The lapis lazuli stone is a symbol of knowledge. Magical and healing properties of lapis lazuli


"The color of heaven, blue,
I fell in love with it from an early age.
As a child it meant to me
The blue of others began..."
(N. Baratashvili)

FROM WIKIPEDIA: "Lapis lazuli (lapis lazuli) - Na6Ca2(AlSiO4)6(SO4,S,Cl)2 - an opaque mineral from blue to bluish-gray or greenish-gray, the best stones are juicy blue or blue-violet, and also deep blue. The name of this stone “lapis lazuli” appeared only in the early Middle Ages, designating it as “azure stone”. The word "azure" comes from Pers. “لاژورد” - lāzhvard - blue stone, lapis lazuli. In Italy it was called Lapis Lazzuli, in France - Pierre d'Azur. The modern name “lapis lazuli” appeared in the 18th century. "Lapis lazuli" was the name given to only dense and uniformly colored dark blue varieties of lapis lazuli.

DEPOSITS: Lapis lazuli is mined in Afghanistan (Badakhshan), Argentina, Chile, USA, Myanmar, Tajikistan (Pamir). The mines in Badakhshan are the oldest; in ancient times, this stone came from Afghanistan through complex routes to China, Egypt, Byzantium and Rome. In Russia, lapis lazuli is mined in the southern Baikal region. In terms of quality, Baikal lapis lazuli is not inferior to Badakhshan lapis lazuli, while Pamir lapis lazuli has lighter shades and is valued lower.

"And now that I have reached
I am the peak of my days,
As a sacrifice to other flowers
I won't give away the blue one.

He is beautiful without embellishment.
This is the color of your favorite eyes.
This is your bottomless gaze,
Filled with blue.

This is the color of my dreams.
This is the paint of height.
In this blue solution
The earth's expanse is immersed.

It's an easy transition
Into the unknown from worries
And from crying relatives
At my funeral.

It's a thin blue
Frost over my stove.
This is blue winter smoke
Darkness over my name."
(N. Baratashvili)


Our distant ancestors gave preference to gems, because they are able to survive more than one generation of people - this is what happened with lapis lazuli, which was truly the favorite stone of Egypt, Sumer, Akkad, Persia and many other great states that have now sunk into oblivion.

The first information about LAZUL came to us from the 4th millennium BC. And from the fifth century BC, a skillfully carved figurine of the Egyptian goddess of truth, Maat, has come down to us. In ancient times, this stone came from Afghanistan through complex routes to China, Egypt, Byzantium and Rome.

"A string of pearls matches lapis lazuli.
Famous since ancient times -
symbol of the gods, pharaohs -
from Egypt to Babylon...
Lapis lazuli - lapis lazuli -
keeps its riddles:
chemists all over the planet -
they don’t know the reason for the color;
the answer is in the structure - no
for blue - in the "Stone of the Vedas".
(Ligeia Edgara)

In Ancient Egypt, lapis lazuli was considered one of the most expensive stones; he was called "son of heaven" and dedicated to the pharaoh as the viceroy of the sun god Ra on Earth. The blue stone became a measure of value; it was used to cover statues of rulers and gods, and bracelets, necklaces and rings made of lapis lazuli set in gold are constantly found in Egyptian tombs. For many centuries, tomb robbers were looking for items made from this mineral, especially gems with the image of a scarab beetle, because they believed that such a scarab would bring even a thief happiness and longevity. Let us add that lapis lazuli beetles were extracted from the very hearts of the dead, where they were placed before burial...

So the Sumerians, who lived nearby, were not inferior to the Egyptians in their love for stone - and perhaps even surpassed them, because it was a symbol of their supreme sky deity Inanna, in whose honor in Mesopotamia they even wanted to erect a temple entirely of blue stone.

The temple did not survive to our times, but it is reliably known that the royal regalia of the Sumerians, jewelry, clothes, hairstyles, household items and the walls of the palaces themselves were literally strewn with lapis lazuli, for which expeditions had to be sent to the distant Pamirs - after all, in Sumer itself there are deposits of lapis lazuli, which is born only high in the mountains, has never been...

The Sumerians widely used lapis lazuli in jewelry, figurines, and other works of art. Lapis lazuli was often inserted into the eyes of figurines, it was used to decorate scabbards, seals, and amulets were made from it. These decorations were already made in the 5th millennium BC. in Eridu, Southern Babylonia, at the dawn of the Sumerian state; at Ur, between 4700 and 4500 years ago.

And for the less selfless kingdoms there were the Badakhshan mines, which already 7000 BC. supplied the ancient world with such a coveted gem.

An ordinary person did not have the right to even approach the mines - this was punishable by death, overseers kept order, and the miners themselves were chained to the walls of the mines so that they would not be able to steal a piece of lapis lazuli, sacred in Badakhshan, which only the emir had the right to own.

However, the Badakhshan deposit, although it has always been the most famous and high-quality, is by no means the only one.

The stone was also mined in China, where the blue balls on the headdresses of mandarins were a sign of power. In Ancient China it was called the “golden star stone” and the sacred symbol of the Empire, they saw in it a reflection of the divine powers of the sky and worshiped its beauty and greatness.

Chinese court nobility until the 19th century decorated their belts with lapis lazuli plates. The Chinese rulers "mandarins" considered this mineral a symbol of their ancient family - lapis lazuli clothes strewn with magnificent blue stones, and Chinese noble beauties decorated their outfits and exquisite hairstyles with lapis lazuli.

Tibetan lamas valued lapis lazuli above gold; temples and palaces of the nobles of the Celestial Empire were decorated with religious objects and crafts made of beautiful blue stone, permeated with gold or silver glitter.

Lapis lazuli was also popular in South America, where jewelry made of gold, silver and lapis lazuli were actively used in the culture of Indian civilizations. To this day, South American and especially Chilean lapis lazuli are highly valued by jewelers and stone connoisseurs - products made from them are distributed throughout the world

They loved the gem in ancient Greece and Rome, where they cut gems, figurines, small household items from it, and even made, by grinding it into powder, a bright blue paint - ULTRAMARINE - which became widely known throughout the world

As Pliny wrote, lapis lazuli (although he erroneously called it sapphire) “is like the firmament strewn with stars” (the stars must be the fine pyrite rash that is a characteristic feature of Badakhshan lapis lazuli);
Ideas about the beauty, vastness and grandeur of the sky have long been associated with it; they worshiped it, seeing in it a reflection of heavenly divine forces.

There is a tradition that the tablets given to Moses on Mount Sinai were made of lapis lazuli. This gem was widely used for large jewelry. Thus, above the throne of the Iranian king Khosrow II Parviz (VI-VII centuries) there was a canopy made of lapis lazuli and gold with images of stars and planets, zodiac signs and ancient reigning persons.

During the Renaissance, lapis lazuli triumphantly regained its former popularity - now large interior items began to be made from it: sets, vases, tabletops, sculpture stands could be seen throughout Europe.

Particularly beautiful were the mosaic panels using lapis lazuli - the blue stone was used in almost every product of the newly invented Florentine mosaic

Later, in the 18th-20th centuries, lapis lazuli in Europe was used for jewelry, crafts, souvenirs, and perfume bottles

Lapis lazuli “reached” Russia in full only in the 18th century, and for the most part it came, according to tradition, from Badakhshan. Huge vases, bowls, floor lamps made using Russian mosaic techniques, and tabletops still serve as decoration for the Hermitage and other Russian palace-museums.

The blue color of the lapis lazuli mosaics of Orthodox churches brought the souls of worshipers into inexplicable awe.

In addition, lapis lazuli was used to make table sets, snuff boxes, ashtrays, boxes, candlesticks and many other household items for wealthy residents of Russia.

Faberge also often used stone - it looks extremely elegant as the petals of the famous “stone flowers” ​​- semi-precious forget-me-nots and cornflowers, which seem real to the viewer; lapis lazuli is also present in some of the “Easter eggs”.

But the most grandiose products made of lapis lazuli are rightfully considered the famous altar columns St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg. The five-meter columns of the iconostasis of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg are lined with violet-blue Badakhshan lapis lazuli. It used 1248 kilograms of lapis lazuli. This is a Russian mosaic of deep blue homogeneous lapis lazuli of the “starry night” type, where numerous golden sparkles of pyrite are visible against the background of blue stone. According to legend, the columns were originally lined with Transbaikal lapis lazuli, but the architect Montferrand rejected the finishing, and the columns were re-veneered with Badakhshan stone. True, the rejected columns, for some unknown reason, ended up in the house of the architect Montferrand himself (in St. Petersburg, on the Moika).

Interesting fact: during excavations on the territory of Ukraine of settlements from the times of Kievan Rus, a cross was found carved from lapis lazuli, quite large in size, but, unfortunately, broken off on one side. Lapis lazuli is bad - individual lapis lazuli crystals are immersed in a white fine-crystalline mass, but lapis lazuli is undeniable.
"... From the Pamirs to Kyiv - well:
this load is not similar to the others;
five monks - St. Sophia -
made - together - a difficult vow:
there will be a blue cross in the Cathedral!
There he is - a stone - the azure of heaven;
a symbol of faith, hope, love...
Three died. Two - delivered.
And - a lapis lazuli cross was carved:
in the Lavra - the chronicle stores facts;
but, alas, does not provide an explanation -
where was he - "lost" - later..."
(Ligeia Edgara)


"...I’m not opening up anything about Siberian lapis lazuli, but reminding you of well-known events. As for Baikal lapis lazuli, all Irkutsk geologists are aware. Yes, there is no information about Mamsky lapis lazuli, but we have plenty of lapis lazuli along the river banks. It’s quite easy to look for it - you go and collect.

I easily picked up lapis lazuli in the spring on the banks of the Mama River within the boundaries of a populated area.
In Fersman’s book “Entertaining Mineralogy”, on page 56 we read: “A door in the Great Palace Museum, in the city of Pushkin, trimmed with Baikal lapis lazuli.”
Also, earlier in the village of Mama, many people had lapis lazuli sanding pads around their homes - here is a photo of such a Soviet sanding pad, which I kept:

Lapis lazuli and charoite - jewelry and ornamental stones in Eastern Siberia can easily be found along the banks of mountain rivers. And not only in the Southern Baikal region. There is no less lapis lazuli in the Baikal-Patom Highlands...

In terms of quality, Baikal lapis lazuli is not inferior to Badakhshan lapis lazuli, while Pamir lapis lazuli has lighter shades and is valued lower.

And there is no need to climb to great heights in the mountains. Lapis lazuli, like charoite, hides from us at the bottom of rivers..."

Malobystrinsky lapis lazuli is characterized by a pleasant dark blue color, but in general it is not constant at the deposit and varies from blue-black and violet to light blue.

Another relatively well-studied lapis lazuli deposit in the Southern Baikal region is Slyudyanskoye, located on the right side of the river. Slyudyanka, about 15 km above its mouth.


"Pamir - blue - lapis lazuli
keeps for millennia -
both secrets and answers:
he is waiting, and the universe is sleeping -
somewhere under the core...
How - to explain - the alien color -
there was no answer and no;
he is like meteorites -
doesn't want to give away the secret
Master - neophytes...

(Ligeia Edgara)

According to numerous legends, this gem is often called the Stone of Love.
Those who wear lapis lazuli are guaranteed fidelity. In the form of a ring or bracelet on the hand, it improves blood, destroys melancholy and extravagant thoughts, strengthens sleep, promotes meditation and spiritual development, protects against evil fate, gives strength to the body and mind, protects and gives happiness and joy.
In Ancient Egypt, lapis lazuli was considered one of the stones of the cat goddess Bast, and patronized domestic animals - and female beauty and sex appeal
According to some legends, lapis lazuli brings happiness only to brunettes and brunettes, foretells a good fate for redheads, and promises misfortune to others.
This mineral helps a person in spiritual development; it constantly reminds him that everything in the world has a divine beginning, therefore it is beautiful and worthy of love and respect. The owner of lapis lazuli becomes a merciful person, able to personally feel other people's grievances and pain. If a person follows the hints of the mineral, he can become a real sage.
Lapis lazuli is a talisman for diplomats and all people who have to be in large societies or often receive strangers, for example, doctors, etc. The stone brings knowledge of the truth, reveals secrets, gives good luck and prosperity. Lapis lazuli is also an amazing talisman of love: it protects human relationships from the invasion of “outsiders”, strengthens faith in each other, pacifies and promotes mutual understanding. The stone also serves well for those who want to renew their lives, test their capabilities, discover new things, including helping to reorganize financial affairs. As a talisman, it protects the owner from insults and undeserved attacks, slander, slander, and makes evil people repent and obey, becoming a sincere and kind person.
Since ancient times, people have endowed the “heavenly stone” with various magical qualities. In India, it was believed that lapis lazuli could cleanse a person’s aura of any negativity, relieve feelings of anxiety, and relieve difficult memories. Europeans are confident that if you have any jewelry made from this stone, you can very quickly make even your wildest dreams and plans come true.
Lapis lazuli also symbolizes friendship and sincerity in human relationships.

In addition, this stone will become an assistant to those who have decided to radically change their lives, starting all over again.
And also lapis lazuli in the Christian religion - the Stone of the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, the sacred purity of Women Saints and Healers

On the other hand, oddly enough, lapis lazuli is sometimes considered the stone of vampires
In the movie "The Vampire Diaries", a sun protection amulet is used by vampires to move around during the day, since the light of the sun is deadly to them.

Amulets are made from lapis lazuli and are usually worn with a ring, pendant or bracelet. For a stone to become an amulet, a witch must cast a special spell on it. These spells are personal, so they do not protect anyone other than a specific vampire, but their effect is endless and does not stop, even if the witch who cast the spell dies.

The secret of the existence of jewelry with lapis lazuli and the charms themselves are carefully hidden so that people think that vampires can only come out of their shelters at night. Some vampires use lapis lazuli rings as rewards for their most loyal followers.

Astrologically, this stone corresponds to SAGITTARIUS and LIBRA, as well as the “Mercurians” - GEMINI and VIRGO.
Those born under the signs of CANCER and CAPRICORN should beware of this stone.

Like sapphire and turquoise, lapis lazuli is a symbol of the transcendental world, a symbol of the spiritual sky, which can only be reached by those who pass through death.

Lapis lazuli is also related to Guardian Angels. It is believed that a healing blue aura with golden sparkles is exuded by the guardian angels of people born in DECEMBER, JUNE, OCTOBER - AMBRIEL, ANACHIEL and ZURIEL.


"Lapis lazuli, the bluer it is,
The stronger it acts
Why is this stone bigger?
The longer his influence.

There are fields in lapis lazuli,
Lapis lazuli is useful for -
Positive transformations
Blessed synchronizations.

Lapis lazuli gives salvation
From scurvy and baldness,
The lapis lazuli ball is
A rare gift will be revealed!

For the treatment of arthritis,
It is necessary, by the power of lapis lazuli,
- Affect joints,
Mash them with lapis lazuli.

To save from obesity
Your “subtle bodies” -
Charge your lapis lazuli
Only for good deeds!"

For those who, due to their occupation, often communicate with people, lapis lazuli is a stone that cleanses from all kinds of negativity, fatigue and calms the psyche. It will help you cope with the implementation of a complex project and the implementation of grandiose plans, and will give you good luck. Unnecessary memories, difficult thoughts, grief, grievances and pangs of conscience for something long forgotten prevent us from moving forward, developing, and discovering new talents and opportunities. To free yourself and bring success, prosperity, and new knowledge into your life, you should wear jewelry with lapis lazuli or keep a stone at home.
The medicinal value of lapis lazuli can be different - it strengthens both the body and the spirit.
This stone is used to treat eye diseases, mountain sickness, wound healing and general stimulation of the body, in the complex treatment of asthma, migraines, radiculitis, and nervous diseases. It helps lower blood pressure and temperature, facilitates pregnancy, relieves various inflammations and gives restful sleep. A bracelet made of lapis lazuli is an amulet that protects a child from any disease.

Basically, either jewelry with lapis lazuli is used, or water in which it has been infused for some time (from several hours to a day).
The medical use of the stone began a very long time ago - back in Ancient Egypt, medicines were made from the powder of this stone to remove poisons from the body, and in the Middle Ages, tablets from ground lapis lazuli were in use, which were prescribed for eye diseases. Of course, you shouldn’t swallow lapis lazuli chips, but just regular contemplation of its deep, soothing blue will really have a beneficial effect on your vision. For high blood pressure, insomnia, stress, and asthma, lapis lazuli beads are recommended, and a piece of stone pinned to a pregnant woman’s stomach in the form of a brooch or placed in her pocket will protect her from premature birth and alleviate attacks of toxicosis. In general, the gem has a beneficial effect on the state of the blood, as well as on the metabolism in bone tissue - therefore it is used for rheumatism, radiculitis, and joint pain. Like its “little brother” sodalite, lapis lazuli is extremely beneficial for those suffering from diseases of the thyroid gland and lymphatic system. A bracelet or ring with lapis lazuli improves blood circulation and helps with diseases of the genitourinary system. Stone massage in lithotherapy is used to treat epilepsy.
In folk medicine, there is an opinion that lapis lazuli is an excellent remedy for restoring vision. To do this, you need to peer at the stone for several minutes every day. Lithotherapists suggest that lapis lazuli beads reduce high blood pressure, calm the nerves, help with insomnia and relieve nightmares.

In some countries, products made from lapis lazuli or just a stone are recommended to be worn on the stomach by pregnant women. It is believed that it protects the expectant mother from miscarriages and alleviates attacks of toxicosis.


Lapis lazuli is an opaque mineral the color of the evening sky, the shades of which range from greenish blue to dark blue with golden inclusions of pyrite. In sunlight it shimmers, but in artificial light it becomes gloomy and unattractive. It is used for making jewelry, as it is easy to process and polish. The second name of the stone is lapis lazuli, which means “blue stone” in Persian.

Historical reference

In ancient times, the crystal was a protective amulet of noble persons, a symbol of success and divine favor. In Ancient China it was considered a symbol of power, and in Europe it brought good luck and success to the owner. In India it was associated with love; in Ancient Rome, lapis lazuli gems were talismans.

The mineral was also well known in Ancient Rus'. The Hermitage houses antique vases and tabletops made in the 18th century; they also used them to decorate interior parts. It was also ground into powder and used to make ultramarine paint that did not fade in the sun and lasted a long time.

Icon painters successfully used it in painting images of saints.

The main deposit, which is more than 6 thousand years old, is Afghanistan (Badakhshan), for a long time it was considered the only one in the world. It was from there that the mineral began to be exported to Asian countries, Egypt and Europe. The most famous varieties of Badakhshan crystal:

  • niili (indigo color);
  • asmani (sky blue);
  • sufsi (greenish blue).

Archaeologists have proven that it was jewelry made from the Badakhshan mineral that was worn by the Egyptian pharaohs. It also contains other minerals, such as hauin, pyrite, mica, augite, and calcite. The characteristics of this mineral are as follows:

  1. Color. The most expensive crystals are pure blue and blue-violet. The fewer inclusions and overflows, the more valuable the stone is considered.
  2. Hardness average, on a 10-point scale its rating is 6. It is almost scratch-resistant and easy to process.
  3. Density. The density parameter ranges from 2.5 to 2.9. When identifying counterfeits, this parameter is important.
  4. Transparency. As you know, lapis lazuli is not particularly transparent, so the more transparent it is, the more expensive it is.

It is believed that lapis lazurite is a stone that helps change life, brings happiness, strengthens love. Jewelry with lapis lazuli has a beneficial effect on health and calms the nerves. It is also suitable for meditation, increases intuition, and helps get rid of unpleasant memories.

Lapis lazuli is a talisman for the zodiac signs Aquarius and Taurus; it is also useful for Gemini and Libra, as it is associated with the element of air. Astrologically associated with the planet Uranus. But for Capricorns, wearing jewelry with lapis is contraindicated, as it causes severe malaise and exhaustion of the body in representatives of this sign.

Healing properties

In folk medicine, the healing properties of lapis lazuli stone have been known for a long time. It has analgesic, anti-burn and anti-inflammatory properties, normalizes blood pressure, and restores vision. To get rid of a cough, just place a stone on your chest.

When wearing a ring or bracelet with lapis, blood circulation, sleep and thyroid function improve, sciatica and asthma are treated. Ancient healers used stone powder mixed with honey and pomegranate juice to treat eczema and ulcers.

Lapis lazuli is used to decorate boxes, vases, talismans and amulets. In addition, beads, bracelets, and earrings are made from it. Silver rings with lapis lazuli are popular among women, but even the stronger sex will not refuse jewelry in the male version.

Lapis harmonizes perfectly in jewelry with corals, turquoise, pearls, and carnelian. Products made from real lapis lazuli are very expensive, and few can afford to have them in their collection.

The stone looks most advantageous when set in gold or silver. Jewelry in a set looks good; for example, earrings and a bracelet are perfect for an office suit. Lapis lazuli beads will decorate a light summer dress. A pendant with lapis lazuli will highlight the beauty of your neck. Lapis lazuli also goes well with denim casual wear. But for an evening out, it’s better not to wear jewelry - under artificial lighting, it will look faded and ugly.

Jewelry must be protected from impacts, scratches, temperature changes and chemical exposure. With proper care, the stone will look rich and expensive for a long time and give joy to the owner.

How to spot a fake

The ancient Egyptians first began to counterfeit lapis lazuli using glass and glaze. Nowadays, blue-dyed jasper is used for counterfeiting. There are several ways to detect a fake:

  1. When moistening the stone, the surface of real lapis lazuli should be evenly wet; on a fake, the liquid collects in drops.
  2. Real lapis lazuli has strong heat resistance; when placed in a fire or oven, no changes in the composition of the stone occur.
  3. The light shines only on real stones; under artificial lighting there is no shine.
  4. In general, the most reliable way is laboratory analysis.

Low-quality artificial lapis lazuli is obtained by coloring other stones of similar quality and appearance. Usually these are jasper and chalcedony. On the market, such stones were called jasper lapis, but later this name was banned throughout the world so as not to mislead uninitiated people who paid a lot of money for a fake.

Artificial stone is also obtained by cultivation and colored with cobalt. This is an almost exact imitation, and a fake can only be determined using laboratory analysis. Sometimes sodalite and azurite are sold as lapis lazuli.

Lapis lazuli is a peculiar stone, some of whose properties are difficult to believe, because they defy explanation. But you just need to believe in its magical power and magic, because magic is also something inexplicable, but people believe in it, and for good reason.

Lapis lazuli or lapis lazuli received its name only in the 18th century. Its roots are in the Arabic word azul, which translates as “sky” or “blue.”

First, in each country you can hear different names for the stone. So in France lapis lazuli was called Pierre d’Azur, and in Italy - Lapis Lazzuli, which is close to the modern version in English - lapis lazuli. In Persia the stone was called “Lazhvard”.

Today you can still hear other names for the mineral, for example, lapis lazuli or lapis lazuli.

History of lapis lazuli

The history of this mineral began more than 7,000 years ago. Lapis lazuli was used to decorate the luxurious palaces of the rulers of the East, and to extract valuable deep blue paint. In Ancient Egypt, they came up with the idea of ​​making a gold frame for this stone and wearing it as jewelry.

Russian emperors also appreciated the beauty of lapis lazuli. It decorates the halls of the palace in Peterhof and the famous Winter Palace.

Chemical and physical properties of lapis lazuli

This mineral belongs to the group of silicates and its composition is described by the following chemical formula: Na 6 Ca 2 (AlSiO4) 6 (SO 4 ,S,Cl) 2 .

The color of lapis lazuli varies from sky blue to deep purple and depends on the amount of sulfur anions present in the mineral. Lapis lazuli can be dissolved in hydrochloric acid and the process is accompanied by the release of hydrogen sulfide.

Sometimes the mined minerals contain inclusions of golden or silvery pyrite. Lapis lazuli is classified as an ornamental stone. Most often, the stone is processed in the form of a cabochon or plate. In addition, elegant figurines and boxes are not uncommon, transformed thanks to the amazing texture and pattern of the stone.

Lapis lazuli deposits

The richest deposits of this mineral are located in Afghanistan. The most valuable specimens of lapis lazuli are mined in Badakhshan. Stones from the Baikal region are valued equally with them. Lapis lazuli mines are also located in other countries: China, Chile, Tajikistan, India and Africa.

In Afghanistan, mined lapis lazuli is divided into three types.

  • Sufsi- the least valuable stone of a greenish tint.
  • Asmani- ordinary lapis lazuli in the color of the sky.
  • Niili- the most expensive lapis lazuli of a purple hue.

If a rock consists of more than 40% of this mineral, then it is called lapis lazuli.

How to distinguish fake lapis lazuli from natural one

Dumortierite, sodalite and colored lapis lazuli are used as counterfeit jewelry.

The natural mineral can be distinguished from dumortierite by its silvery sparkles on the surface and glassy sheen: dumortierite has neither of these, and its color is rather dull. In addition, natural lapis lazuli is significantly more expensive than such a fake.

Sodalite differs from natural lapis lazuli in its transparency. If you look through the stone at a light source and it shines through, it means sodalite; if not, it could be natural lapis lazuli.

It is even easier to distinguish real lapis lazuli from a colored mineral: just run it over a damp surface. If a colored mark remains, the stone is fake.

Well, the simplest and cheapest way to imitate lapis lazuli, which is most often found in costume jewelry, is beads with beautiful blue-violet and white patterns made from polymer clay. The texture pattern on the surface is usually quite large, rough and does not have that slight shimmer that is inherent in natural stone. In addition, clay lapis lazuli most often does not have the glossy shine of a real polished stone.

Natural lapis lazuli

Healing and magical properties of lapis lazuli

Mentions of the healing properties of this mineral are found in the works of Avicenna. He believed that lapis lazuli softened the course of the disease. Also, the heavenly stone can relieve kidney diseases and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the blood, has an antimicrobial effect, successfully treats skin diseases, and facilitates childbirth. Lapis lazuli will help normalize blood pressure, and it is also used in the treatment of mental illness.

The magical properties of lapis lazuli include the stone’s ability to help its owner gain wisdom.

Lapis lazuli helps those who spend a lot of time in meditation.

According to modern lithotherapy experts, it is able to cleanse the owner’s aura and subsequently protect him from damage and the evil eye, and can also change fate for the better.

Who is lapis lazuli suitable for?

It is believed that lapis lazuli should be worn by single women. The stone will help them find family happiness. If you wear a ring with lapis lazuli, your loved one will always be faithful.

As for the zodiac preferences of the stone, astrologers are confident that lapis lazuli is suitable for any zodiac sign, with the exception of Capricorns. This mineral is simply contraindicated for them.

The natural stone lapis lazuli is an ornamental stone from which mainly decorative souvenirs are made. The mineral got its name lazurite from the Arabic word azul which means blue and sky, as well as from the Persian word lazurite which translates as blue. This mineral has another name: the stone of the sky because the lapis lazuli stone looks very impressive in sunlight, such a glow is given by lapis lazuli with pyrite, which consists of small yellowish inclusions.

Raw lapis lazuli photo

Lapis lazuli stone properties and deposits

Lapis lazuli crystals are formed in the process of contact metamorphism at the contact of carbonate rocks with alkaline intrusions. The mineral consists of a sulfur-containing substance with sodium and calcium aluminosilicate (Ca, Na). The chemical composition of lapis lazuli includes sodium oxide (Na2O), chlorine (Cl), sulfur oxide (SO3), silicon dioxide (SiO2), calcium oxide (CaO), aluminum oxide (Al2O3).
Main properties of lapis lazuli:

  • The shine is glassy and greasy.
  • Transparency - opaque.
  • The line is light blue.
  • The system is cubic.
  • The fracture is conchoidal.
  • Density - 2.38-2.42.
  • Hardness - 5.5, brittle.
  • Cleavage is imperfect.
  • Aggregates are dense, amorphous.

The main countries where lapis lazuli is found are Afghanistan, USA, Chile, Canada, Russia and Burma. Lapis lazuli is divided into several types of rocks: lapis lazuli, sky pebble, lapis lazuli.

Lapis lapis lazuli photo

The most valuable is a stone with a bright blue and purple hue and a silky shine; this includes the Niil type, blue in color with a hint of indigo. Lapis lazuli was also found, the color of the stone was bright blue, blue-violet with a white tint, greenish-blue and blue with a tint of indigo.


In the descriptions of the Badakhshan mines of Afghanistan, there was little mention of lapis lazuli, and the age of these mines is more than 7000 years. From this deposit, almost all of the Badakhshan lapis lazuli found was sold mainly to Russia and China. In ancient Egypt, blue lapis lazuli was also used to decorate tombs and sarcophagi.

Found bracelet with a scarab made of lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is used to make jewelry and is also used as an ingredient for paint that produces ultramarine color. This paint does not fade when exposed to sunlight. In Russia, lapis lazuli was discovered in the south of Transbaikalia and they began mining Ural lapis lazuli in 1851, and 150 years later it was also discovered in the southwestern Pamirs. Back in the old days, they found a way to use lapis lazuli and with this stone they decorated a Medici vase in the winter palace, and also lined the five-meter columns of the iconostasis and some rooms of St. Isaac's Cathedral located in St. Petersburg. 1248 kg of violet blue Afghan lapis lazuli were used to process the columns with lapis lazuli.


This stone has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-burn properties. In folk medicine, it is believed that if you look at blue lapis lazuli for several minutes every day, your vision will be restored, and your blood pressure and nervous system will also normalize.

This is what lapis lazuli looks like photo

For people with a dry, debilitating cough, it was enough to put lapis lazuli on their chest and the cough would immediately stop. Previously, it was thought that a stone crushed into dust could remove any poisons from the body, and therefore it was added to medications that were given for poisoning. In ancient times, pregnant women wore this stone on their belts as an amulet against miscarriage. To get rid of unnecessary thoughts and forget unpleasant memories, you can use lapis lazuli in meditation and yoga. In Egypt it was believed that the stone was sent by the gods to communicate with them. In India, it was believed that the action of lapis lazuli strengthens the body and consciousness and relieves it of negativity and heals from various ailments. For example, the Indian king Buddha Bhaishadshya Gura had a throne decorated with lapis lazuli and many people who had been ill for a long time went to see him and were then healed in a short time. In Europe, the stone was considered a symbol of prosperity and success, so they gave gifts to relatives and friends decorated with lapis lazuli.


The stone is especially useful for women as lapis lazuli stone has magical properties with a rejuvenating effect. The stone can bring good luck to brunettes, and a good life to redheads. You can wear lapis lazuli to people whose zodiac sign is Libra, Aries, Aquarius and Pisces. It is not recommended to wear lapis lazuli stone to people whose zodiac sign is Capricorn, as it is contraindicated for them and can cause illness.

Lapis lazuli - from the Arabic word “azul” - sky blue or “blue stone” - as the Arabs call it. The main component is lapis lazuli - 25 - 40%, other minerals are also present, for example, augite, calcite, diopside, enstatite, mica, hauin, hornblende, nosean, pyrite. Lapis lazuli is considered as a rock and should not be considered a synonym for lapis lazuli. Lapis lazuli itself is unstable to high temperatures and acids.

High quality stones have color evenly distributed. There are spotted and banded stones. Lapis lazuli from Chile and Russia has a strong grayish calcite. Stones with uniform inclusions of pyrite are most valued, but an excess of the latter causes a greenish tint. The brightness of the color of the stone can be enhanced by slight heating and additional coloring.

Lapis lazuli. Synonym: ultramarine.
Lapis lazuli is an opaque stone. Unstable to heat and acids. Color – all blue shades – azure blue, violet, greenish blue…

The brighter and more saturated the color, the higher the value of the stone. And, as you know, the blue color attracts and excites the imagination, because when we look into the blue sky, we always think about something sublime and mysterious.

Hardness 5-6
Density – 2.5 – 3.0
Pleochroism – absent

Be that as it may, the name we most often come across is lapis lazuli stone. The luster of lapis lazuli ranges from glassy to greasy. Lapis lazuli is fragile and can be easily polished. Golden inclusions of pyrite against a blue background give polished lapis lazuli a look reminiscent of a starry night sky.

The deposit, which is more than 6,000 years old, is located in Afghanistan in the Hindu Kush mountains. There are several varieties of lapis lazuli - from indigo blue to sky blue, and there is also greenish blue. In Russia, lapis lazuli is mined in the Baikal region. There are deposits in Tajikistan, Chile, Angola, China, Canada, Pakistan, and the USA.

Lapis lazuli was used to make ultramarine paint. Some surviving palaces and temples of that time are decorated with lapis lazuli mosaics. Lapis lazuli is a fabulously beautiful blue stone. Probably due to its blue color, lapis lazuli has long been considered a sacred stone. He was one of the favorite and revered gems. Some researchers even suggest that in ancient written sources the name sapphire meant lapis lazuli.

In excavations of ancient civilizations, lapis lazuli beads and pharaonic masks are found. Lapis lazuli was seen as a symbol of power, so in China it was used to decorate the headdresses of emperors, and Chinese women used lapis lazuli beads to decorate their thick, black hair. Lapis lazuli was valued higher than gold in China. The palaces of eastern rulers were decorated with it, and the stone became the object of attention of merchants and ambassadors. Gradually, the rulers and nobility of Europe began to decorate their palaces with statues, fireplaces, and vases made of lapis lazuli.

Nowadays, lapis lazuli is used both in jewelry - rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, brooches, beads, and in sculpture, interior design and other handicrafts.

There are imitations with pieces of lapis lazuli, pressed and glued with synthetic resin. There is also synthetic lapis lazuli of fairly good quality. Lapis lazuli is often imitated by painting various white stones or jasper ("Swiss lapis") blue. An imitation of lapis lazuli is obtained by dyeing synthetic spinel blue.

How to distinguish natural lapis lazuli from imitation? You need to wet the stone. If it is real, its surface will be evenly moistened; if it is fake, water will collect in drops. Real lapis lazuli is beautiful only in bright sunlight; fakes shine even under artificial light.

The healing properties of lapis lazuli and stone treatment

In ancient times, people believed that this soft and fragile stone could save a person from poisoning. It was ground into powder and added to medicinal mixtures. He was also credited with curing ulcers of internal organs. Also, ancient doctors claimed that if you look at a stone for a few minutes a day, you can improve your vision.

A person will not believe anything, just to return the most precious thing - the seeing eyes. And in our time, we should not forget the recipes of our ancestors and use everything available in parallel with trips to microsurgery. The possibility that lapis lazuli beads will normalize blood pressure and calm the nerves is possible, but most likely, if you have not delayed it to the point of chronic hypertension. In any case, lithotherapists recommend lapis lazuli jewelry, which will distract from bitter memories and grievances.

If you contemplate beauty in the hope of healing, then most likely you will gain a positive attitude and learn to better understand and feel other people. Which means you will be happy. Therefore, lapis lazuli, of course, belongs to those stones that can be called a stone of goodness and love. What do astrologers say? Lapis lazuli is a stone that suits all zodiac signs, perhaps only Capricorn and Cancer are indifferent to it.

Magical properties of lapis lazuli

In ancient times, lapis lazuli was a reliable amulet. Many believed that when going into battle, you should take an amulet made of lapis lazuli with you, then the warrior would be under reliable protection. At the same time, lapis lazuli was a desirable stone as a gift in diplomatic relations.

Lapis lazuli stone and jewelry

For jewelry, bright blue and Badakhshan (Afghanistan) lapis lazuli with golden inclusions are more often used. Lapis lazuli is processed in the form of cabochons or plates; the stone is generally not cut, but polished. Lapis lazuli is a soft and brittle stone that can be easily polished.

The setting of the stone is gold or silver, but the stone looks great even without a setting - beads, pendants and other jewelry. Earrings, brooches, bracelets set in precious metals are luxurious jewelry for every woman.

The price of the stone itself per gram is on average 2 - 3 $, maybe higher, that is, its price is not too high. But jewelry with lapis lazuli is extremely popular, because it was not for nothing that the pharaohs, who considered themselves “gods” on earth, adorned themselves with them, and lapis lazuli was called the “son of heaven.” It was in Ancient Egypt that gold jewelry with lapis lazuli appeared. This stone looks extraordinary in the bright rays of the sun, but under electric lighting it somewhat loses its brightness. The most expensive is Afghan lapis lazuli with gold inclusions.

Most often, lapis lazuli in jewelry goes well with silver and is not very friendly with other stones. After all, the brightness of the stone, its brilliance and richness, especially in sunlight, is amazing, which is why it likes to remain alone in jewelry. However, harmonious combinations in the hands of a master jeweler are obtained when lapis lazuli is adjacent to turquoise or coral, pearls or carnelian. Lapis lazuli is also used for inlay and mosaics; figurines and vases are made from it.

What to wear and combine with lapis lazuli jewelry

Lapis lazuli, which is used in the jewelry industry, is an inexpensive stone. It looks most advantageous in a gold or silver frame.

You can decorate your office suit with a pendant with lapis lazuli in combination with a similar bracelet. Your outfit will look discreet and at the same time luxurious. Lapis lazuli beads will decorate a summer dress with a bright floral print. Lapis lazuli goes well with denim.

Earrings with lapis lazuli highlight the whiteness and beauty of the neck. Lapis lazuli goes well with everyday outfits. But for an evening out under artificial lighting, it loses some of its beauty.

Caring for jewelry with lapis lazuli

The stone requires careful handling, because it has low hardness. Therefore, lapis lazuli jewelry should be protected from impacts, scratches, sudden temperature changes and chemical influences. Lapis lazuli carefully washed in water will shine for a long time and give you joy.

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