Why are breasts excited? A Guide to Women's Breasts

Men, in general, are known to value a “comfortable” woman. That is, of course, a fashion show in high heels, and even in a short skirt, will not leave anyone indifferent, but homemade, morning “stretches” in pajamas (you won’t be able to stretch too actively in a skimpy peignoir) are more exciting than any striptease. Firstly, because when you are awake you seem even more defenseless to your lover, and secondly, because you completely and unconditionally belong to him at this moment, and what could be more beautiful than the feeling of complete possession? So, if you want your morning to start not with coffee, stretch.


To be honest, there is still not a single scientific explanation that could help understand why men like angry women so much. But, nevertheless, men like women when they are angry and this is a fact. Surely each of us has heard the phrase “you are so beautiful when you are angry” at least once in your life. It seems to us as if a man driven into a corner is going to calm us down in such an absurd way, or to anger us even more, and meanwhile, he really admires you. Well, violent sex as a reconciliation is a very good option.

Wild hair

The same scheme works here as with stretching in pajamas. You are cozy, at home, no styling, no cosmetics (we will talk about this separately). You can spend as much time as you want on styling, purchasing curling irons, flat irons and tongs, but the fact remains that he doesn’t want you because of your ideal styling. Maybe the secret is that he just likes you, and not your flawless curls?

No makeup

Marina Vakt

Scientists have calculated that over the course of her entire life, the average Russian woman spends about 1,000,000 rubles on cosmetics. Do you feel the scope? However, the presence of cosmetics on a woman’s face leaves many men completely indifferent, and some representatives of the stronger sex do not like it at all when a woman wears makeup. Even despite the widespread joke in women's circles about natural makeup, which takes much more time and, remarkably, money than unpretentious and, as a result, vulgar, our men still prefer naturalness in its purest form. In addition, do not forget that representatives of the stronger half of humanity love to kiss, and struggling with lipstick and foundation is not a task for the faint of heart. So, when applying makeup, remember that it can not only attract male attention, but also push a man away from you during closer communication.

Checked shirts

What could be sexier than a girl wearing a plaid shirt, regardless of whether it is worn naked or on a T-shirt (although, naked, perhaps, it’s still better). In the eyes of a man, you immediately become a kind of hooligan who is not against the most daring experiments in bed. But don’t overdo it, from time to time the cage needs to be replaced with something else, otherwise it will become a habit, and a habit is no longer sexy.

Girl with a musical instrument

Audrey Hepburn

What instrument a woman plays makes absolutely no difference, but they do it, according to the opposite sex, a hundred times hotter than any professional musician. And if you also have vocal talent... Not a single connoisseur of beauty can resist you. However, if music is not your thing at all, learn to tap out the rhythm on a washboard. This works too.

Small belly

Despite the fact that advertisers convince us of the need to have an ideal figure and six-pack abs, earthly men think completely differently. With an outwardly ideal woman, the same problem exists as with a handsome man; several questions arise at once, the main one of which is: “What to do about it?” Put it on a shelf? Admire? Brush off the dust from time to time? Or maybe invest millions in maintaining an impeccable appearance? Absolutely incomprehensible. And, in the end, who will bake pancakes and cook borscht? Our defenders prefer soft women, so a small, pleasant belly, on which you can lie like a pillow, looks very natural, which undoubtedly excites men. In addition, when a woman’s figure is not ideal, then a man against her background is more relaxed about his physical shortcomings, without developing complexes about this.


Anouk Eme

Each of us falls into serious despair when the first “cobwebs” appear around the eyes. For us, wrinkles are the first step towards the inevitable. Our loved ones, however, think completely differently. No, of course, you shouldn’t turn into a Shar Pei, but many men find small “nets” very sexy, because they say that they are facing a mature, experienced woman, and sexually as well, which turns them on a lot. In addition, as you know, pronounced facial wrinkles around the eyes and in the nasolabial area often appear when a woman laughs a lot. While no one needs a sad woman exhausted by constant depression. A man himself can reflect perfectly, why does he need someone else to burden him?

Small breasts

Contrary to popular belief, not all men dream of their partner having size 5 breasts. Even the 4th one is too big. Most representatives of the stronger sex consider it not the size of the breast that is important, but its shape and firmness. And these parameters are often at their best for those with a small bust. After all, small breasts are light and often have an attractive and toned appearance, sag less and retain their shape longer.

A good appetite

Alas, recently all women are passionate about diets and a healthy lifestyle. Great, it’s true that this doesn’t excite men. Of course, no one is suggesting you eat a mammoth in one sitting, but sadly chewing a cabbage leaf throughout your date is also not the best option. After all, most men want an earthly beauty, not a forest nymph. If a woman has a good healthy appetite, and she is not shy in choosing alcohol, then this speaks of her inner strength and confidence and that she does not care what others think of her. In addition, by trying different dishes and not giving up various alcoholic drinks, a woman gives a man a non-verbal signal that she will not lack courage in bed.


The glasses for which many of us earned the title of bore and “nerd” in school have the opposite effect in adult life. Behind them, the woman seems fragile and defenseless (unless, of course, in an attempt to see something at a distance you squint like a hired killer with a rifle), or, on the contrary, confident and independent - both awaken the sexual fantasy of men.

Despite the fact that the presence of marks from panties and bra makes you different from the ideal beauty from the cover of a glossy magazine, men, nevertheless, really like it. Why? It's very simple: in combination with tanned areas of the skin, white ones look even more naked.

Long skirts

With long skirts, everything is simple - there is a secret hidden under them, and yet mothers and grandmothers taught us from childhood that it is not at all necessary to show everything right away. So - flowing fabrics and skirts to the toes are our everything, because under them, in the opinion of the opposite sex, something supernatural and incredibly attractive can be hidden, even if your loved one has already seen “all of” you more than once.

Bare feet

Emmanuel Beart

In earlier times, when girls could not even dream of modern emancipation, bare feet were considered a hint of nudity (after all, this meant that the woman was not wearing stockings), which, of course, could not leave any man indifferent.

Jokes about women's breasts and men gazing at these breasts are the main theme in comedies and are already a kind of cliche. How many times have we seen men talking to a curvaceous and seductive lady only for her to say with a meaningful look: “Hey, guy, look me in the eye!”

It's funny - or at least it was funny the first ten times we saw it - because that's actually what happens. A man's gaze always seems to slide down, so to speak, to the south. But why? Why do heterosexual men care so much about women's breasts, and we act as if they are the seat of the soul?

Well, we just happen to be heterosexual men. We also happen to be interested in biology—one of us, Larry, is one of the leading experts in the neurobiology of social connections. That's why we think about all this. And in our new book, The Chemistry Between Us: Love, Sex, and the Science of Attraction, we offer the answer to this question.

Speaking in the language of biology, the fact that human males are so passionate and obsessed with the sight of female breasts is an incomprehensible and mysterious phenomenon. Men are the only male mammals that are sexually attracted to breasts. And women are the only female mammals whose breasts enlarge not only during pregnancy, but also with the onset of puberty. Humans are the only animal species whose males, before or during intercourse, caress, stroke women's breasts and even stimulate them with their mouth.

And, apparently, women like such attention, at least at certain moments. When Roy Levin of the University of Sheffield and Cindy Meston of the University of Texas surveyed 158 men and 153 women, they found that breast or nipple stimulation increased sexual arousal in nearly 82% of women. And almost 60% of women specifically ask their partner to touch their nipples.

And, as a rule, men are happy to provide this service to their partners. Judging by the success and popularity of the Hooters restaurant chain, men's magazines, countless websites, and, finally, art that dates back almost 10 thousand years, men are terribly attracted to women's breasts. And not because boys from early childhood in the gateways learn that breasts are exactly what they should be interested in. This is biologically predetermined, it is written in the brain. And, interestingly, research shows that as soon as a man sees breasts, or even something related to breasts, such as a bra, in front of him, he begins to make poor decisions (and not only does he go to Hooters to eat).

For example, in one study, men were offered a monetary reward. They could get a few euros right away or, if they waited a few days, even more money. This experiment, a variation of the classic “delayed gratification” experiment (what behavioral economists call “intertemporal choice”), had some men watch a video with a simple, naive storyline, while others watched a video that showed attractive almost men in slow motion. naked women - like in "Baywatch". For monetary rewards, men who viewed women's breasts in all their glory were much more likely to prefer a small amount immediately, compared with those who viewed pastoral scenes.

This, apparently, indicates that those parts of their brain that are associated with “reward”, pleasure centers and areas responsible for goal-directed motivation, by their reaction suppressed the processes occurring in the centers associated with assessing the situation, making decisions, control of impulses that are located mainly in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Neurotransmitters initiate these chains of motivation and reward, they begin to dominate, and as a result, men decide to accept “quick” money.

Thus, a woman's breasts are extremely seductive. But what purposes can this serve?

Some evolutionary biologists have suggested that large breasts contain the right amount of fat, which in turn indicates to a man that the woman is in good health and therefore an excellent candidate for bearing and feeding children. But men are not particularly selective in their sexual partners. In the end, there are enough male reproductive cells, and we don’t feel sorry for them. And since we men don’t get pregnant or give birth to children, it won’t hurt us if we sow them left and right. And if the main purpose of sex - from an evolutionary point of view - is to pass on one's genes, then it would be wiser to have sex with as many women as possible, no matter how much they look like the Playboy centerfold of the month.

Other hypotheses are based on the idea that in most primates, mating occurs in the male-rear position. This explains the fact that some female monkeys actively and in all its glory show off their butts. As for humans, scientists believe that women's breasts have become larger over time precisely in order to resemble the shape and outline of women's buttocks.

In our opinion, all these arguments are complete nonsense! The point is completely different; from a psychological point of view, there is only one explanation. It is based on mechanisms in the brain that create a strong bond between mother and child.

When a woman gives birth to a child, her newborn child begins to perform a number of actions and become involved in the system of complex processes associated with feeding from the mother's breast. The child's stimulating actions send a signal along nerve fibers to the brain. There, under the influence of these signals, the hypothalamus begins to release neurotransmitters and oxytocins. This release of oxytocin stimulates the smooth muscles of a woman's breasts, causing milk to be produced, which provides nutrition to her nursing baby.

But the release of oxytocin also causes other reactions. As oxytocin is released under the influence of the baby, the mother begins to give him her full attention. The child becomes the most important creature in the world for her. As a result of the interaction of oxytocin with dopamine, the baby's face, smell and voice are imprinted on those neural circuits in the mother's brain that are associated with feelings of pleasure and reward. Thus, nursing and feeding a child becomes a very pleasant activity for the mother; she strives for this activity, and, as a result, the bond between mother and child is strengthened. Such a connection is not only the most beautiful of all social connections, it can also become the most durable and last throughout life.

Another feature of humans is that humans, unlike most other animals, perform sexual intercourse face to face and look into each other's eyes. We believe that this bizarre feature of human sexuality is based on an ancient system of neural circuits in the human brain that provide a close bond between mother and child, which can now serve to strengthen the bond between sexual partners.

When a partner touches a woman's nipples, strokes them and caresses them, the same mechanisms and reactions are triggered in the brain as when feeding and nursing a child. A woman's attention is focused on the man's face, his smell and voice. The combination of oxytocin, released under the influence of breast stimulation, and dopamine, the level of which increases sharply under the influence of arousal from caresses and face-to-face intercourse, causes the woman to associate her partner’s face and eyes with pleasant feelings, and at the same time a connection is formed in her brain , connecting her to her partner.

Therefore, you can joke as you please, but there is nothing terrible or unhealthy in the fact that we are irresistibly attracted to your female breasts. It is a subconscious drive, evolved throughout evolution, that encourages us men to activate powerful neural circuits that help form bonds between loving and caring people.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

There is a widespread belief that the stronger sex is more sympathetic to a woman’s full bust than to small breasts.

Many men will probably enter into the discussion with arguments that this is not so, and attempts to prove the opposite.

But nevertheless, a woman with large breasts evokes more visual responses from the male half of the population. According to this characteristic, she will be ahead of the same woman with smaller sizes. This fact is easily confirmed by observation.

What causes this phenomenon? Experts from various fields, one way or another related to this issue, from psychology to sexology, identify several basic theories.

The mother's large warm breast, filled with delicious milk, is the first thing a man encounters in infancy.

In her he finds a sense of safety and security. As he grows older, voluminous female forms continue to attract his attention.

On a subconscious level, these forms remind men of carefree times. About warmth, comfort and richness.

These “memories”, in turn, trigger sexual desire.

A man wants to see in his beloved the tenderness, affection and care that his mother once gave him.

In turn, sexual desire, seemingly caused by “family relationships,” also has an explanation.

According to Sigmund Freud's theory, every child, on a subconscious level, experiences attraction to a parent of the opposite sex.

Theory No. 2. Offspring

Partially echoes the previous one, but is connected with the instincts not of the past, but rather of the future. According to this theory, women's breasts are also perceived as the infant's sole and most important source of nutrition.

However, here the choice of the future nurse of the offspring that will eventually arise in the union occurs subconsciously. That is, as in prehistoric times, a male, pushed by the mechanisms of evolution, looks for a female who is most capable of ensuring the survival of his offspring.

Small-sized feminine charms, of course, evoke much less associations with feeding a child.

Theory #3: Envy

Some researchers have noticed that lovers of large female breasts most often tend to surround themselves with large objects. If they are cars, then they are SUVs. If at home, then it is of immense space and size.

If it is a companion, then it is large, at least in some of its volumes. This is associated with a method of self-affirmation. The desire to arouse envy among friends, rivals and others in general.

The paradox is that for some of them this part of the body can even cause antipathy. But the desire to arouse envious glances overpowers and forces you to endure what may be unpleasant even visually.

Theory No. 4. Complex

A number of sexologists claim that men with a banal complex choose a life partner with extensive curves. This complex is associated with the size of one’s self-esteem.

Being dissatisfied with their primary sexual characteristics, men seem to “get” at the expense of their beloved. It is for this reason that women's sizes are cultivated, almost deified.

Theory No. 5. Femininity

The breast is that part of the body that primarily distinguishes the female body from the male body. That is, she herself is a manifestation of femininity.

And the greater its volume and size, the more the woman differs from the man, which automatically attracts attention. And after attention comes the manifestation of desire.

However, this theory belongs only to the category of speculation and has absolutely no scientific basis.

Theory No. 6. Propaganda

There is an opinion that a large, chic bust is an imaginary standard of beauty, imposed on society by industries interested in this. In particular, we can talk about plastic surgery, the production of underwear and other related industries.

With the help of the media, large representatives of these markets simply artificially implanted a busty image into the consciousness of both sexes.

This was done to line up in the offices of plastic surgeons, and then to the store counters, where women are offered related products for the care of artificial breasts, and those with medium sizes are offered all sorts of supporting and visually increasing volume methods and means.

So humanity, divided equally according to all characteristics according to nature’s plan, rushed in pursuit of achieving “standard” and “favorite” sizes. In fact, recognizing that size does not matter, the male and female half of the population continues to actively fill the wallets of smart people.


One way or another, there is no reliable explanation for the dominance of the attractiveness of large female breasts over small ones. And the sheer number of theories and speculations suggests that dominance as such does not exist.

All this is just a subject and a reason for pseudoscientific research and friendly conversations. In matters of human beauty, as in all other subjective problems, it is difficult to come to a consensus.

Throughout human history, men have glorified women's breasts. In the end, they all start their lives by sucking it, and then continue to fall for it throughout the remaining years. And just as at the beginning of a man’s life, so in their adulthood, women often want to create instructions for them on the use of female breasts. In summary, here's what men should know about breast handling:

1. Don't bite until we tell you to.

All women have very different sensitivity in their breasts. Some people like having their breasts bitten, others don't. It is better to be careful until you get to know the owner of the breast and its charms better. If you don't know how gentle or rough you are, it's better to ask her how she feels.

2. Some of us don't have sensitive breasts at all, so don't be upset if we don't moan with pleasure.

It's sad but true. In some women, you can fondle the breasts as much as you want, but it will not have any effect on them.

3. Don't focus on the nipples alone. The whole breast is very sensitive.

4. Size does not affect sensitivity.

There are women with zero breast size, but they prefer having their nipples caressed than cunnilingus. And some plus-size women don't like their breasts being touched at all.

5. If you suck on our breasts too often, our milk may leak.

This is true both for those women who have children and for those who do not. Just don't be alarmed if this happens.

6. The surest sign that a girl wants you to play with her breasts is when she puts your hands on her breasts.

7. Some women don't even mind breastfeeding their boyfriends. For some this is very strange, while for others it is an indicator of the level of intimacy.

8. Please don't just suck on our nipples. Don't overdo it - it may hurt.

9. It’s rare that a woman will refuse a breast massage. Especially during critical days, when the chest fills up.

For lovers, the whole body is an area of ​​sexual arousal. The mere sensation of gentle touches of hands evokes a feeling of pleasure in most women. The pleasant sensation is enhanced if particularly sensitive areas are caressed, but caresses with the hands are not comparable to what can be achieved with the mouth, tongue, and lips.

Conventionally, these zones are divided into weak, medium and strong. You should start caressing from weaker areas, moving to stronger ones. Starting caress immediately from a strong erogenous zone can reduce the sensitivity of a weaker one. And, on the contrary, when systematically influencing any zone, its sensitivity increases and it is even possible to develop the sensitivity of a previously non-responsive zone.

Weak areas.
Hair. their light stroking, stretching, winding around the fingers causes a slight impact. For some, the parietal region is effective, for others - the occipital region. Ears. When the tongue touches the edge of the ear or climbs into it, when the lips are pressed against the ear, when the lips play with the earlobe - all this arouses desire in a woman. Women who easily respond to caressing the ear are of the easily excitable and passionate type. By the way, women wearing earrings is an indirect reminder of the role of the ear, especially the lobe, as an erogenous zone.

Kiss on closed eyes– this type of caresses has almost disappeared. Vision, touch, smell - everything can react as an erogenous zone, but more often to a specific and desired person.

There are erogenous zones of the neck. one of them is the anterior surface, which descends like a promontory between the mammary glands. This shape is usually used to make cutouts on dresses. Moreover, one zone may be less. The other is more pronounced.

Hands. Especially the woman’s palms, soft fingertips. The back of the hand and the inner side of the forearm also belong to weak erogenous zones.

Middle zones.
Lips and oral cavity, Moreover, the tongue is more erogenous, then the lips, and the mucous surface of the oral cavity. There are many types of kisses. A man needs to find out what his wife prefers and improve his kissing technique. There are kisses with which the love game begins. Kisses that precede the merging of bodies in a paroxysm of passion differ from kisses of subsiding passion. A kiss of gratitude, after which the lovers calm down peacefully. From the Ancient East, poetic names for kisses have come down to us, for example: “tender”, “chaste”, “bashful”, “passionate”, “plucking the petals”, “enjoying the bud”, “nectar”, “playful”, “royal kiss of the winner” , kiss “Peccu” from the French word “pique” - lip cutting. To do this, the tip of the tongue is made sharp and thin. Barely sticking it out of the mouth, light punctures are carried out along the perimeter of the lips. “Kiss of the soul” or “French” - a kiss on the mouth, touching the palate, tongue, and mucous membrane of the mouth with the tongue. But some women do not accept such affection. Perhaps we have lost the habit, sometimes we are not satisfied with the manner of conducting it. Sometimes men celebrate their wife’s discreet “station” kiss. The reason is often a lack of skill and habit. The reason may also be unhygienic maintenance of the mouth, unattractiveness, painful appearance of teeth, or bad breath.

Female breast is the most obvious symbol of femininity. This is one of the receptive erogenous zones. The mammary gland itself reacts more to gentle massaging movements. The nipple halo and breast nipples are responsive to soft touches, and not only when a man caresses them, but often to his own caresses.

Some girls bring themselves to orgasm by tickling their nipples. For nursing mothers, the baby also causes excitement, sometimes leading to orgasm. All this is quite natural. The sensitivity of this zone varies from warmth without passion to intense arousal. Nipples respond to finger caresses.

Stroking, pulling, twisting nipples. At the same time, their erection occurs, that is, an increase in size and elasticity, which indicates the beginning of a woman’s arousal. Excitement is much stronger if caressing with hands, kissing the nipples. Often, from such caresses, a woman’s emotions are manifested by increased intermittent breathing, trembling, shaking of the body with a feeling of trembling in the genitals. The reaction of the mammary glands does not depend on their size.

Women with small breasts often react more passionately than those with full breasts. To maintain the shape and attractiveness of their breasts, women should choose the right bra and massage regularly.

The next excitable zone is lateral surfaces of the chest, waist. which are especially sensitive to touch from the mouth, and the abdominal area. Excitation occurs directly in the genitals. The groin area is generally less sensitive than the mammary glands. True, if a woman is not at all sensitive to the caress of her breasts, then her groin area provides various opportunities for stimulating the senses.

Back, "cat's place"- the area between the shoulder blades, the area along the spine. The buttocks, which were highly revered by ancient peoples, have a great arousal effect on men. The Italian sculptor Antonio Canova paid special attention to the treatment of women’s buttocks. In Ancient Greece, a temple was built and dedicated to Aphrodite Kolybega (which means beautifully buttocked).

We have heard about effective male stimulants, take Viagra. But about women... Of course, there are various drugs on the market, so-called aphrodosiacs, but they are very far from the effectiveness with which Viagra acts on men. But this drug is a completely different story.

After a woman has taken Forte Love, she has no chance to resist the man who is currently nearby. Forte Love begins to act 5-10 minutes after administration and its effect lasts about 5-6 hours. The action of Forte Love does not have a negative effect on the female body.
On the contrary, women's libido is stimulated, blood circulation improves, and their outlook on the world becomes more positive!

Inner thighs responds especially well to hand caress and to the touch of a tongue running from the knees to the groin, which usually causes strong excitement for both partners.

Crotch– the area where the anus is located and up to the labia minora. Sometimes, due to the peculiarities of the location of sensitive nerve endings, it is a very excitable zone, and a woman can hardly achieve discharge without caressing this zone. The impact of a finger on the anus area, combined with other caresses, or when moving the penis into the vagina, removes the problem of satisfying such women.

The most active part in the formation of sexual arousal takes clitoris, labia minora, vaginal opening. The clitoris is a small papillary-shaped protruding organ that, in a calm state, is hidden under the fold of the labia at the top, at the place where they meet.

When women are excited, the clitoris is in a state of erection, like the penis of an excited man, the head of the clitoris becomes clearly noticeable, the body of the clitoris pulls up the labia minora, thereby increasing the entrance to the vagina. Touching the excited clitoris usually gives a woman great pleasure, the most exquisite, the most acute of all the sensations emanating from the caressed erogenous zones.

Some men, however, find it difficult to find it, since they touch the woman’s genitals before she is sufficiently excited by preliminary love play. When not erect, the clitoris is often not palpable or visible, but sometimes it protrudes significantly above the vagina, and in some women it is not visible even with an erection. But there are women. For those whose clitoris is not an erogenous zone or is weaker than others, for others, caressing the clitoris causes an orgasm without inserting the penis into the vagina.

Vagina. its lower third, especially the anterior wall, Cervix. responding mainly to the deep impact of the penis. But this area is weaker than the clitoris area. The vagina, in addition, at a certain moment becomes part of the birth canal, and nature has prudently placed the most sensitive nerve endings outside it. However, in some women, the vagina may be sensitive without the clitoris or clitoris responding. The sensation is enhanced by the very psychological factor of the fusion of bodies in this area of ​​the genital organs, the connection with the loved one into one whole, the awareness of the exclusivity of the role.

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