First aid kit for newborns and infants: a list for every day and emergency. How to use a medical pipette correctly. Tips and rules

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


When preparing for childbirth, expectant mothers usually write long shopping lists. Among them are baby dishes, things for the maternity hospital, clothes, baby care products, etc. But before purchasing toys, musical carousels and another set of diapers, you should remember one more important list- products in a newborn's first aid kit. It is better not to take a ready-made first aid kit (such kits are now available in all pharmacies) - something will definitely not be there, and something will not be useful at all.

So, what to buy in a newborn's first aid kit mandatory, and what should be kept “just in case”?

  • Sterile cotton wool and cotton pads
    Using self-twisted cotton wool, the baby's nasal and ear passages are cleaned. Discs are more convenient because leave fewer microparticles of cotton wool on the baby’s skin. It is also necessary to purchase sterile bandages, bactericidal patches, gauze (for diapers, etc.) and gauze bandages (for parents).
  • Cotton buds
    The requirements for this item are the presence of a limiter (so as not to injure the ear) and a wide cotton head. Sticks are also useful for “spot” application of medicine.

    Memo: You can’t clean your baby’s nose with cotton swabs and inner part auricle.

  • Children's manicure scissors
    Requirements: rounded ends, short blades, case. Some mothers find it much more convenient to use a clipper (mini-tweezers). Features of the children's nail clipper: a ring stopper for the mother's finger, a 4x magnification lens, and a nail file for removing sharp corners of the nails.
  • Wet wipes
    Children's wet wipes are useful for “quick” hygiene on the go or at home “on the run” (they do not replace washing!). Requirements: hypoallergenic, no alcohol, fragrances, fragrances or sticky feeling, optimal pH for the baby, sealed plastic packaging.

    Memo: Do not buy a lot at once and in large packages - it is unknown how the baby’s skin will react to certain napkins. And don’t forget to check the expiration date and integrity of the packaging.

  • Powder
    Will be needed for skin care (behind the “folds”) after changing diapers and bathing. The task is to combat diaper rash and have a calming effect. The most convenient way is a powder compact with a puff or a new product - cream-talc. Fragrance additives are not recommended.

    Memo: simultaneous use Diaper rash powder and baby cream for dry skin are not recommended (these products have different purposes).

  • Remedies for colic and gas formation
    For peace of mind in your child's tummy, these will be useful in your first aid kit. the following means: fennel and dill seeds (for bloating), granulated special teas (sold in pharmacies - for example, Plantex), Espumisan.
  • Electronic thermometer (mercury is best avoided) + thermometer for measuring water temperature in the bath.
  • Remedies for fever
    Paracetamol (preferably in the form rectal suppositories), Nurofen, Panadol. Read also:

    Memo: aspirin and analgin are prohibited for use in newborns!

  • Remedies for runny nose
    The finished solution is clean sea ​​water(for example, Marimer or Aquamaris) for rinsing the spout + Nazivin (0.01%).
  • Gas outlet pipe No. 1
    It is useful for constipation and bloating.
  • Remedies for constipation
    Chamomile (enema with its decoction), Duphalac, preparations with lactulose, glycerin suppositories. Although the most effective remains the folk proven method - a tiny smooth piece baby soap instead of a rectal suppository.

    Memo: consultation with a doctor about choice medicines required!

  • Enema 50 ml (smallest)
    It’s better to buy 2-3 pieces at once. One is for its true purpose, the second is used as an aspirator (using an enema to suck out nasal mucus from a baby with a runny nose is much more convenient than using many aspirators).
  • Aspirator
    Which is better? Oddly enough, the most effective is an aspirator-syringe (the “enema” described above), with a special tip. A mechanical aspirator is a less traumatic model, but you will have to suck out the snot through the mother’s mouth (inconvenient and unaesthetic). More expensive models, but very effective, are an electronic aspirator and a powerful vacuum one (similar to an ENT specialist’s “cuckoo”).
  • Fenistil-gel
    The drug is useful for treating allergies to insect bites, from skin itching etc. Fenistil drops will also not hurt in the first aid kit (or Tavegil, Suprastin).
  • Potassium permanganate (5 percent solution, or powder)
    It may be needed for processing umbilical wound or for baths.

    Memo: potassium permanganate dries out the baby’s skin, so for “bath” procedures the best alternative would be a decoction of herbs (chamomile, chamomile, sage).

  • Iodine (5%)
  • Chlorophyllipt (1%)
    Used by mothers instead of brilliant green, it does not burn the skin when applied, and effectively treats pimples/bites. Or Zelenka (1%).
  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%)
    It should always be in the first aid kit for quick disinfection of scratches and wounds.
  • Pipettes – 2-3 pcs.
    Pipettes for babies should be in cases with rounded tips.
  • Remedies for dysbacteriosis and diarrhea
    For the treatment of dysbiosis and restoration of intestinal function - Bifidumbacterin, Linex or Hilak Forte, for diarrhea - Smecta (dosage strictly according to age).
  • Sorbents
    Activated carbon, Entegnin or Polysorb MP are sorbents that may be needed for intestinal infections, intoxication, poisoning, etc.
  • Syringe dispenser for medicines
  • Baby cream/oil
    It is necessary to buy baby creams and oils for the little ones - Bubchen, Johnson Baby, etc.
  • Creams for diaper rash and dermatitis
    Bepanten, D-Panthenol. They will provide significant benefits for diaper dermatitis, irritation from diapers and even cracked nipples (an irreplaceable remedy for mothers).
  • Vaseline oil
    Useful for processing, for example, a gas outlet tube before use. And also for removing crusts on the head, treating prickly heat/irritation, moisturizing the sinuses, etc.
  • Gel for gums
    It will come in handy when teething starts.

Pipette - what could be simpler? A glass tube with a rubber cap that you can use to take a small amount of liquid and pour it where you need it. But, as it turned out, many modern mothers do not know how to use it. Therefore, forgive me those who know what and how to do with a pipette, but I will still dwell on this issue in detail, since mistakes in this simple matter lead to serious consequences. It’s especially sad when children suffer, who might not have gotten sick if their mother knew some of the nuances.

How to use a pipette correctly?

There are several “iron” rules.

  1. One pipette - one person. Even if you consider yourself a virtuoso who can drip into Right place and do not touch the surface of the skin or mucous membranes. Using one pipette for several people leads to the spread of infection at lightning speed. Each child should be provided with their own pipette.
  2. One pipette - one use. You cannot use the same pipette to drop drops into the eyes, nose and ears, even if it is the same child. You can’t just drop it into your eyes several times with one pipette. It is allowed to apply drops to both eyes at one time, but you need to start with the eye that is healthy or less affected.
  3. The pipette must be sterile. That is, after a single use, the pipette must be washed and treated - disinfected.
  4. The pipette must be safe. The design of the pipettes should prevent injury to the child. No sharp noses! Only rounded, non-traumatic.

Types of pipettes for children

  • Regular "eye"- those to which we are accustomed. Glass tube with a tapered end and a rubber pump. It must be used carefully, sterilized regularly, and stored in a specially designated container.
  • Disposable pipettes. They are very helpful when traveling and when you have to use them often, but have nowhere to process them. They are thin plastic straws with a blunt atraumatic end. When pressing on the tube, the necessary vacuum is created, allowing you to draw required quantity medicines. When purchasing, pay attention to the volume of the pipette - it can be from one to five drops. After use, the pipette should be thrown away; it cannot be sterilized and reuse is not allowed.
  • Pipettes for newborns. Large pipettes have been created for placing droplets into the noses of infants. Their blunt end does not fit into the child’s nasal passage, which prevents injury. Such a pipette is a real salvation for mothers who are afraid of harming an actively protesting baby.
  • Dropper bottle. Nowadays, bottles of medicine arranged in the form of pipettes are increasingly being sold. It is very comfortable. But you must understand that each sick child should have his own bottle, even if the same medicinal substance is used. Believe me, using the same pipette bottle for several family members will ultimately cost more than purchasing an individual one for each one.

By the way! Pipettes are sometimes sold in plastic cases. Do not forget to periodically sterilize the case so that it does not become a source of infection for the pipette, and then for the child.

How to handle pipettes?

After use, the pipette must be disassembled. The rubber pump can simply be rinsed under running water, rinsed with distilled water and dried on a clean towel. But a glass tube can be sterilized at home in several ways:

  1. immerse in a 70% alcohol solution for 30 minutes, then rinse with distilled water and dry;
  2. boil for ten minutes from the moment of boiling in distilled water and dry;
  3. microwave for two minutes at maximum power (after placing on a clean saucer with a small amount of distilled water.

After processing and drying, store the pipette until next use in dry and clean form.

Particular sterility must be observed with eye pipettes!

How to properly put drops into the eye, nose and ear

  • To bury drops in the eye, you need to lay the child on his back, grab his head with your left hand and gently pull him thumb With this hand, lower the lower eyelid down so as to see the conjunctival sac. Place one or two drops of the product there and release the eyelid.
  • To bury nasal drops, you need to lay the child on his back, slightly tilt his head back and lift the tip of his nose so that he can clearly see the child’s nasal passages. Apply the drops and leave the baby to lie down for a while.
  • To bury drops in the ear, you need to put the child on his side, with his ear up, and gently pull the auricle downwards and to the side. Apply drops and let the baby lie in this position for a while.

Attention! Only heated drops can be placed in the ear, otherwise the baby will experience extremely unpleasant sensations.

Did you know that pipettes need to be sterilized after use?

  • When he begins to hear and see
  • Care
  • Diapers
  • Swaddling
  • While preparing for childbirth future mom usually makes lists of important purchases. One of the items that cannot be forgotten when expecting a newborn is a first aid kit. Its contents will help the baby in case of illness and will save parents from the need to run for medicines or other necessary medical supplies at night time.

    First aid kit for the maternity hospital

    In a convenient plastic container or cosmetic bag, put everything you will need in the first days of your baby’s life (if these products are not offered in the maternity hospital after the birth of the child):

    • Baby cream.
    • Powder.
    • Wet wipes.
    • Cotton pads.
    • Bepanten. This product copes well with both diaper rash on the baby’s skin and cracked nipples on the mother.
    • Cotton swabs, a pipette, brilliant green and peroxide for treating the navel.

    You will be told about the use of these products and the nuances of caring for newborns at the maternity hospital.

    First aid kit after childbirth

    Ready first aid kit

    Nowadays there are ready-made first aid kits for children on sale in pharmacy chains, but they may not contain things or medicines that your child needs, and some items will be superfluous. It is more preferable to independently write a list of everything that will be needed to maintain the baby’s health after birth.

    A ready-made first aid kit should be purchased in situations where hygiene products and medications are needed urgently, for example, labor has begun ahead of schedule, and the expectant mother has not yet had time to prepare a first aid kit for the maternity hospital.

    How to create your first aid kits for a newborn baby caring mothers, look in next video channel tataniolla.

    Hygiene products

    You need a lot of supplies to care for your baby.

    Means and items that will be needed in case of illness

    • Thermometer for measuring baby's body temperature. When choosing a suitable thermometer, keep in mind that electronic measurements are much more convenient, and mercury readings are more accurate.
    • 25 ml syringe for enema.
    • Gas outlet tube.
    • Pipettes with a rounded end that are stored in a case. They are used to administer a medicinal solution into the baby's nose or ears.
    • Dosing spoon for medicine. It can be replaced with a special syringe with divisions.
    • Packages of sterile cotton wool and sterile bandage.
    • Gauze or disposable mask.
    • Measuring cup.


    Products from this group are needed for treating the navel in the first month of life, as well as for disinfecting the baby’s skin when wounds appear.

    How to care for a newborn’s navel using brilliant green and hydrogen peroxide, watch the video of Dr. Konstantin Zelensky.


    If the pharmacy is located far enough from your home, the relevance of such first aid kits increases many times.

    Watch the video of Larisa Sviridova, a specialist in preparing future parents for the birth of babies. In it, Larisa talks about what products you will definitely need for your newborn baby.

    Storing a baby first aid kit

    Having purchased all the necessary components and put them together, you should take care of the issue of storing a first aid kit for your baby.

    • Having divided all the items in the children's first aid kit into 2 parts, put them in 2 separate boxes. Let the first box contain items for everyday use, so it should be kept on hand. In the second box, put all the items that may be needed for illnesses. It should be kept in a dry, dark place away from adult medications.
    • Check to see if there are medications in your first aid kit that are important to keep with you. certain conditions. For example, antipyretic suppositories should be kept in a refrigerator.
    • Do not throw away medication packages and instructions so that you can check expiration dates and dosages at any time.
    • Review the medications in your children's medicine cabinet every 3 months and throw away expired medications on time and buy new ones.
    • Write down phone numbers on a piece of paper emergency assistance and put this leaf in your medicine cabinet.

    We didn’t buy anything extra - due to the fact that many products for children have short period of time validity!!!

    Girls, photos of little things, such as sterile cotton wool and all that I DIDN’T do - read the list on which I collected the first aid kit - I’ll indicate the prices! And I will try to leave comments on the drugs.

    I hope this list helps you. Health to you and your children:)

    Here is such a suitcase. My grandmother bought this for us for 150 rubles :)

    The number of drugs may deviate from the compiled list. For example, an enema - not 3 pcs. but only 2 and then, I think - where, but I bought it!

    I also didn’t buy potassium permanganate, I think those days are gone, but if you suddenly need it, we have pharmacies around the city in every entrance!

    Herbs - why and how to use them, read in the list below! Ciferon and Viburkol are candles and need to be stored in the refrigerator! Be careful, as this item is not cheap and room temperature they are deformed!

    Hygiene products are in a chest close at hand by the changing room :)

    Girls, top wet wipes - DO NOT BUY in white packaging!!! They initially smell like baby feces! The lower ones - in blue packaging - smell even less pleasant. Both cost 85 rubles. in Auchan!

    Instead of cotton pads- I think it’s better for wiping the eyes cotton balls! But I hope experienced mothers will comment on this :)

    That's all the photos. The list below!

    Ingredients of a first aid kit for a newborn:

    · Hydrogen peroxide(3% solution) - for treating the umbilical wound.

    · Sterile cotton buds - for treating the umbilical wound

    · The cotton wool is sterile. To clean the ears and nose, flagella are made from cotton wool. U infants Do not use cotton swabs because they can damage the nasal passages or eardrum.

    · 5% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) . It can be purchased at finished form at the pharmacy. This solution is used to treat umbilical wound (1-2 times a day) or add to the bath when bathing a newborn.

    · Brilliant green solution (“zelenka”) . If there is no potassium permanganate, it can be used to treat umbilical wound.

    · Sterile pipette , with which you will drop 1-2 drops of a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution onto umbilical wound ; potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate solution).

    · Dill seeds, fennel, chamomile - are carminative herbs and help cope with increasedgas formation in the intestines . You can buy ready-made dill water at the pharmacy (prescription department). You can also make dill water for your baby yourself (1 tsp dill seeds per 100 ml of water, brew in a water bath). Ready-made teascolic in newborns(Plantex) is best used in a child older than 1 month. Hipp tea is approved for use from 4 months of age.

    · Enema No. 1(25 ml each). It's better to buy 3 pieces. Make one out of one gas outlet tube(by cutting off the upper arch of the enema, getting a funnel), since real vent pipes inconvenient for use in newborns. 2nd enema - to suck out mucus from the nose (you can use a special aspirator). 3rd enema - used for its true purpose. Before inserting an enema into the anus, it must be boiled and the tip treated with sterile oil;

    · Chamomile, chamomile. These herbs are brewed and added to the bath for bathing newborn They have a wound-healing and bactericidal effect;

    · Thermometers- one is needed to measure water temperature, the other to measure body temperature (preferably electronic, without mercury).

    · Paracetamol in the form of a suspension or rectal suppositories - must be in the first aid kit for a newborn. If your baby's temperature rises above 38°C, you need to give him an antipyretic and call a doctor immediately. It should be remembered that children under 3 years old should not take Analgin and Aspirin. The only remedy that can be used is Paracetamol and preparations containing it.

    · Aspirator for removing mucus from the nose when - This is a small enema with a soft tip. A runny nose is not a harmless symptom for infants. At runny nose the child cannot breathe at all during feeding , often refuses breasts , and sleep during this period is disturbed not only for the child, but also for everyone around him. For this reason, it is important to always have first aid supplies in your first aid kit. runny nose . First, mucus is removed from the nose using an aspirator. Then use vasoconstrictor drops from runny nose , which prevent the formation of edema and the accumulation of mucus.

    · Cold remedy for babies Nazivin 0.01% - the only remedy for runny nose in a special dosage for children under one year old. Nazivin acts for a long time, so it allows the child to sleep peacefully throughout the night and eat normally. In addition, Nazivin helps prevent complications that are common in young children. runny nose , like otitis media or eustacheitis.

    · Baby skin care products : baby cream, cream for irritation and diaper rash (Bepanten), powder. But you should remember: you cannot use both cream and powder at the same time.

    · Powder.

    Products for caring for the umbilical wound of a newborn

    To treat the umbilical wound you will need:

    · 3% hydrogen peroxide (initially choose bottles with a built-in pipette - they are much more convenient to use);

    · cotton pads;

    · cotton buds;

    · traditional brilliant green (or instead of brilliant green, you can use effective, but not skin-staining, bactericidal agents - calendula tincture or eucalyptus tincture);

    · a pipette with a round end (in case you come across an “outdated” bottle of hydrogen peroxide).

    We will devote a separate material to the treatment of the umbilical wound, but here let us remind ourselves: complete healing of the umbilical wound takes about 10-15 days. And if, with proper and regular care of the newborn’s navel, two weeks after his birth, the discharge from the wound has not stopped, you should immediately inform the pediatrician about this.

    Means for eliminating infant colic and gas formation

    · Dill water(you can prepare it yourself from dry or fresh dill, or you can buy a ready-made form at the pharmacy, such as BabyCalm);

    · a gas outlet tube (preferably with a limiter so that you don’t accidentally push it too deep);

    · microenemas like Microlax;

    · medicines for flatulence (for example: Espumisan, Simethicone, Plantex and others);

    · homeopathic suppositories Viburkol;

    · special glycerin suppositories for newborns that stimulate peristalsis (for example, Glycelax);

    · belly warmer (the smallest one);

    · Bifidumbacterin or another drug based on live lactobacilli (however, this drug should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor and only if dysbacteriosis is suspected);

    · Activated carbon in capsules, Polysorb or any other enterosorbent on the advice of your pediatrician - their presence in the first aid kit for a newborn is desirable, since these drugs will help not only with colic and flatulence, but also with the appearance of food allergies or diathesis.

    Non-lyrical digression No. 1: about constipation in infants

    If your baby , and at the same time you are worried that he poops suspiciously little and rarely (once every few days), then in most cases all your fears are in vain. And your baby doesn’t need any help in the form of candles, straws or syrups! On the contrary, praise yourself, you are a wonderful, responsible and reasonable mother who feeds her child an excellent product: it is almost completely digestible without “waste”.

    However, this situation should be considered normal only if the child does not show any signs of painful anxiety and discomfort. In other words: if the baby is fine, but at the same time, relatively speaking, you find nothing in his diaper for the fifth day in a row, there is no reason to sound the alarm. But if the baby does not poop and at the same time behaves restlessly, eats poorly, cries a lot - this is definitely a signal that outside help is needed.

    Very good advice The well-known doctor Komarovsky advises about constipation in infants!

    Non-lyrical digression No. 2: about infant colic

    Interesting fact: medical science, with a huge amount of various studies regarding infant colic, still cannot confidently describe the nature of their occurrence. Moreover, in last years World pediatricians are increasingly inclined to believe that colic in newborns and infants aged 0 to 3 months is physiological norm, accompanying the process of formation and establishment of such a complex system as the gastrointestinal tract.

    From the outside, infant colic looks like this: at first the baby is calm and serene. Then, as if on cue, he begins to cry and scream so that the parent’s heart is one step away from breaking. And suddenly, after a couple of hours, again, as if on cue, the baby returns back to a great mood. It is important to understand that infant colic is not scary, it is not a disease, and it is a process that most often begins and ends on its own.

    The venerable Doctor Komarovsky, already mentioned by us, advises in the event of infant colic... to have courage and be patient, limiting your intervention to only a gentle massage of the abdomen (with your fingers, lightly move the baby’s tummy clockwise). However, if you, a tender and affectionate parent, cannot bear the pain of an infant, give your baby some medicine (Espumizan, dill water, etc.), which will most likely ease the pain somewhat and shorten the duration of the colic.

    Fine infant colic should stop “bothering” babies (directly) and their parents (indirectly) by the time the child reaches 3 months of age.

    Remedies for allergy attacks

    Allergy attacks experienced by children under 2 years of age, including newborns and infants, in most cases represent the body’s reaction to one or another food product, which enters the baby’s body with mother’s milk or as part of a mixture.

    Alas, trying to identify an allergen using allergy tests in children under 3 years of age is an almost useless exercise. At the same time, any doctor will confirm to you that the most reliable remedy for allergies is the fastest “separation” of the body and the allergen. In the case of small children - newborns and infants up to one year old - this means: stop feeding (not forever! but only for a few hours) and give an antihistamine strictly in the dosage for newborns and infants.

    With newborns (the scientific standard refers to only children from the moment of birth to 28 days) the situation is the most difficult; they cannot be given antiallergic drugs orally. To eliminate redness and rashes, you can use soft gels and ointments ( for example, Fenistil gel), which are best spread not directly onto the skin, but on top of a thin layer of baby cream.

    Starting from 1 month you can use antihistamines in the form of drops or powder (crushed tablets). Your pediatrician will tell you what kind of medications they will be, since when selecting them, they are strictly taken into account. individual characteristics every baby.

    Remedies for fever and colds

    Many pediatricians are of the opinion that in the first months of life, a child’s elevated temperature is a kind of norm and should not be brought down. However, here it is necessary to clarify what exactly the temperature is and to what extent the taboo on the use of antipyretic drugs extends.

    Most doctors advise: you should not lower the temperature of a newborn and an infant up to one year old, if it does not exceed 38.5 degrees. The fact is that temperature is not so much a symptom of the disease as an indicator defensive reaction body. At elevated temperature many viruses and bacteria die. Accordingly, by knocking it down, you interfere with the natural process of the baby’s body fighting infection.

    The exception is infants who have experienced symptoms of seizures at elevated temperatures. Such babies should lower their temperature as soon as the first cramp appears, after which the most reasonable step is to immediately call a doctor.

    What is useful to have in a first aid kit for a newborn or infant against fever and colds:

    · thermometer for measuring body temperature: there are special, safe thermometers for infants (for example, a nipple thermometer or a strip thermometer that can be glued to the baby’s skin);

    · antipyretic agent in the form of rectal suppositories (for example Viferon, Viburkol, Tsefekon D or similar);

    · means to relieve nasal congestion (drops like Aquamiris; Nazol Baby, Nazivin, Otrivin, Marimer and others, but always in a format for newborns or babies up to one year);

    Means for daily care behind the face and body

    For daily care of the face and body of a newborn or baby, you should purchase:

    · cotton pads;

    · wet wipes for baby skin;

    · cotton swabs with a limiter (for cleaning ears and nose);

    · nasal drops such as Marimer, Humer Monodose and others; as well as a special “pear” for cleansing the nose;

    · antibacterial eye drops like Tobrex for newborns (for the prevention and treatment of conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the eye);

    · powder (to prevent diaper rash);

    · ointments such as Desitin, Bepanten or Purelan (for treating medium and severe diaper rash or scratches on the skin);

    · herbal collections for bathing the baby (usually such collections include string and chamomile, but it is best to call a pediatrician for help and choose your own individual set herbs that will have a beneficial effect on your child’s skin and will not cause an allergic reaction);

    · water thermometer;

    · foam for bathing (which experts recommend using no more than 1-2 times a week, so as not to once again disturb the lipid protective layer of the baby’s skin);

    · nail scissors for cutting the baby’s sharp nails, which grow very intensively in the first months of his life (by the way, many experienced visiting nurses They advise using not special scissors - blunt and with rounded ends - but the most ordinary ones, explaining this choice by banal convenience: they say, the so-called “safe” baby scissors are so safe that in principle it is difficult to cut anything with them).

    My child and I love different experiments and use a lot of store-bought tools and improvised means for creativity. One day, on Instagram, I came across Learning Resources sets. I was inspired by their set with pipettes and cones, but the price quickly brought them down to earth.

    Full of enthusiasm, I decided to look for an alternative and make my own set for experimentation. One of the alternative finds was these pipettes. The price is just ridiculous - 25 rubles.

    I took two to try. They took an indecently long time to get to me, but at this price I don’t mind waiting.

    The pipettes are large and pick up liquid well. They don't smell like rubber or anything else. The size of the pipette is impressive.

    The transparent part is plastic (NOT glass), and the colored part is like rubber. The seller writes about the characteristics of the material like this:

    Phthalates Free,PVC Free,Nitrosamine Free,BPA Free,Latex Free

    The pipettes are graduated in increments of 1 ml. Maximum value 5 ml.

    We played with them in the bath and mixed multi-colored water tinted with watercolors.

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