Where does the name honeymoon come from? History of the name "honeymoon"

Traditionally, most domestic fairy tales end with a magnificent wedding and the words: "And I was there, honey, drinking beer ...". However, none of us has ever attached much importance to this phrase. As it turned out, it is in it that the tradition of observing the honeymoon lies.

Many attribute the expression "honeymoon" to the meaning of cloudless happiness and the triumph of love in the first days after the wedding. This theory is based on a quote from the French philosopher Voltaire: “Zadig experienced that the first month of marriage, as described in the Zend book, is a honeymoon, and the second is a sagebrush month.”

However, such a meaning cannot be true. The fact is that if we consider the historical aspect of marriage, then in those days it was concluded by agreement. Therefore, there could be no talk of any personal feelings. Love was more of a fluke than a pattern.

Interesting fact: The "authorship" of the honeymoon ritual is attributed to almost all states of the world. And almost every language has this expression: "honeymoon" (in English), "lune de miel" (in French), "honigmond" (in German), "luna de miel" (in Italian), "miodowe miesiace" ( in Polish)... Even in eastern countries, like Ancient Persia and modern Armenia, there is a similar phrase.

If you delve into history, you can find that for the first time such a tradition began to be observed precisely in Kievan Rus. A little later, a similar custom settled in other European countries. Consider the most original versions of the origin of the honeymoon.

Kievan Rus

In Kievan Rus, the expression "honeymoon" is associated with the tradition of preparing a low-alcohol drink for a wedding. The filled barrel was given to the bride and groom as a wedding gift. He had to weigh at least 5 kg, and better - all 10. The newlyweds had to start drinking it at the solemn feast - the use of other drinks was considered disrespectful. The newlyweds had to empty the entire barrel in the next month.

Related article: Jars of honey - original gifts for wedding guests

Ancient Greece

In ancient Greece, honey wine did not have to be drunk for a whole month, although the literal translation of this expression required it. The spiced drink was generously served to the bride and groom before they entered their new home as spouses. Thus, relatives blessed the newlyweds on their wedding night. It was believed that mead not only strengthens the immune system, but also enhances sexual desire.


Among the ancient Babylonians, the honeymoon period owes its name to an interesting tradition. The bride's father had to present it to his future son-in-law in such quantity that he would have enough for a whole month. The use of mead was associated with the fact of increasing sexual potency. The newly-made spouses had to drink the drink for 30 days in order to guarantee themselves a quick and healthy offspring.

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Medieval England

In England, the custom of drinking the so-called honey wine is associated not so much with the newlyweds as with their families. The closest relatives of the newlyweds had to drink together a large amount of the prepared drink within a month after the wedding. This tradition existed in order to bring the two families together as soon as possible. As a rule, relatives from the side of the bride brewed honey wine. Often this was a way to "cover" too modest dowry sizes.

Drinking honey recipe for a wedding

In Russia, a honey drink was prepared from 5 to 20 years! He wandered in oak barrels buried deep in the ground. We offer you a more modern and faster way that will allow you to prepare low-alcohol drinking honey in just 5 days.

Related article: Mead recipes: history and modernity

You will need:

  • 2 liters of water
  • 300 gr honey
  • 5 gr hop cones
  • 1 tsp dry yeast

Pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Slowly add honey to warm water and stir until completely dissolved. Then add hops. When the mixture cools even more (to about 50 degrees), dissolve the yeast in it.

Related article:Honey with spices: TOP 5 spicy drinks

Some people prefer to cook mead with spices. Cinnamon, saffron, cloves, nutmeg or ground ginger would be appropriate. A pinch is enough.

Pour the finished honey mixture into a container and tightly tie the neck with a "breathing" cloth. Alternatively, you can fold ordinary gauze several times. You can also design a homemade gas outlet in the form of a rubber glove worn on the neck of the bottle. It is necessary to insist such a honey drink in a dark and cool place for 5 days.

Honey is usually called the first month of married life. Why honey and not sugar, for example? Apparently, because honey is richer than sugar - it has both aroma and bitterness, there is no cloying in it, but it is also sweeter. And if you think about it, it is impossible not to note the subtle folk accuracy in this definition. Honeymoon... This is the time of maximum tenderness and love, but at the same time it is also the time of "grinding" characters, creating a new way of life and changing relationships with parents and friends.

The family makes new demands on both newlyweds, but during the first month these requirements are not as strict and tough as in the next. Honeymoon is a month of adjustment. It would be nice to spend it alone - on a honeymoon trip. No matter where, no matter when - winter or autumn in this respect is no worse than spring and summer. Traveling allows you to not so abruptly take on burdensome chores around the house, in the kitchen, washing and cleaning.

Most importantly, the honeymoon trip will allow the newlyweds this month to get to know each other better without critical assessments from the outside, without interfering in the inevitable conflicts, albeit relatives, but in this case, strangers.

This consideration is also important. As a rule, a young family, at least for the first time, has to live with one of the parents. And they, parents, of course, sincerely wishing their children happiness, nevertheless, they cannot refrain from some advice, recommendations, a desire to teach, suggest, etc. If these good wishes (and it is possible that in addition to them there may be and several others) are addressed to young people who have already become a family, who have already “got used to” each other, they most often really do good or, at least, do not harm. But if the family has not actually taken place yet, if each of the newlyweds still speaks and thinks “I”, and not “we”, then all these tips and recommendations can do a disservice.

With all that, a honeymoon is usually the time of maximum activity in the sexual life of spouses. And it is on this aspect that, by virtue of the objectives of this book, we will dwell in more detail.

The structure of sexual desire in men and women is different. Normally, there are two components of this attraction - physical (sensual, biological) and psychological (personal). In men, as a rule, the first prevails, in women - the second.

The appearance of the first wet dreams, indicating a significant restructuring of the young man's body, is accompanied by a feeling of sexual satisfaction - an orgasm. Up to this point, vague desires did not find an adequate response. But wet dreams (and often the onanism that follows them) fix in the mind of a young man the satisfaction that he experiences during orgasm. And if the first wet dreams appear most often when the genital organs are overflowing with seminal fluid, then the subsequent onanism is most often an act of will - a consequence of the desire to experience an orgasm again and again.

It would be categorically wrong to say that a young man entering into marriage is dominated by sexual desire, the desire for physical possession of his chosen one. A young man or a young man, not to mention people of a more mature age, deciding to take a very responsible step in his life, will rarely put only the attraction to sexual intimacy at the forefront. However, the sexual libido in men is expressed very clearly.

With the advent of menstruation, girls have a so-called erotic libido: they begin to feel an attraction to affection, care, a desire to give affection and receive them. Respect and attention from a young man, his concern for her, personal characteristics (mind, good breeding, fearlessness, physical data, moral and volitional foundations) are the main qualities by which girls evaluate their chosen ones. And only very few of them, before getting married, think about the sexual abilities of their future husband. Most often, this feeling is generally unfamiliar to them - sexual libido, that is, the attraction to sexual intercourse. And they get satisfaction from affection, kisses, tender words. Only about 20% of girls aged 16-18, according to A. M. Svyadoshch, are able to experience an orgasm even before the onset of sexual activity. This usually happens during erotic dreams, when a girl dreams of hugs, kisses, sometimes even sexual intercourse with both familiar and unfamiliar men or young men. Such girls, having married, begin to experience sexual desire and true sexual satisfaction faster than women who have not seen erotic dreams.

Ideally, in a short period of a few weeks, a young husband can arouse passion in his wife, teach her sexual love, do everything so that she is able not only to please him, but also to experience pleasure herself. Not everyone succeeds in this, but one should strive for this. We are deeply convinced that proper sexual education, mutual efforts and implementation of the recommendations of specialists can significantly reduce the number of sexually cold women, and in addition, reduce the time required for their "sexual awakening".

Immediately, there are several reasons that prevent the rapid emergence of sexual desire in women, such as fear of the first intercourse, the rudeness of the husband, the physical pain that occurs during intercourse shortly after the rupture of the hymen ... Let's talk about others here.

In a newly formed family, small quarrels and frictions are inevitable. After all, people who already have their own habits and attachments, their own views on events and people have united. As long as they met in the evenings or at work, she didn’t care about his habit of throwing things around, and he didn’t care about the fact that she had to wind her hair in curlers every evening. In his family they loved a joke, perhaps not always harmless, in hers they did not allow them to tease each other even in trifles. In the end, especially if the parents do not intervene and the love is really hot, all this will smooth out sooner or later. But ... a small skirmish, just two or three phrases. The husband in a few minutes forgot about her, and the wife is worried for a long time by the thought: “Well, how could he do this? After all, I have been asking you for ten days not to throw newspapers anywhere. This means that he is indifferent to my requests, which means that he does not love.

And when half an hour later he, full of loving tenderness, draws her to him, it is very possible that he will not catch a reciprocal awe, because, as Z. Schnabl figuratively writes, “insults and quarrels during the day extinguish the sparks of love at night.” But the young man does not notice this. And he makes the following mistake - he seeks intimacy. Yielding to his desires, the wife bites her lips in resentment: “He did not even pay attention to my condition. He doesn’t care, just to enjoy himself.”

In this case, both are wrong. He - because he really did not pay attention. She - because she did not put herself in his place, took the scattered newspapers too close to her heart (and he got used to this for 10 years) and did not appreciate the strength of his passion.

Nature also contributes to the discontent of the wife. Sexual desire in a man arises very quickly, but just as quickly, literally by the end of ejaculation, and fades away. And in a woman, desire flares up slowly, but once it has arisen, it persists for a long time and disappears gradually. So it turns out that the man received satisfaction from intimacy and fell asleep, and the woman lies next to her husband, but alone, and involuntarily thinks: “But it was rightly said that sexual intercourse brings pleasure only to a man.”

An hour later, a rested and cheerful husband, waking up, makes an attempt at intimacy again. And she, perhaps, did not even doze off during this hour, or just started to doze, experiencing resentment. The situation may repeat itself. And in the morning, a sleepy, irritated wife will get up an hour earlier to cook breakfast, put things in order, comb her hair. And, hearing sweet sniffling, it will be confirmed in the opinion that sex life gives pleasure only to men.

It is far from always that a young family immediately receives a separate apartment or at least a room. Most often, if you do not go on a honeymoon trip, the honeymoon passes under the supervision of relatives, who often only exacerbate hostile relations with their advice and recommendations.

Do not think that the honeymoon is unsuccessful in many young families. Not at all. In most cases, everything proceeds much better and more painlessly. However, we want to warn against mistakes, to prevent trouble.

At the reception at the Consultation, a married couple with experience in family life ... two weeks. She nervously crumples her handkerchief and is obviously embarrassed to be frank in front of strangers. And the husband is shamelessly assertive and demands that his wife be treated immediately. Treat? From what? From "coldness" - you see, she has never happily agreed to intimacy, but only yields to his desires. If things go on like this, he himself will get sick: he read in a book that the absence of passion in a wife negatively affects her husband - weakens his masculine strength.

The patients were interviewed individually. And it turned out that the young husband had never yet paid due attention to his wife, had never offered to help her with anything around the house, had not inquired about her well-being, and even more so about the desire for intimacy. And she got a little sick - she feels pain when urinating, the temperature rises in the evenings. Sexual intercourse causes discomfort and even pain.

Examination revealed an inflammatory condition of the internal genital organs. The reason is the infection during sexual intercourse. In general, such a disease occurs quite often, especially in cases where a man is not accustomed to the hygiene of the genital organs.

Well, a conversation with her husband confirmed that he has an extremely selfish character. With sincere surprise, he listened to how a man should behave, and for a long time did not believe that O. Balzac could write: “A husband should never be the first to fall asleep and the last to wake up,” and L. Frank claimed: “Who never guarded a dream beloved woman, does not yet know how beautiful life is.

Of course, the sexual instinct, without any training, tells the newlyweds how to carry out sexual intimacy. Instinct instinct, but young spouses should know that their first intercourse in life is significantly different from those that will be filled with life in marriage. On the one hand, during the honeymoon, sexual activity is much higher than subsequent periods of life, on the other hand, unusual sensations, fear of pain, fear of conception. And the man is obliged to eliminate all these contradictions. How?

First of all, he must constantly remember that normally, as we have already indicated, in most or at least in many women, before the beginning of an intimate life, the sexual desire is much inferior in strength to the attraction of men. With the hottest, all-consuming love, the feelings of a woman are more platonic than the feelings of a man. Yes, she knows what sexual love is, she knows how intimacy should flow. But in practice, the desire for sexual intercourse does not prevail over spiritual love.

In addition, a man must remember that women "love with their ears." Call your wife "beloved" a thousand or a hundred thousand times - and she will not seem superfluous. And the Russian language is so rich, there are so many tender words in it, that you can, without fear of repeating yourself, whisper tenderness to her all evening. And not only possible, but necessary.

Farther. On the body of a woman there are so-called erogenous zones, the impact on which causes a specific, sexual arousal. In general, we can assume that “all skin is an erogenous zone if it is caressed by the hands of a beloved man,” but the most sensitive are the eyelids, lips, earlobes, neck, chest, nipples, hollow on the back, outer thighs ... The most erogenous , capable of causing even a real orgasm with caresses in many women, of course, are the inner surfaces of the upper third of the thighs, directly the external genitalia and, first of all, the clitoris.

According to the ability to experience an orgasm, some experts divide all women into those who react mainly clitorally or vaginally. Such a division is very conditional, since, of course, there are few such types in a “pure” form.

A love game, caresses, stroking and other irritation of erogenous zones is an essential condition that a man must comply with before starting sexual intercourse. And this game should continue for a long time. There are objective indicators that allow you to determine the required duration of a love game, after which you can proceed directly to intercourse. These indicators are as follows: the pulse accelerates, breathing quickens somewhat, the skin of the face and neck turns red (sometimes in spots), the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall contract, and the nipples of the mammary glands become erect. The most noticeable changes on the part of the external genital organs - the clitoris swells, the head of which now protrudes outward, the large labia opens, and a small amount of transparent mucous fluid appears at the entrance to the vagina ... By this moment, the desire for sexual intimacy becomes maximum.

Not all women are brought up in such a way that they allow their husband to carry out such preparation for intercourse. Many, due to established traditions or the teachings of girlfriends, simply cannot allow their husband certain types of caresses. At the reception at the Consultation, I repeatedly had to deal with women who came with complaints specifically about sexual coldness, who for several years of married life never allowed their husband to touch the most intimate parts of their bodies. And when they were told that in many respects their condition depended only on such behavior, they shrugged their shoulders in bewilderment: “But this is indecent, how can it be?”

It is advisable to end the love game no earlier than a sufficient degree of excitement arises. You can judge this by moisturizing the vagina, but it is better (most often it happens) if the woman herself makes it clear to her husband that she is ready for intercourse.

In the moment immediately preceding orgasm, and during orgasm, women behave differently depending on individuality and many other reasons. We have already named some - this or that phase of the menstrual cycle, the state of health, the degree of fatigue, etc. And yet there are some more or less typical signs by which a sufficiently experienced husband can determine the approach and onset of orgasm.

As the orgasm approaches, the woman begins to breathe deeper, a slight trembling and trembling runs through her body, movements towards the man intensify. Sometimes a woman can sob, moan, bend, or vice versa, straighten her legs, wriggle her whole body. And, finally, a few minutes after the start of the act comes an orgasm. The sensations during orgasm are very peculiar, they cannot be confused with any others: suddenly a wave of the strongest, all-consuming feeling rolls in, a sweet cramp permeates the whole body, and after a few seconds there is a pulsation of the muscles of the vagina, uterus, etc. The woman’s breathing becomes superficial and intermittent, spastic contractions of the muscles of the body are noted.

After several convulsive contractions, a woman's sexual arousal subsides, but its extinction is much slower than that of a man. Excitation in a woman disappears gradually, she still needs both caresses and a love game. And the man has already lost all interest in this, which often leads to marital conflicts. Sexologists often see women complaining about the misbehavior of their husbands; there are dozens of letters in our mail telling about the same thing. True, from young wives, from women experiencing their honeymoon, there were never letters. But many remember that husbands behaved in this way literally from the very first wedding night. Typical is the complaint of a 27-year-old patient who lived with her husband for about 5 years, which Z. Schnabl cites in his book "Mann und Frau intim" (Berlin, 1977):

“The fact that my husband has no patience and he immediately, as soon as he settles down, begins sexual intercourse, I have already gotten used to over the years. But most of all I am offended by his behavior after sexual intercourse. As soon as he reaches orgasm, he is no longer interested in me at all - he immediately turns on his side and falls asleep, satisfied and full, like a pumped baby. He doesn't even dignify me with a kiss. Every time for me it's worse than a slap in the face. And I ask myself: "What did he want - me or just sexual satisfaction?" And I burrow into my pillow and sob. Sometimes he notices that I am crying, and does: surprised eyes - why am I?

Even in women who do not have the slightest sexual disorder, an orgasm does not occur with every sexual intercourse. And during the honeymoon, this happens even less often. Does it follow from this that the husband should not make every effort to ensure that the orgasm comes? No. It is during the honeymoon, when a man's sexual arousal is greatest, that he nevertheless must try to give his wife maximum pleasure.

Many believe that the strongest and most enjoyable orgasm occurs when both husband and wife come to him at the same time. Of course, this is difficult to achieve regularly, but such a coincidence should be strived for. How to strive? Again, paying more attention to the love game, the arousal of a woman before intercourse.

During the honeymoon, there may be other collisions. With all the enormous importance of sexual life in the first weeks after the wedding, with all the desire of the newlyweds to spend most of the day alone, contacts with others are not interrupted. And some of the friends and acquaintances, relatives or casual fellow travelers cannot deny themselves the pleasure of asking some kind of “question”, giving a “advice” suitable for the moment. In general, there is nothing wrong with this, but sometimes quarrels and resentments can arise if the husband or wife does not know how to behave with dignity.

Speaking of the honeymoon, we, of course, paid more attention to those aspects of it that, due to the inexperience of young spouses, lead to mutual misunderstanding and resentment. And the reader might get the impression that the honeymoon is not so sweet. Is it so? Of course not. In the vast majority of families, it passes lightly and joyfully, easily and happily. And many, many years later, elderly spouses remember it as a great holiday that warmed their whole subsequent life.

And in general, to talk about a happy honeymoon is to talk about love. And poets speak best and most correctly about love. We do not have the opportunity to retell even a millionth part of what the poets dedicated to love. But a few instructive (from our point of view) lines will still be given. V. Fedorov, for example, states:

In essence
Easy life:
Her mouth...
His mouth...

She is simple
As a matter of fact,
Let only the chest
Clings to the chest.

Do you agree with this? However, try someday, when a lump of resentment rises to the throat, when you irresistibly want to answer with an evil word or slam the door, compare the scale of this momentary, just happened, and Love, Life, Happiness. Of course, we are not for forgiveness, not for preserving the family at any cost, and even more so, sacrificing honor. No. But most often the scale is really incommensurable. And this is what we ask you to remember.

It's best not to fight at all. But if it is not possible to keep peace in the family all the time, follow the advice of F. Aliyeva:

Suddenly clouds, and clouds, and clouds all around.
The sky suddenly becomes unkind.
But the thunder will die down, the storm will be angry
And the rain ... And the cheerful sky - in the eyes.

Isn't it so, and we - quarrel suddenly -
And clouds, and clouds, and clouds around.
But the thunder will die down, the rain will fall, and again,
Like the sky, our love is cleansed.

Specialists dealing with family problems (and not only them) are concerned about the fact that modern families break up much more often than ten, and even more so twenty years ago. They even talk about the crisis of the institution of the family. Of course, the situation would be ideal when families did not break up at all. But this is from the realm of wishes. There has always been a certain percentage of marriage in marriage. However, among the many other reasons that keep spouses under one roof, there is one, far from being secondary. This is public opinion. Previously, the divorced looked somewhat flawed, defective, or something. The increase in the number of divorced gradually changed public opinion on this problem, which in turn led to a new wave of "ex-spouses". It got to the point that for a certain part of the youth it even became prestigious to “be married”. They say that in a dispute between “old-fashioned” parents and a young daughter who announced that she was getting married (“it’s too early, because you’re not even 18 years old”), a completely “modern” grandmother intervened, blessing this marriage: “Well, what are you, let it go!”

And yet, of course, the vast majority of young people, crossing the threshold of the registry office, think about the family that "this is serious and for a long time." Naturally, questions arise: “How to save a family, make it happy?”, “What character traits of a husband (wife) contribute to this?” Who, if not family centenarians, that is, people who have lived side by side for twenty to thirty or more years, will answer these questions. Psychologists asked one hundred couples who celebrated their silver weddings to indicate the main character traits that, in their opinion, are most important for the formation of a family.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences F. Makhov writes: “The “three winners” rose to the “pedestal of honor”: readiness to help, quick-wittedness and tolerance for shortcomings; fourth place was taken by humor: women are especially demanding here.

As factors cementing the marital union, the majority of respondents indicated the presence of children and sexual harmony. No comments are needed here. In these answers - a program of action for novice spouses.

Honeymoon. What might seem like a luxury trip to some is actually a much-needed moment in a newlywed's life. Some people prefer to avoid overly lavish wedding ceremonies, and this is completely normal. However, a honeymoon is something special, something that strengthens the bond as a couple. This is a journey that can unite hearts.

Exploring new territory

One of the first steps in preparing for a wedding should be choosing a honeymoon location and booking tickets and hotels. This vacation is a unique moment to appreciate what is going on in your relationship and where you are going. Take advantage of this. Even if your fiancé or fiancee is not too interested in traveling, just take care of the preparations. After the wedding is left behind, your joint adventure will begin. If you have never traveled far before, it may seem quite intimidating, but it does not matter, because you can support each other, and then the impressions will remain the warmest. It will be a trip that will turn you into a family!

Supporting each other is important

Each person has their own weaknesses and fears. On your honeymoon, you will have many adventures, some of which can be scary, for example, if you are afraid of heights or diving into water. In this case, you have a chance to finally cope with your fears! Together you are capable of more than alone. After all, marriage is also scary, even if you have long dreamed about it. You were afraid, but you took a risk and took this step! The same goes for other things in life. By overcoming your fears and discovering new opportunities for yourself, you can draw closer and realize that the fear was completely unfounded.

Complete Trust

Traveling together is also valuable because it helps you learn trust. You understand that you will support each other, no matter what happens. This is a very valuable lesson. For example, even if you know how to ride a motorcycle, sit in the back and just hold on while you are traveling along a mountain serpentine, this is a completely different matter. In marriage, you need to be able to yield control of the situation to another person, and traveling is the best time to learn this behavior. You will discover new strengths in each other. The knowledge that you will never let each other down will be a very valuable gift that you will bring back from such a vacation.

The feeling of independence loses its importance

All sorts of troubles can happen to you while traveling, for example, food poisoning. When you first experience this together, you realize that now your life has changed. You no longer look for support somewhere on the side and do not get upset if some plans change because of your soulmate. You have other priorities. It is best to experience these feelings on your honeymoon, when you will be overwhelmed with positive emotions, than to constantly find such awareness under the yoke of everyday duties.

There will be fights ahead.

In the honeymoon, the first tests of your feelings are waiting for you. Quarrels and dissatisfaction with each other are inevitable. The main thing is to learn how to calmly solve the problem, talk about your grievances and put up. It is better to do this where you are far from your usual life and acquaintances, where you are focused only on each other. Over time, you will realize that all lovers quarrel. Life goes on. There can be no happiness without discontent, this is how the world works. Believe me, a quarrel will not ruin your honeymoon. On the contrary, it will only strengthen your marriage, and then you will remember your disagreements with a smile. Do not hesitate, book tickets and go on your first trip together as husband and wife!

The most pleasant post-wedding tradition is the so-called honeymoon, when young spouses can take a break from all the wedding fuss and numerous pre-wedding troubles and problems, devote themselves to each other. Not necessarily the rest will last a month, it can be several days, but together, nearby, so that no one interferes and does not violate the wonderful beginning of a joint married life. The main thing is to change the situation, the environment and everything, everything around, throwing away all the affairs and worries. And where to go and for how long, each couple decides individually. You can go abroad or to the seashore, you can stay in the city, go to the country or to a country boarding house. This will be a continuation of the holiday in a special atmosphere of romance and love. We must try to choose a special place for the honeymoon. A sandy beach or a house in the forest, a large city or a mountain village, everything should be tuned to the same wave with your feelings, inner world and harmoniously combined. It is very important that no one bothers the young during the first weeks of their life together. They should spend more time together, getting used to each other. And it does not matter how much you were previously acquainted and whether you lived together in a civil marriage. You are starting a completely new stage together, your own family life from scratch, and therefore it is so important to take your mind off everything and enjoy your happiness. Everything new must begin with pleasant sensations, that's why there is a honeymoon!

There are many options for why a honeymoon is called a honeymoon, where this name came from. Many peoples of various cultures and nations have the concept of a honeymoon. For example, in ancient Greece, before inviting the bride and groom to come into the house, they were fed with honey. The beneficial properties of honey have been known to everyone for a long time, it strengthens the immune system, increases potency, and promotes the conception of a child. In Russia, there was a custom to give a wedding to the newlyweds without fail a barrel with 5-10 kilograms of honey, which was supposed to be eaten within a month. Parents, thus, took care of the health and strength of future offspring, because honey in Russia has always been used as a tonic, tonic and rejuvenating remedy. Honey was given to women in labor to ease contractions, and the husband, going to bed with his wife, ate a spoonful of honey at night. For the young, they also brewed mead - a low-alcohol drink that was drunk not only during the wedding feast, but also for thirty days after the festive feast. Our ancestors believed that a child conceived during the honeymoon period would be endowed with excellent health and happiness. Therefore, the expression "honeymoon" is associated with honey not metaphorically, but literally!

According to the customs of many nationalities, they tried to leave the newlyweds alone on their honeymoon. In the villages, they were given a separate hut, and wealthier parents tried to send the young couple on a trip for this time. Today, the tradition of traveling continues. But wherever the young people go on their honeymoon, whatever direction they choose for their honeymoon, the main thing is that they are constantly together and during this time they get to know each other better, perhaps from an unexpected side. After many years, this month is remembered with special warmth and tenderness, a month filled with love and anticipation of a long and happy married life.

No matter how young people are waiting for their own wedding, the pre-holiday fuss is exhausting and you want to quickly take a break from worries, worries and troubles. Therefore, in parallel with the organization of the celebration, the couple will learn how to properly plan a honeymoon so that family life begins with vivid and memorable emotions. But do you know what a honeymoon is? Where did the tradition of calling the first weeks after marriage "honey" come from? And what should be done during this period?

The team of the portal Svadbka.ws decided to acquaint you with the history of the honeymoon, and at the same time figure out what it hides in itself for the first time after the wedding, and what, in principle, should be expected by the newly-made spouses.

Why is honeymoon called honeymoon?

On the territory of Russia, the tradition of going on a trip after the wedding appeared in the 19th century, but in those years, by and large, only representatives of secular society adhered to it. Moreover, during the honeymoon, the couple had to undergo a wedding ceremony.

It is worth noting that many peoples ascribe to themselves the custom of spending a joint holiday after the wedding. But where did he come from, it is difficult to answer. Currently, there are several versions of why the honeymoon bears such a name.

The main task of the honeymoon is to smoothly introduce young people into family life, to help them understand what it means to be not just a couple, but a family. Psychologists say that it is during this period that a man should help a woman to reveal her libido and femininity. This is especially true for couples who did not have intimate relationships before marriage. Therefore, it is worth choosing places where everything contributes to relaxation and is saturated with romance as much as possible: a honeymoon in the Maldives or on other islands will be an excellent choice.

Signs and honeymoon

It is believed that the honeymoon begins from the moment the garter is removed from the bride's leg. Not bypassed popular beliefs and post-wedding time.

So, what do the ancestors warn about:

  • To conceive a child on a honeymoon - to an easy birth and a healthy, smart baby.
  • For a banquet, it is worth buying separate cutlery for the young so that the couple can use them again a week after the wedding, 10 days and 40 days later. It is believed that after this, lovers will live in understanding and peace for many years.
  • The bride and mother-in-law should not borrow salt from each other during their honeymoon, the ancestors believed that this would lead to an early divorce, which means that even the most fabulous honeymoon in unusual places would not be able to maintain a relationship.

In Russia, in the first month of their life together, the newlyweds were protected, they tried not to overload them with work. Everything so that young people can get to know each other, both physically and morally.

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