“It’s not so scary with Nastasya”: Khilkevich showed a photo in bed with Samburskaya. Khilkevich and Samburskaya argued over a “rubber” child and a man Nastasya Samburskaya and Anna Khilkevich - what is the essence of the conflict

The famous Russian film and television actress seems to tell fans about every event in her life on Instagram. She happily shows pictures with her daughter and husband, talks about her vacation and career, and periodically posts funny videos. And now she has published a photo on her personal microblog with a colleague from the humorous television series “Univer”, who ended up in the same bed with her.

“It’s cold in the city today. Yes, and dangerous. But with Nastasya it’s not so scary! I'll warm you up, she'll protect you! Still, we’ve known each other for a long time.”,” Khilkevich captioned the humorous photo.


This photo caused different reactions among admirers of the artist’s talent. Of course, many immediately began sending compliments to them. Others recalled the celebrity conflict. And still others focused all their attention on Samburskaya, whose appearance seemed somehow unfamiliar to them.

“Have you made up?”

“I said that you don’t communicate at all...”

“Samburskaya doesn’t look like herself at all!”

“And I kept reading that you had an eternal war before the fights...”

“I didn’t recognize Samburskaya. Cutie!"

“She doesn’t look like herself at all!”

“And I was just wondering yesterday if you were communicating now...”

And how could they do without calls from social network users to return Samburskaya to their favorite series, which, according to them, became less interesting to watch without her.


By the way, during vacation

The new filming of “Univer” is in full swing and the creators of the sitcom are very afraid of conflicts on the set. After all, the characters who get along great on screen can’t stand each other off camera! A striking example is the difficult relationship between Nastasya Samburskaya and Anna Khilkevich. ProZvezd found out that the hatchet between the two girls has not yet been buried.

Before filming the next season of “Univer,” a rumor was started - in the new episodes, viewers will not see the heroine of Nastasya Samburskaya. They say that the actors do not want to work with the actress because of her obnoxious character. However, this information was not confirmed, and Samburskaya will appear in the new “Univer”. And it’s okay that she hasn’t communicated with the leading female role, Anna Khilkevich, for several years.
The fighting between the girls began at the very beginning of filming the series about student everyday life. For a long time, the two actresses could not share the role of leader. Their relationship worsened when Khilkevich appeared on the cover of a men's magazine.
Mutual claims accumulated daily. During the big premiere of Univer in one of the Moscow restaurants, two stars accidentally collided in the toilet. An unexpected meeting in the restroom turned into a real fight. The video of the “fight” with the participation of Samburskaya and Khilkevich is still breaking records of popularity on the Internet. But Anna promised ProZvezd: she won’t use her fists anymore.
“We are not girlfriends,” Khilkevich told us when we met her at a social event. - We are colleagues. We have a working relationship!
– Are you sure you won’t fight on the set?
- Why did you decide that we should fight? – Anya raised her eyebrows when we reminded her of the unpleasant incident. - It was a long time ago. We're fine. I'm positive, she's smart. But I'm not stupid either. Therefore, I definitely won’t swear at work.
– Did Nastasya congratulate you on the birth of your baby?
- No. But she is not alone. The main thing is that I was congratulated by those from whom I expected congratulations.
Khilkevich said that before the new filming she was very nervous and because of this she did not sleep the whole night.
“When I’m nervous, I usually peel off the nail polish,” says the actress. – Now I’m trying to get rid of this habit. When I was filming with Vanya Urgant, I was also nervous. I watched the broadcast and it didn’t even show what I was going through. What were you afraid of? Well, Vanya is always exciting. Fortunately, everything turned out positively.
In her creative endeavors, Anya is supported by her beloved husband Arthur. And she tries to be like-minded to him. When he decided to become a vegetarian, Anya followed his example. True, their vegetarian experience was short-lived. Now both spouses eat meat again.
“I honestly tried to stop eating meat when I was pregnant,” says the actress. “Everything turned out to be difficult, my hemoglobin dropped. But I think that someday I will come to this anyway. My husband also wanted to become a vegetarian, but I resisted! Now he eats everything. But with a child and filming, it’s hard for me to cook all the time. That's why he mostly eats dumplings.

In her creative endeavors, Anya is supported by her beloved husband Arthur. And she tries to be like-minded to him.

Russian theater and film actress, model, singer Nastasya Samburskaya left a strange and not very pleasant comment on Khilkevich’s page under a photo with Anna’s daughter.

Nastasya Samburskaya is known for her temper and passion for discussing girls who leave comments on her account. This time the model's attention was attracted by a photograph of Anna Khilkevich taken on the plane. The actress took a photo on the airliner, which captured her daughter. True, Khilkevich covered the baby’s face with an emoji.

Many parents do not want to show their children on social networks. Fans began to shower the young mother with compliments, but Samburskaya suddenly intervened in the comments, saying: “Anya, I was flying with you in the same compartment and I can’t understand. Why this rubber child, whom you passed off as your daughter throughout the flight. After all, everyone has long understood your divorce among the population. This is stupid money."

Fans were dismayed by such a strange and harsh statement from the actress. However, Khilkevich was not taken aback and responded to the comment: “My daughter is as rubber as your martyr! We saw it, we know! Artemka! Despite the fact that the fans did not understand what the girls’ intentions were, whether it was a joke, or Samburskaya really spoke seriously, but they sided with Anna. Many began to support the actress and respond to Nastasya herself. The altercation between the participants in the conversation did not resume.

Whether the artists are really quarreling again or whether it was a slight sarcasm that only they understand, the fans still didn’t understand. At the same time, many accused Samburskaya of being embittered due to a lack of personal happiness and that is why she rushes at her colleagues like an angry dog.

Nastasya Samburskaya and Anna Khilkevich - what is the essence of the conflict

Samburskaya and Khilkevich were never bosom friends, but they actively communicated on the set of the TV series “Univer.” One day, the artists were so unable to share the glory that they even began to publicly sort things out - they fought in front of the amazed public, trying to prove their superiority to each other.

After several years, the relationship between the stars remained an open topic until they were caught karaoke together at the celebration of Samburskaya’s thirtieth birthday - they made up, the fans immediately decided, being happy for their favorite actresses.

It’s also impossible to call them friends now. The artists do not work together, nor do they relax together. Moreover, both of them are active users of Instagram - that’s where new communication between the former warring parties took place.

As you know, Khilkevich recently became a mother. The actress was not afraid to fly off on vacation with her two children - her eldest daughter and her youngest, who was only 4 months old. The artist shared her impressions of the flight with fans - she had to be the first to take the baby abroad.

“Anya, I flew with you in the same compartment and I can’t understand. Why this rubber child, whom you passed off as your daughter throughout the flight?” - wrote Samburskaya.

Khilkevich was not taken aback and answered her former friend that the rubber one was the young man with whom Nastasya was once seen.

“My daughter is as rubbery as your young man. We saw it, we know! Artemka! - Khilkevich wrote.

Many are sure that the artists’ humor is not intended for everyone - perhaps they meant something personal that happened between them once and evokes pleasant memories. Others are sure that Samburskaya is simply splashing with anger in different directions, because she has no personal life, and in fact she was lost in her profession, remaining the former main artist of “Univer” and becoming a not very popular singer and film actress.

About the fact that he is flying to Thailand on vacation with his family. She took a selfie from inside the ship. The photo shows her mother with the star's two daughters. “A trip with a baby of this age is my first experience,” Anna admitted. - But now everything is fine. We’re warm and soon I’ll be spamming you with hot photos.” (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Ed.)

As you know, it is undesirable to show the faces of children who are not yet one year old to strangers. Therefore, Anna covered the face of her six-month-old daughter Masha with a smiley face.

Her colleague, star of the TV series “Univer,” 31-year-old Nastasya Samburskaya, appeared in the comments to the actress’s post. She wrote as a joke that Khilkevich’s child is not real. “Anya, I flew with you in the same compartment and I can’t understand. Why this rubber child, whom you passed off as your daughter throughout the flight. After all, everyone has long understood your divorce among the population. This is stupid money,” Nastasya wrote, parodying the haters.



In response, Khilkevich stated that Samburskaya’s man was rubber. “My daughter is as rubbery as your martyr!” - Anna noted. The actress added that she knows what she's talking about.

It would seem that this was the end of the dispute. But not all Khilkevich’s fans understood the actresses’ jokes. Some began to defend Anna, accusing Samburskaya of tactlessness and lack of maternal instincts. “Why does Samburskaya always write all kinds of nonsense, absolutely without humor,” “Apparently, this is far from her essential interests in life! And you, Anya, have patience with such inadequate people!”, “People began to forget Samburskaya, so she decided to comment on famous people,” Nastasya’s subscribers criticized.


Anna Khilkevich became a mother for the second time in August. Now together with her husband, businessman Arthur Volkov, she has three-year-old Arianna and six-month-old Maria, which she named after her heroine in the series “Univer”.

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