Pleasant topics for conversation. Interesting topics for conversation with your interlocutor. topics for communication

Topics for conversation with a girl for 5+

Topics for conversation with a girl are very diverse and there are a lot of them... Everything comes with experience, you can talk with girls on any topic, but at the same time not chatter, as her friend could otherwise send her to the DOD or put a tick next to your last name - nice guy, but this is not included into the pickup artist's plans! What to talk about with a girl or with a woman, it makes no difference, the main thing is that it is as natural and spontaneous as possible.

A whole list


Do you often go to the movies?
- What films do you like most?
- What genre? For example, I like ...... (comedies) (then talk about the genre that suits her
like. Find out which films)
- Do you go alone or with friends more often?
-Have you ever gone to a night session? What about non-stop night time? (this is when you pay once, and
watch 3-4 movies all night)
- Have you ever noticed that when you go outside after a session, at first the people around you
you perceive the world differently depending on the film. Have you ever had this happen? (If it was
then ask after which movie and how?)
-Have you ever had a strong feeling after watching a movie? Which?

If you run out of topics to communicate with a girl- then this is already something serious, or it’s nerves and you need to understand that girls are the same creatures and even more insidious, or you just don’t have contact - she’s just cutting off any opportunity you have to hook her. And in the latter case, it may also be her fault, she is simply insane or inadequate for you, but she may be quite adequate for another guy, in this case it is better to just remain friends or environmentally friendly leave.

Many of the topics here are not suitable for many girls, so choose to your taste and just have fun)

ATTENTION: when talking to a girl, don’t talk about too primitive things; some particularly smart guys want to see the intellectual abilities of a young guy. Yes, and some wetheads also read these posts and shoot).

Cafes, bars, discos

Do you often go to discos? where was the last time and why?
- Do you know why some girls go to cafes with their friends so often?
- Do you like sweets?...For pleasure or to the detriment of your diet? :)
- Have you tried to cook anything yourself from what you tried in the cafe?
- You know, very often girls sit in cafes and get bored. Sometimes it lasts more than one hour. What are they waiting for?
-Have you ever dynamized a guy? Well, just be honest;) (regardless of the answer “What a great guy you are!”
:)") Tell..

There are many questions here, but if you constantly ask them, she will feel like she is being interrogated. Of course, they can also be used to create a kind of frame, but unfortunately this is not the frame of a leader. Questions need to be asked, so you can direct conversation with a girl in the direction you need, but you shouldn’t overplay:

Parks, street, recreation areas

Do you like to walk?
- What is your favorite weather? And why?
-Where do you like to walk most?
-Have you ever walked in the rain?
- Do you often just hang out with your friends?
-Have you ever walked around the city all night?
- How long have you been to the zoo?
- Which place do you remember most? Why?
- Do you like to swim? Do you swim often? Where?

By the way, a girl and a guy can also talk about these topics and they are no less interested in it than men.


Do you fall in love often?
- You are romantic? And what is most?
- How do you feel about the fact that some people say that relationships can be bought with money?
-Have you ever had a completely overnight date?
- Which one do you think is more intense? Male or female? Why?
- Did you have any competitors? Are they still alive? :)
- What do you like more, giving compliments or receiving them?
- What do you consider worthy of a compliment about yourself? Well, besides the beautiful, intriguing look,

Someone may notice that there are a lot of serious topics for conversation with women, maybe so, that is, you also need to use intuition. If you choose a serious girl, then she will willingly talk to you not only about these topics, but if your woman is too frivolous, then the man will use tricks and games that are rarely associated with seriousness.

Common topics

Are you afraid of thunderstorms? What are you most afraid of?
- Do you have any collection? Well, fish, for example, or someone else? :)
- Do you have pets? The name of? Are you feeding? :)
-Have you been somewhere at sea? What did you feel, what did you like most?
- What music do you like most? Do you listen often?
- What was the brightest moment in your life?
- Can you cook? And what works best?
- Do you know how to play something? (how long ago? what do you like most?) Do you like to listen?
- Do you like to sunbathe? Topless? ;)
- Do you remember your first love? In kindergarten or in primary school? / think, is it possible to ask this? the answer is, of course not!
- Do you have Brother or sister? Would you like to? (To be alone)
- What is your favourite season of year? What do you like most about it?

  • What to talk about with a guy?
  • 7 Tips to Improve Your Communication Skills

Life constantly confronts us with new people and the need to searchtopics for conversation,be it while away the time with fellow travelers on the train or on a first date. But what if you don't have public speaking talent? How to start a conversation if there is a ringing emptiness in your head, and the only desire in your heart is to fall through the ground from awkwardness?

It’s enviable to look at those who can easily talk with a saleswoman in a store or a neighbor on a trolleybus. Such people always have a lot of acquaintances, they don’t need to be tormented by the question: what to do if you're bored ? They will always find entertainment in the form of a pleasant conversation, they are welcome to be seen at parties and events. This is such an innate talent - modest silent people think sadly. But learning to communicate spontaneously is not that difficult, and today we will tell you how it’s done.

Interesting topics for conversation

There are a number of topics that are relevant always and everywhere because they unite people. We live under the same sky, so we can talk to the first person we meet about the weather. We all work somewhere and are passionate about something, so talking about our favorite pastime is interesting to everyone. We were once children, fell in love, watched movies... Any phenomenon in our life can be used as the basis for a lively conversation.

The most top topics for conversation This:

The topics described above are not a “panacea” and will not necessarily make a new acquaintance want to continue the conversation. There are people who are allergic to sports or those who consider the issue of finances to be purely personal. But by asking several leading questions at random on each topic, you can find the one that is closest to your interlocutor. And you can usually tell from a person what is interesting to him and what is not so interesting.

What to talk about with a guy?

This and the next section deal mainly with the beginning of a romantic relationship, because a conversation between two old acquaintances begins on its own. But for a guy, in order not to fail out of shame on his first date with a girl, it is important to be able to find an interesting topic for dialogue. Of course, a lady must show her best side, be able to listen, maintain a conversation, and not ask unnecessary or stupid questions.

What can you talk about with a guy?so that you can have a good time, show yourself in the right light, and get to know him better as a person? Alternate the general topics above (cinema, travel, world news) with personal ones in which your young man can open up. Having found out how good his relationship is with his relatives, you can understand how a hypothetical spouse will build relationships in his family. Work and hobbies clearly demonstrate a person’s personal qualities. You can also ask what kind of girls he likes, how he sees his future relationships.

Many girls (and guys too) ask about their exes to draw a parallel. The logic is simple: what happened in past relationships will be the same in current ones. But this is a bad way. Firstly, people tend to draw conclusions from their mistakes (although not always). Secondly, asking such questions is tactless. And thirdly, this is a good opportunity to turn into a vest, and then into a girl playing the role of a best friend. Why do you need this?

Questions for a guy to ask for a first date

  • Do you love books? Which one are you reading now?
  • Do you go to any events? Concerts, exhibitions, festivals?
  • What kind of music do you like?
  • Do you like to walk in nature?
  • What time of year and weather do you like most?
  • Do you like it in our city? Would you like to live there forever or are you dreaming of moving?
  • How do you see your future?
  • What exotic dishes do you like?
  • Do you have brothers or sisters? Do you see each other often?
  • What was your childhood dream?

Topics for conversation with a girl

The main fear that torments girls is to be interesting only as a sexual object, to be used and abandoned. To reassure your interlocutor and show that, first of all, her personality is important, you need to be tactful.Read, how to compliment a girl , so as not to have the opposite effect.

The more attention you pay to the spiritual and intellectual qualities of your interlocutor, the greater will be her gratitude and sincerity. Saying with a sly wink, “you probably ate a lot of cabbage as a child,” the guy is already dotting the i’s: “I’m only interested in your body and its parameters.”

What can you talk about with a girl?so that she feels in her interlocutor both an interesting man and a delicate friend? Many questions have already been raised above, including the previous section. Conversations about books and music are essentially universal. They can be asked to representatives of both sexes, so we will not duplicate them. But there are also questions that well reveal the girl’s character.

Questions to ask a girl on the first date

  • What do you do in the evenings?
  • How are you spending the holidays?
  • Are you interested in charity?
  • Do you love shopping? Do you often go shopping?
  • What should your man be like?
  • How do you feel about feminists?
  • Do you have many girlfriends? What do you do when you see each other?
  • Do you like night clubs?

For a woman, conversation is one of the most important factors in interaction with a man. Sociologists conducted an interesting experiment. A group of women went to a male striptease session. During the incendiary action, indicators responsible for emotional arousal were measured: pulse, breathing, blood pressure, brain activity. All the ladies tested admitted that they perceived what they saw only as an object of art, a beautiful dance. The same cool reaction was recorded by the instruments.

But when the guys got dressed and started talking, all the test subjects’ indicators jumped up. The women were clearly more excited by the conversation than by the sight of a naked male body. It turns out that girls really love with their ears!

Dangerous topics: how not to ruin the conversation?

There are topics that are best not touched upon or raised with caution.

For example, religious and political views - A good reason fight. There are many parties and religions in the world, and the ideologies of many of them are diametrically opposed to each other.

Health is an intimate topic. Diseases can be “indecent”; it is not customary to talk about them in society. For example, hemorrhoids or cystitis. Therefore, asking direct questions about health is the same as playing minesweeper. The chance of touching a person's nerve is very high. And talking about your illnesses and complaining is also bad form.

Do not ask tactless questions regarding family and personal life. If a thirty-year-old woman says that she has no children, then you should not ask: “Why?” And if you try to find out the girl’s age - God forbid you!

There are unwritten rules of communication etiquette . Knowing them makes the communication process easier, more interesting and even, strange as it may sound, safer. Tips on how to improve your communication skills will also be helpful.

Tip 1. Fill yourself with new information , knowledge, impressions. Only a fulfilled person can talk about something interesting: he reads books, travels, observes people and events. And what can a poor fellow, who has never been anywhere and is not interested in anything, tell?

- I went to work. I had dinner. Here I come. Sitting. Look at you…

Tip 2. Don’t teach others about life . It's nice to seem smart, but if you're not an expert in the field, then why give unsolicited advice?

Tip 3. Don’t “yak” and do not demonstrate your superiority to others. There are characters who have achieved little more than nothing in life, and after every word they beat themselves in the chest: “Here I am!” And they look at everyone as if they are defective, and they only hear themselves, and they are not interested in anyone else. Don't be like that.

Tip 4. Don’t turn the conversation into an interrogation. . All of the above questions should not sound as if the interlocutor is at an appointment with a psychologist. It is better to “wrap” them in context, like in a wrapper. You don’t even have to frame them as questions, but instead voice some interesting fact on the topic and see if your interlocutor picks up the thread. For example, instead of asking a direct question about shopping, neutrally remark: “Dressing beautifully is probably not easy. You need to constantly go shopping, look for promotions and discounts...”

Tip 5. Don’t be a one-man show . We have been told for a long time and persistently that a good interlocutor is considered to be one who knows how to listen competently. But there are still a lot of people around who need a second person only as “free ears.” This role is not pleasant for anyone, so it is better not to forget to take long pauses in the monologue.

Tip 6. Don't use negative labels . It may turn out that in front of you is just the bearer of such a “label”.

- Oh, these lawyers are such charlatans!

- By the way, I am a lawyer, and you are wrong!

- Well, everyone except you...

Tip 7. Say nice things to the person about him, praise him. Everyone loves to be praised. The main thing is not to cross the line of rude flattery and notice only the features that really aroused your respect or admiration.

Being able to carry on a conversation is a useful quality. It makes life more interesting and enjoyable. From the first date, when two kindred spirits get to know each other through conversation, a happy marriage can occur in the future. Many important deals are concluded at social parties during “chatter about nothing.” What can I say, most conflict situations can be extinguished by the ability to direct the conversation in a constructive direction.

Life is easier for a person who is open to communication, because he has a hundred friends, and they are much better than a hundred rubles. However, one does not interfere with the other!

Develop your communication skills, offer interesting topics for conversation and you will never experience awkward, prolonged silence!

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Our life is unthinkable without communication. But if at home or among friends you can relax and chaotically express your thoughts, counting on the understanding of loved ones, then you need to behave collectedly with unfamiliar people. It is important to know which issues are worth addressing and which are not. We'll tell you where to look for conversation topics and give you a universal formula for maintaining a casual conversation.

How to find interesting topics to talk about


It is easy to find interesting topics for communication for those who do not stand still, but are constantly engaged in self-development. Reading classical and modern literature, watching films with meaning, traveling, visiting exhibitions or master classes - these are the activities that make us interesting people. Leading an active lifestyle, we won’t notice how deftly we can switch from topic to topic, masterfully countering with knowledge in each area affected.

Talk about your interlocutor

It’s good when that talker is still nearby - the scattering of his phrases does not allow even the slightest pause and defuses the situation. But how to find a topic of conversation with a silent person? How to win him over? Psychologists unanimously suggest talking about your interlocutor. Of course, it’s not worth starting your appeal with the words: “Well, buddy, tell us about yourself!”

You can ask his opinion about what is happening around him or about high-profile events. By sharing their thoughts, people, without noticing it, begin to talk about themselves. Here are some sample questions that can start a dialogue: “Where are you from?”, “Do you like this city?”, “How do you like this medical reform?”

Find common

A situation that brings interlocutors together is a significant reason for conversation. For example, traveling together on a train is always conducive to this. Strangers gathered in one compartment traditionally tell each other where they are coming from and for what purpose. Why do complete opposites sometimes share this information with each other?

It's simple - they have something in common. In this case, the road from point A to point B. Paradoxically, it often happens that people who meet by chance find fascinating topics for conversation and mutual acquaintances, and sometimes even decide to continue their journey together to a certain place, exchanging addresses.

Make a compliment

This is not about fawningly praising external traits or character traits. But if we note some action or deed, expressing our admiration or respect, the mood for a friendly conversation is guaranteed. It might look like this: “How do you manage to hold yourself so well during a speech?” or “How long did you train to achieve these results?”

Tell about yourself

Our hobbies or achievements may also be of interest to someone. By talking about yourself, there is a chance that you will find common ground with your interlocutor, because he, too, may be delighted with the work of the surrealists or turn out to be an avid fisherman.

Remember the eternal

If everything about yourself has already been told, and it is desirable to continue the dialogue, what other topics can you talk about? In this case, it is worth trying to push the boundaries of the rational. There are a lot of so-called eternal questions that people have discussed at all times. These questions may seem strange or awkward at first, but they can spark an interesting conversation:

  • If you were only allowed to take three things to a desert island, what would you take?
  • What era would you like to live in? Why?
  • What does a person's happiness consist of?

Follow the news

Current Events is a complete list of topics to talk about. It’s rare that someone isn’t interested in hearing the latest gossip about a famous show business star or finding out the details of some shocking event. It was not for nothing that the nobles of the last century began the day by reading newspapers - you can captivate your interlocutor with news by asking his opinion about what is happening.

Universal topics for conversation

There are 6 main topics that can be raised regardless of the interlocutor's age, location or culture. In America, these topics are encapsulated in the acronym F.O.R.M. If translated into Russian, this formula will be called – S.P.O.D. Some capital letters in it represent two headings. What is this combination?

S – Family. Most are happy to talk about their roots, origins, the lives of their parents, and their place of birth. It’s rare that someone doesn’t want to brag about the achievements of their family members. If you do not ask direct or tactless questions, you can learn a lot about the interlocutor by having an interesting time with him.

P – Profession. If you need serious topics for conversation, you can talk about the education received, its quality, as well as the type of activity of the interlocutors and their professional experience. In the “P” category, social, community or economic issues may rise.

O – Rest. This block contains the most common topics for conversation with friends with whom we most often spend our leisure time. A sea of ​​memories and even more plans are associated with vacation. Even a stranger is interested in hearing about unforgettable adventures or unusual hobbies. This also includes discussions of books, films, attractions, and the like.

O – Education. Everyone has something to tell about their student years. The sciences being studied, the behavioral characteristics of teachers, the principle of choosing a profession, funny stories are some of the most neutral and safe topics for communicating with unfamiliar people.

D – Money. Prices for medicines, the size of pensions, raising tariffs - these are topics of conversation that can not only unite the first people they meet, but also turn them against a third party. This also includes discussions about discounts, promotions, product quality, etc.

D - Others. In fact, it is cultural gossip that we learn about from the media, the Internet, social networks and other things. Discussions of memes, jokes or scandals are of more interest to young people who lead an active virtual life.

Topics of conversation that are best not brought up

A casual conversation can be killed at the very beginning if you ask a tactless question or raise a slippery topic. What things are better not to talk about?

Policy. Differences in politics can not only spoil a friendly conversation, but also start a war, as history proves. It’s not worth imposing your views, expressing opinions about political figures, naming the names of leaders whom we trust and vice versa - the likelihood of finding support is low.

Religion. Everyone has the right to believe in what they want. Many denominations, churches and religious organizations coexist among us. Proving the truth of a particular faith is a sure road to conflict. It is interreligious disagreements that cause the bloodshed of believers.

Personal life. Tactless questions of a personal nature are explosive. A person who asks questions like “When are you going to get married?”, “Are you planning to have children yet?” is clearly playing with fire. Personal life is everyone’s holy of holies and any intrusion is considered a potential threat.

Diseases. There are people who do not notice how much time they can talk about their condition. A detailed listing of symptoms, an intriguing announcement of the diagnosis, a long story about treatment methods are not very interesting topics for discussion. No matter how deeply the interlocutor listens to our speech, we should remember that he is irritated by conversations about diseases.

Topics for conversation are a powerful foundation for interesting and successful communication. Having caught the right wave of conversation, we can make interesting acquaintances, make friends, and build a successful career. All you need to do is remember which questions can be raised and which are unofficially prohibited.

Before meeting a guy, girls carefully think through their makeup, outfit and accessories, but they don’t keep the topic of the conversation in mind in advance, believing that it will come up by itself. However, this does not always happen, besides, not all meetings are planned, it may happen that you meet suddenly, and you don’t know what you can talk about with the guy.

How to start a conversation with a guy?

If you encounter someone by chance, the main thing is to hook your interlocutor and hold his attention. Use the environment around you to choose the topic of conversation. If you are traveling on a tram, you may complain that you are often late for your route. It is very important to maintain eye contact. If a girl has liked this young man for a long time and has some ideas about him, you can start by asking how he is doing, and then move on to what interests him.

When wondering how to start a conversation with a guy, you can even start by discussing the weather, and then smoothly move on to the latest movies or music. When asking questions, listen more than you speak, and it is not forbidden to insert a couple of compliments and even allow tactile contact. At the first meeting, it is recommended to talk about abstract topics - travel, favorite dishes, and if you have mutual friends and acquaintances, then linger a little on them.

How to find a common topic of conversation?

If you have no thoughts at all, then you can talk a little about yourself - about your hobbies, work or study. You can touch on the time of birth and the zodiac sign, highlighting the inherent character traits that you have. It will be easier to choose interesting topics for conversation if you take a close look at the guy. Often his appearance reveals many passions and interests. Is he wearing a rapper's cap? This means he loves this kind of music, but if he is athletic and has beautiful muscles, then most likely he plays some kind of sport.

Among the interesting topics that you can talk about with a young man are the following:

  1. Groups and communities on social networks. Modern young people actively communicate via the Internet and the guy also has some hobbies and hobbies. Perhaps he is an active blogger, and if you start asking him about it, the topic will develop by itself.
  2. Topics of conversation with a guy include discussing pets. Perhaps he has some exotic animal living with him and he will be happy to tell you about its habits and tricks.
  3. Books. Let someone say that reading today is not fashionable; literary works have been and will continue to evoke criticism and praise from their readers. If a guy doesn't have a penchant for reading, he likes to watch movies, listen to music, etc.
  4. Funny stories from life. Humor can embellish any conversation, but if you start telling humorous stories from life, there will be no end to it.

Neutral topics of conversation

You won’t talk about the weather for a long time as the most neutral topic, but when looking for a new subject of discussion, it is better not to touch on finances and religion, politics and personal problems, as well as your personal life. For those wondering what to talk about with a guy, we can recommend asking him where he has been, what he remembers most and why. Memories from childhood are also not prohibited. Ask him about his plans for life, how he sees his future in 5–10 years.

If you are wondering what else you can talk about with a guy, psychologists advise discussing the latest news, for example, what happened in the city or in the country. The latest innovations in the field of electronics are a good topic, and even if you don’t understand gadgets and all sorts of assistants, the guy has an idea about it and will be happy to express his point of view. This will be great advice for those who don't know how to deal with a guy.

Intelligent topics for conversation

The better a girl understands music, painting, and literature, the easier it is for her to find an intellectual topic for conversation. If a guy grew up in an intelligent family, then he will be happy to discuss the topic of the Renaissance or the work of Bach. However, if you want to know what topics to talk about with a guy, you need to focus on his level, because you can get into a stupid situation trying to discuss “The Forsyte Saga” with a gopnik. Well, if the girl herself comes from a simple working-class family, then in order to match the guy she likes, she will have to sit down at the encyclopedia.

Philosophical talking points

Conversations about the eternal and the meaning of existence are typical for the older generation, but if a guy wants to speak out on this issue, you can briefly outline your point of view, preferring to remain a good listener. Philosophical topics for conversation with a guy are still not the best solution, because he can easily take you for a crazy person. Under no circumstances should you prove or impose anything, otherwise the young man will run all over you the next time you meet.

Do you want to be an interesting conversationalist? What to talk about with a girl, friends or a stranger? Random questions to help you have an interesting conversation with anyone. Interesting topics for a passionate conversation.

Running out of topics to talk about? They say that silence is golden. But this is the only gold that girls don't like. Sometimes we don’t know what to talk to a person about, and silence is annoying. Here is a list of topics and questions that you can ask your interlocutor. They are great for face-to-face communication, over the phone, and even online. An interesting and exciting conversation is guaranteed. Keep a list of “things to talk about or chat about” so you don’t rack your brains later.

Interesting topics for conversation with your interlocutor

1. How would you spend a million or 100 million dollars?
2. Which country would you like to visit?
3. What's your craziest thing?
4. What is the most interesting, piquant or scary dream you've ever had?
5. Who did you want to be in childhood, youth and now?
6. What is your favorite quote?
7. What ridiculous thoughts came to mind?
8. What makes you happy?
9. When was the last time you laughed or had fun?
10. What is your strangest habit?
11. Who would you never be able to work as?
12. If you won the lottery, what would you buy first?
13. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in life?
14. What animal would you like to be?
15. Favorite color and why?
16. How often do you feel nostalgic for your childhood?
17. What is your biggest regret in life?

18. What does no one know about you?
19. How would you like to become famous?
20. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
21. What is your favorite and least favorite holiday?
22. Do you cry while watching movies and which one brought them to tears?
23. What is your favorite joke or story?
24. What is your first or most vivid memory from childhood?
25. What makes you most proud of yourself?
26. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
27. Who is your favorite and hated celebrity?
28. Who influenced you the most?
29. What is the last thing you did or bought just for yourself?
30. What would you like to learn?
31. What would you like to work with right now?
32. What do you do when you can’t sleep?
33. If you were immortal, what would you do right now?
34. What do you do alone?
35. What foreign language do you dream of learning?
36. What do you hate most about people?
37. In what era or country would you like to live?

38. Have you ever gotten into scrapes, fights or big troubles?
39. What is the most beautiful thing about you and what don’t you love?
40. What is your favorite movie?
41. Most memorable, favorite or last book?
42. Which song best describes you?
43. Do you believe in aliens, god or fate?
44. What skeletons do you have in your closet?
45. What do you like to eat most?
46. ​​What is the biggest fear in life?
47. What worries or angers you most in life?
48. What is the most beautiful and ugliest part of the human body?
49. What are your last words to the world?
50. What is your favorite animal?
51. What prank or action would you do if you didn’t have anything to do with it?
52. Who is your favorite star most like?
53. What color can the sky or sea be besides blue?
54. What is the most ridiculous or funny thing you have ever done in your life?
55. What would you like to leave behind in this world?

What's the best topic for conversation? What was the most interesting conversation you've ever had?

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