Witness bouquet. Bouquet for a friend: a nice addition to the holiday

Before you start thinking about what bride's bouquet to pick up, it is necessary to decide whether this bouquet is needed at all in principle. After all, on the one hand, it is completely optional, and on the other hand, why not please your girlfriend and make the celebration even brighter and more elegant?


The tradition of the witness bouquet has been around for many years. The bridesmaids of the newlyweds wove wreaths at bachelorette parties and made traditional bouquets of fresh flowers. Moreover, this custom exists not only among our people. So you can follow him and order an original and beautiful bouquet for your bride.

You can order three bouquets

In addition, the bridesmaid's bouquet can also be an understudy when throwing the bride's wedding bouquet. Not every bride wants to part with such an important wedding accessory. This is where the bouquet of the witness can come in handy. Just don't forget to warn your friend about it in advance.

And it’s even better to order as many as three bouquets, here you certainly won’t deprive anyone or offend anyone.

Bouquet helps!

Witness's wedding bouquet

Besides bridal bouquet will play a role both during the photo shoot and throughout the wedding day. Often, girls do not feel very comfortable under the lenses of cameras and the views of guests - in cases where you don’t know where to put your hands, it’s the wedding bouquet that will help out great.


It would be quite logical to think about the cost of your floral masterpiece, because two or three bouquets will cost much more than one. Who will pay for the bouquet for the witness? Most often, these costs are included in the wedding budget of the newlyweds, because the bouquet is part of the wedding decoration.

Firstly, it would be somehow ugly to ask a friend to pay for her bouquet, and secondly, it is better to order all wedding bouquets from one florist so that they are designed in the same style.

An alternative to a bridal bouquet

In addition to the wedding bouquet, there are several other ways to decorate the image of the bridesmaid. It can be a flower bracelet, an original flower brooch, or even just a flower in your hair.

Flowers as a decoration are present at any wedding in one quantity or another, depending on the chosen style. The main "hero" of the floral design is, of course, the bride's bouquet. It is he who is given much attention and a special role is assigned to him. Floristics in the decor of the room is also important, it creates an atmosphere, emphasizes the theme, sets the tone. If a witness and a witness are present at the wedding, then the latter can also have a beautiful and stylish bouquet in her hands. Why do you need a bouquet for a friend? Let's figure it out in this article.

Flowers for the witness

So, a girl with a bouquet in her hands looks even more charming and festive. The bride traditionally has a wedding bouquet, but flowers are not always presented for the witness. And it's completely in vain. After all, there are never too many flowers at a wedding. Of course, the bride's bouquet is inferior to the bride's bouquet in terms of significance and solemnity of the look, but it should also be cute and match the style of the rest of the flower arrangements at the holiday. In order to accurately match the color and format of the wedding celebration, the bouquet for the bridesmaid must be made by the same florist who collected the bride's bouquet and decorated the room for the ceremony. After that, the flowers are presented by the bride and groom to their witness in the hands. This can be done by the so-called groom's friend, it is important to discuss this point in advance.
In addition to decorating its owner, a bouquet can play an important practical role. When the moment comes to “throw” the bouquet into the crowd of unmarried beauties, the bride can take the bridesmaid’s bouquet for this, and keep her own as a keepsake of the wedding.

Which bouquet to choose

When forming a bouquet for a bridesmaid, it must be remembered that her main role is to help the bride throughout the wedding day. That is, the bouquet should not become an obstacle to any action. It is better if the composition will have a compact size so as not to cling to objects when moving and not burden the position of the witness.
One of the most popular options today has become a bouquet, which is attached to the hand in the wrist area. It looks spectacular and charming, besides, it does not interfere with any actions of the girl at all. After all, the bridesmaid often becomes a participant in various competitions and dance marathons.
The flower arrangement is collected from small buds and securely attached to the arm with a ribbon. Commonly used plants are:
- peonies,
- roses,
- chrysanthemums,
- orchids,
- freesia,
- hydrangeas,
- Alstroemeria and others.
Crystals, ribbons, greens are added as decorative elements. A miniature bouquet looks quite appropriate and incredibly elegant on the hand. In order for the bouquet to retain its freshness and beauty all day long, you should contact a professional wedding florist. An alternative solution for such a bouquet can be flowers made of artificial materials, made by a professional in their field, they will not differ from their living prototypes.

Bouquet of roses

If the main flower of the wedding is a rose, then the bouquet for the witness should also be made from these flowers. It should be remembered that this is an extremely whimsical plant, and being without water all day, it will be difficult for him to maintain a beautiful appearance. Therefore, in this case, it is better to use artificial buds. Roses look very solemn, elegant, elegant and feminine. Since they come in a variety of shades, it is not difficult to match them to match the dress.

Bouquet of peonies

Peonies look cute and sophisticated, casual and not as pretentious as roses. The composition of peonies will create a pleasant fragrant plume around the newlyweds and witnesses. A bouquet of peonies will fill the atmosphere with a festive mood and charge you with positive energy. In addition, peonies look very sophisticated and extraordinary and will perfectly fit into the image of a bridesmaid. For a wedding celebration, pink and white flowers are best suited.

Freesia compositions

Before you approve freesias as the main flowers for a bouquet, you should find out if anyone has allergies. Since these flowers have a very strong smell. Freesias are incredibly graceful and able to retain moisture for a long time and stay fresh. In addition, they have an extensive range of colors, so they are often used to form wedding bouquets. At the same time, freesias are often combined and supplemented with other colors.

Bouquet of orchids

Most girls like orchids. This flower looks very gentle and noble. It has almost no smell, so it is ideal for allergy sufferers. A bouquet of orchids will perfectly fit into the image of a bridesmaid, add tenderness and sophistication to her. You can add decorative ribbons and green herbs to such a bouquet.

Bouquet of hydrangeas

Hydrangeas look like lilacs. This flower has warm and cold shades in its spectrum and is perfect as a witness decoration. Hydrangeas are often used to form boutonnieres for the groom and the witness. A bridesmaid with such a bouquet will look very feminine and gentle. Hydrangeas love being next to ribbons of the same color as the petals, but with a different hue.

Every bride needs a wedding bouquet. The easiest option is to order it from a florist.
But you can make a wedding bouquet yourself, although you will have to choose the right flowers wisely.

Much easier, but no less beautiful, you can make a wedding bouquet from improvised means, without using fresh flowers.
Such a bouquet will not only look beautiful, but will never fade.

Fabric flowers.

You will need:

- polyester fabric

- floral wire

- needle and thread

- candle, match or lighter

- scissors

- foam cone

- thin wrapping paper or fabric

- pins

- feathers, felt, floral ribbon, braid - if desired

1. Prepare the fabric and cut out 4 identical shapes resembling a flower from it. It is not necessary to make the forms perfectly even, some irregularities are even welcome.

2. Light a candle and alternately hold each fabric part of the future flower over the fire. It is worth burning the edges a little, but do not bring the fabric too close to the fire. You can experiment a little to find the right shape for you.

3. Make a small cut in the middle of each flower (each of the 4 cut layers). Prepare the flower wire and thread it through the incision, then fasten it.

4. Prepare a thread and a needle, and sew a few stitches through the petals of the flower so that the flower takes shape.

5. You can add feathers by attaching each feather to the wire with duct tape. You can also add leaves to the flower by cutting them out of felt and attaching them with duct tape.

6. Make several similar flowers to form a lush bouquet.

7. Insert the flowers into the Styrofoam cone. Wrap the cone with brown or crepe paper and secure with pins. You can add a ribbon, which can also be secured with pins.

Flowers from fabric and buttons.

You will need:

- different types of fabric

- various buttons

- scissors

- glue gun

- floral wire

- thread and needle

- circle patterns

1. Cut out circles of different sizes from cardboard.

2. Attach the circles to the fabrics and circle them.

3. Cut out circles from fabric.

4. Sew each circle around the circumference as shown in the image.

5. Choose beautiful, bright buttons and glue them to the middle of each flower.

6. Prepare several flower wires, about 30 cm long and bend them in half. Bend the ends, add glue to the back of each flower, glue the wire, and glue a neatly cut piece of felt on top of it to secure the structure.

Bouquet of old doorknobs.

You will need:

- small door handles of different shapes

- braid

- the fabric is thin and dense

- decorations

- foam cone

- scissors

1. For such an unusual vintage wedding bouquet, you will need small handles from doors and / or cabinets.

These pens can be found in antique shops, haberdashery stores, and clothing markets.

You can also look for door handles in craft stores where they can be sold as a set.

2. You will need braid, fabric and various decorations to make the bouquet more attractive. Prepare a foam cone and, if necessary, correct its shape (reduce, shorten, etc.) with a knife.

3. Glue a thin fabric to the top and bottom of the cone. Cut out circles of the appropriate diameter from the fabric. Use glue to secure the fabric.

4. Prepare a thicker fabric. Wrap the cone around the circumference with the first layer (only the upper and lower parts do not wrap). Start wrapping the cone with the same fabric in a second layer, but this time, for beauty, make a corrugated edge.

5. Prepare the tape and start wrapping it around the cone from the bottom up. You need to wrap about 3/4 of the cone.

6. Decorate the craft with any intricately patterned fabric.

7. Start inserting the handles into the cone, through the thin fabric. You can fix them with glue.

Paper roses.

You will need:

- 24 sheets of paper

- scissors

- floral wire

- floral tape

- braid

In this example, 24 roses were used: 8 large, 8 medium and 8 small. You can choose how many flowers will be in the bouquet.

1. Print out 24 templates on paper - you can find them in THIS document - there are 3 pages (large, medium and small template), which means you will need 8 for each flower. Alternatively, you can draw the details yourself and use them as a template to create the rest of the details.

2. Now be patient and start cutting out all the details of the flowers from the paper - in this example, 24 parts for roses were used.

3. Sort all the details to make things easier. Using scissors, twist the petals a little. You also need to bend the leaves (see diagram).

4. From flower wire, make a stem for each rose.

5. The first three petals of one flower should be wrapped around the wire and fixed with glue. Just glue the rest of the details to form 4 parts of the rose.

6. Slide the remaining parts onto the wire, starting with the smallest. You can make small holes in each element in advance, and after fitting, simply fix the parts with glue.

7. Wrap the stem with floral tape.

8. To create a few more roses, repeat steps 3-7.

9. Collect all the flowers in a bouquet and wrap all the stems with floral tape.

10. Tie the ribbon to the handle of the bouquet. You can make a bow.

In the process of preparing a wedding, you must not miss a single, even the smallest detail, because you will not have the opportunity to redo or repeat the celebration in order to correct mistakes. The wedding itself, like a complex puzzle, consists of a large number of elements, the central, but far from the only one of which is the image of the newlyweds. A small but important detail of the wedding celebration is the bouquet of the witness.

Witness's bouquet - is it needed?

This question arises before many newlyweds. Traditionally, girls decorated the bride, themselves, each other, the house and the porch with flowers during the bachelorette party: the flowers not only symbolized the beauty, youth and innocence of the bride, but also served as a talisman against evil spirits. Today mystical meaning bouquet of a witness already lost, but it remains a beautiful and delicate accessory of the wedding ceremony. It helps to emphasize the role in the ceremony, sets off and accentuates the beauty of the bride's bouquet, and also helps the witness to cope with herself in the most crucial moments of the celebration, helping to hide the excitement that hands give out.

Some brides use bride's bouquet as an understudy for the bride’s wedding bouquet: they leave their bouquet for themselves as a souvenir from the wedding, and bride's bouquet throw their unmarried girlfriends. This, of course, must be discussed with the witness in advance.

">Regardless of whether the witness bouquet, or it will be thrown to the bridesmaids, the cost of acquiring a bouquet for the bridesmaid and a boutonniere for the witness is borne by the bride and groom. However, in any case, the question of whether bouquet of a witness must be agreed with her in advance, her consent to be at the event with flowers has been obtained.

What should be the bouquet of the witness

Appearance bouquet of a witness can be very varied.

Firstly, it can be an exact copy of the bride’s bouquet (this is especially true if the bride then leaves her bouquet for herself, and the witness’s bouquet will fly to her friends).

Secondly, he may be "little brother" the bride's bouquet, made in the same style, from the same colors and the same shape, but smaller and more modest.

Third, bride's bouquet often made out in the form This is not only beautiful and original, but also very convenient, because the witness will have to help the bride throughout the day: fix the dress somewhere, pin up the veil somewhere, tidy up the broken curl, and also sing, dance and generally very actively participate in the organization and conduct of the celebration. A bouquet that needs to be held in your hands will cause a lot of trouble, but a miniature bracelet made of flowers and eyes pleases, and will not interfere.

You can replace a traditional bouquet not only with a bracelet. A good option for this is a wreath of flowers, a flower brooch or bouquet-ball in the form of a handbag with a handle made of ribbons or beads - it is also convenient to wear it on the arm or in the crook of the elbow, and it looks unusual and elegant.

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