Infected cracked heel. Cracked heels - causes and treatment. Flaxseed and potatoes

Many people are worried about the appearance of cracks on the heels of their feet. This causes a lot of inconvenience when walking. Cracks become a source of pain, a focus of infection. More often the violation occurs in the summer. Because of the appearance, it becomes uncomfortable to wear open shoes.

Every year more and more people are exposed to inconvenience. To choose the right treatment, let's try to understand the causes of cracked heels.

The causes of cracked heels vary. There are three main groups:

  • Environmental impact and mechanical damage.
  • A fungus that affects the epithelium of the skin of the legs.
  • Various diseases of internal organs.

Environmental impact and mechanical damage

The main enemy of heel skin health is shoes. Uncomfortable, tight shoes disrupt the blood supply to the legs. After a week of walking in uncomfortable shoes or boots, the skin epithelium will begin to break down. Peeling first appears, then small cracks, gradually increasing, bringing inconvenience.

A common cause is considered to be natural damage that often occurs in the summer. Walking barefoot damages the skin of the feet, causing cracks. Walking barefoot is good for the body, but after such walks it is required to properly care for the skin of the feet, preventing the appearance of cracks.

Often the reason lies in hygiene. There are two extremes. Too rare heel skin care, and vice versa, too frequent. If you often use a sponge, pumice and scrubs, various cleansers, the skin becomes too thin, does not have time to recover. If foot hygiene is not observed, the skin, on the contrary, becomes rough, cracks form.

Fungus that affects the epithelium of the skin of the legs

Perhaps the most unpleasant cause of cracks. Often a person does not know about the infection for a long time. The fungus develops slowly, manages to hit most of the foot. When the symptoms become noticeable, the sick person begins treatment. It is possible to cure the fungus, but not always. You will need another treatment. It is not recommended to treat the fungus with folk recipes. The use of antimicrobial agents is allowed only after the approval of the doctor.

It's easy to get a fungus. Pools, pedicure salons often become hotbeds of infection, shoe stores are a common cause. Be aware of the danger of a fungal infection, try to prevent infection in advance.

Diseases of the internal organs

An unpleasant cause of cracks in the skin of the heels is a disease of the internal organs. There are few sources, but sometimes it is extremely difficult to find the root cause. Sometimes you have to go through examinations for a long period of time. Diseases include:

Possible treatments

The cause determines the nature of the treatment. If the cause is a disease of the internal organs, self-medication is life-threatening. The best solution would be to consult a dermatologist.

If there is complete confidence that the cause of the cracks is mechanical, it is permissible to apply treatment with folk remedies and therapeutic ointments. The two methods can be combined. You do not need to apply a prescription from traditional medicine and immediately use a healing ointment bought at a pharmacy. Observe the measure.

Recipe based on grease

After a hard day in the evening, it is shown to wash your feet in warm water using tar soap. Tar soap relieves inflammation and fatigue, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Then wipe dry with a towel. Rub grease into the injured foot. If there are deep cracks on the heels, rub with extreme caution.

Then the legs need to be wrapped in polyethylene, wearing warm socks on top, the best option is woolen. Do not remove the compress until morning. In the morning, wipe your feet with a damp cloth. If you follow the sequence correctly, the effect will appear quickly.

Healing ointment consisting of honey and butter

Folk remedies for the skin of the legs are popular. Butter-based recipes are often used. The oil has a healing texture. It has excellent softening and healing properties.

For a folk remedy recipe, you need to mix butter and honey. Smear the composition of the feet daily, for a week. The effect will be amazing. The oil will soften the rough skin of the legs, the honey will relieve inflammation.

It is impossible to smear more than a week. The skin of the legs on the feet can become very moist, the treatment will be in vain.

Oil prepared according to a folk recipe

In purchased creams and ointments, petroleum jelly is used as a base. Vaseline has emollient and antibacterial properties. Quickly helps to cope with cracks in the soles of the feet, the substance is used to prepare emollient oils. An emollient oil is beneficial for all skin types. It is better to make your own oil. Pharmacy vaseline oil contains alcohol, which causes an allergic reaction.

At home, they prepare medicated oil, smear the coarsened places with the composition. You will need to shift the petroleum jelly, a spoonful of olive oil and half a teaspoon of vinegar. Be gentle with the vinegar to avoid burns. A folk remedy is useful only with proper preparation.

The resulting oil should be smeared on the feet for five days. After applying to the skin of the legs, stick a bacteriological patch. Unused oil should not be stored. The tool is no longer useful. The recipe helps a lot. It is permissible to use monthly, for the purpose of prevention.

Medical plaster as a folk remedy

Cracks in the heels of the feet are a common cause of inconvenience for women and men. Tight shoes make walking with cracked heels unbearable. To relieve pain, it is possible to use a special plaster. The specified folk remedy will be a suitable option. You will need to apply a special healing ointment to the patch.

Take a lemon, squeeze the juice. Mix with egg yolk and spread on the soles of the feet. Apply a plaster over the mass. With the help of the treatment method, you can go through the day in shoes with the least discomfort. In the evening, remove the plaster, wash your feet thoroughly. The skin on the legs will become soft, gradually the cracks will cease to bother.

What to do to prevent cracked feet

Prevention of cracked legs is always easier than cure.

If the fungus has become the cause, it is recommended to consult a doctor, cure the disease, and then use special creams and ointments. Treatment of the fungus is in particular demand among men - the stronger sex often has to wear closed shoes. What not to do is endure the pain.

Try to choose comfortable shoes that allow the skin of your feet to breathe. A lot depends on the right or wrong choice. If you have to walk in closed shoes for a long time, try using a healing patch. The method will help in the treatment, relieve fatigue.

After visiting the pool, sauna or bath, you need to use anti-fungal creams. Not all creams sold in pharmacies help. It is better to consult a doctor.

Proper foot care is an important reminder. Excessive care will harm the skin of the legs. Not all folk remedies are suitable, treatment is selected individually. Oil, ointment and cream must consist of natural ingredients.

Treatment with folk remedies without consulting a doctor is life-threatening. Deep cracks in the heels should not be allowed. This will become a source of infection.

If you properly monitor the skin of the legs, beautiful, well-groomed heels will please the appearance.

Cracked heels are a common problem that has a pronounced seasonal nature and is more often a concern for women. Due to the high frequency of occurrence and a vivid clinical picture abroad, cracked heels are isolated into an independent disease - Cracked heels. But at its core, cracked foot skin is an indicator of the state of the body and hygiene.

Clinical manifestations of cracked heels

  • cracking on the skin of the foot of various depths
  • itching, burning, pain and discomfort when walking and at rest
  • sometimes - unpleasant smell from the feet

The multiple causes of cracked heels often make diagnosis difficult, and patients receive only symptomatic treatment. As a result, manifestations that have subsided for a while make themselves felt with renewed vigor, the quality of life of the patient decreases sharply, and the risk of infectious complications increases. For effective treatment, it is important to eliminate all the causes that caused cracks in the heels, which one patient may have several.


Conditions that do not require treatment External aggravating factors Pathological conditions
  • Wrong shoes
  • Violation of hygiene
  • Excessive care - frequent peeling
  • exposure to sun, wind and cold, temperature fluctuations
  • chlorinated water
  • air pollution
  • dry air
  • work in hot shops, in hazardous production
  • smoking and alcohol abuse
  • using alkaline soap
  • household chemicals - after washing, the sock fabric, for example, absorbs a lot of chemical compounds from washing powders and air conditioners that adversely affect the skin
  • fasting, diets, a small amount of liquid, vitamins, nutrients entering the body
  • Obesity
  • Mycosis stop
  • Diabetes
  • Imbalance of the thyroid gland
  • Psoriasis
  • Dyshidrosis and exfoliative keratolysis
  • against the background of diets, starvation, indigestion, etc.
  • Helminthiasis (a)
  • Diseases of the nervous system
  • Hormonal disorders or changes (pregnancy, menopause, etc.)
  • Other diseases manifested by thinning of the skin, degradation of nerve fibers and decreased immunity

Survey algorithm

  • Examination of skin scrapings for fungal infection
  • Exclusion of endocrine pathologies - diabetes mellitus,
  • Determination of mass index and diagnosis of obesity
  • Exclusion of skin diseases - psoriasis, other pathologies

What do cracked heels look like?

Conditions that do not require treatment

  • Congenital skin features (dryness, sensitivity)

Congenital dry skin often causes inconvenience to its owner. It also causes cracks on the soles of the feet. The most effective way to combat this feature is the regular use of moisturizing foot creams. An indispensable component of such creams should be urea and silicone. It must be remembered that with a fungal infection, psoriasis and other diseases, many components of creams can aggravate skin lesions. Therefore, before using them, you should consult a doctor.

  • Incorrect footwear and poor hygiene

Incorrectly fitting shoes are the second most common cause of cracked heels. In the spring and summer, sandals, flip flops and shoes that are open from the heel are gaining popularity. As a result, the skin of the foot is exposed to the mechanical action of soil, stones, chemical agents, and is often injured. Microcracks eventually turn into infected lesions, causing severe pain. Swapping sandals for closed shoes and using socks made from natural fabrics can solve the problem of cracked heels.

  • Too active care

Overly active heel care can also contribute to the appearance of cracks in the foot, if the foot is peeled frequently, then between the procedures the skin simply does not have time to recover and coarsens even more actively, because. the body strives to catch up.

In cases where all external causes of damage to the skin of the feet are excluded, but the problem remains, it is necessary to contact your doctor and determine the underlying disease.

Action algorithm for deep cracks

With the development of cracks on the skin of the foot, to provide first aid to yourself, the following measures should be taken, which after 2 weeks will give an excellent result:

Pathological conditions


Obesity is gradually becoming the norm due to the steady increase in the number of obese people. Few patients associate foot problems with being overweight. Meanwhile, obesity affects almost all tissues and systems of the body. A large body weight is always a companion of hypertension and increased cholesterol levels. This triad disrupts the blood circulation and innervation of the hands and feet, the skin on them becomes thinner, deep cracks appear. Increased stress on the heels exacerbates damage to the feet. Obesity can be diagnosed independently, and treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Diagnosis of obesity

Such a formula will not be absolutely accurate for athletes, the elderly, children and pregnant women.

In 95 percent of cases, obesity is nutritional, resulting from regular overeating. So, you can get rid of the consequences of obesity by eliminating errors in the diet. And only in five percent of cases correction of a hormonal background is necessary. It must be remembered that cracked heels are not the only and not the most dangerous complication of excess weight.

Consequences of obesity

  • type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance
  • ischemic heart disease, hypertension
  • arthritis, arthrosis
  • hypoventilation syndrome
  • infertility
  • violation of tissue trophism, as a result - a decrease in sensitivity, damage to the skin, frequent microbial complications

The main principle of the treatment of obesity and its consequences is an integrated approach. Changing your lifestyle, keeping a food diary, and in severe cases - medical and surgical methods, will get rid of all the troubles, including on the skin of the feet.

Fungal infections of the feet

Often the treatment of cracked heels with moisturizing creams does not give the desired result, and similar symptoms appear in other family members. Most likely, in this case, the source of the problem is a yeast or mold. In itself, a fungal infection of the feet cannot cause cracked heels, but often they occur simultaneously.

Symptoms of athlete's foot:

  • primary lesion of the interdigital folds
  • frequent involvement in the process of the nail plates
  • skin roughness, thickening of the stratum corneum
  • sometimes - the addition of an allergic reaction
  • different intensity

Usually the disease begins with subtle peeling or painless cracks in the interdigital spaces. Despite the absence of a vivid clinical picture, the patient is contagious to other people. After some time, the fungus captures most of the foot, and the disease passes into one of its forms.

Forms of fungal infection of the feet:

  • Intertriginous is the most common form. Slight redness, peeling and cracking of the skin is characteristic.
  • Dyshidrotic - the formation of vesicles on the skin of the foot, erosion after opening them are often infected. Allergic rashes and recurrent nature are characteristic.
  • Squamous - the only sign -.
  • Squamous-hyperkeratic - against the background of peeling, calluses form, the skin of the foot acquires a purple hue.

The final diagnosis can only be established after microscopy of the scales of the affected skin. The fungus found there is identified and, depending on the type of mycosis and its form, treatment is prescribed.

With an isolated lesion of the skin of the foot, local antimycotics are used, if damage to the nails has joined, drugs of general action are additionally prescribed. In addition, it is necessary to change shoes or cover the old one with antifungal powder.


The problem of damage to the legs, and especially the feet, is acute for patients with type 2 diabetes. The cause is progressive neuropathy, the rate of which depends on the treatment of the disease. It is impossible to completely stop the process of trophic disorders, but it is quite possible to control the level of glucose in the blood and pay attention to the condition of the legs.

Principles for the prevention of diabetic feet:

  • Maintaining glucose levels close to normal. It is chronic hyperglycemia without proper correction that leads to damage to blood vessels and nerves. It is impossible to restore their function with the help of vascular preparations. Only taking well-chosen hypoglycemic medications or doses of insulin can significantly slow down the formation of neuro- and angiopathy of the legs.
  • Normalization of cholesterol levels (see). Cholesterol causes blockage of the small vessels of the foot, disrupting the already poor nutrition.
  • Wearing comfortable and sometimes orthopedic shoes.
  • Proper foot care:
    • all inflammatory processes on the legs of a diabetic should be treated with the help of a specialist (even minor abrasions and cracks)
    • daily washing and drying of the feet
    • bathing water temperature control. The sensitivity of the feet in diabetes is impaired, so it is easy to burn or overcool the feet.
    • to give up smoking
    • regular lubrication of the feet with urea cream

The variety of manifestations of this complex disease includes, among other things, damage to the feet with the formation of cracks on them. The causes of psoriasis have not yet been determined, an important role is played by hereditary predisposition, chronic infections and imbalances in the immune system (see).

Psoriasis can occur in normal and severe forms. Psoriasis of the palms and soles is classified as a mild, isolated form. Sometimes such symptoms occur with a generalized lesion. People who engage in heavy physical labor are prone to damage to the feet. They develop reddish plaques with white lamellar peeling on their feet, often combined with nail lesions. The plaques can become infected, forming deep fissures and causing pain. , the use of medicines (see), sanitation of foci of chronic inflammation (see).

Other diseases affecting the skin of the foot

In medical practice, there is a huge number of pathologies in which cracks on the heels directly or indirectly occur. All of them are amenable to drug treatment or control. Therefore, it is important to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective drugs. If there is discomfort in the foot area, cracks and erosions on the sole that do not disappear after using a moisturizer, it is necessary to undergo an examination.

Getting rid of painful cracked heels will allow you to gain freedom of movement. And movement is life!

There are a lot of reasons why women's heels crack. To choose an effective treatment, you need to consider them all and understand what led to cracks in the skin of the feet.

Cracked heel skin

Causes of cracked skin on the heels

  • Damage to the heels with a fungal infection (mycosis);
  • Causing injuries to the heels with rough and improper care;
  • The presence of dermatological diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema);
  • Diseases of internal organs (stomach, liver, gallbladder);
  • The presence of diabetes;
  • Hormonal changes (menopause);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • A small amount of fluid taken per day, beriberi, strict diets;
  • Wearing improperly selected, low-quality shoes;
  • The presence of extra pounds, obesity.

Fungal infection of the heels (mycosis)

Various fungal diseases are often the reason why women's heels crack. Experts identify the most common disease called mycosis.

Mycosis affects the skin of the feet, through microcracks and spreads throughout the human body, provoking diseases of the internal organs. The disease is transmitted from person to person through infected skin cells that are shed.

Doctors recommend regularly treating the feet with an antiseptic. The most effective antiseptics for skin treatment are ointments, most of which can be purchased at a pharmacy. Among them:

  • Betadine;
  • Dioxidine;
  • Miramistin;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Ichthyol ointment;
  • Levomekol;
  • Zinc ointment;
  • Resorcinol;
  • Boric ointment;
  • Salicylic ointment.

If the feet have already burst, you must contact the laboratory for PCR diagnostics. A dermatologist can help you understand the results of clinical trials. He will also prescribe a treatment plan.

Injury to the heels with rough and improper care

Why do women's heels crack? There can be several reasons, and one of them is improper care.

Foot injuries can be the result of injuries received with improper care. In addition to the cosmetic defect, such injuries are painful and are an easy way for infections to enter the body.

You can only treat the skin on the legs by steaming and disinfecting it. All instruments must be individually used and decontaminated after each procedure.

Rough rubbing with hard brushes and pumice stones will not make your heels smooth, but may leave abrasions on the leather. And various baths with chemical solutions are dangerous for burns and allergies.

Cosmetologists say that women who take care of the skin of their feet on their own often crack their heels due to mechanical damage to the epidermis, therefore pedicure is recommended to be done by the master in the salon, where sterility and safety are ensured, and the skills of a specialist allow you to remove keratinized skin without harming healthy cells.

The presence of dermatological diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema)

Another reason for the appearance of cracks in the feet is the presence of skin diseases such as eczema, dermatitis and the chronic stage of dermatitis - psoriasis. Their provocateurs are the presence of an allergen in the blood, malnutrition and stress.

Psoriasis is one of the causes of cracked heels.

The symptoms of these diseases are similar and are expressed in itching and the appearance of small papules, which eventually increase in size and merge into a single plaque. After exfoliating, skin blemishes remain.

The listed skin diseases are not transmitted to others, as they are provoked by the state of the body, but cannot be treated. With the right therapy, sustained remission can be achieved.

Diseases of internal organs (stomach, liver, gallbladder)

According to research results, any diseases of the stomach, liver and gallbladder in the chronic stage are the reason why women's heels crack.

With diseases of the internal organs, less vitamins and oxygen enter the blood from food, which adversely affects the condition of the skin and leads to its peeling and cracking.

At an advanced stage of the disease, cosmetic treatment of the skin of the legs will not give a positive result. To put the heels in order, for starters, you need to get rid of the bacteria that provoked the disease of the digestive system.

The presence of diabetes

Elevated blood sugar leads to drying and thinning of the skin.

Diabetes leads to dry and thin skin. The soles of the feet are the first to be affected.

The soles of the feet suffer the most from these manifestations. The skin of the feet is flaky, itchy, and in the absence of auxiliary treatment, it cracks. Through the cracks, the infection enters the bloodstream.

The body weakened by diabetes is not able to recognize and destroy pathogenic microbes. Therefore, the main thing is to exclude infection, for example, using a bactericidal patch.

Hormonal changes (menopause).

According to gynecologists, the onset of menopause entails a change in hormonal status and is the reason for:

  • why do women's heels crack?
  • why hair becomes dry and brittle;
  • why capillaries and small vessels break.

Hormonal imbalance adversely affects the walls of blood vessels, leading to their thinning and fragility. Because of this, the elasticity of the epidermis deteriorates, which leads to dryness of the skin, an increase in wrinkles and the appearance of cracks in the feet.

In this case, only therapy using hormonal agents will be effective.

hereditary predisposition

Just as diseases may not be acquired, but obtained with a set of genes, so the tendency to develop cracked heels can also be a hereditary predisposition.

In this case, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the shoes. It must be clean and dry. It must be disinfected at least once every 3 days.

With a hereditary predisposition to heel cracking, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the shoes and regularly disinfect

A small amount of fluid taken per day, beriberi, strict diets

Nutritionists are convinced that not only diseases harm the body, but also malnutrition can provoke many defects in appearance.

With a rigid diet, an insufficient amount of nutrients enters the body, vitamin deficiency occurs. The lack of vitamins of group A leads to the formation of cracks, which deepen over time, causing pain when walking.

Violation of the water-salt balance leads to the fact that the internal organs draw moisture from the connective tissues and skin.

In women who do not follow the diet and drink, heels are more likely to crack.

Wearing ill-fitting, low-quality shoes

Roughening of the heels is caused not only by internal problems of the body, but also wearing poor-quality or improperly selected shoes harm the condition of the feet.

The skin of the legs, in open shoes, is more susceptible to fungal infections. And in low-quality closed shoes, the feet sweat, which is a nutritious area for life and reproduction of microbes.

If the shoes are of high quality, but the size or block is incorrectly selected, then the foot is deformed, which leads to the formation of corns, the appearance of corns and cracks on the soles of the feet.

When wearing high heels, the pressure on the foot is distributed incorrectly, which leads to its deformation and cracking of the skin in places of increased load.

With irreversible changes in the foot, neither cosmetic nor drug treatment will help. Treatment is carried out only with surgery or wearing orthopedic shoes.

Excess weight, obesity

Proper shoes will not protect against foot skin problems, with obesity. If you are overweight, there is excessive pressure on the foot and tendons. This leads to the proliferation of connective tissue and, as a result, cracking of the skin.

Regular caring procedures will not bring results, since skin rashes are not only external, but also internal.

Which specialist should be consulted for deep cracked heels

With deep cracks in the heels, it is worth visiting a therapist who, by the nature of the cracks, will be able to determine which specialist to contact.

It could be:

  • a dermatologist who will prescribe tests to detect skin infections and take samples from problem areas of the skin to identify fungal spores;
  • a gastroenterologist who will help identify diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • a gynecologist, in women, is also a must-see.

In order not to spend a lot of time visiting the clinic, it is recommended to conduct a comprehensive examination of the body.

A visit to a cosmetologist should be regular, as specialized devices treat the skin gently and kill pathogenic microbes.

Treatment of cracked heels

Pharmacy funds

With self-treatment of cracked heels, you should pay attention to creams, ointments and gels. The basis for many of them is Vaseline.

For medicines, it is better to go to the pharmacy, where their wide range is presented.

For example:

  • "Healing foot cream", manufacturer "Green Pharmacy" at a price of 55-80 rubles. for 75 ml;
  • "Losterin", at a price of 480-570 rubles. for 75 ml;
  • "Radevit" at a price of 400-510 rubles. for 35 ml;
  • "Aquapeeling", at a price of 180-250 rubles. for 75 ml.

Folk recipes for the treatment of cracked heels

Folk remedies will also help in healing cracked feet.

Lubrication with honey

The simplest recipe is to lubricate steamed, dry skin with a small amount of honey, which is left on the skin overnight. In the morning, grease residues are removed with a damp sponge.

Boiled potato compress

A bath and compress is a good option for treating gusts of feet. You need to boil 3-4 potatoes in 2 liters of water. Pour the resulting broth into a bath, add 2 teaspoons of soda and lower your legs there for 15-20 minutes.

Mash the boiled potatoes, apply a thick layer on the heels and wrap with a film. In the morning, wash off the compress with warm water and rub the sole with a pumice stone, then rinse your feet in cold water.

How else to treat the skin on the heels

Table salt is suitable for steaming the legs in the amount of 1 teaspoon diluted in 2 liters of water with 2 teaspoons of shower gel.

Children's cream heals wounds well, left to soak for 6-8 hours on problem areas, for a better effect, put on cotton socks on the legs.

In women, the skin is more sensitive, so if the treatment of cracked heels does not work for a long time, then you will have to stop wearing synthetic socks, shoes made of artificial materials and shoes with open heels.

According to doctors, the best treatment is prevention, so you should not bring the skin to the point where the heels begin to crack.

For every modern woman, visiting a gynecologist and a cosmetologist should be a mandatory event on a regular basis. Compliance with personal hygiene, a contrast shower and proper nutrition is the key to the health of not only the feet, but the whole body.

A healthy person is a happy person. Be healthy!

Useful video materials on why women's heels crack and how to make their skin soft and smooth

How to remove rough and cracked heel skin with a razor:

What to do if your heels crack. How to treat:

Answers to the question "why do heels itch":

Cracked heel skin is an unpleasant and fairly common disease. A third of women and men of different age groups face the disease. In addition, cracked heels themselves have an unpleasant appearance, since various infections penetrate through the cracks into the circulatory system. There are a sufficient number of factors why women's heels crack. Before proceeding with treatment, you need to figure out what led to the appearance of cracks on the skin of the feet.

Causes of cracks

  • Losterin
  • Radevit
  • Aquapeeling

The use of special nutritional products, as a rule, is carried out in the morning after sleep and in the evening, before going to bed. To enhance the effect of medical procedures, you should first steam your legs in a sea salt bath for half an hour. Additionally, heels can be removed by removing the keratinized layers.

All funds are practically based on Vaseline. Therefore, if the heels began to crack, you can try applying Vaseline.

The child may also have a cracked heel. In this case, you need the help of a specialist who will advise how to treat the problem. If the child is healthy, then regeneration will be faster compared to adults. You will need to follow the rules of hygiene and apply moisturizing baby creams. You also need to monitor nutrition, change your baby’s shoes if they are made of low-quality material, and the heel will no longer crack.

Folk ways

Folk methods will help get rid of the problem of cracked heels. Alternative treatment of cracked heels includes a number of recipes.

Vaseline and mustache leaves ointment

To prepare a very good remedy, if the heel begins to crack, then a tablespoon of petroleum jelly should be mixed with half a tablespoon of crushed leaves. The product is stored in the refrigerator. Used 2 times a day.

Lotion and potato bath

For the bath, you need to boil 4 potatoes in 2 liters of water. Then pour the broth into a basin, add 2 tsp. soda. The bath should be warm, lower your legs for 20 minutes.

Potato and Soda

Boiled potatoes are kneaded and a compress is placed on the heel with a thick layer until morning awakening. The ointment can be applied after removing the lotion with warm water, rubbing the heels with a pumice stone.

Oil blend

To prepare the product, you need to melt 0.5 kg of butter in a steam bath, then add 25 grams of marshmallow, cinquefoil root. Mix and pour into a container. Rub the mixture every day until the heels are completely healed.


Knowing what the heel is from, you need to adhere to elementary preventive rules:

  • Monitor the state of the body, proper nutrition, including the intake of vitamins and minerals
  • Do not frequently exfoliate
  • Wear comfortable, quality shoes
  • Before the procedures, always steam the legs, removing the stratum corneum with a pumice stone

A cracked heel brings significant discomfort, which at the same time looks unattractive and hurts a lot.

What to do to prevent further crack propagation?

When it is not possible to go to a beauty salon to perform medical procedures. The most affordable option is home treatment.

To get a positive result, you first need to analyze the causes of cracks.

Consider the possible options that are equally characteristic of both women and men:

  • The first thing to note is dry skin on the feet. This is most often seen in the summer.
  • Lack of vitamins in the body, usually E and A. This reason is typical for autumn or spring, when beriberi occurs in the body.
  • Diabetes disease.
  • Inflammation of the thyroid gland or other internal organs.
  • Fungal infections.
  • Tight or poor quality shoes.

Important to note that if the cracks in the heels are not healed, sweat deposits and dirt will begin to accumulate in them - infection will begin.

Everyone knows that the problem is easier to prevent than to remove its consequences. To possibly prevent the occurrence of cracks, you should simply follow the rules of personal hygiene and use moisturizing creams.

But if cracks form, it is necessary to take:

  1. Contact a dermatologist immediately at the first manifestation of cracks.

    He will prescribe an examination to rule out serious diseases: diabetes, hormonal abnormalities, or pathologies of the digestive system.

    If they are identified, special treatment will be prescribed.

  2. For hormonal imbalances, a course of drugs is offered that normalizes this balance in the body.
  3. If there are symptoms of diabetes, drug therapy is also carried out, control of blood sugar levels is mandatory.

After a full examination and determination of the causes of cracks, as well as therapy for identified disorders, the patient will be offered home treatment.

These are absolutely simple procedures that require a minimum of time spent.

These include:

  • Warm herbal or salt baths.
  • Foot treatment with nourishing, moisturizing, healing compounds.
  • Foot massage.
  • Drink at least one and a half liters of fluid daily, which will prevent dehydration and, as a result, dryness of the skin.
  • Apply the recommended anti-crack ointment at least twice a day. It is preferable to use a foot product with a high content of vitamin E.
  • Treat your heels with a pumice stone or a special spatula. You can use a Shol file.
  • Take warm baths regularly.
  • After lubricating the skin with Vaseline, put on socks. You can use glycerin.

To begin with, consider the drugs that are purchased at the pharmacy and can help fight cracks.

The best medicines and drugs to combat cracks: creams and ointments

Balsam "Doctor Biocon"- It helps a lot with insufficient moisturizing of the heels. Its composition includes lactic and salicylic acids, shea butter, calendula.

This remedy should be rubbed twice a day, rubbing it into the skin of the feet in circular rotations. After the procedure, it is recommended to wear plain socks.

Zorka with Floralizin - a little-known, but very effective cream for the feet. This miracle remedy is intended for the udder of cattle and contains florazilin, which improves blood circulation in tissues.

The composition also includes petroleum jelly, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Together, these two components have a positive effect on the treated surface.

"Green Pharmacy" - foot cream, with a healing effect. It includes extracts of natural ingredients.

This is indicated in more detail in the table:

This cream is effective at an early stage of the lesion.

Radevit - an effective remedy for the treatment of cracks. Contains vitamins D2, A and E. Thanks to this composition, cracks heal quickly.

Ointment Bepanten - is intended for the treatment of diaper rash in children and nipple cracks in women. Very effective in the treatment of cracked heels.

The Gewol series is one of the most popular cosmetic products., including, in addition to creams and ointments, a patch for healing lesions on the skin and softening it.

Levomekol - drug helping to heal even deep injuries.

We effectively get rid of cracks with folk remedies

Do not underestimate the possibilities of traditional medicine. There are many easily accessible and simple recipes and ways to get rid of cracks on your own at home.

Our ancestors used folk remedies in those distant times, when there were no pharmacies yet, and drugs were not developed.

A known method with the use of laundry soap.

Spread the affected areas with laundry soap. After some time, treat with a pumice stone, rinse with water and apply moisturizing ointments.

After that, put on socks. This procedure should be repeated at least once every two days.

Honey treatment.

Honey is applied to the skin, after which the treated areas are wrapped in parchment and socks are put on until the morning. Then you should rinse the skin and rub the cream.

Another way involves applying honey to steamed skin. and cover with a leaf of fresh cabbage. It is fixed with a bandage and left overnight.

The use of oils.

Compresses from various oils are very effective: from sea buckthorn, wheat germ, almonds, olives, etc.

To enhance the effect, a small amount of chamomile, clove, lavender or other therapeutic oils should be added to it.

A cotton napkin soaked in the composition is applied to the affected area, wrapped in a film and fixed with a worn sock. After 30 minutes, the product is washed off.

Onion therapy. Several recipes are known:

  1. Chopped raw onions are applied to the heels, after 2 - 3 hours, the legs are washed off and smeared with cream.
  2. Onions passed through a meat grinder applied and fixed with a bandage bandage on the heel. After a couple of hours, vegetable oil is applied to washed feet with the addition of St. John's wort.
  3. Chopped green onions are applied as a bandage on cracked skin, until morning.
  4. A tablespoon of calendula flowers is poured with a small amount of water, boiled, filtered after cooling.

    Kalanchoe leaves and a small onion are ground in a meat grinder. These components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin, up to three hours.

    This method is applied for three weeks.

  5. Onion ointment. Chopped onions are fried in olive oil. After cooling, the composition is filtered, placed in a water bath and about 30 grams of melted wax is added.

    Rubbed into the skin of the feet after taking baths.

Use of hydrogen peroxide.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide is similar to boiling water. In a quarter of an hour, the heels are steamed, as if after an hour in a heated bath.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • 4 tablespoons are added to the poured 4 liters of heated water. hydrogen peroxide.
  • The feet are dipped into the container so that they are completely covered with water.
  • After a quarter of an hour, the legs are removed from the water and treated with pumice.
  • The feet are rinsed, dried and treated with a greasy cream.

It is enough to carry out this procedure weekly to ensure an attractive and healthy appearance of the heels.

Vinegar treatment.

Vinegar is also quite effective. Its acid softens the skin and facilitates exfoliation of the coarsened layer.

100 milliliters (9%) of vinegar is diluted with 200 grams of water. A compress from the resulting composition is applied to the foot. After fifteen minutes of exposure, the skin is treated with pumice, rinsed, rubbed with ointment.

Many resources are known. We have included just a few. We hope that you have found the best medicine for yourself, and the recommendations provided have been useful.

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