Scenario of the matinee "New Year's adventures." Universal scenario for children's New Year's party

New Year's scenario for children of the preparatory group
New Year's scenario for senior and preparatory groups
Scenario "Winter's Tale"
Scenario "New Year's Journey through the Fairytale Kingdom"
Ball on Christmas night
Scenario Adventures of a Dwarf
New Year's performance for kids
Matinee script for kids
Journey to Santa Claus
New Year's adventures
Scenario “Christmas tree” (younger group)
New Year's party

Scenarios for the New Year's holiday "Winter's Tale".

(for senior and preparatory groups)

Snow Maiden
Father Frost
Baba Yaga
Cat Dranik

Children run into the hall and stand around the Christmas tree. The tree doesn't burn.

Ved.: Again we celebrate the holiday,

Happy New Year!

Near the fluffy Christmas tree

We start the round dance again.

Hurry up to visit us,

Dance in the bright hall,

Sing, play games,

Music calls us into the circle!

1 child: Multi-colored lights

This hall sparkles

And invites all friends

To the New Year's ball!

2nd child: So let the music sing,

We're starting the ball.

And invites everyone to dance in a circle

Happy carnival!

"New Year's toys."

3rd child: The windows were decorated by Grandfather Frost

And he brought snowdrifts in the yard.

Snowflakes are falling, a blizzard has begun,

A fresh wind blew on the large spruce.

4 children: We ran into the hall with songs and laughter,

And everyone saw the forest guest.

Green, beautiful, tall, slender.

It glows with different lights.

5 children: Hello, our Christmas tree,

Hello New Year!

Let everyone at the Christmas tree

He will dance and sing!

"Round dance".

Ved.: In an old fairy tale, in a Russian fairy tale

There is a snow tower, and in it

The Snow Maiden is sleeping - the princess

Uninterrupted sound sleep.

She sleeps, but today,

Waking up from sleep,

Come to us for the Winter's Tale celebration

She will be a guest.

Elegant favorite

We are all looking forward to the holiday.

Our dear Snow Maiden,

Elegant, beautiful

We'll invite you to visit us.

All: Snow Maiden!

(Snow Maiden comes in)

Snegur.: Just before the New Year

From the land of snow and ice

Together with Grandfather Frost

I’m in a hurry to visit you here.

Everyone is waiting for me for the holiday,

Everyone calls her Snegurochka.

Hello guys,

Girls and boys!

With new happiness! Happy New Year!

With new joy for everyone!

Let them sound under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!

Various miracles happen on New Year's Day.

And today “Winter's Tale” invites us to visit. (Lights go out)

(The light turns on. Koschey lies by the tree, Baba Yaga sits nearby, preening. The cat Dranik enters, sits at a distance, washes himself with his paw).

Snow Maiden: Once upon a time there lived Koschey, Baba Yaga and the cat Dranik.

Dranik: Oh, and I got the owners, pure punishment!

Koschey's skeleton lies on the stove all day long,

And Yozhka has been spinning in front of the mirror for weeks, preparing for a beauty contest,

The beauty has been found!

B. Yaga: Slender little leg,

Ribbon in a braid.

Who doesn't know Yozhechka?

Everyone knows grandma.

Witches at the holiday

They will gather in a circle.

How does Yozhechka dance?

Love to look!

Dranik: Wow!

I would like a poker and a broom for you,

Damned idlers!

Good people have everything in store for winter -

And pickles and jams,

And firewood, and kind words!

And you will stretch out your paws!

Koschey: We drank tea, ate potatoes,

The last wood in the stove has burned out...

What we are going to do?

B. Yaga: What to do, what to do?...

Let's eat the cat!

Dranik: Owners, have you gone completely wild?

We need to run away from here before we really get eaten out of hunger!

(B. Yaga and Koschey try to catch the cat, he runs away).

B. Yaga: There’s nothing to do, Kosha.

Since we don’t like to work, we have to go to robbery. Let's go get ready... (they leave).

Snegur: Guys, while these idlers are gone, let's continue the holiday.

Song "Winter Fun".

(B. Yaga and Koschey enter with pistols, with a rope, with a saber, etc.)

B. Yaga: Looks like we've gathered. And when will we rob? When do we start?

Koschey: Let’s start now! And that is, I really want to! Forward! Robbery!

B. Yaga: Forward!

(They run away screaming).

(The cat Dranik appears).

Dranik: What evil people, they would only ruin everything, they’ve been like this all their lives!

Snegur.: Don’t worry, Dranik. They won't be able to ruin our holiday. Let's talk about mine

Let's talk to Santa Claus and the guys.

Guys, listen carefully to the questions and answer “Yes” or “No”.

Santa Claus is known to everyone. Right? (Yes!)

He arrives exactly at seven. Right? (No!)

Dranik: Santa Claus is a good old man. Right? (Yes!)

Wears a hat and galoshes. Right? (No!)

Snegur.: He brings a Christmas tree for the children. Right? (Yes!)

He comes with a gray wolf. Right? (No!)

Dranik: Santa Claus is afraid of the cold. Right? (No!)

He is friends with the Snow Maiden. Right? (Yes!)

Snegur.: Well, the answers have been given to the questions,

You know everything about Santa Claus.

And this means the time has come,

Which all the children are waiting for.

Let's call Santa Claus!

All: Santa Claus!

(Santa Claus solemnly enters, the cat leaves unnoticed)

D.M.: Hello guys,

The kids are very nice.

Congratulations on your happy holiday!

Low bow to all of you... pranksters!

Snegur.: Grandfather!

What pranksters?

D.M.: Do you think that there are no pranksters among these guys?

Snegur.: Not a single one!

D.M.: Yes? Well, let's ask them themselves.

Guys, are there any pranksters among you? (No!)

What about the ugly ones?


And the mischievous ones?

(No!) And the naughty girls? (No!)

What about the good kids? (No!)

You see, Snow Maiden, there are no good kids among them either.

Snegur: Oh, grandpa, you’re joking again, and yet the Christmas tree is not lit yet.

D.M.: What is this?

What a mess!

There are no lights on your Christmas tree!

So that the tree lights up,

You will use the words:

“Surprise us with beauty,

Christmas tree, turn on the lights!

Come on together, come on together!

(Children repeat the words, the tree lights up).

Snegur.: Guys, stand in a circle,

The music calls to the Christmas tree.

Hold your hands tighter.

Let's start the round dance!

Round dance "Santa Claus".

D.M.: Is there order in our domain, Snow Maiden?

Snegur.: What's the order, grandfather?

There is no snow, no icicles, I’m generally silent about the blizzard.

If only you could sprinkle some snow on the kids for fun!

D.M.: I’ll blow cold magical breath now - it will become cool and make you dizzy


Dance of snowflakes.

Snegur.: Wow, how much snow has piled up! Now you can play!

Game "Santa Claus and Children".

D.M.: Well, now it seems that the snow is in order, let’s check the rest.

Have you prepared any gifts?

Snegur.: Get ready!

D.M.: Have you built bridges across the river?

Snegur.: They set it!

D.M.: The Northern Lights were hung...

Snegur: Oh, grandfather, we didn’t count the stars!

Suddenly so lost!..

D.M.: Yes, it’s a mess!

You count from that edge, and I will be from this.

(D.M. and Snegurochka go into the background behind the tree, B. Yaga and Koschey appear)

Koschey: Look, some grandfather...

B. Yaga: And with him is his granddaughter and a bag...

Koschey: What are we going to steal?

B. Yaga: Give me your granddaughter!

Koschey: No, a bag! Why do you need a girl?

B. Yaga: Do you have a granddaughter?

Koschey: No.

B. Yaga: Neither do I. If we steal her, she will do everything for us, and we will only steal

walk and lie on the stove.

Koschey: I like the bag better!

B. Yaga: Well, stupid! You will have to carry the bag, but the girl will go with her own feet.

Koschey: This is an argument! Let's take the girl!

B. Yaga: Hey, girl!

Snegur. (turns around) What?

Did she fall into a snowdrift?..

Granddaughter! We have no time for jokes! The guys are waiting for us!

(Cat Dranik comes running)

Dranik: What is it? What's wrong?

What happened, Santa Claus?

D.M.: The Snow Maiden is missing! I was just standing here and she wasn’t there!

Dranik: Children, did you see who stole the Snow Maiden? (children speak)

D.M.: Oh, I see. Don't worry, they won't succeed!

My granddaughter is one with character! Well, if things get difficult,

We will come to the rescue. Now start a round dance to lift your spirits!

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".

(D. Moroz and the cat fade into the background, B. Yaga and Koshchei appear,

pushing the Snow Maiden in front of them)

Koschey (pushing Snow Maiden): Drag her through the snowdrifts! Punishment! And she said she’ll go herself,

she'll go on her own!

What's your name?

Snow Maiden: Snow Maiden!

B. Yaga: Are you hard-working?

Snegur.: Me?

Very! I love to draw on windows and I can count stars!

Koschey: We ourselves know how to draw on windows!

But, for example, can you cook cabbage soup?

Snegur.: Cabbage soup?

Is it with cabbage?

Koschey (animated): With cabbage, with cabbage!

Snegur: No, I can’t. Grandpa and I love ice cream.

B. Yaga: Now she has tied herself around our necks. He doesn’t know how to cook cabbage soup!

Koschey (to Baba Yaga): I told you - you need to take the bag... And you still keep the girl, the girl...

B. Yaga: In general, Snow Maiden, you will now be our granddaughter.

Snegur.: Who are you?

B. Yaga and Koschey: Robbers!

Snegur.: Real robbers?

B. Yaga: Yes, the real ones!

We have everything: an axe, a pistol, a knife, and a rope!

And we gathered helpers for ourselves.

Hey, robbers, come running,

Let your dance begin!

Dance of the robbers.

Snegur.: What is it, the New Year is coming, but you have neither a holiday nor a Christmas tree?

Koschey: How is it not? Look, there are a lot of Christmas trees in the forest!

Snegur.: Oh, I’m talking about a decorated Christmas tree. Even children know about this.

Listen to the song!

"What's hidden under the tree?"

(Santa Claus enters to the sound of menacing music).

D.M.: Oh, there you are, robbers!

Give me my Snow Maiden, otherwise I’ll make fir cones out of you!

Koschey and Baba Yaga: Oh, don’t, oh, we’re afraid,

We will surrender to you without a fight!

(They back away, run away and stealthily steal Santa Claus's bag)

D.M.: It seems that we got rid of these loafers, hooligans.

Now I want to listen to poetry.

And I’ll sit and rest, otherwise I was completely exhausted while wandering through the forest.

Children read poetry.

D.M.: Well done!

Sing me some funny song!

The guys will be freezing! They will laugh: ha ha ha!

Snegur.: And the girls are snow cubs! - hee-hee-hee!

D.M.: Come on, freezers, we tried it! (laugh)

Snegur.: And now the snow cubs! (laugh)

Shouting game:

D.M.: And the naughty boys - Ha-ha-ha!

Snegur.: And the fun girls - Hee-hee-hee!

(so 2-3 times)

D.M.: They made a noise, they laughed

All of you, truly, from the heart.

Both girls and boys

They were very good!

Snegur.: You guys are very funny!

Are you friendly?


Wider the circle, wider the circle,

The music is calling

All friends and girlfriends

In a noisy round dance!


Snegur.: Everyone knows, on New Year's Eve

Each of us is waiting for a gift!

Santa Claus for someone in the morning

He brought them in a large basket.

But good luck here for you too

Santa Claus has gifts in store!

D.M. (looks for the bag): It can’t be!

What's happened? I can't find the bag!

Snegur.: Or maybe you left it in the forest?

D.M.: No, I know for sure that I hid the bag somewhere here, but I can’t remember where!

(walk, look)

Snegur.: No, the bag is not visible here.

Grandfather, what a shame!

Really no gifts?

Will the children leave the party?

D.M.: How will they leave?

I won't allow it!

I'll find the gifts!

Wait, children, we will come

And we'll bring gifts.

(D.M. and Snow Maiden leave the hall. Koschey and Baba Yaga appear.

Koschey is carrying a bag)

B. Yaga: Kosha, come here quickly!

Carry the bag more carefully.

Koschey: Wow!

I barely carried the bag. And why is it so heavy?

There are probably a lot of goodies in it.

B. Yaga: Come on, come on,

Here, here!

How will we divide?

Koschey: And so!

Was I carrying a bag? I!

This means that most of the gifts are mine!

B. Yaga: Look, what a smart guy!

Who gave you the idea to do such a thing?

(B. Yaga and Koschey argue, fight a little)

(Snow Maiden comes in)

Snegur.: You again? And what do you have?

Come on, come on!


(B. Yaga and Koschey block the bag)

B. Yaga: We found a treasure under a bush,

And there is no shortage of good in him.

Snegur.: Yes, this is Santa Claus's bag!

Koschey: We don’t know anything! This is our bag!

Snegur: Well, let's see, Santa Claus will come, then speak differently.

Guys, call Santa Claus!

D.M.: What happened?

Snegur: Grandfather, they found it, they found it! Here's your bag of gifts...

Koschey, Baba Yaga: We won’t give you a bag,

We'll eat everything in it ourselves.

D.M.: Well, if so, help yourself!

(Koschei and Baba Yaga, quickly pushing each other away, take them out of the bag

torn shoe, hat, various rags)

B. Yaga: We don’t want such gifts!

Will this happen without gifts?

D.M.: Various miracles happen around the New Year.

I made sure that the gifts ended up under your pillows in the group.

You will definitely find them!

B. Yaga, Koschey: And us?

Koschey: Eh, we want some treats!

We ask for your forgiveness!

Grandfather, Snow Maiden, forgive me

And give me a gift!

B. Yaga: We will improve, believe me,

We will start a new life!

We will be kinder, better

Every hour, every day!

D.M.: Well, guys, shall we forgive them? (Yes!)

Fine! And you will find gifts from me in your hut.

Snegur.: Happy New Year

And we give you an order:

May you all be healthy,

Getting better every day!

D.M.: So that there is

And fun and laughter.

Happy New Year, Happy New Year!

Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

See you next year!

Wait for me, I'll come!

(characters say goodbye and leave)

Scenario New Year 2016-2017 “Snow Tale”

Children enter the hall in a chain (girl-boy) and form a circle, music - “Snowflakes are descending from the sky”, children sing along

Leading: – Everything in the hall is beautiful and new,

Everything in the hall sparkles and shines!

Look guys, it's here again

The decorated Christmas tree is standing!

Dear guests have come to us, (children wave to the guests)

And everyone is happy to congratulate them!

What are you guys like!

You won't meet better-dressed guys!

Come on, dear children,

Laugh, joke and play!

And the most beloved in the world

Celebrate the holiday today!



Reb. 1 – Our Christmas tree is fluffy,
And slim and green.
Just something with lights
It doesn't burn for us!

Reb. 2 – We’ll fix this now
Let's make the lights burn!
Let's say together, one, two, three!
Everything - Our Christmas tree, burn!

the tree lights up, everyone applauds and joins hands


children sit down

Leading: - Come on, kids, admit it honestly: did you take a good look at the Christmas tree? I'll check it now. Let's play the game "What doesn't happen on the Christmas tree?"


Are there colored firecrackers on the Christmas tree?

Are there balls and toys on the Christmas tree?

Paper animals?

Big pillows?

And what about delicious buttery cheesecake buns?

Is there a big basket under the raspberry tree?

Is there a cat meowing at the top?

Are there dolls of their silk on the branches?

Candles made of gold?

What about the bookshelf?

How many silver snowflakes?

Beautiful beads and tinsel?

Well done! All questions answered!

Reb. 3 – The children all came to the Christmas tree,
Guests are here, but here's a question:
Where does our merry wander?
Good Grandfather Frost?
It's time for him to come,
He was delayed on the way.
Santa Claus, oh, oh!
Do you hear me calling you!

the children call Santa Claus, alarming music sounds, Sn comes in. Queen

Sn. Queen : - What's happened? What's happened?

Why do I have no peace?

Who allowed you to make noise?

Come on, quickly go home!

What kind of tree is there?

Oh, how it shines, how it burns! (dissatisfied)

Leading: - Today we are celebrating

Holiday of Christmas tree and winter.

Sn. Queen - So winter has come?

Did I understand you correctly?

Where then, tell me, is the snow?

Why are there no snowdrifts?

Leading: – Your Snowiness, don’t be angry,

And sit on the throne here,

And for you our guys

They will dance with pleasure.

Sn. The Queen sits on the throne


Sn. Queen:

I've cooled down a little

And, perhaps, I forgave you.

Santa Claus is no longer the same -

There is no strength for anything:

Not a snowstorm to whirl around,

Don't let the wells get cold.

I always need to go

And keep an eye on everything yourself.

He's always walking somewhere,

Nothing happens.

I need to scold my grandfather.

I'll go look for him! (menacing)

Sn. The Queen leaves, the children call Father Frost again

Father Frost (enters, dances)

Guys, I’m an old grandfather, I’m already five thousand years old!

In January and February I walk the earth,

As soon as I get out of bed, snowstorms arise!

As soon as I shake my sleeve, everything will be covered with snow!

But now I’m very kind and I’m friends with the guys,

I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t catch anyone!

Now give me the answer - who is not at the Christmas tree with me?

(children answer: Snow Maidens)


Now I will call the Snow Maiden, and you will all help me!

(name is Snegurochka)


This is who is calling me, who is celebrating the New Year?

Hello my friends, I'm glad to see you all,

Both big and small, nimble and remote!

I see that you were not lazy and worked hard,

They decorated the fragrant Christmas tree well, look how elegant and fluffy it is!

We came from a good fairy tale, today there will be games and dancing!

Join the round dance and let's celebrate the New Year together!


SONG - old. groups

Father Frost - Now we’re going to play, watch out! I'll freeze it! Snowballs, fly out, scare the children!


Guests are given 2-3 snowballs in advance. Santa Claus adds a few more pieces from his bag. At the command of Santa Claus, guests throw snowballs into the hall. Children play with D.M., then collect snowballs into a basket or back into a bag. Santa Claus can offer children to play differently. Excerpts of the music “WALTZ. POLKA. WALTZ. POLKA". Santa Claus announces: “If the polka starts playing, we take snowballs in our hands. If the music is different, we put on skates.” Children and Santa Claus imitate skating in circles to the waltz, and everyone throws snowballs to the polka. Here a delayed display is necessary so that the children themselves can guess what music and what game.

Father Frost - Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the kids.

Well, you mischievous people, read some poetry to me!

alarming music sounds, an angry Sn enters the hall. The queen with a white cape in her hands approaches D.M.

Sn. Queen - Where are you! Are you frolicking again?

Are you having fun near the Christmas tree?

Why around me

So the kids don't curl up?

I'm much more beautiful

And slimmer and smarter!

Father Frost - It's true - you're smart

But it's too cold.

It's better to smile at the children

Spin around in a round dance!

Sn. Queen - I don’t like your jokes!

I don't like your dancing!

I don't want a minute

Stay in this room!

I'll blow on you, Frost

And I will enchant you forever!

From now on you will live

In the Kingdom of Permafrost!

The phonogram of a blizzard sounds, Sn. The Queen blows on Santa Claus (she blows on her palm, sparkles fly out of her palm), throws a cape on grandfather and takes him away

Snow Maiden - Children! We need to run

And Frost to the rescue.

This is deceit, such deceit!

Who knows the way to the kingdom?

Kai and Gerda (they run out to the center of the hall or from their place) - We know the way there!

Leading - Who you are?

Kai and Gerda - Gerda and Kai!

Gerda – Good Andersen about us

I just wrote a fairy tale

How did I get to the North?

She saved her dear brother.

We saw the carriage

They recognized her at that very moment!

It's the Evil Queen

She once took Kai away!

Kai – We won’t let you down, friends!

Let's bring you to the Queen!

You all stand up behind us,

Sing a song together!


children perform a snake march around the hall, then sit down

Snow Maiden. -Where did the path lead us? I see a beautiful castle! But this is not the Snow Queen's palace! There's smoke coming out of the chimney and it smells delicious of pies!

And here comes the security!

the crows go to the center of the hall, say their names, bow

Clara - Kra! Kra! Theft!

Kra! Kra! Theft!
Guard! Robbery! Pr-r-ropage!
The thief sneaked in early in the morning,
He stole the penny from his pocket.
Car-r-randash! Car-r-tonku! Traffic jam!
And a beautiful little cor-shy girl!

Charles - Come on, Clara, shut up.

And don’t shout to no avail!

You can't live without deception!

You don't have a pocket!

Clara - Why didn’t you say it before?
Car-r-raul! Car-r-rman stole!

turn to each other and “fight” with their paws

Snow Maiden . – Dear birds, don’t quarrel! Better help us get into the castle. We're in trouble! Our best friend has disappeared! May be,

Did the inhabitants of the castle see the carriage in which the Snow Queen was riding and carrying Grandfather Frost? Can we talk to the Prince and Princess?

Clara - But we also have grief!

The Prince and the Princess are in a quarrel today!

What should the Majesty share?

We want to reconcile them!

Snow Maiden. – Maybe we can reconcile the Prince and Princess? Call them please!

the crows approach the Prince and Princess, bow and lead them to the center

Princess – We can’t solve everything,

Where to install the Christmas tree!

In my pink living room!

There are wonderful pictures there! (stomps his foot)

Prince - No, in the living room it’s blue

Let's celebrate our holiday!

There's a piano there

The chandelier is bright! (stomps his foot)

arguing and stomping, pink - blue - pink - blue

Leading: – It’s easy to solve! On whose side the snowflake falls, he loses.


: There is a thin snowflake on the table. Two players from opposite sides blow on a snowflake on command. On whose side the snowflake falls, he loses. The presenter announces who will have a Christmas tree.

Leading: - Come on, hold hands

And now make peace!

Prince and Princess join hands

Snow Maiden. – Your Majesty, we cannot waste a minute! The Snow Queen bewitched Grandfather Frost and took him very far away! Help us!

Princess - Dear children,

There is no room for everyone in the carriage!

We want him to take you

New miracle locomotive!

We've become friends now

And we will go with you!


Snow Maiden : Guys, look. where did we end up?

There are trees, forest, and some strange hut all around? You hear? (music is heard and Baba Yaga enters the hall).

Yaga: Hello there!, what kind of business is this? I was here to make fly agaric soup, and here are the guests?!

Leading - Dear Grandmother Yagusya, help! The Snow Queen bewitched our Grandfather Frost and dragged him away to his kingdom, and without Grandfather the New Year will not come!

Yaga: What the hell did they want! I’d rather make a delicious soup out of you all now (the yaga scares the children, tries to grab them).

Leading: Grandma, our guys are good, please don’t eat them, but we’d rather play with you and make you have fun.

Yaga: Well, try it, and if I don’t like it, I’ll definitely eat you!

Playing a game with Baba Yaga

Yaga: Oh guys, they killed grandma. I'm completely tired. So be it, I will help you! I have a magic lorets, and there is a magic ball in it, throw it on the winter ground, and it will lead you straight to the palace of the Snow Queen. But just know that in order for the ball to lead you in the right direction, you need to say the magic words. But I’ll tell you which ones now. (Yaga takes out a bundle with magic words from behind her vest; it turns out to be very long, but still she finds the words and reads them to the children)

Yaga: “Shake, shake, roll, roll, roll, and don’t turn off the road, show the way, and lead the kids to the kingdom!”

Yaga says the words, hands over the scroll and leaves

Snow Maiden: Guys, hurry up and follow me in pairs, let’s hit the road with you and save our Santa Claus.

(The Snow Maiden throws the ball, but it doesn’t roll)

Snow Maiden : Guys, for some reason the ball doesn’t want to show us the way to the kingdom of the Snow Queen. Perhaps we forgot something?!

Children: (Children's answers)

Leading : Snow Maiden, we forgot to say the magic words! Guys, help us, and then the ball will show us the way.

Children with heroes pronounce words and the ball rolls around the Christmas tree (the presenter kicks it with her foot)

Blizzard music sounds

Leading : – The snowstorms are blowing harder and harder,

So we're almost there.

And behind the snow veil

An ice castle is visible.

Sn enters Queen sits on the throne

Sn. Queen - What insolence! Who called you?

I'll give you a scandal!

I will take revenge on you for your insolence!

I'll turn gifts into snow!

Leading: - Children, get up in a round dance! The Queen doesn't like fun and loud songs! Our dancing will make her feel hot and her magic will disappear!


Sn. The Queen runs out of the hall, covering her ears, the children sit down

Santa Claus (enters with music) – Thank you, my dears, small and large! Oh, it’s like I slept for 100 years, and you woke me up! Thank you, you saved me from evil witchcraft!

Children - Hooray!

Leading – Grandfather, all children know that good always wins! It's time to reward the guys for their work!

Father Frost – I brought you a lot of gifts!

D.M. takes 1-2 bags out of the gift bag, opens it, and there are snowballs and tinsel

Snow Maiden. – Did the Snow Queen’s prediction really come true, did all the gifts turn into snow?

Father Frost - No problem! Good magic is still stronger than evil! Close your eyes!

Come on, staff, help!

Get to work today!

Turn all snowballs

For New Year's gifts! (knocks with staff)

The lights blink, the light music turns on, gifts appear


All the heroes come out and say the words together:

Happy New Year, we wish you happiness in the new 2017!

Lyudmila Samokvit
"Christmas story". Scenario for the New Year's holiday for children in the middle group of kindergarten

Goals: enrich the emotional experience children, improve motor skills, develop creative and stage ability; cultivate a culture of behavior at mass gatherings holidays.


Adults: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Baba Yaga

Children: Kolobok, bear, piglets, snow butterflies, clowns, snowmen.

To the music of Shainsky "If only it weren't winter" children run into the hall.

Presenter: Guys, the Christmas tree has arrived.

To us at holiday in kindergarten.

There are so many lights and toys!

How beautiful is her outfit!

Happy New Year,

May fun come to you

I wish you happiness and joy

To all the guys and guests.

1 child This is how the Christmas tree is dressed up

And she came to us at kindergarten.

And look under the tree,

Lots of little guys.

2 children Our Christmas tree is fluffy,

All silvery from the snow.

On the top of the head, like a hat,

An armful of white snow.

3 child Multi-colored beads,

White boots.

And on every branch -

Balls are earrings.

4 children Near the Christmas tree today

"Hello, New Year's holiday,

Hello, the Christmas tree is beautiful!”

5 reb. At the Christmas tree,

Among my friends,

In a merry round dance

Let's spin quickly!

(Round dance "Christmas tree - Christmas tree" music T. Popatenko

Presenter: As always, under the tree here

Miracles await you today.

And the heroes of good fairy tales

They will definitely come to you.

The Snowman appears to the sound of a cheerful polka

Snowman: I'm not a simple snowman.

I'm cheerful, mischievous,

I really like to play

Songs to sing and dance!

(A game "Snowman, snowman, you are so good")

Snowman: Run away as fast as you can,

I'll catch you now! (children run away)

Presenter: The music sounds again, the Snow Maiden is rushing to us...

(Snow Maiden appears and sings a song)

Snow Maiden: Hello, kids! Have you seen Santa Claus?

Presenter: No, Snow Maiden, he hasn’t come to us yet, but we’re waiting for him!

Snow Maiden: Maybe he got lost,

Maybe he lost his way?

Where to look for him now?

Well you'll have to wait!

Snowman: Hello, Snow Maiden! I came to you say that Santa Claus got lost, but he got too busy and forgot.

Snow Maiden: Lost! Wow! So what should we do now? Will the guys really be left without gifts?

Snowman: Need to come up with something. Oh, Snow Maiden, it seems I invented: Let me dress up as Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden: No, Snowman, you won’t make Santa Claus, Santa Claus has a red nose, and you have a carrot instead of a nose!

Snowman: This is true! Oh, let's go into the forest and find grandpa!

Snow Maiden: Then get on the sled and let's go!

(Game “Sledge” music by Filippenko)

Snowman: Here we are! How quiet it is in the forest! Let `s have some rest!

Oh, look, Kolobok, Kolobok is a ruddy side,

He rolled along the path and almost fell into a snowdrift!

Dance "Kolobok"

Snow Maiden: Goodbye, Kolobok, it’s time for us to go!

(snoring sounds) What's happened? Yes, this bear is snoring, look how he snores, you can hear it throughout the forest! So all the holiday will oversleep. Let's wake him up and invite him to holiday!

(Game with a bear)

Presenter: Hush, bear, don’t growl, it’s better to dance with us!

("Merry Dance")

Snowman: It’s time to hit the road again, I came across a snowdrift!

Suddenly the snowdrift began to move and a snowball suddenly appeared...

(a snowdrift spins and stomps, Baba Yaga appears from it, wearing the Snow Maiden’s crown.

Baba Yaga: Wow, poor me! I’ve been sitting in a snowdrift for so long, I can’t straighten up.

(to children) Do you recognize me?

Children: Yes, Baba Yaga!

B. Yaga: What are you talking about! It's me - the Snow Maiden! Look what a figurine!

Snowman: We recognized you, Yaga. Would like to say hello to us!

B. Yaga: Say hello, well, it’s very possible.

Hello, Christmas tree, prickly needle! Hello, boys, wow, my little mice!

Snow Maiden: You came to children's party like the last scoundrel,

You wave your broom, everyone you'll scare the children!

B. Yaga: What, are you afraid of me?

Presenter: Not at all, we even came up with a game for you.

A game "Grandma Yozhka" R. n. P.

B. Yaga: Oh, I’ve been playing with you here and I’m terribly hungry! That's the joy of who I am I see: the piglets are tasty and well-fed! Eh, I’ll eat them for lunch now!

Presenter: What are you talking about, Grandma Yaga, is it really possible to eat such cheerful and perky piglets? It’s better to watch their dance!

Dance of the piglets

Baba Yaga: My appetite is running wild, and I can’t contain it,

Beware piglets, I will catch up with you!

(catches up with the piglets)

Snow Maiden: Baba Yaga, stop right now, because today New Year holiday, and we are looking for Grandfather Frost! Haven't you seen him?

Baba Yaga: Santa Claus won’t come to you, the snowstorm has covered all the roads, he won’t come

They there will be no holiday!

Snowman: But you have a broom, help us, mark the paths!

B. Yaga: Here's another! If you want to break my broom, I won’t give it to anyone!

Snow Maiden: What a greedy person! It’s okay, we have Snowmen, hardworking guys, they will help us!

Snowman Dance

Snow Maiden: Maybe we’ll call grandpa again, maybe he’ll hear us!

Guys, let's get loud let's shout: “Santa Claus, A-y!”

(from behind the door you can hear: “A – y)

Father Frost: I’m in a snowdrift, help and free me.

Blow harder, shovel the snow faster1

Pull the rope and wait for me to visit you!

(children pull the rope and Santa Claus appears)

Father Frost: Hello, here I am, I’m glad to see you, friends!

I, Frost, complex, with a lush white beard

Happy New Year, I wish you happiness and joy.

Don’t sneeze or get sick, have good health.

It's fun to laugh at the Christmas tree and don't be afraid of Santa Claus!

Why is your Christmas tree sad?

And the lights are not shining brightly today.

I'll take the staff in my hands, I'll make it loud I'll knock:

I’ll knock once, then twice, I’ll touch the tree with my hand,

I'll knock again: 1.2.3! Light up, lights!

And now the music calls us all to a round dance!

(round dance with Santa Claus)

Child: Santa Claus, Santa Claus, don’t freeze our ears and nose.

Come out quickly and play and catch up with the kids!

A game “I’ll freeze my hands and nose”

Father Frost: Oh, how hot it became in the hall,

Oh, I'm afraid I'll completely melt

Let the breeze blow

Will bring snow here.

Snow butterfly dance

Father Frost: Thank you, little snowflakes, you saved me from the heat!

Baba Yaga: (children) Completely frozen! She said he wasn't needed here!

Father Frost: What are you whispering there, old man!

Baba Yaga: Grandfather, I invite the kids to dance in a round dance! I really love to dance!

Father Frost: Oh, look at me! Don't offend anyone! Dance, dance like that!

Round dance with Baba Yaga

Snowman: Grandfather Frost, while you were dancing, Snegurochka and I made snowballs, let’s play.

Father Frost: Hey guys, don’t yawn, and sort out the snowballs!

(A game "Snowballs" R. n. m.)

Father Frost: I’ve become old, completely tired, I trampled my heels.

Well, I’ll sit down and sit, right, guys? (Santa Claus falls asleep)

Children with a bell run around the Christmas tree, run up to Santa Claus and ring it.

Santa Claus wakes up: I don’t understand what kind of ringing it is, it haunts me! (children hide the bells behind their backs) Are you calling pranksters?

Children laugh: No!

Father Frost: Show me your hands! (children show hands one by one)

Father Frost: There really is nothing! (the game is repeated, Santa Claus guesses that the guys were joking and catches up with them).

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, did you like our children? They sang and danced and played games.

Snowman: And now to you question: “Did you bring us gifts?”

Father Frost: Certainly! Where is my magic bag? Oh-oh-oh!

The blizzard howled, the snow swirled, I dropped my bag!

Snow Maiden: What should we do, grandfather?

Father Frost: But I’m a wizard, granddaughter! Well, here you go, knock on your staff and find my bag! (takes out a bag). And now, 1,2,3 – give everyone gifts!

(a monkey appears from the bag)

Snow Maiden: Real, straight from Africa! (monkey dances)

Snowman: Grandfather is not a gift, but a monkey!

Father Frost: She climbed up for a reason, the New Year is in a hurry, friends!

(to the monkey) Run around the Christmas tree and show up with a gift! (the monkey runs around the tree and brings a gift).

Snow Maiden: And many more gifts! (gift distribution)

Baba Yaga: Grandfather and me too!

Father Frost: And you won’t be greedy anymore?

Baba Yaga: Never!

Father Frost: Great, guys, everything is finally okay!

Well, the kids are mischievous, and you are dear guests,

Don’t get sick, don’t be bored, see us again in a year!

Snow Maiden: We wish everyone health and happiness,

And Happy New Year to you all!

New Year's holiday scenario for children of the second junior group
New Year's scenario for children of the preparatory group
New Year's scenario for senior and preparatory groups
Scenario "Winter's Tale"
Scenario "New Year's Journey through the Fairytale Kingdom"
Ball on Christmas night
Scenario Adventures of a Dwarf
New Year's performance for kids
Matinee script for kids
Journey to Santa Claus
New Year's adventures
Scenario “Christmas tree” (younger group)
New Year's party

Scenario for New Year's party (kindergarten).

Happy New Year!
Both hosts and guests,
Happiness to everyone, I wish you well
And nice, clear days.
And there is also congratulations -
In my kindergarten
Healthier and more rosy
Get better every day!

Song "In December"

White, white in December, in December
Christmas trees, Christmas trees in the yard, in the yard.

Slippery, slippery in December, in December
Pots, pots in the yard, in the yard
Spins and spins and sings and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

Voiced, voiced in December, in December,
Songs, songs in the yard, in the yard.
Spins and spins and sings and sings
Festive, festive round dance, round dance!

1 child:
- Hello, Christmas tree, how glad we are
Why did you come to us again
And in green needles
Brought the freshness of the forest!

2nd child:
- There are toys on your branches
And the lanterns are burning,
Multi-colored firecrackers,
Different beads are on fire!

3rd child:
- You are the freshness of the forest at dawn
She brought light into our room,
Straightened the resinous needles
Light up with sparkling lights!

Song "New Year has come to us"

Green, fluffy,
In a snow coat,
The Christmas tree has arrived for the holiday
Frosty winter.

That's how good it is
New Year has come to us,
That's how good it is
New Year has come.

Silver snowflakes
and the branches shine,
And pieces of ice like bells
They ring softly.

We drive near the Christmas tree
Merry round dance,
And together we dream a Christmas tree
Celebrating the New Year!

4th child:
- Move the circle wider
Join the round dance
We lived together happily
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance "New Year is coming to us"

It's good that every year
New Year is coming to us,
Lights up our Christmas tree
And starts a round dance.

If dancing isn't enough
The dance has a twist
We'll dance all over again
And then vice versa!

We dance under the Christmas tree
We can do it for three whole hours,
And we won’t get tired at all,
What miracles!

If dancing isn't enough
The dance has a twist
We'll dance all over again
And then vice versa!

- Let's have fun today
Let their faces shine with happiness,
The sister snowflakes have arrived,
Whirl around the snowstorm.

Dance of Snowflakes.
A magpie girl runs out from behind the Christmas tree and reads a telegram from Santa Claus:
-Telegram, telegram:
"I was in such a hurry that it became hot,
Yes, the gifts were scattered,
Caught on a twig
And my bag tore.
I'm still collecting them,
I am sending Snow Maiden to you.
Just, darlings, look,
Take care of my granddaughter."

- We will greet the Snow Maiden, we will meet her with the orchestra.

Children play musical instruments. Baba Yaga enters. dressed up as a snow maiden.

Baba Yaga:
And here I am, here I am.

Who are you?

Baba Yaga:
Like who? Granddaughter.

Oh, so you are the granddaughter of Santa Claus?

Baba Yaga:
Well, yes. . . Meet your granddaughter and be healthy.

So you become the Snow Maiden. Why didn't Grandfather Frost come?

Baba Yaga:
He was in such a hurry that it became hot and the roasts scattered.

What other roasts?

Baba Yaga:
But of course: the roasts scattered and my twig broke.

Well, that's it. You are not the granddaughter of Santa Claus. So go away from here in good health, and we will continue the holiday.

Baba Yaga:
But Santa Claus said: “Just, dear ones, look, take care of my granddaughter.”

Guys, maybe she really is the Snow Maiden?

Children in chorus:

And who is she?

Children in chorus:
Baba Yaga!

-I also think Baba Yaga. Let's tease her, the liar.

Game "Granny Hedgehog, bone leg."

Baba Yaga:
But, but, just think, tease. But I have your Snow Maiden, but I won’t let her go.

Wait, where are you going, let our Snow Maiden go!

Baba Yaga:
No, I’d rather make her heat the bathhouse for me.

What to do? Our Snow Maiden will melt in the bathhouse. Baba Yaga, ask for whatever you want, just let the Snow Maiden go.

Baba Yaga:
I want to stay with you for the holiday.

Well guys, let him stay? stay and bring the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga leaves, and the children dance the “Babushka Yaga” dance. Baba Yaga returns and brings a pirate wrapped in white clothes.

Baba Yaga:
Here is your Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden, why are you wrapped up like that, and why is your voice somehow hoarse?

It was I who caught a cold during the storm. . . Oh! Do you want a riddle, kids?

In the thicket of the forest there is something like this,
Incomprehensible, big,
Like a chicken has two legs,
There are doors, but no windows,
A friend lives there
What kind of house is this?
Children in chorus: Hut!

That's right, children.

Something is strange. Is it really yours? Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga's girlfriend?

Pirate (covering his mouth):
Oh! No, of course not. . . Let's all dance together.

Children with the Pirate and Baba Yaga dance the "Ledka-Enka" dance. The pirate gets so excited that he takes off his white clothes and thereby gives himself away. The music stops.

Children, look, this is not the Snow Maiden, but a Pirate. Let's connect them with Baba Yaga.

The children tie up the Pirate and Baba Yaga, they resist and shout:
This is unfair. . . Have mercy, don't drown. . .

Yeah, we were scared! Tell me where the Snow Maiden is!

Baba Yaga:
Now, now let's bring it.

They are untied and they leave.

Guys, let's call the Snow Maiden so that she knows that we are waiting for her here.

Children in chorus:
Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden! Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden enters, sad.

Snow Maiden (sad):
Happy New Year. . .

What's wrong with you, Snow Maiden? Why are you so sad? You don't smile. Oh-oh-oh.

She must have been bewitched. What to do? Guys, maybe we’ll cast a spell on her with funny poems and dances, and she’ll have fun. Sit down, Snow Maiden, and look at our songs and dances.

Girls dance the "Gypsy" dance. Boys dance the Musketeers dance.
Snow Maiden (fun):
Thank you, friends.
I became the same again.
The Snow Maiden will lead you

in the New Year's round dance!

Guys, Santa Claus is coming! Let's call him so he doesn't go astray. Let's all say together: “Santa Claus, come quickly! It will be more fun together!”

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
Father Frost:

Oh, that's where my Christmas tree is. She ran away from the frost and came into the garden herself.

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
Santa Claus, the lights are not on, light the Christmas tree for us.

One, two, three, help us with the staff, light the Christmas tree for us. (knocks three times with the staff).

The Christmas tree lights up, the children sing the song “The Magical Christmas Tree.”
When the New Year lights up
There are colored lights on the Christmas tree,
Everyone remembers their childhood

Happy children's days.

About wizards and animals.
Someone will make a wish
And he whispers to Santa Claus,
He will fulfill all his promises

And he will bring it in the New Year.
A magical dream for us, bring us a Christmas tree.
About palaces, about forests and sleds,
Happy children's days.

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
Happy New Year!
With new happiness!
Santa Claus has not forgotten you,
And on New Year's Day
I brought a new song.
Get up in a round dance,
Sing together!

Children dance in a circle and sing the song “Oh, what a good, kind Santa Claus.”

Oh, so good
Good Santa Claus!
Christmas tree for our holiday
Brought it from the forest.

The lights are sparkling
Red, blue,
It's good for us, Christmas tree,
Have fun with you!

We removed the Christmas tree
In a festive outfit.
Lights on the branches
They burn merrily.

Let everyone at the Christmas tree
He will dance and sing,
We have fun together
Let's celebrate the New Year!

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
Well, thank you guys, you sang the song with me. Tell me, guys, are you having fun in winter?

Snow Maiden and children:
We don't mind the cold! The cold is not scary either.

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
Aren't you afraid of frost?
Beware, beware
Come on, show me your hands,
Yes, put it behind your back,
Who will I touch?
I'll freeze those as a joke.

Game "I'll freeze".

- Good Grandfather Frost! And also play the guessing game with us!

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Look how you look at us
Guess, Santa Claus,
What are we doing now?
(play violin)

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
You are scratching your beard.

No, we play the violin.

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Look how you look at us
Guess, Santa Claus,
What are we doing now?
(play the pipe)

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
You drink milk.

No, we play the pipe.

Dear Grandfather Frost,
Look how you look at us
Guess, Santa Claus,
What are we doing now?
(play the piano)

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
You sort through the grains.

No, we play the piano.

Santa Claus, you didn’t guess anything, dance and make us laugh.

Santa Claus is dancing.

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
Oh, it’s hot here, I’m about to melt. Granddaughter, bring some cold water to cool off.

The Snow Maiden brings a large mug filled 1/3 with confetti. Santa Claus pretends to drink, and suddenly pours confetti from his mug onto his parents.

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
Celebrate the New Year with song,
Celebrate the New Year with dancing,
Who knows poems about the holiday?
Let him read them now.

Children go out and read poems under the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:
Now it's time for all of us to play together again.

Game "Bridge", "Snowballs". During the game, Baba Yaga appears and slowly takes away Santa Claus' staff.

Snow Maiden:
Santa Claus, haven't you forgotten about the gifts?

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
Now I'll take my magic staff. Where is he? Children, haven't you seen? (Baba Yaga walks behind Father Frost).

Santa Claus turns around, takes away his staff and says:
I'm back to my old ways again. You just do evil things. Now I'll freeze you!

He knocks three times with his staff, Baba Yaga shouts:
Oh, no, oh, I don’t want to, oh. . . (and freezes in a funny pose).

The Pirate comes running and takes pity on her:
Oh, you are my Yagusenka, how can I live without you? Father Frost! Father Frost! Come on, I’ll show you a trick, if you like it, you’ll defrost Baba Yaga.

The pirate shows tricks.

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
Okay, I’ll defrost Baba Yaga and trust her for the last time. One, two, three, die!

Baba Yaga:
Oh, what happened to me? I seem to have gotten better and want to do a good deed.

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
Which one?

Baba Yaga:
I want to give gifts to children. (Whistles. Izbushka enters with a creak and dances).

Baba Yaga! Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga:
Who's screaming at me? Who lives in the hut? Who's calling grandma? Hey, Talking Hut, don’t be lazy, turn your front to me and your back to the tree!

Where is Santa Claus?
He brought gifts to the children,
Good Santa Claus.
I found his bag in the forest
And I quickly brought it to you,
So that the snow doesn't wet them,
I hid them in the hut,
You knock on the window
And receive a gift.

Santa Claus and Baba Yaga knock on the window, and a gift flies out.

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
Thank you, Izbushechka, but where are the rest of the gifts?

Rake the snow under the tree
And find gifts there.
And now it's time for me to go to the forest,
Goodbye, kids. (leaves)

Santa Claus takes out a bag from under the tree and gives gifts to the children.

The children call Santa Claus. Santa Claus enters with a song and says congratulations.
And now it's time for me,
To your holiday in a year
Santa Claus will come again
Goodbye, guys,
Dear preschoolers!

The Snow Maiden approaches Santa Claus:
We don't really want to say goodbye
We will all miss you
What a pity that we have to part,
Let's all dance a farewell waltz.

Everyone dances a waltz to the music "Ah, Carnival." Children join hands and sing the song "Goodbye, Santa Claus."

Goodbye, goodbye
Dear Grandfather Frost,
You kept your promises
Brought so much joy.

We promise, we promise
That as soon as we grow up,
Visit again, visit again
Let's come to this Christmas tree.

We will remember, we will remember
Our wonderful round dance,
Our songs, our dances,
Our wonderful New Year!

Goodbye, goodbye
Dear Grandfather Frost.
You kept your promises
Brought so much joy.

Attention! The article contains audio files.

What will happen if Koschey, aka Kosha, and Baba Yaga, aka Ezhka, show up in kindergarten on New Year’s Day? The presence of such heroes does not promise anything good. But that’s what the New Year’s holiday is for in kindergarten, so that Santa Claus comes to visit the children. He will knock out all the arrogance from the evil spirits and direct Koshchei and Baba Yaga to an honest path.

The lights turn off and fairy-tale characters come out to the tree. Music from the program “Visiting a Fairy Tale” is playing.


- Now we will open the fairy door for you.
There are good heroes there - just believe in it.
There are many miracles in the world, and there are in our fairy tale.
Well, friends, let's hit the road, let's enter the magical forest!

The light turns on. Koschey lies by the tree. Baba Yaga sits nearby, preening herself. The cat Dranik comes in, sits at a distance, and washes himself with his paw.

Leading: — In a magical forest there lived Koschey, Baba Yaga and the cat Dranik.

Dranik: - Oh, and I got the owners, pure punishment! Koschey's skeleton lies on the stove all day long, and Yozhka hangs out in front of the mirror for weeks, preparing for a beauty contest. The beauty has been found!

Baba Yaga looks in the mirror and hums to the tune of the song “Our Christmas Tree”:

— Slender little leg,
Ribbon in a braid.
Who doesn't know Yozhechka?
Everyone knows grandma.
Witches at the holiday
They will gather in a circle.
How does Yozhechka dance?
Look, my friend!

Koschey: - You are my beauty, written... (Hugs.)

Dranik: - Wow! I wish you had a poker and a broom, you damned loafers! Good people have everything in stock for winter - pickles and preserves, firewood, and kind words! And you will stretch out your paws!

Baba Yaga: - Who purred here?

Koschey: - Indeed, Yagusya, we drank tea, ate potatoes, the last wood in the stove burned out... what are we going to do?

Baba Yaga: - What to do, what to do?... Let's eat the cat!

Dranik:- Masters, have you gone completely wild? We need to run away from here before we really get eaten out of hunger!

Baba Yaga and Koschey try to catch the cat, but it runs away. Fast music is playing.

Baba Yaga: - There’s nothing to do, Kosha. Since we don’t like to work, we have to go to robbery. Let's go get ready! (They leave.)

The music “Snowflakes are spinning in a circle” sounds, the Snow Maiden enters the hall and adjusts the decorations on the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden:

- There are so many people in the hall,
A glorious holiday will be here.
So it's true what they told me
That the guys are waiting for me.
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy.
Get up quickly in a round dance,
Sing a song together.

  • middle group - “It’s good that every year...”;
  • senior and preparatory groups - “Final”.

The children sit down on the chairs and the cat Dranik runs in.

Dranik: - Kitty-kiss-meow, that’s all the music. Kitty-kiss-meow - that’s all the words.

Snow Maiden: - Oh, cat, how cute! What is your name?

The Snow Maiden strokes the cat, he purrs and rubs against his legs.

Dranik: — Since childhood they call me Dranik.

Snow Maiden: - What happened to you? What happened?

Dranik: - My owners are very lazy, they don’t want to work - they want to rob. They ran out of food and wanted to eat me.

Snow Maiden: - How can that be, poor thing? Does this happen?

The music “Exit of the Evil Spirit” plays.

Dranik:- It happens, it happens. Do you hear it, it seems they are coming!

Snow Maiden: - If they are, then let's hide!

The Snow Maiden and the cat are moving backwards behind the Christmas tree, hiding behind it. Baba Yaga comes out from behind the tree with Koshchei.

Baba Yaga: - Looks like we've gathered. And when will we rob? When do we start?

Koschey:- Let's start now! And that is, I really want it and the cat has disappeared somewhere! Forward! Robbery!

Baba Yaga: - Forward! (They run away screaming.)

The Snow Maiden and the cat Dranik come out from behind the Christmas tree.

Dranik: - What wicked people, they would only ruin everything, they’ve been like this all their lives!

Snow Maiden: - Don't worry, Dranik. They won't be able to ruin our holiday. Let's better call my Grandfather and he will help us.

The Snow Maiden and the cat are called Father Frost.

Snow Maiden: - Does not hear. Help us guys, shout with us.

The Snow Maiden, the children and the cat are shouting to Santa Claus.

Dranik: - He doesn’t hear again. Apparently he is already old and deaf in his ears!

Snow Maiden: - What are you talking about, Dranik, he’s just very busy, he’s probably walking around the distant clearing, cleaning up. Let the children stand up in a round dance and sing the song loudly. He will hear the song and come closer.

Children perform a round dance song:

  • middle group - “New Year's Toys”, music and lyrics by Kislitsina;
  • senior and preparatory groups - “Do you hear someone coming...”, Rodniki studio.

Dranik: - Now we will continue to call Grandfather Frost. Parents, don’t make a mistake - help us too!

The Snow Maiden, children, parents and the cat are shouting to Santa Claus.

The music “Santa Claus is coming out” sounds, Santa Claus enters the hall with a bag, puts it near the Christmas tree.

Father Frost:

- Hello, here I am,
Happy New Year to you, friends!
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Let bad weather pass you by,
I wish everyone to be healthy,
And, of course, fun!
Congratulations on your happy holiday!
Low bow to all you pranksters!

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather! What pranksters?

Father Frost: - Do you think that there are no pranksters among these guys?

Snow Maiden: - Not a single one!

Father Frost: - Yes? Well, let's ask them themselves.

Guys, are there any pranksters among you? (No!)

What about the ugly ones? (No!)

And the mischievous ones? (No!)

What about the naughty girls? (No!)

What about the good kids? (No!)

“You see, Snow Maiden, there are no good kids among them either.”

Snow Maiden: - You, Grandfather, are, of course, joking.

Father Frost:- Who else is this? (Looks at the cat, the cat is purring near Santa Claus.)

Snow Maiden: - And this is a cat named Dranik, he ran away from his owners, they wanted to eat him. We wanted to, but we couldn’t.

Father Frost: - Well, if they wanted to, they would eat it. So they didn’t want to...

Snow Maiden: - Oh, Grandfather, you’re joking again, and yet the Christmas tree isn’t lit yet.

Father Frost:

- What is this? What a mess!
There are no lights on your Christmas tree!
So that the tree lights up,
You will use the words:
“Surprise us with beauty,
Christmas tree, turn on the lights!
Come on together, come on together!

The children repeat the words, the tree lights up, and fanfare sounds.

Snow Maiden:

- Guys, stand in a circle.
The music calls to the Christmas tree.
The Christmas tree is waiting for you to dance.

Children dance dance:

  • middle group - “Our Christmas tree”;
  • senior and preparatory groups - “Holiday”.

Father Frost: - Is there order in our domain, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden: - What's the order, Grandfather? If Dranik has problems.

Father Frost: - Tell me, granddaughter, everything about your cat. Who? What? For what? And I will help him in any way I can.

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and the cat go aside - they whisper, Baba Yaga appears with Koshchei.

Koschey: - Look, some grandfather.

Baba Yaga: - And with him is his granddaughter and a bag.

Koschey: - What are we going to steal?

Baba Yaga: - Give me your granddaughter!

Koschey: - No, a bag! Why do you need a girl?

Baba Yaga: - Do you have a granddaughter?

Koschey: - No.

Baba Yaga: - Neither do I. If we steal her, she will do everything for us, and we will only go to robbery and lie on the stove.

Koschey: - I like the bag better!

Baba Yaga: - Well, stupid! You will have to carry the bag, but the girl will go with her own feet.

Santa Claus and the cat, with their hands on each other’s shoulders, go behind the tree, “talking.” The Snow Maiden looks after them and remains alone.

Koschey: - This is an argument! Let's take the girl!

Baba Yaga: - Hey, girl!

Snow Maiden (turns around): - What?

Baba Yaga: - Do you want some candy? (Shows a huge candy with his hands.)

Snow Maiden: - So big?

Koschey: - Big, big! (Takes out a small caramel.)

Baba Yaga and Koschey kidnap the Snow Maiden. The music of evil spirits sounds.

Santa Claus and the cat, going around the Christmas tree, go to the center of the hall.

Father Frost: - So, Drannik, we agreed, you are now ours, you will live with us without grieving, not knowing grief, and my granddaughter has become attached to you... Granddaughter, where are you? You can’t leave for a minute, anything can happen to her.

Dranik: - What's happened? What's wrong? What happened, Santa Claus?

Father Frost: - The Snow Maiden is missing! She was just standing here and she’s gone!

Dranik: - Children, did you see who stole the Snow Maiden? (Children speak.)

Father Frost: - Oh, yes, I see. Don't worry, they won't succeed! My granddaughter has character! Well, if things get difficult, we will come to the rescue. Now start a round dance to lift your spirits!

Children perform a round dance song:

  • middle group - “Dance near the Christmas tree”, music and lyrics by E.V. Kislitsina;
  • senior and preparatory groups - “Father Frost”, music and lyrics by E.V. Kislitsina.

Santa Claus and the cat fade into the background, Baba Yaga appears with Koshchei, pushing the Snow Maiden in front of them

Koschey pushes Snow Maiden away: - Drag her through the snowdrifts! Punishment! And she said - she’ll go on her own, she’ll go on her own! What's your name?

Snow Maiden: - Snow Maiden!

Baba Yaga: - Are you hard-working?

Snow Maiden: - Me? Very! I love to draw on windows and I can count stars!

Koschey: “We can draw on the windows ourselves!” But, for example, can you cook cabbage soup?

Snow Maiden: - Cabbage soup? Is it with cabbage?

Koschey (animated): - With cabbage, with cabbage!

Snow Maiden: - No I can not. Grandpa and I love ice cream.

Baba Yaga: - Now she has tied herself around our necks. He doesn’t know how to cook cabbage soup!

Koschey (to Baba Yaga): - I told you that you need to take the bag... And you still keep the girl, the girl...

Baba Yaga: - In general, Snow Maiden, you will now be our granddaughter.

Snow Maiden: - And who are you?

Baba Yaga and Koschey: - Robbers!

Snow Maiden: - Real robbers?

Baba Yaga: - Yes, the real ones! We have everything: an axe, a pistol, a knife, and a rope!

Snow Maiden: - What is it, the New Year is coming, but you have neither a holiday nor a Christmas tree?

Koschey: - How is it not? Look, there are a lot of Christmas trees in the forest!

Father Frost enters to the accompaniment of menacing music.

Father Frost: - Oh, here you are, robbers! Give me my Snow Maiden, otherwise I’ll make fir cones out of you! And you guys, get up and throw snowballs at Baba Yaga and Koshchei.

There is a snowball fight.

Koschey and Baba Yaga: - Oh, don’t, oh, we’re afraid we’ll surrender to you without a fight!

They back away, run away and stealthily steal Santa Claus's bag.

Father Frost: “It seems we got rid of these idlers and hooligans.”

Snow Maiden: “We’ll continue the celebration, we’ll dance together.”

Children dance dance:

  • middle group - “White Snow”;
  • senior and preparatory groups - “New Year”.

Father Frost: - Oh, how fun you are, your legs are eager to dance. We will dance together, we will shout “Opanki”!

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, do you think it’s more fun in our hall - girls or boys?

Father Frost: - Now we’ll check it out, and for this we’ll split up like this: the boys will freeze! They will laugh "ha ha ha"!

Snow Maiden: - And the girls are snow cubs! Hee hee hee!

Father Frost: - Come on, frosties, let's try it! (Laugh.)

Snow Maiden: - And now the snow cubs! (Laugh.)

A shouting game is being played.

Father Frost: - And the naughty boys - Ha-ha-ha! Ha ha ha!

Snow Maiden: - And the fun girls - Hee-hee-hee! Hee hee hee!

Do this 2-3 times.

Father Frost:

- They made a noise, they laughed
All of you, truly, from the heart.
Both girls and boys
They were very good!

Snow Maiden:

— Everyone knows, on New Year’s Eve
Each of us is waiting for a gift!
For someone in the morning Santa Claus
He brought them in a large basket.
But good luck here for you too
Santa Claus has gifts in store!

Santa Claus (looking for a bag) : - Can't be! What's happened? I can't find the bag!

Snow Maiden: - Or maybe you left it in the forest?

Father Frost: - No, I know for sure that I hid the bag somewhere here, but I can’t remember where!

They walk and search.

Snow Maiden:

- No, the bag is not visible here.
Grandfather, what a shame!
Really no gifts?
Will the children leave the party?

Father Frost:

- How will they leave? I won't allow it!
I'll find the gifts!
Wait, children, we will come
And we'll bring gifts.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave the hall. Koschey and Baba Yaga appear. Koschey is carrying a bag.

Baba Yaga: - Kosha, come here quickly! Carry the bag more carefully.

Koschey: - Wow! I barely carried the bag. And why is it so heavy? There are probably a lot of goodies in it.

Baba Yaga: - Come on, come on, here, here! How will we divide?

Koschey: - Yes! Was I carrying a bag? I! This means that most of the gifts are mine!

Baba Yaga: - Look, what a smart guy! Who gave you the idea to do such a thing?

B. Yaga and Koschey argue and fight slightly. The Snow Maiden comes in.

Snow Maiden: - You again? And what do you have? Come on, come on! Bag!

Baba Yaga and Koschey are blocking the bag.

Baba Yaga:

- We found a treasure under a bush,
And there is no shortage of good in him.
Well, let the others go into our bag
We advise you not to climb!

Snow Maiden: - Yes, this is Santa Claus’s bag!

Koschey: - We don’t know anything! This is our bag!

Snow Maiden: - Well, let's see, Santa Claus will come, then speak differently. Guys, call Santa Claus!

The children call Santa Claus.

Father Frost: - What's happened?

Snow Maiden: - Grandfather, they found it, they found it! Here is your bag - look...

Koschey and Baba Yaga: “We won’t give you the bag; we’ll eat everything in it ourselves.”

Father Frost: - Well, if so, help yourself!

Koschey and Baba Yaga, quickly pushing each other away, take out of the bag: a torn shoe, a hat, various rags.

B. Yaga: - We don’t want such gifts!

Koschey: - Just holes and patches!

Father Frost: “What they deserved is what they got.” Whoever touches my bag with dishonest hands receives rags and cast-offs as gifts.

Baba Yaga: — Is it really possible that the New Year will pass without gifts?

Father Frost: — Various miracles happen on New Year’s Eve.

Santa Claus casts a spell: - I walk around the bag, I knock with my staff... One, two, three, four, five - these are the gifts for the guys! (Shows a gift.)

Baba Yaga, Koschey: - And we?


- Eh, we want some treats!
We ask for your forgiveness!
Grandfather, Snow Maiden, forgive me
And give me a gift!

Baba Yaga:

- We will improve, believe me,
We will start a new life!
We will be kinder, better
Every hour, every day!

Father Frost: - Well, guys, shall we forgive them? (Yes OK! You will find gifts from me in your hut. Now help distribute gifts to the children.

To the music, children receive gifts from Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden:

— Happy New Year
And we give you an order:
May you all be healthy,
Getting better every day!

Father Frost:

- Happy New Year, Happy New Year!
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!
See you next year!
Wait for me, I'll come!

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