How to properly feed a newborn baby with breast milk. Feeding a newborn in the classic “cradle” position. Feeding position if mom doesn't get enough sleep

Successful breastfeeding of a newborn depends largely on the conditions under which this process occurs.

The birth of a new person is a small miracle. The life of a child is several stages that he needs to overcome: conception, intrauterine development, birth, breastfeeding, adaptation to the environment, personality formation... These stages are interconnected. Each of them leaves its mark on the child’s future life, on his relationship with his parents. Therefore, it is very important that the period of personality formation be full for him.

A particularly close connection between the child and the mother occurs during the breastfeeding stage. And for this process, it is better to master different eating positions so that the time of tender relationships becomes absolutely comfortable for both parties.

Basically, mothers use three main positions with different options. It is necessary to find the position that will be as comfortable as possible for everyone - both mother and baby.

Feeding a newborn in the classic “cradle” position

The woman clasps the baby with one hand and offers the breast with the other. This pose has two options.

  1. The woman holds the newborn with the hand with which breast she is going to feed, and then the position changes. In this case, the child's head is on the forearm of the mother's hand.
  2. The second pose is similar to the first option, but with some changes. The woman clasps the baby with the hand opposite to the involved breast. This position is called the “cross cradle”. It is more suitable for newborns, since the mother holds the baby's head with her palm during feeding.

It is very important to know that every baby is unique. Everyone has their own appetite, which means they gain weight differently. The infant's feeding regimen is developed by the doctor, but you can switch to an individual meal schedule and focus on it, having previously agreed with the local pediatrician.

Interception position

Feeding an infant can be done from under the arm. This position is called "interception". The baby is on the side, his stomach is at his mother's side, his legs lie behind her back, his head is at his chest. Depending on which side the newborn lies, the mother clasps him with that hand. It turns out that the child is under it. For the woman’s comfort, it is advisable to place a pillow under her arm so that the baby’s head is slightly higher than the body. Feeding positions for an infant in the “intercept” position can be different.

  1. You can sit on a bed or sofa with a pillow behind your back, and place your child next to the side on another pillow. After an episiotomy, it is advisable to assume a reclining position. Then the support will be on the lower spine and tailbone.
  2. Underarm feeding is convenient for women who have had a caesarean section. It is better for them to sit on a half-sided stool in front of the bed, where the baby is lying on a pillow, then there will be less pressure on the seam.
  3. For premature babies, eating from under the arm is also a suitable option, since such babies have weak muscles. In this position, the baby's head is on the mother's palm - and it is easier for him to latch on to the breast.

Maximum comfort

Feeding in a lying position gives the baby and woman the greatest pleasure. They lie facing each other very close, mom's head rests on the pillow and her shoulder is lower. With the hand on which side the nursing mother lies, she clasps the baby. His head can be located on the crook of his mother’s elbow or forearm.

For maximum comfort, you can use several recommendations:

  1. If a woman has large breasts, a diaper rolled up will help. It is placed under the mammary gland. With the shape of the breast, when the nipple looks down, it will be more convenient to place not your hand under your head, but a diaper folded in four. It is better to place a tiny baby on a small pillow in front of you.
  2. To avoid getting tired quickly, you do not need to hang over the child, leaning on your elbow. This position will lead to pain in the arm, fatigue, and this contributes to weak milk flow. It is advisable to look for options that will suit both.
  3. Feeding an infant in a lying position is important for women who have had a caesarean section. During this postpartum period, you especially want to relax, and this position will provide the mother with rest and the baby eating at the same time. Even at night, a woman can feed him without completely waking up. But if you have problems with proper attachment, it is better not to practice this method. There is a possibility that the baby will take the breast shallowly, or “slip” onto the nipple and injure the gums. Until he learns to latch on properly, it's best to practice other positions. The “cross cradle” and “interception” positions cope best with this. Then the baby's head is in the mother's palm, and she can control the correct latch on the breast.

Hiccups in a newborn

It happens that a baby hiccups after feeding. This happens for a number of reasons.

Firstly, if the baby swallows air that puts pressure on the diaphragm, hiccups appear. It occurs if the baby sucks too quickly or there is a large hole in the bottle. Most often, the child begins to hiccup immediately after eating.

Secondly, through overfeeding, since a large volume of food stretches the walls of the stomach - the diaphragm contracts, causing hiccups. Most mothers think that the baby cannot be overfed: he eats until he is full. This is wrong. The norm for feeding an infant is established according to age and its physiological characteristics. Infants are fed every 1.5-2 hours, and the eating process itself lasts 10-15 minutes. This is exactly how long it will take for the baby to get enough. And he needs about 10 minutes to satisfy the sucking reflex and close communication with his mother. It is advisable to adhere to such a diet so as not to disturb the child’s digestion.

If hiccups begin after feeding, the baby should be positioned vertically, held close to you, and stroked on the back.

Basic rules for breastfeeding

As already mentioned, feeding a newborn is carried out in different positions. And the sooner a mother learns to feed her baby in different positions, the better. Firstly, it is very convenient, since changing position allows you to weaken some muscles of the body while others are tense. Secondly, both breasts are emptied evenly, which prevents the risk of milk stagnation.

There are several more rules that are recommended to be followed regardless of the position when your baby eats:

  1. It is important that the entire body of the baby - head, shoulders, stomach and legs - is located at the same level. For example, if a child feeds while lying down, then he should not lie on his back with his head turned, as this makes swallowing difficult, causing muscle tension, but on his side.
  2. Infants should be picked up correctly, with your arm clasped diagonally, and your head carefully secured.
  3. After taking a comfortable position, it is better for the mother to lightly press the baby towards her rather than pull her chest towards him.
  4. The breast must be placed deeper into the baby's mouth along with the areola. If the areola is of impressive size, then the baby should grasp it from below more than from above.
  5. In places where the mother most often feeds the baby, it is advisable to have pillows of different sizes for a comfortable and correct positioning.
  6. When a baby sucks, his tongue should be on the gum and his lips should be slightly turned outward. The baby should not be allowed to make smacking sounds. If they are heard, then you need to see a doctor to have him check the frenulum of the tongue.

Sometimes for many mothers, breastfeeding in the early stages turns into a real problem. Don't give up, seek help from a doctor. Doctors will teach you how to properly attach the baby and advise on this issue. You can seek advice from women who have experience in breastfeeding or to a gynecological center where classes with young nursing mothers and consultations on lactation are held. There they will answer all your questions and teach you how to communicate correctly with your baby. But despite the advice and recommendations of other people, it is better to listen to your intuition and the needs of the baby. After all, every child needs his own approach.

Eating on the go

Feeding a newborn can be done in any position, even on the go, lulling him to sleep. This meal will be needed if the baby cries, cannot relax and behaves restlessly. In this case, the baby should be swaddled loosely and, attached to the chest, walk, rocking left and right. It is better to wrap older children in a thick sheet or thin blanket, creating a kind of “cocoon”. Most often this quickly calms you down. It is advisable to purchase a sling, as it is ideal for feeding the baby on the go and will help the mother relieve the burden on her hands.

Lactostasis in a woman

If a nursing mother has stagnant milk, the baby must be placed on the breast where lactostasis has formed. Feeding is carried out so that the baby's lower jaw is closer to the place of stagnation, since where the jaw works, there is a strong outflow of milk. If lactostasis occurs in the upper part of the chest, it is better for the woman to lie on her side on the problematic side and place the baby on the jack. If necessary, it can be placed on a pillow. In other cases, use standard postures, adjusting them so that the child can massage the place where congestion has formed with the lower part of the jaw. For maximum comfort, it is advisable to place pillows of different sizes under the baby.

Proper feeding of an infant is not always possible. It happens that for some reason a woman’s milk volume in her breast decreases or disappears completely, and she is forced to switch to partial or complete artificial nutrition.

There are situations when a mother is forced to switch to formula feeding even with normal breast milk production. This happens if a woman had a difficult birth and she must take medications to restore her body, or she needs to go to work. Such circumstances force the mother to switch her child to artificial nutrition. But before you start feeding your baby formula, you need to consult with a specialist on this issue.

Artificial nutrition

The period of transition to feeding an infant with formula is very important and responsible. Before buying a dairy product, you should pay attention to the production date and expiration date. Your pediatrician will tell you which artificial formula to choose. He will take into account the physiological characteristics of a particular baby, taking into account the child’s development and body weight. Already from the first feeding it will become clear whether this mixture is suitable for the baby, since he will most likely refuse to eat a tasteless product.

There are situations in which it is necessary to change the formula, even if the baby eats it well:

  1. After eating food, an allergic reaction (rash, redness) appears on the child’s face or body.
  2. For each age, certain food products are produced, so depending on the age, a change in the mixture is necessary.
  3. When a child is ill and during the rehabilitation period, when it is necessary to introduce new, more fortified mixtures into his diet, which are prescribed by the pediatrician.
  4. After recovery, the child is again transferred to the food he ate before the illness.

Of course, artificial formula feeding should meet the needs of a baby of a particular age. Dairy products for infants should be diluted only according to the instructions on the package. If the prepared mixture has stood for more than 40 minutes, it is prohibited to feed the child with it.

It is necessary to select an artificial product for feeding so that it does not cause discomfort for the baby when sucking, since infants cannot feed from a spoon.

Feeding utensils must be kept perfectly clean.

Particular attention should be paid to how the baby reacts to a particular mixture. If even the slightest allergic reaction occurs or an intestinal disorder occurs, it is necessary to stop feeding the infant the selected product and consult a doctor about replacing it with a different food.

The further introduction of other foods into the diet is similar to the introduction of complementary foods to children fed on mother's milk.

Surely many mothers are familiar with the surname Komarovsky. The advice and recommendations of a famous pediatrician are always clear to many parents, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a cough in children or feeding an infant. Komarovsky presents information in an interesting and engaging way. Referring to the findings of eminent specialists, the doctor develops his own formula and suggests using it. The topic of breastfeeding is endless.

The genetic factor plays a big role when feeding a baby. It would seem that there is a large amount of milk in the large breast, but there is a problem with its production. Humans differ in that every action is regulated by the cerebral cortex. This also applies to the lactation process.

A woman should clearly know what the volume of milk depends on and how to breastfeed correctly. During sucking, irritation of the nipple stimulates milk production. The lactation period is considered the first month after childbirth. It is known that the more often a mother puts her baby to the breast, the more milk she produces.

Komarovsky argues that sometimes women create problems for themselves. Achieving more milk using different methods, they begin to get nervous and worried, causing the milk to decrease. The mistake of many parents is that they immediately transfer their babies to artificial nutrition. Komarovsky does not advise doing this. As soon as the baby tries the bottle, he will refuse the breast, which requires a lot of effort when sucking.

Lactation depends on a woman’s emotional mood, so the mother needs to be calm - and then the production of breast milk will normalize. If the baby's health is not indifferent to the mother, she will continue breastfeeding. Artificial complementary feeding, according to Komarovsky, should be started only if after three days the baby remains restless.

Protein deficiency in the first months of birth affects the development and formation of the child. Modern pediatricians advise feeding by the hour, and the World Health Organization advises feeding at the baby’s request: when he wants to eat, then feed. And in the first month of life, the child needs to stay near his mother for 24 hours. Constantly being near a loved one has a beneficial effect on the development of the baby and stimulates the increase in milk in the woman, which he needs, since this product contains the nutrients necessary for the baby.

Newborn feeding time

As already mentioned, as a child ages, his needs change. There are several features in the process of eating by month. At first, the child needs about 30 minutes to get enough. Then feeding changes from month to month. The duration of meals is gradually reduced.

For example, in the third month of life, breastfeeding becomes more intense compared to the first week after discharge from the maternity hospital. Every month the child becomes more active, moves more and experiences hunger more often. At three months, weight gain should be more than 400 g/m. At this age, the process of eating goes smoothly, since the baby practically does not react to external stimuli.

Features of breastfeeding at 4 months are the possibility of complementary feeding with milk formulas, one-component juices and fruit purees. Its quantity is determined according to the previous feeding. 4 months can be a turning point for a child. He can completely refuse breastfeeding and only feed from a bottle. During this period, the feeding time of the newborn may change slightly. Compared to previous months, the mother puts the baby to the breast more often.

At 5 months, the baby quickly becomes full, as he intensively sucks the breast. Therefore, feeding time may be reduced. At this age, you can introduce an apple scraped with a spoon into your baby’s diet and gradually introduce him to the taste of banana, apricot and pear.

In the sixth month, mother introduces milk cereal porridges into the diet in small portions. Each type of it undergoes a unique test for 2-3 days. If there is no allergic reaction, porridge can be included in the diet and the portion increased. It is not recommended to stop breastfeeding during this period. Forced weaning from mother's milk will cause psychological trauma to the newborn. The more time the baby is at the breast, the better.

The first year of a baby's life is the most important. It is very important to follow a monthly feeding schedule. After all, during this period it is actively developing. Within a few months, the baby almost doubles its weight. He grows rapidly and quickly learns about the world, mastering everything from scratch. If a woman takes care of her child, feeds him properly and listens to the recommendations of specialists, the baby will grow up strong and healthy.

How to properly breastfeed and/or bottle feed a newborn baby?

Some simple moments, overlooked due to inexperience or forgotten, have a positive effect on creating harmonious relationships in the family. It is advisable to know about them.

The number and frequency of regurgitation, colic and gasping in the baby, lactation and the mother’s well-being, as well as the comfortable environment of all family members depend on how correctly the mother feeds the newborn.

Relatives should also take care of mommy and help her as needed, because it is very difficult for her in the first days and months after the maternity hospital. Make your assistance to mother and baby easy, relaxed, and unobtrusive.

Imagine that not just a newborn appeared - small, meaningless, screaming endlessly, but a very wise, smart, but still helpless Person, “speaking” to you in his own language, the language of screaming.

You just need to learn his language as quickly as possible and teach yours, which for a baby at first will be not so much vocabulary as intonation. Strange things often happen: the baby very quickly begins to understand everyone, but even his mother can rarely understand him. But believe me, it's not difficult. Just be careful and observant and respect his opinions and demands.

This is the best time to smooth out all the “sharp corners” if they occurred in the family, and strengthen the trust in each other of everyone - from newborns to very old people.

Video: The Myth of Breastfeeding

Feeding baby

It is important to breastfeed or bottle feed your baby in a calm, comfortable environment. You can hum or recite something simple, you can speak tenderly to your baby, you can listen to quiet music. Or you can create perfect silence. It's your choice. The main thing is that you and your child feel comfortable.

If you watch TV, turn down the volume. This way you will hear better and quickly learn all the sounds your baby makes when he sucks on the breast or receives nutrition through a nipple from a bottle.

At first, it is advisable to feed a newborn “on demand”, - as much as he asks, at least forty times a day. And immediately, without giving the opportunity to scream. He doesn’t immediately scream, but first begins to worry, wince, and show with all parts of his body, especially his mouth, that he is looking for food.

This way you and your child will quickly get accustomed to a new way of getting food.(before birth, the fetus receives oxygen and nutrition from the mother’s blood from her placenta), and Establish milk lactation as quickly as possible. On average, newborns drink and eat 8 to 12 times a day. Sometimes it’s less, but mostly it’s more. The main thing is that the baby gains weight well.

By carefully watching your baby, you will very quickly learn to determine when he needs to give milk.

You should not test the baby’s patience and bring the baby to a hysterical cry.

If he is already screaming a lot, then first pick him up, calm him down, and then feed him. Otherwise, air will be swallowed, which can lead to colic. By the way, at the same time, learn to quickly distinguish a cry of hunger from other cries.

If you immediately satisfy your newborn's hunger - the most important need for him at first, then he will quickly learn to trust you.

Being confident that his mother, and therefore food, is always nearby, he will gradually calm down and increase the intervals between meals. When he wakes up, he will not sharply demand attention to himself, but will learn to study himself and the world around him.

By connecting together the image of the mother and the possibility of immediate satiation, he will become calmer and soon, upon waking up, he will no longer scream so heart-rendingly, giving you the opportunity to calmly prepare for feeding yourself and prepare the baby - carry out the necessary morning procedures, lay him on his tummy, give him a massage and gymnastics, work out with him on a fitball, buy, change clothes.

Newborn feeding technique

Immediately take a comfortable position. When feeding while sitting, lean on pillows or bolsters, place a small stool under your feet, or place some folded item. It is very convenient to raise one knee higher than the other in order to position the baby in a semi-tilt (30-45 degrees), and not in a hanging position, but so that he is lying down. Then your arms won’t “tear off” and your back won’t hurt from overexertion.

With a comfortable position, you and your baby will enjoy the feeding process itself, and not be annoyed.

When bottle feeding It is important to ensure that the nipple is constantly filled with milk, because it will also swallow empty spaces, which can lead to unpleasant phenomena - belching and hiccups, regurgitation, etc.

The hole in the nipple must be the right size so that it is easy for the baby to suck and does not choke. As the baby grows, enlarge the hole, or change the pacifier to another one with a larger diameter.

When breastfeeding Turn the baby completely towards you, not just his head. The newborn should completely grasp the areola, almost resting his nose on the chest and pressing his beard tightly to the chest.

Try to eliminate or minimize the swallowing of air, some of which also enters the ventricle through the nose when breathing.

Any whistling, smacking, tongue clicking, or pain caused to you are excluded. This indicates that the baby is not being attached to the breast correctly. Carefully remove the nipple by inserting your little finger between the breast and the corner of the baby's mouth and insert it correctly, pulling the baby tightly towards you. Only swallowing and breathing should be audible.

Make sure that when sucking, the baby's lips are turned outward, and the tongue tightly clasps the areola of your breast from below. That is why it is necessary to insert the entire nipple circle (areola) into the hungry baby’s mouth, directing the nipple towards the roof of his mouth.

Many questions about proper breastfeeding will be resolved if you watch this video:

How to properly attach a baby to the breast

About night feedings, feeding frequency and overfeeding

There are supporters of different opinions, sometimes directly opposite, on issues related to infant feeding. Someone argues for the need for a 3-3.5 hour break between feeding newborns. Some people strongly recommend feeding “on demand,” scientifically substantiating their arguments. And someone advises not to rush to the baby immediately, but to pick him up only when he screams for a long time. After all, he can scream sharply from intestinal colic, and not from hunger. Draw your own conclusions.

What are the reasons for crying, besides hunger and colic? More on this at the end of the article.

All babies are different. Some become full quickly - within 15-20 minutes, others can breastfeed for up to an hour. Gradually, the baby gets stronger and sucks harder, becoming saturated faster. But even in this case, there are often moments when the child, having eaten, stretches out the pleasure, satisfying the much-needed sucking reflex.

The milk does not flow in a continuous stream, but there are tides. Between hot flashes, the baby rests and waits for the next portion to appear.

When feeding infant formula, you must also focus on its requirements. To satisfy the sucking reflex, you should give a pacifier more often than when breastfeeding, so as not to appear, which can sometimes remain for life and bring a lot of trouble.

It will be better for you and the baby if, during the first one to three months, you teach the baby to distinguish day from night (he himself does not know this) and feed the baby at approximately the same time during the main milk intake. The baby learns very quickly, he subtly senses everything that is for his benefit.

“Consult” with him, “follow” his requirements, but monitor the quantity and quality of food, then there will be no unwanted overfeeding and, as a result, immediate regurgitation of large amounts of milk. For babies who eat a lot, it is better to feed them more often so as not to stretch the ventricle so that the food has time to be absorbed. Be guided by your own little one and trust your feelings more.

There is an opinion among professionals that it is impossible to overfeed with breast milk. I will not argue. Some pediatricians even allow infants to gain up to 2 kg per month. For up to three months, supposedly, let him gain more, because then he will begin to move more actively and begin to lose weight. I believe that you need to look at the child and focus on the lifestyle that you lead.

An overfed child, who is little stimulated to acquire active motor skills, can get sick much more often and more severely than actively moving children who quickly process food into the energy they need.

Over time, the baby himself increases the time between feedings; you just need to carefully feel what the baby wants to “tell” you. For example, you noticed that for several days he wakes up from the same feeding for half an hour or an hour, or even longer. So follow this new schedule in the following days. Then somewhere else the baby “stretched” the time between feedings. He himself “tells” you exactly how it is more convenient for him.

Very soon you will be feeding your baby 8, 7, 6, or even 5 times a day. And it’s great if a one and a half to two month old baby already gives you the opportunity to get enough sleep at night. Always speak kindly and tenderly to him, hum a lullaby when you need to calm him down or put him to sleep.

Sometimes this conflicts with your planned schedule. Well, don’t resist, you should learn to “negotiate” with your baby as early as possible. This will help you further understand your child as he grows up.

At night, let us understand in every possible way that this is the time of sleep, not wakefulness. At first, do not refuse night feedings, or rather, pre-dawn feedings. Feeding from about four o'clock in the morning to eight in the morning helps to establish lactation in the best possible way! At this time, a sort of “milk order” occurs for the next day.

At night - no cheerful notes. Just calm, very quiet communication, limited in time. It’s better not to talk, but to lull him to sleep, or even remain silent if the baby is sleepy and simply hungry.

The baby screams differently. When and why?

  • wants to eat, drink or sleep
  • wet or pooped
  • your tummy hurts, your head hurts, or something else
  • need to change position
  • hot or cold
  • There is dry air in the room and his nose is uncomfortable
  • bright light entered the eyes
  • annoying silence or, on the contrary, sharp sounds and noise
  • reflexively threw his hands to the side and scared himself
  • wants his mother to talk to him, play with him or hold him in her arms
  • wants and cannot pee or poop, especially boys. It is necessary to free the baby from underwear and diapers and hold him over the diaper. The sound of flowing water helps a lot. You can bring the baby to the sink and quietly turn on the faucet.

Let this time not be a heavy burden for you and give you all the opportunity to rejoice and be surprised at every new movement of a small child, his new facial expressions, the sounds he makes.

I always feel calmer if I hear. Silence always worries me, especially when the kids are already moving a lot and actively. It sounds, it means it lives!

Expressing while breastfeeding. When and why is it necessary?

How to stimulate lactation

How to choose bottle-feeding bottles for baby formula

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To the entry "How to feed a newborn baby. Video. Feeding a baby" 22 comments

    What you say is very cool, Irina Olegovna. You know, with my first daughter I didn’t understand anything at all. I looked at the child as if he were an alien. Of course, I read a lot of information and began to feed the baby on demand. Although I didn’t understand at all what “on demand” was and how to distinguish this requirement from others, due to inexperience. My daughter fell asleep on my chest, and I was afraid to move. When she woke up, she also suckled. For every squeak I gave her a breast. Then I thought it was on demand. The break without breastfeeding was very short - 15-20 minutes. As a result, the daughter often burped, and the mother became more and more nervous and tired every day. Plus colic, gas, etc.
    With my second daughter, everything changed as if by magic: I already “read” every squeak of the child - it’s food, it’s a tummy ache, it’s just that I want to snuggle to my chest, it’s that I’m interested in a toy... Probably everything comes with experience. But next to a young inexperienced mother there should still be a person who will help and advise - a grandmother or a nanny, someone who is trusted. I had to learn everything on my own, from my mistakes. But with the second daughter everything is immediately clear and understandable.

  1. Irina Olegovna, just a wonderful article. So all feeding issues are covered. Great.
    And most importantly, I’m reading everything again, and your Love for the kids is felt in every word.
    I immediately remembered all our feedings. Then, so as not to get confused, I even wrote down who I fed. Especially at night, of course, it’s hard. My daughters have been eating at night for quite some time. Yes, one by one. Therefore, you get up in the morning and don’t understand whether you slept or didn’t sleep, and so you started recording the feedings.
    Yes, raising children is not so easy. There are so many subtleties you need to know. And I really liked listening to the baby’s advice.
    I now have a niece with an almost 5 month old daughter. And recently I had the same problem. She had to go to college. Well, it’s okay, my daughter and I managed...
    The most important thing is that I caught myself remembering everything. I took Mashenka in my arms, and I thought how long ago I had everything... But then nothing, we got used to it. Still, what a wonderful time this is. And what a blessing for every mother is a child. So, have a nice New Year's Eve everyone. And to you, Irina Olegovna, too. And health to everyone, of course. Happy and warm New Year.

  2. Irina Olegovna! Your article is just a treasure! So much useful information! So everything is unfolded! I think it will help many young mothers solve feeding problems!

    Breastfeeding a baby is a sacred act that requires the mother’s full dedication, then the baby will be well-fed, healthy and calm :) Wonderful article, thank you for writing about this with such love :) Happy New Year! Happiness, health, prosperity and goodness, harmony and warmth!

    Irina Olegovna, you cover any issue in such detail in your articles that there is no need to go anywhere else for additional information. Thank you for such a responsible attitude towards the matter.
    Happy New Year! Let him please you with new impressions, new acquaintances, new knowledge! I wish you health, excellent mood and the joy of communicating with others! Good luck and prosperity!

    My opinion is that during breastfeeding, mother and baby communicate. At this time, I kicked everyone out of the room, I should not have been distracted by ANYTHING! Just me and my daughter.
    Unfortunately, my daughter, while she was feeding her baby, could do a bunch of other “necessary” things for her: talk to everyone, watch a movie, read a book. Anything except communicating with the child. But she is only 21 years old. Maybe later you will realize the importance of feeding your child.

    Feeding a baby is really a huge job, which requires a lot of effort from the mother, and even from the father. I would like to wish all the babies a good appetite!

    Every article talking about the priority of breastfeeding is a good cause! The main myth, from my point of view, is that the mother does not have milk to feed the child. This is a deceptive indicator, but to overcome it requires deep confidence that my child should be breastfed. This will help the woman-mother to withstand very frequent breastfeeding during the first weeks (literally at every request of the baby) and the baby, appreciating such care from his mother, will do everything himself - make nature work for him, for his health!

  3. Breastfeeding can be painful if the breasts have not been prepared for it. At first I had painful cracks because I neglected cosmetics for my breasts.
    However, I quickly got over it. After all, breastfeeding is great!

    I do not agree that there is never enough milk. I'll tell you with my own example. When I gave birth, I simply could not find a comfortable position for feeding, as the stitches were in the way, and on top of that, the baby simply did not want to latch on to the breast, no matter what I tried. Perhaps, if someone else had been at home with me for the first month (my husband is constantly at work), who could take care of everyday life and bring me food, I would have been able to establish this process. I did it a different way, I started pumping, although this is also not easy and takes time, at least that’s how I understood whether the baby was full or not. Over time, the milk began to decrease until we completely switched to ridiculous doses. I could probably continue to suffer like this, but it wouldn’t make anyone feel better.

    • It was different for me. I nursed my first child for more than a year. But once there was a moment when we were moving from apartment to apartment (we were renting housing at the time, we didn’t have our own), we got nervous, and my milk disappeared. There was no money for food; it was wasted on moving. They could only afford scrambled eggs with bread. My daughter is crying, but I can’t feed her - there’s nothing. They borrowed money out of fear. I ate and drank normally. The milk appeared again.
      The second one was fed less - up to 10-11 months. Because I had milk fever, it was very difficult to continue feeding.
      And I stopped feeding my twins even earlier, at 7-8 months. Or rather, my husband persuaded them to transfer them to a common children's table.
      Indeed, why suffer if it becomes a burden? You need to choose acceptable options specifically for yourself.

      There is not enough milk. but if it comes, it means you are a normally lactating woman. Who is able to feed her child. But you simply could not save it due to some circumstances. or laziness. or are simply used to relying on others. My mother-in-law came from the maternity hospital and fed piglets, calves, smokers, and a husband who worked from morning to evening. I ran for water to feed and drink everyone, there is no washing machine and you understand - it’s a village. Breastfed 7 children. everyone. and my husband was not around. everyone just chooses for themselves. I only have two so far. I have an organized life and I live in the city, my husband feeds us and naturally he is not around, like my grandmothers and aunts. and the second birth was difficult. but she fed her simply because she wanted to. crisis - frequent application, apilak as a course, plenty of fluids and food. but no one canceled washing and cooking.

    • When I got very sick and had to take antibiotics, I started pumping to maintain my lactation. The baby was temporarily transferred to an artificial one. So my milk quantity began to decrease greatly. Literally on the 4th day it was 20 grams. At my own risk, I quit the medications and started feeding the baby. It was restored within a day, thanks to the frequency of application. Because pumping is not the same as when you have a baby. It’s good that I learned about the principle of GW. This is my second child, and I am still feeding him. But even now from the article I learned about some of my mistakes, and I understood how to help the baby not spit up so much.

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Is nine months a lot or a little? Nature decided that it is enough for a child to be born ready to learn to live. He has a lot to learn, but there are instincts that nature laid down in the development of a child in the womb, for example. Every child who is full-term and born without pathologies can do this. For nine months, the child receives everything for life support through the mother’s body, but having been born at the appointed time, he is separated from the mother’s body and, in order to survive, must already be able to do something on his own. The best food for a child- This is mother's milk, it contains all the nutrients that the child needs for full and healthy development. Breast milk is believed to strengthen the immune system. Therefore, it is so important that the child receives breastfeeding for as long as possible.

Nature gives children the main instinct for life support, but many young mothers face the problem of breastfeeding and not everyone manages to feed their baby breast milk for as long as possible; a large number of mothers lose milk in the first months of feeding. Very often the mother herself is to blame for this, so it is important for the mother in labor to know how to make sure that the milk does not go to waste. You need to start learning this from the first day of pregnancy; throughout the nine months, the expectant mother learns to care and protect her baby so that after birth he grows strong and healthy.

How to properly attach a newborn to the breast.

For the feeding process, both the child and the mother, the first feeding is an important moment. In the last months of pregnancy, this is taught in courses for expectant mothers, held in the antenatal clinic where the pregnant woman is being observed. Also, in many maternity hospitals, doctors provide consultation on this issue in the first days of the birth of a child. But every mother needs to learn how to properly latch a newborn to the breast.

Breastfeeding positions are very important. The baby can be fed lying down, sitting and even standing, but every mother needs to choose a comfortable position, because breastfeeding is a long process. The breastfeeding position should be as comfortable as possible and the mother's body should not be tense. Both mother and child should receive only positive emotions from this process. As for the baby, his whole body should be turned towards his mother, his mouth should be turned towards the nipple. The baby's head should be supported, but it should have enough freedom so that the baby can comfortably adjust the nipple in his mouth and, after satiation, easily move away from the breast.

During feeding, the baby's nose should be clean so that he can breathe freely. The child should comfortably wrap his lips around the nipple so that there is no superficial grip, otherwise the child may swallow air along with the milk.

Do not force your baby to your chest. Everything that the baby does should be natural; if, nevertheless, the child clasps the tip of the nipple, then do not try to manually open his mouth, do it by gently pressing on the chin.

Is the baby latching onto the breast correctly, how can this be determined?

If the baby has a nipple and areola in the mouth, the lips are turned outward and pressed tightly to the chest, then there is no free access of air into the mouth, and everything is fine;

The tip of the baby's nose should touch the breast, but should not be pressed tightly against it. While latching onto the breast, the baby should breathe through his nose, then there will be a normal process of swallowing milk;

When the baby is feeding, there should be no extraneous sounds other than smacking and swallowing;

The mother should enjoy the feeding process and have a comfortable, as relaxed posture as possible.

To breastfeed properly, do you need to be sterile?

Young mothers are advised to keep the body and feeding area clean, but do not go too far; it is not necessary to sterilize everything. There is no need to wash your breasts before each feeding; it is enough to wash your nipples mostly in the morning and evening so as not to wash off the protective lubricant that protects the nipples from the growth of bacteria.

When breastfeeding properly, is it necessary to hold the breast with your hand?

Breastfeeding is a natural process, and everything should be natural. If your breasts are large, you can hold them at the very beginning of feeding until the baby adapts, but you should not do this all the time, because you can squeeze the milk ducts and cause stagnation of milk in the breast, which will lead to inflammation of the mammary gland.

Should I give my baby water or tea after breastfeeding?

You need to supplement your baby with tea or water after breastfeeding as needed, only if the baby is full, continues to suck, but spits out the milk, then offer him weakly brewed tea or boiled water. But for most babies, mom's milk is both food and drink.

Is there a need to interrupt breastfeeding and switch to artificial feeding if cracked nipples develop or the mother has a cold? All pediatricians recommend breastfeeding for as long as possible. But if, after all, the mother gets sick and takes antibiotics, then for the duration of the illness until drug treatment is stopped, you can switch to breast milk substitutes. A medical mask can protect the baby from a simple cold, and the mother can continue breastfeeding. Cracked nipples usually appear during the early stages of breastfeeding. To prevent mom from being in too much pain, you can use special silicone nipple covers.

If a woman in labor has questions, it is worth bothering the doctor and getting qualified answers.

When should you feed for the first time?

If the baby and the mother have no contraindications, then the baby should be put to the breast for the first time in the first hours after birth, this will help speed up lactation.

How to understand that a child is full?

If the baby has stopped swallowing milk and releases it from his mouth in a thin stream, lets go of the nipple, turns his head or is already asleep, it means he is full. Pull the nipple out of your mouth, and if the baby calmly lets go, then everything is fine, he has eaten. After finishing feeding, you need to express milk from the breast. To avoid injuring the mammary gland with your hands, you can use a breast pump.

Some mothers worry whether their baby is getting enough to eat. This is quite easy to check, the baby is sleeping or awake, gaining height and weight, his development corresponds to his age.

Should I put my baby on both breasts?

You need to resort to feeding from the second breast only if the baby does not get enough from one. It is best to feed from one breast until the end because hind milk is healthier than fore milk and reduces the need to pump.

Some mothers put the baby on the second breast just in case. In this case, they can overfeed the baby, but there is nothing to worry about, because the baby will definitely spit up the excess.

Proper breastfeeding on a schedule or on demand?

The question is controversial. It all depends on the individual characteristics of both the baby and the mother. A well-fed baby sleeps for 2-3 hours before the next feeding. Currently, in maternity hospitals, if there are no pathologies in the mother and child, they are placed immediately in the same room. In the first days of life, it is recommended to feed the baby on demand. After all, how much milk will be produced at the next feeding will depend on how much the baby eats. The frequency of feedings is also affected by the fat content of the mother's milk. If there is little milk or low fat content, then the child will be more likely to show desire. And vice versa, if the mother has a lot of milk and it is very thick and nutritious, then the baby may not require the next feeding for a long time. In any case, by carefully observing her child, the mother will determine an individual breastfeeding schedule.

How long does it take for a baby to get full?

There is no clear time limit here. To satiate a healthy, active child, 30 minutes may be enough. But in this matter, as well as in the matter of scheduling, everything depends on the baby. There are babies with an active sucking reflex, they quickly suck the required amount, others suck more slowly, get tired quickly and fall asleep, to check whether the child is full or not, you can pull out the nipple or touch the chin, if the baby becomes active and continues to suck, it means he just fell asleep, but not I'm full.

How long should you breastfeed your baby?

How quickly is milk digested in a baby's stomach?

Mother's milk is the ideal food for a baby, no matter how often the baby eats, everything has time to be digested before the next feeding. As soon as the milk is digested, the baby will immediately demand to be fed.

How to feed a crying baby?

There is no need to force-feed a crying baby, because a crying baby may choke on milk; he needs to be gently reassured, rocked in his arms, and his lips moistened with milk from the breast. As soon as the baby begins to breathe more calmly, give him the breast. Usually babies calm down as soon as they smell their mother's milk.

What to do if milk is stagnant?

Many mothers do not express the remaining milk after feeding. At the very beginning of feeding, milk may be produced more than the baby needs; if the remaining milk is not expressed, it may stagnate, lumps form in the breast, pain appears, and the temperature may rise. You need to react at the first signs so as not to lead to mastitis and surgical intervention. First of all, try to express milk, then do a massage under a warm shower. The massage must be done delicately so as not to cause damage to the milk ducts, the best help, of course, is your child, sucking milk from the mother's breast, it will bring her great relief, as soon as the breasts become softer, express all the remaining milk. If these manipulations do not help, then contact your doctor immediately.

The rules for breastfeeding are not complicated. Natural instincts, observation, attention and love for your baby should help you properly attach your newborn to the breast.

Useful and visual video on how to properly attach a baby to the breast:

Every mother wants her child to be healthy and develop according to his age. But already during pregnancy, a woman begins to have disturbing thoughts that she will not be able to cope with the baby and organize his life so that he does not need anything. The first problems may arise already in the maternity hospital, when you need to put your baby to the breast for the first time.

First breastfeeding of a newborn in the hospital

Typically, a first-time mother experiences a number of difficulties with her first attempt to put her baby to the breast. You need to remember that determination and patience are your allies at this stage. On the first or second day, you release colostrum, which you must feed your baby. Each woman is different, but usually by 3-5 days colostrum is replaced by regular breast milk, at this time the body temperature may rise, the breasts may swell and it will be necessary to relieve its condition by pumping. You do not need to express all the milk, but only until you feel no lumps. This will have to be done for about several days, and sometimes just once, until this system gets its work going. This will happen quite quickly, but the speed depends on the number of times the baby is latched to the breast. Feeding on demand during the day and at night will lead to the fact that there will be no need to pump, and the baby will receive all the necessary dose of nutrients for normal development.

If there is no milk in the first days after birth

The appearance of breast milk 3-5 days after birth is normal and nature made sure that the baby had enough colostrum at this time.

A few tips to help the breastfeeding process:

  • Give your baby breastfeed every 1-2 hours. Let him suckle on the small amount of colostrum that you have at the moment.
  • Do not panic. During this period, colostrum is enough for a newborn to meet his needs.
  • If you are unable to organize your newborn's breastfeeding, ask your midwife to help you, there is nothing wrong with that. All women experience problems for the first time and there is no need to be ashamed of it. If you are financially able, then after arriving home you can call a lactation consultant to your home. Phone numbers can be easily found on the Internet. But usually this is not required.
  • Don't despair if your baby can't latch onto the nipple. Sit or lie down comfortably with your baby, grasp the nipple between your fingers at the border of the areola and the breast. Tickle your baby's lips or cheek with it (As shown in the picture - Step 1). When the baby opens her mouth, you can start feeding (Step 2). Make sure that the baby captures with his mouth not only the bulge of the nipple, but also a little of the areola around it (Step 3). It didn't work the first time, try again and again. There are no women who cannot breastfeed (or rather, there are, but there are less than 1% of them and this is due to physiological characteristics), but there are mothers who lack perseverance. Do not join their ranks, try, and you will definitely see the result. You need to stop sucking not by tearing the breast out of the baby’s mouth, but by slightly opening his mouth (Step 4).
  • Drink more warm liquids. It is better to give preference to weak tea or mineral water without gases.
  • Do not give your baby water, formula, or milk.

How often should I feed my baby and what intervals should I maintain between feedings?

Literally 5 years ago it was recommended to breastfeed a child with a break of at least 3 hours. At the moment, there is probably no pediatrician who would recommend establishing a strict breastfeeding regimen. Perhaps only grandmothers who fed their children using outdated methods insist that if you feed a newborn when he asks, overeating and health problems will arise.

WHO (World Health Organization) standards state that breastfeeding should be done on demand.

At the same time, it is very important that the mother can understand her baby. A child may cry and demand attention not only in case of hunger. There may be other reasons:

  • wet diaper,
  • the diaper is pressing or the baby is too big,
  • intestinal colic,
  • the child is hot or cold,
  • the need for mother's warmth and communication.

Now let's look at the situation in practice. The newborn is crying and you must determine the reason for the crying. If the baby is in a clean diaper, at the moment he is unlikely to be bothered by any inflammatory processes, then take him in your arms and carry him a little. If the baby wanted your communication and participation in his life, then he has achieved his goal and the crying will stop. A hungry child will not stop demanding food. This means it’s worth feeding him now. Do not listen to grandmothers who will confidently repeat that if a newborn asks for breastfeeding every hour, then he does not have enough milk. It happens that babies literally “hang” constantly on their chest. Treat this with understanding and don’t be afraid that you will spoil your baby. If this happens, it means that he now really needs a loved one nearby, and who is even closer than his mother.

Feeding at night

I don’t want to upset you, but newborns also ask to eat at night. The gastrointestinal tract of such young children does not allow them to go without food for a long time without harm to their health. Therefore, you will have to wake up for feeding. Some mothers practice co-sleeping so as not to have to get up to the crib, but to immediately offer the breast as soon as the baby wakes up. Other nursing mothers are afraid of harming their baby while sleeping, so they prefer to sleep separately. There are no right or wrong decisions in this aspect. It all depends on the parents. Don't forget about dad's opinion. If he prefers to spend the night with his wife rather than with his child, then you should meet him. Some fathers are not against co-sleeping. Remember that a favorable atmosphere in the family is very important for the child.

How often to breastfeed at night? Be sure to feed the baby several times between 3 a.m. and 9 a.m. At this time, the process of breastfeeding in the mother’s body is being established. At other times, feed as many times as the newborn asks.

Basic comfortable poses

It doesn’t matter in what position the mother prefers to feed the baby, the main thing is that they both feel comfortable. There are now special pillows for feeding on sale, but you don’t have to buy them. Many mothers do without them and the process of breastfeeding is no less enjoyable.

Lying position

It is most comfortable to feed a newborn in a lying position on its side. You can use the lower breast and the upper one. In the latter case, the baby should be placed on a pillow so that you do not have to sag.

There are several other feeding options, but they are not suitable for newborns. The only position worth mentioning is "Jack". The mother lies on her side, and the child is nearby, but only his legs are extended along the mother’s head. You need to know this position so that when the milk arrives on days 3-4, the baby will help cope with congestion in the upper part of the chest.

Sitting position

You can sit on the bed cross-legged, or you can sit on a chair or rocking chair. In this case, under the child’s head is the forearm on the side of which the baby will be offered the breast. Sometimes the mother can use her hand instead of her forearm (for example, if the baby is weak and the sucking process needs to be corrected). When your baby gets older, he will be able to eat while sitting on your hip.

Whether a mother will be able to breastfeed her baby for a long time and with pleasure largely depends on how she does it in the first week after giving birth. Our tips will help you get through the difficult period of starting lactation without hassle.

When to start feeding your newborn

Surely, you have more than once watched with emotion videos in which newly born baby animals, hobbling on legs trembling from weakness or funny moving their paws, reach for their mother’s nipple. These tiny, often still blind lumps are controlled by a powerful force - the thirst for life. This is how nature ordered it.

AND the health of a little man largely depends on how quickly after birth he is put to the breast. The colostrum released in the first hours is a real mother’s blessing for her baby to lead an independent life. This is a powerful amulet against many infectious (and other) diseases and an invaluable source of nutrients.

Unfortunately, colostrum very quickly loses its beneficial properties, remaining just a high-calorie food after just a few hours. Therefore, for many years the World Health Organization has strongly recommended All babies should be put to the breast immediately after birth. Not for feeding - for a healthy future.

Not all children, being in a state of postpartum stress, are able to immediately actively suck. Don't worry: the first tiny drops of colostrum are easily released when you press on the areola. The baby will just have to lick them off. Then he will sleep soundly for several hours, resting after a difficult period of childbirth. But when should a mother start to really feed him, teaching him to latch on correctly - read.

How to properly attach a baby to the breast

With the correct latching technique, feeding does not cause any difficulties for either the mother or the baby. Please note: the baby will latch onto the nipple correctly if he not only has his mouth open, but also his tongue is stuck out a little forward and curved in a boat shape. Then he will accept mother’s breasts tenderly, as if in folded palms, and he will suck on them so that the movements of his rough tongue will give mother unearthly pleasure.

The technique of proper breastfeeding is described in detail. Compliance with it will 99% protect a woman from the formation of monstrously painful nipple cracks, from lactostasis and mastitis. And the baby will not suffer from intestinal colic and endless regurgitation.

How to properly remove the nipple from your baby's mouth

In fact, the baby does not suck milk, but presses the skin of the nipple and areola to the palate, while actively moving the tongue in the direction from the gums to the pharynx. That is, the milk is, as it were, squeezed out of the milk passages, and very quickly, since a negative pressure is created in the oral cavity, which has a strong suction property. If at this time you try to remove the breast from the child, removing the nipple from the mouth, you will most likely achieve nothing but severe and painful overstretching of the areola skin. As a result, nipple cracks form, heal poorly and quickly increase due to constant skin irritation with frequent feedings.

How to take breasts from a toddler without unpleasant consequences? The easiest way - slightly open his gums by entering through the corner of his mouth with the tip of your finger. Air will enter the oral cavity through the gap that forms, and the pressure will equalize. All you have to do is apply a little pressure on the skin of the breast near the baby’s lips so that the nipple pops out on its own.

The second option is slower - lightly press the baby’s chin and hold it there. You will feel how your finger prevents it from pressing hard on your gums and pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth. With each movement of the lower jaw, the suction force will decrease, and soon the baby will release the nipple on its own.

Often mothers try to hold the baby’s nose so that he, gasping for breath, opens his mouth and releases his breast. This is not physiological and can be dangerous for the baby. Children breathe very quickly (at least 40 breaths per minute) and do not know how to hold their breath. Imagine what will happen if the baby feels a lack of oxygen at the moment when there is a lot of milk in his mouth? By abruptly throwing the chest, he can take a strong breath, aspirating (inhaling) food into the lungs. As a result, at the very least, a suffocating cough attack that frightens the mother cannot be avoided, and in the worst case scenario, the baby will develop aspiration pneumonia.

How often to feed a newborn

Today “on demand” feeding is considered optimal for newborns. That is, the mother gives the baby breast every time he gets hungry. How to determine whether he really wants to eat - see.

After birth, the baby's stomach volume is approximately 2 ml. Every day it increases, reaching 70 ml by the end of the week. This means that at first, even despite the high calorie content of colostrum, the baby will ask to eat very often. We'll have to be patient. By the time of discharge from the maternity hospital home, the interval between feedings will be from 1.5 to 2.5 hours.

What does it depend on?:

  • on gestational age, maturity, weight of the child;
  • on his temperament (there are lazy children or active suckers);
  • on the baby’s health condition.

How long to feed a newborn

Uniform recommendations for infants over 2 weeks - no more than 40 minutes. It has been proven that the baby drinks about 90% of milk in the first 5 minutes, and then simply satisfies his need for sucking. The exception is the so-called “lazy suckers”, for whom the characteristics of temperament or health do not allow them to actively work. But even these babies, if you wake them up well before feeding, fill up in 7-10 minutes, then fall asleep soundly and only lick the nipple or passively swallow the milk squeezed into their mouth. No matter how many months the mother has been breastfeeding, if the areola is irritated for longer than 40 minutes, there is a risk of nipple cracks.

For newborns the rule is different. The babies are still weak, their stomach volume is small, and colostrum is very high in calories. A woman’s breast skin is delicate and sensitive – the risk of cracks is the highest. Therefore, 5 minutes are allocated for active sucking in the first two days, 10 on the third, then you can add 5 minutes every day, gradually reaching 40. If mommy knows whether her baby is actively sucking or is just playing around, you can follow this advice: wait until he is full, give him another 5 minutes to enjoy and wean him off the breast.

Should I feed my newborn at night?

The first few months after birth - definitely feed. Circadian rhythms (including daily routine and food intake), according to which all people live, are developed gradually. For babies, it makes no difference what time is on the clock, whether the moon is shining or the sun. In their life, the main thing is the needs of their body, among which hunger is one of the most powerful. Without satisfying it, he will not be able to fall asleep (and will not let you), and will not develop properly.

At home, children begin to sleep 6 or more hours at night between the ages of 4 and 11 months (again, this is very individual). Therefore, there is only one piece of advice: follow the baby’s needs. Save the night feedings until he wakes up for a really big meal. If you notice that he sucks reluctantly, quickly falls asleep without eating the usual portion, it’s time to give water instead of milk and after a few days stop feeding at night altogether.

In what position to feed a newborn

Anytime, as long as it’s comfortable for both of you. At first, while learning feeding skills and getting used to each other, it is easier to do this while sitting in a chair with armrests or lying on your side. This way, the mother’s breasts hang slightly over the baby’s face, giving the areola the most suitable shape, and milk can be sucked with less effort.

Read more about the selection rules and options for positions for feeding babies.

Should I give my newborn baby water?

For a baby, the only “native” and safest source of both food and liquid is mother’s milk. A healthy baby does not need supplemental water. Therefore, taking the initiative immediately after childbirth, asking for a bottle, and even more so boiling water yourself, will harm your child.

In the maternity hospital, a pediatrician may advise drinking water in the following situations:

  • dehydration of the child due to too high room temperature (more often in the summer heat);
  • the need to help the baby cope with.

After being discharged home, as long as the little one is exclusively breastfed, the only reason to give him water is his overheating.

Is it possible to feed formula to a newborn?

Can. You can give me smoked sausage and pickled cucumber. And pamper them with oranges on the occasion of their birth. The result will still be approximately the same: many hours of screaming due to painful intestinal colic, diathesis and problems with stool. Because ANY food other than breast milk is completely foreign to a baby. It takes time for his intestines and immune system to mature and be ready to accept other foods. Have you seen animals push away their young, giving them to other mothers-nurses: a dog to a horse, a cat to a goat? Why should a healthy little person from a healthy mother be fed a formula based on cow's milk? No comments needed.

There are very few situations in which a woman who has given birth does not have milk, or there are long-term medical contraindications for breastfeeding. Not a single richest laboratory in the World has been able to invent an artificial substitute for mother's milk that matches it in value. Only breastfeeding for at least 6 months will provide the baby with physical and mental health, and his mother - a volcano of unforgettable positive emotions.

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