Is it possible to wash a coat in a washing machine? Washing coats at home: cashmere, drape, wool. Hand and machine wash coat. Rules for preparing clothes

Clothing made from natural materials, in particular wool, is a beautiful, warm, comfortable and relatively inexpensive pleasure. That is why the happy owners of coats made of natural wool really want to preserve the appearance of the product and be able to use these clothes for as long as possible. Proper care and washing of a woolen product directly determines its service life and preservation of attractive external qualities.


Wool products are made from different types of this material. When processing wool raw materials, various technologies and methods of felting, weaving and processing of wool fiber are used. Thanks to this, wool coats come in several types:

  • Products made from 100% natural wool. These clothes contain only natural materials. Wool can be goat, camel, or sheep. Models in this category are the most expensive. The quality of this material is very high, however, the care requirements are quite specific.

This category includes, for example, cashmere coats. They are made from the valuable undercoat of rare breeds of high-mountain goats. Collecting and processing the material is very labor-intensive and requires delicacy and accuracy.

  • Drape coats are made made from natural felted wool. This material consists of two layers, which provides it with special strength and gives high thermal insulation properties to the product. For additional insulation, there may be down filling between the layers of material. Coats made of drape are the warmest and are suitable for wearing even in frosty weather.
  • Products from boiled wool During the manufacturing process they undergo unusual processing. Linen made from natural wool fibers is boiled in boiling soapy water. Hence the name of this material. After boiling, the fabric is cooled, dried, and goes through the dyeing process.
  • Products from mixed material. Often, the manufacturer adds artificial wool and synthetic materials to natural wool fiber. The most common combination is wool and polyester. Clothing made from mixed materials is somewhat more affordable and less demanding to care for.

Do you need to wash?

To be honest, it is better to avoid frequent and unjustified washing of products made from natural wool. No matter how gentle the detergent, the process of wetting and subsequent drying significantly affects the structure of the fabric. With frequent washing and drying, woolen fabric loses density, and the shape of the product may begin to deform.

Look at your coat and assess how dirty it is. If there are individual small contaminated areas on the clothing, for example in the form of stains from coffee or other products, then it is better to focus on local washing of a separate area. This procedure is more gentle and will affect a minimum of material.

Depending on the nature of the stain, you can try to wash it at home, or take the product to the dry cleaner. The second option is more preferable, especially for very delicate fabrics made from fine wool, such as cashmere.


If you decide to wash small stains on your wool clothes at home, you will need a soft sponge or piece of cloth. As a stain remover, you can use laundry soap, hair shampoo or special detergents for washing woolen products.

Remember, it is not the product itself that is applied to the stain, but a thick foam obtained from dissolving the selected product in water. The dirty area to which the foam has been applied should be rubbed very carefully and gently with a sponge or cloth. Do not scrub the stain too vigorously or press the sponge too hard. After removing contamination in this way, the area of ​​fabric should be washed with warm water and blotted with a dry terry towel or thick cloth.


Of course, it is simply impossible to use local removal of stains and dirt all the time. When wearing clothes for a long time, washing them completely is inevitable. Here are a few rules to follow if if you decide to wash your wool coat at home:

  • Before you start washing, you need to prepare your product for it. Empty all pockets of clothes and small items, unfasten decorative trims, brooches and clips. If the coat has a collar or hood that can be detached, it is better to remove it too.
  • Be sure to fasten zippers, buttons, and rivets, including on pockets.
  • Turn the product inside out, with the lining facing out.
  • To wash a wool coat by hand, fill a large basin or tub with the required amount of water. Any washing of woolen clothes should be carried out at a water temperature of no higher than 40 degrees. For products made from particularly delicate 100% natural wool, the maximum temperature is 30 degrees. To find out the composition of the material of your coat, study the product label.
  • Dilute the detergent in prepared water until foam forms. Immerse the coat in the solution and leave to soak for 10-15 minutes. Soaking for too long is not advisable. If there are stains or dirt on the product, they should be washed separately before soaking in the manner described above.

After soaking, drain the water and rinse the coat several times in warm water. Rinsing is carried out until foam stops forming in the water.

  • It is also possible to wash woolen products in an automatic machine. To do this, you need to set the washing mode to gentle. If your washing machine has a “Wool” program, select it. Remember, you can only machine wash items made from mixed materials. For 100% wool, only gentle hand washing is suitable.
  • To better wash out foam from the fibers of the product, it is advisable to install an additional rinse cycle.
  • You should be very careful with the spin mode. Undoubtedly, it is much more convenient to remove a wet product from the drum rather than one soaked in a large amount of water. But, nevertheless, it is better to exclude machine spinning. If its use is still necessary, you need to set the minimum speed for the drum.


Under no circumstances should a wool coat be wrung out or twisted. After washing (if the spin mode in the washing machine was not used), the product should be laid out horizontally on a large thick blanket or towel. Gently wrap the coat in the fabric and press it lightly. This will allow excess water to be absorbed into the towel. Then you should replace the wet towel or blanket, placing a dry one under the coat, and repeat the procedure again.

After blotting with a cloth, the product is also laid out horizontally on a flat surface, on a dry cloth. Periodically, the coat should be turned over, and the blanket or towel should be changed as it gets wet.

Over time, any outerwear gets dirty and requires cleaning.

Many coat owners believe that the product will not tolerate machine washing and decide to take it to the dry cleaner.

Those who cannot afford the services of professionals decide to wash their outerwear by hand.

Today we will figure out whether it is possible to wash a coat in a washing machine at home.

Is it possible to wash a coat in a washing machine: preparation for the procedure

Before you start cleaning your outerwear, regardless of the method you choose, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for caring for the product. Their manufacturer usually indicates them on a tag or label. If machine washing is prohibited, then you should not risk the appearance of the coat, but still take it to the dry cleaner. There, thanks to special tools and equipment, your outerwear will be brought back to life.

The main point in choosing a method for cleaning a coat is the fabric from which it is made. You should also consider the quality of tailoring. Pay attention to the seams. They must be perfectly even. The thicker the thread, the better the quality of sewing. As for the quality of coat dyeing, it is quite easy to determine. Soak a small piece of the product in warm water for one hour. If after this the water becomes colored and the color of the item fades, then it is better to abandon the idea of ​​washing the item yourself.

If there is no prohibition on washing a coat in a machine, then it is advisable to remove massive decorations, fur trim and buttons immediately before cleaning. After the procedure, you can sew these accessories back on.

Can a coat be washed in a washing machine: type of fabric and washing

Wool coat

Outerwear can be washed either by hand or on a delicate cycle in a washing machine. It is recommended to use special gels designed specifically for this type of fabric.

On the machine, select the washing mode for wool and do not forget to turn off the spin cycle. Then place the coat on a horizontal surface so that the water drains from it. Now hang the product on hangers. If the material is wrinkled after washing, it can be ironed at the lowest temperature. The product must be under-dried. For ironing, gauze should be used.

Polyester coat

An item made from this type of fabric can easily withstand not only hand washing, but also machine washing. The product can be washed on the “Delicate Wash” mode at a water temperature of no more than 30°C, without spinning. The polyester coat should be placed in a special bag, with the wrong side out. Instead of a washing bag, you can use an old pillowcase with a zipper. It is recommended to use liquid detergents for washing.

Synthetic material will not change appearance after washing. You need to dry the item on a hanger.

Cashmere coat

We are talking about a luxurious material that is prone to pilling. As a result of spinning a cashmere item in the machine, it will most likely shrink. Dirt on such a coat must be cleaned either by hand or by dry cleaning: machine washing will have a detrimental effect on it.

Drape coat

A drape coat, like a cashmere coat, does not tolerate aggressive influences. It should only be washed by hand. Only careful cleaning will allow outerwear to maintain its impeccable appearance and avoid deformation. Products made from this material should be washed in cool water using a liquid detergent suitable for delicate fabrics. Things should not be rubbed or twisted.

Leather coat

Although leather is considered one of the most unpretentious materials, it is better not to wash a coat in an automatic machine. To clean the product, wipe it with soapy water. You can try to remove greasy stains on a leather coat using talcum powder or gasoline. Alcohol or vinegar will help get rid of ink on things. Drying the product should be done vertically, on hangers.

Is it possible to wash a coat in a washing machine: advice from professionals

1. Before washing a coat in an automatic washing machine, be sure to fasten all zippers and buttons on it. The thing itself needs to be turned inside out.

2. A high percentage of natural fibers in the coat material obliges the owner of the item to be more vigilant. After washing, such a product is more likely than others to become covered with pills or become deformed.

3. The detergent should be selected based on the type of fabric and its color.

4. Outerwear is made of thick fabric. It usually takes quite a long time to dry. You can avoid unpleasant odors by placing the item in a well-ventilated room.

5. If you add hair conditioner to the washing machine tray during rinsing, this will soften the natural fabric and provide it with additional protection from possible contamination in the future.

6. You can improve the appearance of a wool coat by adding a little glycerin to the tray while rinsing. This will prevent things from falling apart in the future. A small amount of vinegar essence added to the water will help preserve the color.

7. If the coat is insulated with padding polyester or down, then care must be taken to ensure that the insulation does not come loose. Special balls that level the material allow you to avoid the appearance of lumps.

Now you know whether you can wash your coat in a washing machine. If the item is very dear to you, then it is better not to experiment and immediately take it to the dry cleaner. Coat manufacturers include low-quality dyes and additives in some fabrics, which can behave unpredictably during machine washing.

There are many types of drape. For example, outerwear for business class representatives is made from pure wool, since it is an expensive pleasure. And the rest add linen or cotton threads, most often to the lining, so this does not affect the appearance.

Length, color, type of knitting - all this distinguishes one coat from another, but elegance and simplicity unite them. Women's, men's and even children's coats look sophisticated and elegant. That is why this type of clothing does not lose its popularity.

But no matter what type of wool, pure or mixed, the coat is made from, sooner or later it will get dirty. Ideally, seasonal outerwear should be cleaned once a year, before putting it in the closet, regardless of the degree of soiling. If you ignore this advice, you can significantly reduce the life of your clothing.

Do not wash your outerwear in the washing machine; it is better to take the items to the dry cleaner. If the stain is small, you can remove it yourself

At home, washing your coat in the washing machine is a bad idea. Especially if there are fur inserts. Neither the gentle mode nor the cancellation of the spin cycle will help. Most likely, the fabric will either simply shrink or become deformed beyond recognition. The experiment is possible only if the item itself is cheaper than dry cleaning and if it gets damaged you don’t mind throwing it away.

Hand washing, even in cold water, and with special products for wool, is also not the most suitable option. Unless the specific product has permission on the label. If the safety rules are violated, you may be left without beautiful outerwear.

If permission is indicated, then the drape coat is washed in a bathtub filled with water at 30-40°C. With added wool washing liquid. Then you need to lightly wrinkle the fabric, do not rub it under any circumstances, otherwise pellets will appear. And rinse in cold water two or three times or until the foam completely disappears. It is not advisable to squeeze. Let the water drain on its own. You can also carefully wrap it in a large towel and let it absorb excess moisture. Dry the coat as horizontally as possible in a well-ventilated area, such as a balcony, after straightening out all the folds. This way the product will dry perfectly, then you won’t have to waste time and effort on straightening the clothes.

In cases where any washing is prohibited and there are no means for dry cleaning, contaminated areas such as the collar or sleeves are cleaned. To do this, use a weak solution consisting of water and washing powder for hand washing (the amount of powder per liter of water is indicated on the packaging), a sponge or a brush with soft bristles. Apply soapy water to the stain, wipe with a sponge, in case of serious stains, rub lightly with a brush, then rinse thoroughly with a damp cloth so that no streaks appear after drying, and leave to dry on a hanger.

Not every woman dares to wash a woolen coat. As a rule, everyone takes such items to dry cleaning. However, there are situations when washing is the only possible way to save your favorite product. In any case, this is a bold step. After all, a coat can shrink, stretch, lose shape or become covered with stains. To avoid this, Clear guidelines for proper washing and drying conditions should be followed.

Features of care

First, you need to clarify whether there is a theoretical possibility of washing a coat made of wool, and which one: machine wash or hand wash. First you need to determine the composition of the fabric; to do this, read the label on the coat: it always indicates what the product is made of and how to care for it. If the coat is entirely wool, It is not recommended to wash it, dry cleaning only.


Place the coat on a hanger and inspect it carefully. First, just clean off any dust, threads or other small dirt, as well as pellets. To do this, use a clothes roller.

Next, scrub the fabric with a soft brush dampened with soap and water to remove any visible stains. This procedure must be carried out carefully, along the location of the pile, without rubbing the wool, so as not to damage the fabric. If the collar and cuffs have a different material or fur, you need to unfasten them. If they come into contact with water, metal parts may rust and red stains may remain on the material.

To wash the product, you must turn it inside out, fasten all zippers, buttons, if any. Then it is placed in a special bag, which is designed for washing.

If the model contains buttons or other metal fittings, they must be removed.

Washing the product


The main thing in machine washing is the correctly selected regulator icon. The best option would be "Wool", which is present in almost every modern model machine. In earlier models this mode was replaced "Delicate wash" or "Hand wash". The water in the car should heat up no more than +30 degrees. Higher temperatures may damage the product. In this case, it is better not to wring out the coat by turning off the “Spin” mode.

Do not use granular powder; it is much better to use gel, shampoo or other liquid product specifically for wool. When everything is washed, you need to completely rid the coat of the soap solution. To do this, you need to rinse the product at least twice, and preferably 2-3. During rinsing, it is better to add conditioner to soften the water and fabric.


The coat is washed by hand to make the procedure more gentle. Washing a coat involves a large amount of water, not very hot, with a maximum temperature of 20-25 degrees. The product is first soaked, washed carefully, then rinsed in several waters.


The coat can be made from different types of wool. The type of washing chosen will depend on what material the product is made of.

felted wool

Today, felted wool coats have become extremely popular. They are very warm, light and, most importantly, beautiful. Of course, this is not a cheap product, and if it suddenly loses its original appearance, you want to return it.

Oddly enough, such products, for example, shrinkage in this case is not observed, since this is precisely the meaning of the felting method. A well felted product is practically a shrunk item. In this regard, felted wool coats can be washed safely and confidently.

The only thing that can and should stop you: any decor on the model (applique, sticker, rhinestones, etc.). Then use only gentle hand washing.

  • wash only with a specialized product, preferably liquid, with lanolin;
  • soak the coat in water using the chosen product for two hours, after which you need to rinse thoroughly. The water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees, this mainly applies to colored products;
  • It is strictly forbidden to wring out or twist the product. You can dry it unfolded and in a horizontal position, and at a distance from all possible sources of heat and sunlight.

If ironing is required, it is better to iron the not completely dry product with a non-hot iron.


This is a pure wool expensive fabric with a delicate structure. In the manufacture of this wonderful material, the wool of Kashmir mountain goats is used. Real cashmere is very soft and delicate, and is also difficult to care for and wear.

For this reason, it is better not to wash such a product at home in an automatic washing machine: there is a danger of spoiling it, the material may become deformed and shrink. The ideal option is to take your expensive coat to the dry cleaner. If you are still set on washing at home, this can only be done by hand.

If there is a small stain on the product, it is not advisable to wash the entire coat again. You can limit yourself to removing this single stain using a sponge dipped in a soap solution. In this case, there should not be a lot of water so that it does not spread over the entire surface of the product.

Algorithm for hand washing a cashmere coat:

  • it should take place in the maximum volume of water: you can take a whole bath, and the water should not be hot, no more than 25-30°C;
  • gel or shampoo for woolen products should be stirred well in water until completely dissolved and abundant foam appears;
  • empty the pockets of foreign objects and immerse the coat for soaking in a filled bath, leave for a short time;
  • The product should be crushed in water with light movements, do not rub;
  • then rinse with plenty of water, changing the water several times to completely remove soap suds from the surface of the fabric;
  • the product must not be twisted;
  • then the coat is laid out horizontally on a terry towel or sheet to remove residual water, while the wet towel is changed to a dry one more than once;
  • When all the water has left the fabric and it is almost dry, the product is ironed through a soft thin piece of fabric with a not very hot iron.

Once ironing is complete, the coat can be placed on a hanger for final drying. It is good if it is outdoors or indoors with good air circulation.

Boiled wool

Loden, a practical and durable material. A Loden coat is worn for an extremely long time; it serves its owner for several years in a row, maintaining an ideal, almost original appearance.

But time passes, and it requires cleaning or washing. There is not always the desire and opportunity to turn to dry cleaning services. When you need to remove dirt from a product made of boiled wool, this can be done in a traditional, unusual, but very effective way, the only one possible in the case of this material.

You will need a special brush and bread crumb. To begin, lay the coat horizontally, then sprinkle it with bread crumbs. The bread crumb rolls into balls, taking with it dirt, lint, dust, then all this must be removed.

It is enough to wipe the coat with a brush or even a damp palm, previously soaked in water, over the surface to remove any remaining pellets. After this, you can start wearing a practically new coat again.

Camel's wool

The coat, filled with camel hair, can also be easily machine washed. Don't be afraid, the procedure is very simple, however, it has Some limitations inherent in washing natural wool:

  1. You cannot wash such products with simple powder; to do this, you just need to use gel or shampoo for wool;
  2. it is possible to heat water up to +30 degrees;
  3. It is better not to do the spinning automatically at all; the product should not be wrung out too much by hand.

Wool and polyester

Wash a coat made of mixed fabric with confidence and confidence, especially since it is very quick and easy to do. Load your outerwear into the machine along with liquid wool detergent and set the appropriate program: "Synthetics", "Quick wash". We heat the water no higher than +40 degrees, otherwise there will be shrinkage, and your coat may suddenly become a different size.

With the onset of cool weather, many people look into their closet and realize that something needs to be done with their coat. Of course, it is better to entrust such a matter to specialists, that is, take it to dry cleaning.

But on the other hand, if the cost of a coat is not much higher than the cost of dry cleaning services, then you can take a risk and get it in order at home. Is it possible to wash a coat in a washing machine? The main thing is to determine exactly what material the item is made of and choose a cleaning method from this. Find a special label on the product; if there is a sign with a crossed out basin, then it is necessary to do an exclusively dry wash. If there are no restrictions, then you need to figure out how to wash a coat in a washing machine correctly.

General rules for preparing for washing

  1. You will need to rip or unfasten all fur accessories. If such manipulations cannot be carried out without damaging the overall appearance of the coat, then it is better to refuse washing.
  2. Remove all metal elements, especially if washing will take place in an automatic machine. This way you can avoid not only rusty streaks on the material, but also damage to the entire product.
  3. Washing, no matter how it happens, should be at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees.
  4. For some types of materials, only special and delicate detergents or baby shampoo are suitable.
  5. Rinsing should occur more than once. So there will be no yellow stains on light material, and white stains on dark material.
  6. Drying can be done only in one of two ways and selected according to the type of material, on hangers or on a horizontal surface.
  7. Do not overdry; ironing should be done using gauze or thin cotton cloth. An ironed and slightly damp coat can be hung up to dry.
  8. If the washing machine does not have a “hand wash” mode, you must use the “delicate” mode.
  9. Under no circumstances should the spin mode be turned on. Under no circumstances should you squeeze it in a machine, as the shape may be deformed beyond recognition.
  10. Always choose a product that is recommended for a specific color.
  11. If the coat has locks and fasteners, then they should all be closed.

Washing a wool coat

Such an item can only be washed with a special powder intended for woolen products. The automatic machine mode must be “manual” or “delicate”, with the “spin” mode disabled. If the wool content is more than 90%, then you can wash only at 30 degrees. The spin and dry modes must be turned off, as well as the rinse mode. It is better to wash in a special bag, thereby avoiding damage to the surface by the buttons on the product.

A woolen coat should be dried on hangers, straightening out all the folds. Ironing is done when the product is still damp at a low temperature of the iron, after which it is again ordered to dry, but you must not stretch it, deformation will certainly occur.

Many manufacturers of wool coats, and even more so tweed coats, do not recommend using wet washing at all, but exclusively dry washing. Therefore, if a tweed item has a fairly high price, for careful care and long-term wear it is better to take it to the dry cleaner.

Washing a Cashmere Coat

Cashmere is very demanding not only to wear, but also to wash. It rolls up a lot and sits down very quickly. If you can only wash away dirt stains, then it is better to do so. You can also use special stain removers and then rinse them off with cold water.

If there is a need to do a full wash, you should look at the information on the label. Automatic machine washing is suitable for items that have a large percentage of synthetic additives. Items made from 100% cashmere should not be washed this way.

The coat can be machine washed at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees and using very mild detergents. It is also not recommended to grout stains before washing. The drum spin should be set to no more than 800 rpm.

Drying is carried out in a vertical position, changing the fabric as it gets wet. Once the coat is slightly damp, you can hang it on hangers.

Washing a polyester coat

Polyester tolerates any washing well, both in a machine (it’s still better to choose the “delicate” mode) and in hand mode. Under the influence of very hot water, polyester threads are easily deformed and creases may appear on the fabric, which are almost impossible to smooth out. Therefore, the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. Drying can be done on hangers, making sure to straighten out all the bends and folds.

To reduce the mechanical impact inside the drum of the machine, you can use special laundry bags.

Washing a drape coat

Drape is also very demanding when it comes to washing conditions. Therefore, if only the sleeves and collar are shiny, then it would be more rational to wet clean these parts. To do this, prepare a special product for drape products and apply it to problem areas with a brush. After this, you can treat the item with a damp sponge and hang it on a hanger to dry.

If this procedure does not give the desired result, then you can proceed to a full wash. It is produced in the same way as a cashmere coat. But if there are glued areas, then it is better to abandon the procedure. Or you can wash areas where there are no taped areas.

Washing a drape coat should occur at a temperature no higher than 30 degrees, and in some cases it will have to be at 15; usually such information is placed on the label. The “spin” mode must be disabled.

Velor outerwear is pure wool drape. Such items are not usually worn every day, but they also require personal care. If a velor coat is washed by hand, it is better not to wring it. You can use a gentle spin mode in the machine. Often, velor products do not require ironing, and drying is done on hangers. It is best to treat them with hot steam.

In custody

Also, when washing any products at home, you should take a responsible approach to drying them, because it will not be very pleasant if after washing the coat becomes clean, but has a musty smell. Drying is best done indoors with ventilation or in the open air. It is worth remembering that the higher the percentage of natural fibers, the more difficult it will be to wash. There may be problems with it being pulled out, pilling and deformation.

Starking products must always be selected not only by type, but also by color of fabric. Never leave anything in the pockets of your outerwear; it is better to turn the item inside out, all buttons and zippers must be fastened. It is better not to wash or even wet the glued areas to avoid them coming off. If you are not sure about the quality of the dye with which the item is painted, then it is better to refuse washing, as you may end up with a product of an unknown color.

Therefore, before choosing between home washing and dry cleaning, you should think carefully; perhaps there is no need to purchase a new coat yet, and it is better to dry clean the old one.

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