How to make girls run after me. How to make a girl run after you: various methods of influence

It has long been an established opinion that a man should take the initiative in relationships with girls. But what if we look at it from the other side? After all, there are guys who want girls to run after them, seeking attention and trying to please them. This is where the question arises: how to make a girl run after you?

There are enough ways to achieve this, but you should use them only if you really like the lady, and not in order to flatter your vanity. And before we move on directly to considering these methods, let’s find out what a man should be like to be worth running after.


How to make a girl chase you? You need to be perfect! There is no doubt that it is unlikely that a dull, boring and weak guy will become the object of girls’ close attention, and even more so they will not fight for him. On the other hand, there are pop stars, athletes, rich people and narcissistic majors. Such guys don’t think about how to make girls chase after them, because they already do it.

From the above it follows that girls want to get themselves the very best: a handsome, successful and rich man. And for the sake of such a “trophy” they will go to great lengths. But we shouldn’t forget that there aren’t enough perfect guys for everyone. Therefore, ordinary representatives of the stronger sex may well become the target of girls who considered them a much better choice.

Don't overdo it!

This is where we come to how to make a girl run after you. Relationship psychology advises not to overdo it with gifts and the attention you give to the one you like. If you overdo it, she will stop appreciating it and will take it for granted, without due seriousness. But a girl just needs a man to be worthy in himself, so that it is calm and pleasant to be around him, and there is no tension or misunderstanding in communication.


An important factor in attracting women's attention is a guy's appearance. In different periods and among different girls, the image of an ideal man had its own differences and characteristics. Whether they are sophisticated and vulnerable guys or sporty and courageous guys who just radiate strength and confidence.

Demonstrate calmness and inner strength, this will definitely attract your chosen one. She should see in you a man who is confident in himself and his capabilities, not burdened by complexes. Appear in front of her, showing your best sides, relegating weaker competitors to the background.

"We play with words"

To make a girl think about you, throw a couple of barbs at her, but under no circumstances should you offend her. This will hurt her, but will also make her pay closer attention to you. For your part, do not express regret about your words and behave as if nothing had happened.

Dominate, don't follow. The girl must understand who will be in charge in this relationship. Be confident - women like that. She may want to test you - do not give in to provocations, then the girl will appreciate you.

Conquer her!

What to do to make a girl love you? Win her by creating an instinctive desire to follow you, rather than become a follower yourself. This may make her angry at first, but eventually she will come to respect you. The girl expects understanding from her chosen one, give her this feeling - and you will become a real man in her eyes.

If the thought of how to make a girl run after you concerns one specific person, then this demonstrates your serious intentions towards her. Don’t forget about this, and you will always be sure that you are the best for your chosen one. Otherwise, the girl would not run after you.

According to psychologists, men who are popular with women instinctively determine that they will not be refused. Reading body language and gestures helps them a lot here.

Monitor your behavior

But sometimes, in an attempt to attract the attention of the girl he likes, the guy somewhat abruptly changes his line of behavior. If this happens with strangers, then your friends will immediately pay attention to this change, including your chosen one.

The change in your behavior should be smooth and consistent. Here, new hobbies and acquaintances can become your helpers. This will give you the opportunity to make her miss and crave your attention, which promises you many pleasant moments.

Don't open up completely to the girl, do unexpected things. Become unpredictable, which will make you doubly interesting in the eyes of your chosen one. She will undoubtedly enjoy spending time with you, the girl will look forward to wondering what you will do next time.


So, let's summarize. Now it’s clear how to make a girl run after you. There are plenty of ways to help you achieve what you want; the main thing is to be able to apply them correctly. Remember that you need to be confident in yourself and your strength, develop and improve.

Probably, many guys have thought about why women literally follow some male representatives, and how they were able to make a girl run after them. It seems that the opponent’s appearance is not very presentable, and it’s not about money, but then what is the secret of his success among the fair sex?

How to make a girl chase a guy?

To understand what makes a woman chase a man, let’s figure out what qualities girls find most attractive in guys. Firstly, any representative of the fair sex likes confident men; if a guy is too shy or embarrassed, he has much less chance of success. Therefore, it is necessary to develop self-confidence and learn to demonstrate it to others.

Secondly, most often what is important for girls is not physical attractiveness, but a guy’s education, so read, learn languages, improve in your profession, then topics for conversation will appear and self-confidence will increase.

And finally, no one wants to associate with a sloppily dressed guy who doesn't smell very nice. A good haircut, clean clothes and the smell of perfume are essential components.

Psychology says that a small trick, conventionally called the hot-cold method, will help both make a girl run after you and provoke a woman to clearly express interest. The essence of this technique is as follows: first, the guy demonstrates obvious interest in relation to the girl, and then switches his attention to another representative of the fair sex. Jealousy, and this is what a girl will feel, will help provoke her to more clearly express her interest in you. Just remember that you shouldn’t get too carried away with this game, otherwise you won’t be far from being seriously offended and even...

How to make your ex-girlfriend chase you?

This situation is a little more complicated, because such a desire most often arises in men when the relationship ended on the woman’s initiative, but it can still be resolved. First, talk to your ex-girlfriend and explain to her that you would like to remain friends, especially if you broke up not very peacefully. After the conversation has been carried out, you should wait 1-2 weeks and, as if by chance encountering somewhere, seeing your ex, go up to her and ask 1-2 questions about her affairs, do not continue the conversation for more than 5 minutes, and do not show your interest, on the contrary, it is better to demonstrate neutral politeness.

Next, you should once again arrange a casual meeting, but you should come to it not alone, but in the company of a stunning lady who will play the role of your current passion. Introduce your ex-girlfriend to your friend, and you will see that feelings of jealousy will push her to get closer to you. Don’t reciprocate right away, interest needs to be warmed up a little, so provoke a few more similar meetings.

Using this method, you can solve the issue, just before you use it think about whether you need to do this. Just imagine why girls run after guys, what reasons push them to do this. After all, most often such behavior is provoked not by love, but by injured pride, and whether you need to build relationships that are not based on mutual feelings.

If you want to take revenge using this method, then you shouldn’t do it at all; there is a good saying that it is not wise to dig a hole for someone else, and it did not arise out of nowhere. By humiliating another person, you yourself can find yourself in a situation where the bitterness of defeat will be greater than the sweetness of victory.

Girls are capricious and changeable. They are often difficult to please and understand what is going on in their heads. You don’t want to waste time and effort courting a proud beauty, not knowing whether she will give preference to you or another man. The question of how to make a girl run after you concerns mainly young guys. But some practical advice would also help a mature man.

Choose the right tactics in communication

Girls love “bad boys”, therefore:

At the same time, be a gentleman:

  1. Give nice little things. You should not spare money on signs of attention. But you don’t need to spend a lot of money and literally shower your chosen one with gifts! This will have the opposite effect. Simply, even the most ordinary gift can be beautifully presented.
  2. Don't forget about flowers. But remember: one gorgeous rose is better than a large bouquet of cheap flowers.
  3. Take care beautifully. Pull up a chair in a restaurant, help her put on her coat, open the door for her, offer her your hand. Let the girl feel like a queen next to you.
  4. Girls really love with their ears. Don't give standard compliments. Think about what she doesn’t like about herself, and tell her that it was this quality that attracted you. For example, you need to tell a plump girl that you are crazy about “juicy” female forms, and an overly hysterical girl - that her emotionality is very exciting!
  5. So, talk about what all the ladies want to hear: how lucky you are to meet her, about the seriousness of your intentions, about the desire to be only with her. At the same time, subtly let us understand that you had a huge choice, but she was lucky to be in first place.

Leave an impression about yourself:

The “hot and cold” tactic is effective. First you need to charm the girl as much as possible and bring her closer to you. And then move away. For example, for a month you often spend time together, regularly call each other, and go for walks. After that, go out of sight for a week. Don't answer calls and then call back saying you're busy. This will make the girl a little nervous and start acting on her own.

Don't forget about your appearance

The times when no demands were placed on male beauty are long gone. To be attractive in the eyes of women, you need to work on yourself.

First, go to the gym. Even if you have a good figure. Athletic men look reliable and protective. In addition, a beautiful toned body, protruding muscle relief is so sexy.

Monitor the condition of your hair and beard. Visit a good beauty salon or Barbershop regularly. The latter option is even better, since this hairdresser only serves men.

Stay up to date with all the latest trends here. Let them choose a stylish haircut that suits your appearance type.

Clothes also play a role. You shouldn't buy everything new and fashionable. But a sweater that has been gathering dust in the closet for five years is unlikely to make you more attractive.

Make sure your appearance matches the impression you want to make. You should always look neat, dress stylishly and simply. Women are attracted to masculinity, self-confidence, and equanimity in any situation. Add to this a sense of humor and all the most beautiful girls are yours!

Evgenia, Moscow

That's why they're always at parties with the coolest girls. What would your life be like if you weren’t courting girls, but they were chasing you? We offer 10 tips to help you find out.

1. Use the “reverse approach”

The “reverse approach” is when you say and do everything the opposite of what you say and do to pick up a girl. However, this approach assumes that the woman already knows and trusts you.

Your goal is NOT to try to be nice and nice to gain her approval. How to do this?

One way is to use sarcastic comments that are the opposite of what the girl wants to hear.

Or your answer to her question should be the opposite of what she expected to hear, and this should be done in a tone that clearly implies that you are simply laughing at her. If you do this, a reverse-polar connection will be formed, implying that it is she who will haunt you.

2. Read between the lines

If you are talking to a girl on the phone and she says that she is dating someone else, then you must understand that she is saying this more for herself than for you.

Perhaps she just accidentally agreed to go on a date with another guy, but she still feels sympathy for you, and she needs to tell you this in order to convince herself that she is not free.

If you find yourself in this situation, then tell her something like: “Yes? Congratulations. Or do you think that I was trying to run after you? She will not know what to answer you and will begin to understand that you are an independent guy who does not need any woman, and this is exactly the type of man that girls LIKE.

Don't be surprised if she calls you back within a week and says she'd like to go out with you because she doesn't want to see the guy she dated last week again.

3. Go beyond “sexual relationships”

A lot of guys who are great at seducing women can't find the right woman they want to spend their lives with.

And when they do find one, they cannot keep it. It is much more interesting and useful to understand how and why a woman is attracted to a man, and why she stays with him. With this knowledge, you can find “your” woman and keep her close.

There is nothing wrong with seduction, but it is only a piece of the puzzle, which in itself cannot make you happy and successful in life.

4. Stop courting and start winning her attention.

There are two main ways a man meets a woman: courtship and attraction. If you base your relationship on ATTRACTION, then the approach is significantly different from courtship.

If you are caring for a woman, then her first reaction will be to “run away,” and this turns you on even more, and you continue to run after her.

And if a girl likes you, then her natural reaction is to want to pursue you. This subtle, barely perceptible difference makes up all the diversity of the world.

5. Dominate

Courtship is based on your ACTIONS, OFFERS and what you GIVE, which mainly means gifts, dinners, flowers, compliments, etc.

Attraction involves your communication methods, your personality traits, and your masculinity. Courtship involves a “become a friend” strategy, you need to be very nice to get her to like you.

Attraction doesn't mean all that, because a woman doesn't have to like you to be attracted to you.

Courtship is a challenge, and attraction is a challenge. Courtship means being a suitor, submissive and weak; attraction is leadership, strength and dominance.

Stop courting, start attracting her attention, and you won't BELIEVE how it will turn your relationship with a woman around.

6. Be strong

Women change their opinion about a man if they see that he behaves confidently. Therefore, you need to show the girl that you are one of those rare guys.

And if she told you that another guy is interested in her, or that she is busy tonight, then you need to understand that she is just testing you.

Simply answer: “Come on, I know that’s not true,” and she will understand. And more importantly, she will understand that she is dealing with a real man.

7. Stay the course

Most men immediately focus themselves on courting a woman and seeking her affection. She leads, you follow.

In fact, she doesn't even lead. The man is simply trying to convince her of this with the help of appropriate questions and body movements.

This is a terrible mistake that will lead nowhere. Instead, stay the course, even if she's not being "led." Let her change her behavior, body language, mood according to your behavior.

Never let her get ahead. Show her that you are from that category of men who are used to being the captain of their ship, and this will undoubtedly attract her.

8. Never stop halfway and don’t explain your actions.

If you do something that seems to upset a woman, don't try to apologize or do anything to cheer her up.

There is no need to feel or act like a guilty person or show her that you are uncomfortable with what you did. Just act like nothing happened.

Move on to the next topic or story. If she starts complaining, just say it was a joke and move on with your story.

If you try to stop and start apologizing for what you said, you can consider it all over for you. If you say something and she doesn't like it, then that's HER problem.

Women often complain just to see how you will behave in such a situation. And if you don’t give in to this, her respect and attraction for you will increase significantly.

9. Show that you are a normal man

There are a lot of different idiots, perverts and psychologically unstable guys in our world, so it is very important to demonstrate with all your behavior that you are not one of these people.

Tell the girl that you are busy and hang up without even asking her to come on a date. Make fun of the stupid behavior of other guys who act like wimps. If she calls you but doesn't leave a message on your answering machine, say that she's stalking you, and normal people leave messages.

Doing this will show her that you are not one of those creeps who desperately wants to get into her panties. And she will understand that you are better than other guys she usually dates.

10. Use her own games on her

We all know that women love to “play games.” And when you turn the situation around and start playing her own game with her, this shifts the emphasis in your favor.

You can use the games “You are a poorly behaved child, and I don’t like it”, “Let’s see who will be more interested”, “I am difficult to win, and you will come running to me.” Use these methods and you will soon realize that she realizes that she cannot resist you as an individual.

The “reverse approach” is when you say and do the opposite of what you say and do to pick up a girl. However, this approach assumes that the woman already knows and trusts you.

Your goal is NOT to try to be nice and nice to earn her approval. How to do this?
One way is to use sarcastic comments that are the opposite of what the girl wants to hear.

Or your answer to her question should be the opposite of what she expected to hear, and this should be done in a tone that clearly implies that you are simply laughing at her. If you do this, a reverse polarity connection will be formed, implying that it is she who will haunt you.

9. Read between the lines

If you are talking to a girl on the phone and she says that she is seeing someone else, then you need to understand that she is saying this more for herself than for you.

Perhaps she just accidentally agreed to go on a date with another guy, but she still feels sympathy for you, and she needs to tell you this in order to convince herself that she is not single.

If you find yourself in this situation, then tell her something like: “Yes? Congratulations. Or do you think that I was trying to run after you?” She won’t know how to answer you, and will begin to understand that you are an independent guy who doesn’t need any woman, and this is exactly the type of man that girls LIKE.

Don't be surprised if she calls you back within a week and says she'd like to go out with you because she doesn't want to see the guy she dated last week again.

8. Don't limit yourself to "sexual relationships"

When I first started studying the question “How to be successful with women,” the idea of ​​“sleeping with a girl” seemed much more interesting to me than now, because I believed that if I could learn how to seduce a girl, then I would be successful with any woman.

Well what can I say now. A lot of guys who are great at seducing women can't find the right woman to spend their life with.

And when they do find one, they cannot keep it. I think it is much more interesting and useful to understand how and why a woman is attracted to a man, and why she stays with him. With this knowledge, you can find “your” woman and keep her close.

There is nothing wrong with seduction, but this is only part of the puzzle (if you just play hunting, then here are riddles and puzzles, which in itself cannot make you happy and successful in life.

7. Stop courting and start winning her attention.

There are two main ways a man meets a woman: courtship and attraction. If you base your relationship on ATTRACTION, then the approach is significantly different from courtship.

If you are courting a woman, her first reaction will be to “run away,” and this turns you on even more, and you continue to run after her.
And if a girl likes you, then her natural reaction is to want to pursue you. This subtle, barely perceptible difference makes up all the diversity of the world.

6. Dominate

Courtship is based on your ACTIONS, OFFERS and what you GIVE, which mainly means gifts, dinners, flowers, compliments, etc.

Attraction involves the way you communicate, your personality traits, and your masculinity. Courtship involves a "become a friend" strategy, you need to be very nice to get her to like you.

Attraction doesn't mean all that, because a woman doesn't have to like you to be attracted to you.

Courtship is a challenge, and attraction is a challenge. Courtship means being a suitor, submissive and weak; attraction is leadership, power and dominance.

Stop courting, start getting her attention, and you won't BELIEVE how it will turn your relationship with a woman around.

5. Be strong

Women change their opinion about a man if they see that he behaves confidently. Therefore, you need to show the girl that you are one of those rare guys.

And if she told you that another guy is interested in her, or that she is busy tonight, then you need to understand that she is just testing you.

Simply answer: “Come on, I know that’s not true,” and she will understand. And more importantly, she will understand that she is dealing with a real man.

4. Stay the course

Most men immediately focus themselves on courting a woman and seeking her affection. She leads, you follow.

In fact, she doesn't even lead. The man is simply trying to convince her of this with the help of appropriate questions and body movements.

This is a terrible mistake that will lead nowhere. Instead, stay the course, even if it isn't "leading." Let her change her behavior, body language, mood according to your behavior.

Never let her get ahead. Show her that you are the type of man who is used to being the captain of his ship, and this will undoubtedly attract her.

3. Never stop halfway and don’t explain your actions.

If you did something that seemed to upset her, don't try to apologize or do anything to make her feel better.

There is no need to feel or act like a guilty person or show her that you feel bad about what you did. Just act like nothing happened.

Move on to the next topic or story. If she starts complaining, just say it was just a joke and move on with your story.

If you try to stop and start apologizing for what you said, you may consider it over for you. If you say something and she doesn't like it, then that's HER problem.

Women often complain just to see how you will behave in such a situation. And if you don't give in to this, her respect and attraction for you will increase significantly.

2. Show that you are a normal man

There are a lot of different idiots, perverts and psychologically unstable guys in our world, so it is very important to demonstrate with all your behavior that you are not one of such subjects.

Tell the girl that you are busy and hang up without even asking her to come on a date. Make fun of the stupid behavior of other guys who act like wimps. If she calls you but doesn't leave a message on your answering machine, tell her she's stalking you, and normal people leave messages.

Doing this will show her that you are not one of those creeps who is desperate to get into her panties. And she will understand that you are better than those other guys she usually dates.

1. Use her own games on her

We all know that women love to "play games." And when you turn the situation around and start playing her own game with her, it shifts the emphasis in your favor.

One of my favorite games is “You are a poorly behaved child and I don’t like it.” I don't think this requires any explanation.

Others use the “Let’s see who will be more interested” and “I’m hard to win and you’ll come running to me” method. Use these methods and you will soon find that she realizes that she cannot resist you as an individual.

*The article was prepared specifically for, distribution only subject to a hyperlink to the site

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