What hair color suits gray eyes. Choosing hair color for blue and gray eyes. Chameleon eyes: causes of the phenomenon

Eye color- one of the determining factors when choosing hair dye, in addition to skin tone, together they determine the color type of appearance. Combined shades will make the image brighter, more interesting and attractive.

Hair color for brown eyes

Dark skin Girls with dark skin are perfectly suited to all shades of chocolate, as well as chestnut shades. To refresh the look, you can resort to light tinting using reddish, honey, and caramel shades. dark face completely incompatible with completely bleached hair. From famous women, this image can be attributed Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba and Eva Longoria. These beautiful girls skillfully emphasize their brown eyes with the help of hair color.
Bright skin

Among the fair-skinned brown eyed girls The most common are light brown and reddish natural hair. In this case, the eyes have a lighter shade - golden or honey. For the perfect combination, preference should be given to red, honey, gold and copper colors. Avoid cool shades that will spoil your appearance and make it faded and unnatural. Among the “forbidden” tones are burgundy, ash brown, eggplant, and black. I can be considered as a bright representative of this type Keira Knightley, Emma Watson and Olivia Palermo.
Is blonde appropriate?

Light shades, which look unusual in combination with brown eyes, deserve special attention. If blonde is a dream that you cannot refuse, then pay attention to light brown or sandy tones, but do not bleach your hair and refuse cool shades. As an option - graduation, ombre or light highlighting using blonde. These dyeing methods have a minor effect on the condition of the hair, but can affect the appearance visually.

For example, brown-eyed Jessica Alba looks great not only with dark hair, but also in swarms of blondes, she chooses light ones golden shades blonde

Talking about brown eyes and light hair color, one cannot help but recall two “star” girls - Shakira And Jessica Simpson. They never change their light hair color, which, combined with their dark eyes, creates bright image.

Hair color for blue eyes

Dark skin

For those with a warm color type and light complexions natural hair Blonde shades are perfect golden color. You can dye your hair caramel or sunny red tones. If your natural hair is a darker shade, try golden walnut or golden chestnut.

American actress Denise Richards chooses light warm shades of hair, which in combination with dark skin and large blue eyes look great.
Bright skin

Nature has rewarded you fair skin th, ash hair and an “icy” eye shade? Enhance your beauty with wheat or ash coloring. Natural dark hair is best transformed with the black tulip tone. Do not use rich dark colors if the blue shade of your eyes is too light - as a result, it will become even more faded.

A significant part of both Russian and foreign stars belong to this color type.

For example, Russian modelNatalya Vodyanova prefers warm light brown shade hair, and the singer Vera Brezhneva chooses golden blonde.

One of the brightest and most attractive representatives of blue eyes is Megan Fox, her dark hair combined with sky blue eyes creates a unique and very impressive image.

Hair color to match green eyes

Dark skin

The owners dark skin small range: the best option are considered light and dark colors chocolate, brown colors, which can emphasize the brightness and expressiveness of the skin and eyes. Light colors excluded in in this case as they will do yours appearance unnatural.

Probably the most striking owner of dark skin and green eyes is Tyra Banks - American model and TV presenter. Her appearance is completely untypical, but Tyra skillfully selects various shades hair to your image.
Bright skin

Fair-skinned girls are much more fortunate, thanks to the opportunity to dye their hair in light colors. Green eyes along with fair skin will look amazing against the background honey color hair, as well as brown, red, copper, golden, red and even black - this color type is difficult to spoil.

Red-haired actress Demi Moore demonstrates a beautiful combination of green eyes and red hair, which she never changes.

Also the owner of green eyes is the most beautiful woman Hollywood - Angelina Jolie, the image of this star is always impeccable; she prefers calm, natural shades of hair.

A Amanda Seyfried- a bright actress with big green eyes and fair skin chooses a “wheat blond” shade.

Blue eyes plus fair skin – perfect combination for a sophisticated, royal look. Emphasize the beauty of your eyes with a suitable shade of hair, add mystery and depth.

Recommendations from stylists will help you choose the color of your curls, taking into account your color type. Porcelain skin and bottomless blue eyes open up space for experimenting with dark or light color strands For you - secrets, useful tips, “little tricks”.

Shades of blue eyes

What are your eyes like? Blue, dark, light - this is an incomplete description.

When choosing a color, please check correct name shade:

  • pure, heavenly;
  • blue with an admixture of gray, delicate green;
  • blue interspersed with brown, gray or blue areas;
  • icy blue.

The lighter the hair color, the cooler the shade. In natural blondes, icy blue color is more common; in brunettes with pale skin, sky blue or blue with shades of blue, gray, and green predominates.

Appearance color type

A set of characteristic shades of hair, eyes, and skin characterizes a certain type of appearance. Incorrect selection of strand color makes the skin faded or, conversely, too bright. The eyes lose expressiveness, the image turns out to be defiant, comical or boring.

How to determine your color type? Put your hair in a bun and look in the mirror. If you are the owner of “bottomless blue”, find correct type it won't be difficult. Most blue-eyed beauties recognize themselves in the description of Summer or Winter.

Compare your data with the characteristics of the summer and winter color types. You will find recommendations for creating spectacular image.

Girl Summer

The Snow Queen- a beauty with soft, porcelain skin, blond hair, icy eyes. The description sounds a little strange, it seems that Summer should be bright, juicy, warm. That's right, these are the accents that characterize the summer color type.

Most women living in Scandinavian countries and northern latitudes have similar features:

  • eyes: icy, blue-gray, heavenly;
  • cool skin tones: light pink, porcelain;
  • the tone of the hair is varied - from soft brown to light chestnut, more often - ashen;
  • the image contrast is low.

Note! As they grow older, the “light Summer” type turns into a more contrasting, juicy one. Metamorphoses more often occur with owners of porcelain skin, dark eyebrows, bright lips.

Woman Winter

Bottomless blue, light skin plus dark hair is a rather rare, but strikingly effective combination. It's hard to pass by the luxurious queen.

Against the background of pinkish or bluish skin, chestnut strands without a hint of gold, blue eyes look especially expressive. A girl with the Winter color type is cold, but the “hot chocolate” on her strands removes the mask of inaccessibility and turns the Snow Queen into a luxurious beauty.

Rules for choosing a shade

Which shades to choose for Tender Summer and luxurious Winter? Should owners of sky blue eyes prefer warm or cool tones?

Five rules to remember:

  • color should emphasize expressive features;
  • choose a shade that is as close to natural as possible;
  • the right color gives the image freshness and youthfulness;
  • choose the tone to suit your character;
  • think about how short or long strands will look in a new color.

Hair color for winter type of appearance

Most often, owners of dark curls have rich eyebrows and eyelashes. chestnut color. Light brown hair look unnatural. I want more depth, spectacular chocolate tones, emphasizing the contrast of light skin and dark strands.

Not needed bold experiments, just make the shade “richer”, choose fashionable colors blue-blue tones. For girls with gray-blue eyes, highlighting one or two strands of more than light tone. Ombre on the tips - interesting solution for a cold color type.

What hair color suits blue eyes? Suitable options:

  • blue-black;
  • violet;
  • natural dark brown;
  • ashen;
  • hot chocolate;
  • chestnut.

All dark colors are suitable without any admixture of red, reddish, eggplant tones. Choose a paint that is different from natural shade no more than 2-3 tones: overgrown ends will noticeably worsen the appearance of the hairstyle.

Advice! Are you used to shocking things and can’t stand the usual images? Give maximum contrast. Refresh your strands with more richness dark colors. The image is spectacular, quite provocative. Delicate azure plus luxurious curls with “bitter chocolate” - an interesting, memorable image.

Hair shade for a summer look

Brief description of the image: pale skin, icy blue pupils, blond hair. Sometimes girls think that the abundance of light colors will make the image inexpressive and faded.

Indeed, the doubts are not groundless. But it’s easy to correct the situation: make the strands not boring, interesting color. Fresh look will play in a new way.

Task: increase contrast. For the “bright Summer” dark ones are unacceptable, too bright colors. The image will be rough, overgrown light roots will look sloppy against the background of chestnut locks.

Light eyelashes and eyebrows do not go well with “hot chocolate” or tarry strands. The line between expressiveness and comedy is quite thin.

Popular techniques:

  • do not paint over natural ashy tone, considering it boring, dim. An excellent solution is highlighting highlighting light brown strands;
  • give up “eggplant”, “mahogany”, “rust”. The tones from this palette emphasize any redness on the skin, giving the face a strange, unnatural look;
  • Increasing the contrast will help give your eyes the color of a clear sky. Suitable shades: from light to dark blond;
  • Another technique for enhancing the border between colors: ombre on the tips. The bulk of the hair remains light, the ends of the strands are colored in dark or brighter colors;
  • If your pupils constantly change shade, turning gray, blue or even turquoise, go for a luxurious shade of caramel. Royal color without an admixture of reddish tones, it will give the image nobility and add discreet luxury;
  • Have you decided to dye your light brown hair red? Not a bad decision. Make no mistake when choosing a tone. Copper, copper-brown shades without redness are what you need. Pale, porcelain skin, bright red tones, gray-blue eyes give the image some naivety and insecurity.

Cool skin tone combined with light or dark hair color gives sophisticated chic.

Surely you will find interesting options. Do fashionable haircut For long, short or medium hair, create curls and leave the strands straight. More important than length is the expressiveness of the image, sufficient contrast between the cold skin tone and rich colors on the hair.

The greater the contrast, the more expressive the delicate azure. Regardless of the type of hair, shade of strands fashionable images They look impressive, stylish, but at the same time gentle and feminine.

For a noisy party, New Year's Eve, add curls unusual look using colored varnish, bright powder, special crayons. Violet, turquoise, and bright green hair color goes well with blue eyes. Dear Malvina or the Good Fairy - interesting image for a celebration with friends who can appreciate your creative impulses.

Think about your makeup, choose an original costume. Spectacular hairstyle plus bright strands look great against a calmer background.

Listen to the recommendations of stylists. Emphasize the depth of bottomless eyes suitable coloring strands Create a unique image, find your color. The “Snow Queen” with pale skin, blue eyes, and luxurious curls of a noble shade looks impressive and stylish.

Video. Useful tips from a stylist on choosing hair color for blue eyes:

Not many female representatives have this rare combination of pale skin and blue eyes. However, it is very difficult for girls with such an angelic appearance to choose new image, especially when it comes to naturally light curls. That is why in this article we will look at what color hair will do to pale skin and blue eyes.

Pale skin and shades of blue eyes in women

The peculiarity of pale skin is that it is very susceptible to sun rays. With such skin, you cannot stay in the sun for a long time and tan. Because of this, the owners rare color epidermis is especially important to choose good color hair. Since pallor is a problem for most women, it is worth emphasizing the advantages of your appearance and hiding all flaws as much as possible.

There are blue eyes different shades- pale blue, gray-blue or rich deep blue eyes. Pale skin, in turn, also comes in warm or cool tones. If natural color your hair has a golden or reddish tint, then your color type is warm. Pure light or dark shades without inclusions means belonging to a cold color type. On this basis it is worth choosing new color hair.

On this moment there are many variations in what color to dye your hair to highlight the royal porcelain skin and bottomless blue eyes. The choice of a new hair color is mainly influenced by the saturation and shade of the eyes, the shape of the face, and it is very important to emphasize the beauty and naturalness of the skin color.

light highlighting against a dark brown background

natural dark chestnut

Light hair color with blue eyes and pale skin

Choice light shades hair for blue eyes and pale skin is already considered a stereotype. But despite this, popular Hollywood stars do not wonder what hair color will suit pale skin and blue eyes, and almost always dye their hair blonde. Such representatives include singers Christina Aguilera and Avril Lavigne, as well as actress Cameron Diaz. They all prefer the classics and always look chic.

Another bright representative of women with blue eyes and pale skin is Scarlett Johansson. Hollywood star chooses the most various options hair shades - from light to red blond. If you are in doubt about what to choose, feel free to try on one of her looks after reading the recommendations.

natural blonde

ash blonde

Light brown hair color with blue eyes and pale skin

All options light brown look very natural on pale skin and blue hair. Light brown or wheat colors will very organically emphasize the warm skin tone. Blotches of copper or honey will be an excellent choice for a warm color type. Having pale skin, singer Lana Del Rey opted for caramel hair color. Most likely, this is due to the rather dark and saturated gray-blue color her eye.

But don't forget about correct makeup. To make your eyelashes look more natural, choose mascara that is brown or dark gray. But lipsticks always look win-win on girls and women of this type, be it soft pink or bright scarlet. If, nevertheless, you want to highlight your eyes, you can use a pencil or eyeliner of the same color as your mascara.

medium blond

light brown with slight pink coloring

Red hair color with blue eyes and pale skin

Red hair combined with blue eyes and pale skin looks especially impressive. You can not only intersperse natural color, but also completely dye your hair in honey and copper shades. Many stars, including those like Nicole Kidman, are not afraid bright color hair.

If the complexion warm type- you should use a makeup base that is peach or yellowish tint. When your natural skin tone is cool, use soft pink and fairly neutral, porcelain foundation shades. But when choosing red hair color, eyes can and should be emphasized with bright makeup.

bright red with long fringed bangs from the crown

bright red with straight bangs and volumetric styling layers

Dark hair color with blue eyes and pale skin

The classic and very refined combination of pale skin with blue, almost topaz, eye color is truly considered the standard of beauty. This is confirmed by Megan Fox, who has exactly this combination of hair and eye color. At the same time, the beauty prefers a rich dark shade of hair - “bitter chocolate”.

The main sex symbol and ideal woman of millions, Angelina Jolie also has exactly this combination of eyes and skin. She is not inclined to experiment and prefers dark shades of hair - chocolate, dark brown, brown.

dark brown, plain version

dark brown with classic highlights


chestnut-chocolate, plain version

chestnut chocolate with a slight ombre effect

Bright hair colors with blue eyes and pale skin

If you are tired of everyday life, no one forbids you to use all the colors of the rainbow in literally words. This is exactly what Katy Perry does, dyeing her hair in all sorts of colors - pink, green, blue-violet.

When you decide to experiment, do not forget that only a competent specialist can achieve the color you need. In case of failure, it will take a very long time to bring your hair back to life after a series of dyeing and chemical exposure. When trying to find the answer to the question of what hair color suits pale skin and blue eyes, do not go to extremes. Try to find your color.

coloring with green-blue and platinum colors

one of the variations of burgundy

combination of golden brown and pink

blue coloring on a black background

muted burgundy

Thanks to modern technologies Dyeing your hair any color is not difficult. Brunettes turn into blondes, and fair-haired young ladies into bright and daring girls with colored strands. In the variety of choices for a new hair color, do not forget about your individuality. Then, no matter what color your hairstyle is, your blue eyes will shine and your porcelain fair skin will look royal.

Those with blue eyes are charming. But to further emphasize their beauty, stylists recommend choosing the right hair color for blue eyes. Taking into account the skin tone and natural color of curls, as well as the special shade of the iris, due to correct coloring you can make the image as harmonious, feminine or extravagant as possible. Unleash divine beauty blue eyes, emphasizing it with the correct hair color.

Color Features

The heavenly eyes are enchanting. They intrigue, fascinate and attract the gaze of men. The peculiarity of the blue iris is that its color can change depending on the environment.

Many girls believe that blue-eyed beauties will suit different shades of blonde. Although this is far from true. Actresses such as Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie and Liv Taylor prove the opposite. Light skin color Hollywood beauties comes into contrast with the dark color of the curls, as if highlighting the iris. The eyes of these women are deep and penetrating. And what can we say about men - a guy with blue eyes and black hair looks super sexy and attractive. The next photo demonstrates how dark hair suits blue-eyed beauties and modern macho men.

It is advisable for light-eyed girls to choose a coloring pigment that echoes their natural hair color. Ideal option The coloring will be highlighting or painting in two tones. Thanks to these techniques, your hair gets additional volume, and you get a face several years younger.

Remember Modern coloring techniques are a sign that you are keeping up with the times.

Hair color depending on eye shade

A correctly selected hair color helps direct the focus to the eyes, as well as shift the emphasis to the face in order to improve the appearance. Consequently, the depth and shine of the eyes, the concentration of others’ attention on the skin or, conversely, on the curls, as well as masking the irregular oval of the face will depend on your choice.

For gray-blue

Gray-blue eyes delight their owners with an unusual pigment. In daylight they acquire a pronounced blue tint, and in the evening they turn into grey colour. This color of the iris is a “chameleon”, because when you change the color of your wardrobe, the pigment itself changes. If you wear light colors, your eyes will emit a blue color, and if you wear dark clothes, they will fade.

Owners of gray-blue eyes, as a rule, are naturally brown-haired or light-blond beauties. Therefore, painting in similar color options to give your everyday look more depth will not spoil your appearance.

  • light brown;
  • light mother of pearl;
  • arctic blonde;
  • linen;

Experts hairdressing unanimously declare that it is required to refrain from using red or chestnut-colored curls for light-colored gray eyes. Although you can experiment by trying light caramel or milk chocolate.

Take a close look at your pupil: if blue color predominates in it, feel free to opt for dark colors - dark chocolate, eggplant, rich black, which are so relevant this season.

To create a harmonious image, it is important to do your makeup correctly. You can even Everyday life bring the bottom and upper eyelid with a dark gray or black pencil, without fear of looking vulgar. This way you will only emphasize the depth of your beautiful eyes. In terms of shadows, green, copper, ocher, hot pink and turquoise colors, preferably with mother of pearl.

For the blue ones

Saturated Blue colour mainly prevails among European residents. Oddly enough, almost any shade is suitable for this color: fiery red, light blond, natural blond and burning brunette. Even the most inexpressive color of curls combines advantageously with blue.

The only thing is, pay attention to your skin tone and your inner mood. For radiant women who radiate warmth and affection, it is definitely advisable to dye their curls in fresh golden tones. And hereby snow queens preference should be given to ash, gray and platinum shades.

For light blue

In this case, you need to be guided by your skin tone. If she belongs to the “cold” type, choose the colors of the ash group:

  • mocha;
  • graphite.

Dyeing your hair chestnut will also look advantageous, but it should not contain red undertones. This option can add contrast to your appearance, because blue eyes with a dark pupil and hair of the same color are perfectly set off by light skin.

Do you want nature and nature to be reflected in your eyes? blue sky, then give preference to platinum or ash. The ideal option is to dye it a natural brown hair with ashy notes.

To the owners warm tone it is preferable to choose the same skin color shades. Gold, honey, wheat, beige and even auburn will do. If you want to try something extravagant, dye your locks in rich hibiscus, emerald, strawberry or pastel blue.

The trend this season is coloring in such unusual colors as mint, blue, pink. To achieve a spectacular look, owners of dark and light brown hair need to first lighten their curls and then apply a color corrector.

Hair color depending on appearance color

To correctly choose the color of your hair, determine which color type you belong to. Autumn and Spring belong to warm options appearance, so any fresh shades with gold will suit them, but girls like Summer and Winter are Nordic beauties, so they need to choose faded colors.

Council of stylists. At home, in front of the mirror, bare your shoulders and try on first silver and then gold jewelry. If gold suits you better, then you most likely belong to the “warm” color type. You are refreshed by silver jewelry, then “cool” color pigments will suit you best.

Winter Woman

The winter woman has naturally dark hair that does not have a golden tint. Their skin is light or dark with a pink or pale blue tint. The eyes of beauties are predominantly brown, but sometimes blue ones are also found. Contrast is created by combining pale face and dark hair.

  • vanilla;
  • wet asphalt;
  • cognac;
  • black beech;
  • black Tulip;
  • blue-black;
  • nutmeg.

For those who want to shock and stand out from the crowd you can try dyeing your hair blue, light blue, turquoise and purple. It is advisable to avoid red and ginger shades. Very fresh and unusual dark curls pastel strands look like (1-2 throughout the entire hair) - they add a touch of mystery to the image, reminding you that you are a femme fatale.

Spring Woman

The spring girl has light brown or blond curls with a golden coating. The skin of this color type is golden, cream or olive. Small freckles may be present.

The appearance of spring beauties is the most capricious, since the selection of colors with slight deviation from the base tone can ruin the beauty of the face. For those with blue eyes, the following is best suited:

  • golden blond or brown;
  • golden nut;
  • cinnamon;

Color Ivory, pearl, ash, purple and other “cold” shades will visually make your skin color duller and add several years to your age.

It would seem that there is practically no difference between the Spring and Summer color types. In fact, it is present: Summer is considered a cold color type, and Spring is considered a warm color type.

Summer Woman

Most blue-eyed beauties belong to this color type. The curls of “summer” girls have a light blond or blond color, in which ash undertones predominate. Their skin is porcelain or with a slightly pinkish tint, and their eyes are heavenly, icy or blue with gray splashes. As a rule, the contrast in the appearance of such beauties is barely noticeable, but if you use dark color hair, then you can artificially create it.

Suitable for a Summer woman:

  • wet asphalt;
  • mocha;
  • creamy blonde;

No need to choose too light colors, because pale skin in symbiosis with white or gray curls will deprive you of your zest and make your appearance faded. Women with this color type really suit bright red shades - cinnamon, copper, orange and some others. They help refresh the image, make it positive and dynamic. But the shade of mahogany and rust is strictly contraindicated.

It is recommended to choose hairstyles using the ombre technique. They will help create a play on the contrast between natural curls at the roots and the selected color at the ends. When stained in ash color It is advisable to do highlighting. This hairstyle will highlight your beautiful eyes.

Advice. It is not worth painting in very dark colors. If you choose black or chocolate, you will make light skin gray and make you look a couple of years older. Although quite young girls It's quite possible to experiment.

Dyeing in pale colors is contraindicated. For example, an ash blonde will introduce an imbalance into the image, making the face dull and devoid of a beautiful natural shimmer.

General principles

When choosing a pigment coloring composition be guided by the following parameters:

  • color should not age you;
  • base your choice on skin color (try not to look pale);
  • it is best to vary the tones of the dye within the limits of your natural pigment, because this way you will be sure of the harmony of the new image;
  • try to make the dye highlight the color of your eyes;
  • consider the length of the curls - the shorter the hair, the richer the coloring pigment should be;
  • the color of the hair should correspond to the style, character and image;
  • take into account age - only young beauties are not prohibited from experimenting with any color.

Important point! Many girls, in order to determine their color type, cannot establish whether they are light or dark skin. Indeed, in summer time The skin of the face tans and becomes white in winter. There is one simple way Determine whether your dermis belongs to the “warm” or “cold” color type - look at the veins of your wrist in the sun. If they have greenish tint, then you are a warm beauty, the presence of blue indicates that you have “cold” skin.

Factors that influence your stylist's choice of color may also include your facial configuration. For example, girls with round face It’s worth dyeing your curls dark or stretching the shape using highlighting or coloring. In the presence of problem skin(redness, wrinkles, acne) platinum and hibiscus - taboo. If you want to highlight your freckles, then gold and red are your colors.

Taking into account the peculiarities of our climate in summer time the skin tans and becomes pale in winter. Stylists advise blue-eyed beauties to dye their curls in spring warm colors, and in winter give preference to cold tones.

If you do not want to spoil your curls too much, use a toning agent - shampoo, mousse, tonic.

Thus, when coloring the hair of owners of heavenly eyes, it is best to be guided by color, that is, choose a shade depending on the color of the skin, hair and the saturation of the pigment itself. For those with fair skin, beauty industry experts recommend choosing either ash or platinum colors

, or saturated dark. But for girls with olive, bronze and peach skin, it is best to dye it in “warm” shades - honey, wheat, caramel, copper creamy blonde, etc.

Useful videos

How to choose a hair color that will make you look younger.

How to choose hair color. Stylist tips. Real female beauty the one that nature has awarded. Ugly women does not happen: the combination of eye color, hair color, lips, nose - everything is chosen perfectly. Unfortunately, over time, women move away from natural gifts, creating an artificial image, spotted in glossy magazines. Sometimes the image turns out well, sometimes not so much. To ensure that the result does not disappoint, check out what hair color suits you gray-blue eyes

and fair skin. Use it if the described type is yours.

Hair color for a cool color type Women belonging to the cold color type have light, almost white, skin, blond hair and blue-gray eyes. At the same time, the eyes are largely have a blue tint , which can be bright or medium. Anyway
blue will be the predominant shade. If you are a strong representative of the cold type, congratulations!
You are provided with a huge selection of color categories. By painting almost any color, you do not risk losing your attractiveness and individuality. The shades presented in the dark palette line will suit you, excluding rich black. Dark brown, chocolate, chestnut are a great contrast for fair skin with blue-gray eyes. These colors highlight the iris of the eyes
, will highlight them on the face. A bright, sometimes even: red, red, burgundy. Use purple or pink pigment to create a bold and bold look.
If you do not want to dye your hair darker, opt for blonde shades that contain blue or purple pigment. Platinum, Scandinavian blonde is ideal. How to avoid yellowness, find out

Color for representatives of a warm color type

Representatives of warm summer have gray-blue eyes, with a shade of which everything is not so obvious. Usually the iris has golden spots along the edges, sometimes turning into Orange color. The skin of the owners of such eyes is olive tint and a hint of tan.
If you have naturally dark hair, you can try dyeing it. in rich black. Surely the result will please you.

Pre-visualize the image on our website. The naturalness of the picture will convince you of such a bold change of image.

The perfect combination of gray-blue eyes and hair will create a combination warm shades: golden, wheat, light brown, honey. All colors containing , will certainly ennoble your hair and will make the image gentle, soft and playful. Do not use an ashy combination - it looks unnatural. Among other things, you definitely Copper, red and red colors are not suitable. If you want to achieve natural coloring, forget about them. Before coloring it chocolate, make sure there is no yellow pigment present.

Before radically changing your natural hair color, visit our virtual salon. Upload a photo and try on different color palettes: it will be easier to visually evaluate your desires and make a decision on changing the color of your hair. In addition, in the virtual salon, you can experiment with a haircut, because changing color is not final result changes in appearance.

Don’t rush into making a decision about hair coloring without understanding what color type you belong to. The answer on the surface can be deceiving. Indeed, blue-gray eyes and fair skin are characteristic of summer type, but for which one exactly? It's cold and warm summer, completely different in terms of choice coloring matter. This is why we have provided you with an article to help you find out what hair color suits blue-gray eyes and fair skin.

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