Mesoscooter for the face for use at home. Application of active components. Mesoscooter - performing the procedure

Innovative inventions, which women could not even imagine a few years ago, are reappearing in cosmetology. Today, manufacturers offer a new type of dermoroller - a mesoscooter in the form of a rotating roller with small needles attached to the base.

This innovative device quickly found use among women who enjoy using it for face and body care at home. When the facial mesoscooter first appeared, reviews about it were 95% positive. You can find out how to use the mesoscooter below.

What it is?

A mesoscooter is a device in the form of a convenient rotating roller with steel needles attached to a plastic handle.

When used, this device acts on the face like acupuncture, quickly starting the processes of regeneration and restoration of the skin, stimulating the synthesis of elastin and collagen. The work involves small needles that leave small punctures in contact with the skin, ensuring the absorption of beneficial substances into the deep layers of the epidermis.

In addition to the device, there are special cocktails and serum to nourish, moisturize, and regenerate the skin. Several procedures are enough to achieve clearer facial contours, firmness and reduction of wrinkles. Prices for mesoscooters may vary from place to place. In the DoctorHair online store you are guaranteed to find the highest quality products. A wide range of products, consultants can easily help you choose the right model.

Up to 200 needles are attached to the device. Some models have up to 1000 thin needles, but ideally it is better to choose a mesoroller with 500-600 needles for ease of use at home and a safe mesotherapy procedure on problem areas of the skin. You can buy a mesoscooter for the face at a pharmacy or order it online, and reviews with before and after photos can be seen below.

The device is able to add elasticity to the skin, tighten facial contours, and eliminate any defects. In addition - cosmetics, serums, cocktails containing hyaluronic acid. There are models containing antibiotics if you want to relieve inflammation and irritation on the face, and get rid of increased pigmentation. Emulsions and cocktails containing vitamin C are recommended for use.

The mesoscooter is suitable for use not only for the face, but also for any part of the body. The device combines a cosmetological and therapeutic procedure in a complex and is recommended by many cosmetologists for the treatment of a number of skin diseases and the elimination of defects in the upper layers of the epidermis.

The main indications for use include:

  • the presence of wrinkles, sagging skin;
  • excessive pore expansion;
  • the appearance of pimples, scars, blackheads;
  • elimination of bags, bruises and crow's feet under the eyes;
  • hair loss and thinning;
  • baldness.

A mesoscooter is a device with which you need to use certain medications, which are not always harmless and can lead to rejection of certain areas of tissue and the manifestation of allergies. There are contraindications for using a mesoscooter for the face, reviews of cosmetologists mention these reasons:

  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, fungal and viral infections);
  • warts, pustules, keratoma, large moles on the face;
  • excessive skin irritation;
  • the presence of scratches, abrasions of open wounds, inflamed areas, burns on the skin;
  • recurrent form of herpes.

On a note! It is prohibited to treat the lower areas of the eyelids, the mucous membrane of the eyes and the red border of the lips.

General contraindications include:

  • cancer;
  • alcoholism;
  • epilepsy;
  • chronic diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • hemophilia.

The technique cannot be used when using a number of medications (corticosteroids, anticoagulants).

It is very easy to use a facial mesoscooter at home, but you need to follow important rules. Attention! To avoid disappointment from using a mesoscooter, you need to carry out the procedures taking into account the instructions and check the medications for allergies. Test by dropping a small amount of product onto the back of your wrist or palm.

Reviews from doctors and cosmetologists suggest that you should avoid visiting a bathhouse, solarium, swimming pool, or sauna. When choosing moisturizing and healing cosmetics, it is advisable to first consult a doctor.

In addition, side effects may occur when using certain medications: pigmentation on the body, headache, burning, itching and dryness of the skin with excessive sensitivity on the face and neck due to the use of long needles.

Efficiency and results

The mesoscooter can eliminate many cosmetic and surgical problems. Suitable for women who want to get beautiful skin at any age, eliminate wrinkles and sagging, reduce pigmentation, inflammation, allergic consequences, scars after facial surgery.

The results will not take long to arrive. After several procedures, the following is observed:
  • a significant increase in immunity and increased resistance to negative external factors;
  • elasticity on the face and neck thanks to hyaluronic acid and collagen in the composition of the preparations;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • increased blood flow at puncture sites;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening hair follicles;
  • passage of fine wrinkles;
  • the appearance of clear facial contours;
  • erasing traces of scars, scars, burns;
  • pore expansion;
  • giving the skin elasticity.

If there is pigmentation and acne, it is enough to carry out the procedure once a week, so up to 8 times, which will be considered 1 course. To obtain maximum results, radiance, youth and a healthy appearance of the face, the effect is noticeable within a month.

According to doctors and cosmetologists, a very effective procedure is a facial mesoscooter, the price of which is very attractive to many clients, and they are even more satisfied with the result. Serums for facial massagers are very diverse, depending on what you want to achieve in the end: rejuvenate the skin or get rid of stagnant spots after acne.

Deep wrinkles are reduced, the elasticity and oval of the face are restored, age spots and freckles disappear, thanks to the saturation and moisturization of the skin.

What types of needles are there, the length of the needles

Depending on the size of the needles, mesoscooters are distinguished by type: home, cosmetic, medical.

On a note! When choosing a device, you should pay attention to the material from which the needles are made. In cheap analogues, the needles are made of steel, but they quickly become dull and bent. Titanium needles coated with gold are considered more durable. They are characterized by durability, wear resistance and hypoallergenicity.


Devices with needles 0.2–0.5 mm in length and can be used at home. These are safe models of mesoscooter for eliminating shallow wrinkles and sagging skin, enlarging pores, and straightening the oval of the face.


Devices with needle lengths up to 0.1 mm, but are used only by specialists with medical education in order to avoid disruption of the basement membrane on the skin. The device is intended for use in cases of pigmentation, nasolabial crow's feet on the face, and signs of cellulite.


Rollers with a needle length of 12.5 mm can also be used by specialists with higher medical education and experience when performing similar procedures. It is possible to perform joint anesthesia to eliminate cellulite and remove deep wrinkles.

Depending on the length of the needles, mesoscooters are distinguished from:

  • short needles to normalize blood circulation, eliminate wrinkles on the face, improve tone;
  • medium needles to reduce pore size and eliminate small wrinkles;
  • long needles to prevent skin sagging and the formation of colloidal scars.

The best mesoscooters for carrying out the procedure at home

The following brands are considered the best facial rollers at home:

  1. With a steel disk and needles cut out on it, which eliminates the possibility of needles being left on the face. Mesotherapy is pleasant and painless. The device is sold complete with honey. means (cocktails, serums) for moisturizing. Using this massager makes it possible not to have to resort to a recovery period after a treatment course. Cost 1400-1500 rubles.
  2. MT Roller composed of titanium needles of different lengths and laser sharpening. This is a completely safe device for performing mesotherapy at home. Price - 400-500 rubles.
  3. Mesoderm, as a device with a special shape of needles for a painless mesotherapy procedure. The package includes a moisturizing spray, herbal cocktails and a serum for rejuvenating the skin of the face. Cost - 1600-1700 rubles.

How to use it correctly

The mesoscooter is not particularly difficult to use at home and the help of specialists is not required.

So, to carry out a shallow lift right at home, it is important to follow the instructions for use, although there is nothing complicated:

  1. Treat needles using vodka, chlorhexidine, alcohol.
  2. Wash your face with warm water and soap.
  3. Clean your face with gel or other cosmetic product to remove dirt and grease.
  4. Disinfect the face using chlorhexidine.
  5. Apply the cocktail in an even layer to problem areas, then apply anesthetics to the face for pain relief.
  6. Move the roller in different directions (diagonally, up, down, horizontally) for 7 minutes, thereby rolling up to 4-5 times in each direction.
  7. Massage the treated areas.
  8. Treat the skin with a cosmetic product.
  9. Apply a soothing nourishing mask and sunscreen, if necessary, against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.
  10. Disinfect needles as they are intended for reusable use. Then dry it and put it in a case.

Drugs used during the procedure:

  • serums (Lora) containing hyaluronic acid to nourish the skin, slow down the aging process, and increase collagen levels;
  • nourishing creams with vitamins and minerals.

Cosmetologists recommend using serums without aromatic fragrances, which can lead to side effects. It is better to use safe and sterile formulations without artificial preservatives that cause allergies with rapid and intense absorption.


I'm Marina, I've been suffering from problem skin for a long time. I couldn’t get rid of acne, excessively wide pores and oily skin. I constantly felt irritation on my face. I decided to try a mesoscooter and purchased one with 0.2 mm needles. When massaging, I did not feel pain or other unpleasant sensations. The procedure is simply a miracle. The roller quickly sterilizes the skin, although for 1–2 hours the face seems to be inflamed, but it calms down after applying the cream and the redness quickly goes away. The results appeared after 3 sessions. I am pleased with the excellent performance of the device. I recommend to everyone.

I'm Irina, I bought a mesoscooter because I was suffering from nasolabial folds. I purchased a device with titanium needles and a hypoallergenic cocktail, additionally ascorbic acid in ampoules to moisturize the face. After the procedure, I apply soothing masks on top, then treat with nourishing cream. I massage each zone with a mesoscooter for 7 minutes, and I noticed results after 3 procedures.

I’m Dasha, I’ve been looking for such a miracle device for a long time. But I recommend treating your face with anesthetic cream before massaging, because the needles prick your face a lot and some girls don’t quite like it. I decided to go for a facial mesoroller based on reviews from cosmetologists.

I'm Anna, when problem skin appeared, I decided to buy a mesoscooter and ordered it from Ali Express. I was satisfied with the performance of the device. What did you get in the end? The stretch marks on the skin went away after 3 procedures, the skin on the face smoothed out, although they pricked me a little with needles, there was irritation. But what to do, because without sacrifices beauty cannot be achieved.

I'm Irina, I ordered a mesoscooter online. After a month of use, the results are obvious: increased tone, narrowing of pores. I use facial serum and roll it with a roller for 15 minutes. As a result, I received the elimination of wrinkles on the forehead, evening out skin tone and freshness on the face. I was pleased with the result. I purchased the device for only 500 rubles.

I'm Lena, I bought a facial roller at the pharmacy, it's called MT Roller, so as not to run to salons to eliminate pigmentation on the face.

I am so happy. No other mesotherapy is so painless. Just 8 minutes and in the end I got a tighter, lifting effect, which I’m very happy about. There is no need to visit beauty salons or spend a lot of money on procedures. I really liked the effect of the facial mesoscooter, the price is very reasonable and you can completely carry out the procedure at home. Serums for facial mesoscooters can be purchased in many online stores. I'm Tatyana, the procedure is simple and painless, just follow the instructions.

This is a good alternative to peeling or salon techniques (laser resurfacing, microcurrent therapy, bioremediation, dermabrasion, mesotherapy). I decided to go for a facial mesoroller procedure after seeing before and after photos on the Internet, now I’m posting mine to you. I'm Svetlana, I decided to try this wonderful new product and purchased it at an average price.

I took 3 courses and noticed the first results: smoothness and firmness of the skin, a fresh look on the face, acne disappearance. I am very happy about it and recommend it to everyone. Now I’m thinking about buying a facial roller at a pharmacy so I can do the procedure at home. You can read how to use a mesoscooter at home on the Internet. I'm Natalya, I bought a mesoscooter because wrinkles began to appear more and more often over the years.

The roller is simple and easy to use. It is enough to walk for 5 minutes in different directions. Additionally, I used cocktails with hyaluronic acid, and also bought avocado oil at the pharmacy. I noticed the result after 1.5 months. My wrinkles are almost invisible. I recommend. The best mesoscooters for the face with steel needles, the effect from them is much more visible. I advise women to purchase a mesoscooter for defects and blemishes on the skin, deep nasolabial folds. This convenient and inexpensive handheld device is a delight. There is no need to waste time and money visiting salons. I decided to have a mesoscooter procedure for the face, the reviews helped me a lot. Thank you very much girls for the advice, now my skin looks perfect.

  1. It is better to buy a mesoscooter for the face at home with short needles, no more than 0.5 mm, in order to avoid damage to the integrity of the skin.
  2. After completing the course, you should avoid sunbathing for 2–3 days and do not go outside without treating your face with sunscreen.
  3. If your skin is overly sensitive or has a low pain threshold, it is better to apply an anesthetic composition to your face before treatment.
  4. When using this tool, the instructions and ingredients should not be neglected. It is necessary to select gentle hypoallergenic products, and thoroughly disinfect the needles after using the device so as not to introduce an infection under the skin or damage the vascular walls of the face.
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Mesoscooter for the face: how to choose and use it correctly at home

Are you disappointed in expensive anti-aging cosmetics, but don’t have the time or money to visit a qualified massage therapist? Looking for an effective and affordable home alternative? Try the mesoscooter and you will be satisfied with the results! You will learn how to choose it and use it correctly, as well as other interesting information on this topic from our article.

What information will you find out:

Operating principle and effectiveness of the mesoscooter

With its help, you will reduce the severity and depth of wrinkles in a short period of time.

A roller covered with the finest needles of various diameters and mounted on a plastic handle is called a mesoscooter or dermaroller. The needles for such a device are made of steel, alloys of silver, gold, platinum and other metals.

Depending on the diameter and length of the dermaroller needle, it is able to affect different depths of the skin layer. The effectiveness of this device is based on the principles of acupuncture according to:

  • stimulating the production of collagen and elastin fibers through punctures of the epidermis, including the process of active cell regeneration;
  • improving the absorption of the components of the compositions applied to the surface of the skin due to the creation of peculiar channels remaining after punctures with needles.

Specialists who studied the penetrating ability of the epidermis found that only about 3% of all substances applied to the surface of the epidermis penetrate into the dermis layer. The remainder of the composition serves as a film covering the top layer of the skin surface. After exposure to a mesoscooter, this figure increases to 86%, due to which the effectiveness of the cosmetics used increases several times.

With its help, in a short period of time you will reduce the severity and depth of wrinkles, get a clearer contour and a tightened oval of the face, elastic and noticeably smoothed skin.

The punctures remaining on the surface of the epidermis will disappear in about 2 hours, while the following processes will occur deep in the skin:

  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • activation of cell layer renewal;
  • restoration of the required amount of connective tissue fibers due to enhanced synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • improving the composition and quality of the intercellular matrix due to the activation of metabolic processes.

For what purpose do you choose a mesoscooter?

The appearance of such devices is called a revolution in cosmetology, since every woman will be able to experience the effectiveness of mesotherapy at home, without visiting a beauty salon. The advantages of a dermaroller compared to other rejuvenation procedures are:

  • effectiveness, noticeable after the first procedure, consisting in improving the structure of the skin surface, its fresh and toned appearance;
  • safety associated with performing microscopic punctures that heal after a couple of hours. For comparison, residual effects after other anti-aging procedures remain on the face for a week;
  • maintaining the integrity of the epidermis and all its protective properties;
  • an affordable price for everyone, which will be lower than the cost of 1 session of most anti-aging techniques in a beauty salon;
  • ease of use, cleaning and subsequent storage;
  • absence of severe pain, precluding the use of painkillers;
  • Possibility of use on the most sensitive areas of the skin;
  • partial replacement of peeling and laser dermabrasion procedures.

What to consider when choosing

The variety of types of dermarollers sold will be a problem for an inexperienced user in this matter, so we have selected expert advice on their correct choice, from service life to the type of skin being treated.

  • Give preference to devices manufactured by well-known and respected companies (for example, Genosys and DNS);
  • the most durable to use are titanium or gold-plated needles, which also have hypoallergenic properties;
  • if you have thin skin or rosacea, choose dermarollers with diamond or laser sharpening of needles;
  • devices for different areas of the face have different roller widths (for example, narrow ones are intended for treating the skin around the eyes, nose, lips, and wide ones for the forehead, cheeks);
  • If you purchase a device from an online store, then carefully read customer reviews before ordering, and if they are not on this site, study reviews on other sites. When you receive it by mail, carefully inspect it (the packaging must be intact and the roller must be new). If you have the slightest doubt about its quality, refuse to receive it and make a purchase in another store.

How many times can the device be used?

A dermaroller is usually used for as long as its needles remain straight and sharp. If there is minimal visible damage, the device must be replaced, otherwise you can cause significant harm to your skin.

The exact service life of each individual device depends on many factors, including:

  • quality and type of metal used to produce needles;
  • treated areas of skin;
  • number of impacts in each session;
  • frequency of procedures.

A dermaroller equipped with medical steel needles, as a rule, requires replacement after the tenth use, with titanium ones - after an 8-month period, implying use with a frequency of 1-2 times in 7 days.

The mesoscooter must be stored in a special case! It is forbidden to keep it on hard surfaces to avoid damage to the needles! If you drop the device, it can no longer be used!

Existing types of dermarollers

They produce 3 types of mesoscooters - for medical, cosmetic and home use. This division is associated with the length of the needles and the depth of their penetration under the epidermis.

  • Dermarollers for home use are equipped with needles, each of which has a length of 0.2 - 0.5 millimeters. They do not damage the skin and are effective against fine wrinkles, enlarged pores, uneven complexion, loss of elasticity and withering of the epidermis.
  • The roller of the cosmetic type of mesoscooter contains needles 0.5 - 1 millimeter long, the use of which is permitted by cosmetologists with a medical education due to the existing possibility of damage to the basal type of epidermal membrane. This type of device successfully copes with deep wrinkles around the lips, corners of the eyes, eliminates scars, ptosis, and hyperpigmentation.
  • Medical dermarollers are distinguished by fairly long needles - 1 - 2.5 millimeters, which are recommended to be used along with anesthetic drugs. Only specialists with higher medical education work with them. This type of device improves elasticity, tightens the skin, eliminates deep scars, severe stretch marks, and cellulite.

If you decide to buy a mesoscooter for home use, consult your cosmetologist, who will suggest the best option based on your individual skin type, existing defects and their severity.

When choosing a dermaroller, pay special attention to the number of needles located on its roller. The more there are, the more effective the result will be!

What are the contraindications?

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • problems with the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus);
  • the presence of infectious and inflammatory processes in the area of ​​intended treatment;
  • the presence of neoplasms on the surface of the skin of various origins;
  • blood plasma coagulation disorders;
  • a large number of protruding moles, papillomas, warts on the surface of the face;
  • herpes infections in the acute stage;
  • hypertension;
  • psoriasis;
  • any chronic diseases that are in the acute stage;
  • rosacea.


If you decide to buy a mesoscooter for home use, consult your cosmetologist

Cosmetologists involved in this procedure know all its features, subtleties and a clear sequence of actions, since they undergo special training. For those who bought a dermaroller and don’t know where to start the session, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the correct sequence of steps.

  1. Initially, you should treat the mesoscooter with any disinfectant (alcohol, antiseptic solution) and dry it.
  2. Next, thoroughly clean the skin of your hands and face so that dirt and bacteria do not get inside the pores when performing the manipulation.
  3. Apply a special product for use with a dermaroller to the surface of your face (it can be replaced with cosmetic oil).
  4. Now, taking the device in your hands, begin to roll it along the epidermis (strictly along the massage lines). It is best to start with areas where the skin surface is denser (cheeks, forehead, chin). Don't press the handle too hard. Treat each area of ​​the face separately, repeating all movements at least 5 times. Do not forget about the epidermis of the neck and décolleté to avoid subsequent differences in skin quality.
  5. Cosmetologists recommend that at the end of the procedure (if you did not use cosmetics at first) apply a soothing mask or sunscreen to the skin.
  6. Wash and disinfect the dermaroller by placing it in a special case for storage.

In the next 2 days after the session, be sure to protect your face and other treated areas of the skin with a cream with a sun protection factor of at least 35, and also do not sunbathe under direct ultraviolet rays.

What cosmetics can be used for the procedure?

In this case, it is prohibited to use conventional care products, since they contain many chemical components that, during manipulation, will penetrate deep into the skin and can provoke inflammation and allergic reactions.

  1. special-purpose preparations (mesococtails, serums, gels), vitamin complexes, extracts of lavender, aloe, chamomile, hyaluronic acid, elastin;
  2. natural vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing. You can add essential oils (a few drops at a time) to them for disinfection.
  • it is more convenient and easier to move the roller on an untreated skin surface;
  • Cleaning the dermaroller will be much easier after the procedure without the use of oils and other products.

The use of any compositions during manipulation is optional. In addition, using only one mesoscooter without other means significantly delays the onset of the undesirable effect of the skin becoming accustomed to such influences!

Video: Mesoscooter at home - step-by-step procedure

Good luck with the procedure!

Meet the mezoroller (or dermaroller) - a device that we can use at home, will save us from unnecessary trips to a specialist, and is considered an effective way to maintain beauty and youth.

To improve the penetration and absorption of medicinal substances (special cocktails, serums) into the skin, we developed a special cosmetology device - a mesoscooter, which is a roller with small-diameter needles (needles) made of medical steel, titanium with a comfortable handle.

The effect of using a mesoscooter is comparable to a mesotherapy procedure, when a cosmetologist introduces active substances intradermally. The length of the mesoscooter needles can vary from those for home use and those used in a medical facility. The number of needles can also be different.

According to research, a mesoscooter allows you to make microscopic channels in the skin in 5-10 minutes (500,000) - these are microtraumas that allow you to increase the penetration of active substances 100,000 times better, compared to simply applying them to the skin!

These microchannels are open for about an hour, healing occurs without scarring. In essence, (microchannels) are an extensive transport system that allows the delivery of active substances to the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, regeneration (healing) processes of damaged skin areas are activated, which are accompanied by the production of collagen and elastin, providing the skin with firmness, elasticity, and improved blood circulation.

A quick note: Let's face it, only a small portion (0.3%) of beneficial ingredients applied to the skin can penetrate the epidermal (outer) layer of the skin and enter the deeper layers of the skin - the dermis (second layer of skin).

The epidermis is separated from the dermis by the basement membrane. The bulk of cosmetics that we use in everyday life work just down to the level of the basement membrane. Often, in combination with the keratinized layer of cells, even this minimal result is unattainable! That is why it is constantly necessary to deep cleanse the skin of dead skin scales at home, using. Don't forget this.

The mesoscooter is effective for:

  • - reduction of scars and stretch marks,
  • - increasing collagen synthesis,
  • - regeneration and activation of elastin production,
  • - elimination,
  • - stimulation of cellular metabolism and oxygen,
  • - improve blood circulation,
  • - and improved skin color,
  • - restoration of turgor and skin tone,
  • – whitening of pigment spots,
  • - scars, acne scars,
  • - improved hair growth,
  • — micromassage.


  • — Individual intolerance.
  • — Violation of skin integrity, trauma.
  • — Keloid scars and skin tumors (oncology).
  • - Skin diseases.
  • - Exacerbation of herpes.
  • - Pregnancy.
  • - Diabetes.
  • — Skin couperosis, only after consultation with your cosmetologist.
  • Do not use on the skin of the eyelids and mucous membranes.

It has virtually no side effects when used at home, making it effective and innovative. The only thing is to make sure you have an individual mesoroller and disinfect it thoroughly.

  • 1. Remove makeup and thoroughly cleanse the skin with an antiseptic designed for cleansing, for example, chlorhexidine, octenisept.
  • 2. Apply the medicinal substance to the skin, it can be a sterile serum with hyaluronic acid for active moisturizing.
  • At home, if you use a mesoscooter with needles up to 0.3 mm long, you can use serums and lotions for home use. If the needles are from 0.5 mm, then only with special sterile compounds.

    • 3. Divide the surface of the facial skin into separate zones (forehead, nose, cheeks, around the mouth and neck). Each area must be carefully treated with a mesoscooter. We perform the piercing massage several times in the vertical direction, and then horizontally and diagonally in both directions.
    • 4. Before and after each procedure, the mesoscooter must be cleaned. First, wash under running water, then disinfect using a special product or alcohol.

    A course of treatment

    A standard at-home treatment can take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated. The course of treatment at home is 60 procedures (2-3 times a week) for six months. The break between courses is 30 days. Additionally, you can watch a visual video on how to use the mesoscooter.

    So, we understand that the sources of beauty are found in all layers of the skin. Our task is to increase it without causing harm. Be beautiful always.

Manicures, spa treatments, hairdressers, shops - being beautiful and well-groomed is not at all easy. And how much time you need to spend to hit your chosen one in the very heart - it’s better not to remember about it. But there is still work, friends, and sometimes you want to be alone with yourself. Therefore, it’s time to thank those people who invent ways to become more beautiful without the help of professionals from a beauty salon. One of these methods is to use a mesoscooter at home.

What is a mesoscooter and how it works?

A mesoscooter (the second name for this device is a dermaroller) is a roller with the finest steel needles, which is attached to a plastic handle. Some manufacturers do not use pure steel, but its alloys with precious metals - gold, titanium, platinum, silver.

The effectiveness of using this device is based on the principles of acupuncture. By influencing the skin with a mesoscooter, you trigger 2 important mechanisms of skin regeneration:

  1. Stimulation of collagen and elastin production. The needles pierce the skin to a very small depth, but this is enough to enable regeneration processes.
  2. Increased absorption of nutrients from the skin surface. Punctures from the needles of the mesoscooter become original channels through which nutrients from special cocktails applied to the skin before the procedure penetrate into the dermis.

Experts studying the effects of various cosmetics on the skin have come to the conclusion that no more than 3% of the necessary substances enter the dermis. The rest of the cream or lotion covers the epidermis with a kind of film. But if you use a mesoscooter after applying the cream, the amount of absorbed substances increases to 86%. Accordingly, the effectiveness of the cosmetic product increases.

Using a mesoscooter for the face, it becomes possible in a fairly short time to reduce the severity of wrinkles, make the facial contour clearer, and the skin more elastic and smooth.

Invisible channels formed during the use of a dermaroller disappear after 1-2 hours, but this does not mean that this is the duration of the effect of the procedure. While all traces of punctures have disappeared on the surface of the skin, everything is just beginning inside it, because the flywheel of recovery processes has been launched:

  1. Blood circulation in the treated area increases.
  2. The formation of young skin cells is activated.
  3. The required volume of connective tissue fibers – collagen and elastin – is restored.
  4. The composition of the intercellular matrix improves due to the activation of metabolic processes.

Why should you choose a mesoscooter?

The invention of the mesoscooter is considered a revolution in the world of cosmetology. After all, now every woman can see and feel the effect of mesotherapy without visiting a beauty salon. So what is the advantage of using a dermaroller over other cosmetic procedures? Let's list the main ones:

  1. Effectiveness - after the first manipulation, the structure of the skin improves, it looks more toned and fresh.
  2. Safety - small punctures that the mesoscooter leaves heal after a few hours. Residual effects after laser peeling and other methods that damage the skin last longer - up to 7 days.
  3. The mesoscooter does not destroy the epidermis - the protective layer of the skin.
  4. Attractive price - the cost of a mesoscooter ranges from 20 to 80 US dollars, which is cheaper than 1 session of many procedures in beauty salons.
  5. Ease of use and storage - before the session, the mesoscooter must be treated with a solution of medical alcohol. After use, the roller with needles is thoroughly wiped with a disinfectant solution and stored in special packaging.
  6. Almost complete absence of pain during use. The mesoscooter needles are very thin and short, so the puncture is carried out to a shallow depth. There is no need to use anesthetic creams during the procedure.
  7. This device can be used in particularly sensitive areas of the human body.
  8. The mesoscooter partially replaces such procedures as and.

What effect can you achieve?

Result after 3 sessions of acne treatment with a cosmetic dermaroller

Reducing the severity of periorbital and suborbital wrinkles. The result after a course of procedures.

How to choose?

There are 3 types of mesoscooters - home, cosmetic and medical. The division into classes is based on the length of the needles and the depth of their penetration into the skin.

The length of the home mesoroller needle is 0.2-0.5 mm. Using such a device at home, a woman can be sure that her actions simply cannot damage the skin. A homemade dermaroller will help you fight fine wrinkles, sagging, enlarged pores, and restore an even and pleasant skin color and texture. For those men and women who suffer from intense hair loss, this device is a must-have.

What cosmetic products should I use for home mesotherapy?

There are two types of mesoscooter medications:

  • Concentrates.
  • Cocktails.

The first type of cosmetics is used to solve one specific problem. Here are some examples of concentrates:

  1. Hyaluronic acid concentrate is used to smooth out wrinkles and moisturize.
  2. Preparations with ascorbic acid whiten the skin.
  3. Collagen and/or elastin will increase elasticity.
  4. For additional hydration and combating inflammation, concentrates with Aloe Vera are used.
  5. Chamomile preparations will help soothe the skin and relieve the effects of allergic rashes.

Mesoscooter (dermaroller) is used for facial rejuvenation both in beauty salons and at home. This tool for facial rejuvenation and eliminating skin defects appeared relatively recently, but has already gained great popularity.

This article is about how to choose the right mesoroller and how to use it at home to rejuvenate your facial skin.


Mesoscooter (dermaroller) - what is it?

A mesoscooter (its correct medical name is “dermaroller”) is a roller on a handle. The roller is covered with needles of very small diameter. The length of the needles varies from 0.2 to 3 millimeters. The effect of the mesoscooter depends on the size of the needles, as well as on what areas of the skin it can be used and whether this tool can be used at home.

The use of mesoscooters with needles up to 1 millimeter at home is considered safe. It is not recommended to use a dermaroller yourself with needles 1.5 millimeters or longer in length.

Mesoscooter (dermaroller) - mechanism of action.

The mesoscooter (dermoroller) creates multiple punctures of a very small diameter (they do not leave scars) and of varying depths (depending on the length of the needles). Below we will look at how the effects of needles of different lengths differ. Now let's look at the mechanism of the effect of the mesoscooter on the skin:

The mesoscooter creates microtraumas that stimulate regeneration.

Microtraumas help enhance regeneration processes. This rule applies to all tissues of the body. After microtrauma there is always overcompensation, i.e. recovery “with a reserve”. Microtraumas are formed, depending on the length of the needle, at different depths - in the upper (horny) layer of the skin, in the epidermis, in the basal layer, in the dermis.

Thanks to microtraumas:

  • cell division increases;
  • an additional capillary network is formed, due to which blood flow significantly increases, i.e., the supply of oxygen and nutrients improves;
  • fibroblasts are activated, producing collagen and elastin proteins - facial skin becomes denser, smoother and more toned;
  • natural skin hydration improves;
  • pores on the face are reduced;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out.

The mesoscooter has a reflexogenic effect.

Numerous injections affect the nervous system, stimulating the functioning of various body systems and organs.

The mesoscooter improves the absorption of cosmetics and medications.

The mesoscooter increases the absorption of some cosmetic preparations by 8-10 times. This happens for two reasons:

Firstly, microtraumas increase the permeability of the skin.

Secondly, at the tip of the needle, upon contact with the epidermis, some physical and chemical changes occur:

  • galvanic currents of low power appear,
  • metal oxides are formed.

As a result, the permeability of the cell membrane increases, which facilitates the penetration of drugs into the cell.

Thanks to the physicochemical changes described above, enzymatic processes are activated, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin even without the use of cosmetics.

Mesoscooter (dermaroller) - exposure to needles of various lengths.

This figure shows to what depth (in what layers of skin) needles of different lengths penetrate:

This figure is shown as an example only. Skin thickness usually varies across different areas of the skin (and also between different people). Therefore, for example, it is not recommended to treat the area around the eyes with the same mesoscooter as the entire face.

Let's see what effect a facial massage with a mesoscooter has, depending on the length of the needles:

Mesoscooter with needles from 0.2 to 0.3 mm.

  • The needles pass through the stratum corneum of the facial skin and only slightly touch the epidermis. In the area around the eyes, where the skin is thinner, such a mesoscooter will have a more pronounced effect, since the needles will penetrate into deeper layers.
  • Smoothes out fine wrinkles around the eyes. You should not count on smoothing out wrinkles on thicker areas of the skin. But, around the eyes, needles of this length penetrate the skin to a sufficient depth to stimulate increased cell division, the formation of elastin and collagen, the formation of an additional capillary network and, as a result, lead to the disappearance of fine wrinkles.
  • This effect applies to all areas of the facial skin, since even the shortest needles violate the integrity of the skin.

Mesoscooter with 0.5 mm needles.

  • Suitable for the eye area. At home, 0.5 mm. - this is the maximum allowable length of needles for massaging the area around the eyes. A mesoscooter with such needles acts on the skin around the eyes very effectively and, still, safely.
  • Improves complexion and skin hydration.
  • Removes
  • Slightly tightens the oval of the face.
  • Improves absorption of cosmetics and medications.

Mesoscooter with 0.75 mm needles.

  • If you think that in your case needles of shorter length do not effectively affect the skin around the eyes, and you want to try a mesoscooter with 0.75 mm needles, then it is recommended to first consult with a cosmetologist.
  • Improves complexion and skin hydration.
  • Smoothes out small wrinkles on the face.
  • Removes shallow scars, acne marks, minor unevenness of the facial skin.
  • Slightly tightens the oval of the face.
  • Improves absorption of cosmetics and medications.

Mesoscooter with needles from 1 to 1.5 mm.

  • Not suitable for the eye area. If you think that in your case needles of shorter length do not work effectively enough on the skin around the eyes, and you want to try a mesoscooter with needles from 1 to 1.5 mm, then it is recommended to first consult with a cosmetologist.
  • Improves complexion and skin hydration.
  • Smoothes out small wrinkles on the face.
  • Reduces deep wrinkles on the face.
  • Removes shallow scars, acne marks, minor unevenness of facial skin.
  • Removes deep scars.
  • Tightens pores.
  • Effectively tightens the oval of the face.
  • Reduces double chin.
  • Improves absorption of cosmetics and medications.

Mesoscooter with needles from 2 to 3 mm.

  • Not suitable for face. This length of needles allows you to penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis. Mainly used to get rid of stretch marks and cellulite in different parts of the body. It is practically not used for the face.

Mesoscooter (dermaroller) - use at home.

  • Mesoscooter with needles from 0.2 to 0.3 mm. intended for use at home.
  • Mesoscooter with needles from 0.5 to 0.75 mm. intended for use by cosmetologists with medical education. When using a mesoscooter, there is a possibility of damage to the basement membrane.
  • Mesoscooter with needles from 1 to 3 mm. intended for use by cosmetologists with higher medical education. When using mesoscooters with such needles, local anesthesia is sometimes used.

The best results are obtained by mesoscooters with needles from 0.5 mm. and longer. But cosmetologists warn that such mesoscooters cannot be used at home.

In practice, despite the warnings of the mesoscooter manufacturer and professional cosmetologists, many use needles from 0.5 to 1.5 mm at home. Moreover, they get excellent results. And they post videos on YouTube that show the whole process in detail.

I asked what my friend, a specialist in rejuvenation using acupuncture, thought about using a mesoscooter at home, who, along with the Chinese acupuncture technique, also uses vacuum massage and a mesoscooter in his practice. His practice shows that if you maintain hygiene, carefully follow the instructions included with the instrument, and if you have common sense, use a mesoscooter with needles up to 1.5 mm. practically safe. On the other hand, not a single cosmetologist will take on the responsibility of recommending to his clients to use a “professional” mesoscooter with needles longer than 0.5 mm on their own, at home.

Once you start using a mesoscooter with short needles and get the first results, you may want to try a mesoscooter with longer needles to get even more impressive results. If the warnings of the device manufacturer and cosmetologists do not stop you and you nevertheless decide to use a professional mesoscooter yourself, then certain precautions will not hurt you in any case.

So here you go unofficial recommendations for using a facial roller at home, based on user experience (*when using a cosmetic or medical mesoscooter at home, you take full responsibility for the result - this article is for informational purposes only):

  • Mesoscooter with needles from 0.2 to 0.3 mm. fits for first use at home. A mesoscooter with such short needles has the most delicate effect on the skin of the face, and therefore is recommended for those who are going to try a mesoscooter massage at home for the first time.
  • Mesoscooter with needles 0.5 mm. Suitable for first use at home. A mesoscooter with 0.5 mm needles is, according to reviews, safe for use at home.
  • Mesoscooter with 0.75 mm needles. Suitable for use at home, with experience. Start with a mesoscooter with shorter needles. One of the results of the effect of a mesoscooter is compaction and thickening of the skin. Thus, after some time of using a mesoscooter with needles from 0.2 to 0.5 mm, your skin will become a little thicker and longer needles will touch less deep layers of skin, which will be safer and prevent pain.
  • Mesoscooter with needles from 1 to 1.5 mm. Suitable for home use with considerable experience. It is recommended to use a mesoscooter with such needles at home only after prolonged use of a mesoscooter with shorter needles, when the skin becomes much denser.
  • Mesoscooter with needles from 2 to 3 mm. not suitable for home use. It is really dangerous to use such a mesoscooter on your own. It is used in a clinic or beauty salon setting, often using local anesthesia. Moreover, the main area of ​​application of such mesoscooters is getting rid of stretch marks and cellulite, and not tightening the facial skin.

Mesoscooter (dermaroller) - where to buy.

Buying a mesoscooter is a responsible matter. If, for example, vacuum cans for facial massage can be ordered on the Internet with a clear conscience, without fear for the quality of the product, then the roller with needles should only be of high quality! It is advisable to buy a mesoscooter from companies that officially sell mesoscooters and cocktails to go with them. Then you can be sure that the needles will not bend and, moreover, will not break, will not cause an allergic reaction, will not injure the skin, etc.

When buying a mesoscooter on the Internet (especially on sites such as or, you may receive a fake, i.e. you risk your health. Therefore, pay special attention to what you buy.

First, choose a quality mesoscooter:

  • Choose mesoscooters from well-known companies. Genosys and the DNS roller are considered the most tested at the moment.
  • Mesoscooter needles must be titanium or medical steel. Give preference titanium needles as more durable and gold-plated needles- they are hypoallergenic, and also gold plating extends the service life of the mesoscooter.
  • For thin skin and those with rosacea- choose mesoscooters with laser or diamond sharpened needles.
  • Choose mesoscooters of different widths- wider for the face (approximately 2 cm, 192 needles) and narrower for the area around the eyes and nasolabial folds (2-3 rows of needles). For hair, a mesoscooter of standard width is used (as for the face), and for the body - a double one (approximately 4 cm, 410 needles).

When buying a mesoscooter on sites such as or, follow the following rules:

  • Read customer reviews carefully. If there are no or few reviews, it is better to contact another seller.
  • Having received the ordered mesoscooter, make sure that it is not a fake and check the integrity of the packaging - make sure that the tool is new.
  • If the received mesoscooter is suspicious, do not use it and order another one from another seller. The price of a mesoscooter on is not high, but it’s better not to risk your health.

Mesoscooter (dermaroller) - how many times to use.

The mesoscooter can be used as long as its needles remain sharp and straight. As soon as the needles become dull or bent, the instrument should be replaced with a new one, otherwise the skin can be seriously damaged.

It is impossible to determine exactly how long your mesoscooter will last. Its lifespan depends on:

  • on the quality of the tool,
  • depending on what areas of the body you are treating,
  • how many times do you pass the tool over each area of ​​skin,
  • How often do you do the procedures?

It is recommended to replace a mesoscooter with medical steel needles after 10 uses, and a mesoscooter with titanium needles after 6-8 months of use, with a frequency of use of 1-2 procedures per week. But determining on your own whether the needles are dull or not may not be easy. Therefore, it is better to replace the mesoscooter in advance, rather than wait until it begins to damage the skin due to dull or bent needles.

  • Mesoscooter with medical steel needles- replace after 10 uses.
  • Mesoscooter with titanium needles - if you use it 1-2 times a week for facial massage, then replace it after 6 months.
  • If you buy a mesoscooter on the Internet, then order a new one 1-2 months before the expected date of replacement of the old tool, so that there is no temptation to use the tool after it has presumably become unusable.

Mesoscooter (dermaroller) - hygiene and disinfection.

The rules are:

  1. A mesoscooter (dermaroller) is an individual tool that should not be given to other people to “try.”
  2. The mesoscooter should be disinfected each time before use. To do this, immerse it for 5 minutes in a small container with chlorhesidine or other non-alcohol disinfectant (you can use medical alcohol if this is indicated in the instructions for your instrument). After this, shake the instrument and place it so that the mesoscooter needles do not come into contact with other surfaces. Wait until the mesoscooter is completely dry. Do not use tools that still have disinfectant on them!
  3. The skin should also be cleaned before starting the procedure. There should be no cosmetics or cream on the skin. Also, the skin should be dry. If you use a mesoscooter with needles up to 1 mm, there is no need for additional disinfection - regular soap is enough. When using a mesoscooter with longer needles, the skin can be treated with chlorhesidine, like the instrument itself.
  4. Hands should also be clean. You can use rubber gloves.
  5. After use, the mesoscooter should be rinsed under running warm water and disinfected in the same way as before use.

Mesoscooter (dermaroller) - cosmetics.

You cannot use regular cosmetics with the mesoscooter. Cosmetics used with a mesoscooter must be sterile and should not contain any potentially harmful substances (artificial preservatives, flavors, etc.), since all components are absorbed several times more efficiently - both beneficial and harmful.

Depending on the desired result, you can use:

You can apply cosmetics or oils before and immediately after the procedure. It is more convenient to do this, after all, for two reasons:

  • It is more convenient to roll the mesoscooter on clean and dry skin,
  • It is easier to clean the mesoscooter after the procedure if you roll it over clean skin.

Mesoscooter - performing the procedure.

Mesoscooter - when and how often to use.

  1. Massage with a mesoscooter is best performed in the evening, before bed. After using a mesoscooter, the skin is usually red and slightly swollen. Overnight your skin will calm down. In addition, all restoration processes occur while we sleep.
  2. After the first use, make sure that the skin is completely restored, before repeating the procedure.
  3. At first (about 3 weeks), the mesoscooter can be used no more than once every 2-3 days(depending on how your skin reacts). This is an adaptation period, after which you can use the mesoscooter more often.
  4. Mesoscooter with needles from 0.2 to 0.5 mm. can be used daily.
  5. Mesoscooter with needles from 1 mm. and more applied once a week.

Mesoscooter - the difference between addiction and dependence.

Getting used to the mesoscooter:

If you use a mesoscooter without special cosmetics, the addictive effect will be minimal. In the same time, self-care requires consistency. After significant improvement has been achieved after a course of procedures, further progress may not be observed, but regular use of the mesoscooter (for example, once a week) helps to maintain the achieved result for as long as possible.

You can also say that your body is getting used to regular exercise. If you have been involved in sports for a long time, which improved your appearance and health, and then stopped exercising, this will soon affect your well-being, and then your appearance.

Dependence on drugs used with the mesoscooter:

Another thing is the active components that you “forcibly” introduce into the skin using a mesoscooter. Everything that we receive from the outside, our body ceases to produce on its own. So, if you regularly introduce hyaluronic acid into the skin, the body will begin to produce less of it on its own - dependence on an external source of hyaluronic acid appears. As a result, over time, the total amount of hyaluronic acid (self-produced + externally obtained) will decrease.


  • It is recommended to use active cosmetic preparations with a mesoscooter no more than 2 times a year, in courses of 10 procedures. Otherwise, the effect of the procedures is reduced and the skin condition gradually worsens.
  • The use of a mesoscooter without the use of cosmetics is possible both in courses of 10-20 procedures, several times a year, and on a regular basis, for example, once a week. In this case, after achieving the “maximum” improvement in skin condition, the use of a mesoscooter is preventive in nature - it helps to maintain the achieved result and slows down the aging process.

Mesoscooter - video (use at home).

Now the mesoscooter is a popular topic, and on YouTube you can find many different videos on how to use this device. I liked this video:

Mesoscooter (dermaroller) - mesotherapy of the face and décolleté at home.

The girl in the video demonstrates the use of a mesoscooter for the face, neck and décolleté at home. As a cosmetic product, she uses rosehip oil, which not only nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but also disinfects. And instead of a soothing mask, Panthenol is used (a product usually used for burns, cuts and other external damage to the skin) - it soothes the skin, accelerates regeneration and also disinfects.

Mesoscooter - contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of a mesoscooter:

  • Moles. Make sure that the mesoscooter needles do not touch moles.
  • Infectious skin diseases.
  • Inflammation.
  • Abrasions, burns, cuts- any external damage to the skin.
  • Active keloid scars. In them, the formation of new collagen significantly exceeds the breakdown of old collagen and such scars are constantly growing. To stop their growth, it is necessary to reduce the formation of collagen, and the mesoscooter, on the contrary, will stimulate an increase and, accordingly, increased growth of the keloid scar.
  • Cuperosis is a contraindication for a mesoscooter with long needles. But the correct use of a mesoscooter with short needles with diamond or laser sharpening and gold plating can, on the contrary, help get rid of this problem. If you have rosacea, consult your doctor or experienced cosmetologist before using a mesoscooter.
  • Bleeding disorders caused by illness or medication use.
  • Oncological diseases(more about the causes of cancer >>> and treatment of cancer with unconventional methods >>>).
  • Psoriasis. This disease can be easily treated with several sessions of colon hydrotherapy and a transition to a plant-based diet (veganism).
  • Pregnancy.
  • Herpes.
  • Infectious diseases and any inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Hypertension(see blood pressure treatment >>>) and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Taking certain medications, for example, corticosteroid drugs.

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