What to do to look beautiful. Remove excess shine. Let's reveal a few secrets

A well-groomed woman... What is she like? Are there criteria for this determination? What do you need to do to look well-groomed? What ways are there for this? 100%?

The desire to be beautiful, well-groomed, attractive, to attract the envious glances of rivals, to evoke admiration from men is one of the cherished desires of any woman. But wanting something does not mean being able to do it. Many lovely ladies do not know or understand what they need to do to look like a well-groomed woman. Let's look at this question. In our article we will look at everything in order.

Commandments of a well-groomed woman

All of the above are the 10 commandments of a well-groomed woman. By observing them daily, a lady will always look beautiful, elegant, modern and attractive. These truths are simple. Each of us can do them if we want.

How to become a super lady?

If the above signs of a well-groomed woman cause anyone doubt, then they can be supplemented with several more important points. Try to visit a cosmetologist at least once a month for facial and body care procedures. A spa will also help you look chic. It is recommended to visit the solarium several times a month. Every well-groomed lady should have a snow-white Hollywood smile. Psychologists say that people who do not have dental problems are open in communication and feel more comfortable and confident.

A visit to a beauty salon and special care is the key to perfect shiny and healthy hair. And, of course, we must not forget about healthy eating. The diet must contain all the necessary components to ensure the functioning of the body.

Do I really look bad?

Many programs, websites, books, magazines and other sources of information talk about how to become a well-groomed woman, how to properly perform cosmetic procedures, apply makeup, dress stylishly, etc. All the necessary conditions have been created to make lovely ladies look chic. But despite this, unkempt women are constantly seen on the streets. The reasons may be different. Reluctance to waste free time on “nonsense”. Also, some women do not want to notice their bad appearance. For some, family, children and work take up all their time and energy. Lack of money and other reasons are not least on this list.

Despite these reasons, this does not justify women who look bad and do not want to take care of themselves. Life is given to us once, each of us is one and only, so we need to pamper ourselves. Then people around you will treat you properly. First of all, you need to learn to love yourself.

My years are my wealth

Mature, well-groomed women can look several years younger. People around see a charming representative of the fair sex in front of them and cannot determine her age. Such results are achieved if you provide yourself with proper care for your face and body while you are young. In adulthood, looking good is much more difficult. This requires additional cosmetic procedures and, as a result, financial investments. Despite this, mature women, wanting to feel a second youth, spare no money and time to take care of themselves.

Proper, discreet makeup and the use of cosmetics for the face, body, and hands will provide a beautiful look to a lady of any age.

Makeup for older women

When applying decorative cosmetics, women should take into account the characteristics of their skin. The main thing is not to overdo it. A large number of Mature, well-groomed women never use cosmetics, as this will emphasize age-related changes and give the face an unnatural mask look. Before applying light makeup, you need to prepare. Moisturize your face and neck. After all, mature skin loses its ability to retain sufficient moisture and becomes dry. Over the years, many ladies have already decided on the brand and, in fact, care products. If this does not happen, you could not find what is right for you, then you need to seek advice from a cosmetologist.

As you age, your face moisturizer should become richer. Also, over the years, excess vegetation may appear, which must be removed in a timely manner.

After using moisturizer, apply a thin layer of light foundation. You don't need powder, as it will highlight every wrinkle. You can apply a thin layer of blush on your cheeks, preferably a cream shade. A contour pencil in gray or dark brown will add expressiveness to your eyes, and a little mascara on your eyelashes will complement your look. Eyebrows can be highlighted with shadows or pencil. Apply a bold contour pencil of a natural shade to the lips. Then use a discreet lipstick. With this makeup you will look elegant. It is suitable for any event.

The gaze of passers-by lingers on them

Well-groomed women (photos are in the article) always stand out from the crowd of people. They give the impression of wealth and success. Such women are an object to follow, and for close people - an object of pride. You want to look at a well-groomed representative of the fairer sex and admire her image. Isn't this what we all want to achieve?

A well-groomed woman can be recognized by several signs: hands with a beautiful manicure, the presence of a pedicure, the absence of excess hair on the body, ideal smooth skin, a light tan. Shiny hair, proper haircut and styling, discreet makeup, well-chosen clothes, a straight back and a leisurely gait - all this is an integral part of elegance.

Let's reveal a few secrets

Well-groomed women carefully keep their little secrets that help them give their face and body such an impressive look. It is these nuances that help a lady feel beautiful, attractive and desirable.

  • The first secret is an active lifestyle.
  • The second secret is the absence of bad habits. Nicotine and alcohol have a detrimental effect on the body both internally and externally (hair, nails, skin).
  • The third secret is individual style in clothing. In order not to chase fashion, which changes every day, you can create your own unique image that skillfully emphasizes your strengths and hides your weaknesses. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can turn to specialists for help. The stylist will tell you which items suit you best, how to combine them, etc.
  • The fourth secret is optimism as a life position. You need to learn to enjoy the world around you and give your good mood to all people. A smile and laughter are the key to a good mood and success.

Mistakes of well-groomed women

By observing all the commandments, studying the secrets and rules of a well-groomed woman, you may not achieve the desired result. Self-confident ladies, believing that they themselves know how to create an image, often make mistakes and look ridiculous. It is better to trust professionals who will choose the right style, makeup, face and body care products. If possible, you can use the services of a stylist. Each master must be a professional in his field. For example, if a woman is immersed in work and has achieved success in it, then those people who are not specialists in this field will come to her for help. Therefore, before dyeing your hair any color, you need to consult a hairdresser and not do it on your own. After all, sometimes it is so difficult to achieve the intended result without knowing certain nuances. This should be the case when it comes to self-care. Professionals are better aware of current trends and innovations.

Why be beautiful?

Well-groomed women, whose photos are posted on glossy pages, or who we simply meet on the street, cause delight. They make a positive impression on both men and women. Well-groomed is ninety percent of success in any business. For example, during a job interview, the employer will definitely pay attention to your appearance. And if there is a choice about which of the applicants to give preference to (and one will have a sloppy appearance), then it is not difficult to guess what decision the boss will make.

Men are very proud when such a woman walks nearby. Strong representatives of humanity like the envious glances of competitors.

And children are always happy when their mother looks like an older sister. This is what they like to brag about to their peers. Girls always imitate their mother, so from childhood you need to set the right example of self-care.

For the sake of yourself, your husband and children, you need to look perfect. And this will keep the man motivated. He will have no reason to relax in family relationships, thinking that no one needs such an unattractive wife, because no one pays attention to her.

Knowing all the signs of a well-groomed woman, keeping yourself in perfect shape will not be difficult. Especially when there is a significant incentive for this.

Lady manners

Even the most well-groomed woman should be able to behave correctly in society so as not to spoil the first impression of herself. Slow movements, a calm and quiet voice, straight posture and a restrained gait - this is taught to those girls who strive to look like real ladies. The absence of awkward and unnecessary movements, correct speech - all this will complement the image of a well-groomed and successful woman.

If a representative of the fair sex looks appropriate, but stoops or speaks loudly, this will ruin the first positive impression of her. All efforts can be thwarted.

How to become attractive to men? Each representative of the fair sex searches for the answer to this question on her own until she finds her “zest”. But there are 10 commandments of a well-groomed woman, which everyone would benefit from knowing. Although, of course, everyone has different ideas about female attractiveness. And above all - among the women themselves.

For example, the all-time sex symbol M. Monroe firmly believed: “Two things should be beautiful in a Girl - these are the Look and the Lips, because with her eyes she can make you fall in love, and with her lips she can prove that she loves.”

Style icon K. Chanel was firmly convinced: “Beauty remains, but good looks disappear. But for some reason women don’t strive to be beautiful, they want to remain pretty.”

But both divas would certainly agree with the famous beauty B. Bardot, who once admitted: “There is no harder work than trying to look beautiful from eight in the morning until midnight.”

We will agree, but...we will not give up.

How to become attractive? Elementary Watson!

The great couturier of the 20th century I. Saint Laurent said: “In order to be beautiful, a woman only needs to have a black sweater, a black skirt and walk arm in arm with the man she loves.” But modern image experts would add at least 10 more points to this.


First of all, they must ALWAYS be clean. Forget the horror stories that washing your hair more than twice a week is harmful: you need to wash it as it gets dirty, and this happens differently for everyone. Now about the coloring. If you have started this process, you need to maintain it REGULARLY or shave your head: growing roots of a different color by more than 2 cm give the image a sloppiness. And finally, choosing a hairstyle. Of course, this is a matter of taste. But remember that it should match your face shape (oval, square, circle, triangle). The French also have a golden rule regarding hair length: the older the woman, the shorter the haircut.


Of course, not all women in the world can boast of perfect porcelain skin, like the statues of Greek goddesses. But not a single powder in the world and not a single 10-carat diamond in the ears has helped hide frankly unkempt skin: with unevenness, pimples, enlarged pores or pigmentation. Therefore, every woman should learn such rules of daily skin care as “cleansing-toning-moisturizing” like a mantra.


No, no one is forcing you to completely devote yourself to bodybuilding and become like Schwarzenegger in his youth! But you need to maintain minimal muscle tone regularly. Otherwise, the buttocks will soon be far from the “Brazilian butts” of lambada lovers that are pleasing to the male gaze, and flabby forearms and calves will not allow you to wear an open dress. In addition, muscle training does not require much effort: 15 minutes of training with dumbbells in the morning and 15-20 minutes of training on a weight machine in the evening will be quite enough.


Of course, a well-groomed woman begins with well-groomed hands. And even if men are not standing in line to kiss your wrist (they aren’t yet!), then rest assured that they will definitely notice the rough skin on their hands after yesterday’s chores around the house or a stale manicure. Remember: extended nails a la Freddy Krueger and acidic polish colors are no longer in fashion. But a classic manicure should be done once every 10 days. An important nuance: if the polish is “teared” on one nail, you need to remove it from the fingers of both hands and re-coat it, instead of trying to paint over one nail.


According to statistics, after the eyes, this is the second thing a man concentrates his attention on when he sees a woman. Therefore, they should always look as if A.S. Pushkin would now sing them in sonnets. Namely: 3 wrinkles on the neck are better than one on the stocking; no “stars” or “nets” (for this reason, don’t be lazy at every opportunity to keep your feet above your head); and definitely a heel (2-4 cm, if for some reason you cannot wear stilettos), and not ballet flats, flip flops or Uggs.


Which one to choose (mechanical, wax, laser, etc.) is up to you, but you need to resort to it systematically. An abundance of hair “in the wrong places” can ruin any charm. And don’t let your vigilance be lulled by the man’s assurances that he doesn’t care (or that back in school he was excited by the description of “a light fluff above the upper lip” of one of the heroines of the novel “War and Peace”). Believe me: he lies and doesn’t blush!


The same unforgettable Mademoiselle Chanel said: “A girl who doesn’t wear makeup has too high an opinion of herself.” And it was not so far from the truth, because naturalness is naturalness, and emphasizing what Mother Nature has endowed is not a sin. The main thing is not to overdo it, not to confuse daytime makeup with evening makeup, and always focus either on the lips or on the eyes, but not on everything at once.


Even if “finances sing romances” and do not allow you to update your wardrobe every month, remember: you should always dress according to your age and figure. A truly well-groomed woman should have a so-called “basic wardrobe”: a little black dress, black trousers, a white shirt, a beige V-neck jumper, a tuxedo, a beige cashmere coat, a black trench coat, a pencil skirt, 3-4 pairs of shoes "for all occasions". And then experiment with accessories (scarves, jewelry, bags, gloves, hats, etc.).


Remember A. Blok’s poem “The Stranger”: “breathing spirits and mists, she sits by the window...”. The notorious mystery of a woman is 50% provided by her scent. The right perfume should be felt a moment before a well-groomed woman appears and remain in the air for some time after she has left. Therefore, do not skimp on perfume: let it be one, but exclusively “yours”, not like anyone else. But there is no need to go to extremes: the principle “the more I pour on myself, the better” does not work.


Naturally, “a smile will make everyone brighter, a smile will light up a rainbow in the sky.” And not only her. A man's gaze will sparkle as soon as it meets your smile. So, smile, ladies, smile! But don’t forget: a sincere smile, as a rule, exposes your teeth. And so that they don’t spoil the whole impression, keep an eye on them with both eyes: brushing 2 times a day, 2 times a year for visits to the dentist, less coffee, tea, red wine and no nicotine!

If you are still puzzling over the question “how to become attractive,” do two things first: confidently say out loud to yourself, “I’ve been like this for a long time!” and start adhering to the above ten commandments of a well-groomed woman. The result will not take long to arrive!

On the eve of any holiday, you want to look well-groomed and attractive at the celebration, show off your silky skin, showing off your deep neckline, or amaze your guests with the beauty of your hair. Unfortunately, most women do not have enough time, or even the funds, to regularly visit salons, so they are interested in how to become beautiful in a week at home.

Caring for the body, facial skin and hair is available to every woman if you develop some rules - not a day without cosmetic procedures, for example. Find no more than 20 minutes of time for household chores and, believe me, you will certainly be the center of attention at the party.

Maintain this pace for a month, and you will understand that it is not so difficult, and gradually, the procedures will become a habit. My advice will help with this. So, let's start the transformation in a week.

  • Try to sleep at least 8 hours over the coming week, which will noticeably affect your skin, which will become much fresher.
  • The next rule is regular and proper nutrition: hearty, solid breakfasts and the lightest possible dinner. For dinner, try to cook vegetables and lean meat. Have dinner at least 4 hours before bedtime and by the end of the week your waist will become 2-3 cm narrower.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water, this improves your skin and hair, as water saturates it with the necessary moisture. Let's look at the daily step-by-step instructions.

Monday. The first day

Taking care of the skin of the face and neck. Not a single mask will restore the freshness of your face if done on the eve of a festive evening, but a week-long course of masks will give wonderful results. We start with a scrub or peeling; it is better to choose the most gentle ones. If your facial skin is overly sensitive, take time-tested folk remedies to cleanse:

  1. kefir;
  2. yogurt.

Wait until the mask dries and begin the massage. To do this, wet your fingers in water and use the tips to perform circular movements from the center to the sides. Lactic acid removes the stratum corneum well, dissolving scales and whitening.

On New Year's Eve, perform a “tea ceremony” for your face every day. Brew strong tea. Then cool, pour into special ice molds and put in the freezer. These cubes perfectly tone and refresh the skin, relieve fatigue and add a light, natural-looking tan.

Those whose facial skin is not so sensitive can use candied honey (if there is no allergy to the product), or even coffee grounds as a basis for massage. After the massage, pat your face dry with a towel, apply care cream and start applying makeup.

In the evening, after household chores, sit on the sofa, taking the TV remote control, special wipes to remove makeup, burdock oil, fresh cucumber (pre-cut into slices), milk to cleanse the skin and night cream.

While watching TV, take off your makeup, lubricate your eyebrows and eyelashes with burdock oil and apply cucumber slices to your face. Then apply the cream to the face, neck and décolleté, while doing a light massage. We combined business with pleasure, taking a break from household chores and putting our face in order.

In winter, wind and frost sometimes cause lips to crack and become dry. In this case, use a honey mask, the most common folk remedy that has been tested for centuries. In the morning, before applying lipstick, apply lip balm and wait until it is absorbed. The balm not only protects lips and heals wounds, but also prevents lipstick from spreading.

Video tips and instructions

One more touch. Don't forget to do your eyebrows. The ideal eyebrow shape can only be done by a professional master, but in the future you can maintain the shape yourself at home. It is better to pluck under natural light and in the direction of hair growth. The procedure will not be so painful if you take a shower first to soften the follicles. Some people, before plucking their eyebrows, draw a line of the desired bend with a pencil.

Tuesday. Second day

Taking care of the body. During the evening shower, add special procedures - polish the skin with a scrub (usually thick candied honey or coffee grounds are used), rub problem areas with a special washcloth or mitten: stomach, sides, thighs and buttocks. After shower, apply body cream. Everything will take about 20 minutes, no more.

If time allows, work on the décolleté area. We sometimes forget to take care of the skin of our neck and décolleté. To look irresistible in an evening or New Year's dress with a neckline that exposes your back or chest, do not consider it difficult to prepare the skin of this area.

  1. Stir 1 tbsp in a glass of water. l. alcohol, the same amount of lemon juice and salt. Wash your neck with a washcloth and soap that contains a large amount of fat. Then, moisten the skin of the neck with a cotton swab until the elixir runs out. There is no need to wipe or rinse off; when the skin dries a little, rub in the cream you always use with your fingers.
  2. For a rejuvenating mask you will need 2 tbsp. l. full-fat cottage cheese, juice of half an orange and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Mix everything and apply it to gauze, bandage it to the neck for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

You shouldn’t put it off to wear a revealing evening dress; you need to solve your skin problems now. The sooner you do this, the greater your chances of being at your best at the upcoming celebration.

Wednesday. Day three

Taking care of your hands and nails. The procedure can be carried out while relaxing, sitting in front of the TV. Surely you do your manicure at home? Before your manicure, take a handful of granulated sugar, mix with liquid soap and wash your hands thoroughly. After such a scrub, dip your hands in warm water, to which honey and milk have been added, and hold until the water cools down. Further along the well-worn path:

  1. Use a nail file to give your nails the desired shape;
  2. hand massage with rich cream;
  3. apply nourishing oil to your nails;
  4. wait and put on special gloves.

In this form, you can finish watching your favorite movie, and you can also sleep with gloves on.

  1. Folk remedies help to take care of your hands and nails - carrots, grated on a fine grater and poured with vegetable oil. Wait for the mixture to infuse and rub into your hands. After the procedure, do not wash your hands.
  2. Lemon juice and vitamin A help strengthen your nails by dropping a drop of the resulting composition onto each nail and rubbing thoroughly to penetrate under the nail plate. You will notice how your nails gradually become stronger and stop peeling.

When caring for your hands, do not forget about your elbows, which often become a cause of concern for many women, as darkened, rough, slightly rough skin appears. Folk remedies will help put everything in order - a mask based on glycerin (60 grams), to which add 1 tsp. ammonia. Apply the resulting composition to your elbows and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

Thursday. Day four

Taking care of your feet. We start with a foot bath, where we add tea tree oil. Wait for your feet to steam (the water should not be very hot), then wipe your feet with a scrub, and treat your feet with a pumice stone or a foot file. Rinse your feet.

Let's start with your nails: clean them well, file them and apply nourishing oil. Massage your feet using a rich nourishing cream. Wait until the cream is absorbed and put on special socks in which you can sleep. The procedure will take no more than 30 minutes.

We choose the time for procedures in the evening, when household chores have been done and there are no distractions. You can combine procedures with watching TV or your favorite movie.

Friday. Day five

Taking care of your hair. Wash your hair with volumizing shampoo, then apply conditioner, but only to the very ends, do not rub into the roots. When drying with a hairdryer, use a cream that will give the strands shine, make them smooth and without weighing them down, and protect them from exposure to hot air.

Hair is dried with the head tilted down to create more volume. When your hair is almost dry, take a comb and hair dryer and style it strand by strand. The next day, slightly adjust your hair.

When caring for your hair, use homemade recipes.

  1. When rinsing, a nettle decoction is good, which will strengthen the hair, eliminate brittleness, and add shine and silkiness. To prepare the decoction, you will need half a glass of dried nettle and 2 cups of boiling water. Soak the ingredients for 30 minutes in a water bath, strain and after washing, rinse your hair with the broth.
  2. A mask of black bread and linseed oil (or olive) will work wonders on your hair. To prepare the mask, crumble the black bread, put it in a bowl, and add a little boiling water. Cover the bowl so that the bread swells and easily turns into a paste when mixed with oil (1 tablespoon of oil is enough). Apply the mixture to your head, wrap it well, leave for an hour and rinse. If your hair is oily, do not add oil; take flax seeds instead.

It is possible to restore hair in a short time at home, but it is advisable to do masks not on the eve of the celebration, but a week before the start, since the hairstyle very quickly loses its well-groomed appearance. And one more moment. Try to choose hair dye taking into account the color of your face and eyes to remove several years of age.

6 proven ways to restore hair

Saturday. Day six

Applying the final touches. We take a shower and moisturize the skin with lotion. Don't forget about perfume. Warm skin will absorb the aroma, and your favorite scent will last longer.

We apply makeup without mistakes with an emphasis on the eyes, using brown shadows (or those that are in harmony with the outfit). Shadows are applied over the entire eyelid, shading at the upper corner of the eyes. You can apply mother-of-pearl in the center of the eyelid, which attracts light, visually enlarging the eyes.

Today, I want to raise a question that worries the minds of women all over the world - how to look well-groomed, what needs to be done for this and how to be such that, looking at you, everyone you meet says: “What a well-groomed girl!”

Not everyone can be beautiful and slim, but every woman must be well-groomed. It seems to me that every person should take care of their external and internal beauty.

How to be a well-groomed and beautiful girl: step-by-step steps

In fact, there are certain rules and you just need to adhere to them. I will not discover America for you, but will simply put together the main actions, stages, so to speak, that every girl should adhere to in everyday life, do not forget about them, and then everything will be just perfect!

Stage 1: hands and nails

In reality, sometimes everything is quite simple - there are the main signs of our appearance by which anyone can distinguish a well-groomed girl from a slob. As the great Coco Chanel said: “Hands are a girl’s business card, her neck is her passport, and her chest is her international passport.” It is the hands that are the first thing that catches the interlocutor’s eye. It happens:

  • when you gesture;
  • holding out or showing something;
  • during a lecture or interview when you need to point out something;
  • at the moment when you are holding the phone in your hands and the interlocutor’s gaze willy-nilly slide over your fingers;
  • or finally, when you simply extend your hand for a handshake.

Hands are always noticeable, they are always visible and attract attention. Obviously, unkempt cuticles, dry and cracked skin, sloppy and unkempt always create unpleasant first impressions of a person. If this is your goal, then you can bite your nails, cut them to different lengths, do not file or moisturize them.

Take care of your hands if you want to look well-groomed.

However, if you are one of the ladies who prefers to look presentable and well-groomed (and I have no doubt that you belong to this category), then naturally you need to constantly make sure that you have. Of course, it can be very difficult and time-consuming to constantly repaint and repaint your varnish, especially when you work a lot and want to relax after a day of work rather than deal with such things - but it is definitely worth it.

If you can’t repaint and renew the coating in time, then there are always simple tricks, for example, touch up the chipped areas and cover with a top coat or apply glitter on top. This will refresh the manicure and hide the resulting defects.

Make it a rule: if you urgently need to run somewhere, you don’t have enough time and your manicure is not perfect - be sure to wipe it off, moisturize your hands with cream, moisturize your cuticles and go with your nails unpainted. Believe me, your hands will look much more beautiful and well-groomed than they would with a manicure that is not the first freshness.

It is very important to keep the skin of your nails, hands and cuticles in good condition and carry oil or some kind of moisturizer with you. Fortunately, now there is a huge mass of all kinds of hand creams in compact containers that are easy to carry with you and use anywhere as needed.

In addition to manicure, you should also pay attention to pedicure. It doesn’t matter that it is not always visible, however, your man can see it, who will not be pleased to see unkempt nails and rough heels. In addition, this is important from a hygienic point of view, especially in summer.

Stage 2: hair

The next point, which is no less important than hands and nails, if not even more important, because any beautiful girl can be ruined by a dirty head, unpainted roots, unkempt hairstyle - after all, hair creates your first visual portrait, which will be etched in the memory of your interlocutor even before before he sees your hands. And in this sense, it is very important to ensure that your hair is always clean and tidy. If you don’t have time to wash your hair and need to run urgently, put it in a ponytail or apply dry shampoo (although many stylists recommend it as a temporary alternative to washing your hair, I would still recommend using it in extreme cases).

Take care of your hair.

If you dye your hair, it is very important to dye the roots and trim the ends in time so that the ends of the hair do not split and have better volume. There is also a misconception that in order to grow long hair. Unfortunately, it is not. If you do not trim the ends of your hair regularly, they will look untidy and dull, since the ends will be split, uneven, and stick out to the sides, which is most noticeable on undyed hair. At least once or twice every three months, trim the ends and give your hair a finished look, because no matter how long it is, no matter how chic the color it is, all efforts will come to naught due to ugly hair ends.

External beauty and well-groomed appearance allows a woman to feel confident.

It is also worth saying a few words about removing excess body hair. You can do this both in the salon and at home - it all depends on the abundance of your hair in places unacceptable for a woman and your skills in removing them. There are a lot of ways - from basic shaving to waxing. However, I still recommend the latter.

Stage 3: facial skin

The next very important point is the skin of the face, which reveals our lifestyle. At the age of 20, there is still a lot that can be forgiven - alcohol, lack of sleep, partying until the morning and cigarettes - the skin of a young girl can withstand all these blows. However, by the age of 30, your skin will not forgive you for this. Like a litmus test, it will reflect all your “sins”, broadcasting them for everyone to see on your facial skin, like a film projector on a white canvas.

Before going to bed, wipe your face with tonic and be sure to remove daytime makeup.

No matter how much many beauty bloggers say that the color and tone of the face largely depends on a well-chosen cream, the main role is still played by healthy sleep, nutrition and timely hydration of the skin - drinking plenty of fluids and moisturizing. All our beauty and healthy appearance is based on these three pillars:

  1. Try to follow a routine and get enough sleep, even if your work or study does not allow you to do this - try to find the time. You may have to give up night parties, long get-togethers with girlfriends or friends - your skin will not forget such care and will definitely repay you with a radiant and healthy appearance.
  2. Create a balanced diet and follow a specific eating schedule. Avoid fried, spicy and fatty foods. Instead, eat more fruits, vegetables and berries - these can also be dried fruits out of season (dried apricots, prunes, raisins). Foods that are high in fiber and iron are especially beneficial. In addition to vitamins, eat foods rich in microelements - legumes, red fish, porcini mushrooms, chocolate, walnuts and dairy products.
  3. Drink as much water as possible during the day - 1 liter in autumn and winter, at least 2 liters in spring and summer. Moisturizing creams and serums are also very important in facial skin care. Wash your face at least in the morning and evening - you don’t want to catch any infection from the dust or dirt that settles on your skin during the day. Be sure to wash off your makeup before going to bed - otherwise, skip a couple of days and you risk getting a rash or breakouts on your face.

Take care of your face from a young age and better spend money on cosmetic care products instead of momentary whims - a dress, T-shirt or. After a while, you will thank yourself.

Stage 4: eyebrows

Eyebrows also play an important role in organizing a well-groomed appearance. This is the frame of our face, eyes, and eyes are our mirror of the soul. In addition, it is now in fashion to have prominent and well-groomed eyebrows. There are a lot of techniques and tricks on how to completely change your facial expression using eyebrows and eye makeup, giving your appearance a completely different look. To do this, you need to constantly pluck them, shape them, and, if necessary, tint them.

There are no unbeautiful women - there are lazy ones.

Fortunately, now the trend is towards naturalness, so you can stick to your natural eyebrow shape, plucking it in the middle, along the very growth of the eyebrows. It’s not difficult to keep your eyebrows well-groomed yourself, so save money and don’t go to a cosmetologist for this. By the way, the master in the salon will not always do this job better than you.

Fashionable eyebrow shapes this season.

Stage 5: clothes and shoes

Naturally, it should be clean and well-groomed, not to mention well-chosen for your figure and up-to-date. Clothes, just like shoes, should be ironed and repaired (if necessary), this applies specifically to shoes, because they are beautiful and paint a complete picture of a woman, just like a watch or suit of a man.

An example of a stylish and rich-looking girl without special expenses.

Stage 6: Makeup

To complete the look, you need to have light, neutral makeup on your face. And this in no way applies to “war paint” or other analogues of evening makeup. It should be an airy, neutral makeup, when you apply translucent powder, highlight your eyelashes, apply lip gloss or whatever you prefer. In fact, light makeup for a woman is a sign of good etiquette. And we should not appear in society completely without it. Obviously, there are exceptions that relate to everyday needs, when we go out to buy groceries, take out the trash, or walk the dog.

An example of a light, natural, but beautiful make-up.

Stage 7: perfume

Let's sum it up with the last stage, which includes good perfume. Without a beautiful aroma, a woman will not be a woman. This is a very important detail, especially for evening wear, when a spritz of your favorite scent completes the look. This touch shows feminine individuality and emphasizes the uniqueness of the image. The unique aroma of perfume, which can say much more about a woman than her appearance itself, will remain in the memory of those around her for a long time.

Stage 8: Time Management

In order to get everything done, you should plan your schedule for the upcoming week in advance, especially if you have children/study/work. For example, spend one day doing laundry, ironing and other household chores. Set aside another day for beauty treatments - manicure, pedicure, cosmetic procedures, as well as things that give you pleasure personally - reading, favorite music, watching your favorite movie. Be sure to find time for sports 2-3 times a week. You don’t need to go to the gym for this - just some basic exercises in the mornings or evenings for 30-40 minutes and you will always be in good shape. Well, if you manage to find time for jogging, consider yourself lucky!

Stylish looks: how to look well-groomed and rich.

These were all the points that I collected for you and which every girl should definitely use to look expensive and well-groomed every day without special expenses. This is a lot of work and labor and in no case should you ignore all the steps listed above, if you want to make a good impression, make acquaintances - find a young man, a life partner - you need to be well-groomed and beautiful. The degree to which others perceive you depends on the level and degree of grooming. This increases your value to the opposite sex.

Over one year old

Spectacular appearance is not only beauty given by nature. A beautiful woman is a woman who carefully looks after herself. How to learn to be well-groomed? Remember 8 easy, truly “golden” rules from SHAPE!

Golden rules for well-groomed girls and women

How to become a well-groomed girl without spending a fortune on cosmetics and various procedures? It’s very simple: carefully working on your own appearance should become a daily habit.

A well-groomed appearance is an art accessible to any woman or girl, regardless of age, natural appearance, status and lifestyle. All that is required for this is to remember a few simple rules and devote some free time for yourself and your beloved.

Yes, exactly my beloved, otherwise how to become a well-groomed woman, if you don’t love yourself and enjoy life?

Be patient, because only in fairy tales does Cinderella become a princess with one wave of her magic wand. And let's get started!

8 rules for a well-groomed woman

1. Love yourself

According to psychologists, a person’s appearance is a reflection of his opinion about himself. Even with naturally ideal facial features and an impeccable figure, a girl can both arouse universal admiration and inspire sympathy and pity.

Taking care of your own appearance, the desire to look your best is a natural need of any representative of the fair sex. A well-groomed girl values ​​herself and those around her, because a sloppy appearance is a sign of obvious disrespect for herself and her loved ones.

2. Cleanliness is the key to not only health, but also beauty

No cosmetic product or deodorant can mask the smell of sweat, dirty skin or unwashed hair. Daily shower and weekly cleansing of face and body with gentle home peeling- will not only give you a feeling of cleanliness and freshness, but will also increase the effectiveness of various moisturizing and anti-cellulite products that nourish the skin.

The main thing is to choose the right soap, shower gel, shampoos and other care products that suit your skin type and hair structure. Scented foam bath, jacuzzi, sauna, refreshing or contrast shower - learn to enjoy water treatments.

3. Clear and beautiful lines

The main signs of a well-groomed girl: neat haircut, clear eyebrow line, clean skin, nails of the same length and shape. A well-groomed woman always has the necessary minimum of tools with her: a soft nail file, manicure scissors, and tweezers for removing unnecessary hairs.

If you can handle a manicure and eyebrow line on your own, then to create a spectacular haircut it is better to contact a specialist. He will suggest the optimal choice of hairstyle that is most suitable for your face type, hair and lifestyle (an extravagant haircut that is appropriate for a teenage girl is unlikely to suit a modern business woman).

In order for the haircut to maintain its shape, it needs to be trimmed once every 1-3 months, depending on the length of the hair. Don't overdo it with styling products. No haircut will improve the appearance of hair that is firmly fixed with hairspray or styling product.

4. Follow the color scheme

The right hair color can work wonders: change your image, add expressiveness to your facial features, take off a couple of years and give your haircut some dynamics. But you should remember that regrown hair roots will not only give away the original color, but also look sloppy and sloppy. The best solution would be to choose a dye that is as close as possible to the natural hair color, or to regularly tint the roots. Don't forget about masks and special shampoos to restore hair damaged by chemical dyes.

5. Not a single extra hair

Razor, electric epilator, wax, depilatory cream or a radical solution to the problem using laser hair removal - the choice hair removal products After you. But the skin of a well-groomed woman should be smooth and not bristling with excess hair, regardless of the time of year.

6. Remove excess shine

Oily skin and a damp shine on the face are very dubious adornments. Modern cosmetology offers a wide selection of mattifying and absorbent products that successfully combat excess shine. The main thing is not to dry out or thin the delicate skin of the face, so as not to provoke the appearance of early wrinkles. If the problem of hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands is permanent and not seasonal, in order to avoid unwanted consequences, consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

7. Flawless nails

Manicure and pedicure are not only signs of a well-groomed woman, but also basic hygiene requirements, as mandatory as washing and brushing your teeth. Neat well-groomed cuticle, a detailed nail line, polishing or varnish are indispensable attributes of the image of a modern woman. But the design and color of the varnish depends on your taste and lifestyle. To prevent troubles in the form of a suddenly broken nail or chipped coating from taking you by surprise, always carry a nail file and a bottle of polish with you.

8. A subtle trail of enchanting aroma

The scents of the cosmetic products you use must be in harmony with each other. Shower gel, body spray or cream, perfume, eau de toilette or deodorant must be in the same perfume line, otherwise you risk getting a “combined cocktail” of aromas that are pleasant individually, but are completely incompatible together. However, you can get into the habit of using products with a neutral scent, focusing on the aroma of your favorite perfume.

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