Callus patch for dry calluses. Plaster for dry calluses with a stick on the toes Compeed, Salipod, Chinese. Prices. Features of the treatment of this unpleasant pathology

The appearance of dry calluses on the skin causes a lot of inconvenience. A callus patch for dry calluses will eliminate this skin defect. This product has some significant differences from creams or ointments. The therapeutic effect of the patch will remain while walking or while performing everyday activities. To decide on the choice of patch, you need to know the principles of action and the main types of the drug.

Types of callus plasters

This remedy for getting rid of dry calluses can be made using different technologies. Most often, the active active ingredient is applied to a dense pad that is attached to a fabric base. Other patches are made using hydrocolloid technology. They are also commonly called gel patches.

All products for dry calluses can come in different forms. In the pharmacy chain you can find rectangular, oval patches and products with complex shapes. This circumstance is of no small importance: calluses often form in the most inconvenient places on the body, where they can be extremely difficult to fix.

WITH There is a classification of plasters according to the nature of calluses and the place of their occurrence:

  1. Protective plasters - protect the skin from injury.
  2. Products for dry lesions (in particular, callus patch with a stick).
  3. Hydrocolloid products for wet calluses.

So that the patch has maximum therapeutic effect it is necessary to take into account the specifics of its application.

Medicinal properties

Patches for dry and ingrown calluses are impregnated with special medicinal compounds. The active ingredients are keratolytics - salicylic acid, phenolic acid, benzoic acid. In addition to keratolytic properties, these components have a bactericidal effect on the skin.

Under the influence of active substances, dry skin growths gradually soften and disappear from the surface of the body.

For maximum benefit it is necessary to select patches taking into account the following requirements:

  1. The product must have a sufficient concentration of medicinal substances. In many cases, products from the same manufacturer may contain different amounts of active ingredients.
  2. Silicone-based patches are considered more effective. Hydrocolloid particles are applied to them.
  3. The shape and size of the product must be such that the medicinal substance covers the entire surface of the callus, but does not affect healthy skin.

Instructions for use

Instructions for use are included with each patch. It must be followed strictly, then you can achieve a quick effect. There are several general recommendations for using callus plasters:

Do not apply the callus removal patch to the skin in places where there are scratches, abrasions or small wounds. To eliminate them There are other remedies.

If the patient has an individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to medicinal components, the use of patches is not recommended.

Most popular means

Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers a variety of patches from Russian and foreign manufacturers. They all have a similar principle of action, but may differ in the base and active ingredient.

Salipod is a domestically produced drug. It has been in production for a long time. It is produced in the form of rectangles on a woven base. The patch is large in size and easy to use. The composition of the drug includes the following medicinal components:

Using the Salipod patch you can treat calluses with a core. Before you start using this product, your feet need to be prepared. They are thoroughly washed and steamed in hot water, then dried with a towel.

After removing the protective sticker from the treatment, apply the soaked side to the surface of the callus. The top is fixed using a regular plaster (it is included in the kit). After 2 days, the sticker is removed and the softened callus is carefully removed using pumice. Under the influence of a medicinal product keratinized tissue should turn white, become soft and easily removed from the skin. If this does not happen, you may need to repeat the procedure several more times.

This medicine has some restrictions on its use. It is not recommended to use it in the following cases:

  1. For the treatment of children under 14 years of age.
  2. For removing moles and age spots.
  3. If there is damage at the site of keratinization (burns, wounds, scratches).
  4. In case of renal failure.
  5. For inflammatory and pustular lesions in the place where you plan to use the patch.
  6. For diabetes mellitus.
  7. For cancer and treatment with antitumor drugs.
  8. During pregnancy.

If, during treatment, areas of redness appear on the skin, burning or itching develops, use of Salipod should be stopped immediately.

Compeed are silicone patches that are used to treat various calluses - from wet calluses to corns. For ease of use, they are produced in different sizes and shapes.

The Compid patch for dry calluses is produced on the basis of modern hydrocolloid technologies. Its surface is protected from drying out by a special waterproof layer. As a result, a greenhouse effect is created in the keratosis lesion, which allows the keratinized particles to quickly collapse and peel off from the surface of the body.

A silicone disk acts as a base for the medicine. It contains the active substance - salicylic acid. Under its influence, the keratinized epithelium is destroyed and easily exfoliated.

This patch is produced for gluing to the surface of the fingers or to the spaces between the fingers. It is not allowed to cut pieces from a single plate.

Before use, the foot should be thoroughly steamed and dried. You should wear this adhesive plaster for dry calluses until it completely falls off.

Compid patches have some advantages over others. They are as follows:

  1. Fabrics under the silicone coating can “breathe” freely.
  2. The keratinized area is quickly and effectively softened.
  3. You can take water treatments without the risk of losing the patch or getting the callus wet: the product is water resistant.
  4. The special structure prevents the formation of cracks in the skin and the addition of a secondary infection.

It is not recommended to use this drug in case of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to salicylates.

The remedy for dry calluses Urgo (URGO) is available in various forms. There is a separate patch for calluses on the feet, separately for the spaces between the toes and for calluses with a core. It is also effective in treating corns.

Urgo is available in the form of strips of various widths. The center has a foam insert impregnated with salicylic acid. Thanks to this form of release, salicylates do not spread to healthy areas of the skin and do not cause burns or irritation.

It must be applied to previously cleansed and dried skin. The sticker adheres very firmly to the skin. To achieve the desired result, the product must be changed 3-4 times.

The Cosmos patch is produced by Hartmann. Hydrocolloid technologies are used in its production. It is used to combat dry and wet calluses and in its composition is practically no different from the drug Compid. According to reviews from some users, Cosmos has a more reasonable price and adheres better to the surface of the skin.

Chinese remedies for combating dry calluses and calluses are made using phenol and salicylic acid. Phenol has powerful antiseptic and tanning properties . Plaster for core calluses from China has the following effects:

  1. Quickly and effectively softens keratinized areas.
  2. Eliminates itching and inflammation.
  3. Suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

The product is applied to cleansed and dried skin. When gluing, the white foam disc is not removed. A day later, it is removed and a new one is glued. This procedure must be repeated for a week. Removing the rod will require a two-week course of treatment.

Chinese medicinal products contain an increased amount of salicylates compared to products from other manufacturers. According to reviews from many users, they often cause itching and irritation of the skin. Their fixation is rather weak, so it is advisable to secure them on top with a regular adhesive plaster.

How to evaluate the result of treatment

Small foci of keratinization can be removed 2-3 days after the first use of the drug. If the affected area is large, it may take up to 7 days.

You can evaluate the result by examining the problem area. During treatment, the keratinized layers of skin thicken, become white and peel off easily. When the rod is removed, a hole or crater is usually left behind. If no changes occur, the procedure should be repeated several times. In some cases, more intensive treatment methods may be required - in particular, laser removal.

If the cause of calluses is not eliminated, the problem will reoccur after some time. To successfully fight, you should wear shoes of a comfortable model and suitable size. For preventive purposes, you can apply Mozolin foot cream.

Dry calluses make wearing closed shoes a challenge. Steaming your feet and hygienic pedicure partially solve the problem. Complete removal of rough skin is ensured by special products. These are callus plasters. A tape with medicinal impregnation removes corns in a week. At the same time, antiseptic treatment is carried out, and if there are cracks, they heal.

Review of patches

The calluses themselves differ in their level of occurrence. Surface corns are easier to deal with than core ones. In the second case, even walking without shoes causes discomfort. The patches disinfect damaged areas, preventing secondary infection. They soften dead tissue and promote their separation.

The list of effective patches includes:

Name of the patchDescription

Salipod. 30% consists of salicylic acid. It is characterized by an antimicrobial effect and accelerates regenerative processes. The patches themselves are compact in size, which allows them to be used precisely without affecting healthy skin. The minimum wearing period is 2 days. For root calluses, you will have to wear the patch for 4 days. The impregnation contains rosin and sulfur. They soften and loosen dense formations.

Compeed. Refers to patches with a gentle effect. It has a hypoallergenic base, but only works with long-term use. Silicone stickers "Compid" attract with a variety of shapes and reliable fixation. They are used to remove calluses on any areas of the feet: between the toes, on the heel, on the side of the foot. Impregnation provides softening and stimulates regeneration. The price of the patches is high, but the product is indispensable for people with increased sensitivity and a tendency to allergic reactions. The transparent sticker is invisible under shoes.

Urgo. Therapeutic patch with salicylic acid and foam backing. Softens callus structures, but cannot be applied to toes. The product is suitable for small calluses on the side and heel surfaces. The therapeutic effect is aimed exclusively at the callus, and healthy tissue is not involved. "Urgo" disinfects, softens and heals, but does not cope well with large calluses.

Luxplast. An effective anti-callus patch with high breathability. Contains salicylic acid. Luxplaster eliminates ingrown calluses, corns, and cracks. Activates skin renewal processes, increases barrier functions, and does not produce a greenhouse effect. The adhesive base is hypoallergenic. Thanks to the cushion under the treatment layer, it is possible to improve tactile sensations while wearing shoes.

Cosmos. Recommended for long-term wear. It has an analgesic effect, enhances trophic processes, and restores the integrity of the skin. Equipped with a hydrocolloid pad that gradually saturates the skin with beneficial substances. At the same time, dead tissue softens and peels off. The Cosmos patch is suitable for the treatment of calluses in adults and children.

Gehwol. Characterized by softening and moisturizing properties. Protects against mechanical stress and discomfort when pressed. Anti-callus patches "Gevol" are indicated for growths of various types: dry superficial and core calluses, wet and purulent formations. The product is convenient to attach to any part of the foot. After treatment, the growths are painlessly removed with a brush or pumice stone. Superficial calluses heal quickly.

. Fabric sticker with salicylic acid and protective ring. Helps get rid of dry growths, protects healthy skin from contact with medicinal impregnation. When walking, the fabric base takes the shape of the foot and is not felt. Eliminates old calluses, heals microcracks, enhances regeneration. Suitable for sports and hiking.

Chinese patches. They are effective against corns and old calluses, but have an aggressive composition. The content of salicylic acid in Chinese preparations is higher than in other products. One of the impregnation components is phenol. You cannot use Chinese patches for a long time even if there are no side effects. The maximum permissible period of use is 5 days. The disadvantage of Chinese anti-corn preparations is the inability to securely attach the impregnation to the foot.

Bulk anti-callus agents contain salicylic acid, but in varying concentrations. It is important to choose an impregnation that suits your skin type. With increased sensitivity, irritation will begin. If the concentration of the substance is insufficient, the therapeutic effect will not appear soon.

Instructions for use

Before applying the patch, the skin is cleaned and degreased. Creams and lotions should not be used after hygiene procedures - the glue will not stick after them. The patch is placed exactly over the callosal formation. If the size of the drug layer is larger than the affected tissue, then choose a smaller patch. For formations between the fingers and on the little finger, compact impregnations with extended adhesive tape are used.

The sticker stays on the leg for up to 48 hours. They go outside with the patch, sleep, and play sports. If the fixation is secure, replacement of the treatment sticker will not be necessary. If the patch comes off, apply a new one.

Important distinguish between patches for dry and wet calluses. They act differently and therefore do not replace each other. Impregnations for dry calluses soften, exfoliate, moisturize and nourish. Plasters for blistering calluses absorb the contents, dry and disinfect. If calluses and corns bother you frequently, it is recommended to keep both products on hand.


In case of wounds and abrasions, anti-callus patches are not used. But with old calluses, cracks form on the surface of the skin. If they do not bleed, then anti-callus patches can be used. Preference is given to formulations with low concentrations of salicylic acid. The treatment will take longer but will be safe. While wearing the patch, it will be possible to soften flattened tissues and get rid of nicks and microcracks.

There are no contraindications to wearing anti-callus patches during pregnancy. It is better to immediately remove dry formations on the feet than to suffer while walking. Prolonged trauma to the skin by hard growths increases the risk of infection.

Calluses and corns can cause a lot of trouble. These rough, yellowish lumps on the feet do not look very aesthetically pleasing and cause pain when pressed. To get rid of corns, modern pharmacists recommend using special callus plasters, allowing you to painlessly solve the problem. Callus patch is an over-the-counter product designed to safely and quickly remove corns.

Modern manufacturers offer several varieties callus plasters:

  • from dry calluses;
  • from wet calluses;
  • from corns;
  • from cracks in the skin of the heels.

If the corns are severe and neglected, you should combine the use of different types of patches. When using the patch, rough skin and dry, compressed calluses on the feet and heels peel off. The use of callus plasters should be combined with foot hygiene and the use of effective moisturizers. However, it is important to take into account that excessive attempts to tidy up the skin of your feet can cause irritation, so you should act gradually and intelligently.

When treating the skin of the legs, an integrated approach should be used, including the use of patches, as well as other pharmaceutical drugs, traditional medicine and cosmetic products.

Indications for use

  • dry, rough skin of the feet;
  • the presence of corns and calluses on the surface of the feet;
  • cracks on the feet.


The corns patch has the following effects:

  • Instant pain relief.
  • Reduced friction and pressure on the problem area, achieved thanks to the thoughtful shape of the product, which protects the foot at the point of greatest pressure, and also prevents the development of corns to the next stage.
  • Softening the callus. This effect is provided by special hydrocolloid technology, which subsequently makes it possible to quickly and easily remove rough skin cells.

The active substance of the callus patch softens the skin of the foot, eliminates wet and dry calluses, as well as various skin compactions and warts. The components contained in the callus patch have an antifungal, sterilizing, antiseptic and analgesic effect, effectively eliminate itching and heal calluses. They penetrate deeply into the skin and affect the problem area. Over the course of several days, the dead tissues are detached, layer by layer, and soft, delicate skin appears in their place.


This product is an elastic patch on which a plate with the active substance is placed. The active excipient contained in the corn patch consists of salicylic acid, phenol, as well as wax, petroleum jelly and lamb fat.

Mode of application

  • Before applying the patch, soak your feet in warm water. There is no need to use hot water and thoroughly steam your feet; a slight warming effect will be enough. If your feet have significant roughness, you can add soda or salt to the water.
  • Dry your feet lightly with a towel. Use a foot float, file or pumice to remove rough spots.
  • Rinse your feet with running water and dry them thoroughly with a towel.
  • Remove the protective film from the callus patch and then stick it on your foot.
  • Use the patch for several days. When the callus patch begins to peel off, remove it from your foot by gently pulling the loose corner.
  • Immediately after removing the corns patch from your foot, take water treatments. After pouring warm water into a basin, soak your feet in it for a few minutes.
  • Remove rough areas from the skin that have become softer after using the patch. Sand the leather using a file.
  • The patch stays on the leg for several days. Try to keep it for at least two days.

If necessary, the procedure described above must be repeated one or several times.

Preventive measures

Taking care of your feet is not difficult at all. Preventive measures related to foot care include compresses and baths, the use of foot patches, selection of high-quality and comfortable shoes, regular pedicures, as well as high-quality skin moisturizing.

If roughness appears, do not neglect it and get rid of it in time using a corns patch. In problem areas, not only roughness or calluses may appear, but also deep cracks, which cause unpleasant pain when moving. If you use the patch in a timely manner to prevent and remove calluses, you will not have to make an appointment with a surgeon to get rid of calluses.

Use during pregnancy

It is not recommended to use plasters for calluses on feet during pregnancy.


Contraindications are open, bleeding wounds on the legs, individual intolerance, and pregnancy.

Where can I buy?

You can buy a patch for calluses on your feet in our Russian Roots store. Delivery of callus plasters is carried out by mail or courier service of our company. In Moscow, you can buy a corn patch in one of our herbal pharmacies.

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The corn patch is an excellent remedy, easy to use and inexpensive, for those who suffer from dry calluses. Reviews about this product are only positive; it helps people regain their confident gait. Instructions for use are extremely simple and do not require in-depth knowledge of medicine.

Popular remedies for dry calluses

What causes corns to appear? This is a problem of uncomfortable shoes and heavy loads on the feet. Improper load distribution leads to the formation of dry calluses, but in some cases the reason for their appearance is not external factors, but internal ones. Corns can be a signal that the functioning of some internal organs is malfunctioning.

Advantages of using corns patches:

  1. The pain goes away after the first use.
  2. The product is very easy to use.
  3. After 5-8 days, the corns disappear completely.

Plasters as external products have virtually no contraindications; they come in different varieties: from classic strips to modern invisible transparent options that can be used even with open shoes.

List of common modern tools

The most popular patches for corns from the following companies:

  • Shuyangxuan

One of the effective Chinese-made patches that successfully combats dry calluses and corns is the Shuyangxuan patch.

A patch related to traditional medicine. It has softening properties and acts gradually over 5-6 days. Once the Shuyangxuan patch is removed, the dead cells will gradually be removed and the skin will become clear. Features of use: under the patch, the skin may acquire a reddish tint, this indicates that the components are actively “dissolving” the corns. The price for 6 plates in a box is 70 rubles, the reviews are positive, the instructions are in Russian, simple and clear.

  • Compeed

High-quality, popular products around the world. Compeed has a number of important advantages:

  1. Compeed can be worn for several days without replacement, it does not curl or deform even with active movements.
  2. Compid eliminates pain very effectively by reducing the mechanical impact on the skin. After just a couple of hours, you can completely forget about corns.
  3. Compeed moisturizes and nourishes the skin well, so there will be no roughness or abrasions at the site of its attachment.
  4. Relatively low price, affordable for any consumer.

All these advantages of Compeed are appreciated by many representatives of the fair sex. Preparing to use the patch does not require much time; just make a foot bath, thoroughly treat the affected area with pumice, and dry with a towel. Before applying the Compeed patch, you need to hold it in your hands for a while so that the adhesive base warms up. It is necessary to attach Compeed only to the place where the corn has formed; on clean skin, the strip can cause a burn.
A new product from Compeed is a patch used for corns located between the fingers; its configuration is convenient for gluing in hard-to-reach places. The price of this patch varies between 220-290 rubles, reviews about it are mostly positive.

The most popular and long-known patch for corns is Salipod.

The most famous name since the times of the USSR, reviews about it have always been positive. The patch has a keratolytic and antiseptic effect; the active substance is salicylic acid. Salipod softens the skin well with corns, penetrating deep. In addition, it has an antimicrobial effect and prevents the development of fungal infections. The skin does not get wet under the patch; Salipod contains sulfur, which dries it out. The price for Salipod is from 36 to 80 rubles, depending on the size of the package.

A patch with herbal ingredients is used for corns. Contains wheat germ oil and vitamins. The patches from this company have special pads that protect the skin of the feet around the corn. Urgo is available in 2 types: callus and protective, the price is around 400 rubles, instructions are included with each package.

Experts do not recommend removing corns using improvised or folk remedies. Treatment must be carried out correctly, according to the instructions, since new ones may immediately appear in place of the removed calluses. It is impossible to overcome the disease on your own without taking special medications, and constant stress will only aggravate the situation.

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