Parting words from the teacher at graduation. Parting words to graduates at the Last Bell: from the class teacher, parents, school teachers, kindergarten head, video

Natalia Stetsenko
“The kids see off the graduates.” Performance by children of the younger group at the graduation party

Attributes: Basket decorated as a baby's cradle on satin ribbons. Baby doll in a children's envelope.

The phonogram "Mother's Heartbeat and baby".


Year 20. (called year of birth graduates) .The heart of a little man beats calmly and rhythmically under his mother’s breast. He is awaiting his birth. Only future mothers and fathers are worried, and loved ones are worried. When and how will all this happen, how will this long-awaited little man be born?

Finally the time has come. And they flew away telegrams:

“Congratulations on the birth of your daughter”;

"Congratulations on the birth of your son";

“Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter”;

"Congratulations on the birth of your grandson."


And the worries and troubles began.

The phonogram "Crying of a newborn" sounds. The right side of the curtain opens and a baby's cradle appears with as a baby. The teacher rocks the cradle.


And the first joys appeared.

The phonogram "Laughter of a newborn" sounds.

The left side of the curtain opens and comes out kids, perform the musical and rhythmic composition "Merry Travelers" (music by M. Starokadomsky). At the end the children line up in one line.

Child -1:

We are the guys kids, everyone came to congratulate you

Enroll in first grade, don't forget kindergarten.


We are funny, funny, and you were like that too.

When we grow up a little, we will also come to school with you!

Child -3:

You always played with us, called kids.

Child -4:

They never hurt me, but they never gave me toys.

Child -5:

But now you are not like that, you are already quite big

We came to congratulate you on your transition to first grade!

Educator junior group:

And at your holiday we will dance for you now!

The phonogram sounds, children perform the musical-rhythmic composition "Colorful Game" (music by B. Savelyev).

Preparatory teacher groups:

Guys, let's say thank you kids for congratulations.

Preparatory children groups clap.

Educator junior group:

And we guys, let's say goodbye to graduates and we wish them to remember their kindergarten and the small country of their childhood more often.

The phonogram "Small Country" is playing (music, lyrics by I Nikolaev).Children juniors waving to graduates and groups They “snake” out of the hall.

Within the walls of a warm and cozy kindergarten, children spend most of their time on the first steps of their long life journey. There, for the first time, they learn to respect adults and make friends with peers, acquire the basics of knowledge, and acquire useful habits and skills for caring for themselves, animals, and plants. A competent teaching staff will always be able to discern talent in children, lay the foundations for self-realization and gently push them towards society. But alas, everything beautiful ends sooner or later, and carefree childhood is replaced by a more adult and responsible period of schooling. At the border of these two levels, preschoolers will face an important official event—graduation in kindergarten. In addition to gifts, entertainment and treats, he will bring graduates and employees of the preschool educational institution a sea of ​​pleasant wishes and words of gratitude. Like beautiful outfits, it is better to prepare congratulations for kindergarten graduation in poetry and prose for parents, teachers and staff in advance.

Touching congratulations on kindergarten graduation from the teacher to children

In just a few years, the children became family to every kindergarten employee. Teachers, like mothers of a huge family, see off their charges with anxiety and sadness. The nannies sadly wipe away tears, imagining long moments of nostalgia. Health workers are trying for the last time to remind people about health and prevention. The head carefully looks at the entire group of graduates. The music director proudly plays the last children's song... And, rest assured, each of them has something to say to the children goodbye. But only teachers will say the most touching congratulations to children on their kindergarten graduation. Warm instructions will contain warnings about upcoming difficulties and a wish to overcome them easily. Touching congratulations on kindergarten graduation from the teacher to children - the teacher’s last parting words to his beloved students.

A collection of touching congratulatory poems for children from teachers for graduation

Congratulations guys
Happy first graduation!
We are, of course, happy for you,
But we're a little sad.

You won't come to kindergarten anymore,
New things await you,
But toys and cribs
They will always remember you.

We wish that at school
You all got excellent grades.
And, of course, with warmth
Remember kindergarten!

Today we congratulate the children,

Happy this bright and joyful day.

We wish them knowledge, health,

We'll all go to school together soon.

We will work there, study,

We learn many different rules.

We will strive for new heights,

Without forgetting your kindergarten.

The years passed quickly -
The kindergarten is behind.
You have become quite big
It's time for you to go to school!

You are no longer a preschooler,
You are going to first grade!
Congratulations guys
Let your dreams come true!

We wish you victories,
Life is fabulously beautiful.
Let the green light burn
In a children's and happy fairy tale!

Kindergarten is already behind us -
First graduation ever!
We'll take you to school,
We only wish you “fives”.

So that you study with joy,
To make your parents proud.
Happiness, perseverance, patience
And a little more luck.

Your little world in the garden
It has become a bit cramped for you.
A big new world awaits you.
Happy graduation, guys!

Let's wish you in the new world
Happy discoveries,
Bright days, good friends,
Lots of events.

Don't get sick and don't be naughty
Promise us.
And my favorite kindergarten
Visit often!

Beautiful congratulations in prose from parents to children at kindergarten graduation

When organizing a graduation party, parents forget that the main heroes of the occasion are their own graduating children. This means that any indents, congratulations and words of gratitude to teachers and staff should not take up much holiday time. In recent years, stylized parties based on preschoolers’ favorite cartoons or fairy tales have become popular. Consequently, all competitions, demonstration performances and beautiful congratulations in prose from parents to children at their kindergarten graduation must correspond to the general theme. If the parent committee is unable to come up with suitable wishes in poetry, it is worth stopping at pleasant lines “in your own words.” In addition, it will be much easier for parents to adjust prosaic congratulations to children to fit the general style of kindergarten graduation.

A selection of beautiful prose congratulations to kindergarten graduates from parents

For the past few years, you have lit up this kindergarten with your irrepressible energy and love of life. As you say goodbye to the kindergarten today, don’t forget those who worked here and tried to tell you as much as possible about the world. As you enter a new, amazing stage of your life, sometimes think about your kindergarten, because it was here that you first learned what friendship and mutual assistance are.

Your first graduation has arrived, you are leaving kindergarten and a lot of new and interesting things await you. Happy graduation, baby, I wish you good school work, perseverance, responsibility, joy, new successes, find many new friends at school, health, new interesting knowledge and skills, may everything always work out!

Today is a significant day, today is our children's first graduation in their lives! Soon they will replace their toys with books, notebooks, pens and rulers. It is very sad to part with a carefree childhood. Here, in kindergarten, everyone loves you, here the teachers and nannies put their love into you, taught you to sing, dance, recite poetry, make friends and show character. Thanks to them for this, and also for the fact that they devoted so many years to this difficult, but very important matter. I would like to wish the children not to forget what they taught you in kindergarten, and I wish them to study with excellent marks and please their parents.

Today is a very important event for our children - kindergarten graduation! Congratulations to you, our kids, on the holiday! We wish you a great mood, a lot of energy and activity, a thirst for knowledge and always loud and sincere laughter. Let your first steps in school life be easy, understandable and interesting. Good luck and great success to you!

Dear children, today is your first prom in your life! We sincerely congratulate you. You have become adults and are leaving your favorite kindergarten, but you will love school no less. Ahead lies school everyday life, new friends, discoveries, knowledge. Try, learn. Only then everything in your life will work out!

Heartfelt congratulations on kindergarten graduation from children to teachers

Don't forget: kindergarten graduation is not only an important event in the lives of children, but also a touching evening for kind teachers and caring nannies. Children and parents should take a responsible approach to preparing sincere congratulations to teachers that fully reflect the depth of feelings on the occasion of their kindergarten graduation. In such a matter, the main thing is not to write a beautiful poem, but to present it correctly. So, moms and dads can design a commemorative photo poster (the administration will certainly want to hang it in a prominent place in the preschool hall), and graduates will demonstrate it, reading out heartfelt congratulations on kindergarten graduation from children to teachers. You can also organize thematic performances, learn a congratulatory song, or shoot a video clip with wishes from each child to all kindergarten workers.

A collection of sincere congratulations in verse to teachers from kindergarten graduates

Our teachers spent a lot of effort,
So that we grow into worthy citizens.
They taught us kindness, they spoon-fed us,
And they took care of us as simply as they could.
And in return, thanks to them at this hour of farewell
It is with a feeling of gratitude that we want to say.
Thank you for your concern, thank you for your attention.
You gave everything for us that you could give us.

You and I have become big,
From pacifiers to books,
We jumped and played together
The years flew by in an instant.
The first big school
Our favorite kindergarten,
There were so many happy days
In the morning I cry randomly.
With us you are second mothers,
We studied day after day.
And now we are in first grade
Let's go hand in hand together.

You have had hard work -
He requires a lot of attention
After all, everyone understands for themselves,
What does it mean to raise children?
While the working day dragged on -
You replaced the children's mother.
And today everyone wants
Thank you for everything!

You every day and every hour,
Dedicating yourself to hard work,
Just thinking about us,
You live by worry alone.
So that the earth may be glorified by us,
And so that we grow up honest,
Thank you nannies, teachers,
Thank you for all the good things!

There is no position more important -
Deputy of our mothers!
He knows and can do everything:
How to settle quarrels,

Make you laugh or comfort you
To answer questions...
Walls in the hall, snow caps
And dress up the girls...

Our teacher,
We remember you forever!
And let everyone know that yours
The position is great! Top class!

Official congratulations in prose to teachers from parents at kindergarten graduation

Every year, when composing formal prosaic congratulations to teachers for kindergarten graduation, parents make the same mistakes:

  • they overly dramatize the moment, forcing both the heroes of the occasion and all the guests of the holiday to feel sad;
  • they make up a speech that is too long, taking away the last minutes of the children’s fun time together with their teachers;
  • highlight only a few teachers and workers from the entire staff of the kindergarten, thereby leaving an unpleasant aftertaste among those deprived.

To avoid such troubles, you should use our prepared thank-you speeches. Official congratulations in prose to teachers from parents on graduation in kindergarten from the following collection can be used without changes, only by writing in the right places the exact number of the kindergarten, as well as the name and patronymic of the teacher.

A collection of official prosaic congratulations from parents to teachers on graduation in kindergarten

Dear and respected educators, today your pupils, glorious and wonderful children, are leaving the walls of kindergartens. Congratulations on finishing. Even if the moments of parting are joyful and sad, but still time does not stand still, it is time for the children to continue their journey and strive for something new, and new pupils are waiting for you, to whom you will give your care and love. Thank you for the wonderful upbringing of children, for the first and important knowledge, for interesting and vibrant hobbies. You helped children overcome fears and self-doubt, taught them to go to the end and achieve their goals. This is your merit, and you should be proud of it. We wish you many years of successful activity, wonderful children and great happiness in every day.

Dear and respected teachers, we congratulate you on your holiday - happy graduation! Let this day be remembered with touching children's smiles and sparkling eyes. You gave our children a piece of yourself, surrounded them with care and love. Thank you, sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts. We wish you health for many years, happiness and unbridled vitality. Thank you!

Dear teachers, today your children are graduating from kindergarten and leaving these walls. Thank you for always being reliable friends and faithful helpers for the aunts, for giving the children a fairy tale and faith in miracles, for teaching everything new and interesting. Your children will always remember the happy and kind moments that you gave them. Let your activities always be successful, and your work honorable and truly respected.

Dear and respected educators, we congratulate you on this release. Today you send your pupils, wonderful and obedient children, into school life. You took the first steps with them, you showed them how to learn, what to strive for and how to achieve everything. Thank you for the warmth of your hearts and wonderful parenting. We wish you many years of patience, health, happiness and joy from your profession.

Dear teachers, we sincerely hasten to congratulate you on your next graduation, may your students confidently go through life, may pride in their achievements warm your soul. Thank you for your kindness, affection, wisdom and patience, for your dedication and love for our children. Be healthy, loved, prosperous.

Funny congratulations on graduation in kindergarten from children to the staff and employees of the preschool educational institution

Not only teachers, but also other kindergarten workers will be happy to hear cheerful graduation congratulations from children. The words of thanks are traditionally written by the parents, and the children distribute the poems among themselves and learn them from memory. But even the most talented mothers, exhausted from preparation and excited about the upcoming event, find it difficult to compose funny poetic lines dedicated to each “worker of the invisible front.” To ease the plight of parents, we have compiled a selection of cheerful congratulations on kindergarten graduation from children to preschool staff and employees. Read them and choose the best ones.

A selection of funny congratulatory poems for kindergarten staff from children on graduation


From clear dawn until dark
She is in our kindergarten.
Who will bring us lunch?
And will he clean up the dishes?

Our group is no more beautiful.
Clean and bright all around!
Maybe our nanny's
And not two, but ten hands?

Music to the manager

“Fa” is indistinguishable from “sol”,
Not everyone is given talent,
But that doesn't bother us
There is a musician in the kindergarten.

On mother's day and on father's holiday,
On Christmas or New Year
Even the furious prankster
Dashingly sings a song.

Physical education employee

We realized long ago
That a sound mind is in a healthy body.
The children's muscles are growing,
Sports and physical education are honored here.

We began to notice more and more often
We began to lag behind the children.
You'll have to keep up with the kids
We should take up sports ourselves.

To the art teacher

Children, as always,
They love to draw.
But they had to before
Let us explain the drawings.

But over the years we see
Amazing progress.
Among them, we know for sure
There are Levitans too.

Of course, during the entire period of children’s education in kindergarten, parents most often have contact with teachers. But within the walls of your favorite preschool educational institution there are other professionals in their field: affectionate nannies, talented cooks, inventive physical teachers, hardworking laundresses, caring nurses, resourceful music directors, experienced methodologists and speech therapists. Perhaps their parents have never seen some of them. But all these workers ensured the full and uninterrupted operation of the kindergarten every day. This means that at the graduation party, parents must say solemn, prosaic congratulations from the bottom of their hearts to all the kindergarten staff. For everyday work on a common cause, for the warmth given to the children, for affection and care, for everything, everything, everything...

For examples of solemn congratulations in prose to staff from parents at a kindergarten graduation, see the last section of our article.

A collection of solemn congratulatory speeches from parents of graduates to kindergarten staff

On behalf of the parents of today's graduates, I want to say a huge thank you to all the staff of kindergarten N. You all tried your best to ensure that our Masha and Petechka, Vanechka and Katenka were always well-fed and warmly dressed, so that they could do exercises and sing songs, so that they would not get sick and slept sweetly. You really put a piece of yourself into our kids, and today we are leaving our truly dear kindergarten N, knowing that we managed to acquire kind, caring and hardworking allies in the difficult task of education. With all my heart, I express our gratitude to all of you, dear ones, and wish that your noble work will always be appreciated!

On behalf of all the parents of our “Name” group, let me express my deep gratitude to the head of kindergarten N Full Name, the teachers of our group Full Name and Full Name, as well as the entire staff of this preschool educational institution. We, parents, never worried when leaving our children in the garden, because we knew that they were in good hands. And our kids enjoyed going to N, and isn’t this the best proof of your care for them? We are glad that all these 5 years you have been with us and our children - experienced teachers, skilled cooks and laundresses, kind and caring nannies. For your dedicated work, for your sensitive attitude not only to children, but also to us, for your high professionalism - thank you all very much!

We, parents, want to sincerely thank all those who, over the past 5 years, raised, taught, fed, put to bed and wiped away the tears of our little ones. Our children are leaving kindergarten today and moving into a new stage of their lives, and you helped them become a little more mature and independent. Let the years pass, but we will always remember you with endless gratitude. For your dedicated work and love for our children, for your care and kindness, for your contribution to the future of our kids - thank you so much!

The ship is commanded, of course, by the captain, but only the coordinated work of all crew members will allow him to fearlessly sail even on the stormiest seas. Our kindergarten N is, in a sense, also a ship, and each kindergarten employee is a member of a large, close-knit team, which, under the skillful leadership of our respected head of full name, easily copes with any difficulties and adversities. All together you managed to give our children the best, and every day our kids came here and received not only new knowledge and skills, but also affection, care, and love. Thank you so much for everything!

Children's graduation is an important and memorable event. The organizers' task is to make the holiday both touching and fun. This time, the children will remember both the farewell party itself and the bright moments from their kindergarten life. And in order for the holiday to become unique and different from others, parents need to timely prepare beautiful congratulations for kindergarten graduation for teachers and children, as well as official congratulatory lines in prose for all employees and staff of the preschool educational institution.

Graduation in kindergarten, as a rule, consists of several traditional blocks, which can be interchanged. These blocks have historically developed and include the main content of graduation in kindergarten, which, of course, cannot be done without.

  • introduction;
  • memories of how today's graduates began their kindergarten journey;
  • congratulations to graduates with kids;
  • “passing the baton” from kindergarten graduates to younger comrades;
  • checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school;
  • children's gratitude to their teachers and all teaching and service staff of the kindergarten;
  • gratitude from parents;
  • parting words from kindergarten staff to graduates.

What no kindergarten graduation is complete without is poetry. Poems will create the appropriate mood for graduation in kindergarten: where necessary - funny (for example, when talking about the childhood of graduates), where necessary - lyrical (when talking about how graduates do not want to part with kindergarten). Poems will make graduation in kindergarten even more vivid, emotional, and will help both children and parents remember it for a long time, preserving memories of kindergarten for a long time.

It is important to correctly place the emphasis in the use of poetry in order to build the correct emotional outline of a kindergarten graduation: somewhere to laugh with the children and parents, and somewhere to be sad, so that both children, parents, and teachers can feel the full importance of this a wonderful part of life’s journey – preschool education.

In this material you will be presented with poems to choose from for various thematic blocks of kindergarten graduation.

In essence, these poems can become a ready-made script if you add prose connectives to them - the words of the presenter.

Block "Introduction"


The sun is shining in the window,
And the birds sing.
They probably already
They also know about the holiday!
The birds flocked and sat
And they look out the window to us,
It's like it's coming here now
Our movie about the kindergarten!
It's like we're on the screen
Let's see our whole path
My friend, you will never be a kindergartener
Don't forget, darling!
Today we will remember
How did we come here
As if birds flew by
Weeks and years.
We will say goodbye, friends,
It's time for us to go to school!
Childhood passes
And, alas, the game is over!..


Oh, is this the day?
Has he come yet?
Last holiday, graduation,
He finally found us!..
Well, maybe we should wait
And not let them go?
After all, how will we live without them?
I still don’t understand...
Came here at three years old
And they were good
So smart already
Even though they are kids.
They knew how to eat and drink themselves,
They still knew how to sleep.
How to read and how to count,
We were able to find out here.
Now they can draw
Read and sing songs,
And they know how to eat quickly,
To make it in time for lunch!
How you grew up right here
Before our eyes.
No wonder here they are, eyes,
Look - everyone is in tears!..
Today is your graduation day,
You have grown up, friends!
And no matter how much we want,
It is impossible to leave you.
We're sending you on your way now,
We'll pack your luggage,
But everyone will know for sure
That he is OUR graduate!

Block “Memories of the first steps of graduates”


I was three years old.
Mom told me
Since I myself didn’t know about it,
That I'll go to kindergarten on Monday
And I will find true friends there!
At first I held on to my mother for a long time,
Then he somehow broke away from her,
I entered the group crying and roaring!
And there... I found a lot of toys there!
Our teachers were also there!
There are probably no more beautiful teachers!
Can we take you to school with us?
And we will take our nanny!
She comforted us just wonderfully,
When we cried, she sang songs to us,
And the kids are unhappy
They instantly became calm!
What if we accidentally get a bad grade at school?
No one can comfort us better than a nurse!
We don’t know yet how we will live without you,
We don’t imagine, we don’t understand!
Can we take some toys with us?
And, if possible, also pillows?
What if I feel sleepy at school?
Can I take my bed with me?
How we don’t want to part,
Say goodbye to our beloved kindergarten!
School is probably good
But I really want to go to kindergarten again!


When we brought the children
Here for the first time in my life,
They were so worried at the door,
And the children instantly got used to it!
At first I didn't want my mom
Let go son,
And soon my mother could not
Find my son -
He was so busy playing
With your favorite teacher!
You have always been like this
Carefully and attentive!
Like our miracle babies

We've grown up over the years!
Recently we just came to the garden,
And then we went to school...
We don’t know how it will be there,
But we thank you
For giving the children everything,
Perhaps like family!

Block “Congratulations to graduates with kids”


Oh, how big you are!
You're almost up to the ceiling!
And call you kids
The hand won't rise.

They took you on a sleigh
And carried in their arms,
Now stand firm
You are on your own two feet!

We want to be big like you
Become faster
Live like you, so as not to be the first,
And on the top floor!

We promise it's worthy
We will replace you, friends,
After all, without you, that is, without the elders,
No way in kindergarten!

We promise that toys
We won't break things here.
And we won't be each other
Never offend here.

In a quiet hour we will sleep quietly
And finish the whole lunch,
And we can study at school
Four and five!

We'll grow up very soon,
We'll go to school too!

Block “Passing the baton” from kindergarten graduates to younger comrades”

Our baton
We pass it on to you!
We'll tell you in words
And we'll sing you a song!

Get into kindergarten
You have useful knowledge,
To go to school
No delay for you.

We learn everything at school,
Then we'll tell you.
We hope the program
You will be tough!

Keep all your toys
Don't break them
Just in case you
Save them for us.

What if we get bored there?
And do we want to play?
It's a difficult thing -
Get A's!

We'll run to the kindergarten
To expensive cars,
To dolls and teddy bears
To loved ones and family!

Let's go back a minute
We are in a golden childhood,
Nice and bright
And such a good thing!

Graduates sing a song about toys to the tune of “Tired toys are sleeping...”.

1. Fun toys are waiting,
Books are waiting
Well, when will the kids come to them?
Will they come again?

Let the lessons end
Their feet will bring them to the kindergarten,
To play
Here again.

2. Kids, you are staying
Here without us
We will go to study
To first grade.

Well, you live together,
You still need to grow up
To take you
To first grade!

Block “Checking the readiness of kindergarten graduates for school”


There is so much knowledge on the planet!
You can’t even count them all at once!
We will now check how you read,
How you write and how you think!
At school you need to know the numbers firmly
To understand your grades!

The presenter reads the quatrain, the children answer in chorus according to the meaning “Yes” or “No” or the word that suits the meaning. The presenter confuses the children by offering them the “wrong” rhymes.

Poem-game “Marks”

The school has a mark of five.
Will we receive it?
Are we always happy about it? (Yes!)

Get twos more often
And don’t be discouraged.
This is not a secret at all.
Is this the right advice? (No!)

If a deuce is not a problem,
Is this just nonsense? (No!)

Does knowledge give us light? (Yes!)
And good in our world
The rating will be four.
Is mom happy and proud? (Yes!)

Better than a D
A score of three is considered.
And I'll give you guys some advice:
After all, better grades (Yes!)

You shouldn't be lazy at school,
It's always good to study
Always be an excellent student? (Yes!)

Well done! I think you will be very good students!

Riddles with choral answers in school subjects

We want to write numbers -
We take it into the box... (notebook).

We want to write letters -
Let's take it in stripes... (notebook).

Draw a huge house
Want. I’m taking a big one... (album).

I draw simply, without a pointer.
Help me with the drawing... (paints).

Cool at school there is a lesson:
There, like hares, jump and gallop
Let's jump and gallop
And we chase... (ball).

This is not literature
This is our... (physical education).

And my beloved, of course,
We will have... (change).

I'm not used to it in kindergarten
Get grades... (in your diary).

What is behind your shoulders?
Mom can't even lift it!
Weighs eight kilograms
How many questions do they ask us?
I take it this way and that,
This is my school... (backpack).

It contains pens and pencils,
Get them and know, write.
And although it is very small,
We really need... (pencil case).

You can get a deuce
And not get straight A's,
If at the time you need
You won't learn... (lesson).

We go to school,
Working at desks
We won't go with you
If there is... (day off).

I really need chalk in my hand,
When you go out... (to the board).

There are also old boards,
And there are... (interactive).

It's cool to learn from them,
And they need... (computer).

To know the subject well,
We will study at... (excellent)!

Block “Children’s gratitude to their teachers and all teaching and service staff of the kindergarten”

Before reading the gratitude poem, you can name the kindergarten employee to whom gratitude is intended by name and patronymic.

Thank you everybody,
Dear teachers,
So beloved and dear!
You taught us
Everything we could
We played with you
They laughed and sang.
Probably sad
Without us, you, alone...
Today we thank you for everything
Thank you!

We are our teachers
Here we are now giving thanks!
You were able to teach us
How to put on a coat yourself
And tie your shoelaces
They also taught us
And now we can go -
Also yourself - in first grade!

Head of our
Thank you for your attention,
For all, all, all problems
Such understanding!
Our kindergarten is the coolest
We know this for sure
And you, of all the managers -
The best in the world!

Without a methodologist at all
You can't go to kindergarten -
They'll definitely say that
All my friends.
It was so interesting
This is where we work,
What from our activities
We can't tear ourselves away!
Maybe you'll go
And to school with us too?
There the skill is yours to us
This will help you learn!

Thanks for the music
To our teacher!
After all, now everyone is better
We sing and dance!
And maybe at school
They'll take us into the school choir!
We will definitely produce
There is a sensation in the choir!

They did exercises with us
You every day in the morning!
To our teacher
Physical training! Hooray!
Have you thought about your health?
And you tempered us,
How to take care of yourself
We learned from you.

Don't get sick either
In kindergarten without us!
For us you are a health worker -
Simply top class!

Dear chefs!
What will we do without you?
Tasty food
We will never forget!
Can we leave school?
We'll come
May you sometimes
Were you able to feed us?

THANK YOU everyone
Let's talk in chorus!
For everything, for everything, for everything

Block “Gratitude from Parents”

Such a kindergarten
Definitely not anywhere else.
You and I will not be lost
On land and even in water!

How reverent you have always been
With our kids!
Did you draw with them?
Paints, pencils,

You sang songs with them
The dances you danced
With you, so cheerful,
They were never bored!

We'll be leaving you soon...
We will miss you very much.
For those who have not been here in kindergarten,
Maybe they don't understand us...

Only we will tell them
How great it was for us!
Very, very children
They love their second mothers!

You really were
By real mothers:
So good, kind,
Talented, brilliant!

You taught them a lot:
Play together and be friends
And get big
And in general, live correctly!

We'll be parting soon.
The kids will go to school.
But they are a favorite in kindergarten
They will always find a way!

So don't be sad
They'll come running to you again
After all, they know that in the kindergarten
Teachers are always waiting!

Block “Farewell words of kindergarten staff to graduates”

Now you are leaving us, what a pity for us!
The doors will close soon...
And when we start telling,
Maybe no one will believe it!

We will talk for a long time
And, interrupting each other,
Talk, talk about you,
Remembering your names...

To all friends, acquaintances, colleagues,
For those who didn't know you, we'll tell you about you.
How did you play together in the group?
They danced like waltzes together.

And what smart children
We went to this group, let’s say!
We remember everything you did
Because everything is important to us.

We loved you very, very much
They knew everyone - who loved what,
Some people have porridge, some people have cutlets.
We won't forget this now.

And now you are leaving us.
And we won't see each other again.
We'll be a little upset, of course.
And maybe we'll shed a little tears.

But all summer in everyone you meet
Children on the way to work
We will recognize the features
Yours, the best children in the world!

We'll be worrying all autumn:
How are you there without quiet time?
How are you doing without our parting words?
Without support, without our affection?

The New Year will come - and the same:
How can there be no holiday in kindergarten?
Please, everyone, tell us:
“I’ll come to your kindergarten again!”

Of course, the kids will come to us
The day you go to class.
Dreamers and naughty girls...

You, beautiful and naughty,
You, those who no longer exist,
Go around the whole beautiful world,
Our whole huge white light!

Goodbye, dears!
You are about to take flight.
You are simply very dear to us.
May you always be lucky in life!

Today is a significant day, today is our children's first graduation in their lives! Soon they will replace their toys with books, notebooks, pens and rulers. It is very sad to part with a carefree childhood. Here, in kindergarten, everyone loves you, here the teachers and nannies put their love into you, taught you to sing, dance, recite poetry, make friends and show character. Thanks to them for this, and also for the fact that they devoted so many years to this difficult, but very important matter. I would like to wish the children not to forget what they taught you in kindergarten, and I wish them to study with excellent marks and please their parents.

Your first graduation has arrived, you are leaving kindergarten and a lot of new and interesting things await you. Happy graduation, baby, I wish you good school work, perseverance, responsibility, joy, new successes, find many new friends at school, health, new interesting knowledge and skills, may everything always work out!

Today is a very important event for our children - kindergarten graduation! Congratulations to you, our kids, on the holiday! We wish you a great mood, a lot of energy and activity, a thirst for knowledge and always loud and sincere laughter. Let your first steps in school life be easy, understandable and interesting. Good luck and great success to you!

The first stage of the little man has been completed. With this we congratulate the happy parents. We wish your child endless enthusiasm for learning, unshakable confidence in himself and his abilities, and creative inspiration for new achievements. And also a completely clean medical card. And to you, dear parents, we wish you patience, strength and joy from the new achievements of your offspring.

Congratulations on your holiday, our dear graduates. You are so beautiful and elegant today. Let this holiday of farewell to your beloved kindergarten be remembered for a long time. Never forget your teachers who taught you a lot. Come visit and share your achievements in your new school life. Always be diligent, considerate and kind. Always help elders and kids.

Congratulations on your little event! The best years are ahead - school. May there be happiness, successful studies, good teachers, easy homework, and a lot of knowledge gained. Let every day be interesting and useful. Be healthy, successful and wise.

Congratulations on an important event, on your first graduation. May kindergarten leave wonderful memories in your heart, may great discoveries and happy days await you ahead. Remain the same wonderful child, dream about something beautiful and enjoy every new day.

Congratulations, honey, on your first graduation. I wish you a cheerful bird to fly out of the kindergarten nest and set off on a happy journey through the lands of new knowledge. May every path lead you to success, may you have many good friends in life, may no obstacles scare you, may mother’s love and father’s support always help you overcome any milestone.

Dear children, today is your first prom in your life! We sincerely congratulate you. You have become adults and are leaving your favorite kindergarten, but you will love school no less. Ahead lies school everyday life, new friends, discoveries, knowledge. Try, learn. Only then everything in your life will work out!

Congratulations with all our hearts on your graduation from kindergarten! We wish the parents the happiness of motherhood and the pride of fatherhood, patience and prosperity, and the graduates a happy acquaintance with the school, success in their studies, true friends and health.

You have been with them from a very young age. Together you learned to eat with a spoon, go to the toilet and much more. You have had many good days. You celebrated so many holidays together and held so many concerts. And now the time has come to say goodbye. After all, the children are growing up, and now they have to go to school. Do you know what you will say to your beloved children on their last day of kindergarten? Look at the parting words to kindergarten graduates from teachers, which they may not remember, but they will definitely be pleased to hear. Parting words in prose and verse, they are touching and parents will be delighted with them.

My dear kids!
You are already quite adults, you have become real schoolchildren. In just three months, school awaits you. She will open her doors for you. But this does not mean that the kindergarten will close for you forever. You can come to me after school. We will talk to you, you will tell me about your academic successes. And together we will remember how good it was for us in kindergarten.
And in kindergarten we all had a good time. We played, practiced, rehearsed and learned a lot. I remember every day when each of you first opened the door to our group. You timidly looked around at everything around you. Your little eyes ran from side to side, examining the walls of the kindergarten group.
At first, each of you cried, but after a while you all got used to it and began to happily come to kindergarten. And now I'm crying. After all, over the years that we spent together, we became a family. I am very attached to you, and you are very attached to me.
I want to tell you that you should go to school with joy and study there with interest. Life moves on, and we will definitely see each other again and definitely talk!

There are many stages in a person's life. And kindergarten is one of them. Today this stage is coming to an end. Today you are real kindergarten graduates. You will always remember this day. And I will always remember the day when you first came to my group. I will remember the first time you opened the door, how timidly and barely audibly you said hello.
Today you are leaving kindergarten. But he will always be in your hearts and memories. After all, we spent many great days together. Together we played, studied and learned a lot of new and interesting things.
Today I won’t tell you goodbye. Today I will tell you again - goodbye. And I’m sure that we will meet and talk. And you will boast about your grades!

Everything you had for the first time was in kindergarten. These are the first lessons and classes, and the first matinees and the first days without parents. Here you learned polite words, learned to speak correctly. In kindergarten, you have become completely independent and are ready for a new, more adult life.
Today is your graduation. This is the first graduation in your life. You see, this is even your first graduation in kindergarten! Next, school awaits you. Then you will have a slightly different life, to which you will quickly get used to. But I know for sure that you will never be able to forget kindergarten. After all, kindergarten is a happy childhood that cannot disappear from the heart. Happy holiday to you, on your first graduation!

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