Find and excite: hot spots of the male body and ways to influence them. Weak points of men and women

Women are often mistaken that the erogenous zones in men are limited only to the groin area.

We invite you to examine the male body in more detail and determine where their erogenous zones are located.

Erogenous zones are areas of the skin or mucous membrane, when exposed to which sexual arousal and increased erection occur, if we are talking about men.

The main rule of an ideal lover is to give a man what he needs. However, men are often reluctant to share with us secret knowledge about the intricacies of their sexual nature, so you will have to act empirically, checking how your partner reacts to caresses of certain parts of the body. If you are patient, sensitive and attentive enough, over time it will seem to a man that you are reading his thoughts.

Let's move on to practice.

Lips and tongue

Often lovemaking begins with kissing. There are a huge number of nerve endings on the lips and tongue that detect the slightest impact.

Lips are much more sensitive than fingertips and even facial skin, which is considered quite delicate. The reason is a particularly thin cell layer. There are 16 such layers on the face, and 3-5 on the lips.

Humanity has come up with hundreds of types of kisses: from weightless brief hints of touching to passionate French kisses, when tongue movements and even biting are used.

Some movements even have their own names, for example, “mill” - inserting the tongue of one partner into the other’s mouth and rotating the tongue in the partner’s mouth; “exquisite kiss” - inserting the tongue into the partner’s mouth and sliding along his palate; “royal kiss” - sliding the tongue over the teeth and inserting it behind the partner’s cheek; “stinging kiss” - sucking the partner’s lip with a sharp and short insertion of the tongue into the partner’s mouth.

Do not overdo it with the force of impact on this erogenous zone; not everyone likes hickey marks, although there are men who proudly display them as proof of their perfection as a lover.

Neck and back of the head

The back of the head and the back of the neck are the strongest erogenous zone for many men. Perhaps a positive response to affection in this area begins in childhood, when the boy’s head was stroked by his mother.

Besides, the head is too important a part of the body. Allowing her to hug her means to some extent depriving her of visibility and control over what is happening. This can only be done either by a very close person, or if you want to get a dose of adrenaline.

Both scenarios can lead to arousal in different types of men. So pay attention to your partner’s neck and head - stroke it, cup it with your palms, kiss it, or you can also lightly scratch it with your nails.


Palm massage seems simple and not worthy of attention if we are talking about male erogenous zones. But there is one secret place in the palm - between the tubercles under the middle and ring fingers. This is a projection of the groin area on the palm. Innocent stroking and kneading of this area can cause a quite noticeable erection in a man.

The second erogenous zone in the palm is the area of ​​skin between the bases of the index and middle fingers on the back side. If you use your hand to depict a walking man, then the index and middle fingers will become the legs, and the place between them, respectively, will become the groin area. This way, hand massage can turn into sensual play.

As for the hands themselves, try caressing the elbows and armpits. Watch the reaction carefully, there is a risk that your man will become ticklish.


Playing with curls on the chest can be a warm-up before more daring caresses. As for nipples, everything is individual. For some men, touching them brings incredible pleasure. With these, use your entire arsenal of touches.

But we must remember that, unlike women, nipples are not such a powerful erogenous zone for men, and sometimes caresses even cause discomfort.

If your chosen one is one of these, look for another place to apply your passion. For example, try elements of body-body massage - stroke his naked chest with your wide movements.


For men, caressing the belly is a signal that the woman is about to begin the most important thing. In addition to the caresses that come to mind with your palms, chest and stomach, try a spiral massage with the top of your head.

To do this, you need to put the man on his back, straddle him on top, bow his head strongly, place the top of his head on the man’s navel and make circular movements with his head, gradually expanding the circles. We assure you that he has never experienced such sensations before.


Many men admit that foot massage is very exciting for them. It is not for nothing that in eastern countries there is such a tradition as washing the feet of your spouse with water.

Also, do not ignore the area on the back of the knee; it is extremely susceptible to tenderness. Since each man has his own sensitivity threshold, some may find such procedures very ticklish.


Yes, yes, including the back. Often this area is left without due attention, and yet there are several erogenous zones on the back, such as the sacral area and the interscapular space. Massage movements are best done from top to bottom.

Your chosen one will be pleasantly surprised if you diversify your stroking with your hands, for example by touching your chest or running the ends of your hair along your back, or maybe with a gentle feather or sharp claws, and perhaps even crush her with your feet. Fantasize, be unpredictable and you will never be able to bore your partner!

The most important

We deliberately left out the caresses of the penis, perineum and anus. Women usually have some awareness of what to do with these male erogenous zones to create arousal. But you don’t just want sex, but one that will be memorable and unusual for your man.

Secret trick of Thai masseuses

Often men who lived with a local girlfriend in Thailand return and feel that there is something missing when making love with any other woman. It turns out that Thai women place a so-called anchor on a man’s body. If this anchor is not activated during sex, the man feels that the caresses are not complete and pleasant enough. This is how Thai women protect themselves from betrayal.

How to install this anchor? You need to choose two unusual parts of your chosen one’s body. You will pay attention to one zone just before the start of sex, and caress the other after the end of coitus. This must be done for seven sexual acts in a row, so the anchor will be fixed. In the future, it is advisable to keep the anchor up to date.

The areas should be those that are rarely touched in everyday life. If you rub your partner on the shoulder at the beginning of each act, then any friendly pat in the office can lead to unnecessary stimulation.

But if you choose the right secret place, which means “darling, there will be sex soon,” then you can excite your partner in the future by caressing this area. Likewise, instead of the annoying “I have a headache,” you can caress the final zone, and your partner’s romantic intentions will subside on their own.

All human weaknesses can also be a person’s strengths, depending on what angle you look at and depending on what kind of people a given person is dealing with.

Can human frailties or weaknesses be categorized based on gender? I don’t think so, because both men and women are people, and their weaknesses or weaknesses are the same, although different. It is a well-known fact that every person has two bioenergies - Ying and Yang, and numerous scientific studies have long confirmed that both men and women have XY chromosomes.

But universal human weaknesses or weaknesses depend on such factors as: upbringing, social environment, genetic predisposition, character, willpower of each individual. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in our world there are a lot of effeminate men with the habits, character and weaknesses of a typical, in the generally accepted understanding, woman. There are also women who, in their individual personal characteristics, will surpass almost any traditional man. You yourself know very well what weaknesses people have; a detailed list of them is described in the Bible, in the chapter on universal sins.

For some detail, I will name just a few of them:

  • a frantic, unbridled desire for sex, regardless of any principles or morals;
  • unhealthy love of alcohol, resulting in drunkenness, alcoholism;
  • the most terrible, beyond all conceivable limits, craving for gossip, intrigue, talkativeness and verbiage;
  • excessive obsessive fear or phobia of life in any of its manifestations;
  • pathological laziness or workaholism;
  • a special passion for the ineradicable desire to suppress, insult, manipulate, humiliate and assert oneself at the expense of other people;
  • a terrible craving for games, the Internet, acquisitions, “clothing”, as one of the results is shopaholism;
  • constant annoying, persistent and often unconscious desire to be humiliated;
  • excessive boastfulness;
  • nudism, voyeurism, exhibitionism;
  • constant blues and endless whining with or without reason;

But the greatest weakness is to forget that we are all human beings and we are all created by one God and walk under one God.

If we talk about the division of human weaknesses by gender, then they are purely anatomical. We all studied anatomy at school and are very familiar with the features of the human body, so as not to know the anatomical features of a man and a woman.

But all human weaknesses can also be the strengths of an individual, depending on what angle you look at, depending on what circumstances, conditions and depending on what kind of people a given person is dealing with. And the presence of such a concept as a measure would be very appropriate here. As they say, everything is good in moderation. But it can be incredibly difficult to install it and decide where this very measure is.

In man, as in nature, there must be harmony and balance. But if, when faced with certain circumstances, people, events, an individual human soul rushes about, does not find a place for itself, groans, cries, then that very harmony, the balance of an individual person, is disturbed.

An individual will not be able to establish the very measure at which our human weaknesses or weaknesses acquire a completely different qualitative level, they simply become our strength or the strongest aspects of the human personality.

In order to establish harmony, you need a certain kind of strength to stop, think, understand and understand what exactly leads to such mental turmoil and loss of spiritual harmony, which causes such unbearable mental pain. You need to figure it out, no matter how painful it is, tell yourself that it’s time to put an end to it and free yourself from these events, circumstances, people. And once you have freed yourself and left the “past” in the “past,” harmony will appear, mental balance will be established, and a measure will be found, subject to which, human weaknesses will turn into human strength.

I am for harmony and peace of mind, and you? I think you know it yourself. The choice is always yours.

Erogenous zones are areas of the skin or mucous membrane, when exposed to which sexual arousal and increased erection occur, if we are talking about men.

The main rule of an ideal lover is to give a man what he needs. However, men are often reluctant to share with us secret knowledge about the intricacies of their sexual nature, so you will have to act empirically, checking how your partner reacts to caresses of certain parts of the body. If you are patient, sensitive and attentive enough, over time it will seem to a man that you are reading his thoughts.

Let's move on to practice.

Lips and tongue

Often lovemaking begins with kissing. There are a huge number of nerve endings on the lips and tongue that detect the slightest impact.

Lips are much more sensitive than fingertips and even facial skin, which is considered quite delicate. The reason is a particularly thin cell layer. There are 16 such layers on the face, and 3-5 on the lips.

Humanity has come up with hundreds of types of kisses: from weightless brief hints of touching to passionate French kisses, when tongue movements and even biting are used.

Some movements even have their own names, for example, “mill” - inserting the tongue of one partner into the other’s mouth and rotating the tongue in the partner’s mouth; “exquisite kiss” - inserting the tongue into the partner’s mouth and sliding along his palate; “royal kiss” - sliding the tongue over the teeth and inserting it behind the partner’s cheek; “stinging kiss” - sucking the partner’s lip with a sharp and short insertion of the tongue into the partner’s mouth.

Do not overdo it with the force of impact on this erogenous zone; not everyone likes hickey marks, although there are men who proudly display them as proof of their perfection as a lover.

Neck and back of the head

The back of the head and the back of the neck are the strongest erogenous zone for many men. Perhaps a positive response to affection in this area begins in childhood, when the boy’s head was stroked by his mother.

Besides, the head is too important a part of the body. Allowing her to hug her means to some extent depriving her of visibility and control over what is happening. This can only be done either by a very close person, or if you want to get a dose of adrenaline.

Both scenarios can lead to arousal in different types of men. So pay attention to your partner’s neck and head - stroke it, cup it with your palms, kiss it, or you can also lightly scratch it with your nails.


Palm massage seems simple and not worthy of attention if we are talking about male erogenous zones. But there is one secret place in the palm - between the tubercles under the middle and ring fingers. This is a projection of the groin area on the palm. Innocent stroking and kneading of this area can cause a quite noticeable erection in a man.

The second erogenous zone in the palm is the area of ​​skin between the bases of the index and middle fingers on the back side. If you use your hand to depict a walking man, then the index and middle fingers will become the legs, and the place between them, respectively, will become the groin area. This way, hand massage can turn into sensual play.

As for the hands themselves, try caressing the elbows and armpits. Watch the reaction carefully, there is a risk that your man will become ticklish.


Playing with curls on the chest can be a warm-up before more daring caresses. As for nipples, everything is individual. For some men, touching them brings incredible pleasure. With these, use your entire arsenal of touches.

But we must remember that, unlike women, nipples are not such a powerful erogenous zone for men, and sometimes caresses even cause discomfort.

If your chosen one is one of these, look for another place to apply your passion. For example, try elements of body-body massage - stroke his naked chest with your wide movements.


For men, caressing the belly is a signal that the woman is about to begin the most important thing. In addition to the caresses that come to mind with your palms, chest and stomach, try a spiral massage with the top of your head.

To do this, you need to put the man on his back, straddle him on top, bow his head strongly, place the top of his head on the man’s navel and make circular movements with his head, gradually expanding the circles. We assure you that he has never experienced such sensations before.


Many men admit that foot massage is very exciting for them. It is not for nothing that in eastern countries there is such a tradition as washing the feet of your spouse with water.

Also, do not ignore the area on the back of the knee; it is extremely susceptible to tenderness. Since each man has his own sensitivity threshold, some may find such procedures very ticklish.


Yes, yes, including the back. Often this area is left without due attention, and yet there are several erogenous zones on the back, such as the sacral area and the interscapular space. Massage movements are best done from top to bottom.

Your chosen one will be pleasantly surprised if you diversify your stroking with your hands, for example by touching your chest or running the ends of your hair along your back, or maybe with a gentle feather or sharp claws, and perhaps even crush her with your feet. Fantasize, be unpredictable and you will never be able to bore your partner!

The most important

We deliberately left out the caresses of the penis, perineum and anus. Women usually have some awareness of what to do with these male erogenous zones to create arousal. But you don’t just want sex, but one that will be memorable and unusual for your man.

Secret trick of Thai masseuses

Often men who lived with a local girlfriend in Thailand return and feel that there is something missing when making love with any other woman. It turns out that Thai women place a so-called anchor on a man’s body. If this anchor is not activated during sex, the man feels that the caresses are not complete and pleasant enough. This is how Thai women protect themselves from betrayal.

How to install this anchor? You need to choose two unusual parts of your chosen one’s body. You will pay attention to one zone just before the start of sex, and caress the other after the end of coitus. This must be done for seven sexual acts in a row, so the anchor will be fixed. In the future, it is advisable to keep the anchor up to date.

The areas should be those that are rarely touched in everyday life. If you rub your partner on the shoulder at the beginning of each act, then any friendly pat in the office can lead to unnecessary stimulation.

But if you choose the right secret place, which means “darling, there will be sex soon,” then you can excite your partner in the future by caressing this area. Likewise, instead of the annoying “I have a headache,” you can caress the final zone, and your partner’s romantic intentions will subside on their own.

Pain in the human body plays the role of a security alarm, which turns on as soon as danger begins to threaten us. However, the question arises: why does this warning system work differently in different areas of the body?

If, having touched his elbow on the table, your macho man only winces, then, having received a blow below the belt, he immediately bends in half, writhing in pain. The fact is that the genital area is responsible for human reproductive functions, which means that in the table of ranks of the body it is higher than many other parts of the body. That is why a larger number of nerve endings are concentrated in the perineum, which not only signal danger, but literally blow a trumpet.

In addition, pain increases due to the fact that many injuries in the groin area are accompanied by severe swelling. Such measures are explained by the special anatomy of the penis. The main part of this organ is made up of the corpora cavernosa. In their structure, they are similar to a sponge, which increases in size, filling with blood during an erection. In essence, the corpora cavernosa are huge veins that constantly push scarlet liquid through them.

Compared to, for example, a finger, blood circulation there is increased approximately 150 times. That is why genital injuries are accompanied by heavy bleeding. The body tries to stop them on its own: it causes swelling, which compresses the blood vessels, but at the same time makes the pain stronger.

Bruises: Ask him to jump

The most common injuries to the penis are bruises. Serious impacts most often occur during sports activities - cycling, wrestling, playing football. So if your date is a goal-scorer or fist-pumper, make sure he wears a groin-protecting shell.

A closed bruise is the most harmless injury. Depending on the force of the blow, it is accompanied by painful sensations to a greater or lesser extent. If it is a slight bruise, then within 10-15 minutes the pain will begin to subside, and there is nothing to worry about. Every boy knows that he needs to jump or squat on his heels. Oddly enough, this technique works. The fact is that the feet and especially the heels have a reflex connection with the perineum and pelvic area, and if they are massaged or rubbed, an analgesic effect occurs. But keep in mind: squats will only help in case of a slight bruise.

If the blow was strong and resulted in a tear in the tunica albuginea (it maintains the shape of the corpora cavernosa and is covered with mucous membrane and skin), then the pain will become stronger and stronger, no matter how hard the macho tries to jump on his heels. Blood will begin to accumulate under his skin, and moderate swelling will occur. However, this option is far from the worst. If a man is hit by a strong and targeted blow, a fracture of the corpus cavernosum may occur.

Internal bleeding will be profuse, and the penis will become simply enormous in size - within 15 minutes, up to half a liter of blood accumulates under the skin, and it becomes dark blue or even black. As a result of such blood loss, painful or hemorrhagic shock (shock from blood loss) may occur, and any delay in providing medical care will be a direct threat to life. In the case of moderate and severe edema, the procedure for your actions is the same.

No matter how heroic the man is, call an ambulance. And in order to hold out until the doctor arrives, you need to try to stop the bleeding. To do this, firstly, the penis must be pressed tightly to the stomach and secured - with a bandage or towel. Secondly, you need cold. This could be ice, water, or even a pack of dumplings from the freezer. Low temperature stops bleeding and reduces swelling. Ice can be kept for up to two hours in summer, in winter - 45-50 minutes. During this time, you must have time to deliver the victim to a urologist, and not to a surgeon and andrologist.

Naturally, if you apply ice, but do not have time to get to the doctor, then the cold can and should be kept longer, taking breaks of 15-20 minutes every hour to avoid frostbite. And remember: it is useless to treat the bruised area with ointments, but it is worth taking painkillers.

Wounds: apply a tourniquet

Unfortunately, penile injuries are not limited to bruises. There are also wounds that a macho man can receive as a result of an animal bite, injury from a traumatic weapon, etc. In any case, whatever the cause of the misfortune, the symptoms are the same - the presence of a larger or smaller wound surface on the penis or scrotum, severe pain and external bleeding. The latter, like internal ones, threatens hemorrhagic shock.

If medical attention is delayed in the event of a serious injury, the victim risks death. Also, depending on the size and location of the injury, it may lead to amputation of the penis. To prevent this from happening, you will have to learn how to provide first aid.

First, you need to apply a sterile bandage to the organ to prevent infection. Next, to stop the bleeding, the wound should be tied with a tourniquet. This should be done below the injured area, that is, closer to the head. You can wrap the penis with a scarf, a robe belt, or rope. Also, if possible, treat the wound area with hydrogen peroxide.

In order not to interfere with blood flow, in winter the tourniquet should be removed for half a minute every half hour, and in summer - every hour. Remember to the minute and tell the doctors the time the bandage is applied. While waiting for the ambulance, give the man a painkiller, but not analgin (it thins the blood and, accordingly, increases its loss). And don't forget to cool the wound.

Burns: put in the bath

Burns of the penis are an injury that is not as common as bruises or wounds, but still occurs periodically with representatives of the stronger sex. No one can guarantee that boiling water from a mug will never spill directly onto your spouse’s trousers. If this happens, the first thing you should do is call an ambulance. Any burn of the genitals, even the slightest, is an indication for hospitalization. Well, what to do while waiting for a doctor directly depends on the severity of the injury.

For first-degree burns (redness) or second-degree burns (blisters), cool the affected organ. Moreover, this must be done with running water, which does not have time to heat up. To do this, you will have to sit the man in the bathtub under a running tap or water him from a bottle. With third degree burns everything is more complicated. This injury is characterized not by intact blisters, but by burst blisters, which cannot be doused with water. Otherwise, infection may enter the wound.

To prevent this from happening, you need to apply, if not a sterile, at least a clean bandage to the burn and cool the skin through it with ice, a closed bottle of water, etc. Keep in mind: if synthetic clothing is stuck to your body, you should never try to remove it yourself. This procedure requires anesthesia and sterile conditions and is therefore performed in a hospital. If the fabric does not stick to the skin, then the man should be undressed.

Also, for burns, it is prohibited to use ointments and oils. These products form a film that does not allow the skin to cool down. As for the popular foams with dexpanthenol, they are suitable for treating only mild burns - sunburn and first degree. Despite the fact that such drugs contain anti-inflammatory and analgesic components, they do not allow the injured surface to cool, and therefore surgeons have a negative attitude towards them.

In cases of serious, deep third-degree trauma, incurable infertility may develop. But, as a rule, the worst consequence of burns is scars. In the future, they can lead to erectile dysfunction. True, it is eliminated by excision of scars and replanting of healthy skin from the buttocks or thighs.

You didn't seem to say anything special to him, but, nevertheless, he was offended by something? Or did they make a completely fair remark, but he took it with hostility? Do you not understand why he reacts so aggressively if you just said something that doesn’t suit you? It looks like you've hit on your man's weak spot. Yes, representatives of the stronger half of humanity also have them, only they differ from women. It is unlikely that a man will be offended if he is told that he has gray hair, a wrinkle is visible somewhere, or has gained a little weight. However, there are things that are best left unsaid. Which? We'll tell you.

Never make scandals in public. Do not reprimand a man in the presence of family, acquaintances, friends or just strangers. Firstly, you will not get correction from him by making a remark publicly, and secondly, you will humiliate him in the eyes of others, which is unacceptable for men.


He may develop a baby bump or lose hair. If you are not happy with this, calmly say so, but do not tease. Not all situations require you to show off your sense of humor.


Another topic of conversation that could lead to a scandal. He works, but still doesn't have enough money? Believe me, reproaches will not improve his performance. This will only make your life and his life worse. By nature, men have always been breadwinners and protectors of the family, and by reproaching him for his inability to satisfy financial needs, you greatly humiliate him.


No matter how much you would like to completely tie a man to you, you cannot exclude him from communicating with friends. Even if you completely share his passion for racing and going to football matches, you will not replace his male company. Therefore, accept the fact that he will spend several evenings a month outside the home.

Your success

Are you doing better at work than he is? Great, but don't tell him he can't do anything. A man is a protector by nature. Let him feel that you need his help. Support in difficult times.


Yes, not only women are very close to their mothers. She often replaces any adviser for a man. You should not sharply criticize his close communication with his mother or issue ultimatums, otherwise you may not be happy with the choice.


Does he collect coins or like to take photographs, but you don’t find anything interesting in these activities? You shouldn't tell him that he is doing nonsense. Everyone has their own preferences in spending their free time. Respect your loved one's choice.


Firstly, it is better to reserve “bunnies”, “cats”, “kids” for use at home or in the company of loved ones. You should not call him that at work or in front of subordinates. Secondly, choose a nickname so that it does not offend your lover. You shouldn't call him a kolobok if he has minor weight problems.


Only women, from childhood, think through every detail of their wedding day. Having not yet found the groom, they have already determined the style of the dress, the location of the celebration, the number of guests, and the honeymoon. And they are looking forward to all this with great impatience. Men are just the opposite - they are afraid of it like fire. That’s why it’s not even the marriage itself, but even conversations about it that make them want to run away.


If your chosen one is not the most sweet-sounding, you should not reproach him for this throughout the entire relationship. After all, he didn’t choose his last name. After all, if it comes to marriage, you can try to keep your last name.

Knowing taboo topics will help you avoid unnecessary conflicts. It is better to find a reason to praise the faithful - maybe then he will agree with great pleasure to correct his shortcomings. Good luck!

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