Nadya Granovskaya proved the naturalness of her large breasts. Celebrities with large and natural busts

Breast augmentation is the most popular plastic surgery in the world. The procedure is not cheap, but millions of girls from different parts of the world are ready to save on everything just to become the owner of a “solid C”. But today we will talk about those who magnificent bust got it from nature.

These famous beauties even resorted to the services plastic surgeon, then definitely not for the purpose of breast enlargement. With a bust and without implants full order! But are they happy about such “wealth”? Opinions were divided.

Salma Hayek

It's hard to believe, but in her youth, Salma Hayek was terribly worried about her boyish figure. “All the girls had already developed breasts, but I was still flat. Prayed to Jesus, asked to reward me big bust…” The prayers were answered, Salma’s breasts grew quite large!

Anfisa Chekhova

Anfisa Chekhova is another owner of a lush natural bust. In her youth, the TV presenter was terribly complex because she was too big breasts and even wanted to reduce my bust a couple sizes. Fortunately, Anfisa came to her senses in time and did big breasts your “calling card”.

Nadezhda Granovskaya

Former member of the VIA Gra group Nadezhda Granovskaya is the happy owner of a full size six! When asked about the origin of such a magnificent bust, the singer replies that “it’s her own, native, grown on village sour cream.” Judging by her revealing neckline, she is proud of her curves.

Svetlana Loboda

Another ex-member of VIA Gra, Svetlana Loboda, lags behind her former colleague Nadezhda Granovskaya only fits one size. “Solid five” went to Svetlana on her mother’s side. Especially for those who doubt the “authenticity” of the bust, the singer passed a lie detector test, which confirmed: Loboda’s breasts are real!

Christina Hendricks

Actress Christina Hendricks does not hide the fact that she is proud of her big natural breasts. “It’s strange that someone suspects that my breasts are artificial, because you can’t hide the presence of implants, just as you can’t hide pumped up lips - they are very different from natural ones. Yes, my breasts are large, which used to cause me a lot of inconvenience, but over time I learned to accept myself - including in the chest area - for who I am,” says Christina.

Anna Semenovich

Anna Semenovich is often compared to Pamela Anderson. Only, unlike the Hollywood diva, our compatriot has her own. According to Anna, she “inherited” her magnificent bust from her mother. The singer is happy: Anna always emphasizes her “wealth” with tight outfits and revealing cleavage.

Katy Perry

We don’t know whether Katy Perry is joking or telling the truth, but, according to the singer, she begged for big breasts from higher powers: “As a child, before falling asleep, I asked God to give me breasts so large that when I lay on my back, my legs would not be visible. My dream came true, but who knew that I would regret it, because in this position it would blur to the sides and roll down to the armpits?”

Scarlett Johansson

Big breasts and thin waist- the dream of many girls! Scarlett Johansson is the lucky owner of this perfect combination. Rumor has it that several years ago the actress wanted to have her breasts reduced, but changed her mind: “I’m proud of my breasts. I call them “my girls.” This is my charm, part of my feminine attractiveness"- admitted Scarlett in an interview.

Former member of the Viagra group Nadezhda Granovskaya openly told on her Instagram how her famous luxurious forms interfered with the singer’s life.

The owner of a magnificent figure was unable to fulfill the dream that she had lived since childhood. It turns out that Nadezhda always dreamed of becoming a ballerina. But due to heredity, the future star Meikher-Granovskaya was forced to part with childhood aspirations and look for a source of new inspiration, which was the stage.

“With good plastic data, my external forms “let us down” in some places,” the singer smiles sadly. “At the age of 11 I started dancing in a group folk dance, and when I entered pedagogical school Khmelnitsky, continued to dance professionally and even studied ballet for a year... The feeling is indescribable! I was ready to live in the dance hall and endlessly hone my skills. Probably only those who have had or are involved in ballet or professional dancing will understand me... 19 years have passed. I'm doing choreography again and trying to dance on pointe shoes (it's hard, but I'm driven by old love to ballet, my unfulfilled dream)"

According to Granovskaya, pointe shoes are very useful for physical tone person. "Life is full of unexpected meetings, decisions and actions. And when you make this or that decision for further actions and be in resonance with yourself, in an instant surge of joy and harmony, follow these sensations. Follow! Take action! Do not be afraid! Even if the whole world is against you. Fear breeds internal degradation. It deprives the opportunity not only to develop, but also to be happy man", noted the singer.

Recently, in the play "Love Story" Nadezhda Granovskaya appeared in a new role - director and screenwriter. There was also a passionate tango in her performance, which did not leave everyone who saw this production indifferent. Viewers noted that the singer has an undeniable talent as a dancer.

Activists of the “Ukrainian Paparazzi Community” conducted a study on domestic star busts and named the most outstanding star busts. The size, aesthetic appearance and frequency with which the stars show off their charms were taken into account.

The top five star busts are as follows.

In fifth place are the breasts of Anna Sedakova. The singer and TV presenter captivated the expert commission primarily with her harmony and sexuality. Indeed, looking at this “Malvina of our time”, you can see the eyes, the hairstyle, and, of course, the breasts - all the attributes of the woman who has a chance to appear on the covers men's magazines and be included in the list of the most outstanding busts.

Anna Sedokova

Fourth place belongs to another star who is directly related to musical project Kostyuk and Meladze. This is the singer and TV presenter, member of the VIA GRA group Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya. Meicher-Granovskaya's breasts were included in the ranking of outstanding star busts primarily due to their size. In the early 2000s, almost all men in our country rushed to the screen when they showed music videos with the delights of Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya.

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya

The top three is opened by Ukrainian-Russian star Yulia Bardash. A lot is known about her travels to Cannes or Monaco, Bali or Singapore. But the first thing a real heterosexual looks at is the singer’s breasts. The experts unanimously came to the conclusion that the singer’s breasts look bright, beautiful and sexy!

Yulia Bardash

TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova's breasts hit silver. Since she moved from Russian to Ukrainian television, our men have been lucky enough to see the contents of Anfisya’s bra much more often and much closer.

Anfisa Chekhova

Finally, first place goes to the owner of not only a confident size 5, but also the favorite of all men in the post-Soviet space. Russian figure skater, singer, TV presenter, actress, ex-member of the group “Brilliant” Anna Semenovich rightfully receives the first prize in 2011. The main criteria by which she became the bust champion were the size of her breasts and the courage with which Anna Semenovich demonstrates her charms.

Nadezhda Granovskaya is a singer, TV presenter, designer and the brightest soloist in the entire history of the legendary women's group"VIA Gra". Around hot brunette Gossip and gossip do not subside. Bright debut, wild popularity, calm and cardinal change image - all factors point to the ambiguity of creative nature.

Biography of Nadezhda Granovskaya

Nadezhda Meikher Granovskaya (Meikher is her real name, and Granovskaya is a memorable stage name) was born in the small Ukrainian village of Zbruchivka on April 10, 1982. The biography of the future star is interesting because Nadya’s pregnant mother was never taken to the maternity hospital; her daughter was born at home on the sofa. The father loved to drink, so the mother gathered the girl and went to stay with relatives in Volochisk (near Khmelnitsky). WITH early years The future sex bomb was fond of dancing and music, and loved ballet. At school good grades combined with a reckless disposition, when little Nadyusha could beat up any boy in the class.

Both mother and grandmother were very worried about who their little star would become in the future? There were a lot of ideas, and the parents saw the girl’s future as a lawyer, lawyer or translator. Nadenka's dreams ranged from becoming a ballerina to working as a salesman. The girl reluctantly attended English courses and studied (at the insistence of her parents) at a pedagogical school. Over time, the capable student was invited to work at the Podillya cultural center. In her new place, she worked as a choreographer, designing and staging dances.

The era of “VIA Gra” in the life of Nadezhda

The beginning of the star journey was the arrival of Valery Meladze on tour in Khmelnitsky. Ironically, the famous singer’s performances took place in the same cultural center where Meikher worked. It was from Valery that the girl learned that his brother was looking for soloists for a new girl group. Not wanting to waste the moment, she immediately organized a photo shoot for herself and sent the pictures to the star Kostya Meladze, who, together with producer Dmitry Kostyuk, invited spectacular brunette for auditions.

A problem arose, because the weight of the contender was far from the stage ideal. Nadya had to urgently lose weight, after which she became a soloist new group, even though I had never studied vocals before that moment. The vocal focus was placed on the second soloist Alena Vinnitskaya. At first, life in the capital could not be called sweet, because the provincial girl had no friends, and her colleague Vinnitskaya socialized in another company.

The dizzying career of Nadezhda

After the airing of the first video, “Attempt No. 5,” the group soared to the top of the charts not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. Sexy photos Granovskaya’s hopes began to appear in the press with enviable frequency. Already with seven hits, the girls toured the country and gathered thousands of fans.

A couple of years later, Nadya became pregnant and became happy mom, but didn’t spend too long on maternity leave. At the very peak of her popularity, Meikher left VIA Gra and joined the ranks of TV presenters on the Ukrainian channel STB, continuing to study academic vocals. However, Konstantin Meladze tried his best to return the beauty to the group, and finally the girl gave up and returned.

During this period, such hits as “Crazy”, “Anti-Geisha”, etc. were recorded. At the same time, a collection of poems “Momentary Attraction” was published, decorated with an erotic photo shoot by the poetess herself. In 2011, Nadya finally left for free swimming. Despite the producer's persuasion, the singer did not return to the group.

Plastics or pseudoplastics of Nadezhda Granovskaya?

In the candid clips of VIA Gra, the cameras were beckoned by swaying breasts beautiful brunette. A voluminous bust, sensual lips, prominent cheekbones - the question of plastic surgery suggested itself.

Let's figure out what plastic surgery Granovskaya’s hopes took place, and what interventions clean water artifice.

  • Mamoplasty. It is assumed that Nadezhda Granovskaya changed before and after plastic surgery, but the singer herself claims that she even heard the word “silicone” for the first time when she was the lead singer of the group, and she got her impressive bust from her mother and grandmother.

Granovskaya is not the first Via Gra participant who was suspected of breast surgery; before that, similar statements were made to and. As soon as the artist left VIA Gra, her outfits became as closed as possible, the buttons were tightly buttoned, and her image was extremely natural.

They immediately started saying that Nadezhda Granovskaya was hiding the consequences after her breast lift surgery. A woman often, smiling, says: “And you ask the stylist whether my breasts are real or silicone. I often stand naked in front of her at full length.”

Gossips swirled around the singer’s plastic surgery with enviable regularity, but the star said: “Age is not how old you are. This is a state of mind. I intend to age naturally.”

  • Lip surgery It is believed that Nadezhda Granovskaya was dissatisfied with the size of her lips before the operation. We can bet, because at the very earliest, school photos the lips of the future singer look quite voluminous and juicy.

Experts admit that several times the gel based hyaluronic acid was introduced into the lip area, but there is no talk of systematicity. In the scandalous “Million Dollar Secret” program, Meicher admits that her biography does not include a single fact of surgical intervention.

  • Correction of cheekbones. “Nadezhda Granovskaya received sharp cheekbones after plastic surgery,” the tabloid press was full of stories. The celebrity’s noticeably defined cheekbones on her Instagram caused a lot of talk and discussion.

Pictures have appeared that allegedly show Nadezhda Granovskaya before and after surgery to inject fillers into the cheekbone area. In fact, the information seems far-fetched, since in her early youth the girl’s face was clearly defined with prominent cheekbones. Skillfully selected makeup and further weight loss add sophistication to the image.

No matter how much ill-wishers tried to claim that Nadezhda Granovskaya looked simple and rustic before plastic surgery, this is not so, because, most likely, there was no plastic surgery...

Personal life of Nadezhda Granovskaya

In her younger years, Mrs. Meicher looked flashy, and men flocked to her appearance like honey.

  • The star's first partner was the Ukrainian deputy Alexander Lishchenko, known in criminal world under the nickname Licha for his not entirely legal affairs. It is known that from this man the singer gave birth to a son, Igor, in 2002, although nothing is known about official relations the couple did not disclose.

  • The singer’s personal life took a sharp turn in 2008. It was then that the girl met her future husband. Madame Meikher and Mikhail Urzhumtsev ( CEO Melon Fashion Group LLC) were silent for a long time about the relationship that connected them. Only got into the network rare footage, where the couple spent time together. Already in 2012, the lovers became the parents of little Anna, after which they secretly married. And in 2015, unbeknownst to others, there was another addition to the family - a daughter, Maria, was born. Nadya loves spending time with children and often spoils them. The woman has an excellent, mutually trusting relationship with her son Igor; he is proud of his mother.

Today, the former soloist of “VIA Gra” is engaged in creativity under her own real name Meicher. The woman does not stop there, she is engaged in opera and folklore singing, and in 2016 she presented a new video that combines dance skills and the spectacle of real theater.

Video: Nadezhda Granovskaya – It’s not about the body

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