How to restore energy and vitality. Don't forget about good nutrition. Folk remedies to restore energy and strength

We humans are not an exception either, but rather we can even be generators of this energy, called life.

A person is alive as long as energy flows through his body. It flows through the most perfect device - the invisible energy system of a person.

This system is absolutely perfect and quite simple. When a person learns to see her and work with her, the number of doctors will be significantly reduced due to their uselessness. And even stem cells for rejuvenation will turn out to be a relic of the past.

Much has been written about the energy points, channels and centers of a person,

But nowhere is there a description of the energy system as a whole.

Energy in a person is the result of the interaction of two energy flows - the Earth and the Cosmos. This is the foundation. Points, channels, centers are all additional parts of this common-whole and wonderful-perfect.

Reiki, acupuncture, mental treatment, etc. this is only a partial, temporary and often effective impact on the subtle energy system of a person. To influence oneself on one's energy system, one does not need to be "seven spans in the forehead", it is enough to have more or less positive, pure, non-ossified thinking.

Remember the tales of a hero who fights with a three-headed serpent and when he no longer has the strength, he asks Mother Earth to give him these strength. It will lie on the ground and will be invincible strong again. This has its real rationale, because the strong energy flow of the Earth is part of our human strength, the only question is to keep clean channels for this flow.

When something hurts, we instinctively put our hands on the right place. Isn't that Reiki? After all, two energy flows come out of the hands of each person - one earthly, the other cosmic. And it is a big charlatanism to take money for initiation into Reiki. From these "masters" it looks something like this - Nature has given you this, and I am entitled to a duty for this.

Here are three harmless tips on how to restore and replenish energy. This has been verified by experience. And no matter how simple and naive it may seem, believe me, it works.

1. Try to sleep on your back with your head to the east or north. Sleeping on your back is necessary because then during sleep the chakras are cleared more effectively, preventing many health problems. Sleeping on your back is the prevention of diseases. Another position - on the side or, even worse, on the stomach, interferes with the cleansing of energy channels during sleep. If you don't sleep well, look for another bed location in your house. Often the bed is not standing properly, and if this is not noticed for a long time, then serious health problems arise from malaise and irritability.

2. When you just feel tired and energetically weak, and you need to be in shape, then first of all find a secluded place, better in direct contact with the ground, but this is not so important. Energy is all-pervading, for it and reinforced concrete is not an obstacle. The obstacle for her is our own wrong thinking.

Take a horizontal position, always lying on your back. The head should be slightly raised, best of all is an elastic cushion under the neck. Relax. Think positively. Read a prayer - your own or "Our Father". Then say simple words: "Mother Earth, help me, cleanse my body." Lie relaxed, trying not to think about anything, just passively observe what is happening in your body. After 5-7 minutes say other words: "Father-Cosmos, give me your energy of goodness, love and creation." Again, relax and listen to what is happening to your body.

15-20 minutes is enough and you are as energetic as a baby again. The main condition for success is positive thinking, love for the Father - the Creator and the Earth - Mother, as well as the ability to relax.

Doesn't this correspond to the stories about the restoration of strength by the yogis or those fairy tales about the hero who, lying on the ground, gains strength again?

3. The laying on of hands. Put palms slightly rounded inward with closed fingers (as in Reiki) on the lower abdomen. Lie so calmly in a positive mood for 10-30 minutes, you yourself will want to take your hands off when enough is enough. Energy increases due to its replenishment and circulation - the return of one's own energy to the body through the hands. This simple action is very useful for older people to keep themselves energized.

These simple manipulations with your energy and the energy of space will never harm you, in the worst case will not help you. If there are serious disturbances in your energy system, then most likely you will not be able to relax and your laid hands will burn with fire, or you will experience great discomfort. It is imperative to listen to your body and the processes taking place in it and to "clean up" in your body, just as you clean in your house. When there is a lot of dirt, then cleaning is already very difficult, sometimes already impossible.

However, if your power system is very polluted and out of balance, chances are you will not take these tips at all.

Further, I would like to say about a frequent phenomenon - back pain, starting from the upper part from the cervical vertebrae and down to the sacrum region. This speaks of pollution and apparent blockage of the chakras. And here the second tip can be very effective - cleaning with the help of the Earth and Space. Just once, as to replenish energy, it will not be enough.

Love your Mother and your Father, “do not create an idol for yourself,” treat yourself carefully and be healthy.

Today I will show you 3 ways to raise energy after the holidays.

2 types of energy.

In addition to the ones I wrote about earlier, there is also a division of your energy into 2 main types.

There is vital (life) energy. And there is psychic (mental) energy.

In this article I will tell you about 3 simple and at the same time powerful ways to raise psychic energy.

How to restore your psychic energy after the holidays.

I ask you to write in the comments to write about the experience of using both the methods indicated in the article and your own.

3 ways to restore mental energy.

Of course there is much more to restore the level of psychic energy than I will write below.

I decided to focus only on the methods verified by me and my Clients.

To understand the mechanism of action of these 3 ways, we must understand how and where our psychic energy is spent.

How psychic energy is spent.

  • Visual channel. Energy experts believe, not without reason, that 80% of everything comes out through the eyes, through visual perception. Now, remember what you did all the holidays? Yeah, we watched "zomboyaschik"!
  • Stereotypical behavior. This is another channel through which our energy flows. On the one hand, automatic behavior is very convenient - we breathe, walk without hesitation, type on the keys of our laptop, etc. On the other hand, we block the living, creative energy coming from within, from our side.

3 easy ways to restore energy.

I will give you methods that take into account, if possible, both mechanisms of energy leakage.

1 way. "Blindfold".

You probably noticed that most of the practices for gaining energy: yoga, qigong, meditation, use techniques that are carried out with the eyelids closed?

And this is no coincidence.

Even the natural restoration of strength provided in our body - sleep - occurs, as you know, with closed eyes.

I will not limit myself to simple advice, in the next 3 weeks, do not watch TV, do not hang out for hours on social networks and do not read.

And instead, spending at least 2 hours a day contemplating natural landscapes is the only way (those same 20%) when energy is not lost through sight.

You know this without me.

I suggest a practice that will give you a tangible burst of energy.

  • Choose a day, preferably a day off, when you can practice during the whole day, or at least at least 4 hours.
  • Important! You should be at home and spend it, as usual, saturating with the maximum number of routine tasks: washing, cooking, cleaning, you can even stick wallpaper.
  • In the morning, blindfold your eyes with an impenetrable bandage, for example, with sleep goggles, and start doing the very same things: brush your teeth, make breakfast, wash the dishes, do your laundry. In short, do everything as usual.
  • Track and be aware of your feelings. You can even write them down without removing the bandage.

Method 2. "Without a leading hand."

Everything is simple here. Overcoming stereotyped behavior.

  • If you are right-handed, you will spend a similar day, for example Sunday, “without” your right hand. If left-handed, vice versa.
  • Ask a family member or wrap your arm with an elastic bandage around your torso.
  • Start doing your own thing. You can even go to your computer or go shopping, go for a walk.
  • Share your experience with this practice in the comments.
  • Particularly daring (for the second time) combine the "bandage" with the "hand".

Method 3. "Do it differently."

This method of energy recovery requires a little preparation.

  • First, make a to-do list. Your actions that you do on autopilot.
  • It may be something that is happening completely unnoticed. For example, do you make up the eye, starting with which one? How do you brush your teeth? How do you behave in conflicts? Which way do you go to work? How do you greet friends? In which store do you buy bread? In what position are you making love? Which side of your hand are you stroking the cat?
  • Make a list of 100 such cases in a column on a half sheet.
  • In the second column, come up with another, interesting, creative way of doing this.
  • For example. Paint only one eye. In conflict, smile and be silent. Make a detour through the woods to get to work. Stroke your loved one with the back of your hand at night. Then follow these steps for a week.
  • Be aware and document your feelings.
  • Share your experience with this practice in the comments.

Share these ways to store energy with your friends.

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Good day to all of you! Sometimes you don't have to be a psychic to feel a sharp breakdown after communicating with an unpleasant person, a stage performance, a difficult business trip, etc. This feeling means only one thing - you have lost vitality and need to replenish it.

Your health, mood, satisfaction with what is happening, the rate of aging, the length of life - all this directly depends on the amount of accumulated energy in your energy field. It is not surprising that in the modern way of life, people who do not want to put up with the leakage of energy begin to look for an answer to the question of how to restore energy. Well, take note of my tips for replenishing lost energy.

Energy storage methods

1. Healthy food

We all know that food is a source of energy, but we must understand the qualities of its energy. So, for example, plant food eaten immediately after harvest without heat treatment is most rich in vital energy. During the entire period of growth, such a plant or fruit was saturated with the energy of the Earth, Water, Air and the Sun, and when you eat it, all this goes to you.

2. Healthy sleep

Sleep as such is intended specifically for recuperation, but compliance with the conditions will help to wake up truly holistic and rested: go to bed before midnight, lie on your back and do not sleep for more than 8 hours. With regard to the latter, there is an exception - if a person has experienced severe stress, it will be useful for him to sleep an unlimited amount of time until the desire to get up and take action appears.

3. Interaction with nature

Any active or passive outdoor recreation perfectly restores inner balance. Contemplation and enjoyment of natural beauty helps to disconnect from all problems. Appreciate this opportunity and thank the space. It is helpful to have direct contact with the ground - just lie with your back on the grass and absorb the energy of the Earth.

4. Keeping the body in good shape

Moderate exercise gives us energy, pleasant fatigue, and sound sleep. Moreover, the classes should please you, and not be done through “I don’t want to”. Of course, relaxing yoga works best, and regular walking with the dog, brisk walking, jogging, swimming are also great.

5. Correct breathing

The yogis of antiquity, and now modern science, have established the relationship between breathing and the state of the body. During full yogic breathing, it is important to feel not only the saturation of cells with oxygen, but also how, together with each new "breath" of air, boundless cosmic energy penetrates into us.

Retention of bandhas and mudras. There are various energy locks (bandhas) and finger gestures (mudras), the retention of which closes the flow of energy within us, preventing it from leaving. It is helpful to use these techniques at the time of energy accumulation, for example, during meditation.

6. Temporary silence

We are all accustomed to constantly talking, sometimes even to ourselves, not realizing that with the incessant stream of phrases, energy flows out of us. Observe your speech. Is everything you say vital? Exclude idle chatter from speech, try to speak to the point. Practice complete silence periodically throughout the day, week, month.

7. Cleaning of the territory

It is possible that a littered corner in your room, under the bed or in your office became the cause of the breakdown. Such a mess creates an energy hole into which all your energy accumulations go. Therefore, put in perfect order in the rooms in which you constantly live, and especially where you sleep. Run the rag thoroughly in the hardest to reach corners. Throw away or give away something that you definitely will not use anymore.

8. Search for positive emotions

It is clear that any positive emotions will restore energy, so find their sources. It can be chatting with an old friend with whom you can be yourself, a casual game with a pet, watching your favorite comedy that makes you laugh every time you watch, going to an amusement park, attending a concert of your favorite musical group. Nevertheless, give preference to uncrowded places.

9. Generous giving

Do not think that you are the most unhappy person in the world. There are many in the world who need help. Feed a stray animal, treat an old man with candy or fruit, help a woman carry a heavy bag. Such gratuitous deeds instantly return to you with an increase in mood and improvement in well-being. You just need to do this without expecting something in return.

10. Change of environment

It is possible that this particular job or these colleagues are your daily energy vampire. And if you are not able to change something, all that remains is to change your job. Do not worry, all the changes are for the better and along with a new safe environment, you will return to purposefulness, vitality and faith in yourself.

11. Awakening creativity

Even in ancient times, women were engaged in handicrafts in order to increase their energy and the energy of their husbands. In such activities as knitting, embroidery, weaving, there is a special magic associated with the fact that natural fabrics are able to absorb the message that is laid in them, and then have a positive effect on their owner. Men can also recover by doing wood burning, carving, forging, etc.

12. Sincere forgiveness

13. Visualization and articulation

Time has shown that visualizing what you desire works. Just like saying to yourself or out loud positive wishes for yourself and those around you. As part of our theme, you can imagine how the energy halo around the body is filled with bright light, expands and exudes warmth. Feel free to fantasize and imagine.

I assure you, there are still many ways, but first, master at least these, and positive changes will encourage you to learn even more. My permanent recovery methods: 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 12. Share in the comments which of the listed methods you use, or write your own. Of course, I will be pleased if you share the article in social networks with your friends and subscribe to the blog.

- 4 ways to restore energy
- Seven ways of energy protection from energy vampires
- The most popular way to restore vitality
- How to clean energy
- The easiest way to restore energy

1) Meditative methods.
Sit on the floor with your legs crossed in a comfortable position. If you find it difficult to sit upright, spread something soft, place your back on a pillow, etc. The main conditions: the spine should be straight, your posture should be comfortable.
The task is to pump all chakras, from mooladhara to sahasrara. The exact location of the chakras can be found on the net.

First concentrate on mooladhara, visualizing the chakra as a luminous red ball with a diameter of about 5 cm. Concentration time is about 5 minutes. You don't need to spot it, work by feeling. It is necessary to achieve a feeling of warmth in the chakra area. As soon as you succeed, move on to the next chakra, etc. Chakra activation is a very good exercise for re-energizing the body.

A similar activation can be done at bedtime while lying in bed. After pumping the chakras, visualize your aura. Imagine it in dazzling white - the brighter white you can imagine, the better.

2) Energy gymnastics.
An excellent way to restore energy is to use Hermes gymnastics, its description can be found on the Internet. A set of exercises allows you to restore the circulation of energy in the body, to raise the overall energy level.

Chinese Taijiquan gymnastics is also perfect for restoring energy. Its main advantage is that even elderly or weakened people can do it. It restores energy very well, but requires long regular exercise.

Perfectly restores energy and normal running. Regular daily jogging quickly normalizes the energy field, gives you vigor and optimism.

3) Proper nutrition.
The energy of the body is highly dependent on the quality of nutrition. Eliminate from the diet any foods containing preservatives, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and other additives. Eat more natural foods with minimal cooking. Increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in your diet, as well as fish. Minimize your consumption of baked goods.

- The most popular way to restore vitality

One of the most common ways to restore human energy is visualization of a bright glowing ball, which, like a hot sun, performs the function of cleansing the chakras from negative energy accumulated for various reasons in the human energy shell.

1) Mentally create an image of the solar disk and imagine how it rotates counterclockwise - there is a strong drawing of the negative, which you reinforce with a mental message and at the same time visualize the process;

2) Then change the direction of rotation of the disk - there is a powerful golden stream of energy to saturate and recharge the energy shell with energy;

3) Create a virtual solar sphere with an inner mirror surface behind you, saturate it with pure energy and bring it into contact with the energy-information shell.

4) Next, create an image of the sun with the direction of rotation of the disk clockwise and direct the energy flows emitted by the sphere towards yourself, squeezing out all the negative outside the shell and directing it into the virtual sphere.

5) Then you lower it deep into the bowels of the earth to transform the contents into positive energy of creation.

The existence of a large number of different practices for cleansing the chakras and filling them with energy provides an opportunity to choose one method or another that can increase the vibration in the chakras and restore vitality.

- How to clean energy

Option 1
This method can be optimal for people who have an increased level of sensitivity and have a good connection with their subconscious, with their Spiritual "I". People of this type can not only physically feel energy, but even perceive it in the form of images. In such cases, it is better to work directly with your energy. Such people should engage in meditation and, in the process, find areas with accumulated negative energy and cleanse themselves of it. Imagining, for example, that the negative is washed off by jets of clear clean water and absorbed into the ground. Or it is burned out by a burning ball, which then goes into the sky.

Option 2
This option is intended for those who have just begun to learn to feel their energy. It is believed that a person has two main energy currents running along his spine. One stream enters from space through the crown of the head and exits through the legs into the ground. Another stream is directed from the ground through the legs to the tailbone, and then rises to the crown and exits it.

You need to take a comfortable sitting position and straighten your back, relax and try to feel these flows. The sensations will be subtle at first, but after a few workouts, you can even manage them. The movement of energy flows can be accelerated at will. When their power begins to increase, this means that the energy field is cleared, clamps and blocks go away, well-being improves, and the overall energy increases. But you should be careful and if you experience discomfort or headache, you should stop the session.

Option 3
You can cleanse a person's energy in such a very effective way. This method is directly related to communication with nature. It is very useful to walk barefoot on the ground or sit on warm heated ground. It also has a great positive effect if you stand under a waterfall. When streams of water fall from above, the negative is washed out from you. To some extent, the waterfall can be replaced with a cool shower, while imagining how the water washes away the accumulated negative emotions.

You can also clean the aura with the help of trees (linden, poplar, aspen). They are able to take away negative energy, as they are energy vampire trees. And some trees, such as maple, oak or birch, can, on the contrary, give positive energy, since they are donor trees.

You can interact with trees as follows: walk up to a tree, lean against it, imagine how negative energy flows from you to the tree, or how pure positive energy flows from the tree to you. Wait a few minutes, better even at least half an hour, and you can feel that the negativity is gone, or you will feel a surge of energy, as is the case with maple, birch or oak. Don't forget to thank the tree for its help. Trees hear you!
It should be remembered that trees are energy vampires, they can take away some of the positive energy, so you need to be more careful with them. It is also not recommended to interact with trees in winter, it is believed that during this period they are sleeping.

Option 4.
You can also cleanse a person's energy by getting rid of negative emotions and memories. One of the techniques recommends clearly remembering a situation that was unpleasant for you and you are still under its influence. Try to remember the situation in detail, all the people who took part in it, the phrases uttered at that time, your feelings and even thoughts. Present everything as if you are looking at the situation from the outside. Do not judge, do not evaluate, and even more so do not draw any conclusions.

At the same time, you should take several deep breaths and exhales, relax and imagine how you transfer this situation to the picture. Draw it mentally on canvas. Draw everything down to your past emotions and thoughts. Then take this picture and set it on fire, imagine how it burns, flaring up more and more and the ash from it falls into your hand. When the picture burns out completely, go to the window, open it and blow the ash from your hand. Blow the ash downwind. Let the wind take away all the pain and resentment and carry it far away from you.

This meditative technique helps to get rid of negative memories. You will immediately feel an inner relief. Past negative emotions and memories will no longer affect you. To enhance the effect, you can repeat the meditation.

- The easiest way to restore energy

Rest restores human energy. Rest means rest. For some reason, many people confuse rest with idle pastime. A holiday is a holiday and it is also necessary for all of us. Guests, friends, trips, visits to various events - all this is wonderful, one of everyone's favorite parts of life. But after such events I want to relax. And speaking of rest, I mean exactly rest.

Every person sometimes has moments when he feels that “everything, he is at the limit”. And if you miss this moment and don't rest for a day or two, then the body, and life itself, will do everything to "rest" you through illness and similar unpleasant things.

Therefore, it is worth learning to listen to your body, your body and your soul. If you feel that your strength is leaving you, if you understand that everything in life has begun to happen hard and with incredible efforts, if you understand that “you can’t take it anymore,” then the first thing you need to do is lie down and lie down, lie down , sleep, then sleep again, and sleep again.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specially for the site

We all have moments when our internal resources are running low. Fatigue and irritability, low mood and apathy, physical ailment and insomnia are all familiar signs of energy depletion. How to restore the lost strength and ignite the inner flame? The main thing is to act without delay.

We lose most of our energy during intense emotional disturbances. Learn to "catch" the first signs of disturbed calm and look for an antidote. They can be anything, the main thing is to get distracted from the exciting problem and not start swearing, crying, complaining, etc. Drink green tea (vitamin C will help the body recover), play the stupid TV series, get into the bath. When emotions subside, you can return to solving problems.

Our body has the ability to adapt to its environment. This is especially true of the internal rhythm - breathing and heartbeat. By adjusting to a fast rhythm, we feel a surge of strength and joy. Therefore, in case of surging sadness and apathy, immediately turn on the sounds of salsa or run to a concert of African drummers.

Color can change our inner state. If you contemplate a bright yellow or orange sheet of paper for a few minutes, apathy will be replaced by creative energy. Close your eyes and imagine a yellow or orange ball in the solar plexus area. Imagine how it becomes big and warm - the brighter you imagine, the more powerful you will feel.

It is not without reason that spices used to be worth their weight in gold - they not only cure many diseases, but also give energy. Ginger, cinnamon, saffron, hot pepper, cloves, coriander are proven remedies for those who are exhausted. Add them to tea or hot milk, let it brew for a couple of minutes and drink, imagining how the body is filled with warmth and health. Garlic has a similar effect.

A cold shower is known to instantly awaken the body. But sometimes several hours of vigor give way to hours of fatigue. Therefore, in order to prolong the effect, it is better to take a contrast shower in the morning. A hot bath has a calming effect, but if you go into it for just a couple of minutes, while "seasoning" the water with essential oil of orange or lemon, the body will instantly wake up and invigorate.

In ancient India, breath and energy were denoted by one word - prana. After all, our inner potential depends on how we breathe. Try this exercise: sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed and start breathing deeply. Breathe in slowly - let the exhalation be slightly longer than the inhalation. Feel the breath in your nose, throat, lungs, abdomen - then in reverse order. Gradually speed up the breathing rhythm. Then open your eyes - you are ready for any job.

Singing has the same powerful effect as breathing practices. Cheering up with a song is the easiest way to get your energy back. The main thing is that your repertoire includes only positive songs.

During the winter cold and flu epidemics, be careful with your medications. Use only combination medications with a therapeutic effective dose of paracetamol. They are gentle to the stomach, do not cause drowsiness, lethargy and decreased concentration.

A piece of chocolate gives a feeling of happiness. A cup of coffee can "revive" in difficult moments. A small cake will be useful for mental activity. Why deny yourself a treat when you lack strength? What gives us joy can instantly replenish the supply of internal energy.

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