Why wrinkles appear on the face and how to deal with them. Ways to get rid of fine wrinkles. Wrinkles and their types. Causes of early appearance of wrinkles. How wrinkles form and how to get rid of them

Wrinkles are the main sign of aging and fading of the body, indicating a person’s age. The desire to get rid of them arises not only among women. Expensive creams, masks and anti-aging procedures generally provide a temporary effect. Therefore, before taking drastic measures and spending money for minor improvements, it is worth understanding why wrinkles appear, what other types of age-related skin changes exist, what are their specific features and how to deal with them.

What are wrinkles

The superficial and deep layers of the epidermis change gradually. While the skin is young, the formation of wrinkles on the face is virtually invisible. Few people pay attention to their appearance on the forehead, bridge of the nose, at the outer corners of the eyes, and on the chin. Gradually, due to the increased motor activity of the facial muscles, each such fold becomes more visible. There are several types of wrinkles.

  1. Superficial. Small, often mesh-like, giving the skin a parchment-like appearance. There are several reasons for its appearance, but the main one is dehydration of the epidermis due to age-related changes or illness.
  2. Medium-deep. They are formed as a result of damage to collagen fibers and are a consequence of deepening of surface folds. Affects the dermis.
  3. Deep. Subcutaneous fat tissue is involved in the formation. The reason for the appearance of such wrinkles is a weakening of muscle tone, loss of elasticity and subsequent gravitational ptosis of tissues.

A number of diseases and malfunctions can provoke the premature appearance of wrinkles on the face at a very young age:

  • kidney;
  • thyroid gland;
  • hearts.

Allergic reactions can affect the condition of the dermis. Active facial expressions and frequent exposure to direct sunlight accelerate the process of wrinkle formation.


The main cause of skin changes is disruption, damage or rupture of the connective fibers of elastin and collagen. Initially, the grooves on the face are barely noticeable, but then they deepen and the wrinkles become visible to the naked eye.

Natural cell aging

Wrinkles appear gradually.

  • The first ones can form early, even at the age of 10, they are called mimic ones. They have nothing to do with aging.
  • By the age of 15-20, folds in the upper eyelids and outer corners of the eyes become visible.
  • In the period from 30 to 40 years, the elasticity of the skin decreases, changes may occur in the nasolabial area and on the cheeks, and the eyebrows and bridge of the nose are affected.
  • After 40 years, existing wrinkles deepen and new ones form.
  • At the age of 55-60, the skin completely loses its elasticity and stretches, the subcutaneous fatty tissue becomes thinner, and the elastic fibers degenerate and die.

Increased production of female hormones during pregnancy can slow down skin aging, and menopause can speed up the process.

Lack of water

Water is a universal solvent for most compounds and elements. It is indispensable for all vital processes in the body. Its deficiency can lead to the accelerated appearance of deep wrinkles. Dehydrated skin is unable to maintain elasticity and resist aging.

Violation of facial care rules

The dermis changes its characteristics with age, so care must correspond to the changes that occur. It is also important to consider your skin type:

  • for oily skin, excessive use of tanning and creams will worsen the situation;
  • alcohol-containing lotions and aggressive peeling masks lead to the destruction of the lipid layer of the stratum corneum;
  • lack of protection from ultraviolet rays reduces the activity of collagen synthesis.

Fatigue, lack of sleep, poor diet

Frequent stress and lack of sleep lead to changes in the functioning of the body and its premature aging, which involuntarily entails the formation of free radicals, impaired blood supply, withering of the integument, and premature formation of wrinkles on the face and neck.

Incorrect head position during sleep, caused by placing high pillows under it, can lead to the formation of folds in the décolleté, neck and chin.

Irregular, unbalanced nutrition also affects the condition of the skin. It becomes flabby especially quickly, acquiring a wrinkled appearance during strict diets and sudden weight loss.

External environmental conditions and bad habits

A person’s lifestyle plays a big role in the appearance of wrinkles. If a woman stays in the cold, wind, or scorching sun rays for a long time, this can cause dry skin and depletion. An equal effect is caused by too frequent use of decorative cosmetics, being in stuffy rooms, and tobacco smoke. Under these conditions, wrinkles can form and become fully formed at an early age.

Active facial expressions

The very first wrinkles to appear are people who like to laugh and smile, who often wrinkle their foreheads and squint their eyes. They affect only the superficial layers of the skin, are located in characteristic places and, with proper facial care, remain virtually invisible for a long time.

Prevention of wrinkles

Age-related skin changes can be slowed down by using professionally selected care products and taking preventive measures to prevent the appearance of wrinkles:

  • stop smoking and drinking excessive alcohol;
  • exercise regularly;
  • get at least 7 hours of proper sleep per day;
  • adhere to the correct diet;
  • Spend several hours every day outdoors.

For care you need to choose the right cosmetics. You need to visit a dermatologist to find out your skin type and recommended skin care products.

At the age of 25-30, restoration of cellular processes requires the use of separate day and night creams, serums and moisturizing masks.

After 45 years, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist, since correcting hormonal imbalances can prolong the youthfulness of the skin for several years and protect it from stress factors.

Wrinkles on the face are the first sign of skin aging. They appear as small folds (grooves) in the skin that tend to deepen.

Wrinkles most often form where there are voids in the dermis. These voids are formed due to a decrease in the amount of water and collagen fibers in the skin. Wrinkles always indicate thinning tissue and weakening skin tone. The main reasons for this are ultraviolet radiation and the physiological process of aging of the body.

There are several types of aging of the face and neck:

  • "tired face"- the elasticity of skin cells decreases
  • « wrinkled face"- characterizes the early stage of skin aging (up to 30 years)
  • "deformed face"- the presence of a double chin, fat folds on the neck and (or) excess skin in the lower eyelid area (sagging cheeks, )
  • "combined"- natural skin aging process
  • "muscular"- aging of the skin, in which the facial muscles become visible (typical for the Mongoloid type of face)

Causes of wrinkles

The premature appearance of wrinkles on the face is usually due to a genetic predisposition of cells that causes disruption of the functionality of the endocrine glands.

Causes of wrinkles on the face:

  • Sudden weight change (weight loss or excessive weight gain)
  • Overwork, lack of sleep, missing teeth
  • Incorrect application or removal of makeup
  • The use of low-quality facial care cosmetics containing whitening and exfoliating ingredients
  • Weakened facial muscles

Over the years, facial skin loses some of its fatty lubricant, becomes . Drinking small amounts of water can cause dehydration and rapid aging. Improper or inadequate nutrition leads to the fact that fat in skin cells is distributed unevenly.

The human body ages unevenly. Thus, skin aging processes can outpace senile changes in internal organs and vice versa. The appearance of wrinkles is influenced by the condition of all systems, especially nervous, endocrine, digestive.

The emotional state of a person is also important. Optimism and good mood have a positive effect on the blood circulation of cells, negative emotions cause vascular spasms and worsen the condition of the skin.

Timing of appearance of wrinkles

Age-related changes in the skin on the face lead to weakening of muscle tissue. The first ones on the face can also appear during the period from 10 to 20 years. They occur more often in people with an overly mobile face.

The habit of frowning your eyebrows and wrinkling your nose leads to small vertical or horizontal wrinkles appearing on the forehead, cheeks or bridge of the nose. Wrinkles on the forehead become visible first. IN At the age of 15-20, small wrinkles in the form of crow’s feet appear at the outer corners of the eyes, which extend to the temporal areas.

IMPORTANT: There are several ways to combat deep wrinkles on the forehead. For example, before watching TV, reading or cleaning, place a strip of thin paper soaked in nourishing cream on the middle of your forehead. Secure it with a bandage, after smoothing out the wrinkles on the forehead. At first, it is enough to use such a bandage for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the interval.

Closer to 30 years old Longitudinal wrinkles in the upper eyelids become noticeable. They are most noticeable in those who are used to squinting their eyes, or in nearsighted people who do not wear glasses.

At 25-30 years old, wrinkles form in the area dimples on the cheeks. At 35-40 years old, these wrinkles deepen and become longer. This causes them to join under the chin. After 30 years, the nasolabial wrinkles, as well as folds of “sorrow”. You can avoid deepening the folds of grief if you keep your jaw unclenched whenever possible.
As you approach 40, you become wrinkled skin around the mouth and base of the nose. During this period, wrinkles appear on the neck. Their appearance is most often caused by incorrect head position during sleep or reading books in bed. Wanting to hide wrinkles on the neck, some wear scarves, headscarves, and clothes with high collars. This restricts the blood circulation of cells, makes it difficult for them to feed and leads to premature aging of the skin.

In order to slow down the appearance of wrinkles on the neck, it is recommended to cleanse the skin in this area daily and rub it with a terry towel. Do gymnastics and neck massage more often.

Prevention of wrinkles on the face and neck

Prevention of wrinkles should begin at age 30 years, or at the first signs of skin aging.

Preventive measures against facial wrinkles include:

  • Watch your facial expressions. Try to make faces as little as possible
  • With increased sebum secretion daily wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in salt water(1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water). Periodically apply nourishing and moisturizing masks to your face - this will keep your skin toned.
  • When outdoors, some people automatically squint their eyes against the wind or sun. This leads to the formation of unnecessary wrinkles. To wean yourself from this habit, carry a mirror with you and check yourself periodically
  • Perform 2-4 times a day in front of a mirror exercises to relax muscle tissue. This exercise helps you control your facial expressions.

The result after performing the exercises is noticeable after 2-3 weeks. During this period, you can not only get rid of the bad habit, but also reduce the size of folds (wrinkles).
You can fight it in several ways. For example, before watching TV, reading or cleaning, place a strip of thin paper soaked in nourishing cream on the middle of your forehead. Secure it with a bandage, after smoothing out the wrinkles on the forehead. At first, it is enough to use such a bandage for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the interval.

IMPORTANT: Over the years, the skin of the face loses some of its fatty lubricant and becomes dry. Drinking small amounts of water can cause dehydration and rapid aging. Improper or inadequate nutrition leads to the fact that fat in skin cells is distributed unevenly.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a day until you feel that the wrinkles on your forehead have disappeared. For women over 35 years old, it is recommended to use a paper bandage on the forehead - this will speed up the result. Wrinkle prevention using a paraffin dressing should be repeated 1-2 times a year, for deep folds - up to 3 times.

Wrinkles are a sign of osteoporosis (studies by scientists)

Scientists from Yale University in the USA have found that deep wrinkles on the surface of a woman’s face can indicate not only old age, but also bone fragility.

The appearance of wrinkles, which become deeper every year, is in itself one of the unpleasant phenomena in the life of every mature person. In addition, according to American scientists, wrinkled skin in mature women can be a symptom of osteoporosis.

This age-related feature can significantly increase the risk of various bone injuries, including bone fractures, which are difficult to treat. Researchers from the USA believe that The strength of human bones is correlated with the depth of wrinkles on the face.

Scientists conducted a study involving 114 women aged 50 years who have recently experienced menopause. During the study, women who underwent injections and other means of skin correction were excluded from it; for the remaining subjects, scientists developed a system for assessing the depth of wrinkles on an 11-point scale. The study took into account wrinkles on the face and neck. Among other things, scientific experts studied the bone density of study participants using X-rays.

It was found that those with the deepest wrinkles have very fragile bones. This is not simply explained by the increase in wrinkles over the years, because older people's bones are most vulnerable, and the study involved women of approximately the same age. This allows us to exclude the influence of the age factor in this matter.

The study allows medical specialists to correctly assess the degree of bone fragility in patients without using quite expensive tests for this purpose.

The best ways to combat wrinkles (Reviews on the Internet)

Women on online forums have a lot of effective advice on exactly how to deal with wrinkles on the face and neck. Wrinkles on the neck generally appear quite often, and experienced women say that this is due to insufficient neck care. It should also be lubricated with creams and massaged, just like the face. Helps well in later life lifting and biorestructuring. It is useful to do to strengthen the neck exercises and olive oil wraps.

In general, women note that it is very important for the skin humidification, even at a young age – it helps prevent wrinkles and get rid of them faster. So almost everyone recommends moisturizing creams. It is better to choose creams according to age – forum users note that this is how they help best. Women are also advised to sunbathe less as they age.

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Aging, the negative impact of external factors, poor lifestyle - all this negatively affects not only the functioning of internal organs, but also the outer layer of the skin.

Poor nutrition, bad habits, lack of daily routine - all this provokes the appearance of wrinkles.

In our article we will talk about the reasons and ways to resist early skin aging.

Why wrinkles appear on the face: the main reasons

The skin of the face is the first to reveal a person’s age and is one of the most vulnerable areas, as it remains open in almost any situation. Constantly exposed to adverse external factors. In addition, the face expresses a person’s emotional states, for example, joy, anger, pain, fear.

IMPORTANT: Even people with excellent self-control find it difficult to restrain reflexive contractions that express their state of mind. Sometimes this or that facial expression becomes a habit and, if a single skin movement does not have consequences, then systematic movements of the same type lead to the formation of wrinkles.

Often, loose skin indicates the presence of a serious disease in the body or a weakened immune system. Wrinkles can appear due to sudden weight loss or the use of low-quality cosmetics. Let's look at each of the reasons in more detail:

  1. Biological aging of the skin. Aging is a continuous process that affects not only internal organs and systems, but also the outer skin. The only question is, when age-related changes will make themselves felt.

    As practice shows, the first wrinkles appear by the age of 25 - these are the usual folds in the corners of the eyes, longitudinal lines on the forehead. In the future, the problem only progresses, the reason for this is not only a natural process, but also poor ecology, poor lifestyle, and incorrectly selected cosmetics.

    With age, the production of collagen, the component responsible for the youth and hydration of the skin, slows down; therefore, the skin becomes more vulnerable and the first folds form.

  2. Incorrect facial expressions. One of the few reasons affecting changes in the skin, which is not dependent on external factors. Nature has endowed humans with the ability to express emotions through facial movements. They can be reflexive, spontaneous or intentional.

    The problem is especially pronounced in temperamental, emotional people, in whom changes in mood, leading to a change in facial expression, occur every five minutes. In this case, wrinkles appear not due to skin dehydration, but due to constant facial contractions. At the first stages, small folds are formed, later their sizes increase.

  3. Excessive sun exposure. Almost everyone knows that vitamin D is synthesized in the human body under the influence of sunlight, which is why we are accustomed to treating the heavenly body as a vital source.

    But few people thought about the negative role of the sun. Excessive ultraviolet radiation provokes the destruction of intercellular connections, collagen fibers and DNA cells, as a result of which pigment spots form on the face, peeling appears, and rosacea develops.

    Excessive sun rays negatively affect the elasticity of the skin and its moisture content, which leads to the formation of premature wrinkles.

  4. Emotional Factors. Few people manage to live in a calm way; every day a person faces unforeseen situations that provoke certain emotions: fear, excitement, anxiety. This rhythm of life negatively affects not only the state of mind, but also the skin.

    The thing is that stress is accompanied by the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream, while the skin lacks it and is not completely saturated with oxygen and nutrients.

  5. Weather. Sudden temperature changes, excess or lack of heat and moisture are factors that negatively affect the outer layer of the skin. As a countermeasure, it is recommended to use well-chosen cosmetic products.

    It is believed that facial youth lasts longer in people living in the subtropics or temperate climate zones.

  6. External factors. Life today is associated with polluted air and water, with computer equipment and household appliances that are characterized by harmful radiation, and with food stuffed with harmful substances. It is impossible not to mention the destruction of the ozone layer, which leads to the penetration of harmful ultraviolet radiation. All of the above has a detrimental effect on skin health.
  7. Sudden weight loss. The reason for this may be a thoughtless diet, which involves refusing food that forms the foundation of good nutrition. You shouldn't expect a positive outcome here. An exhausted body begins to extract useful components from subcutaneous tissue. The loosest subcutaneous fatty tissues of the face are the first to be destroyed.
  8. Improper use of cosmetics. When choosing cosmetics, you should not be guided solely by the recommendations of friends and reviews on the Internet. Each drug has its own specific effects and is intended for a specific skin type. If you do not take this nuance into account and do not study the instructions, chemical composition, indications and contraindications before use, the effect of cosmetics may be the opposite of what was expected.
  9. Various diseases. If there is a hidden illness in the body, the skin of the face acquires a gray tint, loses its former elasticity, and wrinkles form over time.
  10. Poor nutrition. Wrinkles on the face may appear due to irregular and unbalanced food intake. The daily diet should include foods containing sufficient amounts of vitamins and beneficial micro- and macroelements for the normal functioning of the organs and systems of the body. It is recommended to limit the excessive consumption of flour products, meat dishes, smoked meats, sugar, salt, and completely avoid food preservatives.
  11. Wrong lifestyle. The appearance of wrinkles can be triggered by: bad habits, stressful situations, insomnia, constant fatigue, a sharp decrease in body weight, and rare walks in the fresh air.

See more about the causes of wrinkles in the video below:

Preventing wrinkles

To prolong your own youth and preserve the original beauty of your face, you should:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • forget about bad habits forever;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • minimize the number of facial contractions;
  • protect exposed skin from sun rays and adverse external factors;
  • use high-quality cosmetics correctly.

Basic preventive measures:

  1. If you have facial habits, it is better to get rid of them as soon as possible, otherwise the appearance of wrinkles is a matter of time. It is recommended to always keep your head elevated; if you constantly tilt it towards the sternum, folds will form in the neck area.
  2. Daily meals should be regular and balanced. Consume foods containing vitamins and beneficial substances and limit yourself from junk food. It has long been known that fruits rich in antioxidants prevent the formation of wrinkles, and some vegetables (spinach, broccoli, carrots) prolong the youthfulness of facial skin. Green tea and mineral water are considered excellent anti-aging drinks.
  3. Protect your face from sun rays. As protection, you can use a wide-brimmed hat, an umbrella, and sunglasses. The option of competently using high-quality sun cream cannot be ruled out.
  4. Exercise. Regular physical exercise strengthens the body, prolongs youth, and maintains skin elasticity. Yoga classes in the fresh air have a special effect.
  5. It is important to treat your teeth promptly. Their absence affects not only digestion, but also the shape of the face: cheeks recede, distinct furrows form.
  6. Self-massage is recommended as a preventive measure.. Execution consists of tapping the skin of the face with your fingers every day for 5 minutes.
  7. The choice of cosmetics must be competent in accordance with the indications and contraindications specified in the instructions.

Wrinkles on the face appear not only due to the natural aging process, but can also be caused by unfavorable external factors, poor lifestyle, and poor facial skin care.

If wrinkles appear on your face, does it mean old age has arrived? But no! There may be nothing in common between the first wrinkles and the aging of the body. The reflection in the mirror largely depends on what kind of life a woman leads, where she lives and how she eats. Let's talk about the most common (and often unexpected) reasons for the formation of wrinkles!

1. Warm rays of the sun

UVA rays, which can reach deep layers of the skin, and UVB rays, which cause sunburn, can lead to premature aging of the facial skin and, as a result, the appearance of wrinkles. Dermatologist Jerome Potozkin, MD, says that solar radiation reduces the production of collagen and elastin in the body, causing the skin to “wrinkle.” To protect it, you need to apply a moisturizer with SPF 30 every day.

House window glass and car windshields do not protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, when working in a bright office or going on a trip by car, you should not neglect the use of sunscreen.

2. Living in the city

Women who live in urban areas have more wrinkles and age spots on their skin compared to women who have lived in rural areas for 24 years or more, according to a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Doctor of Medical Sciences, dermatologist Maral Skelsi explains this by environmental pollution and the difficult environmental situation in the city, which leads to the accumulation of free radicals in the body and, as a result, to deterioration of the skin condition.

3. Staying awake for long periods of time

Scientists have proven that getting a good night's rest is important not only for our well-being, but also for weight loss. Another useful effect is the prevention of wrinkles. “Lack of sleep changes the pH of the skin, causing cells to decrease their ability to retain moisture. To keep your skin smooth and even, make sure you get at least 6-8 hours of sleep per night, advises dermatologist Maral Skelsey.

While we sleep, the body recovers. If a woman goes to bed late after midnight and wakes up very early, the regeneration processes do not take place in full, which is fraught with inflammatory skin diseases and acne.

4. Love for TV series

Refusal of physical activity in favor of watching TV or any other passive pastime can contribute to the development of wrinkles, scientists say. "Exercise stimulates collagen production, which reduces the likelihood of wrinkles," says dermatologist Anne Chapas, MD. “In the warmer months, exercise outside more often, after applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen to your skin.”

5. Reluctance to part with your phone (tablet)

The habit of constantly looking at the phone, checking email or messages on social networks is much more harmful than we previously thought. It can cause folds to appear on the skin of the neck and chin area. “The skin on the neck is very thin and is more susceptible to aging than other areas of the body,” says dermatologist Dendy Engelman. “To minimize the risks associated with the use of gadgets, you need to reduce the time you use them and buy cosmetics with amino acids and peptides that increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin, making it look more toned.”

A new concept has appeared in the beauty industry - “digital aging”. This is the name for the deterioration of the skin due to exposure to blue light from the screens of smartphones, phones, tablets and computers. HEV radiation penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, disrupting the production of elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Until scientists have come up with effective protective measures, cosmetologists recommend using antioxidant serums and creams.

6. Walking in the fresh air

“If during the sunny season you forget to put on your glasses before going outside, it’s not surprising that thin lines between your eyebrows in the form of the number “11” and crow’s feet in the eye area appear on your face,” says Dr. M.D., plastic surgeon Dara Liotta . - The skin around the eyes is 40% thinner than other areas of the face. To protect it, you need to wear oversized sunglasses that block UVA and UVB rays.

7. Lots of sweets in your diet

A diet containing a lot of simple sugars - flour products, sweet desserts, chocolate and candies - is fraught with glycation. This is an irreversible process that inhibits the skin's ability to self-renew and regenerate due to the destruction of connective tissue. The skin becomes stiff and loses elasticity. The low protein content in the menu also puts it at risk, since protein foods are “building materials” for the body. To make your reflection in the mirror happy longer, you need to reduce the amount of sweets in your diet and increase your protein intake.

“Try giving up sugar for two weeks! You will be energized, you will start the weight loss process, and your face will noticeably look younger,” recommends Christina Goldenberg, MD, dermatologist.

8. Frequent stress

A busy work schedule and personal stress in love not only affects your mental and emotional well-being, but also affects the way you look. “Stress stimulates the production of the hormone cortisol, which in turn reduces the skin’s ability to retain moisture,” says dermatologist Maral Skelsey. “Look for techniques to help you manage stress, whether it's walking after dinner, hanging out with friends, or talking to a therapist.”

9. Coffee mania

Two cups of coffee a day is exactly how much, according to researchers, a woman can drink if she doesn’t want to see early wrinkles on her face. The fact is that coffee is a diuretic - it dehydrates the body, which is why the skin tends to be dry. In addition, excessive love of coffee increases the concentration of the stress hormone cortisol, which also accelerates the aging process of the skin.

For every cup of coffee you drink, drink one glass of clean, cool water. Otherwise, dry skin, and over time, dehydration, cannot be avoided!

10. Diet low in fruits and vegetables

Fresh fruits, vegetables and greens are the main sources of vitamins and antioxidants in the diet. External environmental factors and bad habits accelerate oxidative processes in the body, which causes the skin to age faster. And antioxidants partially neutralize damage, thereby protecting the beauty and youth of the skin. In order to keep your skin beautiful, you need to eat more often foods containing vitamins A, E and C, as well as those containing the antioxidants lycopene, lutein and beta-carotene. These are apples, peaches, tomatoes, carrots, spinach, all types of cabbage, eggplants and other products.

11. Bad habits

The habit of constantly squinting, drinking drinks through a straw and smoking cigarettes are common causes of wrinkles in the eye area and around the mouth. “Active muscle contraction causes skin cells to shrink, which reduces elasticity and causes deeper wrinkles to form over time,” explains dermatologist Christina Goldenberg. In addition, nicotine in cigarettes leads to a narrowing of blood vessels, due to which skin cells receive less vital nutrients. “This undermines the health of the skin and makes it more prone to wrinkles,” says dermatologist Maral Skelsey.

Foreign researchers have proven that wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and above the upper lip in women who smoke appear 10-15 years earlier than in those who do not smoke. The concentration of vitamin C in the body, a powerful antioxidant that prolongs skin youth, is 60% lower in women who smoke than in non-smokers.

Expert commentary

Don't think that wrinkles are caused solely by aging. Unfortunately, their appearance is influenced by several factors - excessive facial activity, constant grimacing, decreased skin elasticity due to improper or inappropriate care, love of sunbathing.

Therefore, the fight against wrinkles must begin with their prevention - high-quality cosmetic care (this includes regular skin cleansing, peelings, massages), as well as the daily use of creams with SPF protection. You need to protect your skin from exposure to sunlight all year round: both in winter and summer. The difference lies in the choice of the level of protection: in winter 10 units are enough, in summer - up to 30, on vacation - 50. Do not forget that there must be constant control over facial expressions: if you constantly squint in the sun, wear sunglasses.

Pay attention to your lifestyle: bad habits (for example, smoking), lack of routine, poor sleep, poor nutrition, as a rule, do not affect your appearance in the best way, contributing to a decrease in skin turgor.

Of course, preventive measures alone when you already have wrinkles will not be enough. The approach to them must be comprehensive. It's better to start with cosmetic procedures that will improve the condition of your skin in general. Methods such as fractional laser resurfacing, which will rejuvenate and smooth the skin, and an RF lifting course, which will promote the production of collagen and elastin, work well here.

However, injections remain the most effective ways to get rid of deep wrinkles in the bridge of the nose or in the forehead area. For mature skin, injections of drugs containing botulinum toxin (Botox, Xeomin, Dysport) are suitable. Botulinum toxin blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, which leads to temporary paralysis of the muscles responsible for facial expressions. Therefore, no matter how hard you try to frown, you are unlikely to succeed. Botox injections last for six months. In order to completely get rid of wrinkles and the habit of frowning, the procedure must be repeated several times.

Unfortunately, wrinkles do not only appear on the forehead. But the approach to them in other areas of the face should be fundamentally different. For example, nasolabial folds do not appear due to the bad habit of frowning, nor do they appear due to excessive tanning. Nasolabial folds are the result of gravitational ptosis (dropping of soft tissues due to age-related changes). Therefore, here it is necessary not to get rid of wrinkles, but to replenish the volume and, accordingly, smooth out wrinkles with the help of fillers based on hyaluronic acid. This method allows not only to make wrinkles invisible, but also to give the skin a healthy, well-groomed appearance due to the action of hyaluronic acid, whose task is to moisturize, increase skin turgor, and stimulate the production of its own collagen and elastin. Hyaluronic acid injections provide an obvious lifting effect almost immediately.

Expressing emotions is the wealth of each of us. To lose even part of such wealth means to lose part of your individuality. This wealth is created by the contraction of facial or, in other words, facial muscles. You can read more about them in the article in this section “Facial Muscles”.

The facial muscles are loosely connected to the bones, which gives them a greater degree of freedom to express emotions. However, it is precisely because of the facial muscles that wrinkles appear on the face and neck much earlier than in other places. The facial muscles are attached at least at one end to the skin and contract, forming temporary folds. But over time, these temporary folds of skin become permanent. Usually then thoughts come to the topic of fighting wrinkles. To understand how to prevent, reduce or remove facial wrinkles, if they have already appeared, without losing a single grain of your individuality, you need to understand the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles and their deepening.

Three reasons for the appearance and deepening of wrinkles on the face

The first reason for the appearance of wrinkles on the face. Every person has his own habits, including each of us smiling in the usual way, being surprised, expressing dissatisfaction, and so on. Although, for example, we can smile with the help of three pairs of different muscles or any combination of them. Habitual facial expressions lead to the fact that each muscle contraction leads to the formation of a fold of skin in exactly the same place. Over time, this break in the skin can become a permanent fold (wrinkle). So, sometimes at a very young age, wrinkles form on the forehead and vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows. It is the habitual facial expressions that lead to the individuality of the wrinkles that appear around the corner of the mouth.

The second reason for the appearance of wrinkles on the face. It often happens that the muscles that created the facial expression do not relax completely after that. These muscles retain residual tension that can become chronic. Such small tension, remaining for a long time, becomes habitual and is not noticed. However, it contributes to the deterioration of blood supply to the skin and the removal of decay products from it, inhibition of vital processes in it and, as a result, accelerated loss of skin elasticity. Loss of elasticity, combined with habitual facial expressions, accelerates the formation of wrinkles on the face. Thus, wrinkles appear in the corners of the mouth or above it, wrinkles above the upper lip, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes - crow's feet, residual tension contributes to the deepening and lengthening of the nasolabial fold. You can read more about chronic tension in the facial muscles and preventing the formation and deepening of wrinkles for this reason in the article “Control of habitual tension in the facial muscles.”

The third reason why wrinkles appear on the face. In modern society, it is not customary to vigorously express emotions when facial muscles work with natural intensity. And too rare and weak use of the facial muscles gradually leads to lethargy of these muscles themselves and their sagging under the influence of gravity. As the muscles descend, they pull the skin attached to them. This mechanism leads to sagging of the upper eyelid, the formation of a double chin and jowls. And, if there is a natural barrier in the way of sagging skin, for example, the edge of the eye socket for the skin of the lower eyelid or the collarbone for the skin of the neck, then this barrier will cause the skin to form wrinkles on the face or neck. This is how wrinkles form on the neck, wrinkles under the eyes, downward wrinkles at the corners of the mouth, and horizontal wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. Apparently, it is the progressive weakness of the muscles of the midface that can be considered the main reason for the transformation of the nasolabial fold into a permanent wrinkle on the face.

All three causes of facial wrinkles are related to the condition and use of facial muscles. It is also possible for all three causes to act on one person at the same time. Only the appearance of many small wrinkles in old age is associated exclusively with skin laxity. Slack skin speeds up the process of wrinkles appearing on the face. Facial skin injuries, poor nutrition, polluted air, and stress can also accelerate the formation of facial wrinkles.

Of course, with age, the aging process of the skin, like the whole body, will occur. But we have the power to push back and slow down this process. And if wrinkles have already appeared on the face, it is right to choose the right way to remove expression wrinkles.

Anti-wrinkle facial exercises are the most effective means of preventing and smoothing out facial wrinkles

A young face is characterized by emotional expressiveness and does not have permanent wrinkles. You can preserve such a young face for as long as possible, prevent, reduce or remove expression lines and sagging skin with regular training and careful attitude towards yourself. In addition, facial exercises for wrinkles help get rid of headaches, improve vision, and help normalize breathing.

Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles are especially effective if the exercises are accompanied by the thought of the “patient”. This opportunity is provided by the use of the principles of the Alexander method in gymnastics for the face against wrinkles. Such gymnastics takes significantly less time, is more effective and is under complete human control. Only in this case is it possible to eliminate all three causes of wrinkles on the face. These are the exercises that are proposed to be performed in our Bartsok facial gymnastics course.

Such facial exercises for wrinkles have nothing to do with “grimacing” and take very little time. The exercises are aimed at smoothing facial wrinkles and eliminating the causes of their appearance. This method of fighting wrinkles gives long-term, sustainable results. Properly performed exercises intensively promote skin regeneration processes, nourish the skin from the inside, remove toxins, improve the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands, and at the same time they cannot cause harm and do not stretch the skin. The trained muscles will not only be revived, but will stop sagging, become toned and strengthened. Since the facial muscles are flat, their increasing mass as a result of exercise will not affect the relief of the face, but will allow the skin to tighten and fit the muscles more tightly. This has the effect of smoothing out facial wrinkles.

Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles also gives you the opportunity to learn to feel the condition of the muscles, and therefore regulate the selectivity, intensity and frequency of training, and the resulting sensation of muscles allows you to relieve residual tension with one thought and forever remove the usual tensions as the cause of the appearance of wrinkles on the face.

You can also write us a letter or use Skype lessons to combat wrinkles.

Comparison of facial exercises for wrinkles with other methods of combating facial wrinkles

The most radical and well-known way to combat wrinkles on the face is Plastic surgery. As a result of successful operations, facial wrinkles can be completely removed and the facial skin looks smooth. There are also disadvantages of surgical intervention - pain, long recovery period, stitches. In addition, the aging process of the skin, loss of elasticity, and increasing flaccidity will not slow down after surgery, but rather will accelerate. Surgery to smooth out expression lines does not affect the causes of wrinkles on the face, so the skin will continue to stretch, creating new wrinkles on the face.

The same can be said about action. subcutaneous injections. Injections are a relatively simple and safer procedure compared to plastic surgery, but they have many contraindications. The principles of action of BOTOX and hyaluronic acid are different, but while producing a temporary effect of rejuvenation and smoothing of facial wrinkles, they rather negatively affect the natural processes of the skin. Like surgery, injections also create the feeling of a prosthesis instead of your living face.

These technologies have a real, visible, and also quite fast effect. But, if you are interested not only in the fight against wrinkles, but also in preserving your face as long as possible, alive, without losing anything from your entire wealth of emotional expressions, these technologies will not suit you.

A quick, but also quickly passing effect of smoothing out facial wrinkles is given by special serums.

Hardware facial rejuvenation can help remove expression lines. It stimulates the functioning of skin structures, reducing the time required for cell regeneration or promoting the formation of new collagen in it, that is, increasing its elasticity. However, such rejuvenation is not safe, and the possibilities of its use are limited.

It can slow down the formation of wrinkles on the face and contribute to some smoothing of facial wrinkles. using good cosmetics. Forced regular exfoliation, moisturizing dry skin and, of course, additional high-quality nutrition with careful treatment of the skin can support the processes taking place in the skin and significantly slow down the decrease in its firmness and elasticity.

Can be used as an aid in the fight against wrinkles to improve blood circulation, skin nutrition and regeneration processes in it. vacuum facial massage which can be done independently

Regular and high-quality treatment is quite effective in the fight against wrinkles on the face. face massage, self-massage is also possible. Facial massage should be done very carefully. You need to massage the facial muscles without stretching the skin. The massage will revive sluggish muscles, relax chronically tense muscles, improve blood circulation and skin nutrition, supporting its vital functions. The combination of regular massage with the regular use of high-quality cosmetics will further increase the effectiveness of inhibiting the appearance of wrinkles on the face and their deepening. However, this is a constant process, requiring more and more time and more and more funds over the years. At the same time, the weakened state of the facial muscles, the main cause of the appearance of wrinkles on the face, improves little with massage, unlike gymnastics for the face against wrinkles.

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