How to get a guy to like you: simple life tips for purposeful girls. How to please a guy and get his attention


A gloomy facial expression is unlikely to please your chosen one. Most men value kindness. Try to make your smile mysterious, give it to the one you want to win.

The voice plays an important role in the perception of a person. Nobody likes raised voices, men are no exception. If you naturally have a loud voice, watch your behavior and try to speak more quietly. Let your words sound bewitching, gentle and soft.

It’s not so difficult to please a guy, it’s more difficult to keep his attention, and therefore you should always work on yourself.

When going to a meeting with her chosen one, every woman wonders how to dress to please the man of her dreams? After all, appearance creates an impression that in the future can decide the fate of your relationship. Therefore, when choosing a wardrobe for a date, you must adhere to certain rules.


The most important thing to do when choosing a holiday outfit is to determine what items are suitable for a particular event. If you are going to a disco, then a T-shirt with rhinestones will be quite appropriate, and if a young man has invited you to dinner at a restaurant, then you need to choose a more elegant outfit.

Another important step is choosing the right underwear. It should not only be expensive and beautiful, but also perform its functions wonderfully: support the breasts, create the correct sexual forms.

Don't wear too tight-fitting clothes if your figure has small flaws; on the contrary, try to hide unnecessary folds with looser tunics or A-line dresses. But don't wear robes that are too wide. A man wants to see your beautiful body curves.

If you decide to wear a skirt, then choose one that is moderately short and tight. It’s good if it has a cut - this will give free rein to his imagination and fantasy. They look very elegant and sexy, emphasizing the shape of the breasts. Unfasten the top buttons, but so that the neckline does not reveal, but only hints at what is underneath.

Be sure to choose the right shoes to match your overall look. It should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

Video on the topic

The relationship between a man and a woman began to change over time. If earlier guys were more decisive, now, in order to gain the attention of the stronger sex, girls have to take the initiative into their own hands.

If you want a guy to like you, you must remember that men appreciate real and sincere girls. To attract attention, a girl does not need to apply provocative makeup and wear revealing outfits. Remember that vulgarity repels the stronger sex. Some ladies believe that men are simply afraid of beautiful women, but that is not the case at all. The problem is not women's beauty, but their behavior. Pay attention to how modern beauties behave. Loud laughter, cutting jokes, excessive pomposity. All this is unnecessary.

To make a guy pay attention to you, act naturally. Speak calmly and casually. Laugh at men's jokes, but don't cross the line between lightness, fun and vulgarity.

As for appearance, try to stick to a classic clothing style. When going on a date, give preference to a romantic look. Wear heels, a mid-length skirt and a soft blouse. It is better to avoid a deep neckline. Guys don't value accessibility; they choose a goal to achieve.

When applying makeup, use only mascara and lip gloss. Don't forget that bright eye shadow and lipstick are only suitable for evening makeup.

In a relationship, a woman should take the passive side. Actions are not required from a woman, only reciprocity is enough from her. But this is all very easy when a man himself pays attention to you and takes the first steps himself.

At the same time, a woman often likes a man whom she does not know at all. In this case, you need to take steps yourself, but in such a way that the man does not even guess who first planned the acquaintance.

How a man will like you at first sight

To please a man at first sight is not talent, but a certain behavior that requires skills, knowledge and naturalness. Getting a man to like you without saying a word is the most competent solution to such a delicate issue.

You must look beautiful. A stunning image is the easiest way to attract attention. In women, men are attracted to sophistication, lightness, restraint and style. Moreover, style means not only harmonious clothing, but also characteristic features: light makeup that emphasizes your facial features, manners, views, movements. Men are interested in those women who are capable of bewitching and arousing deep interest.

Create a suitable image in advance, and then the man himself will pay attention to you. Then it comes down to correct behavior after the first impression.

How to meet a man you like

A man should be the first to meet someone - this is a stereotype that for many was broken in the last century with the beginning of the wave of feminism. Of course, the situation when a man comes up and gets to know you is the best. You don't have to take any steps on your own, just reciprocate and not look like you were just waiting for him to talk to you.

If you want to meet a man, you can choose any way to do this: be at a party next to him, accidentally involve him in a general conversation, write a message on a social network. A man will not consider this as intrusiveness if you maintain the appearance of restraint in all your actions.

If you are near a man, then it is best to start a conversation with a direct look at him and simple phrases. Next, watch the man’s reaction: if he likes you, he will definitely support the conversation. There are modest men who are really lost in such a situation, but even by his looks and movements you can understand whether he is disposed towards you or not. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Always leave yourself the chance to say goodbye to a man as easily as you started talking to him.

How to behave to please a man

Men will like the girl's natural behavior and ease. Don't be afraid to show off your artistic abilities, but in moderation.

Conduct a conversation with a man as with an old acquaintance, do not be afraid to ask the man leading questions. They like it when people are interested in them, when people want to know about them.

The entire male nature is built on the desire for power and influence. Submit to the man. This can be done even in dialogue: develop the topics that the man touches on. If he changes topics, then do not be afraid to act in the same way, so to speak, to play along with the man, without deviating from your usual phrases.

Psychologists advise first establishing visual contact with a man. If a man is already looking at you, then look him straight in the eyes, but literally for a split second. After some time, you can repeat this technique and add a slight smile. Men can be very perceptive, and such gestures will show him your interest.

How to please a man on the first date

If a man asks you out on a date, it means he is already interested in you. Therefore, you should not worry or be nervous. Be his friend and girlfriend at the same time. Don't be afraid to joke, express your emotions, and speak out about the topics covered. After all, on a date, a man wants to get to know you, hear you, and understand you a little more. If you show up on a date looking beautiful and irresistible, but have nothing to talk about, you will arouse vague feelings towards yourself: a man may think that you are interesting only for your beauty.

Avoid criticizing things around you. You can express your views, but you should not show dissatisfaction with the chosen restaurant, service or contingent. On the first date, this doesn't matter at all unless you highlight your dissatisfaction.

What to talk about with the man you like

You can discuss many neutral topics with the man you like, but at the same time you will get to know each other. You should avoid trivial questions. You don't even have to ask something to have a dialogue. All you have to do is select interesting topics, and the man himself will tell you everything.

Maintain a middle ground between “talking” and “listening.” If a man asked you about your life, about your work, about your activities, do not hesitate to tell him, but only the most interesting things. Don’t list the names of your colleagues; it’s better to remember one funny story. At the same time, you shouldn’t laugh after your own jokes, especially since you don’t know a man’s sense of humor that well.

SMS to the man you like

You should not write SMS to the man you like immediately after the first date. It's best to wait for the man to call you. If you are sure of his sympathy, but have not received a call, you can write an SMS, but one that does not oblige the man to respond and, especially, to meet. If a man reacts to a message that does not require a response (without an explicit question), it means that he is really interested in continuing the conversation.

How to dress to please a man

In fact, men have different tastes, but everyone likes restraint and elegance. Men are, of course, attracted to dresses, skirts, low-cut blouses, and tight-fitting clothes that highlight your silhouette.

Makeup should be (and it must be!) light, not flashy. Be sure to blend your foundation, eye shadow, and powder well. Men are very repulsed by untidiness, and even more so on the face: there should be no lumps of mascara in the corners of the eyes, and foundation should not be visible on the nasolabial folds.

If you wear jewelry, it should be of high quality. Otherwise, it is better to abandon jewelry altogether.

The manicure should also be chip-free, hands should be moisturized, and perfume should not be intrusive.

Make sure that all buttons that need to be fastened are fastened. If you are wearing jeans or a low-waisted skirt, you should always make sure that your underwear is not visible on your lower back.

Hair should be clean and well styled, and all gadgets and accessories should be free from scratches and cracks.

If you do not know the tastes of men, then it is better to avoid bright accents in clothes or leave only 1-2 bright details of your image. For example, instead of a green skirt, it is better to wear a gray or black one, but add an interesting bracelet or belt.

You should be comfortable in the clothes you choose. Feminine overalls made of light fabrics and pencil skirts in combination with blouses or shirts always look very beautiful.

Elegance requires the absence of multiple prints. If you are wearing a checkered shirt, then the rest of your wardrobe should be basic monochrome colors. A checked shirt, for example, does not go well with a colored scarf or fishnet tights.

In pursuit of femininity and elegance, beware of vulgarity. On first dates, it is better not to wear tights with patterns, turtlenecks with cutouts, or short dresses. If a man is interested in a long-term and serious relationship, he will not approve of your behavior like this.

What kind of gift will a man like?

It is important to choose according to the circumstances. If you are not yet close enough, then you should not give your man gifts with a clear hint of a relationship: shirts, underwear, household items. In this case, you can choose a men's accessory as a gift. For example, a business card holder, a wallet, a tie clip, car paraphernalia.

It is important that the item is of high quality, but not expensive. Expensive gifts are generally considered bad manners.

If you know a man’s tastes well, then a book or collector’s edition would be an excellent gift. You can also choose a quality notepad. A successful man must be able to plan his time, so a notebook is a necessary thing.

If you want to give a man invitations to some interesting event, then you need to assess the situation. The fact is that invitations are always given in duplicate, since the man must go to the event with someone. But a man should not feel your obsessive behavior. Perhaps the man did not plan to attend an event with you at this stage of the relationship, so it is best to give invitations when the relationship with the man is closer.

Phrases for a man to please him

Men love to feel important, but many of them are also quite discerning. Therefore, do not flatter a man.

For him to like your words, they must first be sincere.

For example, you can say that the sweater he wore to a meeting suits a man. You didn't tell the man that he was handsome, but you emphasized that he looked good.

It's best to notice details, but not to give direct compliments. A man will not only enjoy your words, but will also notice your insight.

You can also use phrases in conversation that emphasize your positive emotions around this person. “I feel good with you” are simple and sincere words that will please a man. After all, he understands that your sense of harmony depends on his presence.

Feel free to tell your man how you feel, but don't use strong words. “I like the way you look after me” - with these words you not only convey to the man his importance, but also emphasize your own. After all, you notice his signs of attention towards you, and the man will know about it.

How to please a man - the main female trick

Women's tricks are the main tool girls use to conquer a man.

Women's tricks include smell, charm, naturalness, look, intelligence, voice, clothing and femininity.

Work on yourself, on each of the listed points, emphasize your best sides and correct your shortcomings.

How to please a man video

The video below talks about behavior in women that men like. Men's views on the opposite sex and their tastes are described.

Most modern women are often interested in the effectiveness of certain techniques that can attract the attention of the opposite sex. At first glance, it may seem that a short skirt and beautiful makeup will be enough, but not everything is so simple.

Where to begin?

And you need to start with the question of whether the chosen one is “the one.” And if the answer is yes, then it’s time to think about a strategy for seducing him. So, how to please a guy and make him fall in love with you?


No matter what anyone says, representatives of the stronger half of humanity first of all pay attention to external attractiveness. No guy should communicate with an unkempt and unkempt girl. But beautiful clothes, a neat manicure, and a friendly, sweet smile will help to interest him.


You need to conduct your own little investigation into where the object of your affection likes to spend time, what hobbies and activities he is interested in, and compare the data obtained with information about yourself. This will help identify common interests. If there are any, you can try to “accidentally” meet him in one of those places where he likes to spend time and start a conversation.

Sense of humor

Humor is an important part of any person's life. A woman with a good sense of humor, as a rule, has a light character and is able to cheer up even on the most gloomy day, and the main thing is that men feel such ladies.


How to get a guy to like you without seeming too intrusive? You can show initiative and activity, but you don’t need to, figuratively speaking, fill all the space around you.


You should not strive to be an “open book” in front of your chosen one. You need to reveal your strengths and weaknesses slowly and carefully, not forgetting that every girl should have a highlight.


Showing interest in everything around her will make a girl versatile, educated and interesting to the opposite sex. Start following news, politics, learn a foreign language, find a suitable hobby.



Not only girls are crazy about pleasant words addressed to them. Guys also love it when their advantages do not go unnoticed. You can note the young man’s excellent erudition and resourcefulness, or ask if the owner of such broad shoulders goes to the rocking gym. It is very difficult to over-praise representatives of the strong half of humanity. And if one of the guys stole the lady’s heart, then she will even be happy to shower him with compliments. But do not forget that too frank flattery can be easily calculated, so do not overdo it.

Always be yourself

In any situation, you should not try to appear to be someone you are not. A guy should be interested in a real girl. For example, if she is a modest person, then let her use this quality to create the image of a calm and reasonable person. This type of woman will look advantageous against the background of overly emotional girls.

Comparison with other guys

How to please a guy who doesn't like you

Love is a wonderful, bright feeling, but if your chosen one does not pay attention to you, it can cause pain. The main thing is not to despair, because there are no hopeless situations. If your lover has not yet seen the girl of his dreams in you, then you need to try to correct the current state of affairs. You should approach the solution of the issue with intelligence and perseverance, even if the situation seems hopeless.

First you need to find a reason to get to know each other better. For example, you know that a guy loves to dance, then you should also become a disco lover. First you need to learn how to move beautifully, and then you can go into battle.

Try to look in the places where he often rests, but do not overdo it so that it does not look like stalking.


Almost all modern people have pages on social networks. And, most likely, every girl at least once in her life fell in love with an unknown, but very handsome young man, and she had the question of how to please a guy by correspondence.

Favorite's account

The first thing to do is to study the young man's account. According to psychologists, more than 80% of information about a person is located on his page on a social network. To get a basic idea of ​​a person, just scroll through his feed, read posts and statuses, and look at his photos. Ready? This means that certain conclusions about the guy’s personality have been formed.

Information in your account

Next, you need to analyze your page, namely, remove unnecessary information from there. Information about unbearable mental torment, as well as dreams of a husband with ten children and a country house, are not interesting to guys, and even moreover, they can scare them away. Also, don’t “burden” them with your past failed relationships.

Photos in your account

After cleaning up your information, it's time to review your photo folders. It is better to destroy all unsuccessful photographs. The advice is simple and banal, but effective. If a girl panics, is worried and cannot properly identify photographs in which she came out badly, she can bring in her friends to “clean up”.


It's time to type your first message. There is no need to start a dialogue with the typical “Hello, how are you?” or even more so with “Hi, you’re cool!” With such careless and banal phrases, you can completely miss the chance to get a guy to like you. How to build communication? It will be better if the girl tries to interest the object of her affection and engage him in an interesting conversation. At the same time, the dialogue should be conducted with a little restraint, showing good manners.


Illiteracy irritates almost all people who are at least somewhat familiar with the rules of their native language. Therefore, if you have doubts about the spelling of a word, it is best to look up the correct version on the Internet or check it in the Word editor. It may also happen that the girl turns out to be much more educated than her interlocutor, and he will make mistakes at the first grade level. In this case, interest in such a young man may dissolve on its own.


If the first communication went smoothly, but suddenly the guy disappeared for unknown reasons and no longer writes anything, there is no need to make hasty conclusions and get upset. At such a moment you should not do anything at all. Maybe he has something to do. A tactful young man will most likely even apologize for his sudden disappearance during the next correspondence. But there is no need to hint to him about this or ask questions like “Why did he disappear?” or “What have you been up to?”

How to get a guy to like you at school

School years are considered the easiest, most carefree and, of course, not without falling in love. There is nothing wrong with starting a conversation with a boy, but many girls are embarrassed to take the initiative. This fear must be overcome.

To get acquainted, you can use feminine tricks, for example, ask a guy you really like for a small favor (glue up a wall newspaper, help carry books). If he agrees, there is a chance that the sympathy is already mutual. It is better to approach this kind of request in private, so that both feel freer when communicating, and the conversation develops by itself. You can also get to know the object of your affection at school events or through mutual friends, if you have any.

Second try

It happens that a girl some time ago already had close communication with a young man, but for some reason she stopped it or he did it. And then the feelings returned, and she wanted to please her ex-boyfriend again. How to do it?

When meeting the object of your affection, you must always act confidently and with dignity. You should not openly demonstrate your desire to be together again and try in every possible way to attract his attention to your person. Moreover, there is no need to dwell on past relationships. It’s better if the girl makes new acquaintances with the opposite sex, and the ex sees that the world hasn’t collapsed without him and guys can like her, just like he once did.

Most representatives of the stronger half of humanity are owners, and the very idea that someone else can look after the ladies who once belonged to them causes burning jealousy. A question appears in their heads: was it necessary to break up? In order for the answer to this question to form a negative in a guy’s head, during your rare meetings you need to demonstrate to him exclusively positive character traits. The main thing is to take your time and give your chosen one time.

If you follow all these little tips, even the question of how to get a guy to like you in 1 day will not arise for a girl. The main thing is to act slowly, confidently and carefully. After all, it’s not so difficult to understand what kind of girl the object of your affection wants to see in front of him. One by one, after a while, your steps towards your lover will lead to the goal, that is, to him. It is important not to forget that you should not change yourself for the sake of another person. There are a lot of guys who would love to be around you simply because you are who you are. You can't cheat on yourself. Any girl who behaves naturally and at ease when communicating with the opposite sex will arouse his interest much more than one who constantly wears masks that are convenient for her partner. That's all the information you need on how to get a guy to like you. If the tips worked, try to make yourself and your boyfriend even happier than you were before.

You really want the guy to like you and now, your first task is to attract attention to yourself while remaining yourself.

Believe in yourself first

Believe in yourself, in your exclusivity and individuality. This means,

that you should feel that you like being yourself. Guys like independent, interesting girls who live their own lives and do not look up to others.

Then get his attention

He won't be able to like you if he has no idea you exist. If you are not sure that his gaze has ever stopped on you, make yourself notice. Do you meet him on the way? Say hello!" Say "Bye." Wave your hand. If he turned around, it means you drew attention to yourself. Talk to him. Ask where he is going, show interest, say a few phrases about yourself.

A lot of guys don't like to talk about anything, but it's impossible to love someone if you don't know anything about them. But don’t overdo it with conversations, you shouldn’t seem intrusive and cause negativity.

Humor makes a person attractive

A good sense of humor makes a person more attractive. Your sense of humor should give you personality. Some people are witty and sarcastic, others can tell amazingly funny stories, some just make fun of themselves and those around them. It's easier to get a guy to like you if you genuinely laugh at a good joke together, if you make him smile.

If he loves climbing, ask him to help you learn the basics, try to achieve success and try to understand what exactly he likes about this sport. Open your mind to new things. Find out what you have in common and include the guy you want to like in your world, social circle. If you love a certain style of music, ask the guy how he feels about this or that musician, offer to listen to a rare recording. An activity you are interested in together will allow you to establish a connection with the guy and make him see you as an interesting girl.

Be patient

These things take time. Give him space and don't be intrusive. Let everything go naturally.

Not everything in the world goes the way you want. There are a lot of guys around, and after point number 1 you know that you are a great prize!

And finally remember

Be perfect for everyone. If you focus on this, you will become a kind, smart, pure individual with a sense of humor.

Don't talk about other guys who mean something in your life. This is not only a bad idea, but also a great way to say goodbye to the hope of making him fall in love with you.

If there are no visible signs that he likes you more and more, then this is not a fact that he is not interested.

Don't forget to smile! This is an old proven way to win a guy over in your favor.

Consider possible errors

Don't play stupid games of hints and omissions, secret signals. This may be misunderstood and even look strange.

Don't tell your friends he's silent (especially if you're still a teenager). They will immediately begin to stare at him, giggle, and make jokes on ICQ.

Often such questions come from people who are dependent on the opinions of others, who want to please everyone. They have a prejudice in their head:

The meaning of my life is to please someone, to please someone. If he doesn't like me, it's a disaster!

Also, such questions are often asked by people who do not have an internal understanding of their self-worth, in other words, self-esteem, self-love.

If I understand that I am valuable, there is no question for me to please anyone. When you have self-worth, then you ask yourself another question:

How can I meet a person with whom we will look in the same direction?

Not “with whom we will fall in love at the moment,” but precisely “with whom we will look in the same direction, and together we will be good, happy, comfortable - sexually, financially and simply in life.”

How to attract a guy to you? Self-worth alone is not enough

Of course, it is important to understand what men like and what they don’t like. But not in order to please, but so that you feel comfortable with yourself.

Because if you do something towards a man that he definitely doesn’t like and infuriates him, then you are unlikely to be happy around him - you will cause a back reaction in him and get the opposite effect.

What kind of man should you like? What kind of person should you be?

In women? What should you do, how to dress, how to communicate with the man you like?

1. Your self-worth

It is not created in one second - you need to work at it. If your parents didn’t create this for you in childhood and adolescence, then you now need to work on it - and that’s cool.

Everything is real and achievable.

2. Your appearance

Beautiful does not mean being Miss World, it means that you need to take care of yourself, your appearance - hair, manicure, make-up, body.

You remember about squats, right?

Several times a week, put stress on your body so that you like yourself, because if you don’t like yourself, a normal man is unlikely to like you.

Some men will be attracted to you, but worthy men most likely will not like you.

3. Your condition

If you're moody, sad, upset, negative, etc. all the time, that's not attractive to anyone.

You must be positive - looking at life positively, and then, accordingly, you will attract the same man - who looks at life positively, and does not whine.

4. Your psychological savvy

If it’s important for you to understand what a man wants and what he doesn’t want, this is a big way to develop, but at least it’s important to understand what’s important to a man.

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