A kidney stone passed during pregnancy. Treatment requires a special approach. Prevention of stone formation in pregnant women

  • Causes of kidney stones
  • Symptoms of stone formation
  • Treatment of the disease

Diagnosis urolithiasis most often occurs on recent months pregnancy. This is due to the fact that a woman’s urine contains an increased content of calcium, which is absorbed by the kidneys. But due to its large amount, the kidneys cannot cope. As a rule, kidney stones form during pregnancy if there was a presence of hidden form urolithiasis.

Causes of kidney stones

The main reason why sand and then stones form is a disruption in the process of urine outflow from the kidneys. Such disorders are characteristic of the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy. The fetus grows to such a size that it puts pressure on the ureters and kidneys, causing stagnation of urine. Long retention of urine in the body is also a good environment for the development of pathogens. An increase in their number leads to pyelonephritis in pregnant women.

Another reason that contributes to the development of urolithiasis is increased concentration urine. Most often it occurs due to severe swelling caused by pathological kidney disorders. Edema forces a pregnant woman to reduce the amount of consumption daily norm water, which leads to a decrease in urine volume, but an increase in its concentration.

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Symptoms of stone formation

Every expectant mother should know about the symptoms that occur with urolithiasis. Timely detection and treatment of the disease will allow you to feel good throughout your pregnancy.

Characteristic symptoms of urolithiasis in pregnant women are pain in the kidneys. Initially, the pain is localized in the lumbar region and gradually moves to the ureters, radiating to the groin.

Kidney stones during pregnancy can cause difficulty and painful urination, if their spontaneous movement occurs. During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal levels change significantly, under the influence of which her muscles relax abdominal cavity, ureters and pelvis, which provokes the movement of stones and sand.

During this period, urine may be colored pink color, due to the blood content in it. Blood occurs in urine due to the fact that a moving stone (sand) injures the kidney or urinary canals.

If the above symptoms appear, a pregnant woman should definitely consult a doctor, since the progression of the stone formation process leads to increased pain, renal colic and fever. There is also a threat to the baby:

  • miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • infection of the placenta.

Lower back pain can cause the development of other serious diseases that can harm the baby.

Urolithiasis is called a disease of civilization, and every year it occurs more and more often. This fact is explained by the conditions modern life, especially physical inactivity leading to impairment phosphorus-calcium metabolism, and foods high in purines (various processed meat products), which precipitate uric acid salts ( urates). Nowadays, kidney stones during pregnancy are quite common; they can occur before pregnancy or occur during it. Urolithiasis itself does not harm the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy if it is not complicated by infection. More often the problem becomes severe colic with fever that leads to miscarriage.

Urolithiasis during pregnancy is characterized by more frequent attacks of colic and the appearance of blood in the urine due to the spontaneous passage of stones or sand. Under the influence of hormones, all organs of the abdominal cavity expand and relax, including the renal pelvis and ureters, which causes the movement of stones with urine flow. Therefore, the stones pass on their own until 30-34 weeks of pregnancy, until the uterus is too enlarged in size. Since stagnation of urine increases, pregnant women with urolithiasis already in the first trimester.

Pain due to kidney stones in pregnant women is sharply expressed at the moment, they are strong, cramping - in the lumbar region and then move along the ureter, radiating to the thigh, groin, and genitals. Urine is excreted with difficulty, with pain and frequent urges for urination. The temperature may rise, chills, nausea, vomiting, and flatulence may appear. Severe colic, infection, or kidney dysfunction may cause termination of pregnancy ( spontaneous abortion), therefore, when the disease worsens, a pregnant woman is hospitalized.

Exacerbation of urolithiasis in women during pregnancy is prevented with the help of diet. For urate stones ( uric acid diathesis) consumption is limited meat broth, fried meat products, the amount of vegetable and dairy foods increases. At phosphoric acid diathesis reduce the consumption of calcium salts, that is, exclude eggs, dairy products, green vegetables, legumes, potatoes, and add meat, cereals, and fruits. At oxalic acid diathesis food should not precipitate oxalates, so sorrel, lettuce, tomatoes, legumes, nuts, eggs, cocoa, and milk are excluded. The diet is adjusted as prescribed by the doctor.

Drug therapy is required to eliminate pain during an attack, for which injections of papaverine, no-shpa, baralgin or platyphylline are used, and in severe cases - narcotic analgesics. If the effect is insufficient, a novocaine blockade of the round ligaments of the uterus is performed and urine is drained with a catheter. Antibiotics for urolithiasis in pregnant women are used strictly according to indications (pyelonephritis), when there is a risk of developing severe complications. Sometimes in severe cases it is necessary to remove a stone, ureter or even a kidney. If the period is long, then they do it first C-section, and then the kidney is removed. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to remove stones before pregnancy.

Kidney stones during pregnancy are one of the options for exacerbation chronic diseases kidney Kidney stones are a serious problem and a threat to both the fetus and the expectant mother.

Cause of ICD

Today, there are a large number of reasons for the development of pathology during pregnancy. According to doctors, the main thing during pregnancy is a change in the amount of hormones in a woman’s body.

Pregnancy is a process that is accompanied by various kinds changes physical condition female body. So, for example, to save the life of a child, expectant mother V large quantities the hormone progesterone is produced. It leads to a decrease in the activity of the urinary system and a number of organs.

As a result, during pregnancy, a woman faces difficulty urinating and urine retention. This leads to the development inflammatory processes and to the appearance of a number of infections and can cause the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys in pregnant women.

However, doctors are confident that many representatives of the fairer sex have urolithiasis even before pregnancy, but the disease is in “dormant mode.” The first pain usually appears in the third trimester. At this time, the uterus puts a lot of pressure on internal organs located in the pelvis. Pressure causes the location of kidney stones to change. Often, stones even move into the bladder or ureter.

In addition, by reducing the consumption of purified liquid, the risk of stone formation increases and the salt content in the urine increases.

Kidney stones in a pregnant woman often occur due to hereditary and genetic predisposition.

Also, the main reasons for the development of kidney stones include increased level calcium content in a woman’s body, abnormalities in the development of the urinary system and chronic pyelonephritis.

It should be noted that important role plays a role in diet during and before pregnancy. Consumption of large quantities of certain foods leads to the formation of kidney stones.

Black stones often lead to kidney stones strong teas, beans, fatty meats, nuts, chocolate and spinach.

It only takes two to three months for a stone to form during pregnancy. The formation time depends on the amount of protein and salts entering the kidneys.

Kidney problems during pregnancy occur due to stagnation of urine, the development of inflammatory processes in the urinary tract and the abuse of a number of foods.


Kidney stones during pregnancy are a serious deviation from the norm. They indicate that the pregnant woman did not seek help for the primary manifestations of the disease. However, this may also indicate the negligence of the supervising doctor, because the pregnant woman regularly submits urine and blood tests.

If a kidney problem is diagnosed early, the chances of favorable development situations. This applies to diseases of the urinary system, especially urolithiasis. With ICD, pregnancy can end very tragically: development infectious disease in the placenta, the occurrence of purulent processes, the appearance of premature labor activity and even miscarriage.

During pregnancy accompanied by kidney stones, the following symptoms may appear:

Nagging pain in the lumbar region. Many pregnant women believe that these pains are normal and characteristic of their position. However, pain syndrome occurs periodically and becomes more pronounced each time. Such attacks can even lead to untimely labor. Therefore, it is recommended to seek help from a gynecologist or urologist as soon as possible.

Severe cutting pain when going to the toilet. The urge occurs very often, but the amount of urine is minimal. The situation is very similar to a disease such as cystitis. During the immediate process, severe pain appears.

Stagnation of urine. This sign may indicate blockage of the urinary tract. A pregnant woman has virtually no opportunity to empty her bladder. As a result, the kidneys may increase in size. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, you can develop uremia, which often leads to death.

The cramping pain lasts for several days and is localized in most cases in the groin and lower back. main reason- blockage of the ureter with a stone. Frequent spasms lead to contractions of the uterus. As a result, labor begins.

Fever. In this case, the pregnant woman clearly began an inflammatory process. It is possible that pyelonephritis is developing.

Blood red coloration of urine. Blood masses in the urine indicate that the kidney stone has begun to move and is trying to come out on its own.

Pregnancy may dull certain symptoms. Much depends on the physical condition of the expectant mother. You cannot tolerate and remain silent about changes in the body; you must tell everything to your doctor in a timely manner.

How to treat

Many pregnant women do not know what to do when primary signs urolithiasis. And you need to start with the simplest thing - by taking tests and undergoing a comprehensive examination.

It should be understood that the examination will give results only if an ultrasound is performed, color tests are made and thermal imaging is carried out.

In a number of individual cases, doctors say that it may be necessary to insert a catheter into the ureteral cavity.

After everything has been done necessary examinations, the doctor will decide on the most suitable option therapy for kidney stones. If the disease does not cause discomfort to the pregnant woman, the doctor will simply monitor her.

For regularly recurring pain attacks, painkillers are prescribed.

If the pathology takes a more serious form, the doctor will prescribe blockers. In the case of renal failure and purulent formations, specialists resort to surgical intervention.

To date modern medicine uses techniques that do not affect the development of the fetus at all.

If pain occurs, you should act according to the recommendation of your doctor; you can take the painkiller that he prescribed for these cases. If they start, you need to call an ambulance.

Herbal medicine and treatment with folk remedies are very widespread today.

During pregnancy, a woman must understand that she is responsible not only for her own health, but also for the health of the baby. Kidney stones during pregnancy can only be treated under medical supervision to avoid serious consequences.

During pregnancy female systems The body endures a huge load, which provokes exacerbation of chronic processes. Kidney stones during pregnancy are one such manifestation that carries serious threat health of the expectant mother and baby. To avoid this problem, a woman should carefully examine the organs of the urinary system before conceiving.

ICD poses a great threat to the health of the baby and mother.

Causes of kidney stones during pregnancy

Kidney stones during pregnancy in most cases appear due to several factors. The reasons for the appearance of stones during pregnancy are internal and external. The main factor in the progression of urolithiasis is a disrupted water-salt metabolic process. Also, the reasons for the formation of stones while expecting a baby include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • dietary habits (excessive consumption of meat products can provoke urolithiasis);
  • hormonal pathologies;
  • inflammatory lesions;
  • asymptomatic bacteriuria;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • chronic kidney diseases;
  • gout;
  • abnormalities in the nervous system;
  • disruptions in the urinary system;
  • failure to maintain drinking balance;
  • dehydration of the body.

Also, in women in the last stages of pregnancy, provoking factors in the formation of stones are a sedentary lifestyle and various failures metabolic processes associated with unstable hormonal levels. The expectant mother is at risk from rapid exacerbations of pathology that does not manifest itself chronic form pathology does not threaten the health of mother and child.

Exacerbation of urolithiasis during pregnancy is explained hormonal changes body.

Urolithiasis and pregnancy often occur in parallel. There are many cases of exacerbation of urolithiasis, which are accompanied by attacks renal colic precisely while waiting for the baby. This is all explained by hormonal changes in the female body against the background of interesting situation women. During this period, the hormone progesterone is produced in large quantities and is considered essential for the expectant mother. The layers of the urinary system organs include large quantities progesterone receptors. Under the influence of the hormone, the ducts of the urinary system become wider and weaker, which facilitates the movement of stones. Also, the increased size of the uterus contributes to the disruption of the outflow of urinary fluid due to compression of the ureters.

Symptoms and features of the course

Pregnant women generally experience sharp pain of a paroxysmal nature with urolithiasis in the period from the 12th to the 16th week or several weeks before childbirth. This is explained by the special work of the kidney organs and the fact that urinary tract experience maximum stress during these periods of waiting for the baby. Also, urolithiasis is detected in connection with exacerbation renal inflammation(pyelonephritis). The symptoms of ICD are extensive and manifest themselves in:

Women experience sharp attacks of pain during pregnancy between 12 and 16 weeks.
  • the occurrence of sharp pain in the lumbar area;
  • increased pain during walking, changing body positions and physical activity;
  • increased body temperature;
  • feeling of trembling;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • difficulty urinating (with large stones);
  • pain discomfort in groin area, perineum and lower abdomen;
  • hematuria (blood spots in urine).

An attack of renal colic is the main symptom of ICD, accompanied by sudden and very acute painful sensations. This occurs during periods of stone movement in the body, when they block the normal outflow of urine. Characterized by short periods of relief and relapses. The attack ends when the stone comes out or when its position in the body changes.

How dangerous is it and is it possible to give birth with stones?

The chronic asymptomatic form of urolithiasis does not pose a danger to a pregnant woman or unborn baby. However, complications in the form of renal colic or inflammatory processes can provoke miscarriage or labor. During an attack, the smooth muscle cells of the urinary ducts begin to contract. As a result, hypertonicity occurs in the uterus, contractions begin, and this can lead to placental abruption, labor, or miscarriage. Stones in bladder during pregnancy can cause a cesarean section due to possible interference with normal delivery.

The presence of kidney stones is dangerous due to the provoking effect of inflammatory processes (pyelonephritis). When infected with pyelonephritis infectious process may spread to the fetus. Therapy this complication should be carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician, and he, in turn, must take into account all the features of pregnancy. Urolithiasis in pregnant women can be treated different methods depending on the severity of the disease. The main therapy is aimed at relieving pain syndromes, dissolving and removing stones and stopping inflammatory processes (if any).

To solve these issues, the doctor prescribes antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory drugs used while waiting for the baby. It should be remembered that many drugs cannot be used during pregnancy; you should not self-medicate, as this can not only aggravate the situation, but also cause irreversible consequences. Also, along with therapy that alleviates general state women, adjustments are being made drinking regime . The specialist calculates daily dose

taking drinking purified water for each patient separately. This is done to increase the production of urine and change the acidic reaction to an alkaline one. In severe cases of urolithiasis, when gentle medications do not help relieve pain, they resort to narcotic analgesics. If the pain does not decrease, a blockade of novocaine is prescribed in the uterine ligaments and, at the same time, urine is drained using a catheter.