Why does a newborn burp after feeding? Regurgitation in children Causes What to do? Regurgitation may cause rejection of the selected formula. Well, this mixture is not suitable for a child. Or have an allergic reaction to protein or lactose

Burping of a baby after or during feeding is a natural physiological process. There is no need to worry about this if it does not bother your baby.

In a healthy body, all physiological processes are clearly provided for. Even immediately after birth, the baby knows when and how much he wants to eat. A mother's milk, produced in her breasts, is intended only for her baby. It satisfies all the requirements of a growing organism. And after the first week of feeding, the breast is filled with milk exactly in the amount that her baby needs. Regurgitation of its remains is necessary to prevent overeating and facilitate the work of the newborn’s ventricle.

Why does an infant spit up often?

First you need to understand that “often” is a purely individual concept. Every mother needs to know that the amount of fluid regurgitated and the frequency of regurgitation are within normal limits under the following conditions:

  • the child does not lose weight, but gains it steadily;
  • there are no symptoms of dehydration (the fontanel sinking inward is the first symptom);
  • the baby is not lethargic or, on the contrary, not restless (behaves in the usual way);
  • does not cry during feeding or burping.

If the opposite happens, you should consult a pediatrician for advice.

How often should a newborn burp?

Some babies may spit up after each feeding, most likely due to improper attachment to the breast or a large hole in the nipple. As a result, the baby swallows too much air.

Normally, a baby can burp up to five times a day; one portion of excreted food can reach two to three tablespoons.

The child often spits up: what to do?

Follow a few simple rules to avoid frequent and excessive regurgitation of food:

  1. After each feeding, hold the baby in a “column” position (vertically, facing you, the head can be placed on your shoulder), and stroke your palm along the spine for several minutes until you hear the characteristic sound of a burp (extra air comes out). You may have to walk with your baby for about twenty minutes.
  2. Do not place your baby on his tummy for the first hour after feeding. It is better if you do this before each feeding.
  3. If the baby is older than three months, you can express milk and add rice powder to it. The same powder is added to the mixture for artificials. It will help thicken the food and help it take longer to digest.
  4. Select a specialized mixture with the help of a pediatrician.
  5. Do not disturb the child after feeding (do not play active games, do not throw him or her, do not change clothes).

The child often spits up - reasons for concern

If you notice that your baby is spitting up a lot, you need to investigate whether it is actually vomiting.

Vomiting is manifested by copious splashing of liquid under pressure. Regurgitation comes out as undigested or slightly curdled milk.

If a child vomits frequently, he or she will begin to lose weight, become dehydrated, and become lethargic. Vomiting is caused by the presence of colds or viral diseases, poisoning or intolerance to certain products, such as cow's milk. May occur due to infections in the stomach and dysbiosis.

In any case, an urgent examination by a pediatrician is necessary. If the child looks very weak, it is better to call an ambulance.

The digestive system of a newborn baby is still imperfect, so it often cannot digest even the most suitable food for it - mother’s milk.

It is for this reason that after eating, his stomach can involuntarily push some of its contents into the esophagus and further. The result of this is a phenomenon that is commonly called regurgitation - that is, the child spits out food.

Sometimes the regurgitation is weak, and sometimes it resembles a real fountain - it depends on the force with which the walls of the stomach push out food. In 80% of cases, regurgitation is a physiological norm, however, there are situations when they are a symptom of certain diseases and developmental pathologies, that is, a young mother should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Causes of regurgitation in a baby: norms and pathologies

How can we determine whether this phenomenon is normal or pathological? Usually mothers anxiously monitor the frequency and quantity of regurgitation in the baby, but in fact these factors are secondary.

First of all, you should pay attention to the general health and well-being of the child, as well as the dynamics of weight gain. If the baby is smiling, happy and cheerful, and is gaining weight as expected, there is most likely no reason to worry.

In this case, the child may burp for the following reasons:

  • Overfeeding. Among the causes of regurgitation, many doctors name overeating, as well as the “on demand” feeding style, and in such cases the baby often spits up like a fountain.
  • Features of peristalsis. A newborn baby sucks food in series - that is, he takes several sips, followed by a pause, during which he swallows what he managed to suck from the breast or bottle. Milk or formula is a simple, liquid food, so it reaches the intestines quickly. Immediately after this, peristaltic waves arise in it, which cause the bottom of the stomach to tense and push the contents out.
  • Colic and gas formation. Excessive gas formation can also cause frequent regurgitation, as air bubbles put strong pressure on the walls of the stomach and intestines.
  • Aerophagia. If, during artificial feeding, the nipple does not fit tightly to the bottle, or its hole is too large, this can lead to swallowing air - this is also one of the reasons for regurgitation.
  • Hyperactivity syndrome. In highly excitable, hyperactive children, regurgitation is observed much more often than in calm babies.
  • Developmental delay. Often a similar phenomenon is observed in premature babies or infants with intrauterine growth retardation, since their digestive system needs several more weeks to finally “ripen”.

Pathology options

If parents still feel worried about the fact that their baby regularly spits up, they should try to assess their intensity.

Of course, it is almost impossible to measure in milliliters the amount of milk that the baby regurgitated, so this can be done using a teaspoon (its volume is approximately 5 ml). You should pour one or two teaspoons of water onto a dry diaper and compare the stain with the amount of mass that the baby burped.

To assess the intensity of regurgitation, there is a special scale:

Regurgitation can be a symptom of a disease or pathology in the following cases:

  • If the baby “scores” 3 or more points on the regurgitation intensity scale;
  • When regurgitation is observed in children older than one year;
  • If regurgitation is accompanied by additional symptoms: refusal to eat, weakness, tearfulness, drowsiness, dehydration;
  • If the child spits up frequently and profusely, and at the same time does not gain weight well;
  • When the contents of the stomach have an unpleasant odor or change color.

All this may be evidence of the presence of certain pathologies or diseases, including:

  • Improper development of the gastrointestinal tract. The human digestive system is very complex in its structure and principle of operation, therefore each of its organs must be located in the appropriate place and correctly perform its functions. If there is one slightest defect in it, the entire functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be disrupted. There can be a lot of options in this case, so the cause of excessive regurgitation should be determined by a doctor.
  • Lactose intolerance. Breast milk and any formula necessarily contain a protein called lactose, which is broken down in the stomach by a special enzyme - lactase. If the body produces an insufficient amount of this enzyme, milk intolerance occurs - that is, the child’s stomach cannot digest milk and “throws” it out in large quantities.
  • CNS pathologies or hydrocephalus. With such diseases, the child may burp frequently and violently after each meal, and the child becomes whiny, restless and often throws his head back.
  • Infection. The digestive system is the first to react to any infection, so the frequency and intensity of regurgitation in a sick child may increase, and the contents of the stomach may turn yellowish or greenish. If a mother notices a similar phenomenon in her baby, she should immediately go to the doctor, since all infectious diseases in children require immediate treatment.

How to distinguish regurgitation from vomiting

Many inexperienced mothers are very frightened by every burp of their baby, as they mistake it for vomiting. How to distinguish these two phenomena from each other?

  • Regurgitation occurs immediately after feeding, or about an hour after it, sometimes with a sudden change in the child’s position, and the food flows out without much effort or contraction of the abdominal muscles. In this case, the baby does not show any signs of anxiety or additional symptoms.
  • When vomiting, the contents of the stomach are released in large quantities and is accompanied by active contraction of the abdominal muscles. It is preceded by attacks of nausea, during which the child becomes restless and tearful, and his skin turns pale and covered with sweat.

In addition, in addition to milk, vomit often contains bile, which is why it turns yellow. In this case, the child requires immediate and immediate medical attention.

How to reduce the frequency and intensity of regurgitation?

Even if regurgitation is not a symptom of any pathology, many parents do not want to wait until this phenomenon goes away on its own. It should be noted that there are currently no drugs that can quickly and safely eliminate it. In order to reduce the frequency and intensity of regurgitation, doctors recommend:

  • Carry your baby in an upright position as long as possible after each meal until he burps air. You can also hold him in a “column” before feeding so that all the air that has accumulated in his stomach also comes out.
  • Do not feed your baby when he is crying. A crying baby will swallow air along with food during feeding, so after eating it will probably burp.
  • Choosing the right formula and bottle for your baby who is bottle-fed. Often the reason for regurgitation in artificial babies lies precisely in the incorrect selection of the formula. In addition, today there are special anti-reflux mixtures that slightly reduce regurgitation. Read about how to choose a formula. As for the bottle, the hole in the nipple should not be too large, and during feeding it should be in such a position that the nipple is completely filled with liquid. Read about how to choose the right nipple for your bottle
  • Do not arrange active games with your child immediately after feeding. To reduce the intensity of regurgitation, it is necessary that immediately after eating the baby lies quietly for at least 15-30 minutes.
  • Feed your baby more often, but in smaller portions. To prevent the child from passing it on, you can try to slightly reduce his usual portion, but the daily amount of food should remain unchanged. Read about the signs of nutritional deficiency and excess.
  • News active lifestyle. Swimming, walking, getting a massage and daily gymnastics help strengthen muscles, including those responsible for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Follow a diet while breastfeeding. A nursing mother should eliminate from her diet all foods that can cause flatulence: brown bread, apples, legumes, baked goods, cabbage, etc. Read about mother's nutrition during breastfeeding
  • Eliminate constipation and colic. By reducing the pressure in the baby's stomach and intestines, you can reduce the intensity of regurgitation. For this purpose, special products and teas are used - for example, based on fennel, and in more serious cases, anti-reflux medications.

To summarize, spitting up that is not accompanied by weight loss or other alarming symptoms is not a cause for concern.

In this case, the mother just needs to make sure that regurgitation does not interfere with the baby’s comfortable existence, and in due time this unpleasant phenomenon will become a thing of the past.

Video: pediatrician about regurgitation in an infant:

Regurgitation - passive reflux of small amounts of food from the stomach into the esophagus, into the pharynx and oral cavity, combined with the release of air, is observed mainly in infants immediately or shortly after feeding uncurdled or partially curdled milk. These phenomena can occur in completely healthy children (but not often and the volume of regurgitated contents is small - up to 3 ml). According to statistics, up to 67% of children aged 4 months burp at least once a day; in 23% of cases, regurgitation is considered by parents as a reason for “concern.” In most cases, regurgitation can go away on its own within the first year of life, but in some cases serious therapy may be required. In addition, against the background of long-term regurgitation, secondary disorders can form, primarily inflammatory changes in the esophagus. Therefore, it is always advisable to clarify the cause of regurgitation.

Features of the child's body

Anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the upper parts of the digestive tract in newborns (spherical shape of the stomach and its small volume, delayed emptying, relative weakness of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) - a circular muscle that closes after the passage of food from the esophagus into the stomach, and does not allow gastric contents to be thrown out back into the esophagus, immaturity of the regulation of the system of moving food through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), immaturity of enzymes) predispose to the development of regurgitation. In newborn children, sucking movements occur in short series of 3-5 suckings, creating negative pressure in the oral cavity, and contractions of the esophagus (peristaltic wave) during swallowing appear inconsistently: first before sucking, then after it and are often incomplete along its length. In this case, in newborns, in response to the peristaltic wave, a sharp contraction of the fundus of the stomach is observed, which leads to an increase in intragastric pressure and can cause the backflow of food and air into the esophagus and the occurrence of regurgitation. In addition, due to the fact that during the act of sucking a certain amount of air enters the stomach, the baby develops a feeling of false satiety and stops sucking. If this situation occurs frequently, it can lead to malnutrition and developmental delays. baby.

Causes of regurgitation

Regurgitation occurs frequently in children with intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), and in premature babies. Along with the above-mentioned anatomical and functional features of the gastrointestinal tract, there is also a slow formation (maturation) of the process of coordinated sucking, swallowing and breathing - it lasts about 6-8 weeks. The intensity of regurgitation may vary. However, as the body matures, regurgitation disappears. The cause of regurgitation may be overfeeding(increasing the frequency or volume of feeding), especially in actively sucking newborns with a sufficient amount of milk from the mother. With artificial or mixed feeding (breastfeeding + formula supplementation), overfeeding is possible due to a change in the nature of nutrition (replacement of breast milk with an artificial formula or frequent unmotivated replacement of one adapted formula with another). Regurgitation during overfeeding occurs immediately or shortly after feeding with uncurdled or partially curdled milk, in an amount of 5-10 ml. The baby’s general condition and behavior are not affected in any way; there is good appetite, normal stool, and normal weight gain. Aerophagia(swallowing a large amount of air at the time of feeding) occurs: in excitable, greedily sucking children from 2-3 weeks of life in the absence or small amount of milk from the mother; When child does not capture the peripapillary pigmentation (areola) along with the nipple or does not capture correctly when the mother has a flat, inverted nipple; when there is a large hole in the nipple of the bottle, the bottle is in a horizontal position, when the nipple is not completely filled with milk; with general muscle weakness due to immaturity of the body. More often, aerophagia develops in newborns with low or very high birth weight. Children with aerophagia are often restless after feeding, and there is bulging of the anterior abdominal wall in the stomach area. 5-10 minutes after feeding, regurgitation of unchanged milk is observed with a loud sound of escaping air. Regurgitation in a newborn may occur when flatulence(bloating) intestinal colic(painful intestinal spasms), constipation. At the same time, pressure in the abdominal cavity increases, and the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. The intensity of regurgitation can also vary. Malformations of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, anomalies of the esophagus ( chalazia – weakness (insufficiency) of the lower esophageal sphincter; achalasia - narrowing at the junction of the esophagus with the stomach), stomach anomaly ( pyloric stenosis- narrowing at the junction of the stomach into the duodenum, preventing gastric emptying), anomaly of the diaphragm ( diaphragmatic hernia – movement of part of the abdominal organs into the chest cavity), etc. Fortunately, in most children, regurgitation is a non-pathological condition that resolves spontaneously by 12-18 months of the baby’s life. The intensity of regurgitation can be approximately assessed on a five-point scale (Table 1). Intense regurgitation, large volume, after each feeding, causing anxiety baby leading to weight loss, require a visit to a doctor and a thorough examination baby to exclude congenital pathology. Table 1

Assessing the intensity of regurgitation

*Spitting up with an intensity of 3 points or higher also always requires seeing a doctor.

What to do?

To find the cause of regurgitation and provide assistance to kid you should contact your pediatrician, it is possible that baby It may be necessary to consult a pediatric surgeon if a congenital pathology is detected or if there is no effect of drug treatment and surgery. In other cases, the need for treatment is determined by the condition baby and his weight gain. The question of where to conduct the examination, in a clinic or in a hospital, is decided individually depending on the severity of the process, age baby and the capabilities of the diagnostic institution. Instrumental methods include X-ray examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach) using a contrast agent and esophagogastroscopy (examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract using an optical device that looks like a rubber hose, at one end of which there is a miniature video camera).


In accordance with the recommendations of the working group of the European Society of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, treatment of regurgitation is carried out in several successive stages: positional treatment, nutritional therapy, drug therapy; surgical methods of treatment. Treatment by position. During feeding baby If you suffer from regurgitation, it is important to create a position in which the upper body is raised at an angle of 45-60 degrees to the horizontal plane. For example, the baby can be placed on a large, not very soft pillow. After feeding, it is important to hold baby in a vertical position for at least 20-30 minutes, to ensure unhindered release of swallowed air. Tight swaddling is not recommended, the abdominal area should not be squeezed; instead of rompers with an elastic band, it is better to use rompers that fasten on the baby’s shoulders or overalls. Sleep to kid should be placed on a small pillow made from 1-2 folded diapers, or the legs of the head part of the crib should be raised by 5-10 cm. During sleep, in order to reduce the intensity of reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, it is preferable to lay baby on the stomach or right side. Organization therapeutic nutrition primarily involves more frequent feedings baby in smaller portions than usual. At the same time, the daily amount of food should not decrease. The number of feedings can be increased by 1-2 above the prescribed norm. The second component is the use of medicinal mixtures. Medicinal products that prevent regurgitation are labeled with the letters AR (Antiregurgitation). The protein composition of such a mixture is of great importance, namely the ratio of whey proteins to casein (a complex milk protein). In breast milk this ratio is 60-70:40-30, in cow's milk - 20:80, in most adapted milk formulas - 60:40. Increasing the proportion of casein in the diet prevents regurgitation, because. this protein easily coagulates in the stomach under the influence of hydrochloric acid, first forming flakes, then a thick mass that prevents regurgitation. Another approach is to add a thickener to the mixture. Rice, corn or potato starch can be used as such, as well as gum - gluten from carob seeds, which grows in Mediterranean countries. The gum thickens under the influence of the acidic contents of the stomach, but unlike starch and casein flakes, it is not digested by enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the thick consistency of the gastric and, subsequently, intestinal contents is maintained for a longer time. In addition, gum stimulates peristalsis, promoting faster movement of food from the stomach to the intestines. table 2

Specialized milk formulas that prevent regurgitation

When breastfeeding, medicinal mixtures can be added to the baby’s diet before breastfeeding. If there is no effect from the above measures, the issue of drug treatment . It includes the prescription of prokinetics - drugs that improve intestinal contractile function. For this purpose it is used MOTILIUM, COORDINAX. An antispasmodic drug can be used to eliminate regurgitation and intestinal spasms. RIABAL. Surgical treatment is carried out for severe congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, pyloric stenosis - narrowing at the junction of the stomach with the duodenum, preventing gastric emptying, etc.), which have caused regurgitation.


Prevention of regurgitation is a complex and multifaceted problem. Favorable pregnancy and childbirth, a friendly, calm environment in the home - all this reduces the risk of developing regurgitation, as well as many other diseases and pathological conditions in baby in the first year of life. If the baby is breastfed, make sure that during feeding child captures both the nipple and the areola, then the likelihood that the baby will swallow air will be less. If you bottle feed your baby, make sure that the nipple is completely filled with milk and there is no air in it. The hole in the nipple should not be large. You can feed your baby intermittently, for example, for five minutes, then turn him to face you and hold him in an upright position. After a few minutes, continue feeding. After feeding, snuggle baby tummy towards you and hold in an upright position for 15-20 minutes to allow the air to escape. Before each feeding, lay out baby on the stomach, stroke the tummy around the navel with your palm clockwise, all this facilitates the passage of gases and reduces the likelihood of regurgitation after eating. Clear your baby's nasal cavity of mucus and crusts in a timely manner, then when feeding he will not experience difficulty breathing through his nose and a lot of air will not enter the stomach. From the same point of view, it is important to ensure that when feeding child did not rest his nose on his chest. It is also necessary to remember about the pathological effect of passive smoking on the tone of the muscles of the esophagus and stomach in breastfeeding baby. Smoking in the immediate environment of the baby is strictly prohibited.

Spitting up after feeding a baby is a very common phenomenon. It is explained by the functional immaturity of the baby’s digestive tract and errors in feeding methods that adults make directly. Why does a child spit up after every feeding, and how can this be prevented?

You need to correct your mistakes. If you are breastfeeding, pay attention to how the baby sucks at the breast, is he latching onto the nipple correctly? If a child cries during feeding, this happens with intestinal colic, he fidgets, this helps him swallow air. Well, this air pushes the food up, and the parents see that after feeding the child burped milk. Psychologically, this feature of infants is perceived quite difficult. Mommy constantly thinks that the baby is hungry, and there is no longer enough milk in her breast for him to “finish” what he lost. In most cases, these fears are unfounded. Almost every child hiccups and spits up after feeding before the age of 6-7 months. And almost all healthy babies gain weight and grow well. The amount of milk lost during regurgitation is literally 1-2 grams, which is completely insignificant. If the child burped like a fountain after feeding, then this amount is larger - up to 12 grams, about a tablespoon. But again, this is not catastrophic if it is repeated more than several times a day.
The situation is similar for artificial babies - when sucking a bottle, they also swallow a lot of air. And when the child is in a horizontal position, with a high degree of probability, this air, when leaving the stomach, will push out the mixture. Another likely cause of trouble is overfeeding. Many formula-fed babies drink a full bottle of formula in 2-3 minutes. But during this time, the signal from the stomach to the brain about saturation does not reach. And the baby seems to be showing signs of hunger. “I’m not full!” - Mom thinks and gives him more. The excess mixture comes out after a while...

Other reasons why children spit up after breastfeeding or formula feeding are neurological diseases and malformations of the gastrointestinal tract. But this usually manifests itself in the first month of a child’s life. And the pediatrician is unlikely to look at this. Everything else, given the normal development of the child (do not forget about routine examinations by doctors of other specialties), is a variant of the norm.

An infant can burp either 15-20 minutes after feeding or an hour later. Usually, in the first minutes, the baby releases undigested milk from the stomach, sometimes even spitting up in the form of a fountain, profusely. If a child burps an hour after feeding, then it is with curdled milk. It is impossible to say which is worse - the first or the second. It doesn't matter. It is better to try to prevent these regurgitations. And without medication. We offer you a list of simple measures that will definitely help.

1. After each feeding, you should hold the baby vertically, that is, in a column. If you do this, there is a high probability that only air will come out of the stomach (it is lighter than milk or formula). You need to hold the child in this way for about 20 minutes. This measure is necessary until the child himself begins to take a vertical position, that is, sit. It is hardly worth holding a sleeping child upright, but it is better to place the baby on a slightly raised mattress.

2. When preparing milk formula, do not shake the bottle too vigorously. Shaking causes air bubbles to enter the mixture and from there into the baby's stomach.

3. Don't feed too quickly.

4. In case of artificial feeding, try to always follow the feeding schedule and feed at regular intervals.

5. Do not allow tobacco smoke to enter the room where the child is. And do not allow a person who has recently smoked to hold the baby, especially after feeding. The smell of tobacco smoke also provokes regurgitation in children.

6. If the baby spits up a lot every time after feeding, then try to lay it on his tummy before the next feeding.

For babies who are already tearing their torso off a hard surface, this is one of the measures to help the air get out of the stomach.

Frequent regurgitation in infants without visible pathologies is not only unpleasant for parents, but also painful for children. No, spitting up doesn’t hurt them at all. It is a very unpleasant feeling when air ends up in the gastrointestinal tract. Try drinking or eating quickly yourself, and you’ll understand what we’re talking about. Babies who are not fed properly cry a lot and have more colic. That is why it is so important to follow the rules of feeding children. . Basically, this is a normal physiological process in the development of a child, which does not particularly bother him and which the baby, developing physiologically, copes with on his own in the future. In rare cases, regurgitation is a symptom of a disease, which a specialist will help determine. Of course, young parents are concerned about the reasons why the child spits up, so we will try to figure it out.

Regurgitation is the process of expelling milk from the stomach through the mouth. Is it normal for a baby to spit up milk? It turns out not always.

Causes of regurgitation

  • The most common cause of regurgitation in an infant is overfeeding. Milk that turns out to be excess is naturally removed from the baby’s stomach;
  • The cause of regurgitation after eating may be a disruption of the intestines. For example, constipation or colic, which creates obstacles to the normal passage of food;
  • Incorrect breastfeeding technique and, as a result, improper latching of the nipple, leading to the swallowing of air along with the milk, which, once in the stomach below the milk, literally “shoots” it back (See);
  • This may also be caused by insufficient development of the esophageal sphincter muscles. A person needs this valve to prevent food from flowing from the stomach into the esophagus. In adults, everything is the same; the valve works normally. In infants, this sphincter is not sufficiently developed; it finally begins to function only at one year of age;
  • We should not forget about the environmental reasons for what is happening. In modern living conditions, an infant may have an allergic reaction to a product that adults consider natural. In fact, the fresh fruits and vegetables we buy are not always organic;
  • Incorrect behavior of parents who immediately after feeding begin to turn the newborn from side to side, squeeze, rock in a stroller, etc.;
  • In severe cases, the cause of regurgitation may be various diseases of the baby’s digestive system, central nervous system, or other pathological changes in the body.

Burping up like a fountain

This type of regurgitation should alert the mother. There may be several reasons for this:

  • prematurity of the baby, whose digestive system works in slow motion;
  • unsuccessful transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding;
  • intestinal colic, which prevents food from moving normally through the intestines;
  • deformation of internal organs.

But spitting up like a fountain does not always mean the presence of some kind of pathology. Excessive regurgitation can also occur for completely avoidable reasons.

However, if your baby spits up frequently and suddenly, consult a doctor.

When breastfeeding

In the case when the baby spits up breast milk, you need to examine the spot. If the child vomits curdled milk or the mass resembles cottage cheese, you can calm down. It's not vomiting. Pour a teaspoon of water next to the stain. If the spots are approximately the same size, everything is normal. You need to worry and see a doctor if your baby spits up a lot.

  • Stop overfeeding your baby if you do this (Related article:). With a well-established breastfeeding process, the baby will eat as much as he needs. Feed on demand and do not breastfeed unless your baby asks. Also make sure you have the correct chest grip. If the baby swallows air, regurgitation is inevitable.
  • Closely monitor the condition of the infant's abdomen. It shouldn't be swollen. A soft belly and a calm baby are a guarantee that everything is in order.
  • The chair also matters. Remember the last time it happened. With these observations, you can rule out constipation and colic in your baby. (See article about).

When feeding with formula

If your baby spits up after formula, the reasons for this may be the same as for breastfed babies.

  • The primary reason is overeating. In a bottle-fed baby, it is much easier to regulate the amount of food he eats. The amount of mixture in the bottle must strictly correspond to the age of the child.
  • Also check the hole in the nipple. It shouldn't be too big. During feeding, it is important to prevent the swallowing of air, and for this, the nipple must be constantly filled with the mixture.
  • Perhaps the baby is spitting up the formula because he does not tolerate it well. Try to find something different with your pediatrician. Nowadays there are milk formulas on sale that help prevent it from leaking from the stomach. () .
  • The tummy needs to be checked according to the same principle as during breastfeeding.

Video: Why does a baby “burp up” after feeding? Baby 1 month:

Answers the question: doctor - pediatrician Smirnova L.A.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

First aid

If a child burps while lying on his back, there is a high probability of blockage of the airways and subsequent development of pneumonia. In this case, he must be immediately turned over on his tummy or picked up. This way the baby can get rid of leftover food.

For proper bowel function, children can be given Motilium, from spasms - riabal. But we give medications to the baby only after consultation with a specialist. You don't know the exact cause of regurgitation.

Prevention measures

If your baby spits up frequently, there are a few time-tested techniques you can take note of that will help you minimize the likelihood of spitting up.

  1. Before feeding, give your baby the opportunity to lie on his stomach for a while. It only takes a few minutes.
  2. During feeding, the baby's body should be in a semi-lying state with the head raised. We also help to properly latch onto the breast or control the fullness of the nipple.
  3. If the baby spits up after feeding, he needs to be held upright for a while. This will allow the air to escape. No activity immediately after feeding. We allow the baby only quiet games and do not touch him unless necessary.

When do we need a doctor?

Regurgitation is a process that almost any mother can cope with on her own. But in some cases, medical assistance is still necessary.

If your baby constantly spits up or the mass you observe after the process has changed in volume, smell or color, you need to contact a specialist. First of all, go to the pediatrician. Then he can refer you to a neurologist, gastroenterologist and surgeon.

Also, you should not delay your visit to the doctor if your baby burps heavily and then cries or bends over. This behavior may mean that the child's esophageal walls are irritated.

Regurgitation in a fountain after each feeding, a rise in temperature after regurgitation or its resemblance to vomit requires close attention. Show your child to a specialist; don’t take unnecessary risks.

Regurgitation after the baby reaches the age of one year should also be alarming. By this age, this entire unpleasant process should go away on its own. Otherwise, this means a pathology in the child’s body, the nature of which can only be determined by doctors.

Signs of normal regurgitation

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