Laser hair removal for armpits. Depilation of armpits using traditional methods. Armpit skin care after waxing

Text: Alisa Praksina

The days of the hippies are gone and now every woman who takes care of herself knows firsthand what armpit hair removal is. Some people prefer a proven razor, while others follow the latest fashion trends and try more and more new ways to get rid of hair in this tender and delicate area. What types of armpit hair removal are there?

Armpit hair removal – why is it needed?

The armpit area is extremely sensitive, which is why the method armpit hair removal you need to choose very carefully and carefully. Here it is worth paying special attention to the concepts of “depilation” and “epilation”.

It would seem, what's the difference? In both cases, the main task is to remove hair. But if by depilation you remove only that part of the hair that is on the surface of the skin and the hair continues to grow in the same place after some time, then with epilation you remove the hair along with the follicle. In both cases you remove the hair, and in both cases it will come back. But the main thing here is over what period of time. If after depilation, as a rule, blackheads grow into hard and coarse hair within 1-2 days, then during epilation, hair can grow in another area in this area, but not from the same follicle, since epilation simply destroys it . Hair begins to appear after at least a week, and becomes noticeable only after three. The advantages of hair removal are visible to the naked eye, but there are also a number of contraindications for it. Armpit hair removal is contraindicated in case of diabetes, oncology, violation of the integrity of the skin and herpes.

Types of armpit hair removal

If we talk about depilation, there are only two ways to get rid of unwanted hair for a short time: shaving and chemical depilation using creams, sprays and gels. Both methods have long been explored and are very common due to the simplicity, accessibility and low cost of such procedures. But we will talk about really effective methods of hair removal - armpit hair removal.

Waxing is considered one of the most common methods of hair removal. For this procedure, use warm or hot wax, apply it to the hair in the direction of growth, apply a paper strip and tear it off with a sharp movement. The method is effective, but very painful, taking into account all the specifics of the armpit area and its sensitivity.

Currently, a new method of hair removal is becoming popular - sugaring. They no longer use wax, but sugar paste. A small piece of a fairly thick mass needs to be picked up and heated to body temperature so that it, like plasticine, succumbs to deformation. Sugar paste is applied to the hair and also removed with a sharp movement, but without using strips. This procedure is considered less painful and does not leave behind ingrown hairs.

There are also more expensive methods of armpit hair removal - laser and photoepilation. Based on reviews from women who have experienced these procedures, we can say that the methods are truly effective and contribute to further hair removal forever. But not for many people, a course of laser and photo hair removal is affordable. Both methods use special devices; they act on the skin without coming into contact with it.

Armpit hair removal is a procedure that most people simply do not dare to undertake. You just need to overcome yourself one day, and then you will understand that the result is worth the candle. After epilation, the skin usually turns red, but after a day or two there is no trace of redness left, and your armpits are smooth and silky.

For many modern women, excess hair on the body is simply a disaster. Today, there are many hair removal methods that allow you to maintain flawlessly smooth skin. However, for such a delicate area as the armpit area, choosing the appropriate hair removal method is quite difficult.

Armpit hair removal is complicated by the fact that there are depressions in this area that limit access to hairs when using a razor or epilator. In addition, the skin of the armpit area is very sensitive, the capillaries are located too close here, and the hairs are often very strong and coarse.

However, no matter what, armpit hair must be removed. And not only from an aesthetic point of view. In the area of ​​the armpits there are a huge number of sweat glands, which work even more actively in the presence of hair, resulting in the growth of bacteria, the disgusting smell of sweat and even the threat of skin diseases.

Let's consider the most acceptable methods of epilation of the armpit area.

Epilation of armpits using a razor

This is the safest and most painless way to get rid of excess hair. However, it is difficult to achieve perfectly smooth skin with a razor: due to the structure of the armpits, the razor leaves black dots on the surface of the skin, like stubble.

If you use a razor, consider the following tips:

Choose a high-quality machine (with a double or triple blade). It is advisable to have special protective strips on the razor for sensitive skin (for example, with aloe). Never use a dull razor; you may damage your skin or cause an infection.

To avoid skin irritation after shaving, use a soothing lotion such as chamomile, calendula or aloe. It would also be a good idea to apply a hair growth inhibitor to the skin to prevent regrown hairs from growing into the skin.

Shave at least once a week, and in the summer, if necessary, you can repeat the procedure every 2-3 days.

Epilation of armpits with depilatory cream

Hair removal with cream is a good alternative to shaving. Today there is a huge selection of cosmetic products for hair removal on sale. In the armpit area, it is necessary to use a cream for sensitive skin or intimate areas to avoid allergies.

The advantages of the depilatory cream are that the result after the procedure lasts for a longer time, the skin is smooth, without blackheads.

  • Chemical depilation with cream: benefits, harm, how to do it

Armpit waxing

Using hot wax, you can permanently get rid of armpit hair. Hot wax steams the skin, expands the pores, slightly anesthetizes, as a result, the hairs are easily removed along with the bulb. After several procedures, the hair becomes weaker and its growth slows down.

Waxing is easy to do at home. You need to buy a special composition, heat it according to the instructions, and apply it to the skin. But it’s best to go to a professional salon.

Epilation of the armpit area with an epilator

A regular electric epilator can be an excellent assistant in the fight for smooth skin in the armpit area. A significant advantage of the epilator is baby-like smoothness for 2-3 weeks and instant results. With regular use of the epilator, hair weakens, becomes invisible, sparse, and grows slowly. During the first epilation, severe pain is possible, but each time the pain weakens, the skin gets used to it and the procedure ceases to cause you discomfort. Many epilator models are equipped with special attachments for sensitive areas and also have a cooling, pain-relieving effect. After epilation, it is advisable to apply a soothing lotion or hair growth inhibitor to the skin.

However, due to the individual characteristics of the hair structure, not all women can use an epilator in the armpit area. If you have very coarse hair or very sensitive skin, it is not recommended for you to use an epilator.

Laser hair removal for armpits without pain

If you want to achieve flawless, smooth skin in the armpit area, the best way to solve the problem is to go to a professional salon. Modern technologies will allow you to deal with excess hair quickly, painlessly and without consequences, for example, using a laser or a light flash (photoepilation).

The laser beam destroys the hair follicle, so after just 5-6 sessions you can get rid of excess hair for a very long time or even forever.

  • Laser hair removal: who is it suitable for, advantages, disadvantages

The photoepilation method works on the same principle, so if you do not have increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, you can safely take another step towards your beauty.

Go to section: Hair removal at home: types and methods

The most effective way to get rid of unwanted armpit hair is to remove it with a laser. This area of ​​the body is excellent for this method due to its thin and light skin and fairly coarse hair. With laser hair removal for armpits, you can forever forget about problems with ingrown hairs, razors and painful waxing procedures. In addition, it has many more advantages:

After laser hair removal, the problem with irritation and microcracks disappears. The armpits always remain smooth, which gives confidence to every woman.


Laser hair removal of armpits in Moscow can be performed at reasonable prices at the Epil Salon beauty center. Our masters will provide you with a comfortable and cozy atmosphere.

Work Before and After






How to prepare

To ensure perfect hair removal, there are a few simple rules that are recommended to be followed before visiting the salon. 2 weeks before laser hair removal there is no need to remove or lighten hair in the armpit area. Their length should be the same, the hairs should have a dark shaft. Also:

  • You should not sunbathe or use self-tanner for 2 weeks;
  • The use of alcohol-containing products should be avoided. Do not use them 3 days before the procedure;
  • Avoid taking antimicrobial drugs.

Stages of implementation

The specialist determines the skin type and sets the equipment to the appropriate power. To avoid pain, a cream with an anesthetic component is applied to the skin. For protection, a gel containing aloe extract is used. In addition, there is a cooling element on the equipment itself. First the skin is cooled, then the laser is fired. The skin feels warm at the same time. The exception is a tingling or slight burning sensation that goes away immediately. During laser hair removal of the armpit area, special protective glasses are worn. The session lasts 10-15 minutes.

The area where the hair was removed is treated with an antiseptic, then a compress is applied to the skin. You can plan your next visit to a cosmetologist in 4-6 weeks.


  • Persons under 18 years of age, since the hormonal balance has not yet formed;
  • Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding;
  • People who have scratches, burns or any irritation in the area where hair removal was planned.
  • For those who have individual intolerances, allergies, intense tanning.
  • Those with chronic or acute skin diseases.

Diseases for which this type of hair removal is prohibited:

  • Diabetes;
  • Varicose veins in severe forms;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Mental disorders.

Care after hair removal

After laser hair removal in the armpit area in Moscow, our salon specialists recommend following a few simple rules:

  1. Swelling or redness of the skin and itching may occur for 1-3 days. You can apply Panthenol cream. If hyperpigmentation appears, which is extremely rare, do not worry; it will go away on its own in 2-3 weeks.
  2. Only after a day can you wet the treated area of ​​skin with water and apply any cosmetics to it. You can play sports, visit saunas and steam baths after three days.
  3. For 7-10 days there is a feeling that the hair continues to grow. They actually fall out naturally. At this time, you should avoid removing them mechanically or using wax.
  4. You can sunbathe or use self-tanning only after 30 days.

Armpit hair removal is a topic of interest to all girls and women. The presence of vegetation in delicate areas is not the best decoration for a woman. Each of us wants these places, like the rest of the body, to look well-groomed, not have an unpleasant odor and not confuse the eye. The procedure is available at home. But how to make sure that thin skin does not suffer, scratches or irritation appear. It turns out that there are several ways of hair removal.

Which armpit hair removal will be better than others?

Hair in the armpit area is unhygienic, as a large amount of dust and sweat accumulates here, which is an environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria. There is no doubt that hair needs to be fought stubbornly and ruthlessly.

The easiest way to solve the problem is to take a razor and shave your armpits. It would seem that nothing could be simpler, but it turns out that it is not always possible to solve the problem. Each woman is an individual; for some, growth appears after a month, while for others, blackheads are visible already on the second day. There are two methods of struggle - depilation and hair removal.

Depilation is the destruction of hair in which the hair follicle maintains its integrity. This is a more affordable, but less effective method, so most people choose armpit hair removal and consider it effective

Epilation is the removal of the hair shaft along with the bulb. There are five methods of hair removal:

  1. hair removal using an electric epilator;
  2. armpit waxing;
  3. sugar hair removal;
  4. laser technique;
  5. photoepilation.

We use an electric epilator

The device is able to capture and extract hair along with the bulb. The surface of the armpits is uneven, but this device copes well with the task, the effect of the procedure lasts up to three weeks. If you use an electric epilator regularly, your hair becomes thin, brittle, and its number decreases. This occurs as a result of the bulb constantly being stressed and deformed. The effect can be achieved in a few minutes.

But, in addition to advantages, this method also has disadvantages. The most significant among them is that the procedure is painful. Some people do not start it without painkillers or creams. After its completion, it is recommended to apply a soothing composition to thin skin. But despite this, there are many people who want to have an electric epilator at home:

  1. The length of the hair should be no more than 5 mm, if your hair is longer, then first cut it with regular scissors;
  2. The device is held at a 90-degree angle to the body and directed in the direction opposite to hair growth. They drive it up and down;
  3. Do not press too hard; such efforts may cause skin irritation;
  4. For beginners, it is better to “get your teeth into” at first speed, this way you will save yourself from painful sensations.

Armpit waxing

Using this procedure, women learned to get rid of unwanted hair back in the time of Cleopatra. Wax is used in two states - hot or warm. Cold wax will not give results, since the strips do not fit tightly to the skin, and some of the hair will continue to grow. But beginners should try starting with this.

Before you begin, you need to carefully examine your problem areas, and if there are ingrown hairs 5 mm long, then they are shortened with miniature scissors. After this, talc is applied to the skin with a sponge; if you have applied too much, remove the excess with a dry, clean cloth.

First, the wax needs to be warmed up, then, using a spatula, applied to clean and dry skin, fixed with a strip or paper napkin, wait two to three minutes, then with a sharp movement, pull the strip towards you. The hair should be pulled out at the root, but this does not always happen. The wax is not reused.

If you don’t have enough experience yet, it’s very easy to make a mistake with the temperature, which means you risk getting burned. Therefore, it is better to go to a good salon; in addition to the burn, some of the hair may grow, and you cannot avoid irritation.

The hair follicles are destroyed, resulting in thin and sparse hair. At first the effect will last for about a month, over time it will remain for a longer period.

Very often, after hair removal, the armpits become swollen, the skin becomes irritated, and the pain can be severe. It is recommended to choose the middle of the menstrual cycle for this, because on these days hair grows almost twice as slow. Deodorant, lotion or cream can only be used six hours after the end of the procedure.

Sugar hair removal

Sugaring, or sugar hair removal, has become a popular procedure. The principle of operation is the same as for armpit waxing. A sugar adhesive mass is applied to the previously disinfected problem area, it is allowed to stick to the hairs, and then, with a sharp movement, it is torn off. The hair is pulled out along with the roots.

This procedure can be done at home, but often people go to a salon for this. If you want to make it at home, you will need to prepare a mixture of juice of ½ lemon, 8 tbsp. l. sugar, two liters of water. Mix everything, put on fire, bring to a boil and cook over low heat until the mass becomes homogeneous.

You can observe the effect for about three weeks, but be prepared for the fact that for about a day the skin in problem areas will be swollen, red and swollen. The first sessions are the most painful; over time, the discomfort will become less and less intense. If the skin is very sensitive, then an anesthetic cream is applied to the skin. This procedure also has advantages:

  • you do not expose your skin to temperature or chemical effects;
  • In this way you can remove ingrown hairs;
  • the risk of an allergic reaction is reduced to a minimum.

Laser hair removal for armpits

This method is used to remove vegetation in these areas and other parts of the body. This procedure will be especially effective for those who have dark and coarse hair; you can also get rid of light hairs in this way. But then you will have to visit a large cosmetic center and pay quite a small amount for such a “pleasure”. In any case, you cannot avoid expenses.

Cosmetologists believe that one session is not enough; they will need from 4 to 8, each lasting from 5 to 30 minutes. But first you need to consult whether you have any contraindications to this procedure. During menstruation, you should abstain from it; laser procedures are contraindicated for pregnant women and women during lactation. Other contraindications are diabetes, oncology, fungal diseases, mastopathy.

For the laser beam to do its job, the hair must be no longer than 3-4 mm. For about six years, you don't have to worry about your hair coming back. The procedure is considered painless, you will not feel anything except a slight tingling sensation.

It is safe, the possibility of scars and cicatrices is completely excluded. It is not contraindicated for allergy sufferers, since the possibility of an allergic reaction to the irritant is zero. Two weeks before and two weeks after laser hair removal of the armpits, sunbathing is contraindicated. If possible, this period will need to be extended.


The meaning of this procedure is the same as that of the laser one. Only here it is not a laser beam that is involved, but a thermal effect. Persons suffering from sun allergies should avoid photoepilation.

Melanin absorbs the heat ray, the temperature of the hair shaft rises, and the hair follicle heats up. As a result, the bulb dies, which manifests itself in hair loss. As with laser hair removal of the armpits, in this case the follicle will no longer produce hair. To obtain a good effect, 3-8 procedures are often enough. There are risks to this procedure and everyone should know them:

  1. Possible thermal burn. Delicate skin should not be trusted by amateurs, even if they do not forget to apply the gel before the procedure, inept movements can lead to disastrous results. Thalassotherapy will help here;
  2. Heat ray power. If it is weak, then instead of falling out you will observe the opposite effect - their intensive growth;
  3. It is important to entrust this procedure to a competent cosmetologist whose work has good reviews;
  4. Photoepilation of hair is done if its length does not exceed 1-2 mm, breaks between procedures are 30 days. The duration of each session is 20-30 minutes. But the effect will be simply amazing, you will forget about the problem for 5-8 years.

As you have already noticed, each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, one cannot ignore the characteristics of the body, and carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

If you are a pregnant woman, have a high fever, diabetes or a serious illness, then choose a regular razor as your hair removal device.

The effect may not last long, but you can be sure that this is the safest method. If you have ever held a machine in your hands, do everything with the utmost care.

You should refrain from such exposure if you have a wound, inflammatory process or neoplasm in this area of ​​the skin. These procedures may aggravate the situation, which may be undesirable and dangerous to your health.

We warn you once again - do not trust your health to amateurs. Make sure that you have a good cosmetologist in front of you, otherwise you may get a different result instead of clear and smooth skin. Maximum patience, perseverance and desire.

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The most common methods of armpit depilation. Description and progress of salon procedures, folk remedies for hair removal, classical methods. Results and possible consequences.

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Salon procedures for armpit depilation

Spa salons provide hair removal services through laser, wax and photo depilation. The second option allows you to achieve results the fastest, but it is also the most painful. The most expensive is the use of laser. All these methods are relevant when it is necessary to get rid of underarm hair for a long time and prevent the acceleration of their growth.

Laser depilation of armpits

This is the safest way to remove hair in such a delicate area. During the procedure, there is practically no pain and the epidermis is not damaged. In case of increased sensitivity, an anesthetic cream is used.

The procedure takes about 20 minutes for both hands. The result of depilation in the armpit area is visible immediately. It may take 2-3 sessions to completely solve the problem. 10 days before this, you should avoid visiting the sauna and solarium, and three days before, you should stop using deodorants.

Laser hair removal technique:

  • First of all, the specialist studies the type and color of the skin, hair structure, determines whether there are contraindications to the procedure, and selects the optimal mode of operation of the equipment.
  • At this stage, it is necessary to shave all the hair in the armpit area, this will improve the conduction of impulses to their follicles.
  • The patient lies down on the couch or sits in a chair.
  • Next, the skin is lubricated with a special gel to prevent burns.
  • The patient is wearing protective goggles over his eyes.
  • The specialist moves the emitter over the skin without haste.
  • The armpits are lubricated with moisturizing cream.
This method is not suitable for diabetes, malignant neoplasms, acute infectious diseases, pregnancy and lactation.

Bioepilation of armpits with wax

This is a somewhat painful procedure because the skin under the arms is very sensitive. It is quite effective, as it allows you to remove hair along with the bulb in 1-2 times. In this case, there is no risk of injury or burns. It is carried out by a cosmetologist in a beauty salon or medical center. One session takes about 15 minutes.

Another name for this technique is “waxing”. It is based on the use of hot or cold wax. To achieve the goal, the hair length must be at least 4 mm. It is advisable to take a shower before doing this.

Step-by-step scheme for performing wax bioepilation:

  1. First, the specialist examines the skin for the presence of moles, age spots and other defects.
  2. Using a wooden spatula, apply wax to the desired areas.
  3. The mass is left until hardened.
  4. The product is carefully removed from the surface, treating it with cosmetic oil.
  5. The skin is lubricated with an anti-inflammatory and soothing cream.
After removing the wax in the armpit area, the skin may become very hot, in which case you will need soothing ointments.

Sugar depilation of armpits or sugaring

This method involves using caramel made from citric acid, water and sugar. The problem is usually solved in one go, and the vegetation is removed along with the roots. Before this, it is advisable to perform a gentle peeling of the treated area. Hair length must be at least 5 mm. There are several techniques for performing the procedure - bandage and manual.

Sugar depilation should be rejected in case of any chronic diseases, pregnancy, or in the case of warts and moles at the site of exposure to the product.

The procedure using the manual, classical method is performed in the following order:

  • The skin is cleansed with bactericidal compounds from sweat and dirt.
  • Talc or powder is applied to the surface for better contact of the hairs with the paste.
  • Balls are made from caramel, turned into layers, which are applied while warm and evenly distributed throughout the area.
  • At the penultimate stage, the resulting film is carefully removed in the direction of hair growth.
  • Soothe the skin with anti-inflammatory lotions or gels to eliminate redness.
If you mean manual application depilation in the armpit area, then the paste is applied to a piece of gauze or some kind of fabric, which is left on the skin for 2-3 minutes. The bandage technique is based on the same principle, only here special strips are used.

Note! Sugaring allows you to get rid of ill-fated vegetation in just one session.

Photoepilation of armpits

This is the most effective and painless method of hair removal, based on heating and further destruction of hair follicles. This occurs as a result of melanin (hair pigment) absorbing light rays. Their exposure time is about 15 minutes, the result is noticeable after a day. Thanks to this technique, violation of the integrity of the skin and other side effects are excluded. To completely remove hair, it will take from 3 to 7 sessions.

The procedure technique looks like this:

  1. At the very beginning, the specialist studies the skin type and possible contraindications.
  2. Next, the required number of sessions is selected.
  3. Two days before visiting a cosmetologist, staying in the sauna, solarium and under the sun is excluded.
  4. One day before depilation, you must stop using antibiotics.
  5. The armpit area is covered with a special gel, which cools it and prevents burns.
  6. The master treats the desired areas with the tip of the device.
  7. The skin is lubricated with a softening cream.
After the session is completed, the treated area may tingle, sting, or itch. On the first day this is quite normal.

Home methods for armpit depilation

If salon procedures are not yet suitable for you, then armpit depilation at home using classical methods or folk remedies will be just right.

How to depilate armpits using folk remedies

We will talk about the most effective and safe means that are suitable for almost everyone - phytoresin, sugar, wax. Regardless of one option or another, the skin must be carefully prepared. To do this, take a shower and exfoliate with regular facial milk. Depilation of the armpit area is not allowed while they are wet, otherwise the effect will not live up to expectations.

Here's how to do armpit depilation using folk remedies:

  • Wax. It exists in two types - hot and cold. You will need the first option, the product needs to be heated over low heat. To do this, simply immerse the jar with the mass in warm water or keep it in the microwave. Next, using a brush, carefully apply a thin layer of the product to the desired areas in the direction of hair growth and leave for 5 minutes under the bandage. You can use fabric or paper strips that need to be pressed down firmly. After the specified time has passed, sharply pull the bandage by the free edge, carefully removing it along with the hair. Then saturate a cloth with olive oil and wipe your armpit area with it. Finally, lubricate your skin with moisturizer to avoid irritation.
  • Sugar. The technique based on the use of this food product is called “sugaring”. First of all, prepare your skin properly - exfoliate and dry it. Next, prepare the required composition if you do not plan to buy it. To do this, mix 4 tbsp. l. water with 10 tbsp. l. Sahara. Add lemon juice (half the fruit) and 1 tsp. the same acid. Mix all this well until a homogeneous, thick paste forms. Then form a ball out of it, knead it well into a cake and place it on the surface, fixing it well and pressing it with your hands. After 1-2 minutes, tear off the sugar layers in the direction of hair growth. After this, the skin should be moisturized with cream or tonic lotion. You may need 2-3 such procedures, and they should be carried out no more than once every 2-3 days.
  • Phytoresin. Before using it, check if you are allergic to this product - just apply it to the crook of your elbow. If no redness occurs, then the procedure can begin. To carry it out you will need the resin itself and strips of cotton fabric. Don't forget to wash off the deodorant and dry your armpits. Next, the resin should be heated and, wearing gloves, applied to the desired areas with a wooden spatula in the direction of hair growth. Then apply a cloth strip and press it well, rubbing the skin. Then, with one sharp movement, tear off the fabric in the direction of hair growth.

Depilation of armpits using traditional methods

These include shaving with a regular razor, removing hair with an epilator or a special depilatory cream. The first option is ineffective, since the vegetation is removed without bulbs and appears again within 2-3 days. It is also important that in this way you can get injured.

Let's take a closer look at how to do armpit depilation:

  1. Shaving. It is best to start using it after taking a shower, when the hairs are well moisturized and it becomes easier to remove them. To avoid skin irritation, it must be lubricated with special creams or soap before doing this. The process itself looks like this: the hand is raised above the head, the machine is placed against the direction of hair growth, at approximately an angle of 30 degrees to the surface, movements should be short, sharp transitions from top to bottom are not allowed. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times. Finish it off by lubricating the depilated area with after-shave cream. You should not use deodorant for 1-2 days, especially if it contains alcohol. Otherwise, the skin may begin to burn and become inflamed.
  2. Epilator. A day before using it, you need to clean the armpit area with a scrub, then lubricate it with cream. The hair length for this procedure must be at least 5 mm. Before carrying out it, it is advisable to take a shower and dry off. Next, turn on the device, select the lowest speed and, without pressing hard on it, pass it from bottom to top. To reduce pain, gently stretch the skin. This takes about 5 minutes. At the end, the armpits should be lubricated with a soothing cream.
  3. Depilatory cream. This is the easiest and most painless way to remove unwanted vegetation. The selected product is applied to the problem area in a thin layer, left for 5-10 minutes, after which it is removed with a special spatula in the direction against hair growth. They are removed almost completely in one go. Among the good depilatory creams, we can recommend a new depilatory cream with silver ions (it gives good results, tested).

Effect of armpit depilation

The longest-lasting effect comes from armpit depilation using salon procedures. Photo and laser treatments allow you to enjoy smooth skin for 2 to 6 months. Sugaring performed by professionals is enough for about a month. In all these cases, the hair is removed along with the hair follicles, which significantly slows down its growth. After this, it is not recommended to stay in the sun, sunbathe in a solarium or visit a sauna for 2-3 days. The treated areas should not be lubricated with deodorant on the first day.

Unlike cosmetic procedures, traditional methods of depilation in the armpit area are not able to completely solve the problem of vegetation, and even without pain and quickly. Waxing and sugar depilation at home makes itself felt only within 3-5 days. There may be many side effects - irritation, redness and itching of the skin. Phytoresin is more effective; it saturates the epidermis with nutrients, improves blood circulation and moisturizes the armpits. After using it, hair does not grow for about 3 weeks.

Traditional methods are the golden mean between folk remedies and salon procedures. The most effective way to use an epilator is to stop the appearance of new hair for about a month. After this, redness and irritation may occur, which can be easily eliminated with Panthenol spray. The depilatory cream solves the problem for only 3-5 days, and as a result of its use, the hair darkens and begins to grow even faster. The same can be said about shaving.

How to do armpit depilation - watch the video:

Armpit depilation is an important step on the path to a good appearance. And believe me, those around you, including your partner, will probably not care how it was carried out. Therefore, feel free to choose the option that suits you and enjoy smooth and soft skin without an unpleasant odor.

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