What stages of pregnancy are considered the most dangerous and how to reduce risks to a minimum? The most dangerous weeks during pregnancy

The concept of dangerous periods during pregnancy is associated with periods of bearing a baby, during which, according to statistics, under the influence of various factors, the risk of spontaneous abortion increases. During intrauterine development, the child is constantly under the influence of external factors from the mother’s body, but she has the power to reduce negative risks. To do this, you should strictly follow your doctor’s instructions, undergo the necessary examinations in a timely manner, and calmly monitor changes in your well-being on your own.

What are dangerous periods of pregnancy?

Dangerous or critical periods of pregnancy are moments at which, due to a number of negative external and internal factors, the threat of miscarriage or spontaneous termination of pregnancy increases. During these periods of fetal development, all the vital organs and systems of the child are formed; under the influence of changes in the intrauterine and external environment, the risks of developing abnormalities and various pathologies increase.

The expectant mother needs to be especially attentive to her health and condition. Provoking factors are: External conditions
  1. Conditions related to maternal health
  2. Nutritional deficiency.
  3. Lack of oxygen.
  4. Temperature overload (overheating, hypothermia).
  5. Bacterial, viral infections.
  6. Impact of drugs.
  7. Exposure to toxins, chemical compounds.
  1. Radioactive, electromagnetic and other types of radiation (including minimal doses received during diagnostic studies (X-ray, fluorography).
  2. Genetic abnormalities.
  3. Bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking, using drugs).
  4. Herpes, candidiasis and other chronic fungal diseases.
  5. Endocrine diseases.
  6. Pathologies of internal organs.

Stress, increased physical activity, nervous tension.

Dangerous months during pregnancy occur throughout all trimesters. In terms of the threat of miscarriage, the development of a frozen or ectopic pregnancy, the most dangerous is the first trimester, during which the embryo is implanted into the uterus (2-3 weeks) and the foundations for the formation of all organs and systems are laid. The geoplacental barrier is poorly developed in the first trimester and begins to function fully only from the 12th week. Until this time, the embryo’s body is practically unprotected from external influences.

The second trimester is relatively safe, as a rule, for the expectant mother by this time. toxicosis ends, she feels well, since the size of the fetus is still small, and it does not cause her any noticeable discomfort. At this time there is only one critical period, during which, due to a number of factors, there is a possibility of late miscarriage (18-22 weeks).

The third trimester is dangerous due to late toxicosis (preeclampsia), especially if it is accompanied by symptoms that can provoke premature birth, the threat of which exists from 28 to 32 weeks. This is the last dangerous period of bearing a baby. At this time, the child’s body is almost completely formed. Thanks to modern medical advances, most babies born during this period survive and develop fully in the future.

For pregnancy after IVF (in vitro fertilization), the critical periods of pregnancy occur at the same time as during normal pregnancy. Dangerous points are:

  • 2-3 weeks;
  • 4-6 weeks;
  • 8-12 weeks;
  • 18-22 weeks;
  • 28-32 weeks.

In the first trimester

The dangerous weeks of pregnancy in the first trimester are the second and third weeks (implantation period); the moment from the second to the sixth week (the time when the formation of the rudiments of the key systems and organs of the embryo occurs), the time from the eighth to the twelfth week (the active formation of the placenta). In the first critical period, the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. At such a short period of time, a woman often does not know about her situation, so she may not follow the regime and precautions to prevent spontaneous abortion.

Factors due to which the implantation process is disrupted, which can ultimately lead to embryo rejection, are:

  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Emotional overload, stress.
  • Anomalies and pathologies of embryo development.
  • Defective endometrium of the uterus (due to an infectious disease or surgical intervention).
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Scars on the uterus after surgical interventions, anomalies of its structure.
  • Critical doses of toxic substances (ethanol, nicotine and others) in the mother’s body.

The second dangerous period of the first trimester is considered to be the time from the fourth to the sixth week. During this period, the risk of fetal malformations increases. If they are incompatible with life, involuntary termination of pregnancy occurs.

For this reason, a woman should try to minimize the possible influence of any negative factors (bad habits, stress, disrupted daily routine) and strictly follow medical instructions and recommendations. The third dangerous period - from the eighth to the twelfth week - is the time of formation of the placenta.

  • If this process occurs with disturbances, there is a risk of developing a frozen pregnancy, often ending in its spontaneous termination. The main causes of pathologies during this period are hormonal imbalances associated with the following factors:
  • impaired thyroid function;
  • increased production of progesterone;

increased testosterone production, which lowers estrogen levels.

In the second trimester

  • The dangerous periods of pregnancy in the second trimester are the period from the eighteenth to the twenty-second week. During this period, the following pathologies pose a threat of late miscarriage:
  • incorrect position of the placenta;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus;

sexually transmitted infectious diseases.

Disturbances in the location of the placenta that occur during its formation are manifested in its partial or complete presentation, too low attachment, location in the area of ​​scars or other neoplasms on the walls of the uterus. In such cases, there is a threat of placental abruption, which is dangerous due to the development of bleeding or intrauterine death of the fetus.

Sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, herpes, ureaplasmosis) can penetrate the placental barrier and provoke partial or complete leakage of amniotic fluid. All these factors are a direct threat to the life of the fetus, so during pregnancy a woman should pay special attention to measures to protect against sexually transmitted infections and carefully protect herself during sexual intercourse.

By the end of the second trimester, the formation of the fetal skeleton is completed, the child can move his arms and legs. By this time, his skeletal system is almost ready for the process of completing the intrauterine period and for the process of birth. And although this trimester is considered relatively safe from the point of view of spontaneous abortion, a woman needs to be no less attentive to herself, her health and condition.

In the third trimester

The most dangerous period of pregnancy in the third trimester is the time from the twenty-eighth to the thirty-second week. By this period, the future baby’s brain and nervous system have already been formed, and the process of its intrauterine development is coming to an end. Premature onset of labor at the last critical period is in most cases associated with the following phenomena:

  • late gestosis (toxicosis);
  • premature placental abruption;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • anomalies associated with insufficient or excess amniotic fluid;
  • hormonal imbalances.

The most dangerous weeks of pregnancy

Critical weeks of pregnancy are associated not only with physiological and external factors, but also with the psychological state of the woman. If a pregnant woman has one or more spontaneous abortions in her medical history, the period during which they occurred is considered dangerous for this pregnancy.

Regardless of the reasons that caused the miscarriage (freezing of embryo development, ectopic pregnancy, etc.), the woman is subconsciously afraid of a repetition of that situation and experiences serious stress. In some cases, hospitalization is recommended for this period.

A small risk for some women is the timing of their expected menstruation, which is the time at which monthly bleeding occurred around the time of conception. In the normal course of pregnancy and the absence of pathologies at the hormonal level, on such days it is necessary to remain calm and the diet and rest regimen recommended by the doctor.

Dangerous periods are not risk factors for losing a child for the vast majority of women. According to statistics, during these periods there are a greater number of spontaneous abortions, which is the reason for increased attention to oneself and one’s health at these moments. You should not wait for the dangerous weeks to come with fear, you should try to calmly survive them, observing the following medical recommendations:

  • refusal of increased physical, mental and emotional stress;
  • maximum reduction in stress levels and increased levels of positive emotions;
  • sexual rest (especially if there is a direct medical recommendation);
  • good sleep;
  • developing the ability to fully relax;
  • adherence to daily routine and nutrition;
  • refusal of flights and long trips.

When to urgently call a doctor

To prevent critical situations during dangerous periods, it is necessary to undergo scheduled examinations and examinations (ultrasound, blood and urine tests) in a timely manner.

  • In this case, the doctor leading the pregnancy has a complete picture of the woman’s condition, can foresee and prevent the development of complications and unfavorable cases, and prescribe a course of therapeutic preventive treatment in case of chronic infection or other pathology. You should immediately consult a doctor if the following symptoms suddenly appear:
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen (at any time);

scarlet or brown bloody discharge from the vagina, spotting or profuse.


When a woman learns that she will soon become a mother, she is immediately interested in the question of which months are especially dangerous during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, sometimes pregnancy occurs with complications that can be dangerous both for the health of the mother and for the life of the unborn baby. Dangerous periods of pregnancy are the period when there is the greatest likelihood of miscarriage or the development of pathology in the fetus. However, a woman’s condition while expecting a child will largely depend on how responsibly she will monitor her health.

Dangerous days of pregnancy

Up to 8 weeks

The movement of the egg through the uterine tube is the first critical period of pregnancy when an ectopic pregnancy can develop.

For successful implantation of the fertilized egg, the condition of the endometrium is very important. Damage to the endometrium and uterine abnormalities as a result of multiple abortions and various inflammations can disrupt the process of fixation of the egg. Termination of pregnancy can also be caused by chromosomal changes in the embryo. This is how the female body gets rid of pathology.

8-12 week

During this period, the placenta is formed. Due to the increased synthesis of male hormones by the female body, disruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland and ovaries occur. If the doctor selects the correct treatment in a timely manner, the pathology can be prevented.

During this period of pregnancy, the embryo is especially sensitive to radiation (including industrial vibrations), to chemicals (pesticides, smoking, medications, alcohol), as well as to infections and viruses.

Various harmful effects can lead to very serious consequences - the formation of malformations and death of the embryo. If we talk about the effects of radiation, its effect on a pregnant woman before implantation of the embryo is especially dangerous.

If a citalomegavirus is detected in a woman’s body at dangerous stages of pregnancy, then in one third of cases, malformations of the embryo occur. The rubella virus is no less dangerous. In this case, doctors recommend that the woman terminate the pregnancy, since the risk of having a baby with congenital heart defects, microphthalmia or microcephaly is too high.

When taking medications, consultation with a geneticist is necessary, as well as careful monitoring of the condition of the fetus by a specialist.

In the first trimester, the female body adapts to its new state, experiencing enormous physical and psychological stress, so at this time a woman should be as careful as possible about her health.

18-22 weeks

Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is the most common cause of miscarriage in this period. The cervix does not cope with its main function - holding the embryo in the uterine cavity. In addition, at this time, the risk of placental pathology (incorrect location, presentation, abruption, etc.) increases.

24-32 weeks

During these dangerous weeks of pregnancy, the risk of placental abruption, development of gestosis or placental insufficiency increases. During this period, it is better for a pregnant woman to avoid heavy physical activity and avoid nervous shock. If the likelihood of premature birth is high enough, it is better to contact specialists so that they can provide timely assistance.

The most dangerous period of pregnancy

No specialist will say exactly which day or period is the most dangerous, however, on the days of your expected period in each month, you need to especially carefully monitor your well-being.

The first trimester is the most dangerous months of pregnancy, since it is during this time that the baby’s body is formed. That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to mental balance, to ensure that nutrition during this period is correct and complete, since the child needs a lot of vitamins and other useful substances.

The last trimester is also a very dangerous month of pregnancy, since at this time unfavorable factors can provoke premature birth.

Good morning to you, dear blog readers. Let's talk today about such a problem as dangerous periods during pregnancy. Over the course of 9 months, a woman’s body experiences critical moments several times. For some, such days pass unnoticed. Others may experience complications. Every pregnant woman should know about the periods when she needs to be especially careful in order to protect herself from risk. So, let’s discuss when you can relax, and when it’s better to play it safe, what recommendations to follow in order to safely carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Doctors define the first trimester as a time period from 1 to 12 weeks. A newly born embryo in the womb is still very weak and unprotected. The reproductive organs, as well as the entire body, are trying to adapt to the new situation. It is the first 3 weeks after conception that are considered the most dangerous of the entire 9-month period.

The threat is even greater when a woman is unaware of her situation and has not prepared for it at all. After all, such a situation is not uncommon. When a child is conceived, many undergo a preliminary examination and tests to make sure there are no negative factors in the body.

In such cases, the expectant mother usually protects herself in advance from anything that could harm her health. But if everything happened by chance, the lady can continue to follow bad habits (smoking, alcohol) and expose herself to physical activity.

Of course, having learned about pregnancy, most lucky women will begin to protect themselves. And yet, those who have not prepared for an “interesting situation” should be especially careful in the first 3 weeks of the term.

The second dangerous moment of the first trimester

Having successfully experienced the initial days of conception, you need to be prepared for the second difficult moment from 8 to 12 weeks (end of the first trimester). At this time, a very interesting and important process occurs in a woman’s uterus - the placenta begins to form. In the future, it will protect the baby from all kinds of infections, provide him with the necessary nutrition and oxygen.

Its gradual growth begins from 2-3 weeks, but it is during this period (from 8 to 12-13 weeks) that placental cells are especially active. Hormones begin to “jump” in the blood, the state of health may change, and a serious transformation occurs in the body. It is during this period that the largest number of miscarriages occur.

Factors that have a particularly negative impact on pregnancy in the first trimester:

  • Bad habits.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • Frequent stress.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Past viral or bacterial infections.
  • Unresolved inflammatory processes in the body.

But, dear expectant mothers, when reading this material, under no circumstances should you expose yourself to anxiety and create non-existent problems. There are millions of women in the world who conceived children completely unplanned, unaware of their situation for the first month and leading a lifestyle that is dangerous for pregnancy. This did not stop them from quietly bearing and giving birth to healthy babies. The most important thing is a positive attitude and calm nerves!

  • Register with the antenatal clinic, follow the doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions.
  • Protect yourself from psycho-emotional stress, be less nervous, avoid stress.
  • Reduce physical activity. Walking and light house cleaning are acceptable. Do not lift heavy objects under any circumstances.
  • Provide yourself with enough food, but don’t overeat.
  • Spend more time in the fresh air and relax.
  • Surround yourself with positivity (watch only good films, read good literature, be more happy, smile).

Dangerous periods of the second trimester

In the second trimester, the threat decreases significantly. The placenta is formed, the embryo is securely attached to the “place”. During this period, a woman can slightly increase her load, for example, sign up for gymnastics for pregnant women. It is recommended to walk more so that the blood circulates better and carries oxygen to the tissues.

The next, most critical moment occurs between 18 and 24 weeks. During this period, the uterus makes a sharp jump in growth, the weight of the fetus also increases rapidly, and the load on the cervical canal (cervix) increases.

At this time, a woman may notice the appearance of slightly bloody discharge. There is no need to panic. Just visit your doctor. If the doctor finds that the cervical canal opens under stress and the pregnancy is in danger, then most likely the patient will be offered a suturing procedure. It is not dangerous and does not hurt.

Also during these weeks, the fetus’s brain begins to actively develop. And you need to be especially prudent so as not to catch an infection (flu, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc.). The presence of harmful microorganisms in the body can affect the development of the brain matter in the embryo.

In the second trimester you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not visit any bodies of water except your own bath (due to the pressure of the fetus on the cervix, it may open slightly, which increases the risk of infections getting inside).
  • Do not lift anything that weighs more than 1 kg (remember that the cervical canal is at risk).
  • Be careful and careful during sex (if your doctor allows it).
  • Well, and, as usual: a positive attitude, more joy and smiles.

Third trimester: getting past the last crises

So, what dangers can await you in the last trimester of pregnancy? There is a risk in the period from 28 to 32 weeks. Here, dear expectant mothers, you can already be calmer: the baby has gained enough strength to have every chance of surviving a premature birth. But, of course, you need to try to avoid them.

During this critical period, there is a possibility of developing late toxicosis (happens extremely rarely), as well as placental insufficiency. It is at these moments that a woman’s body experiences another “hormonal revolution.”

It is worth noting that much here will depend on the psycho-emotional state of the expectant mother. Many ladies, approaching the 7th month of their pregnancy, begin to worry about premature birth, “wind up” themselves with various “horror stories”, which unknowingly undermine their health.

To successfully survive the dangerous periods of the third trimester, it is recommended:

  • Ensure calm of the nervous system.
  • Be careful with physical activity from 28 to 32 weeks.
  • Be sure to do an ultrasound to make sure there are no placental abruptions.

Doctors also indicate that the danger increases every time a woman is due to have her period. Therefore, if your cycle was regular before conception and you can expect to track it, continue to keep a “period calendar”, noting the days you expect your period to be. On such days, be careful, protect yourself from all kinds of stress and nervous stress.

General tips on how to calmly experience vulnerable moments

  • You should not make long trips.
  • You should not stay in the sun or cold for a long time.
  • You need to provide yourself with adequate sleep.
  • Throughout pregnancy, be careful during sexual intercourse.
  • Do not visit crowded places to avoid crowding.
  • Maintain hygiene.
  • Eat quality foods and avoid heavy foods.
  • During seasonal epidemics of colds, take measures (wear a mask, drink vitamins, do not approach sick people).
  • Visit your doctor regularly. Contact the clinic immediately if you notice any suspicious symptoms.

Be attentive to your body and feelings, surround yourself with positive emotions, and this will help you bear a strong, healthy baby.

See you again and good health to you!

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