Your own business: how to open a children's clothing store. List of the most famous gemstones

At all times of the existence of civilization on Earth, the list of which always consisted of many items, was a sign of wealth. They personified the presence of high social status. Hundreds of years ago in some countries there was a law according to which valuable jewellery could only be worn by members of the ruling elite. Today, if a family has a list of precious stones, then it is rich and prestigious.

Russia is a country that occupies a leading position in the sale and extraction of such precious stones. Stones intended for making jewelry are produced here in huge quantities. Jewelry stones are mainly used:

  • rubies;
  • diamonds;
  • emeralds.

The laws of the Russian Federation clearly and strictly regulate the production and sale of jewelry stones and products.

Existing classification of precious stones

The variety of precious stones made it necessary to classify them. They are divided into several types.

Gems are natural jewelry stones that make up the first type:

  • alexandrite;
  • emerald;
  • chrysoberyl;
  • euclase;
  • ruby;
  • diamond;
  • sapphire;
  • noble spinel.

The list of the second group includes varieties of gems:

  • topaz;
  • heliodor;
  • sparrow;
  • beryl;
  • aquamarine;
  • tourmaline (various colors);
  • zircon;
  • amethyst;
  • phenacite;
  • opal;
  • hyacinth.

The third included:

  • amber;
  • cornelian;
  • jet;
  • turquoise;
  • chrysoprase;
  • rauchtopaz;
  • rhinestone;
  • bloodstone.

Colored minerals and their features

First grade:

  • malachite;
  • nephritis;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • amazonite;
  • rhodonite;
  • aventurine;
  • granite
  • chalcedony;
  • Labrador.

The second class includes minerals whose characteristics are slightly different from the others:

  • agalmatolite;
  • ophiocalcite;
  • selenite;
  • jasper;
  • meerschaum;
  • fluorite

What is the household classification?

This list is meant as a simplified classification. This catalog contains precious and semi-precious stones. They are divided into several varieties.

  • ruby;
  • sapphire;
  • alexandrite;
  • diamond;
  • chrysoberyl;
  • opal;
  • emerald;
  • euclase;
  • spinel.

  • topaz;
  • aquamarine;
  • red tourmaline;
  • phenacite:
  • beryl;
  • demantoid;
  • opal;
  • blood amethyst;
  • almandine;
  • hyacinth;
  • zircon.

The list of semi-precious stones includes:

  • pomegranate;
  • dioptase;
  • turquoise;
  • epidol;
  • tourmaline;
  • rhinestone;
  • rauchtopaz;
  • chalcedony;
  • Labrador;
  • amethyst.

Gemstones have always been distinguished by their expressiveness. These minerals include:

  • nephritis;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • amazonite;
  • jasper;
  • spar;
  • Labrador;
  • quartz;
  • Vesuvian;
  • bloodstone,
  • nacre;
  • jet;
  • amber;
  • corals.

Stones for jewelry

They have many different classifications. Only certain precious and ornamental stones are taken for work. They are easy to process and can be used to make all kinds of jewelry crafts.

Mineral raw materials are classified according to a number of characteristic characteristics:

For the first time in 1860, a German scientist compiled a classification of jewelry stones. He created a catalog that included several classes and groups.

The first had three subclasses. The first included:

  • diamond;
  • spinel;
  • chrysoberyl;
  • corundum.

The second included:

  • tourmaline;
  • pomegranate;
  • zircon;
  • topaz;
  • opal;
  • beryl.

The third class of steel includes:

  • kpanit;
  • axinite;
  • cordierite;
  • chrysolite;
  • Vesuvian;
  • staurolite;
  • andalusite;
  • turquoise;
  • epidote;
  • hpastolite.

The second group also has two subclasses.

First subclass:

  • chalcedony;
  • quartz;
  • feldspar;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • amber;
  • fluorite;
  • diopside;
  • obsidian.

Second subclass:

  • hematite;
  • rhodochrosite;
  • pyrite;
  • malachite;
  • alabaster;
  • selenite;
  • marble;
  • spar;
  • agalmatolite;
  • serpentine;
  • nephritis;
  • jade.

In 1896, an updated classification of jewelry stones was proposed. It was adopted as a basis and became popular among jewelry craftsmen. Later it was supplemented by Academician Fersman. According to this catalog, a division of jewelry stones took place. They were divided into:

  • gems;
  • jewelry ornamental stones of different colors;
  • natural;
  • precious;
  • just ornamental.

At the end of the 19th century, the catalog of minerals consisted of 750 species. Today the list has increased. Now it features 3000 different types minerals. Progress does not stand still, everything moves forward, new views open up.

However, with all the abundance of precious and jewelry items, there are approximately 100. Moreover, only professional craftsmen can name such a number. To ordinary people About 25 names of jewelry elements are known.

Minerals, without which jewelry crafts are impossible

To create a beautiful piece of jewelry or expensive jewelry, professionals use:

  • gems;
  • colored stones;
  • artificial minerals.

Gems mean certain types of stones:

  • ornamental;
  • mountain;
  • colored;
  • precious;
  • semi-precious.

Each stone has characteristic properties:

  • transparency;
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • bright color;
  • beautiful shine;
  • light scattering;
  • possibility of accessible processing.

The most popular gems used for the production of most jewelry crafts are precious minerals. Jewelers most often use emerald, ruby, diamond and sapphire.

Of all the available semi-precious stones, craftsmen use opal, topaz, alexandrite and rock crystal.

These stones have a unique play of light colors, they are easy to process and cut. Inserts are made from them various types jewelry, rings and other products in which gems.

For thousands of years, certain groups of minerals, considered precious stones, have always been valued. They have always been in high demand. It is from them that jewelers make jewelry and luxury products. Similar stones include:

  • turquoise;
  • pomegranate;
  • quartz;
  • chalcedony;
  • jade;
  • olivine;
  • amethyst;
  • centrite;
  • amazonite;
  • Moonstone;
  • nephritis;
  • tourmaline;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • spanel.

Gems tend to be slightly translucent, sometimes they are completely opaque.

Gems contain minerals that give them beautiful shade. For example, malachite has green. This color is produced by 57% copper oxide.

The hardness of ornamental elements is divided by professionals into several groups.
The hardest are:

  • charoite;
  • nephritis;
  • chalcedony;
  • jasper;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • rhodonite;
  • agate.

Medium-hard ornamental stones include marble, malachite and serpentine.

The softest steels were:

  • selenite;
  • anhydrite;
  • calcite;
  • gypsum;
  • soapstone;
  • alabaster.

Famous jewelry stones

Today there are many different artificial stones. They imitate perfectly natural gems. Of course, you need to be able to distinguish an ordinary glass from a natural semi-precious mineral. To do this, you must, first of all, know what real jewelry and ornaments look like.

It is usually a completely opaque mineral, rock, or organic compound. A semi-precious stone is always without shine. However, if it receives a high-quality cut, its beauty will not be inferior to an expensive diamond. Very rare stones are valued at high prices, reaching six figures. The weight of such an original is determined by carats.

Semi-precious stones have special physical characteristics. They can be easily distinguished by measuring density, hardness and cleavage.

The most important difference between these gems is the huge range of colors and numerous shades. Such diversity was provided to them by the chemical composition given by nature. In their composition you can find various oxides of iron, aluminum, magnesium, sodium, copper and even potassium.

These oxides give minerals the most unique shades. Such gems are used as inserts required in luxury jewelry, as well as raw materials for interior decoration.

Ornamental stones are also divided into several groups. It all depends on the value of the mineral. So there are several groups.

  • rauchtopaz:
  • crystal;
  • amber;
  • malachite;
  • jade;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • aventurine;
  • Charoite

  • chalcedony;
  • agate;
  • amazonite;
  • hematite;
  • rhodonite;
  • heliotrope;
  • opal;
  • Labrador;
  • quartz;
  • obsidian.
  • jasper;
  • marble;
  • jet;
  • fluorite

Sometimes ornamental stones belonging to the first group are considered precious gems third order.

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Russian gems are known all over the world. Many deposits are unique in volume and content. The main occurrence area is the central and northeastern parts of the country. The most famous and developed deposits are located in the Urals, in the Yamalo-Nenets District, Chelyabinsk Region (Norilsk). Yekaterinburg and other cities are famous for their precious stones Sverdlovsk region, Baikal region (Irkutsk and Chita regions, Buryatia).

The first Russian diamonds were found in the Urals in 1829. Mining was carried out using artisanal methods; very often, precious stones were found by accident while washing gold-bearing sand. In less than 100 years, 250 diamonds weighing up to 25 carats were mined in the Urals. Ural diamonds have amazing purity and transparency. Later, deposits were discovered in the western regions of the Urals.

Diamond mining in Siberia began only in the 50s of the twentieth century. The largest kimberlite pipes were discovered in Yakutia. This made Russia one of the world leaders in diamond mining.

Yekaterinburg and the cities of the Sverdlovsk region amaze with the variety of minerals. What semi-precious and precious stones are mined here? Ekaterinburg is part of the so-called Ural region. The variety of minerals mined here is simply amazing: garnets (red jewelry and grossulars), malachite, rauchtopaz. Ural topazes are very famous - red, blue and purple. Ekaterinburg values ​​wine-yellow stone most of all.

The regional center and surrounding areas are famous for their deposits rare minerals. Verdelite and rhodonite are mined in the Urals. Yekaterinburg is the center of one of the oldest mining regions in the country. The whole world knows photographs depicting Ural gems. At the same time, only part of the explored mineral reserves is currently being developed. Emeralds supplied by Yekaterinburg have a rich green color and high transparency.

Recently the news was announced that a new gemstone had been found in the Sverdlovsk region - Mariinskite. The mineral is slightly inferior to diamond in hardness and brilliance.
Besides, Yekaterinburg supplies the world with amethysts and aquamarines. Red and black jaspers are mined in the Sverdlovsk region. Black tourmalines - schorls - have been explored and actively mined.

The territory of the Urals is huge and rich in minerals. Bazhov sang the Ural gems in his works. No photo can convey the full brilliance of the precious stones mined in the Urals. Minerals are highly valued by jewelers all over the world.

The largest deposits of emeralds and alexandrites are being developed in the Urals. The richest occurrence of high-quality charoite is also located in the Urals. Moonstone is mined in the Chelyabinsk region. Adularia from the Urals often contains inclusions of gold sand. Almost transparent moonstone was found on the Kola Peninsula and in the Subpolar Urals.

The area around Lake Baikal is known for deposits of well-formed topaz. Almost all Russian jade is mined in Buryatia. Its main deposits are located relatively close to Lake Baikal. Therefore, stone mining is carried out with care so as not to harm the lake’s ecosystem. Russian jade has a variety of colors; there are even black specimens.

A little to the west of Baikal, bright red garnets - pyropes - are mined from deposits of the Bartoy group. The deposits of the Irkutsk region in the Baikal region provide the country with amethysts, light blue lapis lazuli, aquamarines and pink-red rhodonites. Tourmaline mining is carried out not far from Lake Baikal. In the Baikal region, pearl-colored moonstone is mined.

Norilsk is famous, first of all, for its vast areas of iron ore, natural gas and oil. In addition, Norilsk is famous for precious and semi-precious stones. In the vicinity of the city and surrounding areas, jadeite is mined. Norilsk has deposits of high quality greenish-yellow olivine.

Jewelers know Norilsk as a place where very rare stones are mined. Thanks to large reserves of aluminum and iron ore, Norilsk and Krasnoyarsk region are the owners of pumpelliite deposits. Among other collectible minerals that Norilsk mines is moyukite. Norilsk is famous big amount zeolites. Prehnite stands out among them. The mineral is believed to have medicinal properties.

Norilsk is one of the places where rare light yellow stilbite was discovered. As for the name, it is Greek and means “brilliance”. The stone has an increased shine that cannot be conveyed in the photo. Recently Norilsk began supplying new semiprecious stones- xonotlites. They are white in color with black or gray streaks.

Nizhny Novgorod not particularly rich in minerals. On an industrial scale, Novgorod mines dolomite, clay and sand. The surprising news is that Nizhny Novgorod can extract diamonds from the ground. The regional governor announced this. The area with a diamond-bearing pipe owned by Nizhny Novgorod is small. But geological exploration continues. Perhaps in the future the city will become one of the centers for the production of industrial diamonds. Nizhny Novgorod maintains the glory of the homeland of magnificent stone carvers. The products of local craftsmen are known throughout the world.

Makhachkala and the entire Dagestan region are known for deposits of iron ore and oil. Precious stones are quite rare here. But Makhachkala has some reserves rock crystal, chalcedony, agate and carnelian. The region is very developed Jewelry Art. Kubachi, Makhachkala, Derbent are famous for their masters of glyptics - artistic stone cutting.

No significant deposits of precious stones have been discovered in the Oryol region, but there are large reserves of raw materials for building materials. Far beyond the borders of the Oryol region they are known healing stones Andreevka village. Large boulders have bizarre shapes. Each stone has special properties: treats illnesses, helps in personal life or study.

The Volgograd region also cannot boast of gems. But there are famous mounds in Surovikino. These are accumulations of large blocks of sandstone that all year round keep warm. Many tourists come to Surovikino, having heard about healing properties local stones.


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Many regions of Crimea (Kerch, Bakhchisarai, Feodosia) have deposits of precious and ornamental stones. Crimea is characterized by limestone and shale rocks. Carnelian, amethyst (pink and purple), onyx and opal are extracted from the depths of Crimea.

The variety of colors of Crimean agates is surprising. Black and white stones with stripes of pink, blue, red, brown and gray colors. Bakhchisaray and the Kerch region of Crimea are famous for their large reserves of jet. These are black petrified branches and tree trunks that look like stone. Many Crimean souvenirs are made from this gem.

On the territory of Kara-Dag there are deposits of rock crystal, heliotrope, opal, chalcedony and jasper. But this part of Crimea is a protected area, so stone mining is not carried out. Rare milky opals are found on the peninsula (Kara-Dag, Bakhchisaray, Sudak). IN rocks Ah, citrines are often found.

Researchers of Crimea found in its lands minerals unique to this region. The most famous - kerchenite, mithridatite, alushtite and bosporite - were named according to the places of discovery. Bakhchisarai, Fiolent, Karadag are rich in the most various colors. The most typical for Crimea is red and yellow jasper with colored inclusions.

Known to the whole world decorative stones Crimea - Black Sea routes, marble, diabase. Feodosia, Sevastopol, Bakhchisaray have deposits of rock crystal. Large-scale mining of semi-precious raw materials on the peninsula is limited because most of Crimea belongs to protected and reserved areas.


teacher of Russian language

and literature

Grigorenko Irina Anatolevna

OSAOU "Football Academy "Energomash"

Russian language lesson in 7th grade

Topic: Writing an exposition based on the text “When precious stones were discovered” by A. Dietrich

    Goals:teach children to analyze a text, determine its main idea; be able to draw up a plan based on the text; continue work on developing spelling skills; continue enrichment work vocabulary students

During the classes

    Organizing time

    Updating knowledge

- Guys, tell me, what is a presentation and what types of presentations do you know?

(Presentation- this is the work of perception, comprehension, transmission of the content of the text, as well as its artistic and stylistic features.

Types of presentations:according to the form of speech: oral, written;by volume:detailed, concise;in relation to the content of the source text: complete, selective, presentation with additional task(add the beginning/end, make inserts, retell the text from the 1st-3rd pages, answer the question, etc.); according to perception source text: presentation of a text read, perceived visually, presentation of a text heard, perceived aurally, presentation of a text perceived both aurally and visually;according to the purpose of the event: training, control).

    Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson

Today we will write a written, detailed presentation of the text, perceived by ear.

4. Work on the presentation

1) introductory conversation

- An excerpt from A. Dietrich’s book “Colorful Stories” was taken as the text for the presentation.

2) primary expressive reading of the text(auditory and visual perception). Slide

- While reading the text, try to formulate the topic of the text and determine the main idea.

When were gems discovered?

No one knows when precious stones were first discovered, but man has been fascinated by them since ancient times. For thousands of years, jewelry has been worn to ward off spirits and illness. Even today, some people believe in the special powers of stones.
We find the first mention of precious stones in the Bible. Chapter 28 of the book of the Old Testament speaks of a body plate worn by the high church minister Aaron. The plate was decorated with 12 precious stones.
The ancient Egyptians used precious stones in designs and jewelry. They were skilled in the art of working with precious stones, and their designs on stones are still preserved today. The Egyptians wore amulets known as scarabs. These were precious stones cut into the shape of the sacred Egyptian scarab beetle. It was believed that those who wear a scarab are protected by good spirits.
In ancient times, different gemstones were distinguished by color. The name "ruby" was given to all red-colored gemstones. All green stones were called emerald, and blue stones were called sapphire. The value of a stone depends on color, brightness, rarity, and hardness.

Many stones are called precious. But in reality, this name refers only to the four most valuable stones - diamond, ruby, emerald and sapphire.

Diamond is considered the most precious today, as it has the greatest hardness among all stones. Emerald is one of the softest among hard gemstones.

There are many legends about emeralds. One of them says that the Holy Grail, from which Christ drank at the last supper, was carved from a huge emerald. It was believed that emerald has healing power. According to another legend, the emerald endowed its owner with the gift of predicting the future. They said that by peering into the green depths, you can see what will happen to you.

(A. Dietrich “Colorful Stories”)

3) conversation on content:

Formulate the topic of the text (discovery of precious stones)

What is the main idea of this text? (special power of gems)

Define the text style. (Art)

Determine the type of speech. (Description, narration)

Why is the text called “When Gems Were Discovered”? What other title would you suggest?

What new things have you learned about precious stones?

Which stone is considered the most precious?

Which book first talks about precious stones?

4) analysis of text structure:

How many microtopics can a text be divided into? (3)

What is said in the first micro-topic? (The fact that no one knows when the precious stones were discovered)

What is the main idea of ​​the second micro-topic? (when and where were gemstones first mentioned)

What is said in the third micro-topic? (about the four most precious stones)

5) drawing up a plan(on one's own)

Exemplary plan:

    Discovery of precious stones.

    The first mentions of precious stones:

    Chapter 28 of the Old Testament;

    amulets of the ancient Egyptians;

    difference in stone color.

    The four most precious stones:


    the legend of emeralds.

6) second reading of the text indicating paragraphs, pauses between them(while reading, write down important keywords)

7) recording difficult words and phrases

Spelling work:

Precious..s, thousands of..years, (not) which, ..ornament, and (s,ss)ku(s,ss)t, processed(n,nn)s, sacred(n,nn), tse (n,nn)y.


Holy Grail; Christ; Scarab beetle; minister Aaron; Old Testament; emeralds; sapphires; diamonds; rubies.

8) third reading of the text. Working with a draft.

5. Writing a summary. Self-control

Materials used and Internet resources:

    Baranov, M.T., Ladyzhenskaya, T.A., Trostentsova, L.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade: educational. for general education institutions / M.T.Baranov, T.A.Ladyzhenskaya, L.A.Trostentsova and others; scientific ed. N.M.Shansky - 33rd ed. – M.: Education, 2011. – 223 pp., 4 sheets. Ill.: ill. – ISBN 978 – 5 – 09 – 024813 – 6.

    Gorashova, N.G. Lesson-based developments in the Russian language: 7th grade: to the textbook by M.T. Baranov and others. “Russian language: 7th grade” / N.G. Gorashova. – 3rd ed., revised. – M.: Publishing house “Exam”, 2009. -413, 3 p. (Series “Training and Methodological Kit”). – ISBN 978 – 5 – 377 – 01963 – 3.

    Section: Russian language and literature

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Trade in valuable minerals and precious stones is to some extent similar to trade in jewelry, however, when working in this area you do not have to compete with a huge number of jewelry stores, so this area can be considered quite promising and interesting. There really are enough opportunities here to get started. successful business, A proper organization work allows you to interact with a considerable number of consumers, while focusing on a very different contingent of people. In general, an entrepreneur who does not want to enter the market jewelry, and in most cases it is already oversaturated, it can do such a thing.

First you need to register as a business entity. Register as individual entrepreneur in most cases it is not advisable, it is much better to open your own legal entity, and here it is better to opt for the form of a limited liability company, because here, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system is available, which involves transfers to the state not more than 6% of income or 15% of operating profit as taxes. The registration process will not take too much time (but longer than registering an individual entrepreneur); the state fee will be 4 thousand rubles. In general, there are no restrictions on the legal form, therefore, if a small store is opening and you are not planning a very serious enterprise, you can limit yourself to individual entrepreneurship, but here you will have to bear responsibility with your own property. However, it must be said that another bureaucratic issue needs to be resolved. For transactions with precious stones, including retail trade in them, you need to obtain permission and register with the Assay Office. To do this, you need to collect the following package of documents:

1. Notarized copies constituent documents(founding agreement and charter or regulations) or a copy of the passport (for individual entrepreneurs).

2. A notarized copy of the state registration certificate.

3. A recent copy of the notice territorial body statistics.

4. An extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with codes of registered types of activity according to OKVED or an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

5. A notarized copy of the certificate of placement of the object on tax accounting indicating his identification number (TIN) or a copy of the notice of registration of an individual.

6. Notarized copies of documents evidencing ownership of premises for carrying out transactions with precious metals and precious stones (on the basis of ownership, operational management, lease, sublease).

7. Originals of registration documents previously issued by the inspection (certificate with a special registration card) - if there were any.

In general, there are no particular difficulties in this area, the decision to register is made relatively quickly (within ten days), and there are no special requirements for the entrepreneur. The only thing is that you need special equipment for storing precious stones, these can be reinforced safes, and the premises themselves must be serviced by some kind of private security organization. But in any case, an entrepreneur who is engaged in such a business undertakes everything possible measures to protect your store, so the level of security in such retail outlets is really good, and registration with the Assay Office is reduced to a simple formality. If it is not possible to independently obtain a permit and register, it makes sense to contact a third-party office that offers registration services. The cost of operating such a company is unlikely to be too high (it is not difficult process, such as obtaining a medical license or registration with the FSB), and an entrepreneur who encounters this for the first time will be able to at least get advice from specialists. To summarize, we can say that in a month or two it will be possible to solve everything bureaucratic issues, and there are no serious obstacles here.

Ready ideas for your business

Next, you need to find a location for your store. Here the best choicepassable places, however, you need to understand that most often this kind of jewelry and just products are bought by wealthy people, so it makes sense to think about opening a store in an expensive area. Jewelry is bought and simple people, but interesting minerals and beautiful jewelry made from precious stones, as well as simply cut gems, are still bought either by really rich city residents or by collectors. The latter are generally ready to spend considerable amounts of money on the purchase of stones and minerals. But in order to interest them, you need to have truly rare, beautiful and unique specimens in your assortment. In accordance with this, the place of work is also determined, because an enthusiastic collector will go to the other end of the city if the store really offers him good thing, but if there is nothing unique at your disposal, then it is more advisable to simply focus on rich people, and here it is better to choose the city center as the location. To begin with, a relatively small store may be enough, here the limit is 30-40 m2, and in an average city the rental cost will be 20-30 thousand rubles, but you need to understand that it is very difficult to name the exact cost, because it depends on a huge number of factors . What affects her the most is the city of work itself (rent is always more expensive in metropolitan areas) and the location in it. In a small locality on the contrary, it will be possible to save on rent, but the question is whether it makes sense to start work in a place other than big city? Next, you should take care of the internal arrangement of your premises, here it should be noted that you will need to buy impenetrable display cases, shelving, purchase several good safes, it is advisable to connect all this to an alarm system. Even small shop you will have to equip it for an amount of at least 100 thousand rubles; for a large retail outlet, amounts many times larger will be required; in addition, you need to order the installation of a security system. There is still about 50 thousand rubles, plus some time will be needed to install and set up the entire system. In addition, you can order for yourself design project, for some types of store this is relevant, but is often a waste of money. If the entrepreneur decides to do this, then he should expect 1.5 thousand rubles per square meter of space.

After this, you can begin searching for product suppliers. In general, it makes sense to find private jewelers, that is, specifically those who engrave materials; you should not go directly to suppliers of raw materials, they will supply minerals that are not suitable for sale to the end consumer. Although there are people who are interested in directly extracted minerals and rough stones, their number is too small to target. Cooperation with private jewelers will make it possible to supply custom-made products, which increases the store’s popularity in the eyes of consumers. There is no point in finding simple jewelry suppliers who work with traditional jewelry stores - usually their assortment does not include products that are specialized for the store. At the same time, you need to understand that in small cities and even in some large ones there may be problems with suppliers; the goods are not very popular, so there may not be local suppliers, and then you need to order them in another city. There are many offers on the Internet, and by spending some time negotiating and searching for suppliers, you can find the best offers for the price, without spending too much on transportation costs. However, some types of stones can only be supplied from other countries, where there are natural deposits.

The next stage is finding personnel for your store. At first, an entrepreneur can work in his own retail outlet, but later, as the size of the store increases, it makes sense to hire several salespeople, but to begin with, you can generally manage only on your own. It is advisable to look for people who have already held similar positions, but it is even better to find those who are well versed in gemstones. And you need to understand that these should be reliable people, who are not afraid of financial responsibility. Further, if an entrepreneur intends to work on custom projects, then he should think about hiring a jeweler who will cut gemstones and process minerals. As has already been noted, you can enter into cooperation with already working jewelers; usually this is much simpler and will not require additional investments from the entrepreneur, and the buyer himself will still pay for the work of the master - the cost of this work is initially included in the price of the product. However, all business processes that are not related to the organization’s profit making should be outsourced. This includes accounting, for example, as well as the already mentioned security services. Today, in almost every city there is at least one private security organization that will be ready to conduct necessary work indoors, and then start servicing your client. This presupposes not only an alarm system, but also the presence of an employee at the site, and security guards with a high rank are usually on duty here. In essence, security for a mineral and gem store is similar to security for jewelry store(only if this is not a store selling exclusively cheap minerals, everything is a little simpler here). In this regard, the price of such services is high - from 50 thousand rubles per month, although depending on how valuable objects will have to be protected and what level of security system is installed, the price can change not only up, but also down. It also makes sense to have, if not on staff, then simply as a partner, a competent lawyer, because the circulation of some precious stones is limited, and certificates are required for the sale of certain types of stones and minerals. Only an accredited gemological laboratory has the right to issue such a certificate, and although obtaining such a certificate is the concern of the manufacturer, you still need to accurately understand all the intricacies of the legislation, because in extreme cases, selling jewelry without a certificate may even result in criminal prosecution. Everything is much simpler if you have to work with so-called “nominal” products, that is, with actually jewelry- stones in the frame. But the store specializes in selling stones, not simple jewelry.

It is especially worth considering the specifics of certification if you plan to engage in cutting on the basis of your enterprise. In general, if the store is a simple intermediary, then it needs to check the authenticity of the certificates of incoming products, and if it also carries out the work itself, then it needs to hire experienced jeweler and cooperate with the gemological laboratory, testing incoming stones and obtaining certificates for cut ones. Yes, equipping an additional jeweler’s place will cost at least 50 thousand rubles - this is the cost of the cheapest Chinese machine for such work, and sometimes this amount is several times higher if you need more professional equipment or machines for working with certain complex types of stones.

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The cost of products from such a store varies greatly, because there are both relatively cheap and very expensive precious stones, and there are also semi-precious ones. Minerals also cost differently; there are some types of them that, in terms of their price, can easily be compared to a precious stone. In general, the cost of a carat of the same gemstone can vary greatly depending on other indicators: color, clarity, quality of cut, as well as weight, and usually the cost grows disproportionately, that is, two identical stones, but with a minimal difference in weight, can have a difference in price 1.5-2 times. However, you need to understand that in addition to the initial cost of the stone, there is a very considerable markup on such products, which is formed due to the fact that it is necessary to pay for the work of the master who does the engraving, and then the entrepreneur himself must make a profit. Typically, a store of minerals and precious stones sells both relatively cheap products and very expensive ones; expensive ones are sold very rarely, and a constant income is generated at the expense of cheap ones. Additionally, you can trade some products, including those made simply from precious metals, without including stones. The markup on jewelry is 100-200% (yes, very high rate), with precious stones it is more difficult, their final cost for the consumer is usually calculated individually for each stone, because rare stone(especially a species that is not mined in Russia) can be sold at a very high markup by the store owner. The cost of a jeweler’s work included in the payment usually varies little within one type of stone, but its rarity and purity can greatly affect the final price. At the same time, relatively common stones are sold at a small premium. But even 20% with a stone costing 20 thousand rubles brings the entrepreneur 4 thousand income, and a stone costing 20 thousand in rare stores is even considered average price category, usually to the lowest. However, as already noted, trading exclusively expensive stones may be unprofitable because they are not purchased every month sufficient quantities to cover expenses. However, in expensive stores the markup is much higher, because they sell unique goods.

In order for the store to become popular, you will have to at least create your own website, this will allow many consumers to learn about new products and generally be interested in the store’s offers. Having created a website for 50-100 thousand, you can count on a sharp increase in the number of clients, so you need to immediately think about such development. You can also create an online store where people can immediately order products, including those based on an individual project. Considering that this niche is not as busy as the sale of simple jewelry, we can say that this line of business is very profitable. The disadvantages include inconsistent demand, and especially periods of crisis can seriously affect the number of purchases. Therefore, you need to very accurately study the situation on the market, because there is a lot of trade in luxury goods, and in this regard, form your assortment.

Matthias Laudanum
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Most often, precious stones are mined underground, in mine workings, and less often in open quarries. It also happens that under the influence of erosion, stones are gradually freed from the parent rock and are carried downstream by water flows. In such places, the development of these alluvial deposits is carried out by manual washing, using dredges.

On the territory of modern Afghanistan, lapis lazuli mines existed 6 thousand years ago, and the famous traveler Marco Polo wrote about it. Persian turquoise, which is considered the best, is brought from Iran. Alluvial deposits are more profitable compared to mountain deposits. Rubies and spinel are mined in this way in Sri Lanka, diamonds in Namibia, and on the Baltic coast. But the stones in placers are not the most good quality, since they are rounded, abraded and damaged in other ways many kilometers away from the original deposit.

There are often cases when boulders, inconspicuous at first glance, are hollow from the inside and completely lined with crystals. Such stones are called geodes, and the stones found in them are always better than others in purity and quality. Amethysts and citrines are most often found in geodes.

Extraction methods

Scientists are currently beginning to mine jewelry by studying the origin of rocks and analyzing their contents.

After it is carried out on the ground and samples are taken from drilled wells, a calculation is made of the material to be extracted from the field being developed. After this, the place is considered explored, and work can begin.

In African and Asian countries, all stones, with the exception of diamonds, are mined using a primitive method. In the beds of dry rivers, rock crevices and on the coast near the surf, we can use the simplest type of collection - from the surface of the earth. Crystals are often knocked off rocks using jackhammers and blasting. In rivers, the soil is washed in basket-like devices, but light stones such as tourmaline, quartz and beryl can be lost in the process - they are mainly extracted from the bedrock deposit.

Placers formed in ancient times are covered with multi-meter layers of soil, which are removed manually or mechanically, opening the deposit. In this case, a lot is used unusual technology: earth-moving and transport machines that cut the soil themselves and transport it to dumps (scrapers), conveyor-type loaders, machines with buckets suspended on a boom (draglines). To remove waste rock from quarries, not only dump trucks with conveyors are used, but in some cases they are also fed under high pressure water.

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