Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after an early miscarriage? Causes of miscarriage and planning pregnancy after it. How to get pregnant after a spontaneous abortion

Unfortunately, miscarriage is a fairly common occurrence today. The weakened health of women, a neglectful attitude towards their well-being, an accelerated pace of life, a deplorable environmental situation - all this greatly affects the statistics of miscarriages.

Losing a child, even at an early stage, is extremely stressful, and it can be extremely difficult for both mother and father to survive. Many people have to turn to a psychologist for help in order to accept the new situation, and find the strength to live on, and, most importantly, try again to conceive and bear a child.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage requires increased attention. After all, a miscarriage is not only psychological, but also physiological stress.

Miscarriage and its consequences

A miscarriage is the termination of pregnancy under the influence of the condition of the fetus and the mother’s body, without intervention from doctors. The causes of miscarriage are very different. More about miscarriage

Now the consequences of a miscarriage are much more important. No matter how long the pregnancy is terminated, your body is in for a real hormonal storm. Hormonal levels change even more sharply than at the beginning of pregnancy, which cannot but affect the state of the body, the functioning of the ovaries and other organs.

In addition, if after a miscarriage it was necessary to perform curettage, damage to the mucous membrane occurs. The injured endometrium cannot always accept a new fertilized egg, and even more so, it is not always able to hold it.

A miscarriage may be accompanied by heavy bleeding. Blood loss is also an unpleasant situation that requires long-term rehabilitation.

When can I give birth?

Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage? If you pose the question from a physiological point of view, then, of course, it is possible. And literally in the first month. The fact is that the day a miscarriage occurs is also the beginning of the next cycle. Accordingly, in 2-3 weeks the next ovulation will occur - this is the answer to the simple question of when you can get pregnant after a miscarriage. Another thing is, is it worth the rush?

Many couples think that the sooner they give birth to a child, the faster they will cope with the consequences of the current situation. Actually this is not true. Of course, when you are carrying a new child, you will not remember the tragedy that has already happened. However, everything has its own nuances.

Pregnancy immediately after a miscarriage, and specifically after 3 months, may well be successful. Pregnancy one month after an early miscarriage is highly likely to end in miscarriage again. In general, the trend is this: the less time has passed since the miscarriage, the greater the risk of the situation repeating.

When can you plan a pregnancy after a miscarriage? It is believed that the female body takes about a year to fully recover. At this time it is worth postponing new attempts to conceive a child. What to do during this year? Believe me, there is enough to do.

Examinations after a miscarriage

First of all, you need to undergo several serious examinations, the purpose of which is to determine the cause of the incident. In particular, doctors will definitely send the embryo for examination in order to determine whether it was initially viable and whether it had any pathologies or developmental abnormalities. If possible, the cause of the deviation is also determined.

Only after this will the doctors take care of the mother. First of all, it will be checked for various infections and complications after them. Untreated infections quite often cause miscarriage. If any are found, they will need to be treated.

The next stage is sexual analysis hormones . Often the cause of miscarriage is an excess of certain hormones. If in your case this was the reason, then they will work with the hormonal background.

Will definitely carry out Ultrasound . The ovaries, appendages, fallopian tubes, the uterus itself and its inner mucous layer are carefully examined. Bends of the uterus, the presence of partitions in it, endometrial insufficiency - all this could provoke a miscarriage

What should you give up?

In the process of planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage, it is necessary to abandon all bad habits . And if in any other case this is still more of a recommendation, then in this case it is a requirement. Smoking and alcohol weaken eggs and sperm, which means it reduces the chance of pregnancy and makes the embryo less viable.

It is necessary to reduce to a minimum taking medications . Consult your doctor and decide which medications can be discontinued and which ones can be reduced in dosage. Preparing for pregnancy after a miscarriage is a serious and lengthy undertaking. Don't neglect the little things.

What to do to carry a child after a miscarriage?

How to maintain pregnancy after miscarriage? It must be treated very carefully. No physical loads, stress, infections . The doctor's recommendations should not be ignored. And under no circumstances hide any features of your well-being from him.

Very important Healthy food . The diet should be balanced, with the required amount of calories and nutrients. In some cases, it makes sense to take additional vitamins. Including folic acid. Also, if the results of a blood test reveal a lack of iron, it is necessary to receive it additionally in the form of tablets or capsules.

Pregnancy after a spontaneous miscarriage is, of course, possible. But first you have to decide when this will happen. There are only two criteria: your physical readiness for a new pregnancy, and, of course, moral and psychological. Don't give room to fear. With proper preparation, the chances of bearing a healthy baby are no less than those of any other woman.


Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) is a disaster for a woman. A miscarriage is especially difficult to bear when the pregnancy is desired and long-awaited.

The failed father and mother become depressed, assuming that pregnancy after a miscarriage is impossible. For them, there is no more important question - how to get pregnant after a spontaneous abortion or miscarriage?

A miscarriage is undoubtedly considered a big disaster, but this does not mean that there will be no more children in such families. Although, of course, spontaneous abortion can indicate serious problems, only specialists can identify them and assess the likelihood of conception.

Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage): what is it?

Miscarriage is the spontaneous termination of pregnancy before 28 months. Spontaneous abortion is quite common. According to statistics, out of ten women, three or even six have encountered this problem. It must be borne in mind that statistics only talk about miscarriages registered in medical institutions, but the real number of miscarriages is higher.

It is important to understand something else. Miscarriages - that is, the removal of a fertilized egg from the female body - can occur even when a woman does not know about her pregnancy. Thus, with unprotected sexual intercourse, the egg is fertilized in 85% of cases. In approximately 30% of cases, fertilized eggs reach the uterus. And only in 10% of cases the egg is implanted to the wall of the uterus. But attachment to the endometrium is not a guarantee that the pregnancy will not be terminated.

And only after a week the girl begins to show the initial symptoms of pregnancy. Until this time, an early spontaneous abortion may go unnoticed and look like normal menstruation. Gynecologists say that in 25% of cases, pregnancy is terminated before the woman finds out that she is pregnant. Only after 8 weeks the threat of spontaneous abortion is reduced by half.

What types of miscarriages are there?

Without exception, all miscarriages are divided into two key groups:

  1. Early miscarriages are spontaneous abortions up to 16 weeks. In most cases, the cause remains unclear.
  2. Late miscarriages. These cases include spontaneous abortions after 16 weeks. The reasons for such a miscarriage are easier to determine.

Many people have heard about recurrent miscarriage. This term refers to the spontaneous termination of pregnancy three or more times, provided that there were no normal births between pregnancies. Each time the risk increases.

Causes of miscarriage

Termination of pregnancy can happen to every woman. The reasons can be very different.

  1. Hormonal pathologies. In order for a fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus and begin to develop, the levels of various hormones in the blood must change. If at some point this does not happen, the proper development of fetal tissue and the course of pregnancy are disrupted. If the cause of the miscarriage was a hormonal imbalance, then in the next pregnancy the situation can be taken under control and corrected by taking medications.
  2. Induced abortions in the past, especially the termination of the first pregnancy.
  3. Chromosomal abnormalities. Often, a miscarriage is the result of the developing embryo being nonviable or carrying serious genetic abnormalities. The cause of such genetic abnormalities often lies in a violation of the structure of sperm (DNA defragmentation). Therefore, in case of habitual miscarriages, it is advisable for a man to undergo a sperm defragmentation test. After a man takes antioxidants that protect sperm DNA from destruction, normal pregnancy and childbirth become a reality.
  4. Cervical insufficiency. The situation arises due to the weakness of the muscle layer of the cervical canal. This prevents the uterus from holding the rapidly developing fetus. Treatment consists of applying a ring that strengthens the cervix, which is removed before labor begins.
  5. Infectious diseases. Any infection, including the common flu, can lead to spontaneous abortion.
  6. Possible pathologies of the structure of the uterus or ovarian tumors. With a bicornuate or infantile (small) uterus, miscarriage can be prevented with the help of special medications and constant ultrasound monitoring.
  7. Action of poisons. The toxic effects of nicotine, alcohol and paints also lead to termination of pregnancy. Some medications can also cause miscarriage.
  8. Emotional experiences and stress are dangerous for the normal course of pregnancy.
  9. For a favorable pregnancy outcome after a miscarriage, you need to find out the cause and take measures to prevent subsequent problems. Single spontaneous abortions do not indicate the impossibility of conception and normal childbearing.

How to get pregnant after a spontaneous abortion?

Of course, a miscarriage is a great tragedy for every family. While some after this strive to conceive a child again as soon as possible, other couples are afraid for a long time to tempt fate. It is impossible to say for sure who is right and who is wrong. If the parents do not have chronic diseases that caused it, then a second pregnancy after a miscarriage can be planned six months later or later, as soon as the future parents are mentally prepared for this.

However, experts advise adhering to the following principles:

  1. It is recommended to plan a pregnancy after a miscarriage no earlier than six months, but it is better to wait a year.
  2. It is necessary to undergo a complete examination for both women and men, including analysis of sperm defragmentation. This will help determine the cause of the miscarriage and avoid spontaneous abortion.
  3. In the time before planning conception, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment, strengthen the female body, and in the presence of chronic diseases, if possible, transfer them to the stage of remission.

A complex drug will help prepare the female body for conception. It gently normalizes hormonal levels, replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals necessary for conception and fetal development in the early stages, and also prepares the woman’s reproductive system for conception.

It is advisable for men to pay attention to a drug that improves sperm quality and increases the likelihood of conception.

Women and men will be helped to prepare for conception, which is a powerful antioxidant. The drug protects the genetic material of sperm and eggs from damage by free radicals. This is especially important in the case of recurrent miscarriages associated with chromosomal abnormalities.

The main thing is to remember that conception after a miscarriage is possible. In order for a child to be born, you need to make some efforts. Try not to fall into depression after a miscarriage, share your experiences with loved ones, or consult a professional psychologist.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from miscarriage. According to statistical data, about 20-25% of clinically diagnosed pregnancies end in termination.

This phenomenon is considered a kind of signal about a malfunction reproductive system. To prevent a similar scenario from happening again in the future, certain nuances should be taken into account.

    Signs of a miscarriage

    Miscarriage (spontaneous abortion) is the process of the body’s rejection of an embryo up to 28 weeks. Termination of pregnancy at a later stage is considered premature birth. Miscarriage can be early (up to 16 weeks) or late (from 16 to 28 weeks).

    Most often the interruption occurs in the early stages. Miscarriage is the result of a threatened miscarriage. In some situations, pregnancy can be saved if you pay attention to the characteristic signs in a timely manner and, after detecting them, immediately call an ambulance. Danger signals include:

    • Bloody issues.
    • Uterine tone.
    • Stopping or slowing down the growth of hCG.
    • Low position of the embryo.
    • Deterioration in health.

    IMPORTANT! Signs of a miscarriage may indicate a threat of miscarriage. In this case, the child’s life can still be saved.


    Miscarriage can happen for a variety of reasons. The main ones include:

    • Genetic disorder.
    • Hormonal imbalances.
    • Presence of Rh conflict.
    • Disturbances in the structure of the uterus.
    • Negative influence of the external environment.
    • Side effect of medications or herbs.
    • Stress.
    • Lifting weights.
    • Infectious diseases.
    • Bad habits.
    • Age of parents.

    Practice shows that stopping the development of an embryo can happen when a woman is not even aware of her situation. This phenomenon is called biochemical pregnancy. The interrupt occurs before the delay occurs. Uterine bleeding a woman mistakes it for her period.

    The process of bearing a child requires special care. You should monitor your diet and environment. Affect the condition pregnant woman anything can happen. In the early stages, it is especially dangerous to engage in physical activity, be nervous, take medications and drink alcohol. The baby is not yet protected by the placenta, so he is in a vulnerable state.

    IMPORTANT! If you experience pain, it is not recommended to take painkillers on your own.

    Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

    The first question women ask after losing a child is whether it is possible to get pregnant again. The answer to this question is yes. But for normal pregnancy factors that could lead to a recurrence of the situation should be excluded.

    To identify the cause of termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an examination. It involves taking a test to check hormone levels and the presence of infectious diseases. You also need to visit an ultrasound room and a geneticist. It is advisable for men to also be examined.

    How soon can you plan to conceive again?

    A miscarriage has a negative impact on the body. The reproductive system adjusts to the nine-month period bearing a child, all important life processes change.

    After termination of pregnancy, the body cannot return to normal for some time. Hormonal levels are disrupted, and a woman’s psychological state is subject to change. That is why experts recommend holding off on repeated trying to get pregnant.

    REFERENCE! For the first two weeks after a miscarriage, you should not have sex or use tampons.

    Optimal time full recovery reaches 6 months. But a lot depends on the woman’s condition. Very often, after a miscarriage, women begin taking oral contraceptives while simultaneously carrying out diagnostic procedures. They help prepare for a future pregnancy and eliminate all kinds of risks.

    Possible consequences

    Heavy bleeding during a miscarriage can cause loss of consciousness. It is possible that the woman will have to spend some time on inpatient treatment, observing bed rest.

    The most important consequence of a miscarriage is the development of depression. This may affect a healthy pregnancy in the future. Fear of repeating the situation transforms into nervous tension, which is highly undesirable. Therefore, it is very important to restore your psychological state by ridding yourself of obsessive thoughts.

    Physiological consequences depend on the stage of pregnancy. At later stages, serious hormonal disturbances are observed. If you had to resort to the procedure curettage of the uterine cavity, then the endometrium could be damaged. This subsequently affects his growth. Thin endometrium cannot be a favorable environment for embryo attachment.

Miscarriage is the spontaneous termination of pregnancy (without medical intervention) as a result of various reasons. For a woman who was expecting a child, a miscarriage is a psychological stress. At the same time, due to a miscarriage, the female body experiences serious physiological stress. First of all, a woman’s hormonal levels change dramatically, which in turn affects the condition of the ovaries, other female genital organs and systems, and the entire body as a whole. Therefore, women often have a question: is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage? Let's figure it out.

When to get pregnant after a miscarriage

From a physiological point of view, such a pregnancy is possible already in the first month. This is because the day the miscarriage occurs is the first day of the next menstrual cycle. Consequently, ovulation will occur in 2-3 weeks, and the woman may well become pregnant. Another thing is that if a woman becomes pregnant immediately after a miscarriage, her risk of miscarriage increases significantly.

Obstetricians say that it is best to become pregnant again after a miscarriage after 3-6 months. In some cases it may be necessary to wait a year.

It is best to seek help from an experienced specialist who will conduct the necessary studies of the female body and give professional advice regarding the timing of a new pregnancy.

Preparing for pregnancy

A miscarriage does not happen on its own. There is always some reason for its occurrence. The doctor must determine this cause and prescribe special treatment. First of all, immediately after a miscarriage, the doctor must send the embryo for examination. In the laboratory, tests are carried out to determine whether the embryo was initially viable and whether it had any developmental abnormalities.

Then certain tests are ordered for the woman and her husband.

It is mandatory to study the woman’s hormonal levels (blood is used for analysis) and the level of ketosteroids (urine is used). The purpose of these tests is to determine the level of male sex hormones in a woman’s body. In some cases, an excess of male sex hormones is indicated by excessive hair growth on the arms, legs, and the presence of dark hairs above a woman’s upper lip. If the test results indicate an increased content of androgens (male sex hormones), a course of treatment with drugs that block their production is prescribed.

In order for a pregnancy after a miscarriage to be successful, it is necessary that the woman’s thyroid gland and adrenal glands function normally. Therefore, the doctor sends the patient for examination of these organs. If pathology of these organs is determined, the woman is treated by a therapist and an endocrinologist.

In addition, the woman and spouse must be examined for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, herpes, cytomegaly, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis).

And, of course, the patient is sent for an ultrasound scan of the uterus and appendages. This is necessary in order to see and evaluate the condition of the endometrium of the uterus, the presence of neoplasms (fibroids, papillomas), abnormalities in the structure of the genital organs (curved uterus).

Sometimes a woman is prescribed genetic counseling. This is usually necessary after the age of 30, in case of early miscarriage or if it is suspected that the cause of termination of pregnancy was genetic abnormalities.

How to get pregnant after a miscarriage

If a woman is completely healthy, she has every chance of becoming pregnant again and bearing a healthy child. In this case, it is recommended to focus on a healthy lifestyle.

  • First of all, you need to refuse from bad habits– drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. Moreover, not only women, but also men should give up nicotine and alcohol. Under the influence of the negative influence of alcohol and nicotine, the quality of male sperm significantly deteriorates, which leads to difficulties with conception and the risk of developmental defects in the fetus.
  • A woman should try do not take medications or reduce their intake to a minimum. If it is impossible to completely abandon medications, you should consult a doctor who can select less dangerous alternatives.
  • Recommended take folic acid and vitamin E. They prepare the body for pregnancy and reduce the risk of miscarriage. Of course, it is best to consult an experienced doctor before doing this.
  • Very important, be as nervous as possible. We must try to ensure that only positive emotions are present in her life. It is necessary to completely get rid of the feeling of guilt that often haunts a woman after a miscarriage. If it is difficult to solve such a problem on your own, you can seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. It’s good if a woman relaxes at a resort, in a sanatorium, and has a change of scenery. In addition, it is useful to take herbal teas with mint and lemon balm in this state.

A properly designed diet for a woman who wants to become a mother is also of great importance. It is important that her menu contains enough dishes containing protein. In addition, she should regularly consume fresh vegetables and fruits.

Spontaneous abortion is a great tragedy for every family. Couples approach this grief differently: some of them try to conceive again as quickly as possible, others are afraid of getting pregnant for a long time. Women who have experienced spontaneous abortion often ask gynecologists the question: “Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage?” Our physiology is designed that this can be done within the first month after an abortion, but there are reasons why you should not get pregnant immediately after a miscarriage.

What is a miscarriage and what are its consequences?

A miscarriage is the sudden termination of pregnancy due to poor health of the mother or the presence of pathologies in the development of the fetus. This is a spontaneous abortion that occurs before the 28th week of the embryo’s life. Miscarriage usually occurs in the early stages of embryo development (up to 2 months). This is how natural selection is carried out, because often the rejected fetus has genetic abnormalities. After the first 8 weeks of embryo development, the likelihood of miscarriage is reduced by half.

Spontaneous abortion is divided into 2 main groups:

  1. Early. These include those cases where the miscarriage occurred at a short stage of pregnancy (up to 16 weeks). Why this happened in this case is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to determine.
  2. Late. This group includes those miscarriages that occurred after 4 months of pregnancy. The cause is much easier to establish and is often an injury sustained by a pregnant woman or genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

Regardless of how far along the pregnant woman’s pregnancy it occurs, her body undergoes serious hormonal changes that affect the functioning of the entire body and especially the ovaries. Possible consequences could be:

  • Injury to the internal endometrium after cleaning the uterus, if this procedure was performed.
  • Changes in hormonal levels.
  • Significant blood loss if the miscarriage was accompanied by heavy bleeding.

Causes of miscarriage

  • "Natural selection". The maternal body rejects a fetus that has defects that are incompatible with life. This often occurs in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • Unbalanced hormonal levels. Hormones have a strong effect on pregnancy and can even cause miscarriage. They are produced by organs such as the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and pituitary gland.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases. Sexual diseases such as gonorrhea, herpes infection, chlamydia and others can provoke serious inflammatory processes. During pregnancy, they worsen and melt the mucus plug of the uterus, activating inflammation of the endometrium, which holds the fertilized egg. Venous diseases lead not only to spontaneous abortion, but also to the fact that after a miscarriage it is not possible to become pregnant again.
  • Chronic diseases. These include problems with body weight, metabolism, and the cardiovascular system. Women of normal weight are more likely to get pregnant than those who are obese or anorexic.
  • Deformation, mechanical damage to the uterus, adhesions, abortions and other operations on the genitals. A factor that causes a miscarriage is a weakened uterus that cannot hold the fertilized egg inside. Sometimes pregnancy is prevented by an abnormality in the structure of the uterus.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage?

Do not doubt that pregnancy after a miscarriage is possible. Before deciding to do this, future parents have to make an important decision - when this will happen. Your answer should be influenced by two aspects: the woman's physical condition and her readiness to become pregnant again, as well as her psychological health. Don't let fear take over. Remember that proper preparation for pregnancy will significantly increase your chances of carrying a healthy baby.

When can you get pregnant after a miscarriage? Obstetricians and gynecologists believe that women can plan a pregnancy within 12-24 weeks after a miscarriage occurs. Other experts call a longer period of time - 1 year. However, a gynecologist who knows the individual characteristics of your body should answer the question. After all, the important point will not be how long it will take for you to become pregnant, but whether you can bear a healthy child. To prevent a second miscarriage, the reasons that caused it should be eliminated.

- The likelihood of pregnancy after an early miscarriage

Pregnancy after an early miscarriage, for example, 3 months after the incident, can be successful. The less time has passed after spontaneous abortion, the greater the risk of its recurrence. You cannot prevent this, but you can increase your chances of a successful pregnancy. It is believed that it takes a year for the female body to fully recover, so it is recommended to try re-fertilization after this time.

- What is the likelihood of getting pregnant after a late miscarriage?

Is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage that occurs at a late stage of fetal development? The answer is yes. However, a new pregnancy should occur after proper recovery. Later spontaneous interruption often results in cervical weakness. It takes time for the genitals of a woman who has had an unsuccessful pregnancy to return to normal. To protect a woman from something like this happening again, the doctor ties a special sling around the cervix for 33-36 weeks. This is a simple operation and, according to statistics, almost everyone who has undergone it successfully gives birth to children.

If a normal pregnancy is prevented by a health condition, the gynecologist will prescribe you treatment, after which you can try your luck again and safely give birth to a child. However, if doctors have not found any disease, then it is worth taking the following measures to create the necessary conditions for pregnancy:

  1. Complete peace of mind. The likelihood of getting pregnant after a miscarriage will increase significantly if you are not nervous. To do this, the expectant mother should exclude from the environment everything that provokes irritation. A good solution would be a vacation and a change of scenery. Your psychological state is no less important than your physical health. If your nerves are still naughty, use the usual folk remedies - soothing herbal teas made from mint or lemon balm.
  2. Avoid taking medications. It is worth minimizing the intake of any medications. However, if you are taking the drug regularly, consult your doctor before stopping it.
  3. “No” to bad habits. Both parents should give up cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. They have a detrimental effect on the quality of male semen and female eggs, which is why getting pregnant can be problematic, and the fetus will develop with abnormalities.
  4. Take your vitamins. Folic acid and vitamin E are considered especially important for expectant mothers; they prepare the body for the upcoming pregnancy and contribute to its proper course.
  5. Healthy diet. Women should eat well. If you have a thin physique, eat more protein foods and the right fat, which is found in seeds, olives, red fish, and avocados. The exchange of these two components directly affects the production of sex hormones.
  6. Losing excess weight. If you have problems associated with obesity, you should fill your diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Their portion should be equal to at least 60% of the total daily food volume.

Video: how soon can you get pregnant after a miscarriage?

If the parents have not been diagnosed with any diseases that interfere with fertilization, the period for trying again to conceive a child is determined only by their psychological readiness. Sometimes it is possible to become pregnant immediately after an unauthorized abortion, then they must be observed by a gynecologist all the time until the birth. By taking all measures during the recovery period to eliminate the possible causes that provoked the previous miscarriage, future parents will have no reason to worry or be uncertain.

Even women who have had 3 or more miscarriages remain highly likely to conceive and give birth to a healthy child. To do this, future parents must understand that what happened cannot be considered a sign that they cannot give birth to a baby. The right psychological attitude will have a strong positive effect on a new conception and successful childbirth.

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