a child masters, the wider the opportunities for the development of sensation, perception and other mental processes, the more fully his development is carried out.

The theory of physical education of preschool children is the science of the general laws of physical education and the formation of a child's personality. The most important task that determines the special significance of physical education as the basis for comprehensive development is the formation of a healthy, strong, tempered, cheerful, responsive, proactive child who is well-versed in his movements, who loves sports and physical exercises, and is capable of learning at school and active follow-up creative activity. .


  1. The place and role of physical education in the system of education of preschool children

Proper physical education of children is one of the leading tasks of preschool institutions. Good health, acquired in preschool age, is the foundation of a person's overall development. In no other period of life is physical education so closely connected with general education as in the first seven years. During preschool childhood, a child lays the foundations of health, longevity of comprehensive motor fitness and harmonious physical development. No wonder the outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that their spiritual life, worldview, mental development, strength in knowledge, and self-confidence depend on the health and cheerfulness of children. Therefore, it is extremely important to organize physical education classes in childhood, which will allow the body to accumulate strength and ensure the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual in the future.

The theory of physical education of preschool children, having a common content and subject of study with the general theory of physical education, at the same time specifically studies the patterns of controlling the development of the child in the process of his upbringing and education. The theory of physical education takes into account the possibilities of the body's working capacity, emerging interests and needs, forms of visual-effective, visual-figurative and logical thinking, the peculiarity of the predominant type of activity, in connection with the development of which major changes occur in the child's psyche and the child's transition to a new higher level of his development. In accordance with this, the theory of physical education of children develops the content of all forms of organization of physical education and the optimal pedagogical conditions for its implementation. Knowing and taking into account the regularities of the child's potential capabilities of each age period, the theory of physical education provides for the requirements of a scientifically based program of the entire upbringing and educational complex of physical education, the assimilation of which provides children with the necessary level of physical fitness for entering school.

At the same time, a strict sequence is envisaged in the assimilation of the program by children, taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the child at each period of his life, the state of the nervous system and the whole organism as a whole.

Physical education at the same time comprehensively solves the problems of mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education. In all forms of organizing the physical education of children, the attention of the educator is directed to the upbringing of the child.

Thus, the theory of physical education of preschool children contributes to the improvement of the entire system of physical education.

  1. Goals and objectives of physical education of preschool children

The goal of physical education is the education of a healthy, cheerful, resilient, physically perfect, harmoniously and creatively developed child.

In accordance with age, anatomical, physiological and psychological characteristics, physical education solves health-improving, educational and educational tasks. They are aimed at the formation of rational, economical, conscious movements in the child; accumulation of motor experience and its transfer toeveryday life.

One of the main tasks of physical education is the improvement of the child.

Wellness tasks:

1. Increasing the body's resistance to environmental influences by hardening it. With the help of reasonably dosed healing factors of nature (solar, water, air procedures), the weak defenses of the child's body increase significantly. This increases resistance to colds (ARI, runny nose, cough, etc.) and infectious diseases (tonsillitis, measles, rubella, influenza, etc.).

2. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system and the formation of correct posture(i.e. maintaining a rational posture during all activities). It is important to pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the foot and lower leg in order to prevent flat feet, as it can significantly limit the child's motor activity. For the harmonious development of all major muscle groups, it is necessary to provide exercises on both sides of the body, to exercise those muscle groups that are less trained in everyday life, to exercise weak muscle groups.

It is also necessary from an early age to create in the child an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcorrect posture. An effective means of preventing postural disorders: stoop, asymmetry of the shoulders and shoulder blades, as well as scoliosis (diseases of the spine caused by weakness of the back muscles and prolonged body stay in physiologically uncomfortable positions) are physical exercises.

3. Assistance in increasing the functionality of the vegetative organs.The active motor activity of the child helps to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve metabolic processes in the body, optimize digestion and thermoregulation, prevent congestion, etc. Physical culture, giving the natural process of formation of the forms and functions of a growing organism an optimal character, creating favorable conditions for this, thereby contributes to the normal functioning of all systems of the child's body.

4. Development of motor abilities(coordination, speed and endurance). At preschool age, the process of developing physical abilities is not recommended to be specialized in relation to each of them. On the contrary, on the basis of the principle of harmonious development, it is necessary to select the means in such a way, change the activity in terms of content and nature, and regulate the direction of motor activity in order to ensure the comprehensive development of all physical abilities.

Educational tasks:

1. Formation of basic vital motor skills and abilities.

At preschool age, due to the high plasticity of the nervous system, children quite easily and quickly learn new forms of movements. The formation of motor skills is recommended to be carried out in parallel with physical development.

2. Formation of sustainable interest in physical culture.

Children's age is the most favorable for the formation of a sustainable interest in physical exercises. However, a number of conditions must be observed.

First of all, it is necessary to ensure the feasibility of tasks, the successful completion of which will stimulate children to be more active. Constant assessment of completed tasks, attention and encouragement will contribute to the development of positive motivation for systematic physical exercise.

In the process of classes, it is necessary to inform children of elementary physical education knowledge, developing their intellectual abilities. This will expand their cognitive abilities and mental horizons.

Educational tasks:

1. Education of moral and volitional qualities(honesty, determination, courage, perseverance, etc.).

2. Promoting mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education.

Health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks, although they are relatively independent, are in fact closely interconnected, and therefore they should be addressed as a whole. Only in this case the child acquires the necessary base for further comprehensive, not only physical, but also spiritual development.

  1. The main means of physical education in preschool institutions

To solve the problems of physical education of preschoolers, various means are used: hygienic factors, natural forces of nature, physical exercises, etc. The complex use of all these means has a versatile effect on the body, and contributes to the physical education of children.

hygiene factorsplay an important role in physical education. They include the regime of the day, classes, sleep, wakefulness, nutrition; hygiene of clothes, shoes, cleaning of group rooms, halls, sports equipment and manuals.

Human health is impossible without proper, scientifically based, nutritious nutrition. The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, energy exchange in the body depends on this. A child who receives normal nutrition grows and develops correctly, harmoniously.

Sufficiently long, healthy sleep provides rest and increases the efficiency of the nervous system.

Proper lighting, appropriately selected furniture prevent eye diseases, impaired posture.

Compliance with the daily regimen and physical activity teach the child to be organized, disciplined, ready, and in the future, at school, to observe the regime of work and rest.

The hygienic conditions of a child's stay in a preschool institution and at home are determined by medical recommendations.

natural forces of nature(sun, air, water) increase the functionality and performance of the body. They are of great importance in hardening the body, training the mechanisms of thermoregulation. The use of natural factors in combination with physical exercises increases metabolic processes, adaptive and protective functions of the child's body.

Physical exercises are motor actions aimed at the implementation of the tasks of physical education, formed and used according to its laws.

Physical exercises are the main means of physical education. They are used to solve a complex of health-improving and educational tasks, the comprehensive development of the child's personality.

Physical exercise is an extremely effective means of preventing and correcting the psychophysical state of the body.

Physical exercises include only those types of motor actions that are aimed at the implementation of the tasks of physical education and are subject to its laws. A distinctive feature of physical exercises is the correspondence of their form and content to the essence of physical education, to the laws by which it occurs. For example, if walking, running, throwing, swimming, etc. are used for the purposes of physical education, then they acquire the value of a means of physical education, they are given rational forms justified by the purpose of their use. They ensure the functional activity of the body and the correspondence of effective education to psychophysical qualities. Physical exercises are not identified and cannot be replaced by certain labor, household activities.

The number of physical exercises used in physical education is quite large and varied. They differ from each other in form and content, which the teacher takes into account when choosing physical exercises.

Chapter 2

2.1. Features of the development of psychophysical qualities in preschool children

The psychophysical qualities of the child include such concepts as strength, speed, endurance, dexterity, flexibility. Their development is an important task of physical education.

The development of basic psychophysical qualities occurs in close connection with the formation of motor skills. Exercises aimed at the development of psychophysical qualities are applied in strict sequence, included in various forms of motor activity, including the independent motor activity of the child during a walk.

As a psychophysical quality, speed is the ability to perform motor actions in the minimum period of time for given conditions.

Speed ​​develops in the process of teaching the child basic movements. For the development of speed qualities, E.N. Vavilova suggests using exercises in fast and slow running: alternating running at a maximum pace for short distances with a transition to a calmer pace. Performing exercises at a different pace contributes to the development in children of the ability to apply different muscle efforts in accordance with With given pace.

In gaming activities in the classroom, running from complicated starting positions (sitting, standing on one knee, squatting, etc.) is used.

The development of speed is facilitated by outdoor games, in which the supply of a certain signal or a game situation encourages the child to change the speed of movement. At this moment, the child develops a motor reaction to the direction and speed of the moving player, taking into account the distance and time of his approach. The development of speed affects the mobility of nervous processes, the formation of spatial, temporal and visual assessments, allows the child to navigate in changing environmental conditions.

Strength is a psychophysical quality necessary to overcome external resistance or counteract it through muscular effort. The development of strength ensures not only overcoming external resistance, but also gives acceleration to the body mass and various projectiles used (which is observed, for example, when passing the ball).

The development of other psychophysical qualities - speed, agility, endurance, flexibility - largely depends on the development of strength.

The manifestation of physical strength is determined by the intensity and concentration of the nervous processes that regulate the activity of the muscular apparatus.

When raising a child of preschool age, the age-related features of his body are taken into account: the incompleteness of the development of the nervous system, the predominance of the tone of the flexor muscles, muscle weakness.

That is why general developmental exercises that strengthen the main muscle groups and the spine are aimed at the gradual development of strength. When selecting exercises, special attention is paid to those that cause short-term speed-strength stress: exercises in running, throwing, jumping, climbing vertical and inclined stairs. Exercises are selected taking into account the capabilities of the child's musculoskeletal system. They should be aimed at the predominant development of large muscle groups, ensuring a good response of the child's cardiovascular system to short-term speed-strength loads.

For the development of strength, it is necessary to develop the speed of movements and the ability to show fast strength, that is, to show speed-strength qualities. This is facilitated by jumping, running (for 30 m), throwing for a distance. E. N. Vavilova also suggests using jumping from a small height followed by a bounce up or forward, jumping to a hill from a place or from a short run, jumping up from a squat, jumping in place and moving forward, alternating moderate and fast pace, for two legs through lines of ropes or sticks. She recommends that when performing jumps, pay more attention to vigorous repulsion with one or two legs, a shallow landing on legs slightly bent at the knees, and then quickly straightening them. Exercises with stuffed balls (for example, lifting a stuffed ball up, forward, lowering down, squatting with the ball, rolling it, throwing the ball forward from the chest or pushing, throwing from behind the head) contribute to the development of muscle strength, coordination of movements, and the respiratory system. All these exercises, taking into account the age of the children, are included in general developmental exercises.

One of the physical qualities is endurance. With regard to preschool children, endurance is considered as the body's ability to perform muscular work of low (50% of the maximum) and medium (60%) intensity for a long time in accordance with the level of physical fitness at the moment.

The best means in developing endurance are cyclic movements: running, swimming, skiing, skating.

Flexibility is a morphological and functional property of the musculoskeletal system, which characterizes the degree of mobility of its links. Flexibility is determined by the elasticity of the muscles and ligaments that determine the range of motion. Along with the basic physical qualities, flexibility is one of the main prerequisites for movement.

Flexibility is the ability to perform a movement with maximum amplitude, an important psychophysical quality, which, along with speed, strength, endurance, dexterity, is determined by the morphofunctional biological characteristics of a person.

Flexibility is often called mobility in the joints (B.A. Ashmarin).

Develop flexibility through stretching exercises for muscles and ligaments.

  • stretching exercises must be performed daily;
  • alternate exercises for strength and flexibility, not allowing one type of exercise to predominate over another.

With the development in children of grace, plasticity, beauty of movements, it should be remembered that all the movements they have are acquired as a result of learning.

Flexibility is most successfully formed in physical exercises. Each exercise must be treated consciously, remembering that by exercising the body, we influence the brain.

Physical exercises teach the child to feel the muscles of the arms, legs, neck, torso, to feel responsible for the beauty of movements and their health.

One of the important means of developing flexibility is stretching exercises, or "stretching" movements.

Dexterity - the ability to quickly master new movements (the ability to quickly learn), quickly reorganize activities in accordance with the requirements of a suddenly changing environment.

The indicators of dexterity include the following factors: the ability to learn quickly; use motor experience; quickly respond to a change in the situation, for example, in outdoor games, perform motor actions in a coordinated manner.

Agility education is successfully carried out in physical exercises, outdoor and sports games. Hand games in pairs, general developmental exercises with a small ball also contribute to the development of manual dexterity.

Dexterity is a complexly coordinated quality, it is necessary for a child to successfully use motor experience.

Since psychophysical qualities are formed in a child
in a complex way, the development of one of the qualities contributes to the improvement of other psychophysical qualities.

2.2. Formation of the personality of a preschooler in the process of physical education

Among the many factors influencing the formation of personality (social, cultural, hygienic, etc.), physical culture occupies one of the important places. It performs a unique role in the complex development of all aspects of a holistic personality (mental, physical, intellectual, aesthetic, moral), gradually preparing the child for inclusion in increasingly complex systems of social relations. The effectiveness of physical education is achieved through the use of the entire system of means (physical exercises, health-improving forces of nature, hygienic factors, etc.), however, the largest share falls on the share of physical exercises. It has become generally accepted that physical exercises act as the main sign of life, the core of all life and behavior of a preschooler, and at the same time as a formative principle in his development.

Even the simplest movements give food to children's imagination, develop creativity. Creativity is the highest component in the structure of personality (L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Davydov, E.V. Ilyenkov, A.V. Petrovsky, N.N. Poddyakov, etc.).

Motor creativity reveals to the child the motor characteristics of his own body, forms the speed and ease of orientation in the infinite space of motor images, teaches him to treat movement as a subject of game experimentation. The means of its development can be motor tasks, with the help of which children enter an imaginary situation; through the movement of the body, they learn to express their emotions and states, to look for some compositions, to create new storylines, forms of movement.

A characteristic feature of the motor creativity of a preschooler is its improvisation. Imitation is a "push model" for the creative manifestations of the child. This is how children embody images in motion, using elements of dance, imitative, gymnastic movements, act as characters in the game, emphasizing their characteristic features, habits, revealing the game image. At the same time, it can also be carried out in the process of various forms of search activity aimed at obtaining new information about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

The range of the child's motor manifestations is quite wide and is not limited to the variation of motor images in situations where the ways of performing actions change. The motor creativity of a preschooler reflects the universal forms of creativity inherent in humanity as a whole.

An important characteristic of a personality is its orientation, the system of leading behavioral motives. A motive is an impulse to act in order to satisfy a need. Human needs reflect the requirements of the internal environment of the body or external conditions of life and encourage him to be active.

The motivational-demand approach to personality formation considers physical education as a process of creating such needs in children that maintain and strengthen health, have a beneficial effect on physical and motor development. The basis of the needs for physical self-development is the most complex biological reflexes: play, imitation and freedom reflex, which are closely related to motor activity.

The motor activity of children creates the prerequisites for the lasting inclusion of physical culture in the lives of children, forms their need for a healthy lifestyle. Introducing children to nature is the main source of physical and spiritual development.

An important role in shaping the need for a healthy lifestyle in children is played by the example of adults (parents, educator). A healthy lifestyle of people close to the child becomes a role model.

Physical culture is a fertile area not only for the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle. Initiation to it contributes to the emergence and development of a number of needs and motives (maintaining positive relationships with adults and peers, self-affirmation, pride, moral motives). A significant role in this can be played by outdoor games with a double rule (“Fifteen with a sorcerer”, “Wand”, etc.), where the direct impulse of the child “not to let himself be touched” is overcome actively, almost by a moral motive - to help the “bewitched” comrade , release it.

On the basis of the desire for self-assertion, children in the game also have a competitive motive (to win, lead, be better than others).

The competitive motive and the motive of self-affirmation are a manifestation of the preschooler's need for recognition not only from an adult, but also from peers.

The formation of a child's motivational sphere is closely related to the development of his self-awareness and self-esteem.

Self-esteem is a component of self-consciousness, manifested in the assessment of one's physical and mental capabilities, qualities, one's position among other people. It acts as a condition and means for the formation of such final formations of self-consciousness, which are the "Image of I" and "I - concept".

Self-esteem largely determines the activity of the individual, attitude towards himself and others.

Characterizing self-awareness and self-esteem of preschool children, L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “A child of preschool age loves himself, but a child of this age does not have self-esteem as a social attitude towards himself, which remains the same in different situations. Consequently, by the age of seven, a number of complex psychological neoplasms arise ... However, it cannot be assumed that before the crisis of 7 years, the child does not realize himself and does not evaluate himself at all. This awareness is undifferentiated and is distinguished by common features: “I am the strongest”, “I am the most dexterous”, etc. The main factors in the formation of self-esteem are recognized: the individual's own activity, assessment of people around him, the ability to correctly assess the actions of others. Self-esteem is formed on the basis of the experience that the child acquires as a result of the functioning of his body, assessments of the social environment, cultural norms, stereotypes, standards of physical and motor development.

The sensory organization of motor activity and its qualitative self-assessment by the child (sensations, feelings, images) are the leading factor in his physical education. The formation of self-esteem of the subjective "I" in the process of motor activity involves: drawing the attention of the child to the "picture of the world" of the nature surrounding him; drawing the child's attention to his ability to create his own artistic image - the image of a "beautiful body"; visualization by the child of the beautiful motor behavior of the surrounding adults.

The desire of children to master the movements in the structure of a beautiful image can be realized in rhythmic gymnastics, sports dance. A successful combination of complexes of physical exercises with elements of acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics and dance rhythmic melodies influences the modeling of one's own motor image simultaneously with the image of a "beautiful body".

The formation of a plastic image can also be facilitated by plot physical education classes, spatial training, and motor tasks. The child's aesthetic assessment of the perception of movement is formed here on the basis of the ability to imitate the movements of the teacher, to improvise.

The analysis of one's own actions and deeds can be facilitated by motor activity associated with a clear focus on the result (sports games, sports exercises, relay races). It includes group forms of evaluation of children, contributing to the awareness of methods of action; children's independent assessments of the activities of their peers, self-assessment of children, expressed in awareness of their activities, its strengths and weaknesses.

The manifestation by adults of interest in activities that are significant for the child, participation in them, cooperation is another important way to form a child's overall positive self-esteem and "I" concept. Of particular importance in this regard are joint (children, teachers, parents) hiking trips, sportlands (“Dad, mom, I am a sports family”, family tournaments in checkers, chess ...). Help in overcoming fear (go down the hill, jump into the water, go through a dark corridor, cross a stream on a log, etc.) - all this is significant for the formation of positive self-esteem. An important role in the development of self-awareness, self-esteem of a preschooler has pedagogical interaction. What will prevail in it - soft or hard influences, a smile or indifference, an unfriendly look, irony or humor, reproach or expression of grief at the failure of the pupil, prohibitions, restrictions or stimulation of independence, search - all this forms the personality of a preschooler. The communication of a teacher with a child should inspire confidence in him, give rise to optimism, stimulate his creative potential, give joy.

In the process of introducing children to physical culture, their emotional-volitional sphere is actively formed. Motor activity contributes to the development of cognitive, moral, aesthetic feelings of the child. It forms such positive qualities as sympathy, desire for assistance, friendly support, a sense of justice, honesty, decency. This is clearly manifested in games and game exercises, the implementation of which puts the child in front of the need to make contact with a peer, to assist in the performance of a motor task, to find the best options for coordinating actions.

The presence of a game moment helps to maintain a steady interest in the performance of a common motor task in all children, without which it is impossible to achieve the ability to see another, interact with him.

Relationships of mutual responsibility provide the child with the opportunity for self-affirmation and self-expression, develop confidence, initiative, form a sense of camaraderie.

The main factors that determine the development of voluntary behavior of a preschooler are: the child's ability to bring meaning to activities, to their actions and behavior in general; initiative of the individual, activity emanating from the child himself as from the subject of activity; awareness of one's activity and oneself as a subject of activity. The development of voluntary actions is a necessary condition for the formation of volitional manifestations. Sports psychologists (E.I. Ilyin, A.D. Puni, P.A. Rudik) determined the volitional qualities necessary to overcome the obstacles that arise in the process of motor activity. These are purposefulness, perseverance, perseverance, determination, courage, initiative, independence, endurance, self-control.

Under the conditions of motor activity, the conditions encouraging to overcome difficulties can serve as an effective factor in the development of volitional qualities.

The main method of educating volitional qualities is the method of exercises. Multiple repetition of motor actions is carried out in two modes of operation - continuous and interval. To increase an active and conscious attitude to the manifestation of volitional qualities, the most effective are techniques aimed at achieving the mental and moral basis of volitional actions. Of great importance in ensuring successful work is the use of such methods and techniques for stimulating volitional efforts, such as monitoring and taking into account the degree of development of volitional qualities, a visual demonstration of the results of performing exercises, etc. An increase in children's interest in performing exercises is facilitated by a benevolent atmosphere of cooperation, respect and trust in each other. .

The personal development of a preschooler is associated with the acquisition of arbitrariness of behavior, the possibility of self-determination in their own behavior. It is important to use the process of introducing children to physical culture for the development of these qualities.

2.3. The unity of training, education and development of the child in the process of physical education

Education is an integral part of a holistic pedagogical process aimed at the formation of a harmoniously developed personality of the child.

In the theory and practice of physical education, considerable attention is paid to teaching movements. A child is not born with a ready set of movements. He masters them in the course of life. All voluntary movements arise in him as a result of learning. Movement training has its own specifics. It is expressed:

  • in the development in the child of a system of conditioned reflex connections aimed at mastering movements;
  • in the transfer of the universal (universal) and national motor experience accumulated by previous generations;
  • in the two-sidedness of the learning process.

The teacher plays an important role in this process. On the one hand, he uses a variety of teaching methods and techniques, searches for their optimization, on the other hand, each child individually masters the knowledge presented by the teacher. He develops skills and abilities, ways of conscious motor activity.

Education has an impact on the development of cognitive abilities, volitional qualities, emotionality of the child, that is, on his inner world - feelings, thoughts, moral qualities. Motor actions performed by a child are beneficial for health and general physical development. Movement training contributes to the harmonious development of the personality, the improvement of both physical and mental, intellectual, spiritual and moral qualities.

Learning to move, the child, taking into account age characteristics, acquires the knowledge necessary for his conscious motor activity; methods of activity and experience of its implementation; creative experience. The ability to think independently contributes to the realization of the potential natural abilities of the child.

Education is educative. The teacher educates the child's interest, love for physical culture. He is interested in the child with his personal passion for motor activity, personal example of performing movements, activity, and creativity.

An important role in the pedagogical process is played by the adults' understanding of the child's psychophysiological characteristics. Based on his capabilities, the teacher sets new motor tasks for him, gradually increases the requirements for mastering motor skills, controls the development of psychophysical qualities. Education requires significant physical and mental efforts from the child: concentration of attention, concreteness of representation, activity of thought. It develops different types of memory: emotional memory, if the child is interested in learning; figurative - when perceiving a visual pattern of the movements of the educator and performing exercises; verbal - logical - when comprehending the task and memorizing the sequence of all elements of the exercise, content and actions in an outdoor game; motor-motor - in connection with the practical implementation of exercises; arbitrary - without which it is impossible to consciously independently perform exercises.

Teaching movements contributes to the formation of correct posture, as well as the child's awareness of himself as a person; develops in him the need to improve his own nature, creates the prerequisites for the realization of his individuality. Carrying out a variety of movements, the child gets the opportunity for self-improvement. It awakens the desire for movements that bring the child pleasure, pleasure, an unlimited possibility of their repetition and the implementation of various forms of activity. Psychologists say that it is at preschool age that aspirations can be born as self-valuable manifestations of activity.

Learning to move contributes to the development of a child's personality. It develops his abilities, introduces him to the national culture, encourages self-improvement. The development of a child is largely determined by how he has mastered the traditional movements inherent in his people.

So, in the process of learning to move, a child develops physical and mental abilities, spiritual and moral qualities of a person, aesthetic feelings; bodily reflection, awareness, purposefulness and organization of motor actions, initiative and the desire for creativity are brought up; memory, imagination, fantasy develop; By cultivating the culture of the body in the child, the teacher simultaneously improves his spiritual culture.

Chapter 3


3.1. Features of physical education of children

younger preschool age

Preschool children are characterized by insufficient body stability and limited motor abilities. They quickly develop the nervous system, the skeleton grows, the muscular system strengthens, and movements improve.

Children 3-4 years old are characterized by general static instability of the body and limited dynamic capabilities. Children of this age have a relatively large development of the upper body and muscles of the shoulder girdle and flexor muscles.

Preschoolers 3-4 years old have high motor activity with insufficient coordination of movements, in which large muscle groups participate. In this period, increased fatigue is noted with prolonged preservation of the same posture and the performance of the same type of movements.

The structure of the lung tissue has not yet reached full development; nasal passages, trachea and bronchi are relatively narrow, which makes it somewhat difficult for air to enter the lungs; the ribs are slightly inclined, the diaphragm is high, and therefore, the amplitude of respiratory movements is small. The child breathes superficially and much more often than an adult: in children 3-4 years old, the respiratory rate is 30 per minute, 5-6 years old - 25 per minute; in adults -16-18. Shallow breathing in children leads to relatively poor ventilation and some air stagnation, and the growing organism requires increased delivery of oxygen to the tissues. That is why physical exercises in the fresh air are especially important, activating the processes of gas exchange. The vital capacity of the lungs (VC) in children 3-4 years old is 400-500 cm3, 5-6 years old - 800-900 cm3.

The activity of the cardiovascular system in preschool children is well adapted to the requirements of a growing organism, and the increased need for tissues in the blood supply is easily satisfied. After all, the vessels in children are wider than in adults, and the blood flows through them more freely. The amount of blood in a child is relatively greater than in an adult, but the path that it must pass through the vessels is shorter, and the blood circulation speed is greater. So, for example, if an adult's pulse is 70-74 beats per minute, then preschoolers have an average of 90-100 beats. The nervous regulation of the heart is imperfect, so it is quickly excited, the rhythm of its contractions is easily disturbed, and the heart muscle gets tired quite quickly during exercise. However, when changing activities, the child's heart quickly calms down and restores its strength. That is why during classes with children, physical exercises need to be diversified: alternate outdoor games with games of low physical activity and often give the child a short rest.

The nervous system in preschool age is better developed than in children under 3 years of age. In this period, the maturation of nerve cells in the brain ends, which in appearance and weight approaches the brain of an adult, but the nervous system itself is still weak. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the slight excitability of preschoolers, be very careful about them: do not give long-term unbearable loads, avoid excessive fatigue, since the processes of excitation at this age prevail over the processes of inhibition.

In children at this age, the process of bone formation is not completed, despite the fact that they have a better blood supply than adults. There is a lot of cartilaginous tissue in the skeleton, due to which its further growth is possible; at the same time, the softness and suppleness of the bones are determined by this. The growth of muscle tissue occurs mainly due to the thickening of muscle fibers. However, due to the relative weakness of the musculoskeletal system and rapid fatigue, preschoolers are not yet capable of prolonged muscle tension. Children of younger preschool age do not yet have clear movements when walking: they cannot run rhythmically, often lose their balance, fall. Many of them are poorly repelled from the floor or the ground, they run, leaning on the entire foot. They cannot raise their body even to a small height, so high jumps, over obstacles and jumps on one leg are not yet available to them. Preschoolers of this age willingly play with the ball, but their movements are not yet sufficiently coordinated, the eye is not developed: it is difficult for them to catch the ball. They quickly get tired of a variety of movements, are distracted.

Starting from the age of 3, children can coordinate the movements of their arms and legs; in running, they develop flight ability (for girls earlier than for boys).

Of great importance for improving the running skill of preschoolers of all age groups are outdoor games with catching and running away (younger groups), where children can show their speed abilities.

It is known that balance (its preservation and maintenance) is a constant and necessary component of any movement. Delay or insufficient development of the balance function affects the accuracy of movements, pace, rhythm. Exercises in balance contribute to the development of coordination of movements, dexterity, education of courage, determination, self-confidence.

Children three to four years old are recommended simple exercises in balance. Basically, they are performed in motion: walking and running between two parallel lines drawn at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, between objects, on a board or log, laid on the floor or on the ground.

Jumping has a positive effect on the entire body of children. They contribute to the development of all major muscle groups, ligaments, joints, especially the legs. When performing a jump, a large load falls on the skeletal system of the legs and spine, and all internal organs are shaken. In the process of jumping, children develop physical qualities: strength, speed, balance, eye, coordination of movements. Jumping helps to develop strong-willed qualities: courage, determination, overcoming fear, and also increase the emotional state of children.

For children of this age, the simplest types of jumps are available: bouncing in place, with advancement, jumping from a height, long jump from a place, on two legs.

Jumping training is carried out in a certain sequence: it starts with the simplest types of jump - bouncing, jumping from a height, then they move on to learning more complex types of jump - long jump from a place.

Throwing refers to speed-strength exercises. It helps to strengthen all major muscle groups, and also brings up strength, speed, agility, eye, flexibility, balance. Actions with objects (sandbags), balls develop musculoskeletal sensations.

Objects can be different, but in this case we will limit ourselves to the most natural - the ball.

Throwing requires developed muscles of the shoulder girdle and a certain strength of the ligaments and joints. In this regard, in preschool institutions, a large place is occupied by preparatory exercises for throwing: rolling, rolling, rolling, throwing, “ball school”.

Preparatory exercises develop the eye, strength, the ability to throw the ball in a certain direction and other qualities necessary for throwing at a distance and at a target. These exercises are performed with the right and left hand in order to evenly develop all muscle groups.

Crawling and climbing are quite diverse actions, characterized by the fact that not only the legs, but also the hands are involved in the movements. The child begins to crawl from 5-6 months. Young children love to crawl, and this desire must be supported by providing as many different exercises as possible in this type of movement (crawling, crawling) not only during classes, but also at the time of independent play activity.

Climbing and crawling exercises are good for preschoolers. Large muscle groups (back, abdomen, arms and legs) take part in their implementation. These exercises require a lot of physical effort. To perform them, you need to have simple equipment that is used at home (chairs, bench, hoop, stick). On playgrounds, in parks and squares, gymnastic walls, boards, cubes, logs, etc. should be used.

Preschool children quite early and quickly master such types of movements as crawling on the floor, climbing into a hoop, crawling under a stick (a rope stretched at a height of 50 cm), climbing over a log, a bench, etc.

In a child aged 3 to 4 years, it is necessary to begin the purposeful development of motor abilities - dexterity, speed, flexibility, strength and endurance.

Education of interest in the process of mastering ATS in children of primary preschool age can be facilitated by imitative exercises.

3.2. Features of physical education of children

middle preschool age

The fifth year of life is characterized by intensive growth and development of the organism. This is one of the periods of the so-called crisis in the morphofunctional development of the child, the most favorable for a qualitative leap in motor development.

In the middle preschool age, the child's physical abilities increase significantly: coordination improves, movements become more confident. At the same time, there is a constant need for movement. Motor skills are actively developing, in general, the average preschooler becomes more dexterous and faster than the younger ones. It should be noted that the age characteristics of children 4–5 years old are such that physical activity must be dosed so that it is not excessive. This is due to the fact that the muscles in this period grow, albeit quickly, but unevenly, so the child quickly gets tired. Therefore, babies need to be given time to rest.

At the age of four to five years, weight per year increases by an average of 1.5-2 kg, height - by 6-7 cm. If boys have a height of 106-107 cm, then girls - 105.4-106 cm. Weight, respectively, in boys it reaches 17-18.1 kg, in girls - 16-17.7 kg. Chest circumference 54-55.5 cm in boys and 53-54.7 cm in girls.

By the age of five, the muscles become much stronger, their performance increases. Significantly develops muscles, especially on the legs. More developed children can already lift both legs off the ground, jump well, landing on half-bent legs. They can already take a running jump, but they still do not know how to use the wave of their hands correctly.

A child of four or five years old already has quite well-developed coordination of movements, he knows how to stand on one leg, walk on his heels and on his toes, etc.

This is the age of the "grace" - kids are dexterous and flexible. Movements become much more aesthetic and perfect. At this age, gymnastics is especially easy. The child can already be taught to ski and skate, on a two-wheeled bicycle.

Most children at this age dance with pleasure and carefully do the “pa” to the music.

After 4 years, maximum visual acuity is reached and the child is physically ready for initial reading.

The brain by the age of five in size and mass (90%) is almost equal to the brain of an adult. The process of development of convolutions and furrows of the brain is very intensive. However, it should be taken into account that the child's right hemisphere dominates, "responsible" for figurative perception, emotional sphere, etc., while the left, "responsible" for speech, logical thinking, has not yet been formed. The child is in the grip of emotions, the basic nervous processes are unbalanced: excitation predominates, inhibition is usually achieved with difficulty. This is manifested in the immediacy and sincerity of the child and in a pronounced imbalance and distractibility.

At this age, children are able to isolate individual elements of movements, which contributes to their more detailed awareness. Children have an interest in the results of movements, the correctness of their implementation, naturalness, lightness, rhythm appear. The need of children for movements is realized in outdoor games, independent motor activity, specially organized classes.

3.3. Features of physical education of children

senior preschool age

The age period from 5 to 7 years is called the period of "first traction"; in one year, a child can grow up to 7-10 cm. The development of the musculoskeletal system (skeleton, joint-ligamentous apparatus, muscles) of a child by 5-6 years has not yet been completed. The spinal column of a 5-7 year old child is sensitive to deforming influences, there is an incomplete structure of the foot.

In children, an analytical perception of the movements being learned appears in comparison with the previous age group, accelerates the formation of motor skills and improves them qualitatively. The need for physical activity in many children is so great that doctors call the period from 5 to 7 years the “age of motor extravagance”.

In preschoolers from 5 to 7 years old, the backbone strength doubles: in boys it increases from 25 to 52 kilograms, in girls from 20.4 to 43 kilograms. Speed ​​indicators are improved. The running time for 10 meters from the move is reduced for boys from 2.5 to 2.0 seconds, for girls from 2.6 to 2.2 seconds. Changes in overall endurance. The distance covered by boys increases from 602.3 meters to 884.3 meters, girls from 454 meters to 715.3 meters. In 6-year-olds, lightness appears, running becomes rhythmic, lateral swings decrease; they jump high, long, over obstacles, master throwing the ball at the target; eye begins to develop. In older preschool children, compared with younger children, the body is stronger, the muscles are more proportionally developed. They gradually bring to automatism the basic movements in walking and running, the coordination of movements improves, and the ability to do manual labor noticeably increases. Due to the greater stability of the body, the child becomes more accessible to the simplest exercises in balance, running for agility. Children become much more enduring, but they need to change their starting positions more often and diversify their movements. Their activity at this age is gradually filled with content and becomes more conscious.

The growing capabilities of children cause an increase in the physiological load on the body during morning exercises, classes and other forms of work. So, the duration of continuous running at a slow pace noticeably increases (up to 1.5-2 minutes), the number of jumps gradually increases to 50-55 in a row, they are repeated with a short break 2-3 times.

The volume and intensity of general developmental exercises increase. Along with exercises with gymnastic sticks, jump ropes, exercises on gymnastic apparatus (walls, benches, as well as near a log, tree, etc.), pair and group exercises with hoops, poles, and ropes are increasingly being used. At the same time, it is important to monitor the exact observance of the starting position, the precise execution of intermediate and final poses, and the compliance of the movements with the given pace.

Explanations and instructions should be brief, aimed at the quality of the exercises: the accuracy of the positions and directions of movement of individual parts of the body with good amplitude, proper muscle tension.

Success in mastering basic movements is largely due to the level of development of motor skills. The higher it is, the easier it is for the child to master the technique of complex movements. Thus, high jumps and long jumps require preliminary multiple exercises that ensure the development and strengthening of the lower extremities, abdominal and back muscles, as well as the development of the function of balance and coordination of movements; the main content of the preparatory exercises for mastering climbing should be exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the trunk, arms and legs and coordinate movements, etc.

It should be remembered that the formation of motor skills goes much faster if the exercise is repeated many times with minor breaks. Children should be taught to have a meaningful attitude towards achieving accuracy and correctness in performing movements, matching their pattern. This is especially important when children learn new complexly coordinated motor actions: long and high jumps from a run, throwing, etc.

Strengthening the skills of basic movements is successfully carried out in outdoor games and relay races. At the same time, it must be remembered that it is possible to include movement in games or relay races only if it is well mastered by children. It is important to change the sequence of movements and conditions of games, which contributes to the development and education of dexterity and ingenuity in children. Consolidation of the accumulated experience is carried out when performing these movements on a walk. To develop independent motor activity, it is necessary to have a sufficient number of manuals and games and a special place where children could practice performing various movements. It is important to encourage and stimulate in children the desire to compete in movements; he should take care of the expedient change of movements, promote the unification of children in small groups for games or performing motor tasks.

Before children enter school, the level of physical fitness increases in children and prerequisites for their physical self-improvement appear. Children master the elements of the technique of basic movements, learn to independently use the acquired motor skills in various difficult situations. Most children will be able to set a specific goal and choose ways to achieve it, show restraint, determination, dexterity, speed, endurance. The movements of children are becoming more meaningful, motivated and controlled.

As the child ages, exercise should take an increasing place in the daily routine. They are a factor contributing to an increase in adaptation not only to muscle activity, but also to cold and hypoxia. Physical activity contributes to the normal development of the central nervous system, improving memory, learning processes, normalizing the emotional sphere, improving sleep, and increasing opportunities not only in physical, but also in mental activity. To increase muscle activity, physical exercises are necessary to improve motor processes and skills, posture, and prevent the development of flat feet.

In physical education classes, positive emotions are developed and brought up, mental health develops. Emotional saturation of classes are the main conditions for teaching children movements. Imitation gives rise to emotions that activate the child. In addition, interest has a positive effect on the motor activity of children, especially those who are inactive and inactive. The development of movements has a good effect on the development of the child's speech. The understanding of adult speech is improved, the vocabulary of active speech is expanding.


Physical education in preschool institutions is the unity of goals, objectives, means, forms and methods of work aimed at improving the health and comprehensive physical development of children. At the same time, it is a subsystem, a part of the nationwide system of physical education, which, in addition to these components, also includes institutions and organizations that carry out and control physical education. Each institution, depending on its specifics, has its own specific areas of work that generally meet the state and public interests.

The purpose of physical education is to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children.

Health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks are carried out in the process of physical education.

In the process of educating motor actions, taking into account the psychophysiological features of the development of the child, relying on his capabilities, the adult consistently puts new motor programs in front of him. Specifically, this is expressed in the gradually increasing requirements of the physical education program, aimed at the formation of motor skills and physical qualities.

In the process of learning to move, a child develops physical and mental abilities, spiritual and moral qualities of a person, aesthetic feelings; bodily reflection, awareness, purposefulness and organization of motor actions, initiative and the desire for creativity are brought up; memory, imagination, fantasy develop; By cultivating the culture of the body in the child, the teacher simultaneously improves his spiritual culture.


  1. Galanov A.S. Mental and physical development of a child from 3 to 5 years: A guide for employees of preschool educational institutions and parents. -- 3rd ed., corrected. and additional - M.: ARKTI, 2006. - 96 p. (Development and education)
  2. Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children. Proc. allowance for students ped. in-t on spec. "Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology". Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - M.: Education, 1978. - 272 p.
  3. Kozlova S. A. Preschool Pedagogy: A Textbook for Students. avg. ped. textbook institutions / S. A. Kozlova, T. A. Kulikova. - 5th ed., Rev. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004. - 416 p.
  4. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and development of the child: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / Emma Yakovlevna Stepanenkova. - 2nd ed., corrected. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006. - 368 p.
  5. Theory of physical culture and sports. Textbook / Sib. feder. un-t; [Comp. V.M. Geletsky]. - Krasnoyarsk: IPK SFU, 2008. - 342 p.
  6. Shebeko, V.N. Formation of the personality of a preschooler by means of physical culture: monograph / V.N. Shebeko. - Minsk: Belarus. state ped. un-t im. M. Tanka, 2000. 178 p.

The issues of raising children in the family are complex and diverse. Here the standard, universal recipes, template are unacceptable. Parents need great knowledge, thoughtfulness, the ability to apply an individual approach to their child.

What is the most important thing in raising a child?

Of course, I want to answer all the main things! And yet the main task in raising a child is that the child must grow up healthy! Neither fullness and fatness, nor a heroic constitution, nor a blush on the plump cheeks of a child are in themselves criteria of health. Its essence is in the harmony of physical and spiritual forces, the balance of the nervous system, endurance, the ability to withstand various harmful influences.

Life will inevitably confront the child with difficulties and trials of a different nature. Whether it is a sudden change in temperature or an infection, physical overload or emotional excitement, a strong healthy body will respond with appropriate reactions, defend itself, and a weak one will be defeated.

A healthy child is easier to raise. He quickly establishes all the necessary skills and abilities, he better adapts to changing conditions and perceives all the requirements placed on him. Health is the most important prerequisite for the correct formation of character, the development of initiative, strong will, gifted and natural abilities.

So what can you do to make your child grow up healthy?

The health of the child, first of all, of course, depends on the health of his parents, on the lifestyle that his parents lead. The environment in which the child grows and develops also influences the health of the child. The child's body is plastic, changeable and supple. Under certain conditions, unfavorable congenital features may remain unmanifested, or they may become a source of serious diseases. In the same way, favorable inclinations are either developed and improved. Or they fade away.

A child is born into the world already with a known margin of resistance, stability, "ready-made" adaptive mechanisms. For example, such as thermoregulation. In response to body cooling, heat transfer decreases, and in response to overheating, it increases. Thus, if these mechanisms are exercised frequently, with increasing load, then they become more and more reliable and fail-safe. If there is no such training, they noticeably decrease. Simply put, if the child is not tempered, wrapped up all the time, hidden from the slightest breath of wind, resistance to colds is great.

Summarizing what has been said below, we can conclude: education should not be pampered, but tempering, training, and increasing the activity of a growing organism.

Don't shield your child from the best teacher in the world - life experience!

Strong body!

"Strong body" - this is how a healthy person is usually characterized, who is able to withstand severe trials and survive in difficult conditions.

What provides a "fortress" of human health? First of all, these are the features of the development of his body. The better a person is developed, the higher the reserve capacity of his body, and consequently, the stronger his health. The level of development of the organism, in turn, is associated with the development of its individual parts - organs and systems, with how coordinated they work.

How to analyze the work of the child's body?

Earlier it was said that the "strength" of the body directly depends on the level, degree of its development. How to determine the level of development of the body of your child? Many parents believe that this can be done by measuring height and body weight, assessing physical fitness, but such an analysis will not be accurate, since each child develops in different ways, at different speeds. In addition, different children have different abilities and inclinations towards something.

How do you evaluate a child's development? How to determine whether he develops normally, lags behind or, on the contrary, is ahead of his peers?

First of all, it is necessary to analyze the behavior of the child himself, scientifically speaking, his physical and mental activity.

If your child moves a lot and enjoys physical exercises, he has a good appetite, if he willingly attends kindergarten, strives to communicate with his peers, makes contact with adults, takes an active part in games, then we can safely assume that he develops normally. If you do not observe these manifestations in your child, if the child has no interest in an active lifestyle, he tends to spend most of his time in a passive state, he often plays alone in the garden, does not make contact with the teacher, eats poorly, grows slowly - this can be a slowdown in development!

How to raise a healthy child?

In order for a child to grow and develop in accordance with his age and age characteristics, it is necessary to instill in him an interest in physical culture and sports from childhood! Playing sports will allow the child to increase the efficiency of his body, makes him resistant and hardy, with high protective abilities against adverse environmental factors, that is, they create conditions for children to develop and grow up healthy!

In the modern world, unfortunately, parents pay very little attention and time to their children. It is a mistake to rely only on kindergarten, since the physical development of the child should be continuous both in kindergarten and at home.

Physical culture and health-improving work of children in the family is extremely diverse. It may be associated with the preparation and holding of any holidays, family celebrations, planned and unexpected events (since victory in competitions held in kindergarten or graduation from kindergarten, etc.). In addition, the need for communication and joint activities arise daily in the evening, when the whole family gathers after work, as well as on weekends.

On weekends, it is best to organize outdoor recreation. For example, in the warm season, you can go hiking with the whole family. Family hiking trips have an incomparable healing effect, resulting from the complex effect on the body of natural factors: the sun, air, water and a variety of motor activities. It has been proven that prolonged performance of a moderate load in the form of cyclic exercises: walking, running, jumping, cycling, contributes to the improvement of such a valuable health-improving quality as endurance. In addition, joint trips help to strengthen the family and compensate for the attention that parents do not give to their child.

Often if the weather is inclement, rainy or windy, parents prefer to stay at home with the child. Then that also there is a following problem connected, first of all. With the difficulty of resolving the contradiction between the high natural need of the child for active motor activity and the area of ​​modern apartments. In this case, parents often prefer to organize quiet activities (sculpting, drawing, watching cartoons, computer games, board games). Given the merits and importance of the above activities, it should be noted the importance of physical activity for the developing organism of the child. Restriction of a child's motor activity at home can lead to irreparable losses in his health and harmonious physical and general development.

In order for the child to rationally use his motor activity at home, you can install a "sports complex" in the children's room, of course, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bit of his room allows it. Especially in our time, the choice of "sports complexes" in specialized stores is quite diverse.

Another form of home physical education is outdoor games and game exercises. Given the limited space and possibilities of the apartment, it is recommended to select games and exercises of low and medium mobility. Participants can be both children and all family members. These can be games of "ring throwing, darts, bowling", as well as games such as "hide and seek, blind man's blind, the sea is worried, etc."

Also, do not forget that outdoor games in the yard are the most accessible and massive type of physical exercise for a child. As we know, the game is at the highest level of interests in children. however, many modern types of educational games (computer, electronic games) do not contribute to strengthening the health of the child and the formation of those important moral qualities such as (mutual assistance, honesty, courage, justice, etc.), the basis of which is laid only in collective outdoor games in the yard with their peers "Adults can be the instigators of such leisure. Help equip the playground, make the missing equipment. Think over and prepare prizes. Often you walk in the yard with families, you can organize games of a competitive nature. For example, dad and son of one family, mom and daughter of another family to hold relay races (who will quickly jump on one leg along the track, carry the ball and do not drop it, cross it “with the help of a hoop”, push it out of the circle, etc.) how much joy and pleasure the joint games of adults and children bring. Obviously, such events parents' current employment cannot be repeated often, but it is enough if adults unite Bring your kids to play together on the weekends or when you're on vacation!


When we wake up, we do not stay in bed.

We start every day with a workout.

We take cold water as friends, it gives vivacity and hardening.

The elevator is an enemy to our health, we go down and up the landing on foot.

In kindergarten - on foot at a fast pace.

Let's be generous with a smile, never lose heart!

When meeting with teachers and children in kindergarten, we always say hello (we wish you good health!

The daily routine is our friend, if we want to do everything - we will have time!

We eat right and for the benefit of our health!

In the evening, in the family circle, we discuss how we spent the day!

On holidays and weekends - only with the whole family!

Physical education and sports are an integral part of human life. But as time shows, with the development of scientific and technological progress, humanity becomes physically less active.

The main work for a person is done by a “machine”, “robot”.

Currently, both the elderly and young people have a lack of motor and physical activity, which leads to a slowdown in metabolism and a decrease in the activity of cells in the human body.

As a result, people have weak physical endurance and weight gain. These problems can be solved with the help of physical education and sports. Regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

Physically active people get sick less often and live longer. Exercise not only promotes physical health, but also improves mental well-being and instills a sense of well-being. Staying physically active is important for children, adults and the elderly. It doesn't require intense exercise - you can find ways to stay healthy in your daily life, such as taking brisk walks. If you've never done exercise or haven't done it for a certain amount of time, it's easy to start. Physical activity is the key to maintaining a healthy weight, which is also important during pregnancy. However, remember to take steps to avoid injury and remember that eating and drinking enough fluids is also important. Eating optimal amounts of nutrients provides the energy needed for exercise, and fluids help prevent dehydration.

Physical activity helps prevent the following serious diseases:

Exercise can reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes. In people who do not maintain physical activity, this risk of dying from a stroke and from coronary heart disease is doubled.

But, even if you do not exercise, but simply carry out daily walks, you can significantly reduce the risk of these diseases.

Exercise can also reduce blood pressure. Hypertension is a common occurrence that increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. In Ukraine, about one third of the population suffers from hypertension. Exercise helps reduce high blood pressure in hypertension or prevent the development of this disease.

Exercise helps improve cholesterol balance. There are two types of cholesterol - low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). LDL is sometimes referred to as "bad" cholesterol, and IDL as "good". High levels of NPLs and low levels of IDPs increase the risk of heart disease. But studies show that regular exercise, such as a brisk walk or run, is associated with higher levels of high-density cholesterol.

Those who do not exercise are more likely to develop lower back pain. Eight out of ten people will experience low back pain at some point in their lives, but people who exercise are much less likely to experience it. If you already have lower back pain, exercise can reduce it.

Moderate regular physical activity, including walking, swimming, and cycling, is good for osteoarthritis. It is the most common form of arthritis and affects eight out of ten people over the age of 50 to some degree. Exercise also prevents and slows down the development of this disease.

Physical activity improves bone mineral density in children and helps maintain bone strength in adolescents. It also slows down bone degeneration later in life. This can help prevent osteoporosis, a disease in which your bones become brittle and more prone to fracture. High-stress exercise, such as running and jumping, increases bone density in young people. But if you already have osteoporosis, you should not give a large load on the bones, it is better to limit yourself to walking or swimming.

Regular physical education and sports, according to the results of medical research, increase mood and general physical activity of a person, improve resistance to psychological stress, normalize redox processes, and also activate blood circulation processes. The degree of physical activity during physical education and sports should correspond to the capabilities of the student, his age and state of health. To intensify training, they usually resort to increasing the number of exercises, increasing the load and increasing the overall pace of training, that is, reducing the pauses between exercises.

Physical exercises usually end with water procedures: rubdown or shower. Lead an active lifestyle and be healthy.

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