Facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen: reviews and description of the procedure. Cold treatment or facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen

The priority area of ​​activity of the Center for Medicine and Cosmetology “Health” is a wide range of modern cosmetology services, including a popular procedure – cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen.

Modern cryotherapy technology can significantly improve the condition of facial skin, its color and elasticity, get rid of cosmetic imperfections and quickly recover from operations and injuries. The procedure is carried out by experienced specialists in comfortable conditions and at a time convenient for the client.

You can find out the address of our medical center in Moscow and the price of facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen on our website. We welcome residents of Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation, as well as patients from near and far abroad, to our Center.

Face 600 rub.
Face, neck, décolleté 1000 rub.
Head 800 rub.
Hands/feet 500 rub.
Spine 1000 rub.
Cervical-collar area 800 rub.
Buttocks, thighs, legs and feet 2000 rub.
Belly 1000 rub.
joint 500 rub.

How does liquid nitrogen work in facial massage?

Cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen is a popular therapeutic method and method of facial skin care based on the effects of cold. For the procedure, liquid nitrogen is used - a mobile substance that is colorless and odorless and boils at a temperature of -195.8 degrees.

When applied to the skin, liquid nitrogen constricts blood vessels and then very quickly dilates them. After cryomassage with liquid nitrogen, the following cosmetic effect is achieved:

  • the process of blood circulation and metabolism is significantly improved, the skin of the face is better supplied with oxygen and nutrients;
  • skin pores are well cleaned and narrowed;
  • swelling and oily shine disappear;
  • skin regeneration and restoration processes improve, wounds heal faster;
  • shallow expression wrinkles are smoothed out, the aging process slows down;
  • skin elasticity increases;
  • inflamed areas of the skin are blocked;
  • Freckles disappear, the skin acquires a healthy color.

During the cryomassage process there is no direct contact between the skin and liquid nitrogen, so there is no risk of injury. The procedure is carried out through an air layer that is located between the skin and the instrument. Liquid nitrogen acts on the problem area, dries and exfoliates particles of the epidermis. After the procedure, more nutrients enter the skin, which leads to improved condition and renewal.

You can undergo cryomassage with liquid nitrogen at an affordable price and get professional consultations in the field of cosmetology at the Zdorovye medical center, which is located within walking distance from the Elektrozavodskaya metro station.

Indications for cryomassage of facial skin

Indications for cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen at intervals of two to three times a week are problem skin. After this number of sessions, the skin will look healthy. For those who do not have serious skin problems or defects, it is enough to undergo the procedure twice a year.

The main indications for cryomassage of facial skin are:

  • the presence of shallow facial wrinkles;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • decreased skin tone and elasticity;
  • dark spots;
  • swelling of the face;
  • demodicosis;
  • dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • enlarged skin pores;
  • acne, pimples;
  • presence of “black spots”;
  • the presence of warts, papillomas on the face;
  • pale, unhealthy skin color.

Indications for cryomassage of the scalp are:

  • slow hair growth;
  • signs of diffuse baldness;
  • dull hair color, split ends;
  • dandruff, seborrhea.

Contraindications for facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen

Despite the fact that the procedure is safe and recommended for almost every person, there are the following contraindications for facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen:

  • herpetic rashes on the skin of the face;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • neurological diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • postoperative recovery period;
  • infectious diseases;
  • recurrent headaches, migraines;
  • signs of skin rosacea;
  • allergic reaction to cold;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin.

Before the massage, you should consult with your doctor, who will determine possible contraindications for facial cryomassage. You should also inform your doctor about the presence of these diseases.

Technique for facial cryomassage

Cryomassage of facial skin with liquid nitrogen is performed in the following ways:

  • An applicator, which is a wooden handle with a cotton swab. The applicator is dipped into a container with a liquid substance and passed in the direction of the massage lines without touching the skin. Massage lines run in the following directions - from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the nasolabial folds and chin to the cheekbones; from the bridge of the nose and areas under the eyes to the ears; on the cheeks - in a circular motion towards the ears.
    In some cases, a nitrogen swab is quickly touched to the skin until it turns pale. The duration of cryomassage in the facial area ranges from three to eight minutes.
  • Using special devices - a nebulizer or cryodestructor. Thanks to special attachments, nitrogen is accurately dosed depending on the characteristics and condition of the skin and the patient’s age. The substance is applied to the skin at a speed of 1 sq. dm / 2 minutes with a flow of low intensity.

After cryomassage of facial skin with liquid nitrogen, it is advisable to use a nourishing cosmetic cream.

Facial massage with liquid nitrogen is effective for demodicosis, a chronic disease that periodically worsens and causes great discomfort to the sick person. Cryomassage is used in combination with other therapeutic methods. Treatment with liquid nitrogen helps to increase the period of remission and prevents the occurrence of various complications.

Skin treatment for this disease is carried out with a rotational movement with a deep impact for five seconds on the affected areas until they turn pale. The number of cryomassage procedures in this case should be at least two to three.

After cryomassage of the face, no long recovery is required, but it is better to go outside about an hour after the procedure, since the skin’s protective reaction to exposure to wind and negative temperatures will decrease. To ensure that the effect of the procedures lasts as long as possible, you should regularly apply an age-appropriate cream to your facial skin.

How is cryomassage of the head performed?

Before starting the procedure for treating the head with liquid nitrogen, the hair is thoroughly combed and divided into individual strands. The applicator moistened with liquid nitrogen is held over the parting for three to five seconds. The complete procedure will take fifteen minutes.

In the case of alopecia areata, massage with liquid nitrogen is carried out with intermittent movements for one to two minutes only in areas of hair loss. For diffuse alopecia and seborrhea, cryomassage is performed over the entire scalp.

Facial cryomassage procedures in Moscow can be performed at affordable prices at the Zdorovye medical center at the address: Semenovskaya embankment, 3/1, room 6.

Why and how cryomassage of the body is performed

The procedure is a combination of conventional massage and exposure of the skin to liquid nitrogen. Cryomassage of the body is carried out by placing the patient for 1-2 minutes in a capsule with gas, the temperature of which is -140 degrees.

During the procedure, the surface layer of the skin is cooled, and the body does not have time to become hypothermic in such a short time. During cryomassage, the patient experiences pleasant sensations from the effects of cold; the procedure takes place quickly and in comfortable conditions.

The main effect of exposure to liquid nitrogen is the renewal of the entire body, which manifests itself in the form of:

  • increasing immunity, resistance to various diseases;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • pronounced cosmetic effect.

After the procedure, the skin becomes tightened, its color improves, and small wrinkles disappear. Cryomassage of the body is often carried out for the purpose of body correction, to eliminate signs of cellulite, during recovery from injuries and surgery. Liquid nitrogen massage is also used in the treatment of diseases of the spine and joints.

In cosmetology practice, body cryomassage is used to prevent the appearance of spider veins and signs of skin aging. Cryomassage produces a noticeable effect after cosmetic surgery. After exposure to liquid nitrogen, tissue swelling disappears, the overall tone of the body increases, and the psycho-emotional state improves.

Benefits of cryomassage with liquid nitrogen

Cryomassage is an effective cosmetic method that is very popular due to the following advantages:

  • Long lasting effect. Immediately after a massage with liquid nitrogen, you can notice the effect - the skin tightens, becomes elastic, acquires a beautiful healthy color, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and swelling disappears. With each subsequent cryomassage session, the effect will become stronger.
  • Safety of massage with liquid nitrogen. The massage is non-contact, so there is virtually no risk of damage to the skin.
  • Painlessness of cryomassage. During the procedure, the patient may feel the effects of cold, but there is no pain or discomfort.
  • Liquid nitrogen massage is combined with other procedures.

To get the maximum effect from cryomassage, you should contact experienced specialists, since performing the procedure in violation of the technique can lead to frostbite on the surface of the skin in areas of prolonged exposure.

After the cryomassage procedure, it is necessary to avoid visiting the sauna, solarium and using aggressive cosmetics for some time.

How many cryomassage procedures are needed to obtain a sustainable effect?

The number and frequency of cryomassage sessions is determined by a cosmetologist, based on the patient’s age, the condition of the skin, the presence of diseases and the place of treatment with liquid nitrogen.

A standard course of facial cryomassage includes 10 to 14 procedures every two to three days. Depending on the condition of the skin, one procedure takes from 5 to 20 minutes.

For professional cryomassage of the face in Moscow, contact the Center for Medicine and Cosmetology “Health”. We offer a painless, effective procedure - cryomassage at an affordable price, which will get rid of various cosmetic problems, improve the general condition and appearance of the skin, improve immunity and the general condition of the body.

The reception is conducted by

Graduated from the Russian State Medical University with a degree in general medicine; completed clinical residency at the First Moscow State Medical University at the Department of Dermatovenereology; completed advanced training courses in therapeutic and hardware cosmetology at the RUDN University.

Doctor certificates

Facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen is one of the most popular procedures in cosmetology. Its demand is explained by the fact that liquid nitrogen allows you to improve conditions and rejuvenate facial skin without surgery or pain.

Let's understand the concepts of what it is - cryomassage for the face, outline the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure and tell other important nuances on this issue.

Cryomassage of the face: what is it?

Facial massage with liquid nitrogen (cryomassage) provides noticeable benefits for the skin and an almost immediate effect.

From Greek "cryomassage" translated as “rubbing with cold.”

In modern cosmetology, this procedure is a massage, which involves exposing the skin to liquid nitrogen (cold), which has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Liquid nitrogen for face

In cosmetology, liquid nitrogen is used to treat problem areas of the skin: thighs, stretch marks, cellulite, age-related, sagging and aging skin.

In addition, liquid nitrogen in cosmetology and medicine is successfully used to treat varicose veins, spider veins and eliminate warts.

Liquid nitrogen in cosmetology is used to treat warts

The action of nitrogen for the face is simple: under the influence of cold, blood flow in the treatment areas slows down, this leads to vasoconstriction and a decrease in cell activity. At the end of the procedure, the vessels restore their function: blood flow increases, vitamins and nutrients enter the skin better than before.

Cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen, according to experts, is a completely safe and painless cosmetic procedure.

How does cryomassage with liquid nitrogen work and what does it give?

Nitrogen is a gas that at t – 195.6 degrees becomes a colorless and odorless liquid, consisting of 97% nitrogen and 3% oxygen.

Liquid nitrogen is used in cosmetology. As a result of such cryotherapy sessions, many positive results can be achieved.

Photo of liquid nitrogen

What are the benefits of facial cryomassage:

  1. Normalization of blood circulation, acceleration of metabolism in cells, improved supply of nutrients to the skin.
  2. Elimination of swelling and greasiness of the face.
  3. Facial cleansing with nitrogen provides deep cleansing and tightens enlarged pores.
  4. Improvement of regeneration processes, healing of microdamages (abrasions, burns, etc.).
  5. Cryomassage helps against pimples, acne, post-acne, blackheads and other skin inflammations.
  6. Slowing down the aging process of the skin, eliminating small facial wrinkles.
  7. Giving the skin firmness and elasticity.
  8. The effect of whitening the face in the fight against pallor, freckles and yellowness.

Types of cryomassage for the face

The cryomassage procedure can be performed using different methods, including:

  1. Cryomassage of the face with ice cubes– the simplest type of cryotherapy that can be done at home.
  2. Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen– nitrogen cryotherapy, which can only be performed by an experienced specialist trained in this field.

Cryotherapy, performed in a salon setting, involves the use of liquid nitrogen during skin treatment.

Nitrogen exposure can be achieved through:

  1. Applicator with a cotton swab at the end.
  2. A special device that supplies liquid nitrogen under pressure.

More often, experts use applicators, because They cost salons less, but at the same time, they are no less effective than cryomassage devices.

Photo: before and after the procedure

Indications for facial cryomassage

Cryomassage sessions with liquid nitrogen are recommended for both women and men of any age category.

This procedure is effective for the following indications:

  • Expression and age wrinkles.
  • Acne, acne and post-acne.
  • Demodicosis, rosacea.
  • Allergic rashes.
  • Acne, skin inflammation.
  • Pigmentation.
  • Enlarged pores on the face.
  • Presence of swelling.
  • Excessive fat content.
  • They also shaved my double chin.

Cryomassage of the face is often combined with rejuvenation procedures such as ultrasound and mechanical facial cleansing to consolidate the results of plastic surgery, resurfacing, photoepilation, etc.

Areas of application of cryomassage

Cryomassage with liquid nitrogen is suitable for treating different parts of the body:

  • For face;
  • For body;
  • For arms and legs;
  • For the belly;
  • For the neck and décolleté area.

Cryotherapy of the scalp provides improved nutrition to the hair roots, returning thickness and silkiness to the hair.

How does facial cleansing with liquid nitrogen work?

A nitrogen facial cleansing session is performed in several stages:

  1. Preparation– cleansing the facial skin of cosmetics and impurities. You should not peel, so as not to cause skin damage under the influence of liquid nitrogen during cryomassage.
  2. Main stage– treatment of the skin with nitrogen along massage lines or pointwise, depending on the goal achieved. Massage with liquid nitrogen is carried out not from the contact of nitrogen itself with the skin, but from the effect of the so-called “air cushion”.
  3. Completion– applying nourishing cream to the skin.

Cryomassage lasts on average 8-10 minutes.

The process is painless and may cause a slight burning sensation and a feeling of cold in the patient.

How often can cryomassage be done?

  • Typically, nitrogen treatment (including cryomassage of the face) consists of 10-14 procedures, with repetition rate 1 time every 2-3 days.
  • The duration of 1 session can be from 5 to 20 minutes depending on the desired effect, the patient’s age and skin type.

To preserve and maintain the results obtained, the cryomassage course can be repeated every six months according to the specified or abbreviated treatment regimen.

How much does it cost: price of the procedure

The average cost of 1 procedure performed using an applicator is from 500 to 900 rub..

Hardware facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen is more expensive: from 1.5 to 5.5 thousand rubles.

When choosing a place for cryotherapy, pay attention to the fact that the specialist performing nitrogen massage has a medical education and a certificate that confirms his right to provide such services.

Cryomassage at home

It is almost impossible to do facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen at home, since this material must be stored in professional equipment and used according to special rules.

An alternative to nitrogen at home is plain ice.

Video tutorial:

To perform the procedure yourself:

  • Pour clean water or herbal infusion into ice molds and place in the freezer for 1 day.
  • Wipe your face with ice cubes 2 times a day: in the morning and before bed.
  • After each wipe, wait until the skin dries naturally.

How to make an infusion:

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry medicinal herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water.
  • Leave in a thermos for 1 day.
  • Strain the infusion, freeze and use for procedures.

Another useful option for cryomassage is a procedure using frozen fruit or vegetable puree.

How to make a mask for facial cryomassage:

  • Wash the fruits and grate them (the finer the better). You can do this with a blender.
  • Add a few drops of vegetable oil.
  • Freeze the mixture in the freezer for 3 hours.
  • Apply the cold mixture to the face, neck and décolleté.
  • After the mask dries, rinse it with warm water.


You cannot do cryomassage if you have:

  • Herpes;
  • Cardiovascular disorders;
  • Couperose;
  • Pustular inflammation;
  • If you are allergic to cold;
  • Migraine;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Epilepsy.

Cryomassage during pregnancy

Pregnant women are allowed to do cryomassage only on the face.

At the same time, given the instability of the hormonal background of women during pregnancy, it is important to ensure that the influence of cold does not affect the tone of the uterus.

If you have a strong desire or need to perform facial cryomassage during pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages of cryotherapy

Cryomassage is a cosmetic and health procedure that has its pros and cons.


  • Does not leave any trace of injury after the treatment session.
  • There is no recovery period like after other facial cleansing.
  • It takes little time, lasting on average 15-20 minutes.
  • Can be combined with other cosmetology services.


  • Redness and swelling of the treated areas throughout the day.
  • The likelihood of tissue discomfort during the massage.
  • Risk of allergies to cold (it is recommended to do a preliminary test).

Facial massage using cold is becoming increasingly popular. Cryomassage of the face with liquid nitrogen allows you to maintain youth, get rid of wrinkles and inflammation. The cryomassage procedure can be carried out both in a beauty salon and at home.

The therapeutic effect of cold contact with the skin of the face can be achieved through short-term exposure to the tissue. At this time, the blood vessels begin to actively constrict, but soon steadily expand. As a result of such a sharp change in vascular activity, all metabolic processes of the body are accelerated, blood supply is improved, the immune system is strengthened, and the skin acquires a healthy color. Already 10-13 minutes after the procedure, the patient feels a rush of warmth to the face.

Cryomassage and its beneficial properties

This is a type of hardware massage that uses liquid nitrogen. There are many advantages of cryomassage. It has a great therapeutic effect and is completely painless.

Cryomassage of the face leads to gentle exfoliation of the upper layers of the skin, as a result of which young cells grow faster, inflammatory processes are stopped, and skin aging slows down, the tone of the facial muscles increases. Liquid nitrogen can have a beneficial effect not only on the skin of the face, but also on the entire body as a whole.

Reduces the secretion of sebaceous glands during acne and lightens the skin during pigmentation. It fights seborrheic skin perfectly, completely cleansing and restoring it. After the procedure, fine wrinkles and so-called “crow’s feet” may disappear.

Cryomassage is well compatible with other cosmetological methods of influencing the facial skin. It can prepare the skin for various general health and medical procedures, increasing the beneficial effects of injections, wraps, physical therapy sessions, and can also eliminate the undesirable consequences of such procedures. Cryomassage is also applicable after surgery, all types of hair removal and various types of thermal treatments on the skin.

The effect of cold is also applicable in the fight against unwanted skin formations - granulomas, papillomas, keratons, warts. After their removal, which takes place by freezing the formation with liquid nitrogen for 5-35 seconds, not a trace will remain on the skin.

Cryomassage of the face. Contraindications

Despite the large number of beneficial properties of cryomassage, it also has a number of contraindications:

  • allergic reactions to exposure to cold;
  • hypertension;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • the presence of acute infections and burns;
  • herpes in aggravated form;
  • rosacea;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • headaches and migraines.

Preparation for the cryomassage procedure

Before carrying out the procedure, you should follow some tips that are unlikely to be reported in the salon.

  1. Under no circumstances should any type of facial peeling be performed before cryotherapy to avoid skin damage.
  2. It is better to prepare the nourishing cream that will need to be used after the procedure at home - the salon cannot always take care of this.
  3. You should choose a proven salon, using the advice of friends or reviews from forums on the Internet.

Carrying out cryomassage in the salon

As is already known, cryomassage carried out using liquid nitrogen. At low temperatures, nitrogen is a liquid, but at room temperature it turns into a gas. The cosmetologist, using a wooden stick moistened with nitrogen with a cotton swab at the end, treats the skin of the face, avoiding direct contact. The air cushion that forms between the roller and the skin of the face has the main effect on the tissue.

The procedure is carried out either strictly following the massage lines, or by directly influencing the desired area for 4-8 minutes. To obtain the desired effect, a treatment session may consist of 10-15 sessions, 2-3 times a week. It is recommended to repeat the course 2 times a year.

General scheme cryotherapy in the cabin is like this:

  1. the patient is seated on a special cosmetology chair and the face is treated with lotion selected for a specific skin type;
  2. the hair is fixed with a bandage;
  3. to relax the muscles, the face is lightly massaged;
  4. facial cryomassage is performed with liquid nitrogen;
  5. Nourishing cream is applied at the end of the procedure.

Cryomassage of the face at home

It is impossible to use liquid nitrogen at home, but no one forbids replacing it with ordinary pieces of ice. Plain water can be the main active ingredient. But to increase efficiency, it is better to choose the appropriate herbal decoction or juice for your skin type.

A decoction of chamomile or nettle is suitable for combination and problem skin. To prepare such a decoction, you need to take 2 tablespoons of nettle or chamomile and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for several hours.

A decoction of chamomile or nettle is suitable. To prepare such a decoction, you need to take 2 tablespoons of nettle or chamomile and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for several hours.

For dry skin Frozen juices and pieces of fruit or vegetables will be helpful. Halves of grapes, kiwi or cucumber slices will perfectly moisturize the skin and make it glowing.

For oily skin It is better to use citrus juices, slices of orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, strawberry or tomato slices. Green tea has a good effect on oily skin.

Aging Wrinkled skin will benefit from a decoction of raspberry leaves. It restores the skin's former elasticity and firmness, and also gives freshness and smoothness. Mint ice, which has proven itself well in cosmetology, also has the same properties.

For all skin types Parsley decoction is perfect. It has brightening properties and helps protect the skin from harmful external factors. To prepare the decoction, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley with a quarter cup of boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour.

You can get rid of blackheads and relieve inflammation on your face with the help of horsetail weed. Horsetail also has a calming effect, so it will be useful for.

Methods of performing massage at home

Before the session massage with ice cubes, you need to let them thaw a little. And after that, begin the facial cryomassage procedure, which should not last more than five minutes to avoid vasoconstriction.

The procedure should start with the most problematic area of ​​the face – the T-zone. Then move towards the chin with small, smooth circular movements. If there are special problem areas on the face that need more attention, then you can spend longer on them.

Cryotherapy is best performed in the morning. At these moments, the skin is most sensitive and susceptible to external influences. In addition, ice cubes will invigorate you well and set a positive tone for the day. It is advisable to carry out the procedure regularly, i.e. every morning. And then you can achieve excellent results.

Skin restoration after cryomassage

If, after cryomassage with liquid nitrogen in the salon or with ice cubes at home, no skin damage is found, then skin restoration is not required. All you have to do is moisturize your skin with a nourishing cream.

At obvious contraindications The procedure is prohibited because this may lead to undesirable consequences. That is why it is worth choosing qualified specialists who specialize in this field and have experience.

In conclusion, we can say that the history of cryomassage has its roots in Ancient Greece and China. Famous doctors such as Hippocrates and Avicenna wrote about the use of cold for medicinal purposes. Therefore, you can be sure that the procedure will give positive results because it has already been tested for centuries.

The face is a person’s calling card, so all women try to do everything to make it look healthy and beautiful. Nitrogen facial cleansing is a popular procedure. But you shouldn't do it at home. Remember that only a real specialist can cleanse your facial skin so that the procedure does not negatively affect your health.

Facial cleansing with nitrogen or cryotherapy is a unique cosmetic procedure that has no analogues in terms of the level of effect achieved. It is carried out using liquid nitrogen. Cryotherapy is completely painless and safe. Despite the fact that the time of exposure of nitrogen to the skin is quite short, you can see the result after the first procedure. This is explained by the fact that cold instantly affects the skin, causing the vessels in its upper layers to narrow and then expand sharply. In this regard, blood circulation and metabolic processes improve, oxygen better enters the cells, which activates the removal of toxins from them.

Thanks to the rapid renewal of skin cells, a peeling effect appears: the upper layer of the epidermis peels off. But, in comparison with, for example, chemical peeling, this procedure is considered more gentle and soft. Depending on the duration of contact of nitrogen with the skin, cryotherapy has varying degrees of effect. If there are scars, scars, acne or other defects on the skin, then the exposure cannot last more than 30 seconds. Thanks to liquid nitrogen, pathological cells will die, and healthy skin will regenerate faster. For a general increase in tone, exposure to nitrogen should be minimal.


Indications for using nitrogen facial cleansing include the following skin problems:

  1. Strongly expressed signs of aging (skin has lost its former elasticity, has become sluggish and flabby, and the first wrinkles have appeared).
  2. There are warts or papillomas on your face that you want to get rid of.
  3. The face became swollen (particularly after plastic surgery).
  4. Enlarged pores, increased sebum secretion.
  5. Acne or blackheads.
  6. The complexion is too sallow (gray or sallow).
  7. Presence of scars or cicatrices.
  8. Rosacea.
  9. Blood circulation in the facial skin is too poor.
  10. Pigmentation.
  11. Demodecosis.


The cryotherapy procedure (or facial cleansing with nitrogen) does not require any specific preparation. You just need to cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics and thoroughly treat it with any antiseptic.

Advantages and disadvantages of nitrogen facial cleansing

Any cosmetic procedure has its pros and cons, and nitrogen facial cleansing is no exception. The main advantages of this method are:

  1. Liquid nitrogen helps heal damaged skin cells. It has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, so a similar procedure is often used after manual facial cleansing. Thanks to its therapeutic properties, liquid nitrogen is able to resolve any problematic rashes on the face.
  2. This procedure is considered a kind of special massage for the skin, which has a beneficial effect on its condition.
  3. Cryotherapy is completely safe and harmless. It can be done while breastfeeding.
  4. It helps get rid of many skin problems.

The disadvantages of the procedure are:

  1. Sometimes during such cleaning, the patient may feel an unpleasant tingling or burning sensation. Even though they are not too pronounced, some people cannot bear them.
  2. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect, liquid nitrogen leaves redness on the skin that may not go away for a long time. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in the afternoon or evening so that you can give the skin a rest while you sleep.


If cryotherapy is used to remove warts, scars, scars or acne, then it is necessary to use a special applicator with which all problem areas will be thoroughly treated. After nitrogen has been applied to the skin, a fairly rapid influx and outflow of blood begins. Because of this, a dense crust appears on the problem area. After a few days it will disappear, and the skin will become pink and tender. Gradually the pink color will disappear.

If the patient simply wants to improve the condition of the skin, then the applicator that is put on the device is a small wooden stick. A cotton swab is carefully attached to its end. Sometimes an applicator is used in the form of a tube with a special reservoir for liquid nitrogen. The applicator has a tip at the end to ensure nitrogen contacts your face.

The procedure for cleansing your face with nitrogen to make your skin smooth and soft does not take much time (usually up to 15 seconds). This is quite enough to get rid of acne, papillomas and other minor defects. The doctor first dips the applicator into a container of liquid nitrogen and then rubs it over the problem skin.


Like any other cosmetic procedure, facial cleansing with nitrogen has its contraindications. It should not be performed on people with:

  1. Diseases of arterial vessels and the cardiovascular system.
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. Acute infectious diseases.
  4. Increased body temperature.
  5. Cooperosis.
  6. Migraine.
  7. Individual intolerance to the effects of low temperatures on the skin.

In addition, it is worth noting that this procedure is not recommended in the summer, as the skin exposed to liquid nitrogen becomes more sensitive to the sun's rays. During skin treatment with this method, it is necessary to use various sunscreens.

Pregnancy is not a direct contraindication to facial cleansing with nitrogen. But doctors cannot always predict how the female body will react to the procedure, so it is better to wait.


Cleansing your face with nitrogen allows you to get a number of positive effects.

Cryotherapy, or facial cleansing with liquid nitrogen, is performed in a beauty salon or clinic. It gets rid of acne, blackheads, first wrinkles, age spots. The procedure can also be part of a complex treatment: it is carried out to solve several problems and achieve a lasting result. It is based on the effects of cold, and a similar technique has been used for centuries to relieve muscle pain and quickly restore tissue. Cryo-cleansing uses the same principles, but the emphasis is on the face and neck area. What should you know about the procedure?

How cleaning works

Do you want to cleanse your skin of dead cells, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and restore the skin’s former elasticity and smoothness? You will enjoy the non-invasive nitrogen treatment because it does not cause any discomfort.

What is the principle of cryotherapy? Under the influence of the active substance, the skin quickly cools, which leads to a narrowing of the capillaries. This phenomenon is called “vasoconstriction.” Cold nitrogen also freezes: the result is exfoliation of dead cells. The oxygen included in the mixture, enriched with vitamins and antioxidants, kills bacteria and restores damaged cells.

At the next stage, the vessels dilate, resulting in the removal of toxins and impurities from the tissues. Microcirculation is enhanced, due to which the skin is subsequently better saturated with oxygen. Collagen production is also stimulated, which gives a rejuvenating effect.

A small result is noticeable after the first application. Although severe acne will take time to heal, you will notice a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. It will be complemented by the returning healthy radiance of the integument.

If you want to smooth out wrinkles, then you can’t do without a full course.

Doris Day, a dermatologist from New York, talks about the features of facial cleansing with nitrogen. According to her, the process removes dead cells from the surface of the epidermis. This prevents the formation of plugs in the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Various techniques are used in cosmetology: chemical peelings, dermabrasion, laser exposure. The procedures include cryotherapy, which is well suited for people with fair skin. But dark-skinned beauties and tan lovers should find an alternative, otherwise stains may remain on the covers.

The effect depends on the number of cleansings: after the 1st, your complexion will improve, but for drastic transformations you will need to take a course. Its duration depends on the type of problem.

Nitrogen facial cleansing: pros and cons

Cleansing with nitrogen can be carried out not only on the face, but also on the entire body. Even Cristiano Ronaldo regularly resorts to cryotherapy, confident that he partly owes his good health and appearance to it. But doctors continue to debate the effectiveness of the procedures. What are the benefits of such cleaning?

  1. Nitrogen accelerates tissue regeneration and relieves inflammation. This property relieves patients from acne rashes. Nitrogen cleansing is also carried out immediately after manual cleansing, due to which inflammation is relieved. But a separate procedure also gives results, since it removes even severe rashes.
  2. Facial cleansing with liquid nitrogen copes with skin diseases. These include acnitic and seborrheic keratoses.
  3. Facial massage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. During the cleaning process, the dermatologist treats them with a swab on a wooden stick. The doctor walks along massage lines, helping to improve microcirculation in the tissues.

The advantages of this option include its safety. After all, even breastfeeding women can contact a cosmetologist-dermatologist who will perform nitrogen facial cleansing. As a result, you will notice the following improvements:

  • restore skin elasticity;
  • reduce hyperpigmentation and age spots;
  • get rid of dull skin, get a healthy glow;
  • improve skin texture;
  • reduce acne and acne scars;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • provide relief from a number of diseases, including eczema.

But it was not without its drawbacks:

  1. The tingling, burning and cold sensations will be tolerable, but some patients find them unpleasant.
  2. Redness after such a cleansing is normal, so go to the salon in the evening or on a weekend. Even if the doctor follows the technology, swelling and mild inflammation cannot be avoided.

When cleansing your face with nitrogen, consider the advantages and disadvantages. Overall, the pros outweigh the benefits, provided you contact a qualified professional.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for facial cleansing with liquid nitrogen include:

  • the presence of acne and blackheads, scars, wrinkles, dull skin color, age-related changes;
  • the need to prepare for other procedures, including peelings;
  • discomfort after microdermabrasion, manual cleaning or electrocoagulation;
  • demodicosis, rosacea, rosacea;
  • the presence of stretched pores;
  • swelling, including a side effect after plastic surgery;
  • increased oily skin.

But the procedure cannot be carried out in the presence of the following phenomena:

  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • exacerbation of infections, including herpes;
  • increased body temperature;
  • rosacea;
  • individual cold intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • presence of wounds on the face.

The professionalism of the chosen cosmetologist is indicated by whether he asks questions about his state of health and previous diseases. A professional will not immediately promise a miraculous transformation: he will find out the characteristics of the body and what results you want to achieve, and will tell you about the achievable effect.


Previously, “carbon snow” was used for cleaning in cosmetology, but it was replaced by liquid nitrogen. It is applied to the skin with a cotton swab; doctors also use sprays. The process consists of several stages, so understand their features.

Preparation for the process

Cryo-cleaning does not require complex preparation:

  • Do not peel for 12 hours before the procedure;
  • Do not apply decorative cosmetics immediately before cleansing.

Following these rules is enough to ensure that you are spared any unpleasant surprises during cleaning.

Main cleaning stage

The technique for performing the main stage depends on the type of problem. The basic option is as follows:

  1. The dermatologist removes remnants of decorative cosmetics, dirt, and sebaceous gland secretions from the skin.
  2. The client is asked to lie down on the couch, his hair is pulled into a ponytail and hidden under a disposable cap. The rest of the body is covered to prevent nitrogen from entering.
  3. The doctor immerses a cotton swab in liquid nitrogen (its temperature is -196 ºC). He then quickly runs the swab over the client's face, moving along the massage lines. The skill of a dermatologist-cosmetologist plays an important role. If he rushes to distribute the nitrogen, the substance evaporates and has no noticeable effect. If you linger in one area, your skin will become frostbitten.
  4. Finally, a cream or mask is applied to the skin.

Facial cleansing by a cosmetologist with nitrogen does not require a long recovery period. If the doctor has not violated the technology, you will return to your business almost immediately. It is advisable to only wait before leaving the room: for 40 minutes. the protective functions of the integument will be reduced, which makes the face susceptible to wind or frost.

A technique is also available when the skin is treated not with a tampon, but with a stream of nitrogen. There is no reason to be afraid: you will be asked to lie down on the couch, and then you will feel the cold on your face. Clients claim that breathing is not difficult. They note that towards the end of the procedure, the forehead, nose and chin appear frozen. But, according to reviews, the sensations are more unusual than unpleasant. The air stream constantly moves without stopping in a certain area, so frostbite does not occur. The technique is more advanced than swab treatment because it ensures uniform exposure.

During the process, the top layer of dead cells is removed, and the pores are narrowed. Patients who complained of acne, blackheads, and oily skin will forget about the problem after the full course.

Cryo-cleansing for acne

If the patient wants to clear the face of a small amount of pimples, then the main stage of the procedure takes 3-5 minutes. When passing a swab over the face, the doctor allocates no more than 15 seconds to treat each zone: the action should not be intense. Depending on the condition of the skin, nitrogen is applied to each area 2-3 times.

Is the patient complaining of severe rashes? The doctor applies the principle of shading, especially in cases where there are scars or pustules on the skin. The integument over the inflamed element may slightly change color.

The difference between shading and toning treatment is significant. To restore lost elasticity to the skin, the doctor walks over it with quick movements. When the face turns pink, the effect stops. When shading, problem areas are processed more slowly. But you can’t linger too long, otherwise frostbite will occur. After the procedure, redness and slight peeling are possible.

When fighting acne, nitrogen cleansing eliminates pathogenic bacteria and tightens pores.

Application for demodicosis

The disease is caused by the acne gland mite: it affects the face area, especially the forehead, eyelids and chin. As a result, pink acne and seborrhea appear on the skin, and the problem worsens in spring and autumn.

For rosacea

Cryo-cleansing has a drawback: if you have rosacea, it is prohibited. An exception can be made if the disease has not progressed for a long time. Otherwise, the redness after the session intensifies, and the network of blood vessels becomes more noticeable.

The cosmetologist makes adjustments to the patient’s condition: instead of 15 sec. treatment of one area is 10, and session time is reduced to 3-5 minutes. (main stage). Some professionals recommend nitrogen cleansing as a method of getting rid of rosacea, but it is not used for thin and sensitive skin. The result is noticeable after 10 procedures, and the face peels off in between. Not all clients are mentally prepared for this phenomenon; moreover, the result depends on the doctor’s skills.

Video: cryotherapy

You can watch how facial cleansing with liquid nitrogen takes place by watching the following video:


The advantages of cryotherapy include the fact that it does not require special care during the period of skin restoration. But if you suffer from acne, a nitrogen cleanse may not be enough. Your doctor will help you choose products to get rid of skin rashes.

Facial cleansing is also complemented by a set of measures: scrubbing and applying masks.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the autumn-winter period, although some cosmetologists undertake it in the summer. The last option is acceptable for toning, but not for intense action. In any case, use a cream with UV protection. Without it, even short-term exposure to the sun is fraught with the appearance of age spots.

After cryo-cleaning, wash your face not with soap, but with soft foams. Don’t forget about moisturizing, but replace the usual cream with a pharmaceutical cream (a dermatologist will recommend the product).

Side effects and complications

When carrying out nitrogen cleaning, complications are possible, in most cases caused by insufficient qualifications of the dermatologist-cosmetologist. Patients complain of the following phenomena:

  1. Individual intolerance to cold may appear if the dermatologist has not done a preliminary test. For this, a small amount of nitrogen is applied to the skin of the forearm.
  2. Complaints about frostbite arise when the technique is violated or the cosmetologist is insufficiently skilled. They lead to peeling and sometimes discoloration of the skin.

In some cases, redness and mild swelling may occur, but this will subside with the application of topical steroids.

Nitrogen exposure to the skin of the red border of the lips and the conjunctiva of the eye

If the procedure is carried out carelessly, drops of nitrogen fall on the skin of the lips. Since they cannot be removed instantly, the tissues are affected.

.png" alt="burn" width="300" height="178"> !} The result of a cosmetologist's mistake

Frostbite in such cases is inevitable. There is a risk of nitrogen getting onto the surface of the eye, which can lead to similar symptoms.

Video: how cryomassage is done in a specialized beauty salon

Other applications of cryotherapy

Although cryotherapy is effective in the fight against acne, it also copes with a number of other problems:

  • allows you to restore youth to aging skin in the décolleté area;
  • eliminates some types of scars;
  • removes benign tumors.

Cryotherapy is also used for the whole body, and athletes resort to it. Research has shown that exposing the body to cold stimulates its functioning. But for noticeable improvements, the athlete would have to lie down for 45 minutes. in a bathtub full of ice. To rid themselves of such a prospect, stars (including Cristiano Ronaldo) resort to cryomassages of the body. In addition to stimulating the functioning of the body, the result is accelerated tissue restoration and pain relief.

Cryomassage successfully removes toxins, fights the first signs of aging, and relieves the feeling of fatigue. When used to treat the entire body, it can reduce fat deposits and get rid of cellulite.

Frotox: a new generation of cryotherapy

Technology does not stand still, and cryotherapy has moved to a new level. The technique, called “frotox,” will put Botox manufacturers out of work in the future. London experts say cold temperatures can smooth out wrinkles.

The explanation is given by Dr. Alexandrides, known to English beauties. He says, “You know that feeling when your hands are cold and you can’t move your fingers? This is the result of the effects of cold on nerve endings. If you direct cryotherapy to certain points and tissues, the effect will be similar. We influence the nerve endings responsible for the movement of muscles on the forehead. Thanks to cryo, the nerve stops working, and within 4 months you don’t have those unsightly horizontal wrinkles. The folds between the eyebrows also disappear.”

The device used resembles a large ballpoint pen. Before the procedure, you are given a light anesthesia, then using a machine for 30 seconds. affect the desired nerve. Depending on the condition of the skin, the process is repeated several times. You won’t feel any pain, and your facial expressions will remain the same: frotox simply relaxes the muscles a little.

The effect lasts for several months, but permanent results cannot be achieved with Botox. But we are not talking about toxicity, which will be an advantage over the usual method of combating wrinkles. Dermatologists say that over time, frotox may replace the use of anti-aging creams and serums.

Frequency, duration and cost of procedures: forget about acne

The duration of a traditional nitrogen cleanse depends on the condition of the skin and the type of problem being treated. The main stage takes 5-20 minutes, but a single visit to the salon is not enough. The duration of the course is 10 procedures, which are done with a break of 48-72 hours. After you get rid of the main problem, visit the salon once every six months to maintain the result.

Prices for facial cryomassage with liquid nitrogen

The cost of full treatment depends on the type of problem and skin condition. But even if you focus on the lower numbers in the price lists, purification with nitrogen cannot be called budgetary. Prepare for expenses so you don't have to interrupt your course.

Photos will help you verify the effectiveness of the procedure:

How to do cryomassage at home

It is impossible to store liquid nitrogen at home and carry out procedures on your own. But you can have a facial massage with ice, and the instructions will make you happy:

  1. Remove any remaining makeup, wash your face, and pat your face dry with a soft cloth. If you wish, you can take a warm shower before the procedure to open up the pores.
  2. Apply your favorite mask with active ingredients. But before cryoprocedures, it is important not to use products with AHA acids or cosmetic clay. After all, exposure to cold will increase the penetration of active substances into tissues. You don't want the acid to hit too hard! An exception would be hyaluronic acid, as it provides moisture to the skin.
  3. Place a sheet mask over your face to avoid direct contact of the ice with your skin. Then use cryostiks (a special tool made of stainless steel), a roller, or just ice cubes. Take one in each hand and work over your face, moving from the middle of your forehead to your temples. Repeat on the lower part of the face, then on the cheeks. Finally, go over the neck and décolleté area. Ice massage should not take more than 3 minutes.
  4. Remove the sheet mask and use your favorite face cream. Pre-warm it in your palms, and then apply it to the skin, making upward movements.

Although the option will not compare with the results of the procedure in a salon, the principle of action will remain unchanged. You will not be able to clean off the top layer of dead cells, but the narrowing and subsequent expansion of the capillaries will improve blood circulation. As a result, inflammation will decrease; Also, massage with ice has a beneficial effect on the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Cosmetologists' opinion

When it comes to facial cleansing with liquid nitrogen, reviews from cosmetologists about the consequences are mostly positive. Experts only complain that the substance is difficult to buy and store, so not every salon offers the service. They also note that cryo-cleaning requires high qualifications: nitrogen does not forgive mistakes.

Professionals on forums note how important it is to determine the correct type of procedure:

  • it can be done to restore skin tone after mechanical cleansing;
  • When using the shading method, the procedure copes with acne, flat warts and uneven pigmentation.

When cleaning with liquid nitrogen, the main rule is an individual approach. If this condition is met and the professionalism of the master, clients will be satisfied.

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