Risk areas for sensitive skin. Sensitive skin: signs, causes and proper care

Various experts advise how to reduce the body’s increased sensitivity to cold.

- What is hypersensitivity to cold??
- This is primarily a disruption of the functioning of thermoregulation mechanisms. In a healthy, hardened person, both in cold and in hot weather, the body temperature remains constant. People who are insensitive to cold are resistant to general cooling and quickly warm up. People highly sensitive to cold are characterized by a lower average body temperature, lower temperature of the feet, hands, fingers, ears, and nose. In addition, it fluctuates significantly during the day and is difficult to restore when warmed up. A woman freezes even in a warm room and reacts painfully to sudden changes in weather.

- That is, her body produces little heat?
- That's the point, no. The heat that our body produces within an hour would be enough to boil a liter of ice water. A woman freezes due to a violation of heat exchange between the body and the environment. If the mechanisms of thermoregulation are disrupted, then the body is not able to compensate for heat loss. And this often happens with heart disease.

- That is, such women need to check their health?
- Yes. And above all, the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Intense exposure to cold in people with diseases of the heart, kidneys, or lungs can cause rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, and impaired blood supply to the vessels of the lungs, limbs, and brain. Increased sensitivity to cold also occurs in women with vegetative-vascular dystonia. After all, this disease in its essence is nothing more than a peculiar reaction of the nervous system to various changes in environmental conditions. Patients complain of fatigue, seizures, pressure fluctuations and pulse instability, and a feeling of numbness in the limbs. Stress, nervous strain, sleep disorders, improper work and rest schedules can provoke vegetative-vascular disorders and significantly reduce your resistance to cold.

- But if a woman is young and healthy and nevertheless has difficulty withstanding the cold?
- In this case, she urgently needs to do vascular training - hardening and gymnastics. Contrast showers, cold rubdowns, and physical exercise in the fresh air help restore tone, improve nutrition of the vascular wall, and normalize the speed of blood and lymph flow. At the same time, the tissues are better supplied with oxygen, metabolic processes are activated, and efficiency increases. It is very useful to pour cold water on your hands 4-5 times a day. Water at a temperature of 16-20 degrees has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart. The frequency of its contractions decreases and the time of rest and rest of the heart muscle increases. Under the influence of cold, a reflex narrowing of the blood vessels in the skin occurs, which contains about 30% of all human blood. Blood flows to the internal organs, adding new portions of oxygen and nutrients to the cells. Cold baths help increase the amount of hemoglobin, red blood cells and white blood cells. Accordingly, immunity increases. Physical exercise, self-massage, hardening are a great way to increase your cold resistance. But these procedures must be performed half an hour before meals and no earlier than 1.5-2 hours after it. Following this rule is very important. After all, after eating, blood flows to the digestive organs. This means that its flow to the heart, brain and other vital organs decreases. A sharp change in temperature at this time can cause spasm of blood vessels in the skin and internal organs, even leading to a heart attack. Physical exercise is especially necessary in the early stages of hardening. As your body gets used to the cold, you can do without warming up. Then it will be possible to achieve greater cold resistance of the body.

Psychotherapist at the Moscow Center for Mental Rehabilitation Maria Alexandrovna Makerova .

- Increased sensitivity to cold can be purely psychological. If a woman is constantly cold for no particular reason, then it means that she is uncomfortable in this environment. She is in conflict with the environment. And the roots of this fear of cold must be sought in early childhood. Were there any sudden hypothermia in the first year of life? In what conditions was she born, was she born in winter or summer, were the hands of the midwife who delivered the child too cold? Fear of cold in infancy is fixed at the subconscious level and in the future can have a negative impact on a woman’s psyche. As soon as she freezes, she is already terrified of drafts, working air conditioners, wind and snowstorms. She begins to freeze constantly, even under a warm duvet. And all because childhood memory is triggered. - How can you overcome this fear??
- Firstly, you need to change the environment. Rearrange the furniture. Change the color of wallpaper and curtains, adding warm sunny tones. It’s good if some bright spot appears in your room in the form of a bouquet of bright red flowers, a lamp with a red lampshade. In this way, you will deceive your subconscious, which requires an urgent change in living conditions. Don’t rush to sign a sentence for yourself: “That’s how my body is. I can’t stand the cold.” Don’t wrap yourself in a second blanket, but try to love the cold. Before going to bed, go out onto the balcony, vigorously rub your hands and feet with snow, and then with a dry terry towel. And go to bed without wearing socks. Rubbing can also be done with a wet cold cloth. Such procedures not only harden the body, but also strengthen the will, proving that it is possible to withstand the cold. If all these measures do not produce results, then seek help from a psychologist. Because such increased sensitivity to cold can be caused by hidden depression, stress, and neuroses.

Cosmetologist-dermatologist of the Institute of Complex Problems of Restoring Human Reserve Capabilities Svetlana Anatolyevna Dyadilina .

Increased sensitivity to low temperatures can cause a disease such as cold dermatitis. The nutrition of exposed skin areas is disrupted. Itchy burgundy-red scaly spots appear on the face, ears, and hands. The skin becomes dry and its pattern changes. Swelling, blisters, and a feeling of heat and burning may occur. This disease requires complex treatment. Drugs are prescribed that improve peripheral blood supply, vitamins A, C, E, PP. Foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids should be included in the diet. These are fatty fish, corn, soybean, rapeseed or sesame oil. It is advisable to completely give up strong tea and coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. And eat food only warm. The skin of women sensitive to cold needs special protection. It is best to wash your face with melt water. Replace soap with cosmetic milk or cream-foam for washing. In the morning, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin with the addition of wheat germ oils, rice bran, shea butter, grape seeds, black currants, borage, and avocado. For medicinal purposes, you can use a cream with glycolic acid. It exfoliates dead cells and accelerates the restoration of the lipid layer of the skin. Massage, contrast showers and masks containing components that irritate receptors: menthol, mint, camphor are very useful. In the evening, apply a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid, collagen, and wheat protein to your skin.

- If a woman’s fingers are constantly cold, then this, apparently, is reflected in the condition of her nails?
- Yes, cold dermatitis often affects the nails. They become thinner and exfoliate. White dot-shaped spots or transverse stripes appear on the nails. In this case, baths with sea salt at the rate of 3-4 tablespoons per glass of warm water provide a good healing effect. They are done once a week for 30 minutes. Hot paraffin baths also help. Hands should only be washed with warm water and alkali-free soap. And after washing, wipe dry with a towel, lubricate with cream, and do a light finger massage. Rub oil or nourishing cream into your nails once or twice a week. And as a base for varnish, use products with calcium or silk fibers. But all these procedures are good only in combination with measures aimed at strengthening blood vessels and overcoming increased sensitivity to cold.

It is necessary to develop a personal program to combat the cold. Set up your body for hardening down to minutes. Then he will become your ally.

Various everyday tips will help you beat the cold if necessary. Determine by experience which of the recommendations of specialists helps you best.

One of the most common cosmetic problems that the female half of humanity has to face is dry skin on the hands. The causes of dryness are hidden behind the loss of moisture, which our skin simply needs. Lack of hydration leads to hands becoming rough, dry, and covered in cracks and redness. How can we help our hands, which are forced to do so much in a day? Is it possible to achieve a lasting effect and get rid of dryness for a long time?

Causes of dry hand skin

Dehydration of the surface of the hands can occur under the influence of external and internal factors. External factors may be the following:

  • the influence of natural factors: direct solar radiation, frosty air, strong wind, etc.;
  • low humidity in the room (for example, in winter with the heating on);
  • frequent exposure to hand skin with detergents (soap, detergent, washing powder, cleaning solutions, etc.);
  • ignoring hand skin care products, or using incorrectly selected products.

Internal factors are reasons that hide inside the body itself:

  • skin problems, allergic reactions;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism);
  • lack or poor absorption of retinol (vit. A);
  • hereditary skin diseases;
  • age-related changes in the skin;
  • anemia, dysbacteriosis.

Why is it important for us to know the causes of dry skin? If the cause is not eliminated, treatment may be unsuccessful, and no means, even the most expensive, will help. Therefore, before you begin to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to remove the causative factor of poor skin condition.

Dry skin on the palms

The skin surface on the palms is most exposed to external influences - after all, this is the main working surface of the hands. It is not uncommon to experience peeling, redness and dryness on the palms.

Small light scales on the palmar area may indicate a deficiency of vitamins (for example, A and D).

If the dryness and flaking of the skin of the hands is significant, then a fungal infection or an exfoliative form of keratolysis can be suspected - a condition in which the skin becomes dry and flaky for no apparent reason.

However, the main cause of dry skin on the palm surfaces remains a lack of moisture. Think about it, maybe you need to pay attention to the detergent you use to wash your hands (especially if you use antibacterial soap - you can’t use it for a long time). If you replace such soap with cream-gel or other special moisturizers, this can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Avoid hypothermia of your extremities - wear gloves in cold weather. If no way to combat the problem helps, consult a doctor: dryness can also be a sign of eczema and other dermatological problems.

Dry skin on hands and feet

Adult patients often complain that the skin on their heels and elbows becomes dry and rough. This is possible, because the skin in these areas has a thicker stratum corneum, so more attention should be paid to these areas.

What to do besides using emollient cream and other care products?

First of all, review your diet - your diet should be enriched with fatty acids. It is necessary to eat fatty fish, avocados, homemade sour cream and milk.

Choose a mild cleanser or shower gel and wash gently, paying special attention to dry areas. After showering, be sure to treat your skin with moisturizing cream or lotion.

It is important to take into account that the skin surfaces on the legs and arms can become dry due to certain pathologies. This may be a manifestation of psoriasis, a palmoplantar form of the disease characterized by itching, dryness, and flaking of the skin. It may also be a symptom of dermatitis, which affects both the skin layers and the sebaceous glands. In these situations, complex therapy will most likely be required - which means that you need to consult a doctor for advice and treatment.

Dry skin on fingers

When the skin becomes dry on the fingers, this is one of the symptoms of a lack of moisture in the outer layer of the epidermis. Epidermal tissue is the outer stratum corneum, which, as a rule, retains a very small amount of water (no more than 20%). If the body is not hydrated enough, then the epidermal layer, more than other tissues, feels this moisture deficiency. The result is inhibition of metabolic processes, slower tissue nutrition, dryness and dullness of the outer layers. At the same time, the condition of the nails may deteriorate.

In addition to the fact that when dehydrated, the skin becomes dry, it becomes more vulnerable to various bacteria and microbes that can penetrate through the resulting cracks and cause various skin diseases.

Unfortunately, dry fingers are a very common condition, most common in elderly patients. Due to age-related changes, the skin requires regular intensive care. Already in middle age, the use of hand protection should become a necessary everyday ritual, as well as mandatory care for the body and skin on the face.

Dry skin and cracked hands

If your hands become dry, and small cracks and “hooks” appear on the surface, then, first of all, it can be assumed that there is a deficiency of vitamin substances and a disorder in the function of the sebaceous glands. What factors can provoke this condition:

  • frequent hand washing, especially with hot water and detergents;
  • using alkalis, aggressive detergents and cleaning agents without wearing protective gloves;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorder);
  • hypo and avitaminosis, lack of nutrition, long-term and strict diets, unbalanced diet;
  • environmental influences (prolonged exposure to wind, frosty air or ultraviolet radiation);
  • natural age-related changes.

To correct the situation, it is important not only to choose effective cosmetics for hand care. Among other things, you should make adjustments to your diet:

  • eat a lot of greens, fruits, berries, vegetables, natural products;
  • pay attention to the sufficient content of vitamins B, E, A and ascorbic acid in products;
  • drink at least one and a half or two liters of water per day;
  • Avoid completely low-fat foods.

In addition to diet, try to lead an active lifestyle: walk in the fresh air, avoid stressful situations, get plenty of rest, devote enough time to work, sleep and rest.

Hand dryness and redness

The appearance of both dryness and redness on the hands can be due to various reasons.

  • Illiterate care or lack of hand care can cause not only redness and peeling, but also the appearance of blisters and dermatitis. Remember that in the summer your hands require hydration, and in the cold season they require nutrition. Therefore, select care products depending on the needs of the skin. Don't neglect gloves in winter.
  • Using chemical dishwashing or laundry detergents without wearing gloves can also cause dry patches and stains on your hands. Don't be lazy, try to protect your hands from aggressive chemicals. After doing your homework, be sure to apply an emollient cream to your hands.
  • An allergic response of the body can manifest itself to sunlight, medications, foods, and cosmetics. In cases of allergies, in addition to redness and peeling, itching may be present. Consult your doctor: they will help you identify the triggering allergen, and then prescribe effective antihistamines.
  • Dermatological problems can also cause redness and dryness of the skin. This may indicate the development of psoriasis, dermatitis, lichen, and eczema. In such cases, you cannot do without the help of a dermatologist.

Remember that skin problems are not always harmless: in some cases, this may indicate a serious illness.

Dry hand skin in children

In children, the outer layer of the epidermis can dry out for many reasons. Among these reasons are frequent water procedures, increased water hardness, early refusal of breastfeeding, poor nutrition of the mother during pregnancy or lactation, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (in particular the intestines), use of inappropriate bathing products, etc.

We should not forget that the surface of a child’s skin is extremely thin and sensitive, resulting in a reaction to absolutely any irritation. Even ordinary children's talc can dry out the skin surface. In addition, the sebaceous glands in the youngest children may not yet be sufficiently developed.

Is it necessary to treat the overly sensitive skin of a baby’s hands? As a rule, over time, when the function of the baby’s glands returns to normal, the condition of the skin surface normalizes on its own. If this does not happen, consult your doctor: you may need to reconsider the diet of both mother and baby. In some cases, the doctor may recommend special baby creams or ointments.

Dry skin on hands and face

Very often the skin on the hands and face becomes dehydrated at the same time. This phenomenon is especially common among women who actively adhere to various diets for weight loss. This situation is considered in two options:

  • The woman adheres to a very strict and strict diet, in which the body suffers from a deficiency of proteins, vitamins and minerals.
  • The patient uses specific drugs to get rid of extra pounds, which have, among other things, diuretic and laxative properties. Under the influence of such drugs, not only excess, but also necessary fluid is removed from the body, resulting in tissue dehydration.

Considering the possible reasons, in such cases we can recommend drinking a sufficient amount of liquid (at least two liters), as well as diversifying your diet with all kinds of low-calorie vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries, fermented milk products and natural freshly squeezed juices. It is better to avoid strong tea and coffee - they have a diuretic effect and only intensify the symptoms of tissue dehydration.

Dry skin between fingers

When the skin between the fingers dries out, a number of reasons can be suspected. However, most of them are associated with lack of hand care (or improper care), with the general condition of the body, with living conditions and professional activities, with nutrition. If a woman washes or washes dishes without gloves, then residues of washing powder or detergent accumulate between her fingers, which subsequently manifest themselves as dry skin.

Also, interdigital peeling can be a consequence of a lack of vitamins in the body (groups B and A), as well as a symptom of a fungal infection.

What can be done to prevent the spaces between the toes from drying out?

  • After washing your hands, dry them thoroughly, paying attention to the areas between the fingers.
  • Rubber gloves should be used when doing laundry or washing dishes.
  • You can’t leave your hands wet, much less go outside like that.
  • It is not recommended to be without warm gloves in frosty weather.
  • It is important to choose the right product for your hands (cream or ointment) and use it regularly.

Hands require care no less than the skin on the face or other parts of the body.

Severe dryness of hand skin

Increased dryness can be caused by diseases of some internal organs, for example, the liver, intestines, and thyroid gland.

Disorders of thyroid function are manifested by apathy, lethargy, constipation, dehydration of the skin and coldness of the extremities. The thyroid gland is treated by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis.

Intestinal dysfunction also affects the condition of the skin, since intestinal problems interfere with the absorption of nutrients and vitamins vital for the body. A person can eat right and even take additional vitamin and mineral complexes, but there will be no result, since the necessary substances are not absorbed and leave the digestive tract in transit.

With liver diseases, patients often complain of symptoms such as pallor and dry skin, heaviness in the right hypochondrium, loss of appetite, and attacks of nausea. Hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver are serious diseases and can only be treated by a specialist. However, before drawing any conclusions about severe dry skin, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

Treatment of dry hand skin

Superficial dehydration should be treated based on the underlying cause of the condition. For example, if the whole point is the lack of proper hand care, then it is necessary to provide it: purchase a good cream, scrub, mask to restore the moisture of the skin, and use these products regularly.

If the poor condition of your hands is caused by any pathology, then you should consult a doctor and treat the specific disease, be it diabetes, dermatitis or enterocolitis.

  • It is useful to include in the menu foods that contain vitamins in sufficient quantities - these can be vegetables, cereals, nuts, herbs, fruits;
  • It is advisable to eliminate sweets, chocolate, caffeine-containing drinks and fried foods from the diet;
  • it is important to get rid of bad habits - do not smoke or drink alcohol;
  • It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water per day - clean, still, without additives;
  • a good effect can be achieved by simply massaging the hands and palms using a moisturizer - this promotes a surge of oxygen and improves tissue trophism;
  • in winter, do not forget about maintaining optimal air humidity in the apartment, and also that you should go outside wearing mittens or gloves.

How to eliminate dry hand skin?

If your skin is dehydrated, do not use regular soap: try switching to cream soap, which contains a nourishing agent that softens the epidermis.

  • After washing your hands, be sure to dry them thoroughly with a soft towel.
  • If you wash your hands in warm or hot water, complete the procedure with a cool rinse - this will activate blood circulation in the surface tissues.
  • When going outside, remember that your hands should be dry, and in cold weather, wear mittens.
  • After morning hygiene procedures, as well as at night, do not forget to use a moisturizer with glycerin.
  • When going outside in the heat, use a cream with ultraviolet protection.
  • Carry out all household chores related to water and detergents wearing protective latex gloves.
  • It’s not a superfluous procedure to use a scrub - this helps eliminate dead skin flakes.
  • If you have time, after applying the cream to your hands, it is useful to put on cellophane gloves for about half an hour.

Remedies for dry hands

To restore the water balance of the skin, you can also try folk remedies. The most popular of them are masks and hand baths.

Using masks:

  • 1 tbsp. mix l warm vegetable oil with 1 tsp. any cream and ½ tsp. lemon juice. Mix the mixture and distribute it over the skin of your hands, and put on gloves on top. We use this product at night, once a week;
  • beat the egg white, add 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, apply to hands for about 15 minutes, then rinse with water and fix the effect with moisturizer;
  • put your hands in warm oatmeal seasoned with vegetable oil for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wash your hands in warm water;
  • separate two yolks, mix with 2 tbsp. l. natural honey and the same amount of vegetable oil. Spread the mixture over the skin surface and wait until the mask dries. After this, rinse off the mixture with warm water.

Using baths:

  • dip the brushes in a warm chamomile infusion for about 20 minutes. There is no need to wash off the infusion: just dry your hands and apply moisturizer on top;
  • heat the whey to +40°C, dip the brushes into it and wait about 20 minutes. After this, dry your hands;
  • dip the brushes into warm vegetable oil.

You can add essential oils to the baths at your discretion. Suitable oils for the procedures include bergamot, mint, lavender, citrus, and clove oils.

Cream for dry hands

  • Hydroactive cream with triple action (Hydro active) is a regenerating product for sensitive skin of the hands, as well as to improve the condition of nails. Protects the skin from the harmful effects of detergents and cleaning products.
  • Cream "Velour" (Kalina concern) - intensively moisturizes and protects hands, eliminates minor scratches and cracks. Contains chamomile extract, glycerin and vitamin F.
  • Salon spa cream is moisturizing and smoothing, contains kelp, fucus and silk. Gives the skin surface tone, relieves peeling, eliminates lethargy, and nourishes.
  • Doctor Sante cream “Tender silk, nourishment” cares for sensitive and flaky skin and does not leave an unpleasant feeling of stickiness or heaviness after application. It is a thoughtful combination of intense moisturizing agents and plant waxes.
  • Cream "Home recipes - softening" contains peach oil and royal jelly. The combination of these ingredients relieves inflammation, inhibits age-related processes, and promotes moisture retention in the surface layers.
  • Handson Biocream Moisturizing Cream deeply moisturizes the outer skin. Contains herbal extracts of angelica and lungwort plants.

Ointment for dry skin of hands

  • Boro Plus ointment is a universal cosmetic ointment that eliminates the cause of inflammatory elements on the skin surface, deeply cleanses and optimizes local metabolism, and restores the function of the sebaceous glands.
  • Radevit ointment is a combined anti-inflammatory and restorative agent. Reduces itching, makes the skin softer and moisturizes it, supporting the protective function of the surface layer. Contains retinol, tocopherol and ergocalciferol (vitamins A, E and D).
  • Ointment "Bepanten" 5% product based on provitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Provides restoration of the skin, accelerates metabolic processes in tissues, strengthens collagen fibers, and perfectly moisturizes. Helps with cracks, scratches, inflammatory elements, etc.
  • Neutrogenia ointment restores the protective layer, preventing moisture from leaving the epidermis. Intensely moisturizes, provides a feeling of comfort, is easy to apply and is perfectly absorbed.
  • You can prepare the ointment yourself: for this you use a mixture of salicylic ointment and glycerin, or mix equal parts of ammonia, medical alcohol, glycerin and distilled water. This mixture is applied to the skin surface several times a day. You can add essential oils or pharmaceutical capsules with an extract from sprouted wheat to the composition.

Vitamins for dry skin

To restore water balance and nourish the skin, it is important to replenish the supply of vitamins in the body. This can be achieved by increasing the proportion of vegetables and fruits in the diet, or by starting to take multivitamin complex preparations. This will not only tidy up the skin, but also strengthen the body as a whole. What medications are suitable for treating dry skin?

  • Neurovitan is a complex preparation with B vitamins. It is taken in a course of 2 to 4 weeks. You can take up to four tablets per day.
  • Vitrum Beauty is a specially selected complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. When taken regularly, it improves the condition of nails, hair and skin, stimulates metabolism and accelerates the removal of toxic substances from the body. Usually take 1 tablet. up to 3 times a day.
  • Alphabet of cosmetics is a preparation that combines all the maximum necessary microelements and vitamins to counteract hypovitaminosis and microelement deficiency in the body. Take 3 tablets a day, with an interval of at least 4 hours.
  • Supradin Roche is a multivitamin complex that takes into account all the body’s needs to restore the beauty and health of the skin and mucous membranes. The duration of treatment is at least a month. Dosage – one tablet once a day.

Today, you can buy a lot of products at the pharmacy that eliminate dry skin on your hands. But you should remember that deterioration of the condition of the skin can happen for various reasons: take this into account when choosing a cosmetic or medicinal hand care product.

Skin that is sensitive to touch is irritating, uncomfortable, and often unbearable. Pain or tenderness of the skin is medically called allodynia, a condition in which a person feels an exaggerated type of pain or tenderness even without painful stimuli such as wind. There are different types of skin tenderness, including:

  • Tactile or mechanical allodynia, which is triggered by touch
  • Static mechanical allodynia due to light touch or pressure
  • Dynamic mechanical allodynia, where brushing the skin causes pain
  • Thermal allodynia, which is felt with cold or hot stimuli

Abnormally increased skin sensitivity to various types of irritants may be a sign of other health problems, such as nutritional deficiencies, nerve problems, or a viral infection.


It is easy to recognize the symptoms of delicate skin or skin that is sensitive to touch. The pain may be localized or widespread, with severe pain usually triggered by stimuli that do not normally cause pain. To test this, you can use gauze or a cotton swab and gently flick it onto your skin. You can also use a cold or warm compress or simply use your fingertip to apply it to the affected areas. If any of these causes severe pain or tenderness or tingling, then you may experience allodynia.

Other symptoms include a sensation of something crawling on the skin, itching, tingling or burning.


There are many possible causes of skin that is sensitive to the touch, and it can range from a simple sunburn to a serious illness. Here are the possible reasons:

  • Prolonged sun exposure- This causes a first degree to second degree burn, which makes the skin sensitive to light touch.
  • Neuropathies“It is caused by nerve damage, which leads to increased skin sensitivity. Neuropathy may be associated with diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, or injury.
  • Migraine- People who suffer from migraines may experience skin pain even when they simply comb their hair or wear a necklace.
  • Roof tiles- Previous chickenpox infection can lead to a late complication called herpes zoster or herpes zoster. This is a condition in which a rash or blisters appear on one part of the body and the skin becomes sensitive to touch.
  • Fibromyalgia is a disease that is characterized by a syndrome of chronic body pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance, and allodynia.
  • Demyelinating diseases are medical conditions affecting the nervous system in which the myelin sheath covering nerve cells is damaged, causing a variety of symptoms including pain and skin sensitivity.
  • Brain defect- The brain is the part of the brain that is associated with evaluating and sorting different stimuli. Here the defect can lead to tactile defensiveness, which is an exaggerated painful response to normal stimuli like gentle pressure or light touch.


Treatment for allodynia, or skin that is sensitive to touch, depends on the specific cause. Treating the underlying cause may improve your symptoms; however, some of these conditions, such as fibromyalgia and demyelinating diseases, are not very easily treated. Treating conditions such as vitamin B deficiency can reduce or eliminate the tingling sensation in the skin. Herpes zoster can also be treated with an antiviral drug, which also eliminates the burning sensation on the affected areas of the skin.

To reduce your symptoms, your doctor may prescribe a variety of medications. These range from non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen to painkillers like ketamine. Narcotics may be prescribed, such as morphine, tramadol, or alfentanil, as well as topical pain medications, like aspercreme creams or capsaicin.

Sensitive and tender skin may be a symptom of a disease and requires appropriate treatment. If you experience unusual skin sensitivity, you may experience allodynia. You should see a doctor to treat the underlying causes and get rid of this sensitivity.

Hands are sensitive to age, to light, to cold. It happens that the hands become covered with pimples, reacting to the cold, the skin becomes rough and tough. The skin of the hands tends to get tired from bad ecology and needs to be cleaned, just like the intestines need, for example. She needs hydration and nutrition.

To avoid all possible skin problems, a huge number of creams, nourishing masks and moisturizers have been invented. Many companies have their own laboratories and prepare miracle potions for hand skin care. But there are recipes that were invented a long time ago and are actively used in folk medicine. To properly care for your hand skin, you need to use three products:

Scrub as a means of cleansing, exfoliation and rejuvenation

After using this product, the skin becomes elastic, smooth and well-groomed. To prepare it at home, you need a base and active cleansing agents.

There are several degrees of skin sensitivity. And scrubs, accordingly, are divided into subspecies. For normal, dry, oily and combination skin.

Several types of scrub have been invented for dry, thin, sensitive skin. Coffee and oil are the most popular. To prepare a coffee scrub, you need to mix the dried coffee grounds with the highest fat content cottage cheese in equal proportions. And to get butter, you need to beat two eggs and a couple of tablespoons of melted butter and add a ground walnut kernel.

To cleanse normal hand skin, cucumber and salt scrubs deserve special attention. To prepare a cucumber scrub, it is important to take a fine grater and mix it with oatmeal in arbitrary proportions. It’s even easier to prepare a salt scrub by mixing one tablespoon of fine salt with a spoonful of heavy sour cream or cream.

Oily and combination skin will be pleased with sugar and honey scrubs. Both are easy to prepare and effective. Sugar is made by mixing one teaspoon of sugar with one egg white, and honey is made by adding aloe juice to honey in arbitrary proportions.

Cream as a way to moisturize, nourish and eliminate cracks

The cream, like the scrub, is designed for different types of skin. Sensitive dry skin loves hydration and nutrition, and sometimes needs emergency help.

For example, pimples and cracks on the hands can be removed with a mixture of glycerin and ammonia. The components are mixed in equal parts in a container with a lid, shaken and applied to hands several times a day.

For moisturizing procedures, butter-based products are suitable. It can be mixed with honey and a drop of mint or lemon oil, and then applied to cleansed skin.

Parsley, chopped with basil to a paste, mixed with olive oil will provide nutrition to the skin. This mixture should be infused in the refrigerator for several days and used daily.

Mask as an aid in rejuvenation, softening and whitening

A mask made from raw potato pulp with the addition of lemon juice will help with whitening. You need to apply this mask for two and keep it for no more than twenty minutes a day. But from boiled potatoes, to which lemon juice and milk have been added, you will get an express remedy for whitening very darkened and rough skin.

— 09.06.2014

Sensitive skin on the hands is a big problem that many women face. As a rule, this type of skin itself has a good appearance in a calm state. Light, thin and delicate - this is how she can be described during this period. However, she overreacts to all sorts of internal and external stimuli. Redness, irritation, cracking - all this can be caused by incorrectly selected cosmetics, certain foods, weather conditions and other negative factors.

How to care for sensitive hand skin?
At the first signs of irritated skin, you should immediately apply a moisturizer to your hands to relieve redness and burning. The skin is able to maintain elasticity and can retain moisture, but it needs additional care.

Often the most common cause of irritation is loss of moisture. In addition, this may be due to infectious diseases, exposure to sunlight, too hot or, conversely, cold air. Aggressive chemical components, which are oversaturated with household chemicals, also have an adverse effect on the skin of the hands and over time it dries out and becomes too sensitive. This becomes especially noticeable on frosty days and in the fall, when the weather outside is damp and windy. Dry indoor air is another cause of dryness, which can result in flaking and redness.

Regardless of the cause of dry skin, you should regularly pamper your hands with moisturizers that will prevent irritation and help your skin stay firm and healthy.

Useful tips
It is very important to try to avoid contact with hot water as little as possible, and also avoid antibacterial soaps, which dry out the skin. The best option is moisturizing liquid soap.

You need to learn one simple and quite effective rule - when cleaning, always put on protective gloves on your hands, which can be worn for no more than 20 minutes, as they perfectly prevent the negative effects of household chemicals, but can also dry out the skin of your hands. After each dishwashing, laundry or cleaning, apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to your hands.

Experts recommend using a restorative and nourishing cream in winter, which should be applied to your hands every 3-4 hours. In addition, in winter you should definitely wear warm gloves; with their help, your hands will be reliably protected from the influence of cold temperatures. The best products that improve the health of the skin of your hands in winter are beeswax, apricot, olive, almond oil, and glycerin.

Very often, the skin begins to crack due to a deficiency of such important vitamins as A and E. In this regard, you should follow a nutritious diet, which will help keep the skin of your hands young and beautiful.

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