Practical life - embroidery. Sewing with children

Classes are designed for girls and boys who want to learn how to sew, design and create their own masterpieces. Having mastered the basics of sewing, you can sew anything: toys, souvenirs, clothes for dolls, a cover for a typewriter and interior items from various textile materials. The main goal of such activities is to open the child to the huge and fascinating world of handicrafts, to make him feel like a creator and creator of beautiful toys and things.

The course begins with learning how to sew by hand. Hand sewing is not just an interesting activity for children, it perfectly develops fine motor skills, prepares the hand for painstaking work, trains perseverance, relieves stress and calms down. Therefore, teaching a child to sew by hand is not just necessary, but necessary - he will receive incredible benefits from this, will be able to further develop his creativity and simply have fun spending his free time without sitting down at the computer. Develops the attentiveness and perseverance necessary to complete the work started. Skills in working with a needle and scissors will always be useful to your child. And a button sewn on yourself is the baby’s real pride! The continuation of the course is training in initial skills of working on a simple and safe sewing machine.

Mothers of older children are always concerned with the question of when and what to teach their child. And needlewomen are especially concerned about the question of when it is possible to introduce a child to this or that type of needlework. When can you introduce your child to sewing? After all, this is one of the most common types of needlework.

The main thing about sewing with a child

Sewing is the process of creating seams and stitches on material using needles and thread.

The main elements of sewing are:

A stitch that is a loop of thread pulled into and then out of the material.

And a seam that is formed by a series of stitches.

There are different types of seams: “stitch forward with the needle”, “stitch behind the needle”, cross stitch, hem stitch, basting stitch.

The seams that join several pieces together have names: middle seam, side seam, overlay seam, and cover seam.

You can learn more about all types of useful handicrafts with children in the article.

The benefits of sewing with your child

Sewing is undoubtedly useful:

  • This is the development of fantasy and imagination of a young or young seamstress.
  • Develops the attentiveness and perseverance necessary to complete the work started.
  • Skills in working with a needle and scissors will always be useful to your child. And a button sewn on yourself is the baby’s real pride!
  • Having mastered the basics of sewing, you can sew anything: from clothes for dolls and yourself to souvenirs and interior items.

What will you need?

To get started with sewing you will need:

  • Needle. For children, choose a plastic or metal one with a blunt end and a large eye.
  • Threads. Bright. Let the child choose them himself.
  • Children's safety scissors.
  • Cardboard.
  • Fabric like flannel.

Where to start and how to teach a child to sew

First, tell your child about safety when sewing and introduce him to the working tool. Show where the end of the needle (even if it is plastic) is and where the eye is. Show how to thread a needle. Be sure to tie a knot at the tip of the thread, otherwise the thread will always “run away” from the little needleworker. Remind your child how to cut with scissors and how to pass them. Don't leave children unattended while learning to sew!

Sewing lessons with a child can begin at the age of 4-5 years. But, of course, try to sew earlier if the child asks to teach him, and his eyes light up when he sees you at the sewing machine.

To begin with, it will be convenient to try your hand not on the material, but on cardboard. Draw or transfer a simple image onto cardboard. Trace it with felt-tip pens and punch holes along the lines with an awl. The child will be happy to “sew” using this manual.

Having gained experience, the child can try sewing buttons. Let them be big and bright. For convenience, stretch the fabric onto a hoop.

If the baby can handle a safe needle, then you can offer him an “adult” needle, but also a large one. Always be close to your child when he sews. Try sewing on “pockets”, sewing bags and scarves.

Children aged 6-7 years can already try their hand at a sewing machine. Show how to sew a simple seam, how to adjust speed, switch modes, secure and trim thread. Here the scope for your creativity is unlimited: try sewing toys, doll clothes and souvenirs. The child's joy will know no bounds.

Introduce your child to sewing, get him interested in it, and you are guaranteed an exciting joint hobby.

Alexandra Naroditskaya for the website “Creative Moms”.

Scissors and a needle - how to teach a child to use these seemingly dangerous objects? At what age can a child be entrusted with such tools?

Recently, my three-year-old child cannot look at sewing supplies indifferently. Every time I take out a box of threads and needles, my daughter begs me to sew something together.

Previously, these requests ended simply: I myself sewed something simple, and the baby watched my actions.

Now this trick doesn’t work: she herself pulls the needle, threads, tries to thread the needle onto the thread, and without fail, there are multiple attempts to pierce, stitch, embroider or sew something on her own.

Three years old, this is still a small child, why would you calmly give him a needle in his hands? But if he has a great interest in this subject, if he really wants to learn how to use it and tries to do it, shouldn’t this seemingly scary hobby be taken away from him?

To select or not

  1. Every time you “take away” something incredibly interesting and important from your child, for one reason or another, you risk suppressing your child’s interest in the world around him, as well as the desire to learn something. In this way, you dull the child’s curiosity, his desire to learn something new for himself.
  2. What you don’t have time or desire for today may no longer be of interest to your children tomorrow.
  3. On the other hand, very strict prohibitions generate very great interest. At one point, a child may receive the desired object of his undisclosed interest, himself, without your permission, participation and knowledge. And here it is better that he knows the rules of use and understands how dangerous what he is now holding in his hands is.

Don’t think, I’m not completely crazy yet, I’m not advocating giving a child whatever comes into his head. I just want to say that every bright interest of your child in clearly unsafe objects (not necessarily a needle and scissors) should be commented on by you and not ignored. Be sure to explain, and maybe more than once, so that the baby understands exactly what is so scary about what he wanted to play with? If possible, replace the scary adult object with a child's toy and not scary.

An alternative to bans

Alternative methods needed, and not complete prohibitions - this is an object that sooner or later every child should learn to use. For example: replace a kitchen knife with a children's plastic one, a hammer - a toy hammer, a needle - there are plastic needles, scissors - buy children's ones, all household appliances have their own toy analogues: iron, stove, mixer, hair dryer... you know. you know.

Let's return to our creative topic, which is interesting for many children and parents.

When can I start learning to sew and cut?

Or just shred paper and darn everything that comes to hand, because it’s interesting and exciting, we’ve never done this before!

  1. When there is obvious interest to a not entirely safe, but useful and necessary handicraft item;
    When there is elementary understanding what to do with it (how to hold it, what to apply it to and where to direct it, your advice and tips are definitely needed here);
  2. And most importantly, the child must have an awareness of what danger of use similar interesting and useful things (you should “make-believe” show the child what wrong, awkward actions can lead the “crazy hands” lesson to very unpleasant results.)

We chew, shred, and then cut and carve!

  • First, What needs to be done in order to safely give scissors to a child is to buy simple, but special, safe children's scissors, they are available in any stationery store, they cost a penny. What is their advantage - the blades of these scissors are hidden in a plastic case, their tips are rounded.
  • Second, take a sheet or a pack of paper, you can try not very hard cardboard, or maybe, on the contrary, a napkin. Such a variety of cutting objects is not necessary, but it is advisable to decide on what is more interesting and easier for the child to cope with.
  • Third, Show your baby how to hold the scissors and how to move his fingers so that the blades can cut the paper. To begin with, you can simply practice - click the blades in the air.

By the way, it is better to teach a child to hold scissors in your own hands - this way it will be more convenient for you to show and control the baby’s actions. The thumb and middle finger should be inserted into the rings, the index finger from below helps to move the blades apart to the required distance and turn them.

Be prepared for the fact that your child will not succeed right away. At first, the scissors will chew the paper, then gradually cut it. You may have to sit for more than one evening and ruin a lot of leaves, but the reward will be the sparkling eyes of a baby who finally managed to cut out an incomprehensible figure from another leaf.

Now we are cutting out these endless “snakes”. But first, my little girl cut a bunch of sheets, then she brought a roll of toilet paper on her own and cut it until there was nowhere to go, and now, probably, after that ruined roll, she learned to cut out circles and some other figures. Sometimes I can sit for an hour and just cut, cut and cut... The child is interested! It is also useful - this is the development of attentiveness, imagination, concentration... I don’t resist at all and I don’t mind the paper at all, and we easily get rid of small scraps on the floor together - with the help of a vacuum cleaner.

We sew and embroider

In order for your thirsty child to learn to sew safely for himself and the whole family, your participation is also necessary.

  • First- buy a plastic needle, or if you are completely unbearable and need to urgently learn to sew, then find a thick needle with a blunt end, and preferably a large eye.
  • Second. For the first children's sewing lessons, fabric will not suit you; you need something less flexible, more rigid, something that is easier to hold and hold in children's hands. For example, we chose plain sheets of paper and thin cardboard. The sheet is held evenly in the hand, does not fall down and does not fit the hand, it does not slip out when pierced by a needle, which increases the safety of needlework.
  • Third. You need to show and explain everything to the child. At first, monitor him every minute until he acquires the necessary skills and learns safety. Explain where the sharp end of the needle is and where its eye is, what their functions are. Show how to sew, the sequence of movements with a needle, hand, how to monitor the thread.

One little tip: Tie both ends of the thread into a knot so that it does not constantly slip out of the needle, because the child is not yet able to keep track of this, and you will not like to thread the thread into the needle every few minutes.

Another small invention for teaching a child to sew: this plastic container can be very, very useful.

And hearts embroidered by a three-year-old child. Now this is our favorite object for embroidery.

Probably, we can already learn a little how to somehow more purposefully thread the needle, otherwise we have complete creative chaos.

Jane Bull. I did it myself

Astrel Publishing House, 2013

Age: 6-12 years.

Mothers love it when their daughters develop a passion for needlework. And not just “cut and throw,” but conscious vigils with a needle and thread. And now the first outfits for the dolls have already turned out, still unsightly, with raw edges (but a ton of glued rhinestones and sequins on top), then old T-shirts are used, and mom remembers that somewhere she or her grandmothers have pieces of excellent cotton fabric hidden somewhere since Soviet times. If it comes down to cutting, it means it’s serious. Great luck: having grandmothers who by default know how to sew, or having sewing skills from your mother. What if not? Then mom will have to look for sewing manuals and audio courses.

The picture in bookstores is depressing. Hundreds of books with creative master classes are devoted to sewing a soft toy, cross-stitching, knitting or very primitive, three-page sewing of clothes for dolls. Poorly drawn, without soul. No one undertakes to teach children to sew by hand or on a machine; it is a lot of work. And it is believed that modern children in a hurry are not interested in it. Not like beads (quick results!) or other creativity. Types of seams, overcasting edges, patterns... not easy, yes! But if you really want...

Jane Bull's book "I Did It Myself" is currently considered the best textbook for primary and secondary school students. It again has a little bit of everything, but in a larger volume than in other books. And it is “girly” in design, the drawings resemble shelves with sweets. High-quality photographs, useful tips, step-by-step instructions with photos. This is a valuable book not only for those who are learning to sew; it also includes knitting, jewelry and felt crafts, and embroidery. The sewing itself is only a few pages long, but other ideas help teach the basics, such as finishing the edges of a project, sewing several pieces together. The bag made from ribbons is ribbons sewn onto fabric, and the soft Dolly doll is made using real patterns.

You can also follow the instructions to sew sachet pillows filled with rice and dried flowers. And finger knitting will captivate older girls; with the help of this fun activity, they can create baubles that never go out of style.

The price of the book in stores is ~480 rubles. (large format, color illustrations, coated paper, 62 pages).

Kobyakova N.K. Sewing for girls

AST Publishing House, 2004

Age: 12-99 years.

A real book from childhood on gray paper with bad, see-through pages and black and white illustrations in the style of fashion magazines of the 80s. But now, alas, such books are not published. This refers to benefits adapted for children. On the other hand, children from the age of 12 will already understand adult manuals with beautiful photographs, replete with incomprehensible words in explanations. Nevertheless, let’s consider this book, since it is “for girls” and is entirely devoted to the science of sewing. After all, books for girls and only about sewing do not exist in nature at all.

The author of the book seriously believes that girls will sew “a stand-up collar, an apache collar and a collar without a stand-up collar,” these instructions and patterns are clearly taken from the last century. But the explanations are not bad, everything is clear even to a person far from sewing. There is no systematization or “tricks”, such as useful tips and entertaining information, everything is dry and detailed. Only youth models are offered, and a girl with a talent for seamstress will definitely find something for herself in 2014. Folk style clothing, the denim skirt with a chintz hem, is making a comeback again, judging by the catwalks. Remaking clothes - oh, how relevant it was 20-30 years ago, applique and embroidery. Dolls, covers, pillows, potholders, bags... brief explanations with patterns at a low price.

The book can still be found in stores, especially in online stores; it will be useful for an accomplished seamstress girl.

The price of the book in stores is from 20 rubles (171 pages, b/w illustrations).

Many women want to learn how to sew or practice other type of needlework. This requires certain knowledge, attention and a desire to learn. Cutting and sewing is a difficult and painstaking form of creativity. Much will depend on what goals you set for yourself: to sew for yourself and your family or to master sewing at a professional level. Where to start sewing lessons for beginners and how to acquire skills for a beginner in this business?

In any business, it is impossible for a beginner to do without the first lessons. For those who want to learn how to sew, you need to separate two concepts:

  • learn to sew and cut;
  • know how to sew on a sewing machine.

Almost everyone can master a sewing machine if they have it desire to master technology basic sewing skills. In this matter, systematic repetition is important in order to get better at it.

Sewing things is another matter and for this you need to master the basics of cutting and sewing. At the very beginning, you should determine for yourself the direction in needlework:

  • clothing creation;
  • sewing soft toys for children or bags;
  • working with home textiles.

Any of them is associated with a certain sewing technique, purchasing special sets of tools, mastering sewing techniques. The modification of the sewing machine will also depend on this.

To master any trends in sewing art To begin with, you will need a minimum set of devices, without which a beginner will not be able to start sewing:

  • tailor's scissors, capable of efficiently cutting different types of fabrics;
  • an accessory for correcting incorrect seams, it will rip the fabric without damaging the products;
  • tape measure;
  • chalk for patterns or soap;
  • pins and thread.

It is also necessary to acquire a sewing machine and begin to master the device and how to work with it.

Learning to sew on a sewing machine is easy. The lessons will not take much time and effort. Experienced craftsmen advise taking paper, not fabric, for practice. It is more rigid and will not drape in the stitching. The best option is regular checkered sheets from a notebook. You won't need threads for the first lesson. The paper should be placed under the folder and you can start scribbling. You need to learn how to make straight seams, especially with turns. The needles in the machine immediately become unusable after using paper and are no longer suitable for further work. The needle should not be thrown away, as it can be used to work with flaps.

To make it easier to master the seam technique, no need to press on the pedal of the machine. This will make it easier to control the stitch evenness. You need to learn how to adjust the device. Both threads - upper and lower should be tensioned equally, evenly and tightly. This will allow them not to tear, but to lie evenly in the stitching, without pulling the fabric together. If the threads are loosely tensioned, they will get tangled, tear, and the seam will end up with an obvious defect.

It is necessary to achieve straight, even seams that follow the markings. Bartacks should be made after each seam to prevent them from coming apart. Training should begin with mastering simple seams and then move on to more advanced ones. complex finishing seams.

Before using the machine, you should carefully read the instructions for using it. You need to understand the settings and be able to thread a needle.

Experienced seamstresses advise beginners in the sewing business to start with sewing textiles:

  • pillowcases:
  • bed for a child;
  • apron;
  • potholders.

If such items are not needed in everyday life, then you can try sewing a straight-cut skirt. Nowadays they sell magazines with specially designed models for beginners. Basically, they offer basic things that beginner seamstresses can do. Such products can be sewn in 1 evening. The cut pieces are pinned together and then hand stitched using a basting stitch. If everything fits after trying on, then they should be sewn together by machine.

After choosing a model, you need to buy fabric for it. The most suitable material for the first works - cotton with a dense structure. It will be easier to cut and process with a sewing machine. The fabric is inexpensive, so if it gets damaged, this result will not entail large losses. If the first item turned out to be successful, then you can move on to another type of product or sew a more complex skirt or clothes for your child. Mastery skills come with time and only with experience can you sew complex things, for example, an evening dress.

Basic mistakes made by beginners

Beginning seamstresses often make mistakes, but they can always be corrected and they must strive for this.

You cannot rush in any handicraft and it is very important that haste does not develop into a habit. It occurs not only among beginners, but also among experienced masters.

You cannot stitch without trying it on, because after this it is more difficult to make the necessary changes. Stitching without fitting is acceptable if patterns are used that were previously used to sew clothes, and the size of the figure has not changed.

Very often when sewing clothes magazine patterns are used. However, individual parameters do not always coincide with them. As a result, the product will not fit perfectly. It is necessary to take into account your parameters and adjust them to the basis of the pattern.

To achieve the desired result, you need experience and a desire to learn. It is advisable to buy special literature, study it and consult with experienced specialists. Making your own mistakes will be costly as the fabric may be damaged.

You cannot buy fabric for tailoring items. If a newbie suddenly miscalculates or messes it up, then without a supply of material it is unlikely that anything will be corrected. Before cutting the fabric, it must be ironed. Wet processing of the material will cause natural shrinkage, after which you can draw on it.

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