How to teach a child to dress without outside help. How to teach a child to dress and undress independently: from simple to complex

You should start teaching your child the skills to dress independently from two to three years. From about this age, the child develops a persistent desire for independence, and if you react in a timely manner and correctly, then you will not have to force the child to do anything himself - he will strive for this himself. Therefore, if your baby is 2-3 years old, pay attention to several recommendations from child psychologists.

You cannot suppress a child’s initiative. If he wants to try to dress himself, don't bother him. But don’t immediately demand from your child that he only dresses himself. Very often, parents simply cannot stand the slow pace of dressing the baby and, feeling that they are already late, they begin to hastily dress the child themselves, not allowing him to dress on his own. In this case, it makes sense to start getting ready a little in advance, taking into account the time for the baby to calmly master the dressing skills.

If he is stubborn and capricious, be more flexible and know how to find a compromise. If he demands 2 pairs of socks, wear them. Agree to the clothes that he chooses. Just prepare several options for him to choose from in advance, then it will be easier for you to agree with his choice.

Tell your child what to wear. For many children, remembering the order in which to put things on can be a challenge. Together with your child, you can make a poster on which to place images of clothes in the correct sequence. This will help the child remember faster. In addition, so as not to confuse where the front and where the back of clothes are, choose clothes with pockets or appliqués on the front, so it will be easier for the child to navigate.

How to fasten buttons

Children's clothing comes not only with Velcro, zippers, but also buttons. Learning how to fasten buttons can be turned into a fun game. Sew several large buttons onto a piece of fabric, and make a loop in another piece of cloth. Kids enjoy playing and at the same time practicing a useful skill. By the way, to develop fine motor skills, use everything you have at hand: sew buttons and Velcro on soft and some household items. So, the ears of a hare can be made to press against the head - fasten them with buttons, and the curtains in the nursery can be fastened with Velcro at night.

How to put on boots

At first, it is better to avoid shoes with laces and sandals with clasps. The baby will not be able to unlace the shoe himself before putting it on, and then lace it up. Buy shoes with zippers or Velcro so that they open well and the foot can easily fit inside. You'll see, unfastening and fastening zippers and Velcro will become your baby's favorite game, which means he will put on shoes without whims and with pleasure.

How to put on panties

Explain to your child that it is more comfortable to put on pants while sitting on the bed with your legs stretched out in front of you, and you can stand up after your feet appear from under your pants. Don't forget to praise your child even for his small successes.

How to wear a T-shirt

To learn how to handle a sweater or T-shirt, things must be loose, with a minimum number of buttons. It is important that the neck is free and the clothes pass freely over the head. Otherwise, not only will he not be able to cope with the uncomfortable thing, but he will also begin to get angry, and then completely refuse to get dressed.

Try to calmly and without irritation explain to your child that you need to get into the neck of the sweater with the top of your head, and not with your face, which could get stuck in the neck. You will have to repeat this not just once, but many, many times, have patience.

Perhaps in order to teach your child to dress himself, you will have to reconsider his wardrobe. It is possible that some things need to be abandoned for a while. And before buying new clothes, mentally imagine whether you can put on new clothes yourself.

What to do if, at four years old, a child still does not know how to dress himself? Teach: show how to distinguish the wrong side of clothes from the front, the front from the back, how best to hold things to make them easier to put on, etc.

At three or four years old, children, one way or another, already know how to dress themselves, but may refuse to do it on their own. Most likely, the reason lies precisely in the fact that they were not allowed to dress themselves when they really wanted to. Now you will have to show greater persistence and spend much more time to ensure that the child finally begins to dress himself. It is best to adhere to a policy of “gentle inflexibility”: do not scold or shame the child, recognize his successes, help him in really difficult cases, but in no case do his “work” for him.

By the way, many stubborn little ones react very much to “weakness.” Often it is enough to say: “Yes, of course, you definitely can’t cope with this T-shirt - it’s a complicated, adult matter!” But keep in mind that this method can only be used if the child already knows how to dress well, but does not want to do it. And don't forget to provide emotional support and praise for dressing up.

Don’t lose sight of another reason for refusing to dress yourself. Perhaps the child just doesn’t like his clothes? She may be uncomfortable for him. Look carefully, is it easy for your child to put on the clothes you offer him? Are there rough seams on the reverse side, labels that rub the skin, tight elastic bands and scratchy collars? Some people have increased tactile sensitivity: a sweater, which, in your opinion, is very elegant and warm, for them can be unbearably prickly - and this is not a whim at all! Finally, even preschool children often have their own specific tastes and preferences in clothing; this should not be neglected.

Main points:

1.Place home clothes in a place accessible to the child. At first, the baby will simply pull it out, wrap it up, and hide in a pile of things. But by about one and a half years, he, following the example of his parents, will begin to put on hats and socks. And then other clothes.

2. If you try to put on something yourself (even if not very successfully), fight your own impatience. Don't help him until he asks.

3. Often the first things a baby puts on are daddy’s T-shirt or mommy’s socks. These things are, firstly, easier to put on, and secondly, more interesting. And thirdly, they satisfy their need to be like their parents. Therefore, do not prohibit such experiments; you probably have clothes that can be donated for games.

4. Buy comfortable things for your child - shoes with Velcro, sweaters with a wide collar and without fasteners, loose socks and panties.

5. Come up with clever ways to get dressed, and get the child interested in them. Here's an interesting way to put on a jacket.

In the book I found advice that allowed my three-year-old son to learn how to put on jackets, sweaters, and shirts in a few minutes.

Place the children's jacket on a flat surface (sofa, stool, floor), straighten the sleeves; The unzipped zipper should be on top. Place your child's face toward the collar or hood of the jacket. The clothes lie as if “upside down” in relation to the child.

Ask your baby to lean towards the jacket and put his hands through the sleeves. While in this position, grab the bottom edge of the jacket and quickly throw it over your baby's head. This kind of help is only needed at the beginning. then he will “dive” under the edge of the jacket while simultaneously pulling on the sleeves.

6. If you dress yourself, do not criticize him and, if possible, do not change his clothes (even if all things are put on backwards and inside out). On the contrary, be sure to praise the baby. For an older child, put marks on clothes and shoes so that there are fewer mistakes.

7.Begin dressing exercises before the age of two in order to use the “I myself” period.

8. Do not forget that play, intellectual activity and learning new skills are inextricably linked processes. Make sure that your baby has suitable clothes that will help him quickly master the art of dressing. First of all, these are, of course, dolls with their doll clothes. In addition, various kinds of developmental aids are very useful - lacing and everything that can be fastened and unfastened (fabric panels, rag books, soft ones with pockets and flaps, on which buttons, zippers, Velcro, ties are sewn). But if you don’t want to play with such a toy, don’t worry. Just develop his fine motor skills in other ways. And the time will come when, without any training, you will learn to fasten buttons and connect the halves of a zipper.

9.When you dress your child yourself, try to attract his attention to the process. Speak out all your actions, ask to hold something or perform a simple action yourself.

10. Even if it seems to you that he already knows how to dress himself, do not deprive him of support and attention. Prompt what to wear (for many children this is a difficult task), lay out clothes in order. You can dress at the same time as your child, offering him competition.

11. Plan your time in such a way that you can feel calm while mastering the complex science of dressing with your baby. It is better to get up half an hour earlier in the morning than to deprive your child of the opportunity to learn new skills on time.

12. Invite him to take off clothes that are really easy to take off.

13. You can hang a poster in the nursery depicting different wardrobe items in the order in which they need to be worn. It will be very good if you make this poster together with your child: find suitable pictures in magazines (at the same time this will be a good memory and attention training for the child - after all, there are so many new names to remember), cut them out and paste them on a piece of whatman paper.

How to teach a child to dress independently?

Teaching a child

dress yourself.

As soon as you notice a desire for independence in your child, it’s time to learn how to dress and put on shoes. Learning to dress yourself is a very difficult skill for a child to learn, as it involves fine motor skills. The best age for training is 2-3 years. It is this period that child psychologists call “I myself!” At this age, children absorb everything like a sponge. The best example of independence is you, the parents. The child will be happy to repeat everything after you. But the baby will not learn everything right away, because each child is individual, his development depends not only on temperament, but also on the educational strategy of adults, so be patient and be prepared for gradualness.

Why rush or do it yourself later - this is the wrong approach! After all, the skill of dressing not only saves parents time, but gives something else.

Motor Skills – Child stands on one leg to put on a pant leg.

Improves understanding of space and time - the child learns how to dress for a certain occasion and weather conditions.

In addition, getting dressed teaches the child to see the difference between dirty and clean clothes. But the most important thing is that the skill of dressing yourself takes the additional burden off the parents’ shoulders.

Develops fine motor skills of the hands.

A child puffing and pulling on tights or putting on gloves with concentration evokes tenderness and delight in adults.

How convenient it is for a mother to get ready for a walk with a child who can dress himself! This process is especially tiring in winter, when there are too many clothes. But even in the warm season, you have to put on and take off your clothes several times a day - after sleep, for a walk, before bed, etc.

When you have started the learning process, you cannot require your child to dress independently - this is the worst way to learn.

Here are some tips for learning this skill:

  • Patience and calmness of parents.
  • Good mood of the child.
  • Calm atmosphere - no rush or nerves.
  • The parents' friendly tone - no orders.
  • No threats!!! You cannot suppress a child’s initiative.
  • Never criticize or laugh if your child is not dressed properly.
  • Turn dressing into a game. Tell your child what order to put on clothes.

Very often, the design of clothing itself hinders the rapid development of the skill of dressing independently.

*When buying socks, pay attention to the elastic band; it should not be tight.

*Buy clothes with a minimum of fasteners, buttons, and laces. *Exclude turtlenecks or sweaters with a narrow neck. The most comfortable sweaters with buttons on the shoulder.

*Choose items with appliques to differentiate between front and back.

*Buy pants and skirts with elastic.

*Consider purchasing a size larger.

Rules for dressing yourself:

  1. First, introduce the baby to clothes.Explore items of clothing with your baby, show them and name them out loud. Introduce your child to the back and back, front and back sides of clothing, tell them what a sleeve and collar are.
  2. Think over your baby's wardrobe. Clothing should be loose and easy to stretch.It is better to remove everything that is “too small” and “tight”. The child will not yet be able to put on tight tights, but he can easily cope with “old-fashioned” ones with an elastic band. Shaggy threads on the wrong side of tights will bring a lot of trouble to the baby - their fingers get tangled in them. It is better to buy socks one size larger and with a not very tight elastic band. Plus, save your child the trouble of struggling with tricky clasps. For the first time, clothes and shoes without fasteners or with Velcro are optimal; gradually you can add large zippers and buttons. But the laces and buttons will have to wait a couple of years.
  3. When dressing your baby, voice out the sequence of actions:“Now let’s put on panties, then socks, then panties,” etc. For many children, remembering the order in which to put things on can be a challenge. You can hang a poster in the nursery depicting different items of clothing. It will be good if you draw this poster together with your child: cut out suitable pictures of clothes from children's magazines and paste them on a piece of Whatman paper in the order in which all items of clothing should be put on. This way the child will remember this order faster. In addition, so that the child does not confuse where the front and the back of clothes are, choose clothes with pockets or appliqués on the front, this will make it easier for the child to navigate.
  4. First, teach your child how to undress properly. Show how you take off your mittens, jacket, tights, etc. Tell the baby: “You can do this too, try it.” If the child is experiencing difficulties, help him, if necessary - practically remove his clothes, but let the “finishing touch” remain with the child. He must feel that he did it himself. Gradually increase the number of items of clothing that the baby himself will always take off. Don't forget to praise him for his successes.
  5. Children are happy to imitate the example of adults.Lay out his clothes next to your things and start dressing together or one by one, item by item. Announce a “competition” to see who can get dressed the fastest. At first, the baby will need help.
  6. Place household clothes within the child's reach.. At first, the baby will simply pull it out, sort through it, and hide in a pile of things. But by about one and a half years, he, following the example of his parents, will begin to put on hats and socks. And then other clothes.
  7. Often the first things a baby puts on areIt turns out to be dad's T-shirt or mom's socks.These things are, firstly, easier to put on, and secondly, more interesting. And thirdly, in them the child satisfies his need to be like his parents. Therefore, do not prohibit such experiments; you probably have clothes that can be donated for games.
  8. When you dress your child yourself, try to attract his attention to the process. Speak out all your actions, ask to hold something or perform a simple action yourself.
  9. Even if it seems to you that your child already knows how to dress himself, do not deprive him of support and attention.Prompt what to wear (for many children this is a difficult task), lay out clothes in order. You can dress at the same time as your child, offering him competition.
  10. Plan your time this way, so that you can feel calm while mastering the new science of dressing with your baby. It is better to get up half an hour earlier in the morning than to deprive your child of the opportunity to learn new skills on time. Set a realistic time for getting dressed. If your child needs 20 minutes to get dressed calmly, don’t try to force him to do it in 10.
  11. Invite your child to choose a blouse himself, lay out 2-3 to choose from.
  12. Do not help unless the child asks.
  13. Play with your child!

Here are the DRESS UP games:

"The engines are going into the tunnels"let the trouser legs become tunnels, and the baby’s legs become trains. Invite your little one to “drive trains into the tunnels.”

“Dress the doll (soft toy)”Tell your baby that the doll is coming to visit, but she needs to be dressed.

Girls, and boys too, enjoy playing"fashion show" or "photo shoot" This is an excellent opportunity to learn how to dress yourself.

“Dive!” Place the children's jacket on a flat surface (sofa, stool, floor), straighten the sleeves; The unzipped zipper should be on top. Place your child's face toward the collar or hood of the jacket. The clothes lie as if “upside down” in relation to the child. Ask your baby to lean towards the jacket and put his hands through the sleeves. While the baby is in this position, grab the bottom edge of the jacket and quickly throw it over the baby's head. Such help is needed only at the beginning, then the child himself will “dive” under the edge of the jacket, while simultaneously pulling on the sleeves.

Poems - DRESS UP

I know how to dress myself (O. Ivanova)

The sun came out

In the morning to our window.

The sun tickled

Seryozhka’s cheek:

It's time to rise

It's time to get dressed!

He already knows how to

Get dressed in the morning.

And socks and panties

The boy puts it on himself.

Here's the shirt I'm wearing.

Well, Seryozha, well done!

Began to pull on tights -

You managed it yourself, kid.

Blue pants

The boy put it on instantly,

Shoes with feet

Seryozhka buttoned it up.

Well, and you, my friend,

Do you want to dress yourself?

I CAN DRESS MYSELF... (V. Zaitsev)

I'm already four years old.

I can dress myself.

If the weather is warm -

I run into the yard without a coat.

If the wind blows hard,

If it's muddy or rainy,

I won't go to kindergarten

Without a coat and without galoshes.

I'm used to my shoes

Brush every day.

All the dust from the suit

I'm not too lazy to shake it out.

When dressing your baby for a walk, say:

We'll put on our boots

On little feet

We'll put on a jacket

To our little one.

We'll put on a hat

Scarf for the neck.

And let's go outside

Where the sun shines.

Dressing for a walk:

We put on our pants - one, two, three!

We put on a jacket - one, two, three!

Let's fasten the buttons - one, two, three!

And now boots - one, two, three!

... (etc. whatever you put on)

We're ready - look!

Now let's go for a walk.

Let's play with the kids.

But so that my Nastenka

Never frozen

We'll put on a hat

To hide your ears

On top of Nastya's head.

And a warm scarf on your neck,

Very soft and big.

Well, now the overalls

Nastenkin's beloved.

You will become like a gnome

My little flower, darling!

I'll put you in a stroller

I'll tell you an interesting tale.

And one more cute poem:

Aunt Agashka,

Sew me a shirt!

We need to dress up -

Let's go for a ride!


The mother asked her son:

Lace up your shoe:

One-two - to the right,

One-two - left!

He doesn't want to lace up, -

Mitya thought about making excuses.

And to prove it,

I started knitting knots:

One-two - on the right,

One-two - left.

Here! Nodules get in the way

I have to pull the strings!

Vova the Confused

Where's your shirt?

Maybe gray cats

Did they take her into the bushes?

Maybe the hare came?

Maybe the hedgehog took it away?

Maybe a teddy bear

Did you want to wear it?

I started trying on the shirt -

He took it and put it under the bed.

Vova the Confused

Here's your shirt!

Blue mittens


Blue mittens.

Mom sewed, embroidered,

Where with difficulty

Where is it easy?

I sewed it with a strong thread

Nastenka's name.


Personalized mittens.

Duel with a lace

My brother is getting attached to me

His lace doesn't tie.

I tie the lace on my shoe,

I tie and show, show and tell.

I'll tell you how I tie it up.

I tie and untie

I untie and tie...

And I didn’t learn right away

Tie and untie...


I don't lace my shoes,

And I train the laces,

So that they don’t get out of your hands,

They didn't bully me,

And they tied it up deftly,

As their training tells them,

Would you like to hold the shoe?

Firmly and firmly.

Like this!

M. Plastov

How to fasten buttons

Children's clothing comes not only with Velcro, zippers, but also buttons. Learning how to fasten buttons can be turned into a fun game. Sew several large buttons onto a piece of fabric, and make a loop in another rag. Kids enjoy playing and at the same time practicing a useful skill. By the way, to develop fine motor skills, use everything you have at hand: sew buttons and Velcro on soft toys and some household items. So, the ears of a hare can be made to press against the head - fasten them with buttons, and the curtains in the nursery can be fastened with Velcro at night.

How to put on shoes

Buy shoes with zippers or Velcro so that they open well and the foot can easily fit inside. You'll see, unfastening and fastening zippers and Velcro will become your baby's favorite game, which means he will put on shoes without whims and with pleasure.

How to put on panties

Explain to your child that it is more convenient to put on pants while sitting on the bed with your legs stretched out in front of you, and you can stand up after your feet appear from under your pants. Don't forget to praise your child even for his small successes.

How to wear a T-shirt

In order for a child to learn to cope with a sweater or T-shirt, things must be loose, with a minimum number of buttons. It is important that the neck is free and passes freely through the head. Otherwise, the child will not only not be able to cope with the uncomfortable thing, but will also begin to get angry, and then completely refuse to get dressed.

Demonstrate how to put on pants correctly - sitting on the bed or floor, standing up only when your leg comes out of your pants.

When putting on socks, the difficulty is that the child spreads his fingers and is unable to pull the sock all the way. Show how to hold your fingers. Very often, children like to pull on their father’s or mother’s socks, this way they satisfy their need to be like their parent. Don't forbid him, let him experiment.

When putting on a sweater, explain that you need to get into the neckline not with your face, but with the top of your head. If you know that the neck of the sweater is a bit narrow, stretch it with your hands, before giving it to the child, show that the space is large and the head will fit through there. Otherwise, the child will become convinced that putting on some things is very difficult.

Teach how to gather your fingers into a fist when putting on jackets and sweaters.

How to teach a child to put on shoes?

If you don’t want to make your child disgusted by the process of putting on shoes, buy shoes half a size larger.

Before putting on, unfasten and open the shoes as much as possible so that your feet can easily fit inside.

Place the shoes side by side: the left one is on the left, the right one is on the right - this means “the shoes are friends,” and if you put them on the wrong foot, then “they quarreled.” Show what it looks like when they “quarreled” and point their noses in different directions.

What to do if your baby doesn’t want to learn to dress?

By the age of 3, a child outgrows the desire to dress independently. You will have to be patient and spend more time getting ready.

Does he want to go for a walk or visit? Of course, but if he dresses himself. But there is no need to immediately issue an ultimatum. At first, be content with small victories: let him put on socks, panties, or even just a hat. Unobtrusively increase the percentage of his independent actions.

Give the right to choose clothes. But offer no more than two items of each type, this will make it easier for the child to decide.

Turn dressing into a game: let the hat be the crown, felt boots be the boots, and the zipper be the elevator car. It's time to show your imagination to the maximum!

Do not insist on dressing yourself when the child has not had enough sleep, is tired or is sick. Hearing: “I myself!” do not extinguish your initiative, help only when you are asked to do so. Praise for your successes and everything will work out for you.

One-year-old babies, having learned to walk, begin to imitate adults - for example, they try to dress themselves, putting tights on their heads or mittens on their feet.

All this looks very funny, but as soon as you try to teach your child how to dress correctly, you encounter many difficulties.

It turns out that it is difficult for the baby to remember the sequence, left and right, and naughty fingers cannot fasten the buttons.

How to teach a child to dress independently? There are proven methods and tips for parents.

Why and when to teach independence

Some parents begin to teach their child something just because “that’s the right thing to do at this age.” It doesn’t even matter where this information comes from.

  • However, if you teach a new skill too early, the child will have a hard time mastering it, he will experience discomfort, and you will be nervous and worried;
  • If you delay in mastering the skill, the child will simply get used to the fact that they are already doing it for him - why learn it on his own? And he will be stubborn on purpose, even pretending that it’s not working out.

Therefore, each skill has its time, but it is worth taking into account the child’s character and his individual characteristics. After all, the approach then should be different even towards two brothers or sisters.

Know! Dressing or other independent activities teach the child to be independent. After all, how we rejoice and praise the baby when he succeeds in something!

Such children believe in themselves, it is easier for them to learn new things, and then this confidence and independence transfers into adulthood.

We want our children to be successful and happy people, right?

Of course, we want, and therefore must, sometimes give them freedom of action without doing everything for them.

The task of parents is to understand how to teach their child to dress without scolding or criticizing, helping only when necessary, but gently and unobtrusively.

Therefore, start learning at any convenient moment, when you are not in a hurry.

  1. Be patient - it’s always difficult to learn new things, remember yourself, the last time you learned something and it didn’t work out for a long time;
  2. Even an adult doesn’t understand everything the first time, so don’t ask too much of a child.

At what age will learning be effective? At 2-3 years old.

Usually, before kindergarten, parents strive to give their child the skills necessary for self-care. Start by wearing simple clothes when you see that the child himself shows interest in this.

This could be at 1.5 years old.

He’s trying to get dressed - don’t interfere, you can sometimes give small hints, but help only if he asks.

Important! Let him put on a T-shirt inside out or boots on different feet for the first time - don’t criticize. The main thing is that I did it myself! Next time, pay attention not only to how to put it on, but also how to do it correctly.

Ways to teach a two-year-old

How to teach how to dress independently, so as not to hurt the delicate child’s psyche and not make oneself nervous?

Sometimes we perceive some events related to children too harshly. Therefore, the first piece of advice is to be prepared for the fact that not everything will work out the first time. And don’t torture yourself and your baby “until the end” - it didn’t work out now, we’ll try tomorrow.

Enjoy communicating with your child, turn learning into a game that you both will enjoy, and not into hard, exhausting work.

How to teach a child to dress at 2 years old:

  • Definitely: through the game;

Take a doll or soft toy, show how you put a blouse, socks, and panties on it. Explain each step in detail and slowly.

And then let the baby take off everything and try to put clothes on the toy himself. Don’t snatch it from his hands, don’t say that he can’t do anything. Use neutral or positive expressions: “Almost there,” “let’s try again,” “you’ll succeed.”

  • The child will quickly master simple things like socks. Organize an “action” to put socks on all family members - first the child will put socks on himself, then on mom, dad, grandma, and toys. And then you can remove them from everyone and repeat!
  • Use special rhymes and songs for dressing: by memorizing them, the child will no longer forget which side of the clothes is, left and right, sequence and other nuances;
  • At 2 years old, don't ask for too much.

It is unlikely that at this age a child will be able to put on a jacket or fasten buttons himself. But he can put on panties and panties. There is no need to leave him without help; agree right away what he will wear and what you will help him with.

How to teach a three year old

A child, at any age, must be praised for his successes, for every new skill and manifestation of independence.

How to teach a 3-year-old child to dress:

  1. With the help of cunning;

This is the age of stubbornness when they want to do the opposite in order to show their importance.

Take advantage of this. Say something you obviously don’t want from your child. For example, tell him not to dress himself under any circumstances. And leave the room for a while.

  1. Negotiate;
  • As with an adult: you dress yourself, and I dress everyone has their own, you should know better what you can offer your children in return;
  • Or it could simply be a division of responsibilities. Tell us what you are doing and what the baby is doing. Ask if he agrees, if he thinks this is fair.
  1. Start getting ready early, taking into account the fact that children do everything more slowly. Yes, it will take longer for your baby to get dressed on his own, so give him the task of getting dressed about half an hour before going out, and at the same time, control the process;
  1. By my own example. Show how you put on trousers, a jacket, how you determine where the front and back sides are. You may need to do this several times;
  1. If your child has already learned to dress himself, but is doing it slowly, have a competition with him or set a timer for 10 minutes. And always be sure to say that this time he did it a little faster.

Important rules for mom

Think back to when you were taught something.

  • It is unpleasant to be treated as a slow and stupid creature who is incapable of anything;
  • It's a shame when you try and get scolded;
  • It’s even more offensive when it works, but they don’t praise it!

Try not to make such mistakes.

Also understand this thing: it’s not enough to teach, you also need to monitor the implementation every time:

  1. They told him to get dressed - watch how the child does this in order to see possible mistakes, suggest, and help if necessary;

There are sweaters with a tight neck, pants that you can’t tell where the front is. The baby cannot cope with these tasks on his own; he will only get upset.

  1. Come up with different dress-up games without limiting yourself to just one.

For example, organize a “fashion show” with photography. Or "masquerade".

Take a video of a child in one outfit and pause it. Let the baby change clothes and stand in the same place in the same position. Turn on the camera again. If you do this several times, you will have a video where the child “magically” ends up in different outfits.

Let your child be not only loved, but also confident! Do things together with joy and love.

Set yourself up to be pleasantly surprised by successes and not attach importance to failures. Adjust your state of mind first and don’t expect too much. A calm parent means a calm baby!

How to deal with the wisdom of dressing so that children do not interfere with the actions of their parents, or even learn to dress on their own?

Sometimes the process of getting dressed turns into a real battle. The child is spinning, twisting, acting up, trying to sneak away. How can you learn to get along with this process?

The child does not want to get dressed: what is the reason?

The process of getting dressed seems quite boring and tiring to the child. Small children are constantly in motion - bending, twisting, refusing to follow directions. Their interest quickly switches, they want to move and learn new things.

It’s easier to do this with little ones - put a bright toy next to it, and then hand it to the baby. A bright object will attract your baby's attention while you change the diaper. You can talk, sing, make unusual sounds, keeping your baby's attention.

Try not to make a problem out of the topic of getting dressed. As a child grows, his progress periodically gives way to regression. Support your child's desire to act and remember that by the age of 5-6 he will be able to cope on his own.

How to teach a child to dress: solution

The older a child gets, the more he can take on during the dressing process. Learning to undress is easier for a child than to get dressed. Therefore, it is worth trying to master this skill first.

The most difficult thing is to learn how to fasten buttons, zippers, and fasteners. It's better to train when you have enough time. Pay attention to individual operations, show how to beat the buttons, and the child will begin to dress himself with pleasure.

You will be surprised when a child who dresses independently suddenly begins to hesitate, hang around and refuse: “I don’t want to,” “Mommy, dress me.” This happens when an interesting activity suddenly turns into routine, becomes tedious and boring. You can force it - and turn the game into an obligation.

Or you can meet halfway. If he's tired, cranky, or just wants you to take care of him. “Okay, let's play little. I’ll dress you and tell you how to do it right.” Or distribute tasks. Take the most difficult thing for yourself - a shirt and buttons, and ask your child to “beat” the shoes. Remember - the game returns interest and desire to act.

And a few more clever finds for parents:

  • Teach your child that there is a clear dressing algorithm. Draw a sequence with your child and teach him to refer to this drawing while getting dressed.
  • Encourage your child to independently choose things for today's walk (from those that you consider appropriate). This will interest him.
  • Buy things that are easy to put on.
  • Turn the process into a game: “Now let’s dive into the sweater, close your eyes and hold your breath...”
  • Turn the process into a competition: “Hurry, we need to get dressed faster than dad!” Hurry, he's already buttoning his shirt...", "Can we get dressed while dad counts to 10?"
  • Use a “bridge to the future” (forecasting, pointing to a “bright future”) as a method of persuasion: “We need to get dressed quickly to go to the park/slide/toy store.”
  • To bypass the child’s resistance, use the “choice-without-choice” technique: “What will you put on first - socks or a shirt?”, “Do you want to dress standing or lying down?”

It's never too late to learn, even for adults. And kids have to learn something new every day. This also applies to clothing. How to teach a child to dress independently? Be sure to have a good attitude, constant praise and great patience.

Many parents, trying to keep up with the modern rhythm of life, make mistakes. Let's look at the most common ones.

“You are already 7 years old, and you don’t know how to dress!”

When to start? The first steps can be taken after a year. The baby confidently stands on his feet and sometimes even manages to take off his panties. So let's try. First we show him how to do it. Be sure to pronounce every movement. Why do we need panties? So that your sweet ass doesn't freeze! Gradually, the child’s interest will awaken, around 2-3 years.

It is important not to miss this moment. At this age, the offspring literally splashes with independence, he wants to try everything and do everything with his own hands. Turn his desire for good.

If your baby is over 4 years old, and he does not know how to dress himself, then this is a stone in your garden, not his. You didn’t teach your child, it’s not his fault. But all is not lost. And even at 7 years old you can calmly teach your child.

Don't start right away with complicated clasps or long laces. Let there be buttons, Velcro, and zippers first. And only then can you move on to heavier ones.

Advice. Do not discourage your child from trying to dress himself. If you are in a hurry, then just promise that next time he will do it. And be sure to keep your promise!

“Well, look, you’re dressing wrong!”

Forget this phrase forever. If a child shows interest, you need to properly encourage him. Naturally, he will make mistakes at first. But instead of indignation, you can praise? For example, I put my hat on backwards. Ay, what a great guy! Now let’s fix it and it will be beautiful! And quickly turn it over.

Do not laugh. Or explain your laughter not by the crooked tights, but by the joy that the baby managed to pull them on.

Talk. Say your every move out loud. Example: putting on a jacket. Fingers get stuck in the sleeve. You say that one by one they are confused. And when they are in a fist, everyone will find a way out together.

Wear comfortable, loose clothing for testing. Your child will get used to wearing a T-shirt and shorts faster than wearing a winter suit.

Let your child first learn to dress while sitting. It's much easier. And only then standing. By the way, a sitting child is not in danger of falling on the floor, getting tangled in his trousers or turtleneck.

It happens that a child wants to dress himself. But he doesn't succeed. He grunts, gets confused, starts to get angry, then loses interest. It is very important not to let this matter take its course. Praise him in a timely manner, without moralizing, use the game to suggest the right decision. And be sure to reassure her by explaining that, as a child, you also didn’t know how to dress at first. Let him try again, everything will definitely work out.

Advice. Buy or make your child a busy board, a large mosaic, or a construction set. This is great for developing fine motor skills. The well-known game with fingers “magpie” is intended precisely for this.

“Why are you still mixing up your shoes?”

Because parents still have not explained to their child the basic technique of how to distinguish between shoes. We put the sandals next to each other. Did you get a butterfly? That means it's wrong. Does the figurine look a little like a beautiful winged insect? So let’s put on our shoes with confidence. Everything is simple and without tears.

Advice. First, the child must know what the notorious butterfly looks like!

“Well, don’t you understand, everything is simple here!”

It's easy for you. And for a small child, even a simple button causes difficulty. And it’s impossible to understand where the front or back is without a hint.

Make things easier for your baby. Start with Velcro or snaps, and only then move on to buttons and laces. You can simply give the child a blouse and ask him to unbutton and button it. And then do it on yourself.

Choose clothes that clearly distinguish the back, front, back and face. And explain to your child why he needs to dress this way. Example. The back seams are ugly, we will hide them inside. Look how cute the picture is. Let's turn her on her belly so everyone can see her.

Sometimes you need to leave your child alone. Let him tinker with his socks or sweater. As a rule, the help of parents is more favorably accepted by the little person when it is really needed. He will quickly get tired of getting tangled in his pants or sleeves, so this will be a reason to offer his help.

After all, it is not at all necessary to start learning how to dress just before leaving the house. On a regular weekend or in the evening, we play “who can get dressed faster?” with the children. This is for boys. "Fashion model" for girls. And now we calmly teach the child to dress himself correctly.

  1. Sew buttons, laces, and Velcro onto soft toys. Show how it works. Example. The bunny's ears can be attached, and the dog's ears can be tied to a string.
  2. Consistency helps a lot. You can diagrammatically depict the types of clothing on a piece of paper and use arrows to show what goes for what. If such a pattern is not interesting to your offspring, then try folding the clothes in the reverse order. That is, underwear on top, and trousers or a dress below. Then the baby won't have to sort it out. I took it from above and put it on without any tangles.
  3. The learning process will go much faster if the child has already learned to undress. After all, taking off your clothes is incomparably easier, and at the same time you can get to know them better. By the way, immediately teach your child to fold clothes and not throw them all over the room. Of course, at first he will simply crumple it on the chair. But no longer in the corners - this is an event. Over time, he will learn to use hangers.
  4. If your child is tired or sulky, postpone lessons until later. Clothes won't go anywhere, but a good mood will easily run away.
  5. Show yourself how to dress correctly as often as possible. Only if you have an original method of jumping into a T-shirt through your heels in your arsenal, do not rush to show it to your child. He is still confused in the classical methods, why fill his head with unnecessary knowledge. When he gets completely comfortable and dresses automatically like an adult, then teach him your tricks.
  6. If the baby doesn’t succeed, then do everything in half. You wear one pant leg, he the other. You have the neck of the sweater, he has the sleeves. Even when there is confusion, praise and rejoice.
  7. Let him help you with everything. Then, when dressing, you can resort to tricks: mom is so tired, she really needs your help. Let you try to dress yourself, and mommy will sit and watch.
  1. It takes at least 40-50 minutes for the baby to dress himself. Summer doesn't count.
  2. Your child will wake up earlier, but are you ready to lose an hour of sleep?

Another tip. Allegedly, the offspring gets dressed many times faster if the mother is already dressed and getting ready to leave. It's even better when she's already out the door and waiting outside.

  1. This method can work when a child knows how to dress, but doesn’t want to.
  2. Be prepared, when you return to the house, to find your son undressed and crying.

Motivate with sweets. For each correctly worn item of clothing - a piece of candy.

  1. For overalls - obesity, for tights - caries, for boots - diabetes.
  2. When sweets are always at hand, this is not a motive. The praise of parents and their sincere delight is the real motivation.
  3. Toys are also not an option. Are you ready to buy a new toy for every sock?

Train constantly, persistently and persistently.

  1. What kind of persistence? A child, out of a spirit of contradiction, will put both legs in one pant leg to spite you. And then feign insulted innocence. All you need to do with these little actors is patience!
  2. Constantly, it’s not three hours without a break. This is only at the request of the child. Or interest him, then the desire will not keep you waiting.

If the child is capricious, then offer him a choice of several options for clothing sets. Let him choose the one he likes best.

  1. The method is good if you have these several sets.
  2. Provide two, maximum three. Otherwise, your child will spend three hours choosing, and in the end he will refuse everyone.

How to teach a child to dress independently? Personal example, help and again patience. He will definitely learn, just give him the right advice and motivate him.

Video: how to teach a child to dress independently

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