What kind of guy are you to me? Compliments to a man. the best compliments to a man and beautiful words to your beloved guy

You gave me hope
That there is still happiness.
I haven't loved like this before
Like you, now and here.
You are my affectionate, good one,
The best of men.
Cute, smart and luxurious,
You are the only one in the world.

I love your hands
Lips, shoulders... and everything.
Even during short separations
I don't need anything
Without you, your gaze.
I only want one thing:
So that you are always near,
The sweetness of my heart.

My most gentle, most patient,
You are my happiness, you are my soul.
You are the best man in the world, my
You filled life completely with joy.

You are the one I've been waiting for for a very long time,
I dedicate all my dreams to you.
I feel so good with you, so calm.
Both reality and my dreams are connected with you.

You are amazing, beautiful and good,
With you I can remain silent about everything,
I love you, darling, very, very much,
I'm used to forgetting troubles with you.

It's cozy and warm with you next to me,
I forget about everything in the world.
When we are together, my soul is light,
Even if the wind is raging outside the window.

With you I'm not afraid of anything,
I am carefully kept in your hands.
Loving you is so simple and easy
My best and dearest man!

Love came when I didn't expect it.
You suddenly appeared in my destiny.
My whole life has become completely different,
Cherished and secret dreams came true.

Let them say “you can’t love for something.”
But I'll tell you why I love you -
For tenderness and reliability, for care,
For your courage and devotion.

I'm ready to dissolve in your love
And feel the tenderness of your lips again.
Lose yourself in a passionate embrace in a sweet dream.
How I want to live my whole life like this!

To you, my beloved man,
I dedicate these lines:
You are unique to me
I miss you now.

I want to snuggle closer to you
And whisper that I love you.
I want to stay with you forever,
I thank fate for everything.

You won't be more dear to me in the world,
You are dearer to me than all the treasures in the world,
You can save me from all problems
And you disturb my soul every day.

You make me believe in miracles,
With you I learned to smile.
You are happiness, lovely, you are my dream,
With you, it’s not scary to stumble in life.

And you, so special, only mine,
My love is given to you forever.
You are my man, my dearest,
You are my strong support and wall.

You are the one with whom I feel calm and safe,
You are a gift that heaven sent me!
It's impossible not to fall in love with you,
With you now I believe in miracles!

I love you, knowing no boundaries in love,
It's hard for me to describe my feelings,
But I became happy, I’m different,
You are the one I could only dream of!

Sometimes it gets so sad
And I want a little affection,
Hug by the neck and cuddle,
To your chest, and like in a fairy tale,
Stay for at least two minutes
Forgetting all bitterness and disputes,
Feel the warmth from everywhere
It warms so gently and gives support.

God sent you to me from heaven,
May I become even happier!
You are just a miracle of miracles,
I've never seen these before:

You are so gallant, kind, passionate,
You are full of tenderness and affection!
Every moment is beautiful with you,
After all, I live like in a good fairy tale!

You are strong and gentle
I'm not afraid with you.
We love endlessly
The other is not important.

Thanks for the wings
I'm flying with you.
In moments of powerlessness
You will support me, I know.

Thank you for the happiness
For being nearby.
You keep warm in bad weather
With just one glance.

I need you
You have become a part of me
Thank you for the sky
Thank you for the happiness.

Everyone knows that men love compliments on their muscularity, but it's a little corny, isn't it? So what compliments can you give a guy to surprise and please him?

Below is a list of the best compliments for a man.

1) You are the best

Let him know that he is the best with phrases like “no one does it as easily as you”, “I couldn’t do it.”

2) Ask his opinion

It will be a compliment for a man if you ask his opinion. Next time you go shopping together, ask him what he thinks about the choice you want to make. You will see that it will give him pleasure.

A little extra tip: Tell your boyfriend he has good taste.

3) You are a great driver!

Most men are confident that they drive better than women. So when you're in the car with him, don't be shy to tell him that you like his driving style and that you feel safe when he's driving.

4) Allow other women to look at him

Don't show jealousy when other women admire your partner. On the contrary, tell him something like: “you are very popular with women,” or “no woman could resist you.”

5) I feel good with you

The best way to let your man know that you feel good, safe and comfortable with him is to simply say it out loud.

6) How athletic you are!

Men love to hear how good their muscles look, especially when it's said at the right moment.

7) You are a professional in your field

Show that you value his professional abilities and show interest in his work.

8) Gratitude for the gift

Don't forget to sincerely thank him when he gives you a gift. The more often you say thank you and the more sincerely you show your joy, the more often he will give you gifts.

9) Anywhere, anytime

Let him know that he is so seductive that everything will be as he wants, “anywhere, anytime.”

10) You look like Brad Pitt

Feel free to compare him to a famous actor/singer/musician to show how sexually attractive he is.

11) What do you think about this?

Show your boyfriend that you need him and appreciate his advice. Ask his opinion on various issues often.

12) I love your sense of humor!

Men love it when women appreciate their sense of humor.

13) Did you do this especially for me? I am so pleased!

If he makes an effort to impress and please you, show him how much it touches you.

14) I'm so proud of you!

This short phrase can work wonders!

15) You know exactly what I love!

If he knows what you like without asking and brings it to you, show him how much you like it.

16) My friends like you

He will be pleased to hear that your friends speak positively about him.

17) You're great in bed

Tell him he's good in bed. He will love it and will try even harder to please you.

18) You are an excellent father / You will be an excellent father

Men are never sufficiently confident that they are doing a good job as a father. If you are planning to start a family or already have children, do not forget to encourage him with such a compliment.

19) I feel good with your friends/your family

He will be happy to know that you like the people who are so important to him.

20) What would I do without you?

One of the most beautiful compliments you can give him is to tell him how much you need him to feel happy.

Now you know what compliments you can give your boyfriend. Start doing them and you will notice pleasant changes in your relationship.

I want to make you
The happiest man on this earth!
I want to enjoy you every minute
And I want to give all of mine:
Tenderness, warmth, care and affection...
I love you!

You are the most wonderful man
Whom I met!
And there is only this reason
Say it without hiding anything!
I love you, but I don't know
How did this happen to me!
Kiss me, hug me...
How sweet, oh my dear!

Every day and every moment I thank fate
For you, for the fact that I look into your eyes,
For the smile of tender lips and a sea of ​​tender words,
For your love.
Wherever you are now, even at the ends of the earth,
My dreams and all my thoughts are about you,
I will give everything in the world, I will go through fear and pain,
Just to be with you.
I will always love you
You are my ocean, my star,
My faithful angel, my destiny,
I love you.

I see a real man in you
You are incomparable and you are the only one
I can find more than one reason for this,
And for your love I will give at least the whole world!

After all, I am calm and carefree with you,
Next to you there is fire in my soul,
So let this happiness last forever,
Hold my hand in your hand!

Fall in love once and for all,
I used to think it was impossible
Well, now I understand - I’m in love,
It’s not difficult to be happy with such a man!

I didn't wait or wonder
When I met you by chance.
I didn’t know that you would become my destiny,
And I will live only for you!
Our destinies are intertwined in one knot,
A shiver ran through my skin like a current.
I didn't think this could happen
That love and hope inspires everything!

There's a precious feeling inside of me
To the best man on earth,
Loving you is a great art
But believe me, I can do it,

And I'm ready to share the sunsets
To meet sunrises and be with you at noon,
Sometimes people are not rich at all
You need to feel your wealth with your soul,

And I want to confess that I'm rich
Rich in the fact that I love you,
Every second this feeling is necessary,
I breathe by you, I live by you alone!

I thank fate for
What are you here in this white world,
You know, I have no one
More expensive, closer in the world as a whole,

You are the best of men!
No one dares to doubt
There are a hundred reasons for our meeting...
And just as much - so as not to meet...

As long as You exist, I NEED to live,
You are kind, honest and... beloved,
And you can’t calm your heart,
When you're just walking by.

Your fate is a complete surprise,
Full of coincidences and miracles,
As before, strive for the best...
I will pray for you.

And so that my world does not fade,
Please, take care of yourself,
You are my favorite person...
I will feel bad without you.

Dear, dear, beloved...
You are the best man in the world!
You are even better than the best.
And I am the happiest.
Tell me that we are a beautiful couple?
The best and happiest.
We can switch “roles”:
I will make you the happiest
and you make me the best.
I love you so much,
that it’s difficult to even say about it,
because there are no suitable words.
Feel my love
with all my best heart.

My darling, you are for me
the best, the nicest, the smartest, the most talented,
the kindest, the most beautiful, the strongest, the most gentle,
the most sensitive, the sexiest!
For me, you are the most beloved, the most dear, the most desired,
the most important person in the world!!! I love you so much!
You and I have been through so much... there were moments when I thought that we
let's part... it's unbearable to even think that this could happen.
You have become the meaning of life for me, I breathe you, you fill my life
happiness and joy! I already said that for me it does not exist
other men, and I will not get tired of telling you that You are the One!
I want to be the only one for you too...
I don’t need this life without you... because my life is YOU!

Even though you are far from an angel,
But still God did not deprive you.
Beautiful body, sensitive soul,
I have generously given you, my dear.
You are unique and magnificent,
In your eyes, like in an abyss, I’m drowning in yours.
Because there are no more like them in the world,
I adore and love you.

If they ask you to describe,
What can I say about you?
Beautiful in body and pure in soul.
Strong, reliable and very familiar.
You can always hear laughter next to you.
You managed to find out what success is.
You are my Apollo, you are my God and savior,
Although I won’t hide it, he’s still a tempter.

You are just the perfect husband
You are a loving father.
For a mother - a wonderful son,
And for his colleagues he is a creator.
Reliable, best friend,
Who will not betray.
You are like a precious treasure.
Priceless as a diamond.

May you not be Apollo in body,
And there’s not a million on the card,
You don’t build villas on the seashore,
I still love you madly.
For tenderness, for your words,
They make my head spin uncontrollably,
Because you are the only one so dear,
With a crystal clear, angelic soul.

That you are the best is a fact, you can’t argue with that.
With your strong will, you will break anyone.
You will charm, conquer with sweet speeches,
Feel free to look into your soul with blue eyes.
You see the goal and go towards it without leaving the path.
Removing all obstacles quickly, without a hitch.
You are moderately cunning and brave, no, you will not let you down.
And therefore, you will take everything from life in full.

You are the best man in the world.
You are modest, cheerful, very sweet.
I will say thank you to God for you,
What gave me such happiness.

Good morning to my beloved Good night to my beloved I miss my beloved Apologies to my beloved Love boyfriend

You are Apollo, no matter what!
The girth of the biceps is immense.
I should sculpt statues of you,
You look very nice!

Your smile awakens a sea of ​​passion in me -
My emotions are boiling like fire.
And I am numb from the misfortune of this power,
Have pity and don’t lure me, my friend!

When you're serious, you're cute too -
There is metal in the eyes, the back is straight, the profile is firm.
No, no one can resist you
You can be happy and proud of this!

You are so brutal and original that all men turn pale and dim in your presence. You are a true macho, but kind and sympathetic, like your own mother! The planet has never given birth to such a versatile young man!

You are so good that the stars go out
When I saw you, I was ashamed!
And I agree with the stars:
After all, you are more beautiful than a star!

You're cooler than Sylvester Stallone
Van Damme, Schwarzenegger, Putin and Hercules,
Seeing your torso on the balcony in the summer,
Chuck Norris cried like a girl!

With just one glance you open a beer
And you deprive the girls around you of their feelings,
You yourself know very well about this,
But I’m not afraid to remind you!

My dear, you are very dangerous for society: you are a carrier of positivity and optimism, you sow fun and laughter everywhere, you can pick up a lot of positive emotions from you, you can easily infect people with your love of life. After all, you are very easy to get sick of.

You are strong and you are calm as a rock,
Your home and business are in order,
You are smart, sensible, just cool,
Hundreds of girls have been waiting for this for years!

Nobody compares to you
Neither superman nor hero:
There's no one willing to fight
With such a mountain of muscles!

You are strong, brave, the best,
Wherever you look, everyone is good,
And, without blinking, there are clouds in the sky
You'll throw up your hands jokingly!

You look like a prince, only, to complete the picture, you lack a white horse, although even without it, any princess is ready to follow you, as soon as she sees a charming and alluring smile.

Brad Pitt smokes nervously when he sees you,
DiCaprio and Johnny Depp are crying...
Why? - Your appearance is painfully impressive!
Compared to yours - everything is clumsy and absurd!

You are responsible, simple,
Smart, sensitive, strong-willed!
Both pleasant and tactful,
Kind, bright, energetic!

You are great, very bright,
And noticeable in a crowd of people,
Please be like this always,
Never change!

You are as brave as a lion, my brave knight. Your keen gaze pierced me like an arrow. In your heroic embrace I tremble like a bird, but this captivity is so sweet, I don’t want liberation.

You are strong, smart. Like a hero
From super comics and books.
It's not scary to be around you,
That's why I want to get even closer to you.

My superman, prince, macho and hero,
Always ready to rush to my aid.
So calmly behind your back,
I dream of staying there longer.

You are a woman's ideal, a dream and a dream,
There is no peace for coquette girls.
Even though I know that he’s the only one in love with me,
But, if anything happens, I will fight back my competitors.

You are confident and strong, like a mighty rock, beautiful and slender, like a southern cypress, gusty and energetic, like the north wind, successful and lucky, like luck itself! And others can only try to be like you!

Alina Ogonyok

A sprig of fragrant lilac for everyone and, of course, hello!

When great love has settled in a girl’s heart, it is difficult to resist the feelings that rush out of her chest. Then the man gets a whole SMS tirade on the topic “You are the best in the world” and something like that. But we are persistent and gladly appreciate pleasant compliments in our direction!

SMS. "You are the best man"

If a woman is confident in her feelings, and has also studied the person of her chosen one well, then it is quite possible to write an SMS with the meaning that he is the best man. Such loud statements are regarded by the powers that be as a kind of self-sacrifice in HIS name. Therefore, dear ladies, you shouldn’t go too far in this regard and everything will be fine.

9 messages with the meaning “You are the best man”:

  • The coolest of men has settled in my heart. For me you have become family, my whole world has changed with you.
  • And my favorite man wins in the Mr. Perfection category! Your prize is terribly missed and looking forward to meeting you!
  • You may not have medals or awards, but you are still the best in the world. I want you all the time, you are sweeter than the most delicious candy.
  • There are such perky lights dancing in your eyes that it’s impossible not to fall in love with them.
  • If you list all your virtues, not even a day will be enough. Always remember that you are the best and I love you.
  • You are all so mysterious, like a fairy tale hero. I didn’t find any flaw in you, security is clearly required from fans!

My heart is forever captured by the best of all men. I have loved you for a long time, you are my sweetest vitamin!

  • With you I’m like plasticine: pliable, submissive and fragile. Hold me tight, my lord, I am faithful to you forever.
  • I have never met a more worthy man. All your actions speak for themselves. You are exactly who I have been waiting for all my life.

Before you send an SMS to your man, remember what was very good between you and choose the most suitable one for your cat, bunny, hippo or whatever it is you have.

Options for ready-made SMS for the best man:

  • For me, you are the best cure for all diseases. After all, you: 1) improve my heartbeat; 2) normalize blood pressure; 2) you lift your spirits.
  • There is no point in hiding anyway: your gaze captivated me for a long time. Now I want to be with you, I can’t forget your eyes.
  • With you I have known happiness, you are the ruler of my heart, you rule over my consciousness.
  • I am happy to know that the best man in the world is next to me. Always remain as you are now.
  • What a blessing it is to know that my soulmate is the best in the world. I want to be one with you forever.
  • You charm and captivate me more every day with your smile, voice and gaze. It’s more fun with you, I don’t need any other happiness.
  • It is difficult to express in words how dear you are to me. I love everything about you: from the top of your head to the tips of your left toes.
  • I charmed, captivated, my whole world was instantly transformed by the best man. There is no cooler person on the planet!
  • Your image never leaves me, you have settled in my heart forever. It's time to pay the rent, honey! Payment with tenderness, love and affection is accepted.

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