How to protect against an energy vampire in the family, at work: prayer, spell, stone, amulet, amulet, rune, mudras. Protection from people - energy vampires, salt, mirror: technique. A ritual to restore the natural protection of your aura. Where would it come from?

Energy vampires, also called psychic vampires, are emotionally immature people who drain time and energy from those around them. They tend to be very selfish and lack empathy. All the relationships they build serve only one purpose - to nourish themselves. Most likely, you have already dealt with psychic vampires, which is why it is very important to identify them, set clear boundaries for communication with such people, and also work on your self-esteem and self-esteem.


Identifying an Energy Vampire

    Find out what types of energy vampires there are. There are many different types of psychic vampires. Relationships that drain your energy can come in many different forms. Knowing what energy vampires are like will help you identify them and protect yourself.

    Evaluate your relationships with people. Take some time to evaluate your relationships with people who you think may be energy vampires. Ask yourself a question: would you feel empty and squeezed after communicating with them? Is your relationship mutually beneficial?

    Pay attention to your own feelings. If you encounter a psychic vampire, you will likely notice negative physical and emotional effects from interacting with him. You have most likely dealt with an energy vampire if after communication you observe the following symptoms:

    Do breathing practices. Communication with an energy vampire can be stressful and very exhausting. Breathing deeply and calmly can help you calm down and relax, and give you the energy to continue with your activities.

Work on yourself

    See a psychotherapist. Many people who enter into relationships with energy vampires very often have problems with self-esteem. In such cases, visiting a psychotherapist can be very helpful. Only a specialist will help you if you have certain problems with emotions, feelings and communication. You can ask your doctor for recommendations, go to a public health facility, or try to find a specialist in private practice.

  1. Know yourself. Very often we succumb to the influence of energy vampires because we do not know ourselves. Taking some time to understand your needs and desires will help you keep energy vampires away from you.

    • Journaling can help you get to know yourself better. Write down your thoughts and feelings, best if you do this every day. Find a specific time, such as in the morning or before bed, to write down your emotions.
    • Spend time alone. When you find yourself alone, work on self-awareness. You will have to analyze yourself and your emotions - this may take some time.
    • Think about whether you are trying to please everyone around you. If you never refuse people and are afraid of upsetting another person by refusing, then you can become an easy prey for energy vampires. Work on yourself, learn to say no, and then energy vampires will be less likely to suck the energy out of you.
  2. Engage in practices that fill you with energy. If you have a high energy level, then you will surely scare away all the energy vampires. Try activities that increase your energy levels and improve your self-esteem. These could be, for example:

    • Regular training
    • Team sports
    • Pilates
    • Karate or self-defense courses
    • Swimming
    • Rowing or kayaking
    • Outdoor activities
  • Talk to other people about the person who you think is an energy vampire. Sure, it may seem like you're gossiping, but the fact is that most energy vampires have one-sided relationships with everyone (or almost everyone) around them. If you notice that other people have the same problems with a particular person, it will help you understand that the problem is not with you.

Few of us have the opportunity to communicate only with those people who are pleasant and attractive to us. We are constantly in a society where circumstances confront us with a variety of characters, among whom we may meet. Some people come into contact with on a regular basis when it comes to work relationships.

If your colleague or boss is an energy vampire, then, whether you like it or not, you will have to be close and in contact with them. Such people can turn life into hell, poisoning it with violent emotions, loading it with their problems, interfering in personal space, infecting it with nervousness and surrounding it with gossip. But an energy vampire at work is not a reason to quit what you love, a good place and run away from harmful influences. You need to learn to communicate with him competently and not react to provocations. To keep your losses to a minimum, it’s worth mastering techniques that will help protect you from energy vampires at work.

6 ways to protect yourself from an energy vampire

We spend most of our lives at work, so the environment in the team greatly affects our psychological and emotional state. An energy vampire can cause depressed mood, poor health, fatigue and low performance. But you will not be able to stop communicating with him; such behavior will negatively affect your results, reputation, prospects and the attitude of others. This is especially true if your boss is an energy vampire. Use special tactics that will help you not to succumb to the negative influence of the energy eater.

  1. Humor.

    One of the most effective ways to protect yourself from an energy vampire at work is to be able to perceive the situation with humor. Do not allow a showdown, passions to get high, stop attempts to offend you or throw you off balance. Try to steer the conversation in a safe direction, using humor and a smile as a softener.

  2. Change the subject.

    If a colleague drags you into a discussion with someone else, begins to enthusiastically list his problems or asks for details of your personal life, try to change the topic. Distract him to a completely different subject, ask an unexpected question or make an unusual comment.

  3. Don't show that your feelings are affected.

    This advice will be especially relevant if the energy vampire is. He may raise his voice, demand unquestioning execution of orders, express dissatisfaction with your work and competence. After such tirades, try not to show your resentment, weakness and vulnerability. This will further encourage the consumer of other people's energy.

  4. Don't argue.

    One of the effective methods of protection from energy vampires is the ability to remain silent. When your interlocutor goes on the offensive, trying to provoke an emotional conversation, listen to him without commenting. Lack of response on your part will contribute to the loss of interest in you as a potential victim. An expression of agreement with his words will cause a similar reaction.

  5. Increase your distance.

    Sometimes, out of all the options on how to protect yourself from energy vampires at work, you have to choose escape. Increase the safe distance between you and the vampire. If you witness the presentation of unpleasant facts about one of your colleagues, leave this company and avoid it in the future. When a troublemaker, troublemaker or pathological whiner is in the same room with you, change your office if possible. At a minimum, you can turn your table so that your gaze is not constantly focused on this person.

  6. Know how to step back.

    If an energy vampire is trying to make you his victim, learn to step back and not accept his provocations. When you see that he is “crashed,” find an excuse to leave the room, call the phone, mentally count to ten, or imagine him without clothes in a public place. Find your own way that will quickly relieve internal tension and help you remain indifferent.

Is an energy vampire at work really that scary?

It is impossible to insure yourself against the negative influence of other people. You can only learn to resist such influence. There is nothing more effective than protecting yourself from energy vampires at work with the help of your own emotional stability. If this is not an innate quality, then it can be successfully trained. Include positive thinking, healthy egoism, and life experience. Learn to always be friendly, but don’t be too frank or share personal things with strangers. It is important to be able to distance yourself from negativity, not to be led by emotions and not to perceive the actions and words of others too painfully.

In this article we will talk about how to deal with energy vampirism. Energy vampires can be found anywhere, but everyone can avoid their negative influence.

We are used to associating vampirism with folklore - legends that are so good to be told in the form of a fairy tale somewhere around a fire! But did you know that vampires exist in reality? However, do not rush to sharpen the aspen stake or chew garlic vigorously - in this case we are talking about energy vampirism.

Energy, lunar vampire: signs by date of birth

An energy vampire can be easily recognized and visually– such people like to demonstrate aggressive behavior, arouse pity, are often insincere, and assert themselves in any way. However, such aspects of behavior are often simply caused by nuances of character.

If you know date of birth person, then it will be easier to determine his involvement in so-called lunar vampirism. For this:

  • Write your date of birth
  • Add all the numbers separately

IMPORTANT: If the resulting figure turns out to be two-digit, add up its components - the result should be unambiguous. For example, after summing up your date of birth, you get the number 48. This means you need to add 4 and 8 - you get 12. But 12 doesn’t work either, which means 1+2=3.

Now let's look at the result:

  • 1 or 2- in front of you is the real one energetic vampire. He may or may not be consciously aware of his abilities. However, in any case, this personality draws the energy of the people around him, using it for his needs.
  • 5 or 7– but the owners of these numbers belong to the category donors. Unfortunately, they are especially susceptible to attacks from energy vampires.

  • 3, 6, 8 – people with any of these numbers are not vampires, but at the same time they are not donors. Such neutrality is ensured by a powerful aura through which nothing can break through.
  • 9 - People with powerful energy, but not vampires. This energy is positive, forming a powerful potential. If a person with the number 9 does not learn to manage his gift, the potential will remain unrealized.
  • 4 – unusual personalities, capable of being in all states. So, with a sufficient supply of vitality, they will be protected from negativity. If a strong lack of strength becomes noticeable, they will be able to draw it from those around them.

IMPORTANT: With a strong desire, such a person will be able to manage his own energy in the same way as is available to people with the number 9.

A person with number 4 can be perfectly protected from energy vampirism, but sometimes he himself is a vampire

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire at work?

  • Ignoring. If a coworker throws tantrums, communicates in a raised voice, or shows aggression in other ways, try to maintain your cool. When talking on the phone, hang up if possible.

  • The escape. Believe me, running away from a problem is not always a sign of cowardice or weakness. In this case, in order to avoid harm, it is best to go to another office if possible. If you have the opportunity to avoid crossing the threshold where the vampire lives at all, great!
  • Laughter prolongs life– perhaps, in the case of energy vampirism this is especially true. Discourage your colleague with a smile and laugh. Or just talk about something good.

IMPORTANT: If the energy vampire's monologue is not related to work and he is not your boss, do not hesitate to interrupt him. Ask him what good has happened lately. In this way, you will help the unconscious vampire to get out of this bad state, and the conscious one will lose interest in the conversation.

  • Colleagues often eat together. Considering that food is one of the energy channels, try not to sit at the same dinner table with a fellow vampire. If this is not possible, carefully remain silent.

Protection from the energy vampire - boss

  • Create a barrier between you and your boss. They may be suitable as table chair. If there is no furniture nearby, pick up folder, holding it in front of you.
  • Try to use your imagination and imagine that you are inside a glass dome. All the nasty words just bounce off him. The more clearly you present such a defense, the better.
  • Not a bad way to protect yourself from negativity - again humor. Imagine that you are dealing not with a formidable boss, but with a funny gnome or boy. Try to find funny moments in this person's behavior.

IMPORTANT: Try not to laugh out loud, because this is not just a colleague, but a person on whom your career depends. However, by smiling even mentally, you will protect yourself well.

  • Many bosses like to talk to subordinates, towering over them. If possible, try to fix this, being on the same level. Or, if the boss is sitting, talk to him while standing.

Many energy vampire bosses like to communicate with subordinates, towering over them

Protection from an energy vampire in the family, relative

If an energy vampire lives in your home, don't shy away from him. You need to deal with the problem in such a way that your loved one does not get harmed:

  • First of all, make contact with a relative. Maybe suspicious behavior is just a consequence of some problems.
  • Explain to a loved one that he brings discomfort to others. Point him on the right path by offering to draw energy from some hobbies, walks in nature.

IMPORTANT: It is quite possible that by helping a person find harmony, you will achieve greater results than from isolation.

  • If the energy vampire is child, wean him off tantrums by using them ignoring- in this case you need to show indifference as much as possible. If the child understands that no one is going to run headlong in response to his stamping of feet and screams, he will calm down on his own after a while.

A child can also be an energy vampire, throwing tantrums

Protection from the energy vampire - mother

Energy vampirism most often manifests itself in mothers when their beloved child creates his own family. The easiest way to get rid of negative influences is live apart.

Of course, living separately is not always possible, so we recommend paying attention to the following ways:

  • Demonstrate the so-called "calm love" Do not ignore, pretending that the mother does not exist, but show care without nervousness.
  • Try not to argue. Smile sweetly, nod, briefly agree. But don’t say anything unnecessary, don’t make nervous movements.

IMPORTANT: Always remember that an energy vampire needs a response.

  • Imagine that you are surrounded by a stream of light. The negative, getting into it, burns out without even reaching the goal.

The best way to avoid energy vampirism from your mother is not to react to disturbances

Protection from an energy vampire - husband

First of all, use the test described above to check which type you are. If you happen to be a resilient person, then probably Vampirism will not bring harm. Who knows: perhaps your union is just strong due to the exchange of energies.

If you are weak, then you will have to select methods of protection:

  • Devote some time to handicrafts, embroidering circles wherever convenient. You can decorate tablecloths, linens, towels, and napkins with them. The so-called “rings of fire” may well be small.
  • If your spouse needs an impressive amount of energy, invite him to draw it from what will bring pleasure. Play sports together, meet friends, go to beautiful places. Availability would be ideal shared hobby.

IMPORTANT: This approach is much more effective than ignoring your husband.

  • Switch to a whisper. In this case, the opponent will immediately stop straining his vocal cords.

Your husband may well become an energy vampire

Protection from moon vampires

Moon vampires drain energy from victims non-aggressively. They don't make scandals, but instead they constantly whining in the vest, complaining and literally shake out compassion from opponents. You can avoid subsequent despondency and loss of joy in life like this:

IMPORTANT: If possible, do not communicate with the moon vampire. Otherwise, you won’t help him, and you’ll make things worse for yourself.

How to protect against an energy vampire with salt

The teachings of Feng Shui suggest protection with salt as a mineral. Slavs also left it on the dining table in an uncovered salt shaker– it was believed that the negative energy emanating from the guests was instantly extinguished.

You can carry out the following ritual:

  • Stock up on a thick cast iron frying pan and, of course, salt. You will need to purchase a pack of coarse salt
  • Hold frying pan on fire until it gets hot
  • Pour it out then at her half a pack
  • Wait for the moment when the salt will be calcined, that is, it will begin to make cracking sounds
  • Holding the frying pan in your right hand, walk around the perimeter of the housing. Quietly read "Our Father"

IMPORTANT: Take your time. Stay in each corner for a while.

For the ritual against energy vampirism, only coarse salt is suitable

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire with a mirror

The principle of protecting yourself from the effects of energy vampirism is simple: as soon as communication with an unpleasant person begins, it is necessary imagine a mirror. And not just a small one, but an entire wall made of a reflective surface!

It should be positioned carefully between yourself and the vampire. As soon as a person begins to send negativity in your direction, this wall successfully reflects it. Imagine such a method very clearly - and the defense is ready!

The mirror you imagine for protection from an energy vampire should be large - something like this

How to protect against an energy vampire with a conspiracy or prayer?

Try using the following CONSPIRACY:

“I will become, servant of God (name), blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut doors, from the courtyard gates, to the high eastern side, to the ocean-blue sea. There is an island on the blue sea, on this island there is a stone, on this stone there is a cathedral, in this cathedral there is a throne. Behind this throne are the eagle-father Vladimir, Ilya-Muromets and the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. I came to you to ask and beg you to protect me, God’s servant (name) from the pricks, from the pain, from the whining, from the simple-haired girl, from the sorcerer man, from the wild eye, from the windy eye.”

Concerning prayers, then you can say prayer to the Mother of God:

“Virgin Mother of God, Rejoice, Most Gracious Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our Souls.”

IMPORTANT: It is extremely important that all these words are not just mechanical pronunciation, but a message coming from the heart.

Stone of protection against energy vampires

Agate- is considered the best means of protection against negativity. All attempts by energy vampires to evoke emotions in you will be doomed to failure. Negative messages directed in your direction will be successfully absorbed by the stone.

Jet- a stone that has long been used as a talisman against negative forces. It is even capable of taking away bad thoughts that the owner may have.

A jet bracelet is an excellent remedy for energy vampirism

Eye of the Tiger– with it you don’t have to be afraid of energy vampires. All negativity that will be directed at the owner of the stone will bounce off instantly. There is an opinion that if a bad person is nearby, the tiger's eye becomes warmer or gains weight.

Tiger's Eye is a stone that will tell the owner that an energy vampire is nearby

Amulet - protection from energy vampire

The aspen stake is not just part of folklore about a vampire drinking blood. An item made from this wood will be a great help when contacting an energy vampire. It is believed that aspen amulet will begin to get dark the moment the vampire tries to make contact.

IMPORTANT: For this reason, it is worth carrying such a useful thing with you at all times.

Rhinestone- another great amulet. Place a small piece of it in some similar small transparent box. Place the box, for example, in your clothing pocket or bag.

Fresh fruits- an affordable and pleasant amulet. After consuming these gifts of nature, a person restores the energy field.

Fresh fruits are the best amulet against energy vampires

Amulet for protection against energy vampires

Sun symbol– is strong when a person wears it on his body. In this case, it does not matter at all in the traditions of which people the solar disk is depicted. The energy of the amulet will drive away unpleasant people to a decent distance from you.

Clover- another universally recognized symbol that protects against evil and brings good luck. Wood, silver, gold - absolutely any material is suitable for making. It is believed to cope especially well with male energy vampires.

IMPORTANT: Pets, oddly enough, are also excellent amulets. They bestow their owners with so much positive energy that sometimes no negative influences from the outside are scary!

Spend more time with your pet - and it will become protection against energy vampirism

Rune - protection from energy vampire

Runes Perth and Hagalaz They perfectly help to dodge energetic encroachment. Moreover, it is desirable that they be combined in tandem– in such a case, the effect will be enhanced many times:

  • Perth is a symbol of rebirth. This rune gives a person a good supply of energy
  • Hagalaz– another bundle of energy. Unlike Perth, it is spontaneous. However, such a rune teaches its owner sanity and patience.

Rune Perth from energy vampirism

Rune Hagalaz from energy vampirism

Mudras - protection from energy vampires

Intertwined fingers– an excellent mudra that will successfully complement an imaginary cocoon or mirror. The palms should be turned towards the body, and then placed opposite the solar plexus.

"Shield of Shambhala"- clench one palm into a fist and place it on the open palm of your other hand. This kind of mudra protects and helps restore tone. It is advisable to place your palms near the solar plexus.

IMPORTANT: In order for the energy to be restored, hold the mudra for about 5-15 minutes.

The Shield of Shambhala mudra will help restore energy after contact with an energy vampire

No matter how hard you try to avoid such a phenomenon as energy vampirism, in life you will certainly meet at least one person who will be emotionally draining. But if you learn to protect yourself from this trouble, no negativity is scary!

It is difficult to find the line when a psychological phenomenon turns into a phenomenon that cannot be scientifically explained and becomes esoteric. Energy vampirism is one of these phenomena. Located at the intersection of psychology, parapsychology and esotericism, it is studied with great interest and not in vain. Psychologists already know a lot about this phenomenon and give effective recommendations on how to protect yourself from an energy vampire.

Vampires and donors seem to be attracted to each other. It is not only the insatiable energy vampire who is to blame for the fact that a relationship of psychological vampirism has developed. If the donor didn't have a certain set of character traits and style of behavior, he would be unlikely to be subjected to a psychological attack by a vampire.

The more often a person encounters psychological vampires who suck out all the vital energy from him, and especially if they are vampires of the same type (there are several types of vampires, read more about them in the article “ “), the more likely the problem is not in them, but in the donor himself!

This answers the question of how get rid of from an energy vampire, and not just learn to defend yourself. Need to find in yourself that character trait or behavioral feature that “transforms” one into a donor.

You will have to work on yourself and the directions of this work may be different (increase self-esteem, become more responsible, learn to say “no”, stop being overly protective, sympathize and much more), but the end result will always be the same. There will be growth personal development, you will be able to get closer to integrity and harmony of your inner world.

If you look at the problem of energy vampirism on the positive side, then it turns out that any vampire who meets on the donor’s path is, in fact, his life teacher, and relationships of this kind are an incentive for personal growth and development, therefore, necessary.

How to respond to energy vampires

Psychological vampires provoke their victims to one or another strong negative emotional reaction (aggression, pity, shame, sadness, humiliation, depression, resentment, fear and others). It is this psychological energy that they feed on!

A vampire cannot help but torment his victim. Some people “drink” other people’s psychic energy without realizing it, unconsciously, and without even wanting to, although, of course, there are many who do this consciously and purposefully.

But The donor always has a choice:

  1. Give in to provocations vampire again and again and, as a result, suffer not only morally and psychologically, but also physically (it is known that negative emotions can provoke psychosomatic diseases, in the case of psychological vampirism this is not uncommon).
  2. Acquire knowledge about what energy vampirism is, how to protect yourself from him and begin to apply this knowledge in relation to vampires. These methods will be described in more detail in the next section of the article.
  3. Find the internal cause of the problem in yourself, work on yourself, become stronger, more confident, more holistic, in order to get rid of the energy vampire once and for all, and not continue to endlessly defend against it.

Many donors react to a vampire emotionally vividly and vividly, that is, they succumb to his provocations (the first response option), as a result of which they suffer. But the best options are undoubtedly the second and third.

The second option to combat vampirism is best chosen by those donors who meet different vampires and if they are for the most part random, unfamiliar, insignificant in life with people (for example, a person who is rude on public transport).

If there is a vampire or several vampires in the donor’s life who torment him for many years or these are people with whom you happen to communicate almost every day, then you undoubtedly need to work on yourself (third option).

This work will be strictly individual. In this case, there are no and cannot be general or universal recommendations. Each person himself (or by seeking help from a psychologist) must find the reason for his donation and eliminate it. When this happens, the relationship with the energy vampire will either will stop completely or will change qualitatively, may even improve, or maybe become neutral, since the vampire will simply lose interest in his former donor.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire: top 5 ways

Of course, the simplest, fastest and easiest way to protect yourself from an energy vampire is to interrupt communication with him, that is, to ignoring. Confidently, firmly, calmly and without fuss, you need to tell the psychological vampire something like: “Sorry, but I don’t intend to talk to you” and leave. The sooner this can be done, the less likely it is to succumb to provocation and react exactly as the tormentor expects.

But it is not always possible to maintain composure and simply turn around and walk away from a malicious person. In this case, you need to use psychological defense techniques:

Recover After communicating with an energy vampire, nature helps, mainly the element of water. If it is not possible to go to the shower immediately after communicating with a vampire, it will be enough to wash your hands and rinse your face and neck. Walking in the fresh air, herbal tea, healthy and tasty food (spices, such as black pepper, are the best to get rid of negativity) and listening to your favorite music restore energy balance.

Where do you most often encounter energy vampires?

We often hear about energy vampires. But who are they? Where are they hiding, how to recognize them and is it possible to escape from this scourge? Energy vampires differ from ordinary vampires in that they suck not the blood, but the vital energy of those around them. They do this in very sophisticated ways: they can regularly press for pity, evoking sympathy in you, make you feel irritated or angry, and torment you with the details of your own life. The methods may be different, but the result is the same - after talking with this evil spirits, you feel squeezed like a lemon. And it’s not so easy to defend yourself – an aspen stake and garlic beads won’t help. The surest way is to avoid communication, which is not so easy to do if a vampire lives in your boss.

What to do if your boss turns out to be an energy vampire

You can understand that this is an energy vampire in front of you by listening to yourself. If after a planning meeting with your manager you constantly feel discomfort, are ready to cry, burst into tears, your nervous balance is disturbed, and the amount of vitality has noticeably decreased, immediately start the fight. Otherwise, regular stress will cause damage to your health.

What to do to protect yourself from a vampire:

  1. Protect your personal space.

When communicating with a harmful character, try to take a position so that there is some kind of barrier between you - a piece of furniture, a large plant. You can just pick up a large notebook. The thing will take the main energy blow.

  1. Be on top.

If a vampire constantly “looms” over you, dominating you with his authority, stand up so that you are on the same level with him, or even better, so that he sits and you stand.

  1. Imagine that you are inside a safe shelter.

The imaginary defense can be anything - a high tower, a huge dome, a brick wall. Imagine that it instantly arises between you whenever you start a conversation with your boss.

  1. Don't be afraid of emotions.

If you want to cry, cry, but where no one can see you. Tears will relieve nervous tension and clear away negativity. By the way, a good way is to wash your face cold water. It removes negative energy well. After a working day, take a cold shower at home and you will feel how much easier it has become.

  1. Have an internal incentive.

During a stressful situation, remember why you are enduring all this. Maybe you have three children at home and an unemployed wife. Or you're saving up for your dream car. Or maybe you are planning to open your own business soon? Having a goal and incentive is also a strong defense against the attacks of an evil energy vampire.

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