Relationship with a married man and its consequences. Married man and free woman: psychology of relationships. How to get out of a love triangle


I've been divorced for many years. Lack of male attention I don’t feel it, but I didn’t need anyone (I loved ex-husband), until he appeared in my life man, I’ll call him Yu, who turned my life around.

Now I don't just have any other man not needed - I just can’t see others, I don’t want to communicate with anyone.

Yu and I have known each other for a little over two years, he is my colleague. At first I didn’t notice him, but at some point I felt that he was not indifferent to me, but was very carefully hiding his attitude. I started to take a closer look at him - and, oh my God, I realized that he was special!He has all the qualities that I value in man: intelligence, sense of humor, good family man (yes, he is married), a wonderful father, a caring son.

He has a very gentle look, but he is far from a “womanizer”, he is serious, even stern (many employees are afraid of him), moderately decent, taciturn, an athlete and, on top of everything, good-looking.

In a word, I realized that I could no longer live without Yu! He occupies all my thoughts, I am looking for contact with him...

Everything would be wonderful, but what to do? He is not free, he has children, he is many years younger than me and generally different social status. Of course, I hid my feelings as best I could.

Yu was still favorable to me, and - oh, horror! — began very tactful attempts at rapprochement.

It became unbearable to bear it, and after much thought (a year passed), I made a decision - I quit! Moreover, I moved to another city (my children are adults and independent) and got a job there.

Periodically, Yu and I called each other (as, in fact, with other former employees) on work issues, nothing more! My feelings for him did not cool down, on the contrary, I was bored, yearning...

A year has passed. Yu called, we met, he said that I was a great specialist, they could not find a replacement for me, and invited me to return to the company. I'm back! Looks like it was my mistake!

Our relationship has not changed at all. He is attentive and gentle with me, and I deeply respect him, admire him and cannot perceive him only as a colleague... although I resist with all my might.

I feel so comfortable next to him, we spend a lot of time together on work issues. Is this really love?

Those around me notice everything and tactfully let me know that this is not possible; in a word, they condemn me.

I'm stumped! I am an adult, but I am not able to cope with such addiction on my own.

SVETLANA ERMAKOVA: Lana, what you called addiction is the most great gift life. You didn’t believe this (apparently you don’t expect gifts from life?) – and decided to check it out. They left, ran away - but life insistently wants to give you its gift!

You are not accustomed to listening to yourself, your nature, your soul. You are trained (probably by your mother) to listen to the opinion of the tribe. And the tribe always has an opinion that is beneficial in given time for your survival.

Some peoples had a custom: disabled old people were taken to the forest and left there to die. This was beneficial for the tribe; there was no food to feed the old people, and then they announced that killing them was completely moral.

And you decided to take yourself - healthy, young - into the forest and throw it to the wolves.

What is the psychology of a married man who is in love with another woman, not his wife?

How a man will behave will primarily be determined by his moral qualities, as well as how important his family is to him.

It is more difficult for a married man to fall in love; he will not be able to show his love openly; he will have to pay attention to hidden signs. How to know that a man, so to speak, has fallen for a woman. This can be noticed if he constantly tries to catch the eye of the woman he likes; turns his body towards the person he likes, even if he is communicating with someone else.

If a man likes a woman, he will constantly start smiling at her with or without reason; in addition, he will always be ready to come to her aid; next to his beloved he becomes thoughtful and at the same time carefree and cheerful. Another sign of falling in love is that a man becomes like a schoolboy, is embarrassed, can speak ridiculous phrases and may even blush from an overabundance of feelings.

Psychologists note that a man who is ready to cheat will involuntarily begin to touch wedding ring, at times twisting it, thereby subconsciously wanting to remove it from his finger. It is important for a woman to understand what he wants, to simply take advantage of her, or to build a deep and long-term relationship.

According to statistics, married representatives of the stronger sex in love are often looking for simple entertainment, they want to unwind and change the situation, but they are not going to leave their wife for good. Therefore, women should not have any special illusions about sincere feelings from such men.

Romantic relationships should begin with a neutral friendly communication, if a man is really in love, he can spend hours listening to stories from the life of his beloved, but if this is Don Juan, then he will only be interested in bed games.

If, however, you managed to make a married man fall in love with you, and he really understood that you are “the one he was looking for,” then he will not delay the divorce. If a man begins to find reasons and excuses, then this bad sign, indicating a temporary relationship that is destined to fade away after a certain time.

To decide, a man will need some time, there is no need to rush him into a choice, let him think a little, because sooner or later he will understand who he really needs - a wife or a new lover, for whom he is literally ready to move mountains and do different things , A the time will come and take his new passion to the registry office, if, of course, he wants to.

According to psychologists, even if the husband is confident in his conspiracy, he will still not be able to hide his new relationship from his wife; sooner or later he will not avoid a puncture, because men are often not attentive to the little things that can give them away. But women, on the contrary, try to pay attention to seemingly insignificant moments; they have a more meticulous approach to life and notice everything.

A woman should be wary if her husband suddenly decided to go in for sports and signed up for a gym, citing the fact that his abs have long lost their appearance; if he began to actively change his wardrobe, throwing away all the faded and elongated T-shirts, bought new suit and shirts and so on; I began to sit on the phone in the evenings, quietly typing SMS messages; began to engage less frequently with his wife sexual intercourse; I changed my perfume to a more expensive one.

Men experience guilt in different ways. Some people fuss more about their deceived wife, who still has no idea about the adventures of her husband; suddenly he suddenly gives her gifts for no reason, performs household duties without reminders that he had previously disowned.

Other men, on the contrary, do not feel guilty; they immediately distance themselves from their spouse and completely immerse themselves in a new relationship. At the same time, many of them become more irritable towards their wife and often break down in communication, which can also alarm the woman.

Of course, all of the listed changes in a man’s behavior cannot be one hundred percent certainty to say that the husband has found a woman on the side, however, one should not ignore sudden changes in the husband’s behavior in order to find out in a timely manner what is happening in the family.

With the object of passion on initial stage communication, which is also called candy-bouquet communication, I want to spend more time. Of course, it is not easy for a man in love to find time to communicate with his beloved and at the same time be with his family, because he often has to spend weekends with his household, and it is quite difficult to find an excuse to be absent.

It is very pleasant to wake up and also fall asleep next to your lover, but whether a married man can guarantee his new passion at least once a week is a question. The woman will have to constantly wait for his visits, which is difficult.

In addition, it is quite difficult for a woman to realize that her beloved went straight from bed to his wife, and his beloved was left alone for an indefinite amount of time, waiting for him to pay her a visit again.


Of course, you should think three times whether such a relationship is necessary, because a married man often remains in the family, only sometimes finding time to visit his beloved. This situation will not suit many women.

Not always marriage ties are a guarantee eternal love and loyalty. Representatives of the stronger sex, as a rule, hide sympathy that arises outside the family. This behavior is caused by the desire to save a marriage, raise children, or the fear of not being accepted in society.

Quite simple if you know some behavioral features.

In contact with

Often it is the woman, intentionally or without realizing it, who gives the man hope for continued communication. If this is not included in the plans, then it is better to study how to behave with a man, married or in a relationship, so as not to be misunderstood:

  1. Be polite and friendly, but keep your distance. Often optimism and expressions of interest are perceived as flirting.
  2. Say non-binding things. Don't ask about your personal life or tell too much about yourself.
  3. Don't make frivolous jokes. Such behavior not only does not look good on a girl, but is also considered bad manners.
  4. Let's understand that you don't need attention, but don't be rude.

Many girls perceive young man with a ring on his finger, like that forbidden one, but sweet fruit. In reality, everything is not so romantic. Representatives of the stronger sex who practice going “to the left” need only carnal joys. Carrying the burden of responsibility for another woman on your shoulders, striving to help her solve problems, and even more so, having children, is not in the interests of “married people.”

What to do if you like a married man?

Suppressing your feelings is not an easy task, and even having a family cannot stop some ladies in love. If you like a married man, what should you do to build a relationship with him? Some points to consider:

  1. Assess whether this is really necessary. The behavior of a married man in love can be very promising, but according to statistics, only 1 man out of 20 leaves for his mistress. Do you agree to sacrifice time, beauty and youth in the name of a person living for another family?
  2. Be spectacular. Grooming and sexuality are a woman’s weapon. You can’t relax: lack of styling, sloppy makeup, simple clothes- all this is unacceptable for a mistress.
  3. Support and assistance. If you like a married man, how should you behave? Be meek and affectionate. Sensitivity and tenderness should be a priority in such relationships. Demanding, threatening, throwing tantrums are bad tactics.
  4. 4. Create maximum comfort. Let it be cozy, easy and pleasant nearby.

Don't ask him for a divorce. Such pressure can only provoke a return to the family. When asked what to do if you like a married man, but he doesn’t want to get a divorce, there are only two answers - wait or leave.

Another sensitive question– what to do if you like a man and you’re married? There is no clear answer to this, however:

  1. Assess the situation soberly. Being “on your shore”, you should realize that such relationships carry mutual risks. It will be difficult to hide sympathy from your other half, and not everyone is ready to destroy families.
  2. If the feelings are mutual and strong, then the best solution there will be an honest conversation with spouses. It's easier to get through a painful divorce than long years in lies and betrayal.
  3. If family is a priority, then relationships on the side must be broken off. Leave once and for all, otherwise you risk losing both by chasing two birds with one stone.
  4. Don't worry about social acceptance. It is unlikely that others will perceive such a couple adequately. Be prepared for judgment, but don't dwell on it. Remember that your own happiness is more important than other people's gossip and gossip.

How to understand that a married man likes you?

The signs of a man in love, married or single, are the same. The only difference is, perhaps, the attempts to hide sympathy from the woman. How to tell if a married man likes you:

  1. Open smile. If when you meet him he smiles broadly and sincerely, then this is a good sign.
  2. Gestures. One of the best ways How to understand that a married man has fallen in love with you is to watch his movements. If during communication he touches his neck, twists his belt or straightens his hair, then he is probably showing sympathy.
  3. Mirror effect. The repetition of a woman’s actions also relates to how a man in love, married or single, behaves. This is explained by a subconscious desire to be liked.
  4. Open pose. How do you know if a married or single man likes you? If the toes of his shoes are turned towards the woman, when he meets, he spreads his arms wide, and in sitting position spreads his knees, this is a sign of sympathy.
  5. Another way to understand whether a married man likes you is touch. Accidental touching with a hand or sleeve indicates attraction.
  6. Politeness and gallantry. How does a married man in love behave? He is ready to lend a hand, present a coat, help carry a bag.
  7. Compliments. You can talk about how to understand whether a married man loves you for quite a long time. Perhaps compliments are the most obvious manifestation of love. The main thing is not to confuse them with banal politeness.

How to understand that a married man loves you? He is looking for a meeting, strives to spend time together and is ready to provide any help. As a rule, the signs are easy to read and rarely make a woman doubt this issue.

Signs He Loves You But Is Hiding His Feelings

Sometimes the feelings that arise become a bolt from the blue. If a man is not ready for a relationship and does not want to reveal the true state of affairs, then he will not show overt signs of attention. However, there are still ways to understand that a married man is in love but is hiding his feelings.

  1. How to understand that a man is in love (married or not) by looking at him. As you know, eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is rare to be able to hide the truth in one's gaze. Focusing on the lips, neck, body curves, softness and tenderness in the gaze reveal real intentions.
  2. How to understand that a married man loves you by his appearance. A sudden change in image, increased frequency of sports, increased attention to one's own clothes in many cases caused by falling in love.
  3. How to understand what a man really loves if he is married by his behavior. If he happens to be nearby, casually offers help or touches with his hand, then his feelings are quite strong.
  4. How to understand that a man who is married or in a relationship likes you based on energy. Sexual attraction It’s impossible to hide towards a girl. The entire space seems to be filled with the energy of attraction. Only the most inattentive woman can fail to notice such a manifestation.

Useful video

The relationship between a man and a woman is shrouded in maturity. You can understand all the difficulties in mutual understanding and improve relationships from this video:


  1. Many articles and essays have been written about how to understand whether a man, married or in a relationship, loves you. However, in reality it is not difficult at all.
  2. Whether or not to respond to signals is a much more confusing topic. Remember that such stories rarely end in a new happy marriage.

A long-term relationship with a married man is particularly passionate or tender. He, tired of household responsibilities and scandals, happily accepts your love and gives a lot in return. This seems to be happiness. But every happiness has an ending, and all actions have consequences, and they are not always positive.

Being a lover is easy only when you are a self-sufficient woman who enjoys extreme adventures and sex, and also tries not to fall in love with her partners. But feminine nature It's hard not to fall in love with someone you sleep with and who treats you with tenderness and understanding. This is the rub.

Being the mistress of the man you love is the worst thing. This is a clear path to nervous breakdown, because jealousy and hope for a happy outcome are depressing. Unfortunately, men are often not ready to leave their family and cozy nest, preferring to keep his mistress close to himself.

As a result, we have to count on three scenarios:

  1. He leaves his wife, and you start your own family (unlikely - 10%).
  2. He abandons you, preferring family warmth and stability (65% probability).
  3. He drags out the relationship, and you date until your wife finds out about the relationship (25% chance).

Your wife will most likely do everything she can to make your life hard for at least some time. It will be difficult to survive the betrayal of a loved one and the onslaught from his official other half. This is one of the reasons why psychologists recommend not communicating with your lover’s missus and keeping your relationship a secret.

Consequences of a relationship with a married man in the very near future

At first everything will be simply amazing. The guy is ready to kiss your hands and feet, constantly whisper about love, give gifts and cajole you with a story about how you will meet someone important holiday together, in a common house. He does this to “glue” you to himself more tightly, and also to convince himself that he is doing everything right.

There are two types of men who go for long term relationship with his mistress:

  1. Gentle romantics who want to find a new object of love and inspiration.
  2. Lovelaces, thus proving their superiority. They need to be expected at any moment, desired with all body and soul. They love few people except themselves, so sometimes they even have several mistresses.

Relationships with the first type are pleasant, and if the wife does not find out about them, they will have only positive consequences. And an extramarital union with a second one will only bring tears and nerves, and in the near future. You shouldn’t rely on such people, although it’s especially easy to fall in love with them, because girls adore “bad boys.”

Try to realize as quickly as possible who you are dealing with. But you shouldn’t give all of yourself to the ladies’ man; only separation will be the best solution for both.

What consequences can there be from a relationship between a married woman and a married man?

The worst option is the relationship between married woman and a married man. The constant hassle, the need to hide and lie, especially if both have children, just drives you crazy. It can only be worth it if you are in love and are ready to endure all the problems for the sake of it. If it’s just sex between you, it’s better to think about it: does this adventure make sense?

The worst thing that can happen is that your other half will find out about it. And it often turns out that even if you both swore that you don’t need them and love each other, you still break up and return to your spouses. Some even understand that forgiveness on the part of the rightful soul mate opened their eyes to the feelings hidden in the depths of their souls for her.

Sometimes relationships need a release in the form of betrayal in order to begin to appreciate stability, peace and comfort.

It also happens that your significant other does not forgive, and you are left without families, just the two of you. Initially, this may seem like a good idea, but over time, hatred develops towards the one who deprived you normal life and made me go through divorce, hysterics, insults. It's good when you support each other at such a moment. It's terrible if everything is wrong. This means that you didn’t really need each other, having lost your families for nothing.

Psychologists advise married people choose only one of two options:

  1. Sometimes make love without any obligations (this helps to take your mind off problems around the house and quarrels with spouses).
  2. Get together and build your family, telling your spouses about it.

There cannot be intermediate options, since they are the most painful and will only bring disappointment to the lives of many people.

Is having an affair between unfree people a sin?

If you look from the point of view of biblical laws, then the connection between unfree people is a real sin. Everyone remembers the commandment “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.”

In some religions you can find references to the fact that dating a married man is not a sin. In Islam, for example, polygamy is allowed. But little is said about relationships with a married woman and always negatively. A girl must maintain comfort in the house, remain a good wife and mother, and also be faithful to her husband in all situations. Cheating on your husband is punishable by death in some countries.

In a civilized society, this, of course, does not happen, but cheating on your wife is still more acceptable. It is believed that guys are polygamous by nature, and for girls, banal promiscuity plays a role. In an emancipated world, they are trying to equalize these rights, but on a subconscious level love affair unfree people are still condemned.

Negative consequences of dating a married man according to your zodiac sign

If you believe in astrology, you can turn to the stars for help. Find out the Zodiac sign of the man you love, and you can see what consequences of your relationship are most likely.


Stubborn Aries will be with you until the end, telling stories about a happy life together. Most likely, he also tells his wife about love. Be careful with him and keep your distance.

a lion

With the help of such connections, Leos prove their uniqueness and stroke their ego. They love to play with people for their own pleasure. Don't allow yourself to fall in love with the owner of this sign, otherwise he will steal your heart and faith in love. It's better to step back and let them conquer you.


Sagittarius understands exactly what he wants. He will never change out of the blue - the decision has been thought through hundreds of times. Most likely, he loves you and will not exchange passion for family comfort with his wife. However, such questions are purely individual.


A romantic Taurus will give you all of himself, give you gifts and charm you with incredible sex. Taurus rarely lie, but they do it skillfully. There is a high probability that the man will be devoted to you, but leaving the family is too much for him difficult decision. He understands that he is responsible to his family.


Virgo does not like to cheat and does it only as an urgent need, when everything is completely boring. This fact allows you to believe in stories about a terrible spouse and quick divorce. But don't get your hopes up too much.


Capricorns, like Leos, are the ladies' men mentioned above. They may have several mistresses, but they will not have feelings for any of them. true feelings. Of course, Capricorn sometimes falls in love - he is a human being. Therefore, first, find out what exactly the representative of this zodiac sign feels towards you.


Geminis often lead a double life. They like to hide and lie, seem like a different person and seem to love someone else. For them, relationships on the side are a game and release from family life. You should not completely trust and impose yourself on the twins. They can always find a new object to play with another person.


Libra soberly weighs the pros and cons before changing. They don't necessarily have to have problems at home. Perhaps the new passion is simply more profitable than the wife, so she is given preference. A relationship with a representative of the Libra sign will be full of amazing moments, but it is unlikely to last longer than a year.


Aquarius is looking for a soul mate. He usually cheats when his wife has moved away and the connection between them has faded away. It is important for him to share news and feel loved. If you give it, he will carry you in his arms. True, he won’t leave the family, but he will definitely give you unforgettable moments.


Cancer is very faithful, because relationships with his mistress have a touch of love - he will not cheat just for the sake of physical gain. A representative of this sign is more likely to leave his wife than any other, since he has real and deep feelings for you.


Scorpio cares about quality sex, for which he is willing to cheat. In a relationship with a lover, this moment plays a key role. If you give him what, due to some beliefs and principles, his wife does not give, the relationship will last a long time. But don't expect a happy ending.


Pisces are kind and do not like to hurt anyone. Usually they endure for the sake of others, trying to hide their emotions. Relationships on the side end quickly and easily, even if they later regret it for the rest of their lives. Give the representative of the sign everything he needs - this is the only way you will keep him near you for a long time.

Weak girls who with all their hearts want to be loved, or girls who are in search of a financial life partner, are capable of dating a married man. Self-sufficient and serious people are unlikely to undertake such a gloomy adventure that does not bode well.

Are you still consumed by the abyss of passion? Then listen to the advice of psychologists:

  1. Don't criticize your spouse. Try not to ask about her and generally forget about her for a while when you are near a man.
  2. Do not try to contact the relatives of your loved one, and especially your wife, if you value the man. This could be the end of the relationship.
  3. Don't make scandals and don't ask them to choose one of you, pressure will only lead to separation.
  4. Don't change in response. Representatives of the stronger sex value devotion above all else, even if it sounds absurd.
  5. Don't be intrusive and follow requests. You should not call if your loved one asks you not to do so while he is with his family. Wait patiently for it to dial on its own.

The only option when it is worth fighting for a relationship is when a man is already divorcing his wife.

During the divorce, become the best person in the world for him and create a “paradise” where he will come with joy. Then he will be sure that he made the right choice, and you are his real soulmate.

Appreciate such a man, because for your sake he gave up the most precious thing in life - family and stability. Help me find it again without regretting what was lost.

Continuation. . .

My life is:

“When choosing a remedy for boredom, be careful! It’s not a fact that it will bring you a lot of pleasure.”

Nastya learned this truth from school.

“When choosing a man, be careful three times! It’s not a fact that you won’t be able to get rid of him when you get tired of him.” – I came up with this truth myself.

Vitalik called for the third day. He was so persistent only on those days when his wife left town. Nastya did not find any other reasons for the sudden resurrection of the man after a long silence. On the fourth day, tired of the endless telephone chatter, she answered. His voice melted and was sweeter than honey.

- See you? – the former lover purred.

- “I think we don’t need to see each other anymore,” Nastya purred in response as gently as possible.

- Why?

- For what?

She wasn't going to give up.

You are not alone?

A piercing question, capable of taking away the last hope of a meeting, hung in the air.

- “I see,” he assented, as usual, to himself. - Do you have someone?

- Yes,” she answered in the same soft tone.

And it doesn’t matter that this mysterious “someone” was not male. And my cousin Galya, who came to visit for a couple of days. Doesn't matter. A man doesn't need to know all the details. Let him play with his imagination.

- “I’m standing under your windows,” Vitalik muttered in a shrunken voice.

- Stop if you like.

- “I like you,” the man squeezed out after a moment’s pause. - You know I love you.

- Of course I know.

- “I’ll be with you tonight,” he blurted out as if in spirit.

“This is an obsession,” flashed through his head.

“I’m not alone,” Nastya tried to stop his determination, but the man turned off the phone.

“This is impossible,” she thought once again.

“It’s impossible to tolerate all this!”

- I divorce.

Vitalik stood on the threshold that evening. The mournful song of the indecisive man, which had been playing for months, tried to turn on again.

- I packed my things.

To prove his decision, he shook his sports bag.

“Not much,” Nastya noted. She took a step back, allowing her to enter.

My heart sank. Is that really true? Has he made his choice? To hide her embarrassment, she slipped into the kitchen. She grabbed a knife and began to cut the bread. Thoughts crowded one another. Getting used to the fact that they will be together from now on and forever is not at all easy.

Some absurd doubts rose from the depths of consciousness and stifled any born thought. They dealt especially ruthlessly with the joyful anticipation of future happiness. Why, but why can't they be happy? Why does something have to stop them?

“I’m afraid that I will be bored with him,” she realized her fear, “from morning to evening, from evening to morning, he will be next to me... Living together... One bed, one refrigerator, one closet, toilet, bath, TV .I'll go crazy!

Out of frustration, she dropped the knife and blurted out a swear word.

- Are you preparing dinner?

Vitalik froze in the doorway. How often he had been here, how often he considered this apartment the best on earth. An island of happiness, an oasis of love. Why is he hovering at the doorstep today? Why can’t he, eaten up by awkwardness, feel happy and free?

“I didn’t invite him,” flashed through Nastya’s head.

“She didn’t call me...” Vitalik knew the reasons for his uncertainty.

“I don’t need him” - the realization covered my head like a dull blanket.

Nastya turned sharply, met his gaze and said quietly but firmly:


Often modern men seem to us like idiots, boys, incapable of adult actions and informed decisions. They lack firmness in their voice and granite in their promises. They are attracted by clubs, billiards and saunas. They love football and programs about cars. They chat about women and surf the Internet. But if you take a closer look, all men are the same. Everything is simple for them. Direct questions, honest proposals, simple plans. Eat, sleep, have fun. Meal'n'Real. And what a man becomes depends directly on the woman.

If there is a female engine nearby, he will follow his little engine like an obedient carriage. If a woman is a commander, he will either compete with her in leadership, or obey exactly as much as he allows. If a woman is a slob, the word “mess” will become a common condition for the whole family. If the woman is a mother, there can be many variations here, as well as children. And obedient, and gutta-percha, and neat, but everyone will be able to provide reciprocal care and help.

Vampire women, catwomen and other outstanding personalities of the weaker sex do not belong to this list. With people like that, a man only changes by a short time. Any man. But not forever. Because not a single one, not even the one wonderful man in the world, these women will not tolerate being around them for long.

Vitalik looked into Nastya’s eyes for a long time. He waited, trying to find a hint of a joke, a game of cat and mouse, any clue. He couldn't leave. He just arrived. Their living together hasn't even started...


Are you kidding?

I never joke, you know.

“I know,” he muttered barely audibly.

“You never knew me,” Nastya clarified.

Vitalik picked up his bag, threw it over his shoulder and hesitated at the door. Will he call? Will he change his mind? What happened to her?!

“Slam the door behind you,” she shouted from the kitchen.

One more minute. He stood still. Opened the door. Came out. Slammed...

“No matter what women say, they want to see in a man strong man who is able to take the situation into his own hands and from time to time tell a woman “NO!” Andrey Kurpatov.

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